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Don Roberdeau

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Posts posted by Don Roberdeau

  1. Toni Foster's husband had a camera and took at least one photo at the main st corner.
    Just like everyone else, we knew President Kennedy wascoming so we were trying to hurry and get downtown to see him.We were listening to the radio to follow what areas he was in; sowe were hurrying. When we did arrive and parked my husbandsaid, “Let’s go over to Main Street to get a picture of them as theycome around. Then he wanted to go down near the underpass. Wewere anxious to get there.My husband knew he had “x” amount of time to get over totake a picture as the car turned from Main onto Houston. I believeit was Main Street. Where we stood to take the picture was a wall.You had to go around the wall to get to the lawn where I was to seehim when he came down Elm Street. We took the picture, then weran around the wall. I was going down toward the street andI just wanted to be at a certain place where I could see himclearly. Why I ended up where I ended up is just that’s the directionI was going. There weren’t that many people on the left of me,more to the right of me. All the people across the street, you couldsee that whole knoll area, not quite to the depository area. BeforeI got there, there were a lot of people behind me. But I wasn’t

    PDF version here with photo's:


    ....Good Day Robin.... Thank You for those persons-labeled frames.

    While speaking with DEBRA CONWAY recently, she mentioned that Mr. FOSTER (iirc, his name was ROBERT) did capture photos that day, but no Loved Ones know where they are. TONI and her husband divorced from each other, at some time after DP. ROBERT has since passed on. TONI is not providing any interviews related to 11-22-63. DEBRA also mentioned there is a video tape of her interview with TONI, but, iirc, it is protected by the company copyright that DEBRA worked for at the time of the interview she performed for the company.

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United states


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president." (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 Dallas Times Herald, appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

    "Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when he was shot.

    'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look crossed his face.' " (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness (quoted to the Associated Press, 11-22-63)

  2. His name is not Mike Brown but Mike Brownloh

    Here 's an interview with him:


    ....Good Day Wim.... Thank You for providing that short video. Do you know when that interview was completed?

    For those who do not know him, the man interviewing MIKE is Mr. PETER DE VRIEs, who is a very respected DUTCH TV investigative journalist (whose outstanding reputation precedes him, and that i liken to his being the "ANTHONY SUMMERS of HOLLAND"), whom i know from our work on helping to try and locate Ms. NATALEE ANN HOLLOWAY, the AMERICAN teenager who was vanished without a trace (so far) after last being seen May 30, 2005 with 3 young local males in their car in ARUBA.

    Here is DE VRIES website....


    Best Regards in Research. Honored to be yours in the pursuit of The Truth,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United states


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president." (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 Dallas Times Herald, appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

    "Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when he was shot.

    'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look crossed his face.' " (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness (quoted to the Associated Press, 11-22-63)

  3. Good Day.... Having a "brain fart" right now!

    :{ )-]


    Someone I know in Dallas spoke with MIKE in an informal interview last year. When I have some free time I will definitely locate those emails and personal notes and provide them for everyone. (actually, i am positively astounded that i forgot to provide this info for everyone previously, but 2007 was personally very, very busy)

    I do recall that MIKE has previously stated that he was also in DP with several of his relatives (father, grandmother, sister, and an adult female relative), none of which have been documented/interviewed on any detailed witnesses list/articles that i have ever read, so, if living, he/she should of course also be contacted!....which i think i will take for action.

    Positively of crucial importance, MIKE is the man who has claimed that he knows the identities of the black couple that SITZMAN stated she observed just before the attack started that were lunching together on the sitting bench behind the grassy knoll retaining wall (where their hamburgers bag was found on their sitting bench), that MIKE also stated are both still alive, and who, most likely, were the very same persons rapid motions that are captured just before/during the end/just after the attack in several key photos and films of that same grassy knoll retaining wall location.

    MIKE claiming to know the identities of this black couple was the original, critical reason for my initiating the interview via my Dallasite friend.... i cannot believe i am having a bf about this right now!!

    :{ )-]

    Best Regards in Research. Honored to be yours in the pursuit of The Truth,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United states


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president." (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 Dallas Times Herald, appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

    "Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when he was shot.

    'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look crossed his face.' " (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness (quoted to the Associated Press, 11-22-63)

  4. Jack,

    Is this him?


    That looks like a woman wearing skirt. No plaid shirt. Too far south. Thanks.


    ....Good Day Jack.... It looks to me that CHRIS is positively correct, and that from ZAPRUDER's line-of-sight, MIKE is indeed standing between ZAPRUDER and the woman wearing a long skirt, who is seen standing directly behind him.

    Additionally, every individual seen in the Houston Street sourced films and the ALTGENS #5 photo next to and near MIKE, all match and are still lined up the exact same way in the pre-assassination segment ZAPRUDER frame that CHRIS provided us.

    Best Regards in Research. Honored to be yours in the pursuit of The Truth,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United states


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president." (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 Dallas Times Herald, appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

    "Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when he was shot.

    'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look crossed his face.' " (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness (quoted to the Associated Press, 11-22-63)

  5. Best Regards in Research. Honored to be yours in the pursuit of The Truth,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United states


    "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

    (Sherlock Holmes, "A Study In Scarlet," (1887) by A.C. DOYLE)

  6. 12112.jpg

    ....The following are kindly provided by ROBIN UNGER....



