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B. A. Copeland

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Posts posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. I believe that "conspiracy theorist" or in some respects the "controlled thinking" (brainwashing to be general, manipulation of public opinion, etc) have been used intentionally by those same forces that have wished to keep this issue covered up. The mere term "conspiracy theorist" "does" something when having a fully rational discussion about such matters and some seem to get derailed simply by mere use of the term in serious discussion without ever considering evidence, reason, logical deduction, etc. I believe that the term was tossed around so much in the past (and in public) intentionally and in such a way that anyone who "seems to be one of them" ought to be dismissed without question, relying on emotive content to move along a discussion (especially fatal when attempting to get to truth by means of research). Thanks Barry for your incredible work. Beware of the trolls.

  2. Part 1

    I have started several threads over the years on the reporting of the JFK assassination. Probably the most significant is the thread on Operation Mockingbird. Remember, when I started this thread, Wikipedia was stating that Operation Mockingbird was an urban myth. They kept on deleting my version but eventually they left it after I completely referenced the article. It has since been severely edited but you can find the original version here:



    Even given the existence of Operation Mockingbird, the fact that none of the important investigative journalists of the time showed any real interest in the case is surprising. For example, Drew Pearson was seen as the leading investigative journalist in 1963. Some believe he helped JFK elected in 1960 with his articles about Nixon. He was also no friend of LBJ and wrote several articles about his relationship with Bobby Baker. Yet, as far as I can see, he wrote no serious articles that questioned the lone gunman theory. This raised the possibility that Pearson was part of Operation Mockingbird.

    I am not in the least surprised that Wikipedia has sought to conceal the truth as I feel that they personally work with (etc.) the PTB. That is a "mainstream" site and therefore I would assume that important and newsworthy truths would never survive there (in general). I guess its possible Pearson could have been part of Mockingbird (he was well known and 'powerful' in his own right but could it also be that he was fearful to attempt to spread such truth? I was honestly curious. I guess either possibility is plausible.

  3. I had wondered this too, concerning Marvin and his being possibly discredited. He seemed to be quite geniuine, the the JFK matter (as many others) can quickly teach you how far "looks" can get someone, especially a casual researcher.

  4. It seems to me to be utterly and scientifically impossible for a healthy, functioning human head to eject absolutely no physical matter when being shot from any direction. If any film that has that back head snap does not imply such an ejection then the film should be questioned (regarding that specific matter) and never the medical/physical science.

  5. Ah the CIApedi...I mean Wikipedia? (ongoing, inside joke at breakfornews forums lol). This topic's subtsance is not surprising in the least. With the traffic Wiki gets, information would have to be controlled and any truthful, logical alternative explanations from the "gospel" that is accepted via "received wisdom mantras" is considered "conspiracy theory".

  6. The WC was compromised from the get-go thanks to (at the very least) Dulles and McCloy's involvement. I am convinced they were conspirators of the murder and so therefore truly feel they were obviously planted in order to derail the WC. I find it odd that a commission would be established to bring to truth the facts of the murder when the murder was engineered by the U.S in the first place. Great post Mark.

  7. Ahh, "Zionists, etc. Jews murded JFK", etc....I really try to steer clear of this kind of material as far as getting any good "meat" from it. Same with the entire "zionist/jews did 9/11!" issue. I'd probably guess this is willing/unwilling disinfo (Not from Mr Simkin but the original writer of the article, etc).

    There have been rumors that Mike Harari was in Dallas that day but as far as I know, that is based on a photo guestimation which isn't really reliable. However it is of some note that according to "Chip Tatum" Harari was definitely involved in the Iran-Contra affair and we all know that Dallas key players were involved in that affair up to their necks.

  8. I don't understand the surprise concerning this issue. Why on earth would the perps allow the public to see with utmost possible clarity what they've planned, sanctioned and executed lol? We are asking the CIA to release documents regarding an incident that they themselves played one of the largest roles in actualizing. While I am sure it is possible for the documents to be released, I am not sure exactly how it would happen, perhaps some 3rd world revolution (of course, the US Establishment made sure well that wouldn't happen in the future in the 6-7th decades, and with PsyOps it is not difficult to shift people's attention and focus). And this is only JFK Sr....

