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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. What brought up the info. on Dave Robbins, do you know his location,or other info. on him. (Harry Dean)


    Robbins name came up in a conversation I was having with these Cuban guys here. It was regarding Robbins' relationship to Loran Hall and some discussions these guys had (and others) regarding assassinating JFK. One of these Cubans believes Hall knows what went down in Dallas and should be interviewed. I believe Hall and his son are doing some serious prison time in Kansas for drug related crimes (please someone correct me if I'm mistaken here).

    Recalling the story of Hall getting Hemming's rifle (Johnson) out of hock and supposedly being in Dallas, and Hemming's attempts to implicate Hall, sounds like both men were a bit worried about what the other knew and went on the attack.

    Anyway, I don't know where Robbins is or if he is still alive but he sure would be an interesting character to track down.

    I asked about Seymour as the suggestion was made that originally he may have been a dangle for the ONI. Hemming claimed much later that he was reporting to them. FWIW.


  2. It is interesting that Artime and his colleagues do not feel hostile to JFK. In fact they are full of praise for him and RFK for all the work they did behind the scenes in getting the survivors of Brigade 2506 released from Cuba. Their main hostility is directed to those right-wing politicians who attempted to stop this deal. They are also very hostile to the CIA and the Chiefs of Staff for their role in these events.

    I think it is clear that the idea that Anti-Castro Cubans killed JFK in revenge for the Bay of Pigs is absurd. If Anti-Castro Cubans were involved in the assassination, and I believe they were, they had other motives. They either did it for the money or they were promised some other form of reward, such as an invasion of Cuba and the overthrow of Castro. If that was the case, why did they not seek revenge when it became clear that they were not going to achieve their objectives. That they had been manipulated by figures in the CIA into taking part in the assassination. The only logical explanation is that they were already dead or they were too frightened to speak out. I think this helps to explain the deaths of Herminio Diaz Garcia and Eladio del Valle and the confession of Tony Cuesta. (John Simkin)

    I think John brings up a very valid point regarding Artime and his immediate cronies. I also believe that there was no way the Cuban exiles as an organized group were responsible for JFK's murder. Diaz Garcia was a gun for hire who just happened to be an exile. Whether the Dallas participants were Cuban exile, Agency asset, covert operator, Mob associate, adventurer, or shooter extraordinaire, I don't believe they were operating that day with any personal political agenda.

    Below is Pepe San Roman, JFK, Manuel Artime and Erneido Oliva.


  3. I suggested Hall, to Gabaldon as a campaign manager by way of

    attempting to 'ease my way out' and avoid further contacts with

    them. Past actions by most of the group including Gabaldon,

    involved in those pusedo anti-Castro efforts went out of business.

    I did not meet Billy Seymour he was simply just another adventurer

    introduced through Gabaldon in to the anti-Castro activities of Hall and the

    others. (Harry Dean)

    Thank you, Harry. I appreciate your replies which provide a valuable insight into what was going on at the time. Excellent stuff.

    And Wim, I had long hair until about 6 months ago. My wife finally convinced me that the 70's were actually over. :D


  4. Thanks, Harry. That is terrific information.

    You mentioned in an earlier post that you suggested to Gabaldon to recruit Loran Hall as his campaign manager. Apart from the fact that Hall could speak fluent Spanish, was there any other reasons in particular?

    Also, did you ever hear Seymour pass any derogatory comments about JFK?



  5. Bender also used the name Don Federico. I also believe William Morgan was one of Bender's guys.

    This photo below shows Manuel Artime second from the right, Tony Varona far left, and Droller far right. He is in shadow but I have an uncropped version of this image somewhere that shows him clearly. I will try to dig it up.

    The Artime/Varona relationship was a very interesting one.


  6. A bullet or bullets found in the grass is certainly an interesting possibility. If I remember correctly, didn't those involved (Walthers and Foster) deny finding a bullet when questioned years later?

    I also seem to remember that a bullet was found on the roof top of another building years later; maybe the County Records Building but I may be wrong there.

    In addition to the above, I also recall that about a week before the assassination, a shot was fired at a woman's car as it approached the Triple Underpass and lodged in her vehicle. Her name was Blackwell or something similar.



  7. Hi Harry,

    Regarding Joaquin Freire Diaz, his book is pretty hard to get but you can inquire at this email address - info@modernapoesia.com

    Failing that you can try this web address below.


    I don't know if he is still alive but if he is, he will be 91. He has a son who I believe is a talented musician. I don't know his current location though.

    Falling into the hands of G2 would have been terrifiying given their history of murders. Ballsy stuff, Harry. Thanks for the backstory, just amazing.



  8. Could this man Harold Bishop from the CIA, with ties to Cubans, actually be the man thought to have been Maurice Bishop a.k.a. David A. Phillips? (Antti Hynonen)

    Hi Antti,

    If I mess this up, then I'm sure I will be straightened out. The uniformed man on the right below is supposedly William Bishop, the man with strong ties to Felipe Vidal Santiago.

    In an interview Roy Hargraves (close friend to Vidal and fellow adventurer) gave, he claimed that he did not know this man. I believe Bishop was actually a character by the name of John Adrian O'Hare who is the first photo below.

    Col. Bishop is not Maurice Bishop (David Atlee Phillips).