    Best Regards in Research. Honored to be yours in the pursuit of The Truth,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United states


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president." (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 Dallas Times Herald, appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

    "Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when he was shot.

    'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look crossed his face.' " (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness (quoted to the Associated Press, 11-22-63)

  7. Good Day.... At the end of this article, from the lips of LBJ, no less, more support for the U.S. behind the planned assassination of SVN President DIEM....




    “They started on me with Diem, you remember,” President Lyndon Baines Johnson told Sen. Eugene McCarthy, D-Minn., recalling the words of the coup’s advocates. “‘He was corrupt and he ought to be killed,’” President Johnson remembered hearing when he was second in command to JFK.

    “So we killed him,” LBJ recalled in that phone call to the Minnesota solon. “We all got together and got a goddamn bunch of thugs and assassinated him,” World Net Daily reported the Texan saying. “Now, we've really had no political stability [in South Vietnam] since then,” LBJ said on the tape of the phone call that WND obtained and quoted from.



    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United States


    "The people will recognize that the CIA was behaving during those years like a rogue elephant rampaging out of control . . ."

    ---- Senator FRANK CHURCH, Chairman of Select Committee on Intelligence, July 1975

  8. "Men of Courage" Speech

    Good Day Everyone....

    Those of you who have been aboard the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier know that among many key areas where you walk there are pictures, plaques, and words honoring and celebrating the life of President KENNEDY. There is a large concentration of such memorabilia located among the two main crew galley areas. Within the galleys' perimeters the memorabilia have been mounted on many mobile, free-standing, 6' high, wall partitions that are the same blue color of his jet, "Air Force One," SS-codenamed "Angel.'

    With my job responsibilities and duties, I daily interacted with the Commanding Officer of "Big John." The Captain's "in-port cabin" is something that everyone who has a chance to see, should see (iirc, the in-port cabin was removed after the ships March 2007 de-commissioning for re-assembly and presentation elsewhere). Used primarily for meetings/meals with the Captain's chain-of-command, and domestic and foreign officials, dignitaries and honored guests, his in-port cabin contains four areas, one of which is a main living room area.

    There were four items in the C.O.'s cabin that have always, vividly, stood out in my memory.... Hanging on several of the living room walls was a very large painting. Each of these colorful, realistic paintings showed the daylight shoreline, buildings skyline, and shipping docks of a coastal city (Boston?) circa 1700's, complete with harbor anchored and embarking sailing ships. The paintings gave the magnificent effect of your being on a similar ship, in that ocean harbor, and you are looking out the back windows from the Captain's cabin of such an American Revolutionary-era sailing ship.

    The fourth item, the one that had a huge effect on me, and, I am sure, many others through the decades, is an exact replica of President KENNEDY's, White House oval-office, padded rocking chair that was given by the KENNEDY family in 1967 when the ship was first commissioned by CAROLINE. I cannot even begin to describe the thoughts and feelings when sitting in that rocker.

    Nestled among the many pictures, plaques, etc., for the men of the U.S.S. Kennedy is a plaque of one of the President's speeches.... we all call it the "Men of Courage" speech.... It reads:

    "Of those whom much is given, much is required.

    And when at some future date the high court of history sits in judgment on each of us, recording whether in our brief span of service, we fulfilled our responsibilities to the state, our success or failure, in whatever office we hold, will be measured by the answers to four questions:

    First, were we truly men of courage, with the courage to stand up to one's enemies, and the courage to stand up, when necessary, to one's associates, the courage to resist public pressure as well as private greed?

    Second, were we truly men of judgment, with perceptive judgment of the future as well as the past, of our own mistakes as well as the mistakes of others, with enough wisdom to know what we did not know, and enough candor to admit it?

    Third, were we truly men of integrity, men who never ran out on either the principles in which we believed or the people who believed in us, men whom neither financial gain nor political ambition could ever divert from the fulfillment of our sacred trust?

    Finally, were we truly men of dedication, with an honor mortgaged not to a single individual or group, and compromised by no private obligation or aim, but devoted solely to serving the public good and the national interest?

    Courage, judgment, integrity, dedication . . . these are the qualities which, with God's help, this son of Massachusetts hopes will characterize our government's conduct in the four stormy years that lie ahead. Humbly I ask His help in this undertaking; but aware that on earth His will is worked by men, I ask for your help and your prayers as I embark on this new and solemn journey."

    -President-elect JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, 1-9-61, Massachusetts

    ....I swear, there are ultra-busy days on the ship where you will be completely-motivated, and dashing somewhere to accomplish an important job, and out of the corner of your eye, for a fleeting moment, you swear you saw a young Lt., KENNEDY-esque thin in silhouette, confidently climbing into a jet-fighter, submarine-hunter "Viking," sub/rescue/special ops helicopter, light-bomber jet, or electronics-warfare jet.... or....sometimes, half way through a slow, quiet, midnight-to-4 watch-duty, as you walk down a straight corridor containing a "mirror" of a hundred-plus, lined-up, open bulkheads hatches, you gaze well ahead, and can see, for a not-long-enough, deja-vu instant, a suit-coated man, slightly hunched over, making his way towards the same coffee machine as yourself.

    It was a remarkable ship, that everyone should, and can, be proud of right along with the men and women who keep us, and much of the world, free and safe.

