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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. To these eyes, the receding hairline of the "Campbell" figure does not conform as much to common male pattern baldness as it does to theatrical/ritual head-shaving -- perhaps, in this case, for the purpose of disguise.

    I immediately was put in mind of the classic samurai style.

    Just a gut reaction, I guess. But it just doesn't look natural.


  2. Duane,

    I seem to remember my son telling me that there was a suggestion of how the explosives (if such there were) got into the building. Maybe I'm misremembering now, but I thought that the security firm operating the towers, was a Bush relative and that the weekend before the attack there was a unexpected power outage that killed all the camers, and that during that period lots of unidentified workmen - supposedly responding to the power crash - were going in and out of the buildings for some hours.

    If the foregoing is true, there at least is an opportunity for such skullduggery.


    David, et al,

    On the "Political Conspiracies" Forum I started a thread titled "Gelatin -- The 'B' Thing." It focuses on published documentation of how a small group of "artists" may have penetrated WTC security in 2000.

    Granted we're not talking about a relatively large operation involving the planting of explosive devices. But as an indication of how one of the towers could have been compromised ...

    Another aspect of the story to keep in mind: It might be a hoax.

    In any event, my original post:

    I have been sitting on this (non) story since 2003, when I purchased a copy of The B-Thing, a slim, hardcover volume comprised of drawings, color photographs, and minimal text by one or more authors identified as "Gelatin."

    The book is copyright 2001 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Koln. I'll include more credits at the end of this post.

    In short, the work purports to document a March 6, 2000 attempt by art students occupying "studiospace provided by the lower manhatten cultural council (all quoted passages are reproduced as they originally appear, replete with poetically licensed grammar, punctuation, spelling, and line breaks) on the "91. floor of world trade center 1."

    "gelatin is on a floor with other artists who are part of this studio program.

    gelatins space (the window, where the action will happen), is walled in with a

    system of cardboard boxes.

    other artists sharing 91. floor do not know what we are planing and doing.

    the construction of the balcony and all other preparations are not visible

    for them."

    The narrative continues:

    "the balcony is a prefabriacted construction, made by gelatin.

    one person at a time will be able to stand on it.

    the balcony will be camouflaged.

    it will be built to be as less visible as possible for any passerby on the street.

    it will be taken apart the moment after beeing pulled back in."


    "one window will be taken out.

    the removing of the window is done in a professional and secured action.

    no constructive parts of the building will be removed or damaged.

    there will not be any visible traces, after the window will have been put

    back in."

    Finally (for this post)"

    "nobody but gelatin is officially involved into the project.

    there will be an attorney telling gelatin how to behave.

    there will be an attorney responsible to handle the case for gelatin."

    A brief section of glossy color photographs "documents" the project. Individuals, apparently of college age, are depicted; all males are turned away from the camera. Two Asian females appear in full-face shots. The majority of pages depict drawings and calculations.

    Photos of the balcony -- a narrow, cramped space protruding between exterior support columns -- appear to have been taken from ground level, and these images are grainy and, well, unconvincing. Also, there are photos that appear to have been shot from the balcony itself.

    This is a most troubling and thought-provoking little publication. If what it documents is nothing more than a successful prank-as-statement by European and Asian art students, then what does it tell us about the vulnerability of the WTC, just prior to the attacks, to this sort of "tampering"?

    Or is there more to the story?

    Art students ... Hmmm ...

    From the copyright page, more credits:

    Text: Tex Rubinowitz

    Photos: Maria Ziegelbock, Thomas Sandbichler, Susanne Wimmer, Gelatin

    Translation: Jonathan Quinn

    Reproductions: Cyberlab, Vienna

    Layout: Johannes Heuer

    Print: Groebner Druck, Oberhart

    Binding: Papyrus, Vienna

    Courtesy: Leo Koenig Inc./New York

    Galerie Meyer Kainer/Vienna



  3. Regarding W. Clement Stone: Approximately 12-15 years ago, a JFK researcher based in New England contacted me to share a story starring the Chicago wheeler-dealer -- one that I quickly judged to be a movie/novel pitch in the form of "investigatory lead."

