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Gavin Stone

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  1. No Jack, they purposely made those big X's to draw attention to themselves and perpetuate the conspiracy.
  2. Given Jarrah's recent video that spent five minutes talking about how the Feather and Hammer hit the ground faster than John Young, and how this is an example of a hoax, it just goes to show how much of a "the sky is falling" person. That said, even he couldn't worm around the blatant ignorance of gravitational acceleration and he removed his entire video. I wonder what he has to say about it... PS: Everything Evan says about you is true Duane.
  3. It's a fair comment though. You are spouting on about how radiation will kill anyone who stands in it, without any knowledge of what radiation even is.
  4. You owe me a new keyboard after I spat tea all over this one after reading this comment. Jeez Duane you are funny
  5. Who you kidding Craig? I can't remember the last time Duane presented any evidence. All his posts seem to consist of nowadays are insults and character assassinations; exactly what he accuses other people of! He doesn't spend any time presenting theories any more, he just runs all over youtube insulting people. He's currently posting on there about a grammar error I made while capitalising 'Physicist'. Yes, you heard that right. Duane is insulting me for a grammar error! He seems to think that a grammar error constitutes me not studying for a physical science degree.
  6. AKA "I don't want to debate the evidence" and "because I'm scared of hearing something I can't debunk".
  7. So Duane, you agree they launched in the Saturn V, so how is no video evidence of them during launch proof of a hoax? They undoubtedly made the trip into a parking orbit initially!!!
  8. Well it appears Jarrah has come back with his new production, sticks and stones (Stones lol), we all get a mention so I hope you're all thrilled . Part 1 Part 2 Part 3Obviously I will respond in due course, but it takes a while to analyse arguments, research claims etc. What I do note is he's taken a lot of material from here, infact I get the impression he spends a lot of time lurking in the shadows, so why doesn't he come forward and start posting? Hiding on youtube where you don't have to directly answer questions is bordering on cowardice.
  9. Duane, simple question and it requires a simple answer: Did they launch in the Saturn V, yes or no? They either did, and you admit that the camera is irrelevant to them launching or they didn't, in which case your Apollo in LEO orbit is shot down. Which one is it Duane? You can't have the best of both worlds.
  10. I think you have hit on something here Dave, I've been researching this and found a number of surprisingly similar features to that of the moon. A simple coincidence, or a whistle blower blowing the whistle on the AstroNOTS? Titan is tidally locked in a synchronous orbit around Saturn, just like our moon - coincidence? Titan's rocky centre is roughly 3,400 km thick. The moons diameter is 3,474 km - coincidence? Titan's atmosphere is mostly Nitrogen. The lunar module descent and ascent stages were fueled with Dinitrogen tetroxide - coincidence? If you add the word "Neil" to "Titan" and rearrange the letters, you can form "Alien tint". - coincidence? Titan is never visible to the unaided eye, just like the Apollo "moon sets". - coincidence? The first probe to visit was Pioneer 11. Apollo 11 with Pioneer Neil Armstrong. - coincidence? 30 Questions that need to be answered about 'Titan' 1) Why are there no stars in the sky for the Huygens probe picture? Titan is much further away from the Sun than Earth, so stars should have been dazzling in the sky. 2) The nitrogen atmosphere and the surface temperature of -179.45°C (Nearly that of Liquid Nitrogen). I dropped a camera of mine in liquid nitrogen. I did not work afterwards, so how did the probe take pictures of the titan surface? 3) The probe used a parachute to fall to the surface, yet if this is true the parachute would have landed ON TOP of the probe and it wouldn't have been able to take pictures! 4) Landing on a sandy surface displaces sand. There was no evidence of the Titan surface being disturbed on the pictures? 5) How did they know when to open the parachutes on the Probe with an unknown surface and unknown environment? 6) The pictures were lousy. Surely given the exploration of a place we've never seen before they would have put a DECENT camera on the probe! 7) In most Huygens photos, there is a clear line of definition between the rough foreground and the smooth background. 8) There are obviously non parallel shadows in the picture, this can't be the case unless there are multiple LIGHT SOURCES 9) Why did one of the stage prop rocks have a capital "C" on it and a 'C' on the ground in front of it as shown by Dave "Freedom and Truth Fighter" Greer? 10) How did the probes S band antenna survive the tremendous heat of atmospheric re-entry? 11) The probe was seperated from Cassini for THREE WEEKS in the blazing sunlight. Temperatures should have reached 5000 degrees in the probe and the electronics should have been char boiled 12) Why would they risk landing the Huygens Probe on Titan when it'd never been tested before in a space environment! 13) Titan is small, thus lower gravity. The probe would have bounced off the surface, and broken on re impact 13) Apparently over 200 pictures were taken on Titan, yet there is only seemingly one on the internet! 14) The probe would have required a 20 foot width so as to not bounce when it hit the Titan Surface 15) An astrophysicist who has worked for NASA writes that it takes two meters of shielding to protect against medium solar flares and that heavy ones give out tens of thousands of rem in a few hours. Why weren't the electronics fried with this DEADLY SPACE RADIATION 16) The probe had a hole in it (I will show the picture later) and thus the atmosphere should have leaked in and destroyed the probe before it could transmit data? 17) How did the probe transmit data all the way back to Earth with a measley S Band antenna? 18) How did they fit the camera in the small probe, and make it shatter proof for impact? 19) You expect us to believe THIS landed on titan? It looks like two big dustbin lids clued together with a takeaway curry tray on top!!!! 20) The water sourceair conditioner for the probe should have produced frequent explosive vapor discharges. They never did. 21) They sent a probe all that way, and didn't bother to plant a flag? PLEASE! 22) With a massive time delay between transmission and receiving of data, the Earth would have moved further along in its orbit around the Sun by time the data travelled there - they'd have missed the picture! 23) Why did Cassinis administrator resign days before Launch? 24) How did the probe fly through the deadly radiation of the Van Allen belts? It would have required 6 foot lead shielding to not be effected 25) We cannot even get home PC's to run properly, so how did they make the Huygens Probe software run without crashing? Why was it not infected with spyware and viruses? 26) There is a lot of talk about the ACP experiment on the Huygens Probe. Could this stand for Apollo Creation Program? 27) Why is Huygens not visible through a telescope? 28) In the year 2008 NASA does not have the technology to land on Titan. 29) Why are all the blueprints for Huygens destroyed by NASA? 30) Why are there squares in the only picture that we have of the Titan Surface. Photoshopped? Added in by a whistle blower? Who knows!
  12. If that's suppossed to be funny, you missed completely. It looks as though you could really use some brushing up on your mockery techniques of the CT's and the hoax evidence . I think the brushing up needs to come from you Duane in your selection of what's evidence, and what's not.
  13. Duane, it's an entirely different program with entirely different goals. You can't really compare the two in the way you are doing!
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