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Alvin Beaubouef

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  1. Hi Al,

    Some time ago you asked me if I'd gotten my life "straightened out" yet. Answer: Hell No! Why would I want to do such a rational and boring thing as that? LOL

  2. Hi Al,

    Happy New Year.

    Did Stephen Roy ever call you?


  3. Hi Thomas:

    have you gotten your life straighted out yet?

    e-mail me @

  4. Alvin,

    You wanted me to call you?

    I cannot, as I live in Australia.

    I would be happy to respond to any personal message.

    All the best, Steve.



    504 278 5699

  6. Hi Alvin, Welcome to the forum. Are you open to questions? Thanks, Bill Kelly
  7. I am not sure that this is the real Al. There are a couple of things that ring true, but a few of the bio details seem to be wrong. Also, this person asked in the Bio section if I had ever contacted him; I have been in contact with the real Al many times, even staying at his home. I'll call Al today and check to see if it is him. YEAH IT'S ME.. CALL ME @504 278 5699 Hi Al, There certainly has been a lot of misconceptions about that trip, but I'd like to back up a bit, and rather than rehash the Garrison Bribe stuff, let's just outline what really happened. You and Melvin Coffey met David Ferrie in the CAP, and you were to be a character witness at his trial on morals charges, but there was no trial. Coffey went into Army and after two years came out and hooked up with you guys again. << <<<<I don't know where Coffey met Dave.. I met Dave through some friends at the skating rink.>>>> When Ferrie was supposed to come into some money from Gill and the Marcello trial, and severence pay from airlines, he wanted to invest in a new business, and you suggested opening or buying an ice rink. That led to the trip to the Houston ice rink but in the end, you and Ferrie bought a gas station instead, Dave & Al's. Is that correct? <<<< no I did not suggest a ic rink however I did suggest a gas station >>>> The trip to the Houston rink included overnights at the Alamotel in Houston and the Driftwood motel in Galviston. <right> One of the major, unfounded conspiracy accusations is that while in Houston, one of the phone calls or meetings there was with Breck Wall, an entertainer and friend of Jack Ruby. Another report is that you went hunting. <<<< I don't recall meeting Breck Wall >>> The bottom line is you didn't know Oswald in CAP, though he was in the unit at a different time, and that you didn't call or see Breck Wall in Houston. <<<< I wasn't in the C A P and don't recall Breck >>>> One of my questions is about Melvin Coffey. Was he active in the Army Reserves when you went on your trip, and what became of him? <<<< That trip was the first and last time a ever I knew Coffey.. Dave had friend everywhere >>>> Thanks for joining the forum and answering our questions. <<< Your welcome >>>> Bill Kelly
  8. Thank you for the welcome and yes I am one of the young men who drove to Houston with David ferrie. The movie was a complete distortion of David's personality and demeanor . The man was just as comfortable in any airplane (jet or prop ) as you are in your car and had the nerves of a race car driver flying in any type of weather.. Dave and I have flown many com. trips together in 1965 and 66' .. Dave was a man of incredabe knowledge who could relate to any individual on any level but his passion was flying.He was the kind of man if you were broke down on the highway in a rain storm he would stop and help regardless if he had a suit or reg. clothes on. He was really a loving, kind and gentle man. He's the man that someone would say sombody should do something, he was there never just sitting on the side line . There is a book be Patrica Lambert ( false witness ) that really explains what Garrison was all about in trying to implicate David and Clay Shaw in the assassination consperacy..
  9. The roads in 1963 are about the same as they are now with the eception of the interstate so it wasn't a bad trip. The highway starting in New Orleans was 4 lane all the way to Houston and anybody who lives in the coastal areas are used to the bugs, we just drive around them. ( lol ) As far as the bad weather I'm sure you think that everybody just sits around waiting for the rain to clear up before going out the door and the people who live in the mountains don't drive in the snow.. When we got to the ice skating rink of course we skated that was the prime reason for going.. REGARDS AL
  10. I am not sure that this is the real Al. There are a couple of things that ring true, but a few of the bio details seem to be wrong. Also, this person asked in the Bio section if I had ever contacted him; I have been in contact with the real Al many times, even staying at his home. I'll call Al today and check to see if it is him. YEAH IT'S ME.. CALL ME @504 278 5699
  11. Gentlemen I read Thomas Graves question about traveling to Houston from new Orleans in a terrible thunderstorm. ( DAVID FERRIE,AL BEAUBOUEF AND MELVIN COFFEE ) Garrison thought it was so suspicious that we would leave in what he discribed as a terrible storm, however anybody who is familiar with living in a coastal area this is common to say the least. We probably ran out of the storm 3 or 4 miles down the road. Also this was not a hunting trip, it was an outing to a ice skating rink in Houston.
  12. Did you ever contact me ? Regards AL BEAUBOUEF
  13. Name: Alvin Beaubouef Age: 63 Meraux, La. d/b/a - 9/6/45 interests - assassination conspiracy of JFK in New Orleans
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