    Here is a scan of the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy ship's seal from my flight suit:


    Best Regards in Research. Honored to be yours in the pursuit of The Truth,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap : Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, & Important information & considerations

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers articles and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    "We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution.

    Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike,

    that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in

    this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace,

    proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow

    undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been

    committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the


    Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,

    that we shall pay any price,

    bear any burden,

    meet any hardship,

    support any friend,

    oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

    This much we pledge--and more."

    ----President JOHN F. KENNEDY, during his Presidential inaugural

    speech, 1-20-61

  9. Thank You, Douglas.... Looks like 60-Minutes will also have a segment on this tonight.


    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    Dr. DONALD THOMAS during his NID-2001 presentation, "Hear No Evil"


    The x-ray of the President's head taken at the autopsy revealed a metal fragment on the outside of the cranium located 10 cm dorsad of the occipital protuberance. The scalp wound in apposition to this piece of metal was described in the autopsy facing sheet (07HSCA253) as "ragged, slanting" with an arrow indicating an upward trajectory. Dr. RUSSELL FISHER, the chairman of the forensic pathology panel appointed by Attorney General RAMSEY CLARK to review the autopsy materials concluded that the piece of metal was, "...most likely a ricochet fragment" (interview in Menninger pp. 64-66).

    I am not a forensic pathologist, but Dr. FISHER's expert diagnosis meshes well with the filmed evidence of the President's reaction, the accounts of the eyewitnesses, and explains the ragged nature of the scalp wound. Or, we may choose to rely on the HSCA Forensic Pathology panel's expertise on how this piece of metal came to be lodged on the outside of the President's skull. The Warren Commission's doctors elected not to report this piece of metal in their autopsy protocol. The forensic pathology panel met with the Chief Prosector, JAMES HUMES, and asked him about the fragment and scalp lesion. Transcripts of the panel's discussion elicited the following opinion from Dr. GEORGE LOQUVAM:

    COE: The reason we are so interested in this, Dr. Humes, is because other pathologists have interpreted the...

    LOQUVAM (whispering in the background): I don't think this belongs in the damn record.

    COE: Ahhh, it probably doesn't.

    LOQUVAM: You guys are nuts. You guys are nuts writing this stuff. It doesn't belong in the damn record.


  10. Good Day.... From the NYT (a.k.a. the "'Drive-by' Dying Dinosaur")....



    Letter by Oswald Is Found With Late Senator's Papers


    Published: November 14, 2007

    The box had sat untouched in the attic of a Washington house until

    recently, when the sale of the house forced some cleaning out, some

    poking around in long-overlooked places.

    Inside the box was a manila file folder headed: "Lee Harvey Oswald."

    Inside the folder was a handwritten letter that Oswald had sent from

    Russia, complaining that the Soviet Union would not grant him an exit

    visa to the United States. It was addressed to Senator John Tower of

    Texas, who had lived in the house with his second wife in the 1980s.

    The other items in the folder are all typewritten - letters from Mr.

    Tower to the State Department, letters from the American consul in

    Moscow to Oswald, letters from the State Department to Mr. Tower, and

    brief memorandums from Mr. Tower's staff after the assassination of

    President John F. Kennedy as Mr. Tower defended himself against the

    impression that he had helped clear the way for Oswald's return to

    this country.

    A Texas company plans to open an online auction of the items, perhaps

    as early as today. The company, EasySale, maintains that the letters

    are originals, not copies like the ones that are among Mr. Tower's

    papers at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Tex. A handwriting

    expert hired by the company to examine the Oswald letter concluded

    that the tight script was Oswald's.

    The Oswald letter to Mr. Tower, who died in 1991, is undated but was

    widely quoted after the Kennedy assassination and again in the Warren

    Commission report in 1964.

    It began as an appeal from a constituent: "My name is Lee Harvey

    Oswald, 22, of Fort Worth up till October 1959," when, he wrote, he

    had gone to the Soviet Union "for a residential stay."

    After explaining his visa problem, Oswald wrote, "I beseech you,

    Senator Tower, to rise [sic] the question of holding by the Soviet

    Union of a citizen of the U.S., against his will and expressed


    According to the Warren Commission report, a caseworker in Mr. Tower's

    office forwarded the letter to the State Department under a cover

    letter that was "machine signed by the Senator."

    A copy of the cover letter was in the attic folder, and made clear

    that Mr. Tower's office was simply passing along Oswald's plea. "I do

    not know Mr. Oswald or any of the facts concerning his reasons for

    visiting the Soviet Union; nor what action, if any, this government

    can or should take on his behalf," the letter said.

    Mr. Tower is known to have given the file to the Warren Commission for

    copying, but the originals were considered missing, said Kathryn

    Stallard, the archivist of the John Tower Library at Southwestern. "We

    have all been looking for this," Ms. Stallard said.

    EasySale's chairman and chief executive, David J. Edmondson, said that

    the house, in the Kalorama section of Washington, had been owned by

    Mr. Tower's second wife, Lilla Burt Cummings Tower, a Washington

    lawyer, who died in 1993. Mr. Edmondson said she and Mr. Tower lived

    in the house in the early years of the Reagan administration. They

    divorced in 1987, and two years later, when the first President George

    Bush nominated Mr. Tower to be secretary of defense, her statements

    about her former husband's excessive drinking helped cost him the job.

