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Greg Burnham

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Everything posted by Greg Burnham

  1. I have published a new article on my main website titled: Umbrella Man and the Two Altered Photos by researcher, Karen Clift. The author offers an interesting analysis of the evidence discussed. As always, I caution against drawing firm conclusions based on analyzing fuzzy/blurry images viewed in a web browser. DISCLAIMER: My publishing this article should not be construed as an endorsement of all of the conclusions reached by the author. It is published for research and peer review purposes only. A discussion of the content was begun on my Forum.
  2. I haven't read that book yet, John. I'll pick it up when I get a chance. I think you raise a good point: When historians report events they should not speculate beyond what can be logically inferred. So while it is logical to conclude the official story is fatally flawed and that Lee Oswald more than likely was not involved as a shooter, it is not logical to conclude that the mob, the anti-Castro Cubans, the John Birchers, or the CIA did it. Moreover, at this late date the question "Who shot JFK?" is no longer relevant because it is no longer solvable. However, the realization that very powerful forces without our government manipulated elements within our government in order to not only perpetuate obstruction of justice, but to strip from us our right to intellectual freedom is what historians have failed to note with sufficient force, IMO.
  3. A new poll was placed on my website. Scroll down and vote on the right side of the page.
  4. The Silence of the Historians is an excellent essay on this subject, IMO.
  5. Greg, the mercenary status of Hemming's group, Interpen is well-known, is it not? They were engaged in toppling the left-wing government of Fidel Castro, were they not? The right-wing funded this activity, did they not? Regards, --Paul Trejo Here's your answer -- straight from the horse's mouth.
  6. According to the 1963 US Census, the median income for a male was $4500/year or $375/month. That would make a payment of $200/month by itself more than half of the total.
  7. [paraphrased] Article and audio interview: "Dick Billings (Life Magazine) gave me the Minox camera that I gave to Eduardo Perez (Bayo) that turned up in Oswald's room."
  8. Dire poverty could potentially fit perfectly with his legend of being a malcontented, generally misanthropic, communist (or communist sympathizing) loner.
  9. Paul, You are again making statements that are untrue. Hemming was not "right-wing" nor was he an activist or a mercenary.
  10. David, Hemming was not in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, in my opinion. I don't think the tall tramp was Sturgis, the old one was Hunt, or the other one was David Christ. I don't think Felipe Vidal Santiago was the DCM either. Hemming not only denied the photo was of him, but he ridiculed the individual(s) who made the claim. I don't know off the top of my head what he told Stone about that. Let me reiterate that when I first spoke to Gerry--and continuing for about a year after that--I treated him with disdain; as a suspect. Over time that opinion changed. Noel Twyman had a similar experience.
  11. There is a new article and audio interview on my main site. In this conversation Gerry Hemming discusses with researcher, Greg Burnham, the details surrounding the Military Intelligence briefing that he and his team attended in preparation for the President's visit to Miami. At the time of this conversation (1998) Hemming still remained very angry about this briefing--even though it was now 35 years after the fact.
  12. You're welcome, Tommy. Yes, we talked about Holt, but not too much. They didn't know each other, but occasionally they would both mention the same obscure name of a third party.
  13. Paul, Here's an excerpt from HEMMING to RUSSELL regarding Loran Hall: Russell: You were working closely with Hall? HEMMING: He came to work with our group in 1963. Then he ran afoul with some people and immediately went to work with a group that I thought was infiltrated by Castro's agents. Hall ignored this. He siphoned off a couple of people who had worked with me in the past, and started organizing his own operation with FRANK STURGIS and some other guys...He knew how to do the job...But I think someone was trying to put him there so he would be one of the patsies." HEMMING 1994: "After the thing went down, I called Lester Logue. Lester, having been a big guy in Republican politics, started making calls. I said, 'Did Loran show up there?' Logue says, 'Yeah, he was here yesterday.' I said, 'That son-of-a-bitch has got my xxxxing rifle, I don't know if he's part of this xxxx. If he shows up on your doorstep blow his xxxxing head off, cause he's come to kill you.' Hall could have ended up in the xxxxin' school book depository himself. He was another xxxxin' OSWALD being led down the path. Being put into position where he could have taken a fall. A fall guy."
  14. Gerry provided very useful information and it got better over time. The interviews that I've posted thus far were relatively early in our relationship (late 90's and one from 2000). When I first interviewed him I did so from a position of assuming his guilt; that he was somehow involved in the assassination. I haven't posted any of those because the exchanges were generally caustic, filled with expletives on both sides, dripping with disdain from me and sarcasm from him. They are not very helpful. However, I persisted in questioning him and he continued to tell me his story. Gradually I began to see a very complex man, indeed. As time went on I became less and less convinced that he was complicit in this crime and, much like my friend, Noel Twyman (Bloody Treason), was greatly impressed by the sheer volume, as well as the depth and breadth of his knowledge. It was truly encyclopedic. His memory was nearly perfect on a vast number of subjects. He simply never forgot anything--including details about my own life that I shared with him. Even small things that I mentioned to him in passing he remembered in detail years later--without referring to notes. As for George Bush, all I will say for now is that Gerry didn't hold many politicians in high esteem...perhaps none. And some he had no use for at all. But, as a former Marine, Gerry was politically neutral. As he once said, "A Marine doesn't give a flying f*** who's in the White House. He only cares about the code and the guy next to him in the trenches." That just about sums it up.
  15. Audio interview: Gerry Patrick Hemming discusses Gary Powers' U2 Flight with Greg Burnham Includes information from Fletcher Prouty...
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