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Greg Burnham

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Everything posted by Greg Burnham

  1. 53 years ago today an attempted coup was launched against Fidel Castro in Cuba. Due to sabotage it failed miserably. The history of the fiasco was later contrived, pivotal events were fabricated, blame for the failure was misdirected, and false co-conspirator patsies (anti-Castro Cubans) were created for use as suspects for the Crime of the Century 2.5 years later in Dallas. Today we know that JFK did not promise direct US military support of any kind including US jet air cover (see documents). Indeed, he specifically made it clear that none would be forthcoming. I did a presentation on the Sabotage at the Bay of Pigs for John Judge and COPA last year for the 50th Anniversary. The PowerPoint of that presentation can be downloaded at this link. The entire "Sabotage at the Bay of Pigs" presentation is on my YouTube Channel, including "A Revolution of Mind" and can be viewed below:
  2. The following audio recording of a telephonic conversation between me and Gerry Patrick Hemming is nearly 25 minutes in length. Gerry and I touch on various topics and characters of interest. Gerry Patrick Hemming: "We’d have been left dead and bleeding on the tarmac right at the foot of the stairs to Air Force One”.
  3. Perhaps less confused. Newman wasn't "there". He is a historian. Prouty was there. He was a witness.
  4. Karl, I don't know what the "real Zapruder film" is. I don't know that I or anyone else has ever seen it. I have seen a different film. So did Rich. We aren't even certain that what we each were shown was the same film as what the other was shown. We just know that they were different than the extant film. There is an error in the above quote that I notified the author about, which has now been corrected: I was never a military man. I have described what I saw on this forum and elsewhere. I am not going to repeat it again. It gets tiresome and it is an item of divisiveness among researchers. I do not expect anyone to take my word for it. Under the circumstances, I cannot offer more. I do not consider the authenticity issue to be of great import in an of itself. There is sufficient evidence of conspiracy to obstruct justice aside from the film alteration issue.
  5. The Coke Incident, Fritz’s Notes and the Limo Stop by Pete Engwall & Staffan H. Westerberg We look for scenes that never were. Seemingly innocent scenes that have made the research effort to always follow the same path and never venture outside the box. Most of us researchers believe there are lots of traps and pitfalls surrounding the Kennedy assassination, many with the sole purpose of leading us astray. But it is too seldom we manage to identify them. [read more]
  6. The Silence of the Historians is an essay written by David Mantik. It is among my favorite works on the subject. While many of us can easily see the lack of courage being displayed by members of the media who conveniently fail to report news items that even though are relevant to the public interest somehow conflict with their relationship with "the powers that be" -- we don't seem to hold the historians to that same standard. But we should.
  7. See our latest poll results to the question: Based on the historical fact that JFK was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy, what role--if any--did Lee Harvey Oswald play in the plot?
  8. Exclusive from AssassinationOfJFK.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- JFK Skull X-Rays: Evidence of Forgery by David Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. This power point presentation, details the reasons the autopsy x-rays of President Kennedy’s skull, the x-rays that are now a part of public record, are a forgery. This presentation was put together by Dr. David Mantik, a Founding Member of the AssassinationOfJFK.net Research Forum. Dr. Mantik has also added a correction to his initial presentation. It is available below the PowerPoint, in the form of a PDF document that you can either view here online or download for your convenience. After looking through his presentation, you are invited to leave a comment here or on the AssassinationOfJFK.net Research Forum.
  9. I would think it very naive to believe that a secretive Agency like the CIA would ever completely abandon such practices. After all, the better they get at keeping things secret the more tempting it becomes. Likewise, the stronger they "promise not to do something" the more trust they garner, earned or not. The net effect is twofold: As their ability to "get away with it" increases over time with advances in technology, so too the vigilance of those most concerned with oversight into such activities decreases. Trusting that the CIA will stop conducting secret activities domestically even though the capability to conduct those activities exists, is like trusting an active alcoholic who promises not to drink at home even though there is a liquor cabinet full of booze in the den. The Agency is hooked. They crave it. They cannot stop without an intervention.
  10. Please register using BOTH your real first and last name with a space separating them from each other, just like you would write your own name on a piece of paper. Do NOT include punctuation, numbers, or other characters, such as underscore lines, etc. Example: Greg Burnham ------> (NOT: gregburnham, or greg_burnham, or GregBurnham45) Thank you.
  11. Thanks, Steve. I ain't scared of no ghost. I mean spook.
  12. A related item: The Warren Commission's own Gerald Ford attended the University of Michigan graduating in either 1934 or 1935 long before the CIA was in existence. However, Rudolph August Winnacker, Ph.D. graduated from Harvard in 1933 and began his teaching career sometime thereafter. One of the Universities he taught at was the University of Michigan. I don't know if he taught there while Ford was in attendance, but the dates might be an indication that it is so. His biographical details are rather thin. It is worth noting, however, that he subsequently became the Chief Historian for the Department of Defense and was on loan from the DOD to the Warren Commission where he served as their Chief Historian, as well. More on Rudolph August Winnacker, Ph.D.
  13. Thanks for the plug, John! I appreciate it. We hope to see you there from time to time (or more often), as well! AssassinationOfJFK.net Research Forum The Founding Members are: [Listed alphabetically] Greg Burnham (Owner / Admin) John Cosetella, Ph.D. Charles R. Drago Phil Dragoo Adele Edisen, Ph.D. Phil Giuliano Douglas Horne David Mantik, MD, Ph.D. Scott Myers Stan Wilbourne All are welcome, but please read the Rules of Engagement in our Policy Statement first. I am looking forward to this endeavor and hope that many of you will join me. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Greg Burnham Admin
  14. Right back at you, Bill. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement over the years. It means a lot.
  15. AssassinationOfJFK.net offers this candid, casual (somewhat humorous) conversation between Gerry Patrick Hemming and Greg Burnham. In it Gerry recalls a conversation with Che Guevara from 1960 in which he informs Che how under-supplied his (Gerry’s) team of aviation students was and how necessary reinforcements were. He describes the low security with which he was faced in those days. Gerry Hemming also identifies the location of an airfield that could have been used by the invading force during the Bay of Pigs had the operation been planned properly. I enjoyed a relaxed relationship with Gerry. It lent itself to a conversational type of exchange rather than an adversarial one. It also disarmed Gerry because he didn't feel the need to constantly be vigilant. When his guard was down, he was a fountain of information.
  16. Unfortunately, Pamela is committing a fallacy known as Poisoning the Well. Even if Doug's work, hypothetically, is later proved to be in error, still Pamela's use of this type of (fallacious) "reasoning" does nothing to reveal that error and does nothing to add to our understanding of the admissibility of the medical evidence. It is tantamount to encouraging the prejudicial dismissing of a conclusion in lieu of evaluating the arguments based on their own merits.
  17. Another fine essay by Doug Horne offered on AssassinationOfJFK.net -- The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film’s Alteration
  18. Quite interesting, Ray. Please post this comment on my website, too. I'm sure Doug will want to comment on it. Link to Essay (comments at bottom)
  19. Great observations, Bill, although I think the thrust of Doug's argument was geared more toward addressing how flimsy the medical evidence against the accused actually was. Please be sure to post your comment under that essay on my website where it will be seen by guests there.
  20. The AF1 Tapes and Subsequent Events at Andrews AFB on November 22, 1963: What Was Supposed to Happen vs. What Did Happen
  21. Thanks for voting, Jess. Although these polls are far from "formal" and are not intended to determine what is the consensus view, they do encourage evaluation of various conclusions.
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