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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. There is an effort well underway to demonize wll who would question the official United States government conspiracy theory of 9-11 by conflating and equating their efforts with those of so-called Holocaust Deniers.

    One or both of the recent examples I cite below may be "innocent" -- that is, unconnected to ongoing propaganda campaigns. But in the final analysis, the damage to those honorably seeking the truth about 9-11 will be done.

    See 9-11 Truth And The Holocaust , by Wendy Campbell http://www.countercurrents.org/campbell240108.htm

    Better yet, see

    Curt Maynard's Blog, Why do people question the holocaust?


    Dig the opening line of the latter:

    "People question the holocaust for exactly the same reason they are currently questioning the official version of what really happened on 9-11 ... "

    It will not be long before the mainstream media begins to make the 9-11/Holocaust comparisons.


  2. The book length biography:

    Tommy the Cork: Washington's Ultimate Insider from Roosevelt to Reagan, by David McKean, published by Steerforth Press in 2004.

    John references the Random House paperback edition, retitled Peddling Influence: Thomas "Tommy the Cork" Corcoran and the Birth of Modern Lobbying, which appeared in 2005.

    TC was born in raised in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, the mill town immediately to the north of Providence.

    I'm so proud.

  3. In the literature are references to an off-the-books Marine Corps investigation, conducted immediately post-assassination, of LHO's activities in Japan.

    Can anyone shed light on this event -- or non-event?

    Is it connected to Pegasus?

    Are there flight and/or personnel records to substantiate the story of a Marine contingent, allegedly headed by a flag officer, flying to Atsugi in this regard?


  4. Thank you, Rex.

    I see no point in belaboring the issues I've raised -- at least not now.

    I would add only that Mary's archives cannot be overestimated in terms of their significance to history, justice, and -- at the risk of committing hyperbole -- truth itself. I submit that cyber-archives, invaluable though they may be to researchers and other concerned parties, and regardless of the brilliance of their on-line presentations and designed methods of accessibility, cannot approximate the power, the persuasiveness, the literal and figurative weight inherent in the original materials.

    For the record, and speaking solely for myself, I remain deeply concerned and skeptical about the archives' security and integrity. This has absolutely nothing to do with you; in point of fact, I'm somewhat comforted by your involvement in this matter.

    Given your repeated personal encounters with Mr. Curme, I defer to your judgment regarding his motives. To date I have spent no more than two or three hours in his company. And while I found him to be a well-spoken and charming man, he did not demonstrate even a novice's grasp of the facts and implications of the events of 11/22/63.

    Here's hoping he was playing his cards close to the vest. After all, good businessmen are great listeners.



  5. I would not dream of sanitizing materials taken from Mary's collection. I do not own any "black highlighters."

    In this contentious matter, I expect criticism on the tone of the writing I do on the website, topics chosen, etc. I would hope that people would recognize the seriousness with which I take my role, however.

    Rex Bradford

    Dear Rex,

    I would not dream of accusing you of sanitizing Mary's archives or of anything else except performing invaluable and herculean labors on behalf of truth and justice.

    The fact that you've chosen to take the time to offer such a lengthy response is noted and deeply appreciated.

    Yet unless I missed it, you did not address the simple questions that I've posed repeatedly on this forum. With all due respect, permit me to try again.

    1. Where are the Ferrell archives? I understand that security and related matters may legitimately preclude you from being specific. Perhaps not. I and others are concerned that, while your intentions clearly are noble, parties who could benefit from the culling of Mary's immense collection are abroad in the land.

    2. Are the archives safe from the ravages of climate and insect/rodent infestation?

    3. Will the archives ever be directly accessible to credentialed researchers?

    4. What motivated Mr. Curme to go to the considerable expense to buy the archives, care for Mary, and make the MFF a reality?

    Surely you more than most can understand why I would ask these questions.

    Finally, none of what I pose should be read as an indictment of your work. And as a paid member of the MFF, I wouldn't hesitate to sings its praises as an invaluable resource for historical research.

    You, sir, are a valued ally.

    Please address the questions directly, or state your reason for refusing to do so. That's all I ask.

    (And I might add that my own motives for asking have been called into question. So be it.)



  6. Jack, I suspect this may be a dumb question but can you explain why anyone would want to alter images so far, relatively speaking, from the actual assassination, just a question Jack, not a criticism. Denis.

    If I may interject: The simple answer to your question is to create cognitive dissonance among observers/investigators, which in turn will contribute to the perpetuation of both doubt and acrimony among those for whom truth and justice matter..


  7. Word tonight that Oliver stone has cast Josh Brolin (No Country for Old Men) in the role of The Unelected in the director's upcoming "W" biopic.

    Stone describes the work as Nixon, only lighter.

    Ollie's 9-11 fold is fresh in our collective memory. What will he do for/to the meat puppet butcher (Sweeney Retard?) of Pennsylvania Avenue?

  8. And lest we forget, Dorothy wore "ruby" slippers on her sojourn through Oz.

    I don't think we're in Langley anymore ...

    Actually, I think I'm but two degrees of separation from Jack. I met Louis Armstrong, whose manager was Chicago showbiz mover-and-shaker Joe Glaser.

    And as a friend of the late Sammy Cahn, I'm just a single degree of separation from ... well ... everybody.


