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Greg Burnham

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Everything posted by Greg Burnham

  1. AJ Weberman recently commented on my website with this: PS: Paul, don't you just get sick of being right all the time? Greg, there's no way I made that up. In fact, Gerry Patrick Hemming spent more hours interviewing with A.J. Weberman than with you, and the interviews of A.J. Weberman are famous, while yours are less well-known. As I recall the interview -- Gerry Patrick Hemming told A.J. Weberman that he called Lee Harvey Oswald from Florida on 11/21/1963 and offered Oswald double the market price of his Mannlicher Carcano if only Oswald would bring it to the Texas School Book Depository on Friday 11/22/1963 and leave it on the 6th floor. The reason was that some desperate figure needed it, and would pay extra for it. Oswald took the bait, and that's why he took his rifle to the TSBD on that day. THAT'S A CONFESSION. Gerry Patrick Hemming confessed to A.J. Weberman that he knowingly and deliberately took part in the framing of Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK. If Hemming didn't tell you that, Greg, then too bad. He told Weberman, and that's an EXCELLENT source. Sincerely, --Paul Trejo
  2. Don't you mean to say that in your opinion here he is wrong? Moreover are you aware that the direction of the sun's light can be determined by the shadows cast in Dealey Plaza that day? If you recall the shadows on the actual road itself, as seen from Altgens' POV, are from right (south) to left (north)* as evidenced by the shadows of Brehm & son, Moorman & Hill, etc. If the sun was "shining through" causing this lit up effect it would be apparent to those on the other side of the street (North side of Elm). It would not be apparent to those on the south side of the street. The light would have to wrap around the opposite side of the car to shine through to those on the south side of the street. If anything those on the south side of the street might see a reflection off of the plastic surface of the lens, but that would not appear as light coming from the inside of the lens. The car stopped. And that's not just my opinion either. *Although I said the shadows are from right to left (south to north) I do not mean to imply an exact trajectory. An exact trajectory is unnecessary for the purposes of this discussion. The point is that the light source (the sun) is not high in the sky at noon in Dallas in November. It has already begun a descent. If you drove a car down Elm Street on any clear November 22nd afternoon, which I have done repeatedly, you'll note the location of the sun is more or less at an angle toward your front left--IOW: south - southwest.
  3. Click here or on image below to read more from Doug Horne's latest article on the limo stop.
  4. Greg, there's no way I made that up. In fact, Gerry Patrick Hemming spent more hours interviewing with A.J. Weberman than with you, and the interviews of A.J. Weberman are famous, while yours are less well-known. As I recall the interview -- Gerry Patrick Hemming told A.J. Weberman that he called Lee Harvey Oswald from Florida on 11/21/1963 and offered Oswald double the market price of his Mannlicher Carcano if only Oswald would bring it to the Texas School Book Depository on Friday 11/22/1963 and leave it on the 6th floor. The reason was that some desperate figure needed it, and would pay extra for it. Oswald took the bait, and that's why he took his rifle to the TSBD on that day. THAT'S A CONFESSION. Gerry Patrick Hemming confessed to A.J. Weberman that he knowingly and deliberately took part in the framing of Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK. If Hemming didn't tell you that, Greg, then too bad. He told Weberman, and that's an EXCELLENT source. Sincerely, --Paul Trejo I have far more hours of recorded conversations with Gerry Hemming than do A. J. Weberman and Noel Twyman COMBINED. I would like to hear (not merely read) those words coming from Gerry's mouth. If you knew Gerry as well as I did, then you would be familiar with his dripping sarcasm. Try reading the words this way: Add extreme sarcasm to his tone and delivery. Imagine that during a conversation with Hemming, Weberman accused Hemming of supplying Oswald with the weapon. At which point Hemming, dripping sarcasm, said: "Yeah right...I called him from Florida on 11/21/1963 and offered him double the market price if only he would bring it to the Texas School Book Depository on Friday and leave it on the 6th floor." Hemming despised Weberman. He often led him down the wrong road out of spite.
