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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. The way to finding things out, is by asking questions, I had no idea my mother knew that my father went to Haiti on April 21, 1971. The day Papa Doc died. I also didn't know that my father told my mother "I now have blood on my hands" until my mother recently told me what happen. These are questions I recently asked my mother.

    I hate the fact that my mother has kept secrets from me, so now I ask questions about my father.


  2. ...comes in the testimony of James Jarman:

    Mr. JARMAN. Well, he ( Oswald ) was standing up in the window and I went to the window also, and he asked me what were the people gathering around on the corner for, and I told him that the President was supposed to pass that morning, and he asked me did I know which way he was coming, and I told him, yes; he probably come down Main and turn on Houston and then back again on Elm. Then he said, "Oh, I see," and that was all.

    ( 3 H 201 )

    Oswald also could have been playing dumb, not hard for Oswald to do, a lot like Len Colby.

  3. Amazing 31 straight lengthy posts from the same member, and it doesn't seem to occur to him that nobody gives a flying f^#& let alone reads them!

    I've read them and find them quite interesting. Len, you also asked me what the differance was between smart ass and bright, well Len, below you will find my answers.


    Radiating, illustrious, intelligent, clever, auspicious, promising.

    Smart Ass:

    Len Colby

    I'm sure you would agree with Obama that we now have 60 States. Let me break it down for you, if he hasn't been too Alaska or Hawaii and has one more State to go that means we now have 60 States, he's bright.


  4. Consider joining the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which provides offers unlimited access to millions of documents that make a difference.

    It is indeed a good place to start, however, most docs that originated in the much earlier years from the FBI/CIA will not be found there. And,

    Some evidence you cannot find at all. Thus,

    The reason for courtroom battles against the FOIA, most of the time in favor for "them".

  5. John, one thing that I found fascinating was William Turner's reports on how he came into possession of the manuscript "Farewell America".  I have seen a lengthy piece he once wrote on it.

    Can't remember if there is a thread on "Farewell America" but if not it might be worth starting one.  It is an intereresting story.  As I am sure you and most readers know, it is believed "Farewell America" was written by a member of French intelligence.

    I will start a thread on this later today. Warren Hinckle writes about it in great detail. French intelligence were behind the book. The important question concerns who French Intelligence were working for. Hinckle believes it could have been the CIA. The other possibility is the Kennedy family. More later.

    French intelligence were behind the book. The important question concerns who French Intelligence were working for. Hinckle believes it could have been the CIA. The other possibility is the Kennedy family. More later.

    Why the French? What? If anything, did the French have to do with Kennedy's assassination?

  6. To know more about this is as important as understanding Nixon's relation to the Bremer-Wallace event.

    Wallace was luck to have survived.

    had trouble uploading, sorry bout that..b

    This is a good photo of a young Nixon and Eisenhower, that's the start to Nixon's ambition, wanting to become president, working under Eisenhower, he would do it too, become president, and nothing would stop him from achieving it.

  7. Yes, I did ask the CIA for information on my father, and yes the CIA did write me back, and yes they will NOT give me all information on my father, and yes I did post the request I also made to the CIA on Kennedy, and yes the CIA said they released all information on Kennedy, and yes I did not post the letter I received by the CIA informing me that they will not release all information on my father. YES, YES, YES!!!!

    All these things did happen, but I don't need to prove anything to you.....

  8. "I believe it is possible that William Pawley paid for the assassination of JFK."
    Nixon was also to be assassinated in 1970 and 1972. First was at Key Biscayne, the second was at the VVAW at Flamingo Park in Miami Beach Both events were financed by Pawley, both Nixon and Pawley are found in my father's phone book as well.

    Who wanted Dick dead? It seems like the entire progress of events begun with LBJ's abdication, including the RFK killing, was set up to put Nixon in, as long as party politics didn't preclude his accession. (And Nixon and his people fought viciously against that.)

