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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Thanks James. Very informative. I knew they were still doing missions as late as 1968-69. I had gone to the site in the Everglades about 1967, and another one in 1991, but not as an operative. I knew Alpha 66 was still very active. I think Narzario Sergen was "Military plans director" about that time, I think, but not sure. The place I went to in the Everglades was called by some..., "The Farm". Anything on that stagging area or trainning site will be appreciated. If I remember, there was a Communications site not far away.. Thanks again for the memory jog..., (Tosh Plumlee)


    I don't have a lot on the Everglades camp except that Menoyo was running it after a huge injection of cash. In mid 1963 it seemed to be under the direction of Alpha 66 but I believe that was very short term. I know Menoyo knows a lot more about the assassination than he has let on. After his long prison term, he went back to Cuba and he and Castro became chummy for the cameras. A few years ago, I sent Menoyo several letters but he has yet to reply.

    You are correct about Sargen as Military Plans Director. BTW, below is a shot of Sargen (on the right). Any ideas who the guy on the left is?


  2. I did not know when he died or was killed.. Strange these two died the same year.... Thanks James for the information. (Tosh Plumlee)


    Both men, Perez and Mendez, were killed while on missions for Alpha 66. It was a case of being sent into hostile territory unprepared; similar to Felipe Vidal Santiago in 1964 and Tony Cuesta in 1966. Mendez was wounded in an earlier mission during 1970 in the Escambrey Mountains. He returned to the US before heading back to Cuba only to be killed.

    In the summer of 1963, Mendez was training exiles in an Everglades camp run by Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo. Herminio Diaz Garcia also spent some time at this camp.

    This photo below shows Mendez in the center of frame. That is Herminio Diaz Garcia on the left partially hidden by the man in the cap.


  3. No. Anybody we know? (Jack White)


    I have been told that the bare-chested guy 3rd from the right (the one who looks like his throat is being cut) is Lee Oswald. I have been unable to find anyone who can confirm or deny it.

    My instant reaction is that it is not Oswald. Then again, my list of wrong assertions is long and impressive. :o


  4. Wim,

    In gallery 5, there is a photo of this man below. In answer to the questions posed, his name is Jose Rodriguez Perez and he was killed in April of 1970.

    As to the other guy, could that be Vicente Mendez also killed in 1970? The exact date escapes me for now.

    Am I right?


  5. What makes you believe the man in the white T shirt is names "Saul"? (Wim Dankbaar)

    Hi Wim,

    The name was offered by a couple of ex Interpen guys who thought the guy on the right in my comparison strongly resembled a character named "Saul". Whether or not this is the Saul Sague as mentioned by others, I have no idea. The fact that he was photographed with Roscoe White also stirred my curiosity.

    I thought this "Saul" character bore a strong resemblance to the Mexico Oswald. Pure speculation of course.



  6. He looks extreamely familiar to me. The Dallas Cubans on Harlendale Street; Alpha-66, Red Bird, Miami. ?? I think our paths crossed in Dallas and Miami. But, I can't remember the details, or for sure. I wonder if he too, knew Rosellie? Or, Fred Black, Ed Morgan?

    Morgan was a FBI agent I think during the war (WWII) You mentioned Maheu. Did he have an attorney by the name of "Morgan"? And too, seems I read something about an Ed Morgan and Wild Bill Harvey. I do remember that Rosellie met an Ed (Pete) Morgan in Galveston.. (note; I flew John Martino, Rosellie, and another man to Galveston Texas, from Houston around the Spring of 63 to meet with a Morgan...?? money to buy surplus aircraft)

    (reference; FBI 105 file and 62.., Plumlee/Rosellie file)

    Is there a cross index data bank somewhere to run these names through?

    Thanks for you time on this. Tosh (Tosh Plumlee)


    A cross index data bank would be really helpful.

    I am going on spotty information but the Red Bird, Dallas Alpha 66, Miami possibility is very interesting. His connection to Roselli comes through Maheu. I believe this originally comes out of the early CIA/Mafia attempts to whack Castro. I suspect that Roselli went to Trafficante's ghoul Herminio Diaz Garcia from the Hotel Habana-Rivera for this and that our mystery man had some kind of US based involvement. After the assassination (December 1963), our mystery man and Diaz Garcia may have been involved in an assassination attempt against Castro and later in about 1965 they may have been mixed up with weapons sales to Norman Rothman.