  5. "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- JFK
  6. Hemming never confessed "of his participation" to Weberman because he didn't participate. Trejo makes it up as he goes along.
  7. Read more on my main website.
  8. Voice your opinion on my website. The poll is located on the right side after scrolling down a bit.
  9. Yes, Gene, he raised my suspicion level even higher than it already had been prior to my conversations with him and it was already very high.
  10. The final results are below. There will be a new poll added shortly.
  11. Hoover was not the first person to "come up with the Lone Nut Theory" on the evening of 11/22/1963. Indeed, during the afternoon of 11/22/1963, McGeorge Bundy, while in the White House Situation Room (Code name: CROWN), can be heard on the Air Force One tapes informing LBJ that there was no conspiracy in the assassination of JFK (aka: it was the work of a lone nut) while LBJ was still en route back to Washington. According to Bill Kelly, this was quoted by Pierre Salinger and William Manchester, as well as, T.H. White from unedited transcripts of the AF1 tapes.
  12. I changed the word "force" to the word "trick" in my original. I stand corrected. However, it only serves to underscore the absurdity of your position. Indeed my summation describes a joke. A very bad joke.
  13. The Danger with Paul Trejo's Assertions There is an abiding undercurrent flowing through Paul Trejo's hypotheses, namely, 1) that the US Government can be excused from complicity in the murder of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy and 2) that its hand in the ensuing, and now ongoing, cover-up of that crime was then--and is now--somehow justified. In the first case, he argues that those who committed the murder were powerless in terms of military command, but were not powerless in terms of assassinating the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States. In the second case, Paul Trejo further asserts that these conspirators--who he argues were powerless to invade Cuba, yet powerful enough to overcome the most highly trained, elite guard on the planet, the Secret Service--murdered the President, but were completely separate from the apparatus that covered-up the crime. He further asserts that these "powerless" conspirators located a suitable patsy themselves, framed him as a Communist/Castro sympathizer, set him up to take the fall by creating a legend for him, and planted all of the incriminating evidence against him. Then these "powerless" conspirators pulled off the crime of the century in broad daylight by thoroughly defeating the protective measures that would have otherwise prevented such a monumental shift in power from occurring, including the measures taken by the Secret Service, the Dallas Police Department, the 112th Army Intelligence Group, the local FBI Field Office, to name the most obvious. But elementary detective work reveals a few flaws in his tale. When we look to profile the perpetrators, according to Paul Trejo's hypothesis, we find rabidly anti-communist, extreme right-wing fanatics. Based on this characterization, Paul Trejo asserts that it was their intention to force trick the US Government into invading Cuba in order to overthrow Castro and restore democracy. That was their alleged motive for murdering the 35th President of the United States. However, that is where Paul Trejo stops. He does not address means nor opportunity to commit the crime. He does not address the fact that it took a great deal of power, indeed, in order for these "powerless" conspirators to acquire the "means and opportunity" to actually pull off the mechanics (no pun intended) of assassination--practically speaking. This was no small feat. Yet he would have us believe that they accomplished such a thing through "secret common bonds" with other Birchers who happened to be in key positions to co-conspire. Paul Trejo fails to provide the names of those Birchers involved in the plot who were in those key positions. As for the names he does mention, i.e., General Walker, Paul Trejo fails to provide documentation and/or collateral evidence to support his assertions. According to Paul Trejo, once these "powerless" conspirators had accomplished their mission they escaped the scene of the crime cleanly, nearly without a trace. According to Paul Trejo, but using my words: The US Government was forced to close the case post haste else a civil war--or worse--may have ensued. Thus J Edgar Hoover, being the just and righteous defender of the Rule of Law, much to his chagrin, initiated the cover-up in order to save the nation from self-destructing. LBJ explained the situation to Warren et al and these honorable men decided that it wasn't worth putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. The end. [edit: changed word "force" to "trick"]
  14. And now for your circularity: If the killers had no power to invade Cuba--and they obviously knew that they did not--then why did they kill Kennedy? After all, they knew it would have no effect on their ultimate goal, invading Cuba...and it still has had no effect for 51 years. Indeed, it had the OPPOSITE effect.
