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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Hi Greg,

    I don't know which Dallas airport but like you, I found the image intriguing mainly because the guy on the right looks a lot like FBI agent Robert Barrett. He was photographed earlier in the day by Tom Dillard (see below) interviewing Officer Nick MacDonald who as you know was involved in the arrest of Oswald.

    If this is Barrett, then the obvious question is what did MacDonald tell him? If it is not Barrett then why are the DPD checking luggage when they supposedly already had their man?


  2. I am wondering if anyone knows the circumstances of this image below?

    I can tell you the photograph was taken by Don Cravens on the afternoon of the 22nd of November, 1963. Were the DPD regularly checking outgoing luggage that day? If so, the tarmac seems like a strange place to do it.


  3. Regarding the photo archives:

    The idea behind the archives is to present a collection of assassination related images which can be accessed from the one site. In selecting images, I have tried to include a broad overview so that people new to the case can get a feel for this tragic event.

    As the archive grows, individuals connected (in some shape or form) to the events in Dallas will be included. For students, it is always nice to be able to put a face to a name.

    To seasoned researchers, most of these images are nothing new, but for people who are starting to research the assassination, they will hopefully find the archive of some help.


  4. Below is a letter James McCord wrote to Judge Sirica before sentencing in the Watergate case. Given that I believe several of the players were also involved with what happened in Dallas in 1963, I thought this interesting.

    Among other things, McCord says that Watergate was not a CIA operation. Reading between the lines and maybe I am being overly analytical here, but I get the feeling that McCord is hinting at something deeper than what happened at Watergate.



  5. John,

    At the risk of sounding pedantic, Operation Tilt was summer of 1963, not 1962. I know that was just a typo.

    Speaking of 'Tilt', here are 2 very interesting characters who participated on that infamous operation. Virgilio Gonzalez on the left and Eugenio Martinez on the right. These guys later popped up as Watergate burglars.


  6. Nancy,

    The Novo Brothers would be in their late 60's early 70's now. The fact that they might be frail doesn't diminish them as dangers to society. They have extensive networks of contacts who are more than willing to do their dirty work.

    Guys like Luis Posada Carriles, that idiot Felix Rodriguez, Jorge Mas Canosa, Jose Perdomo, Jose Basulto, and Jose 'Yayo' Varona went through the training at Fort Benning during 1963 and have been utilized over the years by the government as well as being active in their own personal causes.

    Below is a collection of these government trained Cubans, some of which have been responsible for much death and mayhem.



  7. James in the picture above who is the older man? :clapping

    Hi Nancy,

    The man on the left is Pedro Remon Rodriguez and the one on the right is Luis Posada Carriles.

    Regarding John's post as the drive to Dallas re Marita Lorenz, Pedro Diaz Lanz is a strange one to pull out of the hat as most considered him a snitch.

    Anyway, below is a contemporary image of Guillermo Novo (left) and Pedro Diaz Lanz circa early 1960's.


  8. Just thought I would post this contemporary image of Posada and his murdering crony Pedro Remon Rodriguez. When one ponders how Lee Harvey Oswald can officially be blamed for the death of a US President and a Dallas police officer when innocent, and then murdered himself while guys like the ones below, who are responsible for dozens of deaths are able to walk free, it just highlights the cruel injustices of our world and the depth of official corruption.

    James (angry and frustrated) :clapping

  9. According to Gaeton Fonzi (The Last Investigation), Posada was a former lieutenant in the United States Army, where he took an intelligence staff officer course. Does anyone have any information on this.


    I am unable to cite a source just now as my notes are a complete mess but according to the State Department, Posada was appointed as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army in March of 1963. This was under the Cuban exile volunteer program. He served until September 1966. Files held by the Department of Army indicated that extensive records existed on Posada before his appointment to active duty. This information related to his supposed involvement in violent Cuban exile activities in Florida and Latin America. There were also mentions of possible violations of United States federal statutes. The Intelligence staff officer course varied between 2 and 9 weeks and was designed to build skills which would help create effective and cooperative groups.

    It's my opinion that if Posada was going to be recruited into the plot for Dallas then his role would not have been that of a shooter (which he had shown no penchant for) but explosives. If there was an explosive device set as some kind of back-up plan in Dealey Plaza or the immediate surrounds, then I believe one should be looking at Roy Hargraves. With that, I don't believe Posada played a part in the death of JFK.