    Without going into details, I can report that the researcher claimed to have been contacted by two psychologists who were treating a woman with repressed memory syndrome. Her story: She had been sexually abused by Stone and other participants during Satanic rituals -- at least one of which was attended by Richard Nixon (who took the role of passive observer).

    The patient had given written permission for her doctors to share the story, which included an unbelievable (literarlly) JFK assassination element.

    I listened politely, then informed the researcher that, in my opinion, what he was spouting was nothing other than the outline for a piece of cinematic and/or literary fiction. At the time, cases of RMS in general, and ritual-related cases in particular, frequently were in the news. And the story's outline was too neatly drawn. Thanks, but no thanks.

    I haven't heard from him since.

    I am intrigued, however, by Mr. Gray's description of Stone's alleged "connection to the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) and the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (SFF)". And I wonder if he can expand upon the outline I've provided above.


  4. Cliff, I'm interested to hear the rest of your reasoning as to why DP and ground zero are uniquely connected. I can see the weapons and narcotics connections but not the oil connection insofar as DP is concerned.

    Mark, thank you for your kind comments.

    I'll be getting into this more in my response to my Brother Charles' bracing

    challenge, which I wish to make as thorough as possible, and will take some

    time to put together (Brother Drago deserves no less!)

    Shorter take: the black markets in guns, oil and drugs have been facilitated

    for 80+ years by the Harriman-Walker-Bush Crime Family. I suspect the JFK

    assassination and the 9/11 attacks were rooted in the machinations of this

    criminal legacy.

    Ah yes, Bush = Oil. Sorry I missed the connection.

    I think GWH gets a few mentions in the JFK saga, although he maintains his status was nothing more than a humble CIA functionary. Didn't he try to finger an assassin shortly after DP?

    Anyhow, I'll leave it to you to join the dots. I read Brother Charles's elegantly worded invitation. An esteemed member of the brethren.

    I can't wait. Do we get jackets and a secret handshake? Can we schedule breakfast meetings?

    If so, I have a name for our group:

    Bull and Scones.


  5. More on the WTC Gelatin project, in the form of a sales blurb for the book:

    The only legitimate proof of [the] activity is a piece of chewing gum placed by the group, stuck to the exterior of the building at a perilous height. (Art Monthly)

    The Austrian collective, Gelatin, has gained an international reputation for ambitious projects that thrive on surprise and hyper-real bodily sensation. Each project pushes physical boundaries and audience expectations.

    The B-Thing uncovers the truth behind the rumours of Gelatin's construction of an improvised balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Centre in New York in 2000. Through preparatory notes written by the boys, diagrams and colour photographs, we are finally able to glimpse the pink sunrise over New York from Gelatin's eyes and to see how their home-made balcony emerged like a 'pimple on the building's eelslippery face.'

    The rumours continued however and Moukhtar Kocache, Director of Visual Art and Media at the WTC, felt the need to deny that the action ever took place, claiming that any documentation 'simply demonstrates [Gelatin's] art of deception.' Although he praised their success 'in addressing the mythological and iconic dimensions of America, New York and the Twin Towers,' and continued, '[they] use the system of the art world, a system they love to critique as a vehicle ... And because they are boys and like to play ...'

    Suddenly, on 11 September 2001, this playful project became an historic document.

    The Gelitin (note the spelling difference) website: www.gelitin.net

    The Gelitin B-Thing page: http://www.gelitin.net/mambo/index.php?set...a6ce3b4f7a916c6

    Curioser and curioser.


  6. I have been sitting on this (non) story since 2003, when I purchased a copy of The B-Thing, a slim, hardcover volume comprised of drawings, color photographs, and minimal text by one or more authors identified as "Gelatin."

    The book is copyright 2001 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Koln. I'll include more credits at the end of this post.