    Mr. Tower denied the accusations, but the Senate rejected the


    The issue of Oswald's return to the United States dogged Mr. Tower

    after the Warren Commission report was released. The file in the attic

    contained a letter that Mr. Tower wrote to Secretary of State Dean

    Rusk in March 1964, as well as Rusk's reply: "It is not now, and has

    not in the past been, the position of the State Department that Mr.

    Oswald was allowed to return to this country as a result of your

    forwarding to the Department Mr. Oswald's letter to you."

    Mr. Edmondson described EasySale as "an online consignment company"

    that picks up items worth at least $50 that people no longer want.

    "This is certainly unusual," he said. "This is unusual versus the

    average things people have laying around their house."


    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    for the United States


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the


    (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army

    Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack

    witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still

    standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 "Dallas Times Herald,"

    appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled

    his name)

    "Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the

    President when he was shot.

    'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look

    crossed his face.' "

    (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army

    Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack

    witness (quoted to the "Associated Press," 11-22-63)

    "When the President's automobile was very close to him and he could

    see the President's face very well, the President was seated, but was

    leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what

    appeared to be a rifle shot sounded. According to BREHM, the

    President seemed to stiffen and come to a pause when another shot

    sounded and the President appeared to be badly hit in the head. Brehm

    said when the President was hit by the SECOND SHOT, he could notice

    the President's hair fly up, and then roll over to his side, as Mrs.

    KENNEDY was apparently pulling him in that direction.

    BREHM said that A THIRD SHOT FOLLOWED and that all three shots were

    relatively close together. BREHM stated that he was in military

    service and he has had experience with bolt-action rifles, and he

    expressed his opinion that the three shots were fired just about as

    quickly as an individual can maneuver a bolt-action rifle, take aim,

    and fire three shots.

    BREHM stated he definitely knew that the President had been shot and

    he recalled having seen blood on the President's face. He also stated

    that it seemed quite apparent to him that the shots came from one of

    two buildings back at the corner of Elm and Houston Streets."

    (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army

    Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack

    witness, in his FBI statement, 24NOV63

    "I saw a piece fly over in the area of the curb where I was

    standing. .... It seemed to have come LEFT and BACK. .... Sir,

    whatever it was that I saw did fall, both, in that direction, and,

    over into the curb there."

    (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army

    Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack

    witness during his 1966 videotaped "Rush To Judgment" interview,

    describing an object he saw traject behind and to the left of

    President KENNEDY (the same back and to the left direction that

    KENNEDY's head and torso also quickly moved) simultaneously with the

    head explosion

  11. Good Day.... The following from researcher VINCE PALAMARA's excellent research article, "BREAKDOWN 'FULL DISCLOSURE'; THE 'BREAKDOWN' OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE SECRET SERVICE ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963" (chapter 3) has stunned me a bit, and could, very well, explain MUCH with regards to attack timestamping YOUNGBLOOD and his being clearly seen in the IKE ALTGENS #6 photo STILL SITTING in his front seat of the VPOTUS convertible at Z-255 (yet, in the warrenatti-"world", supposedly, two shots----and only 2 shots----have already been fired) ....




    Although "official" history tells us Youngblood received a medal for his fast actions in Dallas covering LBJ (who wasn't even a target) after the first shot sounded, Senator Ralph Yarborough, who sat in the very same car with Youngblood and LBJ, said that this never happened - not only did Youngblood never even leave the front seat, the agent and LBJ were listening to a walkie-talkie with the volume set too low for the Senator to hear what they were picking up ("The Death of a President", p. 166 - surprisingly, Dave Powers, who rode in the follow-up car in place of Cecil Stoughton, agreed with Yarborough on this)

    (( my emphasis ))



    .... I have always known that the very important ALTGENS # 6 photo did NOT confirm LBJ and YOUNGBLOOD's attack shots timestamping words-salad-claims, but i did not know that YARBOROUGH also de-bunked their claims, and i am stunned i forgot that detail from MANCHESTER's The Death of a President.... It has been years (decades?) since i read TDOAP.... methinks it needs to be read again (and will be).

    :{ )-]

    ???? Do you have any references to additional DP witnesses who also stated that YOUNGBLOOD never protectively climbed atop LBJ during the attack, and/or LBJ++YOUNGBLOOD listening to a walkie-talkie just prior/during the attack?

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    "He stepped over into the back seat and sat on the Vice President. He sat in a crouched position. During this time he heard two more shots. He (YOUNGBLOOD) doesn't know if they came after he was on top of the Vice President, but Mr. Johnson told him that was so."

    - from the 18DEC63 Secret Service report, but, as seen in the ALTGENS photo taken at Z-255, YOUNGBLOOD is still sitting in his front seat.

    "Shortly thereafter the first shot went off and it sounded to me as if it were a firecracker. I noticed then that the President moved quite far to his left after the shot from the extreme right hand side where he had been sitting. There was a second shot and Governor Connally disappeared from sight and then there was a third shot which took off the top of the President's head and had the sickening sound of a grapefruit splattering against the side of a wall. The total time between the first and third shots was about 5 or 6 seconds. My first impression was that the shots came from the right and overhead, but I also had a fleeting impression that the noise appeared to come from the front in the area of the triple overpass."

