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Charles Drago

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Everything posted by Charles Drago

  1. Fred Chrisman, wandering bishops ... Religion, indeed. Religion as politics by other means. But again, so that you're clear on my views, I submit that vis a vis UFOs and other high strangeness, there are good reasons to suspect that ... how shall I put it ... There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. And mine. And while we're at it, from the same source comes a message to Princess Caroline: The serpent that did sting thy father's life Now wears his crown. Charles the Lesser
  2. David, I'm with you on the Dodi-as-collateral-damage item. My parents' generation might term the young man's death and his father's misery "Lucky Strike Extras." Prince Philip the False Sponsor was given these gifts, I think, as additional inducements to keep his and other royal mouths shut. The assassination of Diana no doubt will inspire its own mythic dramatization in the vein of JFK; in point of fact, I know of a significant effort in its nascent pre-production stages. If and when such a major motion picture (as they say) is released internationally, we must be ready to take full advantage of heightened public emotions to revitalize the search for the truth. As for Aliens: I would argue that in the overwhelming number of instances, close encounters are nothing other than human-engineered psyops. Their purposes: to discredit all counter-authoritarian hypotheses, to provide cover for new earthly technologies, and ... here we may part company ... to address/anticipate and discredit genuine extra-terrestrial and/or extra-dimensional experiences. Finally: There had to have been contingencies to terminate JFK at Parkland had he arrived in a non-moribund state. The research community for the most part has overlooked this hypothesis. Who would have been properly positioned to evaluate the president's condition and finish the job? Charles
  3. Terry, I'll never forget taking the podium to close The Third Decade's Providence conference, which I co-produced and chaired with Jerry Rose and George Michael Evica. I had not prepared remarks. When I began extemporaneously to express gratitude to presenters and attendees, I found myself musing aloud on what we all might be doing if John Kennedy had not been murdered. I heard myself wondering about the music and prose not written, the medical research not undertaken, the families not conceived and raised, because we all were busy with the "other" matter. Then I listened, somehow removed, as I asked in vain for assistance in quantifying the tolls -- psychic, emotional, physical -- taken by our shared focus on incidents and images beyond horrific. As I spoke I looked into the eyes of the Evicas and the Roses, and I thanked them for friendships that, were it not for our common endeavors, never would have been made. I closed by praying -- there's no other word for it -- for justice to prevail in our shared time. Now I "see" you and Myra and Peter as new friends, and I'm reminded again that we do not toil alone. Man ... call Hallmark and tell the copy department that I'm available. Yours in sacchrinicity, Charles
  4. *********************************************************************** "Since the single bullet theory is the silliest theory associated with the JFK assassination (even Greer shooting JFK is physically possible, whereas the SBT isn't)," Aside from defying the laws of physics in relation to the obviously contrived ballistic evidence, the total absurdity of the claim led me to doubt the word of the United States government for the rest of my life. Terry Berry, Consider yourself blessed. In the utmost seriousness, studying the JFK assassination has been the most extraordinarily liberating experience of my life. Intellectually. Politically. Spiritually. What a terrible price he paid for our freedom. C
  5. Yup. No point spreading silly stories. So Dodi was the target ... the same Dodi who could have been hit in so many profoundly simpler ways ... alone, on a speedboat, via drug overdose ... I want to know how the Mob and Castro got to Henri Paul.