    You may have gathered that I am thinking this guy might have been a Dealey Plaza shooter.


  7. Thanks James. I apreciate the information and clarification. Did this person hang around at 'Red Bird Airport' at the Hangers that Howard Hughes built and used for a short time? Do you know if he used to go to the Thunderbird Inn in Las Vegas? Did he know or was a friend of "Fred B Black", before he went with North American Aviation? Any direct ties to Wm. P Morgan and John Rosellie? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks Tosh (Tosh Plumlee)


    Unfortunately I can't answer your questions but I sure wish I could. This guy supposedly had a military background (Marines) and had a reputation as a sharpshooter. After his time with Hughes, he became familiar to several of the Miami anti-Castro guys (late 1962 to mid 1963). What exactly he was doing I don't know. There is also supposedly a connection to Manuel Orcarberrio (Dallas Alpha 66) so your question about hanging around Red Bird Airport is interesting indeed.

    Sorry for the lack of information.


  8. Also pictures supplied (or incerted) at the time, have been mis-labeled. With all due respect. It does not matter how I know. But,I know. (Tosh Plumlee)

    No problems, Tosh. I understand that elaboration at times is impossible.

    Regarding the mis-labeled images, are you referring to the guy at No Name Key or am I confused again? :(


  9. Hi Tosh,

    Sorry I didn't get around to reposting this one the other day. Anyway, here is the image below. I can tell you it isn't Bernardo De Torres. What I can tell you is that this guy was a bodyguard for a short time for Howard Hughes and was somehow connected to Robert Maheu and John Roselli. This image was snapped in either San Diego or Las Vegas.


  10. James, what have you got on Spenser. He wrote a great deal on Masferrer ops involving (other El Indio) Fuller and those Navas Bay raiders? Was he from Swank Mag? (Christy Cox)


    I don't have a lot on Spencer except that he was British and was famous for taking lots of terrific shots of The Beatles. I believe a book was published with these images.

    Andrew St George is interesting though and it would be easy to put him on Op Tilt but he wasn't there - not in any official capacity anyway. He did mix with several of the guys who participated as this photo below shows. That is St. George in the middle. Luis Cantin is on the far left and he was one of the Tilt guys. So much for going missing. The other guys in the photo were from Commandos L. I may have something interesting on one of these guys in the near future.


  11. Christy and Tosh,

    Are we talking pictures of Eugene Thane Cesar? I get confused easily. :(

    A Cesar comparison below - images being a few years apart. I understand Tosh, if you don't wish to elaborate but was there a connection between Cesar, Hemming and Hargraves that you are aware of? Also had you heard the chatter that Hemming was in Sirhan's apartment before the LAPD?

    And Christy, I was hoping to get to Dallas this November but some work has come up in Port Douglas which was too good to knock back. My plan is to visit Dallas next year and we can down those ales. ;)


  12. James: The man 3rd from left front row I think I know, but cannot recall. The man standing to the left of the lady in the dress I also know, but from the time frame of around 1957-58. Gun-running. Is Carlos Piro Socarras (?) in the picture? My memory fails me. The only one who could be the 'Gator" I have spoken and on my flight (if he is in this picture and I can not be sure of that.., is the person on the back right standing behind the little Lady," Mrs Rosa" Romaros(?) a friend of old man Rojas who was executed by Fidel Castro in Feb. 1959. Rojas had been with the Batista Secret Police. He was the grandfather of the Rojas who used to work for Cabana Airlines, Havana, Miami, before going with the CIA anti-Castro rebels around 1961. He was my pilot on some of the flights into Cuba and Dallas. (1962-63) Rojas could have been standing out of view, next to Rosa. (rt) I'll get back to it. (the picture) Tosh (Tosh Plumlee)


    I don't think Prio is in the photo but it was at about this time he hooked up with Ramon Grau San Martin and Carlos Hevia.

    You are spot on with Gator. There is a photo of this guy with Larry LaBorde that I can't get my hands on at the moment. That should show him more clearly. Fingers crossed.