    ----DAVID F. POWERS, close KENNEDY friend and POTUS Aide, who rode in the Secret Service followup Cadillac only 25' behind JFK, in POWERS 5-18-64 affidavit to the warrenatti ( *only* six months after the attack)

    I was never one of the use people who had doubts or suspicions about the Warren Commission's report on the president's death. But five years after Jack died, I was having dinner with Kenny O'Donnell and a few other people at Jimmy's Harborside Restaurant in Boston, and we got to talking about the assassination.

    I was surprised to hear O'Donnell say that he was sure he had heard two shots that came from behind the fence.

    "That's not what you told the Warren Commission," I said.

    "You're right," he replied. "I told the FBI what I had heard, but they said it couldn't have happened that way and that I must have been imagining things. So I testified the way they wanted me to. I just didn't want to stir up any more pain and trouble for the family."

    "I can't believe it," I said. "I wouldn't have done that in a million years. I would have told the truth."

    "Tip, you have to understand. The family-everybody wanted this thing behind them."

    Dave Powers was with us at dinner that night, and his recollection of the shots was the same as O'Donnell's. Kenny O'Donnell is no longer alive, but during the writing of this book I checked with Dave Powers. As they say in the news business, he stands by his story.


    ----TIP O'NEILL book, Man of the House, 1987

  12. ....for all fellow military veterans!

    My Best Wishes, Always, for you, your Loved Ones, and all free (and not so free) persons!!

    Here is a choice of free e-cards you can send him/her/them:


    During an address to the http://www.weforum.org World Economic Forum,

    Secretary of State Colin Powell was asked a somewhat long and

    involved question by the former Archbishop of Canterbury,

    George Carey, which ended with the following interrogative:

    And would you not agree, as a very significant political figure in

    the United States, Colin, that America, at the present time, is in

    danger of relying too much upon the hard power and not enough upon

    building the trust from which the soft values, which of course all of

    our family life that actually at the bottom, when the bottom line is

    reached, is what makes human life valuable?

    Secretary Powell responded:

    The United States believes strongly in what you call soft power, the

    value of democracy, the value of the free economic system, the value

    of making sure that each citizen is free and free to pursue their own

    God-given ambitions and to use the talents that they were given by

    God. And that is what we say to the rest of the world. That is why we

    participated in establishing a community of democracy within the

    Western Hemisphere. It's why we participate in all of these great

    international organizations.

    There is nothing in American experience or in American political life

    or in our culture that suggests we want to use hard power. But what

    we have found over the decades is that unless you do have hard power

    and here I think you're referring to military power then sometimes

    you are faced with situations that you can't deal with.

    I mean, it was not soft power that freed Europe. It was hard power.

    And what followed immediately after hard power? Did the United States

    ask for dominion over a single nation in Europe? No. Soft power came

    in the Marshall Plan. Soft power came with American GIs who put their

    weapons down once the war was over and helped all those nations

    rebuild. We did the same thing in Japan.

    So our record of living our values and letting our values be an

    inspiration to others I think is clear. And I don't think I have

    anything to be ashamed of or apologize for with respect to what

    America has done for the world.

    (((( Applause ))))

    We have gone forth from our shores repeatedly over the last

    hundred years and we’ve done this as recently as the last year in

    Afghanistan and put wonderful young men and women at risk, many of

    whom have lost their lives, and we have asked for nothing except

    enough ground to bury them in, and otherwise we have returned

    home to seek our own, you know, to seek our own lives in peace, to

    live our own lives in peace. But there comes a time when soft power

    or talking with evil will not work where, unfortunately, hard power

    is the only thing that works.

    It became very quiet in the room

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    President KENNEDY "Men of Courage: 4 Principles" speech, and a portion of fellow researchers and my research & discoveries, 1975 to present

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


  13. Good Day David.... aniTHANKSpopup.gif

    I had noted in '03 that Myers used Lightwave for his re-creations.

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    Discovery: ROSEMARY WILLIS's Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap:

    West, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"


    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise

    locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories, Important

    information & Considerations


    President Kennedy "Men of Courage" Speech, & JFK Assassination

    Research & Discoveries, Don Roberdeau, 1975 to Present


    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    National Terror Alert for the United States:


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE

    the president." (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States

    Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza

    attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he

    was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 "Dallas Times

    Herald," appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which

    mis-spelled his name)

    "I happened to be about fifteen feet away from the president when

    the FIRST SHOT HIT HIM. There is some discussion now as to whether there

    was one or two shots that hit him, but the first shot rang out, and, I was

    positive when I saw the look on his face, and saw him grab his chest,

    and saw the reaction of his wife that he had been shot, and at that time,

    which was probably a few seconds later --- the second shot rang out ---

    and he just, absolutely, went down into the seat of the car. There was a

    third shot that 'went,' and by that time i had grabbed my little five-year-old

    boy who was with me and ran away from scene of the thing, but, the only

    thing that I did witness --- and something I'm sorry I did witness,

    very honestly --- was that, the look on his face when that shot hit, and

    the look again on him and his wife's face when the shots started to ring out

    and it was, very obviously, that he was hit. The first two shots that were

    heard, and ---- the FIRST ONE HIT the president --- there was no doubt, whatsoever,

    because his face winced, and he grabbed at himself, and he slumped down.