  10. I should have elaborated on that loose connection between Shore and the movie, 'Pajama Party'.

    It is via the guy who composed the score, Les Baxter. Baxter was a close friend of Sinatra's and did lots of big band arrangements for him. Baxter recorded 5 albums for Reprise during the 1962 - 64 period. Shore being the ad exec at Reprise was behind the industry push.



  11. I'm not sure how relevant any of this is but there was a book written about Sinatra titled 'All The Way: A Biography Of Frank Sinatra' by Michael Freedman. Industry insiders say that the book was actually authored by Mike Shore.

    Also Shore was loosely connected to the production of a film in 1964 called 'Pajama Party'. Interestingly enough, Dorothy Kilgallen made an uncredited cameo appearance in the film. Also cast in the movie was Kerry Kollmar, third child to Kilgallen and Dick Kollmar.

    Kerry went on to set-up a thing called Martial Hearts which is a self-defense organization committed to stopping violence against women.

    Kerry can be contacted via this email address - kkollmar@ix.netcom.com

    Maybe there is an interesting perspective here on offer, even though Kerry was only a child at the time.



  12. Hi Wim,

    Cele is still around and posts to a mailing list every now and then which is where the article came from. He is an amiable gentleman and very knowledgeable.

    As to why he didn't mention certain things, I guess you will have to ask him.

    Anyone who wants on the mailing list can email him at - powderburns@prodigy.net

    Maybe John can ask him to join the forum. I know he would be a valuable source of information.


  13. The legendary DEA agent and Vietnam vet Cele Castillo has some very strong views on Rodriguez and his cronies.







    “A.K.A”: MAX GOMEZ

    This is a respond to John WEISMAN, guest editorial on SOLDIER OF FORTUNE MAGAZINE, Dated: October 2004. The editorial was critical on Senator John Kerry 1988 investigation on Felix RODRIGUEZ’S drug trafficking organization.

    On September 6, 2004, I email SOF with the request for a rebuttal on WEISMAN’S story. On September 7, & 8, I did receive some instructions in submitting my story but was forewarned that my story might not be published. SOF also strongly suggested that I should reflect on my accusations before making them. I was further warned that Mr. Robert BROWN, editor/publisher of the magazine was well aware of my emails and stated that he does not respond well to such accusations. I guess WIESMAN’S bias and misleading accusations did not have to be accountable to Mr. BROWN.

    I would like to set the record straight, with facts, as to Felix RODRIGUEZ involvement in terrorism and drug trafficking. First and foremost, FELIX is in no way, shape, or form, an American PATRIOT. If any thing, he is considered, the bastard child of our intelligence community, along with his friend Luis POSADA Carriles. As you read the following, you will see for the first time ever, from a former drug agent’s point of view, how FELIX was involved in a continuing criminal enterprise and got away with it.

    In WEISMAN’S story, he initiates his story by trashing Sen. John Kerry for doing his job (Senate Subcommittee on Narcotics, Terrorism and International Operations) in investigating FELIX. But most important, WEISMAN deliberately or not, ignored some significant facts narco-terrorist surrounding FELIX.

    From 1985-1991, I was posted in Central America as one of a handful of DEA agents. After receiving drug intelligence from the FBI and the DEA, I was able to initiate several drug cases on members of FELIX’S organization. The illegal operations were conducted out of HANGER 4 at Ilopango Air Base in El Salvador, with the approval of FELIX’S boss, Lt. Col. Oliver NORTH. Some of the intelligence was filtered to Sen. John Kerry but most was not because they had remained as open cases. For example the Washington DC, DEA office initiated case file: GFGD-91-9139 on Oliver NORTH. NORTH was documented as smuggling weapons into the Philippines with known drug traffickers.