  9. Good stuff, Harry. I imagine missions like that into Cuba would get a bit hairy if they didn't go quite to plan. Were there any tense moments or do it all go smoothly?

    Regarding Joaquin Freire, did he go on to write a book titled, 'Historia de los Municipios de Cuba'? I might have him mixed up with someone else.

    Also with Del Rosario, did he have anything to do with getting Pedro Diaz Lanz out. As you know, Diaz Lanz was the first 26th of July member to testify against Castro in a Senate hearing.

    Regarding the photo of you in Cuba, I am planning to make it part of the photo archives section of this site. Hopefully you won't mind me posting it here. By the way, it's a great photo. :ph34r:


  10. Good one, Don.

    In early 1963, Vidal met with a lawyer connected to 'The Citizen's Committee To Free Cuba'. The lawyer had spoken to Henry Cabot Lodge who heard from Walt Rostow that JFK wanted to open a dialogue with Cuba. To say the least, Vidal was not impressed. IMO, this was the genesis for assassination plans with Vidal at the helm. Like a snowball, things progressed from there. With guys like Morales, Barnes and Phillips having such dire personal feelings toward JFK, it wouldn't be difficult to gather support.

    Was the Walker assassination attempt a part of what was to eventually go down in Dallas? I have no doubt.

    The photo below was taken in mid September of 1963 at a parade of the Antonio Maceo Battalion. Present at this parade was Bernardo De Torres, Ed Collins and allegedly Vidal. One of the exiles I have made contact with claims the '57 Chevy (left center frame with rear door open) is the same one that was at Walker's house.

    Just some food for more thought.


  11. James, I have found those two articles from the Miami News very useful. Where did you get them? Do you have anymore? (John Simkin)

    John and interested forum members, I have found the following web site a gold mine of information. Just click on the flag of the Latin American country you are interested in or use the broader search facility. Much of it is in Spanish so make sure you spell any name correctly. From there you can translate the page by using the Google facility.


    Another excellent web site for general information and background is the Cold War museum.



  12. James I am not sure. I would only be gussing and that would be a 50/50 chance. I never met him but saw him one time I think. That was at Marathon Key at the airport across from Jack Tarrs resort. But I am not sure if this guy was around that early (1960-1962) I would say the fellow on the right, but as I said its only a guess. Not really much help. Was he ever at "Dodge Island? (Tosh Plumlee)

    Thanks Tosh. I know it is difficult given the years and I appreciate your efforts.

    I have no idea regarding Dodge Island.

    Also, if Diosdado is in the photo, he is the guy on the right. Again, I appreciate your reply.


  13. James; Yes. Years ago. I did not know him personally, but he signed off on the radar time tables of covert flights coming into the USA and Leaving the USA through the ADIZ (Aircraft Defense Identifications Zones) We were given these time tables by Customs so as not to be intercepted by Customs or Border Patrol survailance. It was the same MO used as far back as 1960 and to some degree used all the way up to the late seventies. I am not sure when he was connected with that, but our information came from Miami Station and the Miami Desk of the CIA. I think "The Fish are Red" (1976) and "Deadly Secrets" (? 198?) explains how this was done and why.

    Am I talking about the same person? My memory is F'ed as some have told me.. Thanks for the question James. (Tosh Plumlee)

    Thanks, Tosh. I appreciate the reply. Diosdado is certainly an interesting character. I know it was a long time ago, but is it a possibility that one of these guys below is Diosdado?



  14. Holt didn't have hairy arms. Nor has the man in the New Orleans picture.

    I think we have some light and shadow issues with these images here. I can see how Ryan would interpret the guy as having hairy arms as I did the same. The first attachment below shows the guy who I suspect as being in New Orleans on the left. The second attachment I believe is better light wise for the man on the far right.



  15. In any case, there seems to have been an effort to blame de Valle's murder on a money dispute or something about Masferrer's Haiti invasion and not on de Valle's alleged involvement in the assassination. (Ron Ecker)

    Good one, Ron. Yes, I believe there was a deliberate attempt to deflect attention here. Theodosio Bahadue below.


  16. What's the deal with Gerry Hemmings?

    He's in the photos of Dealey Plaza and was active in Interpen, is that right? (Shanet Clark)


    There was a photo taken at the corner of Main and Houston that shows a man who strongly resembles Gerry Hemming. Gerry has claimed it is not him but a doppelganger named John Orr.

    Gerry was at the helm of Interpen which was formed in 1961. He was extremely active throughout the anti-Castro movement at the time.

    Some time back, Gerry did join the JFKresearch forum for a time and was swamped with questions. If my memory serves me correctly, I think he only posted a few times and they were broad overviews of the times.

    I know John is trying to get Gerry to join the forum which would be terrific. The other guy who would be a wonderful asset to the forum is Howard K. Davis who is an absolute gentleman.


  17. John,

    I do believe that there was a plan to implicate several Mafia members if needed. Let's face it, the Mafia did it routine got some play after the HSCA. Guys like Ferrie, Ruby and Harrelson all spring to mind as potential fall guys.


  18. It has been generally accepted that Jim Braden aka Eugene Hale Brading was photographed wandering through Dealey Plaza not long after the assassination. I was hoping to get some opinions from forum members whether or not they believe the ID is rock solid or is there some room for doubt.


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