  9. To date we have no response to our requests to Oliver Curme to divulge the whereabouts and condition of Mary Ferrell's original archives. Are they secure? Have they been left intact? Have they been sanitized?

    And now Jay Harrison's collections are down the memory hole.

    Is anyone else concerned?

  10. The corruption of innocence is the key.

    It is as ancient as the scriptures.

    See: Original Sin.

    This may -- and I carefullly choose my word -- take us deeper than we care to go.


    If you mean by that, the inculcation of kids into Nationalism/Jingoism/Patriotism on one side and Communism on the other, then I agree about it being key.


    That is precisely -- if only in part -- what I mean. Although it should be noted that inculcated allegiance to communism is rooted in cynical manipulation of the same tribalism/xenophobia from which patriotism springs.

    But I fear there is an even more sinister purpose behind this abuse of the innocent, one that transcends materialist agendas.

  11. Evan,

    Do I at least get points for efficiency? After all, with one simple caveat I'm attacking an entire government agency !

    Yes indeed, you do.

    Not interested in coming over to the 'dark side', are you? We can always use a man of your talents! ;)

    Herr Doktor Ken Rahn made the offer -- quite seriously and, dare I say it, conspiratorially -- years ago.

    Thanks much, but I'll remain comfortably blinded by the light.

  12. Compare the writing skills of the "Colby" who manifests below with other, shall we say less impressive examples of "his" literary skills.

    The typos and other minor failings on this page seem choreographed to balance otherwise well-developed and relatively complex sentence structures and narrative flow, sophistic though the latter surely is.

    Artful, wouldn't you say?


    By Mod (Burton): Charles, your 'warning' is considered to be a personal attack. Please do NOT use it.


    Do I at least get points for efficiency? After all, with one simple caveat I'm attacking an entire government agency !

  13. Compare the writing skills of the "Colby" who manifests below with other, shall we say less impressive examples of "his" literary skills.

    The typos and other minor failings on this page seem choreographed to balance otherwise well-developed and relatively complex sentence structures and narrative flow, sophistic though the latter surely is.

    Artful, wouldn't you say?


    By Mod (Burton): Charles, your 'warning' is considered to be a personal attack. Please do NOT use it.

  14. Bill Casey is the one that told me Agee had infiltrated the KGB.

    Well, it must be true then.

    Joe Trento claims that JFK was killed by Soviet/Cuban agents. How does he know? James Angleton told him. He also told the same story to several other journalists but no one believed him except Trento. I am sure Casey told plenty of people this daft story. However, very few believed him.

    Precisely, John.

    The disconnect between the sheer depth of Trento's connections and savvy, and the shallowness of his published conclusions and hypotheses, is starkly revealing. And when the publishing history of what ended up as The Secret History of the CIA (originally announced as The Boys in Berlin, focusing on Billy Harvey and his Wilhelmstrasse Irregulars; previewed on Amazon a few years ago, replete with cover art; then ... poof!), and the non-history of his "promised" Smedley Butler/FDR coup volume (The Last President, if memory serves) are factored into the analysis, we're left with an unsettling sense of the man and his mission (or should that be predicament?).

    Here we go again with the latest argument from false authority.

    Let us question the timing of the appearance of Mr. Frank's work and attempt to place it within the proper investigative contexts.

  15. I'm grateful for your responses, and I'd like to shamelessly continue to tap your experiences and intuition.

    Can/will you tell me anything about a "Joseph Silverthorne" and/or a Silverthorne Stables (perhaps in France)? Or an Operation Silverthorne?

    Can you speak authoritatively on the role of Delk Simpson in this affair?

    How about Napoleon Valeriano?

    Again I must refrain from commenting on the possibilities of connections between and among these queries -- at least for now. I'm guessing that you'll understand.

    Thanks again,


  16. Why was an 'Abort Team' sent in? Who sent them?

    For over nine years this 'Specialized Army Unit" (SAU) was burried within the Pentagon. It was a very small 'test unit' before it surfaced in 1969, but it had been operational before it became the DMS. Even the CIA did not know about it's early existence. It was solely a military matter. A left over from Ike's days.

    President Kennedy found out about this secret unit and ask the CIA about it. They knew nothing. Yes the military was in Dallas that day and they were not in uniform. And other military intel units did not know of their existence, or where they were located..,or why. (end )

    The Abort Team -- what shall I call it ... rumor, or legend, or reality? -- makes no sense if its primary mission was to save JFK's life AND it was in position to do so.

    Unless the game was to accomplish the mission in a highly dramatic and PUBLIC fashion so as to kill a whole flock of birds with one stone, and things went terribly wrong.

    I'll cut to the chase. Are you aware of a core (as opposed to corp) of loyal military officers, then and/or now, who struggle deep within the corrupt system to clean it?

    Are code names for operations and/or entities ever used more than once and simultaneously in an effort to further confuse and disguise?

    Could there be more than one so-called Pegasus group/operation?

  17. Mr. Chiaventone,

    I found A Road We Do Not Know to be enlightening and thoroughly enjoyable.

    You may be interested to learn that the Little Bighorn fight has generated a great deal of interest on this Forum. On balance, the exchanges have given off more heat than light. Accordingly, your cyber-presence is most welcome.

    I currently have two Custer-related film projects in early stages of development. Your work on LBH remains of significant value to my related endeavors.


    Charles Drago

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