    Amid a set of motions to correct the "mistake" of the 1963 election, who wanted Dick dead? Larry O'Brien?

    I'm kidding about O'Brien (I think). But if you can tell us where these Nixon plots originate, you can add to our understanding of US politics, and of the so-called "culture of assassination." To know more about this is as important as understanding Nixon's relation to the Bremer-Wallace event.

    It seems like the entire progress of events begun with LBJ's abdication, including the RFK killing, was set up to put Nixon in,

    This is true, Nixon was to be their man, and after the Republican Party victory with Dick Nixon in the Presidential election of 1968, the Cuban exiles believed there would be a political change concerning Cuba. Several political exile leaders held meetings to devise future plans, my father was apart of these meetings, and according to Sturgis his former revolutionary friend, Manuel Airtime Buesa, would report that there would be no change.

    And so the plot to assassinate Nixon was well on its way, (but failed) twice, it was Sturgis and my father who were devising such a plan. When Hemming was under investigation for his crimes, this was one of his questions to the US Government, requesting information on the assassination attempt on Nixon, both in 1970 and in 72. However, the FBI would not release the information that Hemming was seeking, and to this day it must be tied up in the FBI archives in which I'm fighting for the release of my father's information. The goal was to form a government allowing a second invasion into Cuba ousting out Castro, and while the Cubans had their hands full with Castro and the events going on in Miami. Nixon inherited both, their problems along with VN.

    Maybe, this is why Nixon got screwed in Watergate, after all, it all started with Barker leaving his phone book only to be discovered in a hotel room, how stupid is that? And, in the book where the names HH and WH. No need to explain who those were.

    Stugis and co. were already talking against Nixon, after Sturgis got arrested. It was no secret then, and it was around this time or perhaps earlier that my father started poking his nose into the assassination of JFK.

    This is how my father ended up with the photos of Hunt, Sturgis and Liddy, but now we are getting into my book and I must say you will not be disappointed as it is full of information and may raise more questions then give answers. It does however, open up new avenues to explorer.


  9. I think, they would be saying to themselves how easy it was for them to get away.

    Its funny how every now and then, as the years just roll away, somebody pops up and tries to tell the truth, nobody gives a damn anyway.

    I mean, he couldn't possible have information right? After all, who was he? YOU, never heard of him, but the CIA did.

    Hi Scott: Now do not go jumping to conclusions, there are many who are following and have been your information, i think some will express their thoughts, when they feel they have read and been able to access enough of your information, to do so, just check the hits on your threads, as to the how many, are following along., it takes a long time now imo, for most to decide, many have through the years been bitten more than once by jumping to a forgone conclusion, that they bought, right off the bat, now they are wiser and more cautious,slower, it will come, if the truth is there, they will come to it, and as you have mentioned, it is within your book, so hopefully when it is available, the majority will have access, Meanwhile, thank you for your continuous effort that you have made for the membership in revealing some of your information,, btw try not to pay too much attention to the sour apples that at times,spoil the barrel, and or they who will continually try to keep on baiting you, though i must applaud your handling of such sours.....take care b..

    Hi Bernice,

    Its nice to read something so comforting without the attack, I did not ask for this life, in fact I wish I never had to live through it, I would not wish it on anyone, not all was bad of coarse, and sometimes, I think that meeting some of these enigmatic figures only to truly know their importance later in life has really screwed with me, more now then when I was a kid. loosing someone you love is hard, harder when you find out why. My mother has kept it a secret that has been withheld from me for over thirty three years.

    My sister has her way of dealing with things through therapy as do I, I've become obsessed with wanting all records now released by the CIA and that the NARA publicly release all its documents.

    I'm asking for an Congressional Oversight Committee to lay all their cards on the table and let the public sift through any newly developed documents as the CIA has now indicated to me that they are all now released.

