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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Lindyboo,

    I may be wrong but I believe that comment came from a History Channel documentary which was a part of their 'History's Mysteries' series. It was about Jack Ruby and singulary failed to scratch the surface of Ruby and his connections.

    That comment and the cryptic statement he made about being 'put in the position he was', was passed off as the ramblings of burgeoning insanity.

    I too was taken aback by the comment. I'm also positive I have seen that particular clip in another documentary which escapes me for the moment.



  2. Therefore I expect it was done by non-professional gunmen. Probably, members of Alpha 66. They could also be got rid of by setting them up on a mission to kill Castro soon afterwards.


    An solid argument can be made to support that. I believe Herminio Diaz Garcia was a shooter in the TSBD and Tony Cuesta was his spotter. I also believe Felipe Vidal Santiago was the Cuban down on Elm Street. These men indeed participated in suspect missions into Cuba where they landed in hostile territory. Diaz Garcia being killed and Cuesta being badly wounded in 1966. Vidal was of course captured, probably tortured and then executed in 1964.

    As for being non professionals, Diaz Garcia was a serious guy who had about 20 notches on his gun.

    Don't get me wrong, I do acknowledge what you say about the participants of the JFK hit and that being a different kettle of fish than the standard contract hit. However, I don't think the original plan was to kill any of the participants which of course may have changed over time and for any number of reasons.

    I also think there are at least 4 living participants - men who were directly involved with the Dealey Plaza operation. Why are they still alive? Two work for the CIA (actual employees), another now works for the DEA (still operational) and is based in Chile, and the other successfully went underground and is a consultant for mercenary companies.

    Just my opinion of course.


  3. Hi John,

    In theory that makes perfect sense. I have no doubts that the JFK assassination was orchestrated with the use of cutouts to recruit small operating cells. People who circulate in the professional killing business are fully aware of the dangers but if it is common knowledge in the trade that participation in a killing signs your death warrent, I just don't see anyone getting involved. Maybe that was a rumor circulated by working assassins to keep newcomers out. :tomatoes

    These people have to be handled from the time they are recruited for the job, to the time they are tucked safely away. To even be considered for something like the Kennedy hit, you would have to had possessed a solid track record, reliability in a crisis and the ability to keep your mouth shut. These guys were tried and tested operators known to the cutouts and known to the plotters.

    And by the way, I do agree that one of the operating cells (the Dal-Tex team) came from Eddie Bayo's guys on Operation Tilt.


  4. Just to add my 2 cents worth, which some may argue is way too much, but this concept of whacking people involved in black ops (ie assassinations) in reality is a bit Hollywood.

    Killing trained participants requires other trained participants and then who takes care of them?

    It is far more reasonable that black operators are trained as loyal servants to their masters, to exist within a small and controlled circle, to be used again.

    Finding oneself compromised of course will signal elimination but the mechanics of the JFK assassination haven't even come close to disclosure. Look how spirited discussion covers everyone from military snipers to Mafia contract to hostile Cuban exiles and no difinitive proof can be presented.

    Having guys like Harrelson (Hicks and possibly Braden) photographed in Dealey Plaza was a stroke of genius as it keeps the guessing game going. Did Harrelson pull a trigger? I don't think so. Was he 'handled' to be in Dealey Plaza? Definitely.



  5. James,

    Hargraves was an explosives man. If there was indeed a car bomb waiting to be used if needed out on Stemmons, why would the conspirators have their explosives man holding an umbrella in Dealey Plaza? Not good use of available personnel.

    Seems to me that Hargraves would much more likely be stationed at a window with a view at the Cabana Motor Hotel, with his finger on a button, waiting for that limo to make its appearance.

    Hi Ron,

    First off, I think that the plotters had decided that JFK was not going to escape Dealey Plaza alive and had serious contingencies in place. What if the alleged car bomb that Hargraves rigged was placed near the Underpass and was designed to bring down the whole structure? If that is the case, the Umbrella Man was positioned in the correct spot.

    Far fetched some may be thinking? So was shooting the President of the United States out in the open in a Presidential motorcade with DPD and SS in close attendence while travelling through a modern American city.

    In this image of Tague standing by the Underpass below, maybe we should be looking at vehicles near where he was standing?


  6. Roy Hargraves - anti-Castro fighter, closely associated with Gerry Hemming and Felipe Vidal Santiago, member of Interpen, veteran of many missions into Cuba with Vidal. Expert in explosives and IMO was the Umbrella Man on Elm.