  6. Peter, et al, We must at all costs keep in mind that, in the final analysis, we are hunting the rogue American and Soviet intelligence agents' masters, who were above Cold War differences. To hell with Helms, Hunt, Hoover, LeMay, Powers, Andropov, Nechiperenko ... Let's follow the strings attached to their limbs ... higher, ever higher ... Or is that "lower"? To the monkeys beneath The Village? Charles
  7. Kerry's grandmother, Loretta Kennedy Connelly, was Joseph P. Kennedy's sister -- JFK's aunt and his Godmother. By all accounts Kerry remains on the "inside" of family affairs. She is an experienced broadcaster and an eloquent, amusing, fascinating human being. She first came to the JFK research community at the 1997 Lancer conference, which is when and where I made her acquaintance. The subtexts of Kerry's public presentations are, by definition, open to interpretation. I've decided that, based upon all she has declared and intimated, Kerry wants us to believe that the family is watching and is sympathetic to the general notion of pursuit of the conspiratorial truth. You're welcome. Charles
  8. If the CIA had a "KGB wing," then the KGB had a "CIA wing." Marchetti, I believe, was offering another veiled hint regarding the cabal. To see either of the intelligence services as monolithic is to turn blind eyes to the deeper, sinister, controlling truth. There are many rooms in the mansion ... Charles
  9. Yes, That's him. What ever happened to Nechiperenko? I spoke with him at lunch one day...interesting enough a person, but his story was just from outer space. My take on the difference between the old KGB [and it's new incarnation] and the CIA was the language they used most of the time.....and not much else. Much the Nosenko - Mark 2. Nechiperenko was in Dallas for three reasons: to promote his then-new memoir, Passport to Assassination, to promote the disinformation of which it is composed, and to probe for weaknesses in our so-called community. Scott ate his lunch. Zaid offered to pay for it. Charles
  10. David, Robert is quite right: The Package in many ways is the most insightful artistic meditation on the JFK conspiracy. Tommie Lee Jones is in the title role: an assassin smuggled into the country as an under-arrest U.S. soldier. Gene Hackman is his military escort and unwitting accomplice. Once on American soil, Jones is violently freed by co-conspirators. Hackman uncovers, slowly but convincingly, the larger plot to terminate detente by assassinating Gorgachev and George H.W. Bush figures at a Chicago summit. There is an Oswald patsy figure who believes he is a junior G-man assigned to penetrate a violent right wing group, and other insider elements within the film's greater story line. As you might expect, much of the plot has been simplified for genre considerations. But The Package is never simple-minded. Writer John Bishop boldly took on one of the most complex and impenetrable events in world history, and displays a keen understanding not only of how JFK was killed, but why Dallas happened. He, in essence, neatly dramatizes the cabal at its mid-levels. Don't miss The Package. Charles
  11. Peter, You're thinking of Oleg Nechiperenko, who appeared on a panel with Peter Dale Scott and the unfortunate Mark Zaid (to whom Professor Scott referred condescendingly as "young man"). My take on the Snepp venting: Anticipate and blunt the impact of the discovery of this darkest truth by contextualizing its release. In other words: Associate the West/East treason with the Ruby survival claim, and in so doing fatally taint it. Charles
  12. "I honestly have to say that I just find you too tiring, too demanding too time consuming and too frustrating -- and at the end of it all, too predictably barren and argumentative (arguments for the sake of argument) and too obtuse to want to keep this up." (emphasis added) To exhaust, deflect, consume, and upset: I can't conjure a more succinct summation of the agent provocateur's brief. Everyone: Read David Guyatt's paragraph as excerpted above until you make it your own. Bye bye, Lenny baby. You've just taken it on the chin (apologies to Senator Craig). Hope you get to keep your health plan and IRA. Love to la garota de Ipanema.
  13. Dawn, I don't see a conflict in our positions. I found Kerry to be intelligent, compassionate, and well-informed. But I simply can't imagine her going public on matters directly related to the assassination without the family's sanction. Charles
  14. Originally posted on the Was Ruby shooting LHO faked? thread (and with great thanks to Gary Buell for doing the legwork): The Village Voice, February 6, 1978, The Oswald Connections: Bad News for the CIA, by Alexander Cockburn & James Ridgeway Though already dismissed as a baseless rumor, the allegation that Jack Ruby is still alive and was given a new identity by the Central Intelligence Agency was not dreamed up by the veteran conspiracy buffs but was, in fact, advanced by a former employee of the agency itself. The Ruby story--to the effect that the CIA, in cooperation with the KGB, sponsored Ruby's murder of Oswald before the latter could disclose damning details of U.S.-Soviet intelligence links--has been put foward privately in recent weeks by Frank Snepp, formerly of the CIA. Snepp recently published Decent Interval, a harsh denunciation of the CIA's conduct in the last days of the Vietnam war. (emphasis added) Take the "Ruby alive" content out of the preceding paragraph, and what we're left with is, for my money, the most important, intriguing, and overlooked element of the entire JFK affair: what George Michael Evica refers to as a "treasonous cabal of hard-line American and Soviet intelligence agents whose masters were above Cold War differences." (emphasis added) The nature of Snepp's broader game remains unknown. What he seems to have provided above is an extraordinary revelation diminished immediately and intentionally by its ludicrous context (the Ruby survival legend).
