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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. For what it's worth, one of the most respected scholars and editors within the JFK research community told me some years ago that he was looking at the possibly sinister use of a medium sized truck parked during the assassination on Elm, east of Houston.

    Based on his description of the vehicle, I asked if he were postulating a shooter firing out of what might best be termed a "trap door" cut into the wall of the cargo area that extends above the rear of the cab.

    He chose not to speculate at that time.

    I'll try to find out if he continued his inquiries.

    In the meantime, perhaps Brother Richards might dig up a photo that captures the truck in question.


    Charles...the white trailer (not truck) is seen in the zfilm and Towner photo. In the trailer industry

    it is called a REEFER, or refrigerated van. The "hole" is where the refrigeration unit normally is

    fitted. It seems to be parked by the curb in front of the Daltex building. I have long suspected it

    was the COMMAND CENTER from which those within could have a perfect view down Elm.


    Bingo, Jack.

    Pure/mere speculation here: Might a shooter in the prone firing position have had a line of sight through the "hole" down Elm?

    The only problem I have with the concept of the trailer (thanks for the correction) as a command post and/or shooting position is that its sinister occupants would have no means of E&E should the vehicle be stopped by authorities, suffer mechanical difficulties, etc.

    Along the lines of "in case of fire, don't use elevators".



  2. For what it's worth, one of the most respected scholars and editors within the JFK research community told me some years ago that he was looking at the possibly sinister use of a medium sized truck parked during the assassination on Elm, east of Houston.

    Based on his description of the vehicle, I asked if he were postulating a shooter firing out of what might best be termed a "trap door" cut into the wall of the cargo area that extends above the rear of the cab.

    He chose not to speculate at that time.

    I'll try to find out if he continued his inquiries.

    In the meantime, perhaps an interpid poster might dig up a photo that captures the truck in question.


  3. The Bush family is, at a certain level -- the deepest, most significant level -- the anti-Kennedy family.

    At that depth, the game is to preserve personal power for all time. Beyond the temporal. Beyond the corruption of the flesh. And the preservation of family is, at least symbolically, the preservation of self.

    Self is defined by other.

    Self is continued by the discontinuation of other.

    Charles the Obscure

  4. Terry, et al,

    The ONLY way to blunt the negative impact of absurd JFK theories (from Oswald Dit It through Aliens Did It through Greer Did It and beyond) is to demand that our public focus remain fixed on the "how" question.

    The answer to which: conspiracy, based upon incontrovertible proof of multiple shooters.

    That the question is almost always posed as, "Who killed JFK?" is only natural. It is our obligation, which comes with the nobility bestowed upon us by our knowledge of the truth, to be ever vigilant in this regard.

    Keep it simple. Keep it honest. And all the LHO/UFO/inside-the-limo nonsense loses its power to defeat us.


    PS -- I join RCD in valuing much of Paul Rigby's posted work, and I encourage Paul to hang in there.

  5. Even more parallels between 9-11 and 11-22 are noted:

    Security stripping: The numerous exercises (Vigilant How's Your Father, et al) scheduled for that day in September effectively stripped/stood down air space and other relevant security measures routinely in place, thus rendering the New York and D.C. targets -- oh, how shall I put it -- uniquely insecure. Some 38 years before, what Vince Palamara and George Michael Evica, among others, have argued likely was a security stripping exercise was activated in Dealey Plaza in order to render fatally vunlerable a usually well protected target.

    Either the Cat in the Cave and the Lone Nut were the luckiest loonies in history when they chose to strike on the very days that uncommon, top secret tests of protective measures guarding their respective targets were scheduled, or we're being lied to.

    There are no other options on the table.

    Control of the body: WTC wreckage that should have undergone post mortem examination within a larger criminal investigation was isolated, altered, and eventually sold for scrap. Ditto the earthly remains of JFK.

    The storylines' respective villains: Both OBL and LHO are fictive constructs as well as flesh and blood. More duality for our little melodramas. More confusion.


  6. Peter,

    I'm suggesting that the reasons for inserting what I agree are "important truths" -- but by no means established-in-mainstream-thought-and-culture truths -- into the psyop are to taint that material and to discredit all who embrace it.

    Can you think of more efficient ways to halt burgeoning truth movements in their tracks than by linking their messages to the Hitler of our time and labeling truth-speakers as Osama's messengers?

    Osama bin Laden is a dramatic construct -- a character, if you prefer -- in a grand production.