  15. Let me try this a different way. How can "powerless" (your words) conspirators accomplish the following: 1) choose or change the motorcade route? 2) locate, create a legend for, and set up the perfect fall guy (many weeks, months, years) in advance of the event? 3) obtain (at least) 3 spent 6.5 mm cartridge shells from a batch of 400,000 ordered for the CIA (through the USMC for cover purposes) and plant them in the sniper's nest? 4) persuade the Secret Service to relax their protocol, including: not ride on the SS-100-X running boards? not accelerate the limousine? not react to gunfire? fatally contaminate the crime scene (the SS-100-X) by washing away forensic evidence? illegally remove the best evidence, i.e., the body, from the proper jurisdiction? mishandle or otherwise break the chain of custody of key pieces of evidence? destroy their own records of the assassination? 5) stand down the 112th Military Intelligence Group out Fort Sam Houston from their routine duty of supplementing the Secret Service in Dallas? 6) perfectly execute a military style ambush utilizing multiple gunmen placed in locations creating a triangulated crossfire insuring successful target hits from several directions? 7) recruit key members of the Dallas Police Department, presumably those in positions of authority, to insure that the motor escort outriders were not in protective formation around the client vehicle? 8) coordinate the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald, including ordering DPD personnel to allow Ruby to gain access to the prisoner / suspect prior to transfer to the more secure County Jail? 9) completely screw up the autopsy, including altering the x-rays and photographs? 10) persuade the usurper President, LBJ, to appoint the Warren Commission to cover-up the crime? 11) control the news media by making them virtually go to sleep in the aftermath? No, Paul. Those who Sponsored the killing of JFK were very powerful, indeed.
  16. Then why is Cuba still Communist to this day? If it was thought that JFK was "standing in the way" of the US forcing Cuba back into the fold, why was Cuba spared once JFK was removed? Don't say it's because WWIII was feared. The very act of killing JFK could have potentially sparked a nuclear exchange, particularly since the patsy was framed as a Castro supporter. JFK appears to have been more likely to invade Cuba than ANY of his successors have since been...else they would have done it. Hell, they even HAD AN EXCUSE for doing it. I can just see the headlines now: Castro's Boy Killed Kennedy: US Invades Cuba Of course, JFK did not intend to invade Cuba and neither did those who killed him...else they would have done exactly that.
  17. Below are the current results for the latest poll on my website. Be sure to voice your opinion while this poll is still active. You will find the poll on my main page (scroll down on right side).
  18. In 2000, I was in pursuit of identifying the suited individual who is pictured crouching on the south side of Elm Street next to Buddy Walthers and a uniformed Dallas Police Department Supervisor (as evidenced by the white cap) at approximately 12:40 pm, just ten minutes after the shots were fired. The man appears to be picking up an object from the grass. The object allegedly was a spent .45 caliber slug. My late friend, a retired Officer from the Criminal Intelligence Section of the Dallas Police Department, J. Harrison, referred me to another retired Dallas PD Officer: Gerald Hill. J told me, “Hill probably knows who the guy is. He knows more about this case than almost anyone because he was everywhere that day, but he won’t talk to anybody about it anymore. I’ll tell him to talk to you.” And so he did talk to me. Article and audio interview on my main website. Gerald Hill held great disdain, nor for JFK, but for Lyndon Johnson. “It’s a dang shame [LBJ] wasn’t a target…’cause he was an obnoxious, sorry, no good politician.” -- from interview with Gerald Hill
  19. Edwin, I'm surprised that you weren't able to find any. There have been countless sources of this type of speculation over the years. Here are just a handful (below). Obviously they cannot all be correct. But, they are thought provoking. From "Farewell America" by James Hepburn:
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