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Greg Burnham

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Posts posted by Greg Burnham

  1. In this conversation Gerry describes his various relationships with persons to whom he was directed in the hope of raising support (funds) for continued anti-Castro operations.

    In 1961, Gerry approached Congressman John Rousellot, (R-CA) to garner support. The congressman suggested Gerry visit Robert Morris, who was close to Harold Lafayette Hunt. Morris, in turn, sent Gerry to Lester Loge. Part of this process involved gaining support in small chunks, one influential individual at a time and, like a snowball, it can eventually gain enough momentum to sustain itself.

    Gerry reveals some of the names associated with QJ/Win, WI/Rogue, and various other operations. He recalls the days when anti-Castro Cubans were reporting back during meals "around the camp fire" on the whereabouts of CIA agent, Charles Kane, and the goings-on at Elliot Key and Jewfish Creek while the Cubans were training for more anti-Castro operations with Brad Ayers.

    Gerry also dismisses AJ Weberman’s reportage and methods in a very caustic, but sarcastically humorous, manner. My laughter at his slur toward Weberman was spontaneous as I found the “nothing but a book reader” characterization of AJ apropos. However, my reaction should not be construed as condoning bigotry in any form. Truth be told, it was feigned by Hemming, as well. He wasn’t a bigot. It was merely a part of his bravado when he was expressing disdain.

    [WARNING: Strong language]

  2. I am also working on a project in which all of the various reports, everything from the media to official search and rescue updates, will be made available. One can easily observe the changing face of the tragedy, the spin, the deception...the final fraudulent conclusion.

  3. No it doesn't point in the opposite direction.

    ARGOSY: And you believe Hall was directly involved...?

    HEMMING: He knew how to do the job. We'd discussed various techniques as part of our schooling-techniques required for Havana, Port-au-Prince and other Latin American jobs. But I think somebody was trying to put him there [Dallas] so he'd be one of the patsies.
  4. Greg - that's a good idea. I don't understand why McBride, who suggested in his book that Tippit might have been on the grassy knoll, hasn't answered the several posts I have made regarding this question. Maybe he doesn't read my posts, too busy, or not spending much time on the forum. Is he active on your website?

    Sorry for the delayed reply, Paul. I didn't see it until now. No, McBride isn't a member of my forum. Yet.

  5. I have a new article up on my website featuring several clips from conversations I had with my late fiend, Sherman Skolnick.

    Among other things, Sherman describes his relationship to judges and retired intelligence operatives, including Secret Service agents; explains why Kennedy was a threat, cites JFK's ushering in the "age of the common man" as central to the assassination of JFK; and discusses the origins of the book, Farewell America. There are currently three clips uploaded and I will be adding more in the days to come.

  6. This is an audio recording of a conversation that took place between Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover just days after the assassination in Dallas. Johnson runs his idea of appointing a “Blue Ribbon” Commission to investigate the crime and evaluate the FBI’s report by Hoover. LBJ then sets out to clear those he wants to appoint to the commission with the Director of the FBI...yet it is the FBI’s Report that the commission is supposed to analyze and critique!

    Clearing the candidates for the commission with Hoover would be like asking Colonel Sanders to babysit your chickens!

  7. I have added a New Category dedicated to the life and death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. to my Forum.

    Scott Myers and I did a lot of work immediately following the death of John Jr. as did John DiNardo. I worked extensively with my late friend, Sherman Skolnick, as well. Scott has begun the long process of re-encoding the work done some 15 years ago in which nearly ALL of the various news reports are laid out for comparison, showing major inconsistencies in the "official" story. Please post responsibly.

  8. There is a Wikipedia page on Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty. However, they refuse to allow external links from that page to Colonel L Fletcher Prouty's own Official Website aka: The Collected Works of Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty!

    To add insult to injury, they have allowed an external link on that Prouty Wikipedia page to the John McAdam's website! Of course, McAdams has a "hit piece" published there in which he suggests Colonel Prouty is a crackpot. They claim that the Official Prouty page is not his page. Yet, I was around back in the day when Len Osanic built that page for Prouty at Prouty's request. It is stock full of articles from Colonel Prouty, answers to email correspondence, video interviews with him, radio shows, etc. Indeed, www.Prouty.org pre-existed wikipedia by more than a few years!

    I call it Mockingbirdpedia these days.

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