    In short, the work purports to document a March 6, 2000 attempt by art students occupying "studiospace provided by the lower manhatten cultural council (all quoted passages are reproduced as they originally appear, replete with poetically licensed grammar, punctuation, spelling, and line breaks) on the "91. floor of world trade center 1."

    "gelatin is on a floor with other artists who are part of this studio program.

    gelatins space (the window, where the action will happen), is walled in with a

    system of cardboard boxes.

    other artists sharing 91. floor do not know what we are planing and doing.

    the construction of the balcony and all other preparations are not visible

    for them."

    The narrative continues:

    "the balcony is a prefabriacted construction, made by gelatin.

    one person at a time will be able to stand on it.

    the balcony will be camouflaged.

    it will be built to be as less visible as possible for any passerby on the street.

    it will be taken apart the moment after beeing pulled back in."


    "one window will be taken out.

    the removing of the window is done in a professional and secured action.

    no constructive parts of the building will be removed or damaged.

    there will not be any visible traces, after the window will have been put

    back in."

    Finally (for this post)"

    "nobody but gelatin is officially involved into the project.

    there will be an attorney telling gelatin how to behave.

    there will be an attorney responsible to handle the case for gelatin."

    A brief section of glossy color photographs "documents" the project. Individuals, apparently of college age, are depicted; all males are turned away from the camera. Two Asian females appear in full-face shots. The majority of pages depict drawings and calculations.

    Photos of the balcony -- a narrow, cramped space protruding between exterior support columns -- appear to have been taken from ground level, and these images are grainy and, well, unconvincing. Also, there are photos that appear to have been shot from the balcony itself.

    This is a most troubling and thought-provoking little publication. If what it documents is nothing more than a successful prank-as-statement by European and Asian art students, then what does it tell us about the vulnerability of the WTC, just prior to the attacks, to this sort of "tampering"?

    Or is there more to the story?

    Art students ... Hmmm ...

    From the copyright page, more credits:

    Text: Tex Rubinowitz

    Photos: Maria Ziegelbock, Thomas Sandbichler, Susanne Wimmer, Gelatin

    Translation: Jonathan Quinn

    Reproductions: Cyberlab, Vienna

    Layout: Johannes Heuer

    Print: Groebner Druck, Oberhart

    Binding: Papyrus, Vienna

    Courtesy: Leo Koenig Inc./New York

    Galerie Meyer Kainer/Vienna



  7. Friends,

    Absent point-by-point rebuttal, replies to lengthy posts need not contain the entire original.

    To expedite and enhance our appreciations of responses, one need only HIGHLIGHT and DELETE the original text located between

    indicators, and then go for the gold starting at least one line below the final

    Hope this helps.


  8. Cliff,

    In my response I was referencing past exchanges (in which Robert Charles-Dunne participated) regarding our conflicting views of the sponsors' baseline intentions regarding the role of Cuba in the plot. Hence I wrote:

    "Nice try, Cliff.

    "The JFK assassination was a total success -- including its false false flag aspect."

    I'll address your most recent points below. My comments are in red.


    Our degrees of certainty on this score are significantly different, Charles.


    I qualifed my observation with "very likely." At this point I'm looking for

    consistencies in the evidence, rather than hard historical conclusions.

    Let's fact-check you on this in just a bit.

    I take issue with the construction: total success.

    And based upon my own interpretation of the sponsors' goals in hitting JFK, I see not a scintilla of failure.

    To so readily dismiss the importance of Havana in black market operations,

    and the "deep" powers behind those operations, strikes me as unwise.

    You miscontrue. I acknowledge the "importance of Havana" to the "'deep' powers" you reference. We disagree substantively on how those powers cast Havana in their grand drama.

    I differ from most here in my assessment of JFK's control of US foreign

    policy in SE Asia in the fall of 1963.

    This tape of JFK a few days after the Diem coup tells me of a man who

    was detached from the decision-making process.

    "Detached"? No. Treasonously eliminated? Absolutely!