    I do believe, without any doubt, that the second one hit him because he

    had an immediate reaction with that second shot. I do know there was a

    third shot but as I said by that time I had grabbed my boy and started to go."

    (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States

    Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza

    attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack in a report he gave

    over the radio, 11-22-63)

    "Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the

    President when he was shot.

    'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful

    look crossed his face.' " (my EMPHASIS)

    CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States

    Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza

    attack witness (quoted to the "Associated Press," 11-22-63)

  14. Good Day Nathaniel.... In the past 10 years I have contacted BILL O'REILLY several times without response from him with respect to something I had learned....

    ....While O'REILLY was working in Dallas (at "WFAA," iirc) a man who said he had been in DP watching the motorcade gave O'REILLY a bullet slug that he said his son had dug out from DP. O'REILLY thought it was a pistol bullet but admitted it might be a rifle bullet. O'REILLY gave the bullet to HSCA investigator GAETON FONZI who recalled receiving it and giving it to the HSCA's investigator FENTON. The bullet has, apparently, disappeared.

    Given O'REILLY's sharp, non-"pc", focused ability for quickly cutting through his guests-BS and guests-non-issue-related-BS, in the long/patient view, given that his show is the nightly #1 viewers-wise leader (by a very wide margin) on the #1 viewed cable news network, it would be a beneficial consideration to try and secure him on our side, especially given he has done several previous CT related JFK assassination focused investigative reports.

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president."

    (my EMPHASIS)

    ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 "Dallas Times Herald," appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

  15. Good Day Tim.... Interesting "Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists" article that mentions washDC attorney, THOMAS A. WADDEN Jr., the CIA, SHACKLEY, drugs, ROSSELI, etc, etc....


    ....and another article about mafia prosecution in NJ....


    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president."

    (my EMPHASIS)

    ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 "Dallas Times Herald," appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

  16. Good Day All.... JACOB DONALD "Jake" EASTERLINE was a.k.a. "Jake Engler" during the BOP "project."

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Directly Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president."

    (my EMPHASIS)

    ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 "Dallas Times Herald," appeared only in the fifth & final daily edition, which mis-spelled his name)

  17. Don.

    This may be useful re: height comparison of John Ready.


    G'Day Robin.... Thank You. Outstanding. GMTA. :)

    I have received a private email stating that in his publicly known CAD's, Myers chose to not, ever, display any of his re-creations where he also chose to include any of the standing SS agents on the followup Cadillac that were closely behind President KENNEDY during the attack....


    ....You, others, and myself would think that sheer common sense dictates that he *should* have re-created the standing SS agents relative to the warrenatti, supposed, "lone nut" "snipers lair" bullet trajectory (I certainly, most definitely, would have), if not for him to, try to, also eliminate the feasability of certain other suspected key assassins locations....


    ....Maybe he did create some re-creations that do include the standing SS agents relative to LN and the other suspected bullet trajectories, but his CAD results do not eliminate the feasability of certain locations.... and/or.... the non-feasability of certain bullet trajectories because an SS agent's head/body intercepted the bullet trajectory(ies).... so.... Myers feared presenting those other assassin locations and bullet trajectory(ies) objectively....

    I have a very good friend who is a very experienced, very talented, CAD professional who stated he may help with some work with respect to this, and several other, key attack considerations....

    Here is one of the several reasons I am interested in these specific standing SS agents considerations (study still in work, and not finalized, yet).... NOTE that the warrenatti, supposed, "lone nut" "snipers lair" Z-313 theorized bullet trajectory passes very, very close to the right side of the SS followup Cadillac....


    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "Drehm seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE

    the President."

    (my EMPHASIS)

    ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army

    Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack

    witness, quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he is still standing

    within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 "Dallas Times Herald" fifth & final daily edition,

    which mis-spelled BREHM's last name)

  18. Good Day Jack & Bill.... I realize that you both have 10's, or 100's, or, maybe even, 1000's+ of your personaltime hours chosen to be invested and publicly stated about ARNOLD's un-substantiated claims (100's or 1000's+ hours much like the failed "Moorman #5 was captured while standing in Elm Street" non-sense, the failed "the Zapruder film was deliberately painted on and drastically changed and so was some of the other films & photos" non-sense, the failed "Moorman #5 was captured at Z-312" non-sense, and the failed, utterly silly, "there was an assassin up in the 'badge man' tree" sheer comic book non-sense)....

    But, you both are transparently trying to dodge, and you, both, are spinning only Yourself, bigtime, by ignoring GORDON ARNOLD's very own words, and his very own specific claims about his, supposed, very own specific attack location (which is not supported by even a single piece of any during-or-post-attack, multiple, photo evidences, and not supported by even a single during-or-post-attack witness) that Arnold gave during his very detailed videotaped interview, June 6, 1989, to the "Sixth Floor Museum" oral history program, available for everyone here.... http://members.aol.com/droberdeau/JFK/addi...noldCLAIMS.html

    Conover then asks Arnold where he was standing in relation to the north pergola steps, to which Arnold claims, "OK. OK. The steps would be almost----I would say in front of me, but it’s not in front of me because I'm standing askew to the steps----more towards the street than I am the steps." "And I'm up as… I'm about three feet from the fence."

    Please recall that the 1978 "Dallas Morning News" photo that shows Arnold standing noticeably much, much closer to the picket fence than the retaining wall that he, then, by 1988 stood closer to in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy."

