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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. FYI / BTW.... I sure hope the current unavailability of the History Matters website isn't permanent. (I'll be forced to commit hari-kari if it is.) Anybody here friends with Rex Bradford? .... https://history-matters.com/archive/contents/contents_wc.htm
  2. Arriving in Houston on 11/21/63.... http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2014/02/kennedy-gallery-389.html
  3. I haven't the foggiest. I guess Bell must have stopped filming (for some reason). (Or --- Maybe the Bell film has been altered as part of a massive CIA/FBI/LBJ/IRS/NTSB/ATF/KFC-sponsored conspiracy and cover-up.) ~shrug~
  4. But that doesn't mean Rather wasn't there in the area nearby. Not every last square inch of the area is covered in the McIntire photo. Maybe Rather was standing just outside McIntire's camera range. For that matter, how do you know that the man on the far right of the picture isn't Dan Rather?
  5. BTW / FYI / FWIW.... The Mark Bell Film.... https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8UwZ588YcqISl9wLUpfQjFuQ00
  6. Huh? I don't know how you can conclude that the three motorcycle officers have smiles on their faces in the McIntire photo. In reality, none of them are smiling at all. I sure don't see any of the motorcycle policemen "smiling broadly" here.... Mel-McIntire-11-22-63-Photo-JFK's-Car-Is-Seen-West-Of-The-Triple-Underpass-Just-After-Assassination
  7. FWIW... I count eight (8) motorcycles riding in front of Chief Curry's Lead Car in this motorcade photo....
  8. Instead of jumping to the unwarranted conclusion that there must have been photo fakery, why not consider the obvious answer? With that obvious answer being: There are some additional motorcycles in front of the 3 cycles we see in the McIntire picture, and those additional cycles are simply out of the camera range of Mel McIntire's camera. Plus....ask yourself: Why would anyone want to alter the number of motorcycles seen in this photograph? ....
  9. Yes, there is an inventory of WFAA material only. I found it here in Commission Document No. 962. According to this CD962 "title" page, it contains "A catalogue and index of the WFAA file of video tape, film, and audio tape of events surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas". The CD962 document, which consists of 129 pages, is a rather fascinating document for me to peruse, because it allows me (or anyone else) to compare the text description of WFAA-TV's assassination coverage* with the actual video of WFAA-TV's November 1963 programming, nine hours of which can be seen here.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NOTE --- I enjoyed reading through all of CD962, particularly the "Catalogue and Index" beginning on Page 32 of the document, but the chronology of the WFAA coverage within that document is all over the place. It keeps jumping around from day to day, skipping back and forth from November 22nd, to the 23rd, then back to JFK's breakfast appearance in Fort Worth on the 22nd, then it jumps forward two days to November 24th and the murder of Lee Oswald, then back to the 22nd, etc. I think most of the WFAA material is covered in CD962, but it's not presented in anything close to a seamless chronological order.
  10. Okay. Thanks, David. I guess I misunderstood your June 5th post. I thought you might have heard some radio or TV newscasts from November 19-21. But you were talking only about hearing 11/22/63 broadcasts. My mistake. BTW, I've been searching the Mary Ferrell Archives for the "CD" (Commission Document) you referred to....and so far only Commission Document No. 976 comes close to matching what you said was labelled "Tapes of Dallas Radio Broadcasts". But it's only a two-page inventory list of the radio logs that were obtained by the Secret Service in April and May of 1964. The actual logs (transcripts) are not included in CD976. Surely, that brief log inventory isn't what you were referring to, is it DSL?
  11. David L., Oh, in your June 5th post, I thought you were referring to PRE-NOV. 22 radio broadcasts, and not the NOV. 22 broadcasts (all of which I have myself, and have even linked to numerous times in this thread, such as in my last post). Those quotes you mentioned can all be heard in the TV and radio broadcasts I just linked to above.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/motorcade-route.html#TV-And-Radio-Reported-The-Elm-Street-Turn-On-11-22-63 Do you, DSL, have any PRE-11/22 radio or TV broadcasts?