    The White House voice for the coup was Mike Forrestal!

    Quote Brother Varnell: "I'm looking for consistencies in the evidence, rather than hard historical conclusions."


    Where the Hell was John F. Kennedy in the decision to overthrow Diem?

    Who called the shots on the Diem coup?

    Averell Harriman.

    Quote Brother Varnell: "I'm looking for consistencies in the evidence, rather than hard historical conclusions."


    Who pulled up at the White House minutes after LBJ arrived on Eleven Twenty Two

    to tell Johnson that the Commies had nothing to do with the assassination?

    Averell Harriman.

    Quote Brother Varnell: "I'm looking for consistencies in the evidence, rather than hard historical conclusions."


    Do I think JFK was murdered because of his policies on Vietnam?

    Perhaps, but I doubt it -- it sure looks to me like Averell Harriman was in control.

    The motives of the sponsors of JFK's murder were many and varied. Was Harriman a sponsor, facilitator, and/or false sponsor?


  9. Could be anyone...but I would guess the late Mary Ferrell.


    If Mary did serve as Marina's amanuensis in this instance, then the letter's contents may be read as an index of the former's areas of keenest interest of the period.

    Or better yet, the areas Mary wanted certain others to believe were of significance to her and/or Marina.


  10. Well, I thought I'd heard just about everything here, but Mark's last post is beyond comprehension.

    It is clear as a bright Florida day that freedom of speech does not extend to organizing violence and murder. Obviously all civilized nations should do whatever they can to shut down terrorist networks, including interference with their web-sites, their cell-phones and even their camels.

    Not to mention their Oval Office hand puppet fuhrer, Pentagon Runstedts, Foggy Bottom Ribbentrops, KUBARK Gehlens, Blackwater Skorzenys, media Geobbels, and all the Red State willing executioners.


  11. Robert,

    I feel your pain.

    Further, I've repeatedly experienced what I suspect is the conflict with which you must deal when the question arises, "Do I dignify with informed, impassioned responses what are at best the intellectual equivalents of nasal effluvia (or, if one prefers, "brain snot") and at worst intentionally disruptive provocations?".

    I cannot offer any wisdom, but only a general guideline: Silence is unacceptable as a response to evil. But it sure works nicely against stupidity.

    Alas, I have no citations in support of these observations. Who do I look like ... Fred Leuchter?


  12. Well Jack does the PCG then now believe that it killed JFK because he was going to pull out of Vietnam? If it does it seems bizarre that it will have the mythical Bin Laden accuse it of the assassination. THAT is what I think is bizarre.

    Do you follow?

    Have we learned nothing?

    What better way to discredit the truth than to have the likes of bin Laden speak it?


  13. Thinking that Bush is anything other than a B-movie hack butchering his lines is like thinking that Lambchop had her paw up Shari Lewis's tush.

    (Apologies to U.K. readers whose childhoods were not haunted by one of America's least clever puppeteers.)

    It's like Bugliosi's circular anti-conspiracy argument: Do you really believe that the CIA or the Mafia would have hired a nut like Oswald to kill Kennedy?


  14. Absent the appreciation of the invasion of Iraq as a "perfect failure" -- a deliberate muck-up designed to expand and prolong regional hostilities, maximize war profits, control/deflect mass perceptions, and justify collateral damage (to civil liberties, education, the environment, etc.) -- no sense can be made of current events.

    Do not for a nanosecond buy the "incompetence" argument used to explain the disaster. Bush's myriad failings -- all too real -- are dramatized precisely to support this cover story. W exists to play the "perfect fool" and "perfect patsy" for this sordid drama, methinks.

    The replacement for the Cold War has been crafted and initiated.

    Also fitting the "perfect failure" description: the breakdown of air defenses on 9-11.

    And there are others.

    The term "perfect failure," of course, was coined by Trumbull Higgins for the title of his 1988 book, subtitled Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the C.I.A. at the Bay of Pigs.


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