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Zach Robertson

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Everything posted by Zach Robertson

  1. Tommy, Thanks for reviving this classic thread. When I do as you say I get Larry Hancock's great blog. I believe this was the 2nd entry from 18 December 2011: Richard Case Nagell I believe Nagell referred to Hecksher [Raynock] as "Bob." Zach
  2. Here is a very interesting article on Rolando. The text was in Spanish and the translation is not completely fluid, but you get the idea: http://baracuteycubano.blogspot.com/2010/08/eugenio-rolando-martinez-habla-del-caso.html Zach
  3. Hi Greg, Very interesting stuff. I agree completely with you on #1. Regarding #'s 2 and 3, I'm very interested in learning more and checking out your book. Good luck, Zach
  4. Here is a quote from the late Roy Hargraves from his 2001 interview with Noel Twyman that concerns Dickey Chapelle: Here are two associated Forum topic links that also belong here. They are linked up to the James Richards posts that are of great importance. William C. Bishop Silvia Odio a New Look Zach
  5. Good eye Thomas, I believe that man is an ex-marine named Jerry Dicus. He was one of Howard Hughes' bodyguards and snapped a famous photo of the motorcade found here: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/photo-jfk-taken-by-howard-hughes-bodyguard-jerry Zach
  6. For those interested, here is a link to Gordon Campbell's monument in Arlington National Cemetery. The photographs were just added today. Gordon Sutherland Campbell (1905-1962) Zach
  7. Hi Bill, I included the updated link in my above post along with the relevant excerpt. Here is the link again: Tommy, I was hoping we could escape the Smut from the Umbrella Man nonsense albeit briefly. Seriously though, the Cuban Exiles involved in the Low Beam operation were likely on-the-books assets from JMWAVE that Rip Robertson worked closely with during the Bay of Pigs era. These guys in the photo would be accounted for and documented as this was a high profile operation for the Agency. Therefore, I really doubt that any of these guys would be Dallas players. Zach
  8. Here are a couple excellent articles that my friend Mike Hogan found in the Miami Herald and sent me. They belong here under this topic. A mid-1960s photo of the Cuban exile pilots and their ground crew while on their mission in the Congo. Zach
  9. Before we label anyone "top level drug/Heroin smugglers," I think it would be awesome if we knew who these other guys were first. Also, for those unaware, you can actually click on the picture (twice) to enlarge it to its original size. Zach
  10. Hi John, The photo was taken by senior CIA officer Tom Clines in Vietnam circa 1969-71. Zach
  11. Hi Bill, Not sure about the man third from left. When I enlarge the photo, it gets too blurry to read his name tag. I can't make out the patch on his shoulder either. I think the man on the far right slightly resembles one of the guys in the Barry and Boys photo. I'm not saying it is him, but he looks familiar. The Crimes of Patriots is a great book and I'm glad you posted it on the Michael J. Hand thread. I believe the establishment at Kings Cross was the Bourbon and Beefsteak run by Bernie Houghton. Many Laos and Vietnam soldiers as well as Air America personnel would end up at Sydney. Morales did have ties to some Air America folks. The guys on the far right and left look like Intel guys - maybe Air America? Hopefully someone out there recognizes them. Zach
  12. When Ted Shackley was placed in charge of the CIA “secret war” in Laos, he brought along David Morales to be Chief of Pakse Base, a black operations station focused on political paramilitary action, in 1967. In 1969, Morales moved to Vietnam where he worked close with the military under the cover of the Agency for International Development until 1971. This photo below is from James Richards who gave me permission to post it here at the Forum. It shows Morales (second from left) and four friends from the Vietnam days. These four men remain unidentified. Does anyone out there have any idea who they are? Thanks, Zach aroberts@heidelberg.edu
  13. "John Martin" was indeed Robert Emmett Johnson's sponsor but he died of a "heart attack" in 1974. He was allegedly murdered by Soviet Intel agents. "Martin" was not the man who helped Michael Hand escape; nevertheless, it is likely whoever did help Hand, came from "Martin's" extensive network of operatives. Here is a great article from the Sydney Morning Herald of Aug. 21, 1981 that expands on John's story: How Michael Hand Left Australia Zach
  14. I don't think I've seen the third photo. Is there a link or can you post it? Hi Ron, Here are the other two photos. These are on Robin Unger's great website. Murray Scan ( Higher Resolution ) -- The two men are seen behind and to the right of the women crying next to the man in the hardhat, presumably looking up at the "sniper window." Cancellare Credit: ( Lee Forman ) Ebay Purchase -- The two men stroll through the grass on the right. There are many interesting people in this photo. Zach
  15. Hi Bill, I think this picture below that is found on Spartacus' Rip Robertson page is the one that is referenced above: Whether that is really him or not, is anyone's guess. To my knowledge, there are 3 published photos (including the one above at the corner of Main and Houston as the motorcade goes by) of these two guys in suits and hats from 11/22. Shortly after the shooting they walk together across the Plaza toward the Grassy Knoll and then make their way down to the area in between the Dal Tex building and the Book Depository. Zach
  16. Thanks John, Yes, I have read and learned a great deal from many of your posts over the years. They are very rational and well thought out, which I have found to be a rarity when it comes to this particular subject. There have been so many great people who have contributed to research at the Forum, I feel fortunate to just be a member here. To be honest, Spartacus and the Forum are what inspired me to get into researching. One note on Chapelle here: she did indeed mix with Tony Cuesta and the men of Comandos “L” in 1963. She took many photographs of them training, in private meetings, and even cooking and creating homemade explosives. Zach Robinson is a talented and gifted writer. I always thought the post referenced by John to be extremely well-written. Zach crafts his sentences so that there is a lot of food for thought in each one. Zach's posts on the Education Forum follow the same formula. They always contain a lot of valuable, hard to find information. I hope Zach gets the opportunity to write his own book someday. No doubt it would be a winner. He could use the researcher pen name "Zach Robinson." Just kidding you Zach. Mike, That is pretty funny and I got a good laugh out of the whole name thing. That actually happens quite a bit with my last name, dating back many decades and I’m sure it will continue in the future one way or another. I’m planning on using the pen name of Robinson as a “marked card” to throw people off my trail. Don't tell anyone Thanks for the kind words; you know I appreciate it and how highly I regard you. I will try to live up to the hype you have created Tom, Thank you as well; I created the chart long ago to aid in my own education on the assassination. I have a more specific one as well. It has changed slightly over time and it represents my opinion only. I don’t think all of the people who were operational in Dallas that day were Cuban Exiles, although two of the three Shooter Cells in Dealey Plaza likely were. However, all these operatives did have one thing in common: a sponsor who had a connection to David Morales. The hooks from 11/22 reach out to many future events in our history, but I do not see that as some ‘vast conspiracy.’ I look forward to your work in this area in the future. Zach
  17. Very nice Bio. Glad to see Dickey has a page on Spartacus. Here is an associated Forum topic from many years ago: Dickey Chapelle and Felipe Vidal Santiago Chapelle was involved with Robert Emmett Johnson in 1963. Johnson was working with Vidal on some operations concerning Haiti around that same time. This is how Vidal and Chapelle met. The Miami News: 5/28/64 Vidal Executed in Cuba, Rescued Chapelle from boat explosion 5 months earlier I wonder what became of Chapelle's interview with Vidal? I assume it was destroyed, but you never know. Zach
  18. Thanks, John. Very interesting indeed. I will be sure to keep a look out for their upcoming project. Zach
  19. Hi John, Are Sheehan and Billings writing a book? Just curious. Zach
  20. Kathy, I believe there was a sophisticated remote controlled bomb on the other side of the overpass. This was a back up in case the sniper teams failed or were called off. This Elm St. Cell would be autonomous from the shooter Cells. Key people would include the Dark Complected Man and his friend, the Umbrella Man. Read the interview with Roy I linked above and check out Larry Hancock's new book NEXUS for more background. Zach
  21. Thanks for stopping by. Comments and Suggestions are welcome.

