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Steve Mcdonagh

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Everything posted by Steve Mcdonagh

  1. Hi Can you please ask GM who he thinks 'Prayer Man' might be? Thanks - Steve Hi Steve, In post #57 (p4) of this thread Bill Kelly posted this concerning Gary's opinion: " ... Mack also says that no one who worked at the TSBD saw Oswald on the steps, or said they did, and the man is too short to be the 5' 9" Oswald, and that by the time the frame is filmed Oswald is on or waiting for the bus, which doesn't make any sense if Baker runs into Oswald on the second floor about a minute later. I think Gary will alter that statement after reflection. ..." Edit: Gary replies that the quote above concerns a different film clip (not the Darnell clip with PM in it). This quote is probably in relation to the clip posted by Bill Kelly in his original post on this thread. To my knowledge, no one has identified the photographer/source of that clip. Hi Richard Thank you so much for taking the time to express GM's views and even though Gary was kind enough to mail me directly I appreciate your effort. Thanks - Steve
  2. Hi Can you please ask GM who he thinks 'Prayer Man' might be? Thanks - Steve
  3. Hi Bjorn. Do you believe that 'Prayer Man' could be Oswald? Thanks.
  4. Hi Bjorn, I don't suppose you have any images/pictures of him do you? Thanks - Steve
  5. Hi Duke,

    Just saying a big hello from the UK - still working hard and trying to find enough free time to catch up with everyone.

    Hope you are fine and well - chat soon.


    PS: Are you still a Smiths fan?

  6. Hi Greg,

    I haven't been on in a while and one of the first posts I read today was your:'Craig Lamson's "Stemmons Sign" Thread Pincushion Distortion' - I thought the JFK on Lone Nuts clip was brilliant.