  7. Hi John,

    I have an eight page memo written by Attwood to Gordon Chase, with a three page addition penned later.

    Below is the first page. If you want me to send you the rest, just let me know as I don't wish to take up space here.



  8. Well, yes someone DID talk. And he talked to Mary Ferrell in the 1990's

    His name was Elroy Roy Hargraves and he implicated operatiives from

    The Pioneer Fund and characters like Homer S. Echevarria, Col Robert

    F. Baird, Capt. Medric Johnson from Walker's AVG, Harold Chait of Baltimore

    who worked for The Boston Metals Processing Company cited later in

    the Iran Contra funding controversies and some others.

    Roy Emory Hargraves and his connections is covered extensively in Larry's book. There is also an interview conducted by Noel Twyman with Hargraves which has been transcribed and is available in Larry's book.


  9. Unfortunately, my most vivid memories of any Olympic Games is not for any sporting achievement but for a brutal terrorist act.

    It was the 1972 Munich Olympics when a PLO faction group called Black September stormed the Olympic village and took 9 Israeli athletes hostage.

    As intense negotiations ensued, the games went on.

    In his 1999 book, 'Memoirs Of A Palestinian Terrorist', Abu Daoud admitted masterminding the attack.

  10. Hi Lee,

    Thanks for the image. The Johnson was a very good rifle. Along with the M1 Garand, I have noticed that it was a favored weapon of the militant exiles.

    Below is a shot of Virgilio Gonzalez (foreground) using a Johnson. This photograph was taken at one of the sniper camps in 1963. Gonzalez was a member of the Bayo-Pawley mission and went on to fame and fortune a decade later as one of the Watergate burglars.


  11. According to the photos available definitely not the DPD rifle. I wonder how this ties in with the rifle theories and photos of the other rifles around.

    Hi Antti,

    Here is a shot of the DPD rifle.

    Interesting side note to this photograph is the identikit image on the far right. Who on earth is that supposed to be of?


  12. While we are the subject of Loran Hall, I thought I would take this opportunity to post a never before published photograph of the man in question. I've heard of people sleeping with a gun under their pillow but this is taking the relationship to extremes. :hotorwot


  13. Hi David,

    Thanks for that, very interesting indeed. I believe you are spot on with Crespi and I think there is little doubt he was connected to JURE. I also think you are correct when it comes to Masen.

    War hero Gabaldon is a fascinating character. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Billy Seymour come on board the anti-Castro crusade after a speech Gabaldon gave in Arizona in early 1962? I'm a bit fuzzy about that and for the moment can't locate the details in my poorly organized notes.

    I have a few images of Gerry Hemming with rifles but none of them being with the Johnson. Anyway, below is an image of some of the weaponry used on No Name Key.


  14. Thanks, John, excellent information.

    For some time, I have been very interested in some of the people gathered at the corner of Main and Houston. I have put together this comparison below. I must stress that it is highly speculative and for discussion purposes only. It should also be remembered that about 10 feet away, just on the Main Street side of the corner, are strong look-a-likes for Gerry Hemming and Lucien Conein. Now this is either one of the greatest coincidences in history that so many look-a-likes decided to gather in this one particular spot or something more sinister was in play.

    Anyway, with this line-up below, I do believe the common denominator is JM/WAVE.



  15. No worries, Skydog.

    It is important to point out that doing comparisons of people present in Dealey Plaza is pure speculation. Some, like the Robertson comparison are very convincing and others not so due to the poor quality of what there is to work with.

    When the photo archives is completed, there will be several comparisons on offer which are most thought provoking indeed.



  16. Hi David,

    Thanks for posting that.

    I agree that the whole Loran Hall story in LA with Hathcock is very interesting and might be a vital piece of the assassination puzzle. Given Hall's comments that, he was trying to raise money, wanted an invasion of Cuba, was going to Dallas, is highly suggestive indeed.

    WE know that Hall was not highly thought of amongst the No Name Key guys and was just tolerated by most. We know he associated with Manuel Aguilar who most considered to be a double agent. Remember the Tom Dunkin photos? Hall was the only one photographed with Aguilar.

    It does make one wonder if Hall was being handled. Add the Odio incident (supposedly in the company of Oswald) which he first admits to and then retracts and Skip is looking vulnerable.

    I guess we can only speculate what his role potentially was. If I was a betting man, and I am, I would put a lazy fifty on Hall being the one Oswald was going to meet at the Texas Theater.

    Loran Hall and Manuel Aguilar attached below.


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