    On the issue of Che, WEISMAN writes that FELIX was instrumental in the capture of Che Guevara, insinuating that FELIX was on the ground or was a major contributor to the capture. SOF went as far as printing a picture of FELIX standing next to Che. FELIX is wearing clean web gear and what looks like a clean shirt, as compare to Che. The capture was made by Bolivian troops; some members of the U. S. backed Second Ranger Battalion. A few months prior, FELIX and his other CIA companion (Dr. GONZALES) had allegedly tortured captured members of Che’s little army. After flying in after the capture of Che, FELIX proceeded to interrogated Che, and of course Che did not disclosed anything. FELIX allegedly stole Che’s Rolex watch. According to Fidel Castro, he had given a Rolex to every Cuban member of Che’s small army. Che allegedly had two Rolex watches with him. The other one belonged to a fallen member of Che’s army. FELIX then claims that orders, to assassinate Che, had come down from the Bolivians. After the assassination they amputated Che’s hands for proper identification for the CIA. (Que macho! How brave) WEISMAN claimed that the Bolivians refuse to transport Che to Panama for interrogation. When I read that part, I started to laugh. In my six years, in Latin America, I had never heard of a third world country tell the CIA what to do. By the way FELIX, there is no Statue of Limitation for MURDER.

    On a final word on Che. Che was a unique individual, his incapability to step away from suffering, to step over the homeless or the sick, or to ignore the submission of native populations makes him more of a champion than a rebel; a champion of social justice rather than a rebel against the status quo. While his politics may be questioned, his dedication and passion cannot. Che lived and died for his beliefs in a way that few others have matched. Che is still alive, his message as relevant as ever. He remains his own “new man,” a vigilant warrior in the battle for what he saw as a better world.

    FELIX is a Cuban refugee who joined the CIA in 1960. FELIX’S family had to flee Castro’s 1959 revolution. FELIX became involved with the Bay of Pigs fiasco invasion of Cuba. Of course, FELIX was not on the grounds with the troops. In 1960, FELIX, Luis POSADA Carriles, (please keep this name in mind), Rafael “Chi Chi” QUINTERO and others were allegedly trained as assassins and drug-traffickers. At the CIA’s Miami Station, FELIX and company were trained under CIA Miami Station Chief Theodore G. SHACKLEY for Operation MONGOOSE. This operation was focusing on the assassination on Fidel Castro.

    On June 1970, “OPERATION EAGLE”, a federal strike force in 10 major cities around the country derailed one of the biggest hard-drug networks of all time. The organization was responsible for distributing 30 percent of all heroin sales and up to 80 percent of all cocaine in the Unites States. Approximately 70% of those arrested had once belonged to the Bay of Pigs invasion force. According to the New York Times, a Cuban exiles terrorist network known as “Operation 40” orchestrated this drug trafficking organization. Some members of this operation were identified as FELIX, Luis POSADA, Chi Chi QUINTERO and others.

    FELIX then immediately followed SHACKLEY to Southeast Asia in 1970. SHACKLEY and CIA officer Donald GREGG (also please keep this name in mind) directed FELIX’S activities during the Indochina war. During that time, SHACKLEY and company directed the implementation of the Civilian Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS) program, better known as OPERATION PHOENIX, a genocidal crime against humanity which killed tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians because they were suspected of working for the Vietcong. On the other hand, WEISMAN states that FELIX pioneered, developed, and refined a revolutionary counterinsurgency technique... WEISMAN cut through the chase! It was known of Operation PHOENIX.

    SHACKLEY funded opium-growing MEO tribesmen in murder, and used the drug proceeds in turn to fund his hit squads. He formed the Military Assistance Group-Special Operations Group (MAG-SOG) political murder unit; Gen. John K. SINGLAUB was a commander of MAG-SOG. By 1971, the SHACKLEY’S group had killed approximately 100,000 civilians in Southeast Asia. DEA SA Michael Levine conducted undercover operations during that time in Southeast Asia. I myself was also in Vietnam during that time.

    In August 1982, then Vice-President George BUSH hired Donald P. GREGG as his principal adviser on national security affairs. On March 17, 1983, FELIX met BUSH’S aide GREGG, officially and secretly, at the White House. GREGG then recommended FELIX’S plan to National Security Council adviser Robert McFARLANE. It was a plan for EL SALVADOR where military attacks would be conducted on a target area of Central American nations including NICARAGUA. The plan was written a year prior that grew out of two experiences: “—Anti Vietcong operations run under my direction in III Corps Vietnam from 1970-1972. And that these operations were based on…a small elite force…produced very favorable results.” It would be a version of the PHOENIX program.

    The following are excerpts from the typed transcript of the GREGG’S hearings nomination for U.S. Ambassador to Korea.