    Good Job dude - Steve

  7. I thought this thread was supposed to be about "A Few Thoughts on the Zapruder Film"? Steve
  8. Hi All, I have been away for a while but I see Duke is still on his game. Excellent read and logic Duke - congrats. Steve
  9. Hi Bill, Recently I read Dale Myer’s book With Malice, and for the most part I found Dale’s style to be in depth and logical. The book itself was interesting and contained many useful research notes that can help to expand my knowledge in other areas of the case. However, after reading the ‘Myers and Vaughan response’ to the ‘Don Thomas' article, I can’t help but feel slightly concerned about this segment. “If Oswald had turned to his right, instead of going into the lunchroom to his left, the hydraulic mechanism would have pulled the door closed behind him. Then, if Oswald doubled-back toward the lunchroom a few seconds after the door closed, he would have passed the window just as Baker described, and the door would have been motionless.” I compared this to extracts from page 65 of With Malice – “Did the killer spot Tippit’s approaching squad car, spin and start back in the opposite direction?” and “...the sudden “change in direction” fits the facts of the shooting more closely...” I personally find it extremely difficult to visualise Oswald, a man who has 'supposedly' just assassinated the President of the United States by firing three incredible shots in a very short period of time, evaded numerous law enforcement agencies assigned to protect the President during his escape and gunned down a police officer (Tippit) in broad daylight, as an indecisive individual whom is forever changing directions? I am also concerned how by simply implying these numerous Oswald “changes in direction” it conveniently “fits the facts of the shooting more closely”, when quite frankly, at least in the case of the TSBD Baker/Oswald sighting, there appears to be no evidence to support such a claim. Just my observations - Steve
  10. Thanks Duncan and thanks for that great link to the free documentaries website you posted yesterday. Steve
  11. Hi All, I too have observed some negative and condescending posts directed at Jack since I have been here, especially the ones poking fun at his ability. Now it may well be that many of these originate from previous encounters before I joined this forum, but they are still rightly or wrongly sad to read. I don't doubt that Jack always gives as well as he gets and then some, but personally I am amazed by his observation skills and I pray that I may retain half his vigour and determination when I am his age. I think Jack like so many others here at the EF forum such as Len Colby (who rightly or wrongly has received his share of negative posts which is also sad) should not be ridiculed or dismissed for attempting to submit information, even if it that information proves not to be valid or contrary to your own beliefs and opinions, they should be applauded for their willingness to actively participate in an area that is filled with so many great minds. Having said this, one should never close the door on reconciliation because life is simply too short and Andy Walkers comments which appear to be offering a truce and if sincerely meant (as they appeared to me to be so) should be restated: “It has been too easy for many of us here (including both you and me Mr White) to fall into a kind of mechanical rudeness based on negative emotion which should not be tolerated. This forum is for education and research after all. Take the plank out of your own eye and I'll do likewise.” It would be nice to see Charles Drago posting here more frequently so I personally hope the above statement applies to him also, and besides if it doesn’t work out; well I am sure there will be another post right around the corner where you can fall out all over again. Steve
  12. Just quick thanks to both Bill and Josiah for their comments and understanding. Steve
  13. I am sorry to hear that John. Please accept my condolence for you and your loved ones. Steve
  14. Hi Bill, Firstly I want to say that on the whole, most of your posts (which I have had the pleasure of reading) seem to be very well written, informative, witty and engaging. You have always struck me as a methodical person with an eye for detail, someone whom is not in the habit of forgetting things easily and can certainly give as good as he takes when the need arises. But rightly or wrongly the most common theme that I have taken from your posts is one of fairness. The subject of whether or not Moorman took her picture in the street is of little personal interest to me, but reading the different perspectives, observations and logic of those that are contributing is interesting and therefore worth reading. It is with that in mind that I find your comments (highlighted below) somewhat dismissive, condescending and bordering on insulting, which surprised me upon reading them. I understand that there are clearly two opposing camps on this point but personal differences are now obviously to some extent superseding where Moorman took her picture from. I can also appreciate that both sides have obviously placed much time and effort in advocating their respective positions which makes the very thought of entering this arena not for the faint hearted. But it would be ‘unfair’ to turn this thread into an ‘us or them’ thread which would surely only serve to discourage those of us who may wish to make a contribution in the form of an observation or question such as the one Chris Davidson appears to have made. I have no affiliations with any sides on this forum and enjoy reading all view points with an open mind. I appreciate and look forward to contrasting views which from time to time allow me to challenge my own beliefs thus hopefully avoid taking them for granted. So I implore you Bill to show the same level of consideration, fairness and indeed helpfulness in this thread as I have seen you show in so many others and encourage not deter readers from contributing so that they we may understand some of the more intricate points better. Thanks – Steve PS: I would like to say that it is nice to see Josiah Thompson posting here again as his book: ‘Six Seconds in Dallas’ is a personal favourite of mine. ..................................... Chris Davidson Posted: “To all concerned, How far down Elm in elevation, is Officer Martin than Towner? I would imagine this should be taken into account, when making height comparison's. chris” To which Craig Lamson replied: “Why? Compare the trunk lids from the Towner and Moorman images. In Towner you can't see much , if any of the width of the trunk lid. In Moorman, you see quite a bit of the width of the trunk lid. Towners camera was much lower than Moormans. Camea to subject distances are similar.” Bill Miller then wrote: “Craig ... its not hard for these guys to see the angle changes in things when the camera is at different levels. At one height the cross bar of the limo may fall on a horizontal plane, but when seen from above - it looks slanted. Its simply perspective and how everything works on a vanishing point on the horizon. This law of nature seems to continually go over their heads and this means they obviously don't understand its purpose as to how to read a picture. With that being said ... you are describing things that they have no comprehension as to what you are talking about. Bill”
  15. We can get into it another time on another thread John. To be honest I am more concerned and interested in this important thread that Cigdem has started. I find the comparison some are making between the abused becoming the abuser very fascinating, even though it is deeply disturbing. Steve The UK never once bombed Ireland. We did some unpleasant things in Northern Ireland but it was the IRA and not the UK government that targeted civilians. It is Israel that should be compared to terrorist groups such as the IRA. This is not entirely true John. Steve Do you mean it is not true of the UK government or the IRA?
  16. The UK never once bombed Ireland. We did some unpleasant things in Northern Ireland but it was the IRA and not the UK government that targeted civilians. It is Israel that should be compared to terrorist groups such as the IRA. This is not entirely true John. Steve
  17. Hi Bill, Actually I have just started reading Dale Myers book - With Malice - and that is the reason I asked if anyone had any information on Murray Jackson. I was just curious. Thanks anyway – Steve Steve, If you check out Dale Myers' JD Tippit web site I think you'll find some references there to Murray Jackson hanging out with Tippit at some joint, and being inspired by Tippit to become a cop. There's also a Murray Jackson in the White House detail who announced the President's death at Parkland Hospital. BK
  18. Hi Bernice, Would you be so kind as to repost the Bledsoe document please? Thanks - Steve *********************** Here it is Jack... B..
  19. Thanks Greg, I will take a look at it and post again soon. Steve
  20. Wow. I hope everything is ok James and wish you the very best of luck and a happy Xmas/New Year holiday. You will be missed, Steve Message from James Richards: "due to personal reasons, I have moved away from assassination research and will not be participating on the forum anymore."
  21. Thanks Greg, I have her testimony and have gone through that noting many mistakes and curious timely mentions to money (which seemed to be a big concern of hers). There’s no question that she seems to be a somewhat strange character and that’s why I wanted to find out more about her, but I could not find anything? No Birth or Death certificates, no previous employment records, no information or accounts about her from persons who may have knew her before Nov. 1963. Now I am still new to research and it can be a time consuming struggle for me that doesn’t always yield any results, so hence I thought it would be a good idea to ask here – not a great response as of yet but I am still hopeful. Thanks for your input Greg, I appreciate it. Steve Steve, From Mary's testimony, she was born ina a town "about 12 miles from Corsicanna, Tex" where her father had a maedical practice. She had one sibling - an older brother. Married at 17, had 2 kids and divorved in 1925. Stated she moved around a lot during the period she was married. The SS Death Index shows she was born July 11, 1896 and died March 15, 1969. This curious exchange in her testimony happens just after she gives a little of her background, including that she was divorcee: Mr. Ball. Your occupation has been that of a housewife? Mrs. Bledsoe. Yes. Well, I had rented rooms, but I had some money my father had given me. I had some money from him. So had she been in a de facto relationship? If so, did she have extra income all those years from her father and from boarders? Although she says she started renting rooms againfrom September, the impression I get is that she had not rented rooms prior - or if she had, it had been a long time since she had. I also like this exchange. It seems landladies all over Dallas had trouble with the name "Oswald" (recall that Oswald had claimed that he had not intended tom use the alias of OH Lee - it was the landlady at N Beckley who had trouble with real name...) Mrs. BLEDSOE. Uh-huh. And he said his name was Lee Oswald was what his name was, and I said, "Well, I can't think of that name Oswald, I will call you Lee."
  22. Did you ever receive any information relating to this James? Steve
  23. Is it a fact that Mac Wallace’s fingerprint was found on the 6th floor of the TSBD as Nathan Darby was “positive” of? – Who’s interview in TMWKK is among the most convincing of any witness in the JFK assassination case I have personally witnessed. He is absolutely certain that the print was a match. And if it is not a fact, then can someone direct me to evidence that adequately and satisfactory refutes it? Thanks - Steve
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