    Take note.... the 1978 photo ARNOLD posed location is very, very, Very close to the same 3' from the picket fence that ARNOLD claimed on tape to the SFM in 1989.

    Conover then asks, "Between the steps and the fence?" to which Arnold replies, "Yes."

    Conover then asks, "So, the steps were East of you?" to which Arnold replies, "Right."

    **NOTE** that Arnold claims he was BETWEEN the steps and picket fence ....In other words, by his own words, Arnold is specifically claiming he was specifically in the grass, between, the picket fence and the steps, only about three feet from the picket fence,

    ....but, Arnold was not on the grass, between the east edge of the sidewalk and the west edge of the retaining wall

    ....Arnold was not on the sitting bench,

    ....Arnold was not on the west edge of the steps,

    ....Arnold was not on the east edge of the steps,

    ....Arnold was not on the steps or the top step,

    ....Arnold was not on the pergola sidewalk,

    ....Arnold was not on the west edge of the sidewalk,

    ....Arnold was not on the east edge of the sidewalk.


    So, will, next, one/both of you choose to, mega-boringly again, try some lame, infantile, ad homenem, brutish, utterly show-your-ass childish, and/or disinfo-agent-provacateur paranoia, with your trying, yet again, to claim that, in your o-pined theory, by 1989 ARNOLD was going senile.... much like what was, with silliness, yet again, failingly claimed about Senator YARBOROUGH's statements directly to Doctor DAVID MURPHY....even though you had judged and theorized your o-pine about Senator YARBOROUGH's statements to Doctor MURPHY without your ever, once, prior to or afterwards, choosing for yourself to speak directly with Senator YARBOROUGH, and, even though, Doctor MURPHY did choose to speak directly with and directly interviewed Senator YARBOROUGH, himself, at length. As you may or may not be aware of, Doctor MURPHY has further stated, unambiguously and very clearly, that during the entire interview Senator YARBOROUGH was not senile, in any way, and that Senator YARBOROUGH was, in fact, still very sharp, still very clear, and, still very lucid.

    Making an investment in anything that you sooner or later realize ends up being evidently bad or failed is one thing, we all have done that at one time or another.... But desperately making a choice to hang onto a known bad or known failed investment long past it being not supported by the persons very own claims, long past his very own mutating claims, long past his never-supported-by-a-single-witness claims, and, long past his non-sensical claims that are not supported, at all, by multiple, Dealey Plaza attack nor post-attack photographic evidences is just plain.... well.... foolish.... and, in my experiences.... leads to a sort of poverty.... in this case, a poverty which affects overall credibility, and, could, also, lead to poverty of the Soul, or a poverty of the Team.

    Just so it is Crystal Clear, men.... I do not, personally, hate either of you, or anything like that.... far from it! :unsure:

    (in my personal experiences, choosing hate and/or anger is a totally-useless, timewasting, cranky, incapacitating, totally-self-destructive-and-especially-destructive-when-directed-at-those-you-Love emotion, that is almost always chosen out of fear, and/or lack of knowledge, and/or being in self-denial of knowledge)

    .... My main concern is that I am simply concerned for Our Team of collected President KENNEDY assassination researchers because you, both, are among the self-choosing group of Dedicated researchers who.... in most case study areas.... seem to be knowledgeable of more of the evidence.... seem to be knowledgeable of more of the intricate details of established evidence and not-so-(yet)-established evidence, testimonies, statements, tests, recreations, etc, etc.... and most times (but, like all of us, not all times) possess the abilities to try to synergize together for everyone the abundant information into what you choose as your publicly stated possible theory(ies).... more so than 98% of The People.

    my Real World Experinces are that I always expect more of and from The More Experienced because, demonstratably, The More Experienced a vast majority of the time, ultimately, and tremendously, helps everyone in the long run for the forward advance our T+E+A+M to reach its Goals, wherein....






    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    DISCOVERY: ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

    - Sherlock Holmes, "A Study In Scarlet" (1887) by A.C. DOYLE

  19. Arnold never stood anywhere he wasn't in the plaza that day.

    He said he stood west of the steps & he was thankfully made to specify.

    A person cannot be appear to be behind the wall when we are looking from from the Moorman position if they are west of the steps though, that is what's going over your heads.

    Below is a photo taken of Royce Beirma as seen looking south down the walkway. Royce is standing in the grass which is west of the walkway ... that is directly connected to the steps. Royce is lined up to the figure in Moorman's photo known as Gordon Arnold and it can be said that Royce is west of the steps.


    Good Day Bill.... In your staged photo, ROYCE nor TONY is not anywhere close to being in the grass only 3' from the picket fence, well west of the pergola steps (yet, as you are aware, a specific location spot visible in several 11-22-63 attack photographic references), as ARNOLD, himself, very specifically claimed on June 6, 1989 to the SFM oral histories program. http://members.aol.com/droberdeau/JFK/addi...noldCLAIMS.html

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    DISCOVERY: ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

    - Sherlock Holmes, "A Study In Scarlet" (1887) by A.C. DOYLE

  20. Good Day.... GORDON ARNOLD's very specific claims about his, supposed, attack location (which is not supported by even a single piece of any during-attack, multiple, photo evidences) that Arnold gave during his detailed videotaped interview, June 6, 1989, to the "Sixth Floor Museum" oral history program, available here.... http://members.aol.com/droberdeau/JFK/addi...noldCLAIMS.html

    Conover then asks Arnold where he was standing in relation to the north pergola steps, to which Arnold claims, "OK. OK. The steps would be almost----I would say in front of me, but it’s not in front of me because I'm standing askew to the steps----more towards the street than I am the steps." "And I'm up as… I'm about three feet from the fence."