    1. Steve Rosen

      Steve Rosen

      Don't be vapor.

    2. Zach Robertson

      Zach Robertson

      Bank on it.

      Book it.

      Break the News.

    3. Steve Rosen

      Steve Rosen

      I respectfully suggest that you post more.

  22. Hi Bernice! The second one is the Gordon Novel mugshot image again. The first one is a great photo of Roy Hargraves - thank you for sharing! Here is one from AJ Weberman's site with Roy on the far right and his pal Gerry Hemming standing in the middle on Roy's right. I think Roy is a solid Dallas suspect and any information on him is well worth the time seeking out. Zach
  23. Forum members might be interested in reading the interview Noel Twyman conducted with Roy Hargraves shortly before his death. It can be found here: Hargraves - Twyman Interview Zach
  24. Some interesting articles on Edward Lansdale: Where's Lansdale? 2/9/66 Contingency Plans on Castro 5/24/75 JFK tied to Castro Plot 5/31/75 Lansdale testifies 7/9/75 Frank Church and Ed Lansdale [Photo Credit: James K. W. Atherton, Washington Post] Zach
  25. Bill, Great work, I most certainly appreciate it. A fitting tribute to Dave on his birthday, Halloween. I hope you have found Secret Wars Diary, it would make an excellent addition to your collection. It contains some great nuggets of information. Steve Rosen is an excellent researcher and has found a wealth of information on David Atlee Phillips. Here are a couple images from Secret Wars Diary: The first is a collage of Phillips' career including an article from WWII, an article on Atlee the actor in "The Snow Job." There is a photo of him and DCI William Colby at Phillips' retirement. It is inscribed and reads: "To Dave - with our institutional and my personal appreciation and admiration of a truly distinguished contributor to American Intelligence - Bill Colby" A photo of Staff Sgt. Phillips and Gen. Omar Bradley, with DCI Bill Casey, and finally, an autographed photo of DCI Helms inscribed to Dave that reads: "To Dave Phillips, Who stays the course in a most uncommon way. Richard Helms" The second image is Phillips and his idol Allen Dulles in 1954 after PBSUCCESS. Zach
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