    Thanks, Tosh. Good work.


  13. From left to right front row: 1. "Eddie Collins", 2. not sure, 3."Carriles".. the postman.., or perhaps " Howard Hunt", not real sure. 4. "Elando Devalle" 5. "Nazario Sargen", 6. "The Bull' Torres, 'El Toro'. 7 (?) "Bosch, Orlando" 8. "John Martino" In the background: left to right: 9. man in white shirt, "Felipe" could be Santiago". 10. (?) I think is a person who some called "Cowboy". (Tosh Plumlee)


    Thanks for your initial thoughts. I can confirm the Collins ID and Bernardo de Torres is the guy 4th from the right. I can also tell you this image was snapped in Miami in mid September of 1963 by Tom Dunkin - most likely around the 17th.

    I believe you are correct that this was an old Alpha 66 training site but this day was for a parade of the Antoneo Maceo Battalion which I believe was slightly deluded in believeing that they were going to get any support for their actions against Cuba.

    I have an unconfirmed report that De Torres told several of the exiles there that he and Collins were on their way to Dallas to as he said, "take care of some business."

    It is my belief that about a week after this photograph was taken, De Torres showed up at Sylvia Odio's using the name Leopoldo.

    Also regarding this day in September 1963, I believe John Martino was under the impression that he met Lee Harvey Oswald but in fact it was William Seymour who under the orders of the plotters, may have been being tested as to his acting abilities.

    Here is another image of that day below. It is De Torres again (on the left) with a guy who bears a striking similarity to Jose Perdomo. Perdomo may have been the Sam Jenis who Frank Sturgis was reporting to in 1959 but I can't get that confirmed or not. Any ideas?

    Also, Perdomo was the one who was working as the Dakota building doorman when John Lennon was shot.

    Thanks again for your imput on this, it is most valuable.


  14. Incredible photo of Lansdale and Ollie. I need a copy of that photo you posted earlier this week with the tents and nine or ten gentlemen in it. I can't remember or find which thead it's on. I'm kicking myself that I didn't save it at the time. Please. (Tim Carroll)


    If we are talking about the same image, it is about halfway down this page.


    I know we have had some email troubles in the past, but can you resend your email address? If you have any specific photo requests then we won't have to take up any of John's bandwidth.


  15. Tosh,

    To continue the Gator/El Gato possibilities, I have dug up this image below. Do any of the guys standing in the background look familiar? Sorry about the ordinary quality. I know this is difficult given that it is such a long time ago.

    BTW, that is Ramon Grau San Martin seated in the center and Tony Varona seated on the far right.


  16. Shanet,

    As to the possible Lansdale photo with the tramps, I am still sitting on the fence with that one. My reasons are that I'm not convinced on the 3 Tramps photographs themselves. To me, they look staged which is balking me from any kind of solid commitment to the issue.

    E. Howard Hunt, Chauncey Holt, Charles Harrelson, Charles Rogers and a host of others having been offered as to who these guys were. If the photographs weren't staged to create confusion and or disinformation then they have certainly served that purpose. I have been guilty of stirring the pot myself with some proposed identifications (see below). What I don't buy is the official Doyle, Gedney and Abrams identifications.

    Having said that, the individual below sure looks like Ed Lansdale. There certainly was a host of suspicious looking individuals wandering around Dealey Plaza that day. B)

    Prouty has some passionate supporters and his information seems very solid even though the likes of McAdams have gone after him. Personally I have never looked at the timelines regarding him being in New Zealand and the suspicious timing of the local reporting so I can't comment there.

    All in all, Lansdale was in a position to be a part of the Dallas operation, I just haven't locked him in as a definite possible.



  17. What do you think of Tim's pictures of the Classic Marksman

    over on the triple underpass thread?

    Is it a shooter, and where exactly is he? (Shanet Clark)

    I've transplanted Shanet's question into this thread.

    The jury is still out for me on this one. I take Ron's points as well as Tim's argument for it.

    The bottom line is I just don't know. It would be wonderful to get this image to one of those Hollywood editing suites where they can clarify blurs and whatnot. Anyone know George Lucas?

    Seriously, putting this image to a digital test might be interesting indeed.



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