    Please recall that the 1978 "Dallas Morning News" photo that shows Arnold standing noticeably much, much closer to the picket fence than the retaining wall that he, then, by 1988 stood closer to in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy."

    Conover then asks, "Between the steps and the fence?" to which Arnold replies, "Yes."

    **NOTE** that Arnold claims he was BETWEEN the steps and picket fence ....In other words, by his own words, Arnold is specifically claiming he was specifically in the grass, between, the picket fence and the steps, only about three feet from the picket fence,

    ....but, Arnold was not on the grass, between the east edge of the sidewalk and the west edge of the retaining wall

    ....Arnold was not on the sitting bench,

    ....Arnold was not on the west edge of the steps,

    ....Arnold was not on the east edge of the steps,

    ....Arnold was not on the steps or the top step,

    ....Arnold was not on the pergola sidewalk,

    ....Arnold was not on the west edge of the sidewalk,

    ....Arnold was not on the east edge of the sidewalk.

    Conover then asks, "So, the steps were East of you?" to which Arnold replies, "Right."


    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    DISCOVERY: ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

    - Sherlock Holmes, "A Study In Scarlet" (1887) by A.C. DOYLE

  21. Good Day.... There is a 28 minute "RealPlayer" formatted video interview completed in 1997 with ED HOFFMAN available for everyone here (Fair warning, the video clarity and brightness could be better)....


    ....Does anyone have the computer hardware capability to capture the diagrams HOFFMAN presents in this interview? Thank You, in advance.


    Seems to be an error in your link above. :unsure:


    Miles.... Plays Gr8 on my computer. :)

    Perhaps, it will play for you if you try opening it into its own, separate, "RealPlayer" window on your computer?

    Just a Thought.

    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "I looked towards the top of the terrace to my right as

    the sound of the shots seemed to come from that direction."

    -Secret Service Dallas Office SAIC Forest Sorrels' report dated

    28NOV63: also 21H548 (per close attack witness JACK FRANZEN's

    videotaped interview, at the attack start, SORRELS was just barely past

    the FRANZEN's, even with the picket fence corner, some 140' in front of

    the President)

  22. Duncan MacRae said:
    Do you credit Arnold's story, in general, Duncan?


    The truth is Miles, I don't know..I find it strange, and against human nature, that after such an event, someone would just walk away and not tell anyone about this historic event until years later. I mean. if you were there would you have told someone? anyone?..I think you would have, I would have told someone, so... the more I think about it, the more i'm tending to stray towards the Arnold story being a work of fiction.


    Good Day Duncan.... While I do not subscribe to ARNOLD's, supposed, claims.... to be fair and accurate, ARNOLD did claim in at least one interview (possibly the 6-6-89 SFM oral history quoted interview "GORDON ARNOLD - Additional Claims about the Knoll-Wall" @ http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1331&hl=roberdeau&page=1 ) in which ARNOLD claimed that he did tell several persons within days of the attack.

    Additionally, when I recently located and completed a very lengthy interview with ARNOLD's son, he also stated that ARNOLD also publicly related his claims to other persons ---- In fact, the son stated to me that ARNOLD told his story several times when he spoke to his son's and daughter's elementary-to-high school classes and their many adult teachers during many years, which struck me as very odd, considering, that ARNOLD apologists claim he did not publicly speak about his claims because he feared for his and his Loved One's lives ------ yet, here the son confirmed to me that ARNOLD was doing, exactly, that ------ speaking publicly about his claims.

    More will follow when time available...

    Best Regards in Research,

    + ++Don
    Donald Roberdeau
    United States Navy
    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly

    For your key considerations + independent determinations....

    Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination Evidence,
    Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations....

    The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations +
    Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers, Suspected Bullet Trajectories,
    Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One
    Convenient Resource....
    ( updated map, + new information )

    Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's
    Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap:
    West, Ultrafast, and Directly
    Towards the Grassy Knoll ....

    Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden
    Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....

    Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out....

    T ogether
    E veryone
    A chieves
    M ore

    For the United States:

    "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

    - Sherlock Holmes, "A Study In Scarlet" (1887) by A.C. DOYLE

  23. Good Day.... There is a 28 minute "RealPlayer" formatted video interview completed in 1997 with ED HOFFMAN available for everyone here (Fair warning, the video clarity and brightness could be better)....


    ....Does anyone have the computer hardware capability to capture the diagrams HOFFMAN presents in this interview? Thank You, in advance.


    Best Regards in Research,


    Don Roberdeau

    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

    ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

    Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

    4 Principles

    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore


    For the United States


    "I looked towards the top of the terrace to my right as the sound of the shots seemed to come from that direction."

    -Secret Service Dallas Office SAIC Forest Sorrels' report dated 28NOV63: also 21H548 (per close attack witness JACK FRANZEN's videotaped interview, at the attack start, SORRELS was just barely past the FRANZEN's, even with the picket fence corner, some 140' in front of the President)

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