    GREGG: …he FELIX brought me in ’83 the plan, which I have already discussed with Senator Cranston…

    Sen. Cranston: Let me quote again from the New York Times, George BUSH quoted October 13, ’86. BUSH said, “To the best of my knowledge, this man, FELIX RODRIGUEZ, is not working for the United States Government.”

    On Nov. 1, 1984, the FBI arrested FELIX partner, Gerard LATCHINIAN. LATCHINIAN was convicted of smuggling $10.3 million in cocaine into the United States. The dope was intended to finance the overthrow and murder of the President of HONDURAS. A year previous to the arrest, FELIX had filed the annual registration with Florida’s secretary of state on behalf of LATCHINIAN and Rodriguez’s enterprise, GIRO AVIATION CORP.

    John Kerry’s subcommittee, not only battered the REAGAN administration for its support of the so call anticommunist movement but was also instrumental in defeating BUSH Sr. relection. Approximately a week prior to the election, the IRAN-CONTRA investigation came back and bit BUSH in the ass. However, most important, FELIX’S misdeeds made a great contribution to the defeat.

    On the allegation of the $10 MILLION of drug money that was offered to FELIX, for the support of the CONTRAS, I happened to agree with WEISMAN. Mr. Ramon MILIAN - Rodriguez, another Cuban exile, did fail a polygraph examination. However, what WEISMAN failed to mention was that during the drug trafficking trial of Manuel NORIEGA, several years later, the government’s star witnesses, former co-founder of the MEDELLIN cartel and transportation boss Carlos LEHDER, confirmed, under oath, that the cartel had given the CONTRAS $10 million, just as MILIAN had testified. LEHDER said he arranged for the donation himself. I guess that is why polygraph examinations are not admissible in court.

    Of course, when everything fails, blame it on the Cubans. According to WEISMAN’S story, FELIX stated, “Senator, you should know there is a disinformation apparatus within the Soviet and Cuban intelligence services, it is in the best interests of the Soviet and the Cubans that the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters do not prevail.” I have heard Oliver NORTH use the same excuse.

    And, last but not least, on August 18, 1985, FELIX allegedly assisted Luis POSADA Carriles escaped from prison in Venezuela, where he was being held for his participating in the terrorist bombing of a Cuban airline. Seventy-two (72) civilians perished in that terrorist act. POSADA then used forged documents falsely identifying him as a Venezuela named “Ramon MEDINA.” POSADA then flew to El Salvador where he lived with FELIX for a few days and assisted FELIX on the Contra operations at hanger 4 at Ilopango.

    Sen. Kerry: Do you recall the downing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 in which 72 people lost their lives as a result; do you remember that?

    Gregg: Yes.

    Sen. Kerry: A terrorist bomb. And a Cuban-American named Luis POSADA was arrested In Venezuela in connection with that. He then escaped in 1985 with assistance from FELIX…

    Gregg: It is.

    Sen. Kerry: Okay and he brought him to Central America to help the Contras under pseudonym of Ramon MEDINA, Correct.

    Gregg: Now, I know that; yes.

    Sen. Kerry…Is it appropriate for a Felix RODRIGUEZ to help a man indicted in a terrorist bombing to escape from prison, and then appropriate for him to take him to become involved in supply operation, which we are supporting?

    Gregg: I cannot justify that sir…

    Luis POSADA was a veteran CIA agent with a history of involvement with drug traffickers, mobster, and terrorists. In 2002, he was once again arrested in Panama in an endeavor to assassinate Fidel Castro. In August of this year, the former president of Panama, as she left office, pardons POSADA. POSADA ended up in Honduras with a fictitious U.S. passport. Never mind that there are still warrants for his arrest for escaping from Venezuela. Blowback is our government’s terminology of those trained by the US government who use their expertise later to embarrass our interest. FELIX and POSADA should take responsibility for why we had 9-11. The United States have been one of the worst human rights violator in the World. I don’t have to give you a history on our events.

    “Top Secret” and later declassified, interview of Walter L. GRASHEIM (CIA operative): “GRASHEIM came up with the idea to prepare a military raid on an airport in Nicaragua, using Tamarindo as a staging base. GRASHEIM told General Gorman this and then right after, RODRIGUEZ came to see GRASHEIM without warning and asked to talk about the idea…RODRIGUEZ told GRASHEIM that he was talking to the White House and NSC but he didn’t tell him any specifics…RODRIGUEZ did tell GRASHEIM that he talked to (then) Vice President George BUSH.”