    We're extras.

    As for Robert's keen-eyed catch of the Rumsfeld business: A clever psyop dramatist would work such a timeline error into the character's soliloquoy in order to add authenticity.


  7. The first and, to this day, most brilliantly succinct summation of what happened on 11/22/63 must be credited to none other than Malcolm X:

    "The chickens have come home to roost."

    So what's the subtext of this latest faux communication from the dramatic character OBL?

    Well, expect to be told by the propagandists who crafted the message that all who agrees with Chomsky and everyone else cited on the tape as having keen perceptions of the American empire is by definition agreeing with and supporting OBL.

    And if you understand the JFK hit to be what it truly was ... well, grow a beard and head for the cave!

    What a diabolically efficient psyop, wouldn't you say?

    Osama Bin Laden my olive, pocked derriere!


  8. IF Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their puppetmasters can ever be FOUND GUILTY OF


    DEATH PENALTY? Some say it would wreck our nation if the president were sentenced

    to death. I think it would make us respectable again.

    19 anonymous arabs...or the Shrub? Whom does the evidence point to?


    The death penalty is murder under any and all circumstances. It is, to use the term as David Ray Griffin defines and applies it in Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action*, "creaturely demonic" in nature.

    A simple question: Who respects murderers?

    The answer to your "19 anonymous arabs [sic] ... or the Shrub" question:



    *This non-Christian highly recommends Griffin's most overlooked 9/11 volume to readers of all faiths -- including the faith of no faith.

  9. Regarding High Jump, nothing is off the table.

    Which is an evasive way of expressing my utter consternation.

    According to the story line, significant human and material assets were lost during the battle(s) with "saucers." One might assume, then, that families were notified of the deaths of loved ones, and inventories of the time documented depletions.

    Have these aspects of the story been checked?

    As Bud Fensterwald taught, all intelligence operations have at least two objectives. So ... was High Jump designed to retrieve fleeing Nazis and/or their plunder, PLUS support the UFO psyop -- itself intended to convince the Russians that we had access to alien technology AND to taint all reports of real non-human (as opposed to inhuman) activities?

    Happy to be able to clarify it all for you.



  10. David,

    Let's just say I'm positioned to be among the very first to know when the story breaks. I'll PM when the time is right.

    Levenda's third volume is worth the price of admission. While I can't comment on how much of it would be repetitive for you, it does contain what for me was new and significant information and insight.

    "Forbidden science," if you will, remains of great interest to me. I'm marginally aware of the alchemists.

    That rustling you hear is the product of countless eyebrows being raised.

    Finally: I know Cook's work, and I'm moderately well read on WW II era exotic technologies. What is your take on Operation High Jump?


  11. Bravo, Peter.

    But more than enough said.

    Everyone: If you bite, these characters win.

    Every second you spend responding to this sort of distraction-as-egomania is a second spent in support of the other side. Can't you see the game here? PURSUE ME, NOT THE TRUTH!

    I am not suggesting that perfidy and stupidity should remain unredressed. But our responses must be characterized by proportionality and dignity.

    And more than a soupçon of contempt.

    Do not address these people directly; rather, address their masters.

    Expose their game.

    REPEAT: Expose their game.

    Offer not the slightest semblance of collegiality to those whose efforts to engage us are designed not to support the searches for truth and justice, but rather to hinder them.

    Is this post, ironically, emblematic of precisely what I argue must NOT be written?


    It is a call to arms.

    Now, if we're ready, let's move on to serious matters.


  12. As I have done so many times on this Forum, I again commend to your attention the Sinister Forces trilogy by Peter Levenda.

    One simply cannot hope to understand "their" motivations, goals, strategies, and tactics without coming to grips with what might best be termed the "spiritual" elements therein.

    For "they" too are all mortal.

    David, your reference to Messrs. MacArthur, Willoughby, and, by extension, Lansdale, Valeriano, et al within the context of the recovery of Japan's immense WW II plunder is most welcome. Secret governments must have their secret treasuries.

    I have it on first-hand authority that this story is set to break in an unprecedented fashion.


  13. "And while we're at it, from the same source comes a message to Princess Caroline:

    The serpent that did sting thy father's life

    Now wears his crown.

    Charles the Lesser"


    Moving, perfect quote ---your humble signature adds to its nobility.

    Sometimes we fight among ourselves so much, I think we forget why we are here. Thank you for reminding us.



    You are entirely welcome.


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