  12. But it certainly was "spelled out" quite clearly on both radio and television between 11:30 and Noon on Nov. 22. I wonder how many Dallasites were watching/listening to this?.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/motorcade-route.html#TV-And-Radio-Reported-The-Elm-Street-Turn-On-11-22-63 And I would love to add some of the local Dallas TV & Radio newscasts from Nov. 19, Nov. 20, and Nov. 21 to my A/V archives, because it's quite possible that the words "Houston" and "Elm" were mentioned by the television and radio reporters sometime during those three days (which was the three-day period after the Houston and Elm turns had been mentioned in both Dallas newspapers). Four days ago, David Lifton mentioned in one of his posts that he had, in fact, listened to some of the local Dallas radio broadcasts regarding the motorcade when he was at the National Archives in the early 1970s.... "There is simply no question--based on documents, newspaper reports, and radio broadcasts (and the bystander photos)--that the motorcade route (including what has been called the "dog leg") was known in advance. .... The same information was included in radio and TV broadcasts, and repeated (in Dallas) on Friday morning, 11/22. As I recall---and this is from listening to KRLD (CBS), WBAP (NBC) and WFAA (ABC) tapes of radio broadcasts at the National Archives back in 1970-1972---it was often stated that the motorcade would go through downtown Dallas and then "out Stemmons Freeway" to the Dallas Trade Mart." -- David S. Lifton; 6/6/2018 David L., Do you, by chance, happen to currently possess any copies of those KRLD, WBAP, and WFAA pre-11/22 radio broadcasts? If so, I'd love to hear them. If not, do you have any memory of hearing anything more specific about the Houston and Elm turns in any of those radio news reports?
  13. Knowing that both David S. Lifton AND James DiEugenio couldn't be more WRONG and more RIDICULOUS when it comes to almost every theory they each have about the JFK case, I can't help but think of three words when I see David and Jimmy lambasting each other in their respective posts here at EF ---- 1. Pot. 2. Kettle. 3. Irony. (Ya gotta love it.)
  14. And WHY do you continue to totally ignore the OTHER Dallas paper (the Times Herald) which shows the "dogleg" (in both text and map forms) in TWO of its papers---Nov. 19 and again on Nov. 21? So that's THREE separate newspaper editions showing the Elm turn, not just one.
  15. I won that battle years ago. And CE1363 is the proof. (I guess Jim D. just never noticed.)
  16. And your follow-up windbag-ish post --- THIS ONE HERE --- wasn't the slightest bit "off-topic" and discusses ONLY "The Motorcade Route" and nothing else, right Jimmy? (But thanks for re-posting my excellent "Ole Faithful windbag pontification" seen above. It's extremely good and should be re-posted as often as possible. Much obliged.)
  17. Michael, Please point me to the post where I "derailed" this thread.
  18. David L., In case you didn't know --- I'm pretty sure that DiEugenio has you on "Ignore", so he probably can't see anything you write here. And, BTW, the rifle Oswald ordered (the 36-incher) was not Klein's Catalog No. CT 750. It was C20-T750, which is the exact same number that appears on ALL THREE of the pertinent documents relating to Oswald's ("Hidell's") 1963 rifle purchase from Klein's (as proven by the photos of those documents below). Oswald ordered Item No. C20-T750 and (per Waldman Exhibit No. 7) he was shipped Item No. C20-T750. A perfect match....
  19. Well, not really. It didn't last even that long. And the proof is in the three videos that I've put on my webpage linked below, in which Dan Rather of CBS News (in the first video), another newsman (in the second video), and Lieutenant J.C. Day of the Dallas Police Department (in the third video) identify the TSBD rifle as an "Italian 6.5 millimeter" weapon. At precisely 6:16 PM CST on 11/22/63, less than 6 hours after JFK was shot, Lieutenant Day announced to the world that the rifle he was holding over his head for the press to see was (quoting Lt. Day) .... "6.5, apparently made in Italy, in 1940".... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/01/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-591.html#An-Italian-Gun
  20. Irony Alert (re: "extreme assumptions")!!! Hilarious!
  21. What's the serial number of this Carcano you're holding, Rich?....
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