    Most of the above criminal activities to over throw the Nicaraguan government were prohibited under several Boland Amendments in the 1980s. I can continue on and on with documenting government documents, seizure, arrest of individuals, and testimonies of others that came out of FELIX”S narco-terrorist organizations. All my allegations are well documented in newspapers, books, and declassified government documents that I was able to obtain, before President George W. BUSH reclassified them as “Top Secret”. Furthermore, you will be able to find several reports from different government bipartisan investigations, especially a “REPORT OF INVESTIGATION” from The Office of Inspector General Investigations. It is subtitle as “Allegations of Connections Between CIA and The Contras In Cocaine Trafficking to the United States” (96-0143-IG) Volume I: The California Story dated: January 29, 1998.

    Now, you may question as to why FELIX was never arrested for these allegations. The answer, is simple, he is well protected because as they say, “he knows where the bodies are buried.” However, the FBI, DEA and CIA files don’t lie. Case file numbers and footnotes are available upon request. Furthermore, FELIX knows that at the end of the day, if he had been arrested, there would have been a probability that he would had been pardon, as his friends were, when they had been arrested on the Iran-Contra investigation.

    WEISMAN, you just opened a new can of worms, just a few months before the presidential election. I thank you in advance. And as for FELIX, you must feel “muy macho” in having a photograph of Che’s amputated hands hanging in your home.

    Celerino “Cele” Castillo, 3rd

    Vietnam Combative Veteran

    Author of Powderburns, Cocaine, Contras & The Drug War

  14. Wim,

    Apart from your guy looking a lot like a young Lou Reed, he does bear a resemblance to Larry Ronco. I haven't been able to find out much about Ronco other than he was a small time player with unconfirmed claims that he was offered a contract to kill Castro. I seriously doubt that was the case but he left Dallas after the assassination and seemingly disappeared. He was also knocking around with Bev Oliver in the summer of 1963 but was supposedly seeing Janet Conforto (Jada) at the time of the assassination.

    The group shot below shows Bev on the far left, Ronco, an unidentified woman and a guy who looks a bit like the Tall Tramp or as I like to call him, Charles Harrelson. :o

    I believe Bev said that the guy on the far right was named Emmit Anderson.



  15. Greg,

    Fascinating topic and a very interesting intial post as you make some very good points. The whole Hidell thing seems to tread some very muddy waters, something the Intelligence world loves to create. Hoover's memo of 1960 where he says that someone might be using the Oswald alias suggests that both the names Oswald and Hidell were selected for various on-going Intelligence operations.

    It seems to me (and some will disagree) that Oswald didn't shoot anyone on the 22nd of November 1963 so whoever killed Tippit was carrying the Hidell ID. Leaving the ID at the murder scene (like all good criminals do) was an overt and obvious attempt to tie him to the purchase of the weapons and just screams a last minute decision made under some duress. Surely this could not have been a part of the original plan? Something that sloppy is definitely open to some question. So I guess the questions are, if Tippit wasn't supposed to be shot (re original plan), where would the Hidell ID have surfaced and why was Tippit's killer carrying it?

    Just thinking aloud here.


  16. Thanks, Larry.

    I knew Santana had mixed with the JM/WAVE crowd and that there were some unconfirmed reports of he and his brother spending some time at the various Florida Keys training camps. Smith on the other hand just didn't seem to fit.

    I had always felt that the Cheramie story was open to interpretation due to the identifications of these 2 individuals.

    Of course that doesn't mean that Santana is out of the equation. However, Smith being present is dubious to say the least. IMO.


  17. Thanks, Larry.

    We know that Rose's 2 travelling companions have been identified as Emilio Santana and Sergio Acarcha Smith but do you know if any link (apart from this incident) between these guys has ever been unearthed?

    I am far from a full bottle on this aspect and these individuals but it just seems that Smith and Santana seem like a very odd couple.


  18. Pedro Remon Rodriguez (associate of Posada Carriles) is another who has been able to run free after being responsible for much death and mayhem. Remon was a member of Brigade 2506 and his resume includes the death of Felix Garcia Rodriguez.

    Others who have been protected by the government are Felipe De Diego, Reinaldo Pico and Jose Perdomo.


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