  15. From your first referenced link comes the following: The Village Voice, February 6, 1978, The Oswald Connections: Bad News for the CIA, by Alexander Cockburn & James Ridgeway Though already dismissed as a baseless rumor, the allegation that Jack Ruby is still alive and was given a new identity by the Central Intelligence Agency was not dreamed up by the veteran conspiracy buffs but was, in fact, advanced by a former employee of the agency itself. The Ruby story--to the effect that the CIA, in cooperation with the KGB, sponsored Ruby's murder of Oswald before the latter could disclose damning details of U.S.-Soviet intelligence links--has been put foward privately in recent weeks by Frank Snepp, formerly of the CIA. Snepp recently published Decent Interval, a harsh denunciation of the CIA's conduct in the last days of the Vietnam war. (emphasis added) Take the "Ruby alive" content out of the preceding paragraph, and what we're left with is, for my money, the most important, intriguing, and overlooked element of the entire JFK affair: what George Michael Evica refers to as a "treasonous cabal of hard-line American and Soviet intelligence agents whose masters were above Cold War differences." (emphasis added) The nature of Snepp's broader game remains unknown. What he seems to have provided above is an extraordinary revelation diminished immediately and intentionally by its ludicrous context (the Ruby survival legend). This, I think, is worthy of a dedicated thread. Charles
  16. Some time ago I shared my experience of Beverly Oliver's (hereinafter B.O.) claim that Ruby had contacted her, through an intermediary, from his oversees sanctuary. B.O. let this cat out of the bag at the JFK Lancer conference at which Judge Tunheim was a featured speaker. Her method of doing so is most interesting. She initially told a very small group of attendees the following: In the recent past she received what purported to be a message from the alive-and-well Ruby. In it he acknowledged that she likely would dismiss his overture as some sort of provocation. So he challenged her to come up with a dozen or so questions that only B.O. and Ruby could answer: real personal sorts of things. B.O. complied, and reported that Ruby correctly answered all but one question. And even the wrong answer, she claimed, could be understood in terms of simple semantic differences (what she called a "runway," he called a "ramp," or vice-versa). Well, you know what they say about secrets. Within hours of B.O.'s original spinning of the yarn, the entire conference was abuzz with news that Ruby lives! B.O. was claiming to be angry and scared, but somehow managed to keep herself squarely in the spotlight -- almost as if the leak was exactly what she had planned for. Perhaps Jack White and/or Larry Hancock know more about this little drama. Charles
  17. THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA Ali will carry Norton for eight and drop him in nine. Is it any wonder?
  18. I long have suspected that the first terrible sound in Dealey Plaza was designed both to startle/frighten witnesses to the degree that their perceptions of events would be confused (I prefer to think of it as a stimulus for cognitive dissonance), and to trigger a protective response on the part of the presidential limo driver -- who was trained to steer away from a threat. An explosion and/or flash of light from the front may have prompted an instinctive, fatal, unjustifiable, but non-conspiratorial hesitation. Just a thought. Charles
  19. Thank you, Paul. FYI, one of the most respected and brilliant of the so-called second generation researchers shares your belief regarding the back wound. I'd be fascinated to see his (?) argument. Any chance of posting it? Paul I cannot make the decision to publicize this person's point of view. To be frank, it was expressed to me privately as a hypothesis in need of significant supporting research and analysis. I'd term it more of a "hunch" or intuitive leap. And I wouldn't count on more info any time soon. Sorry ... really. ... Charles Charles, why bring it up if you're not at liberty to share the info? Myra, I took special care to note that the other person's hypothesis is just that, and was not presented to me as fact backed by evidence. If the latter had been the case, I would not have made my original post absent documentation. As it stands, I simply indicated to Paul and other readers that at least one other reputable researcher has asked questions about the origin of the back wound. As we say in Avian Flu country: no harm, no fowl. Charles
  20. Thank you, Paul. FYI, one of the most respected and brilliant of the so-called second generation researchers shares your belief regarding the back wound. I'd be fascinated to see his (?) argument. Any chance of posting it? Paul I cannot make the decision to publicize this person's point of view. To be frank, it was expressed to me privately as a hypothesis in need of significant supporting research and analysis. I'd term it more of a "hunch" or intuitive leap. And I wouldn't count on more info any time soon. Sorry ... really. I would add only that a pm or fabricated back wound would not necessarily support your in-car shooting hypothesis -- one with which I respectfully if forcefully disagree. But I'll continue to support your efforts to challenge us with your thinking. Charles
  21. You're welcome, Myra. Everyone: Please, for the love of everything we hold dear, let's devote ourselves to the truth -- its discovery and its dissemination. Yes, those whose mission is to deny the truth will have to be dealt with. BUT: IF YOU ENGAGE THEM AS IF THEY WERE WORTHY OF RESPECT ... THEY WIN. AND THE TRUTH LOSES. So ... How about those Red Sox??? Charles
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