  9. My word, the LN theory is the greatest conspiracy theory of all time. Let us move on towards the actual (and proven beyond an absolute and reasonable doubt) to uncovering more. 50 years of the PTB running people in circles.......In fact I'd probably go so far as to say that the mere fact that such evidences (in most cases) are no longer with us is proof of a conspiracy.

    This.....Mr Carlier is simply spitting out the same, tired and old company line (pun intended)...

    Mr DeEugenio, if there was a shot to the front temple

  10. The problem Len is you don't connect dots and if a hypothesis is not proven with absolute certainty you cry foul, which is nonsense. What Scully has happened across is absolutely significant, primarily because of the connections established as well as a context. The main idea of Scully's discoveries for me personally?, Intricate connections that are of some measure of importance in context.

  11. Tom

    Your problem with Johnson is that you do not like what she said about LHO. Can you can explain in say 200 words or less why she was not credible?

    As for Canfeild based on his letter to Roosevelt he was pro-JFK, what was your point? Try to keep your answer to that to under 100 words

    Can you give any credible evidence as to why you assume/believe she is credible lol...?? Come on Len, surely you know of Johnson's history and connections.

  12. Reposted from Breakfornnews.com (via urbanspaceman):

    "Six years in the making, this episode exposes one of the largest coverups in modern academic history – something that may one day be as large as the Piltdown Hoax. We’re going to reveal how the psychedelic revolution was launched by the CFR, CIA and the elite, and how R. Gordon Wasson, the so called discoverer of magic mushrooms, and the founder of the field of ethnomycology, was himself a government asset, a friend of Edward Bernays – the father of propaganda, and is one of the key figures for launching one of the largest mind control operations in history – information never before revealed until today. And it doesn’t stop there. I’m going to provide information that shows how R. Gordon Wasson may have been one of the key players in the organization of the JFK assassination."

    - Jan Irvin, host of The Gnostic Media Podcast


    I've never heard of R. Gordon Wasson but maybe I have and it has been a long time.

  13. It is my serious hope that the following videos are not pulled from the Internet source.

    They are very, very enlightening.

    Various JFK Assassination Transcripts


    Four Days In November - David Wolper The Video 12 Parts


    Many Films Regarding Collins Radio


    Arthur Godfrey the Personality and Pilot [He was friends with General Curtis LeMay AND Arthur Collins of Collins Radio, and knew LBJ]


    Warren Kozak interview re General Curtis LeMay...Pritzker Military Library


    Strategic Air Command’ s 10th Anniversary March 21, 1956 [featuring General Curtis Emerson LeMay]



    Cold-War Computing - The Sage System [Produced by Western-Electric Company narraration by Colonel John Morton USAF - Semi-Automatic Ground Environment System]


    One way we can prevent it is by downloading them to our own hard disk drives. I encourage everyone to download for archiving and study purposes.

  14. With all due respect, the movie JFK 'won't go away' because, even though it is a movie, and even though it is flawed, as was the Garrison investigation, it has a ring of truth to it.

    This storyline seems to assume that the public will be unable to see through a 'fox-watching-the-henhouse' scenario. If so, it will inevitably fall prey to the same hubris as all the other reduxs of the WCR, whether in print or on screen.

    You are mindful that the Garrison Investigation was sabotaged by the CIA/PTB?

  15. I am not even sure that the VC victim's head did not snap to "our right" when viewing. It certainly did move. It also seems to have "popped" in the direction away from the weapon. I swear I thought this was all basic physics.

    Secondly, I am not sure even using that as an example is too reliable (maybe it is depending on what you wish to prove but I am definitely no scientist). For a few reasons:

    1) Weapon used (which affects the velocity of the round ejected from the particular weapon. VC = Handgun, JFK = More than likely a rifle of some kind which = more stopping power).

    2) Rounds used.

    3) Victim's movement/position (JFK was in a moving vehicle towards the apparent head wound shooter/s, VC was standing still)

    These are just a few points.

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