    I'm asking the Supreme Court to over rule Obama's Justice Department who as now blocked United States Judge Royce Lamberth from granting a request to have all classified documents, testimonies and any information pertaining to the "Watergate Scandal" be released. Because Obama's administration's believes that citing the privacy interests of individuals named in the testimony. But,

    If they are already dead then why should it matter? Anyways,

    Thanks again Bernice, and for your information I asked Al Navis when the book would be ready, this is what I posted on Facebook and his responce. ANNOUNCEMENT! I have been informed by Al Navis that the book will be completed in two weeks, I will then be seeking one person to proof read the material before going to the press, please let me know if your interested. Thank you!

    Al Navis Scott, the COPY editing will be done in about two weeks. You still have to add some stuff and flush out some descriptors of the avalanche of Cubans, so readers can follow the book without a scorecard.

    My dad was certainly acquainted with quite a few people, our house was like a 24 hour stop spot for everyone and anyone my dad wanted to bring home with him. Unfortunately, he started poking his nose into the Kennedy assassination during his living years, thus the reason. I'm now obsessed and on the quest with wanting to solve both murders.


    Hi Scott; Your mom must be a very stalwarth woman, to have held all this information, within, I think now with all being released to you, to carry on, her mind will be considerably at ease, as you mention not a life, that many would want to live through, or such. and good that you and your sister have known how to cope, with help,life is not easy for anyone, really, i have not known anyone that has lived such, we give and we get, and roll with the punches in between, it is not always fair, of course,and when loosing those close to us, especially suddenly, there seems to be at times, no comprehension of the why, but with time, such is accepted and we carry on..as we must deal with what is thrown our way...No one ever said life was going to be easy, but it must seem to some, that others have had it that way......I do also wish the government would simply, give the order to release all, but they are in charge and imo very screwed up as in not knowing their , you know what from a hole in the ground, most times, it would seem...and the many are , were disappointed in the latest decision by mr.obama, so we all carry on as best we can..as we do not have a reach into the white house, .i do not think i would be one to proof read your material, there are those here certainly qualified, and much more knowlegeable than I,especially within your area of the research, I would not do it justice i feel, but thank you for your kind offer, it is taken as a compliment..

    I wish you all the very best, in being able to get the government to see clear reasoning, sometimes, they do surprise all....and the very best with your book, soon to be released, and looking foward still to more postings, within the threads, thank you for your kind reply, it is just as easy to be pleasant, more so than to be crummy, but there are those that seem determined to still take their daily dose of an ugly pill it seems, but ignoring them, is i think the best way to deal with them, in the long run, they simply cannot abide with being ignored, but it is a solution that must be joined in by others, i do think......thanks again and your very welcome,take care...b


    You seem like a very nice lady, I enjoy talking to you. Thank you for the compliments, but I am no reseacher. My research has been on my father in which I have culled files directly from FOIA documents, my remembered events, my mothers testimony, and those who I have talked to who were acquaintances of my fathers, please keep in mind this is not a JFK or Watergate book. Its a book about my father and those who where affiliated with certain, clandestine affairs.

    I will leave you with one more of his letters he wrote me, these letters of course were recently given to me by my mother two years ago, my mother has also found additional letters written in my father's hand on a yellow legal pad, I of coarse cannot release everything until my book is complete, but I do want to give you this, this letter is somewhat difficult to read as my father's writing structure seems somewhat lesser then mine, so I took the liberty of paraphrasing the letter for you.

    It is certainly refreshing to have a nice conversation, I do hope you have a good day or evening, which ever it may be for you when you find my information, take care.


    Leaders of that group aloud themselves to be infiltrated by the CIA and FBI and customs and G-2 Castro It was eventually advised that the government named organization had only one mission (seek and destroy) this they did. Things at that time were so confusing I did not really know who was who. But in Revaluation one must never give up. We did not we knew that peace is not something that is given on a silver platter if one wants this you must fight for it. When you have it fight harder to keep it. We never really had the funds to fight but we did. Many good men died so we could fight on we did and will continue, I speak only for myself now but my heart tells me every day we are no more. I have a deep love for my country only God before her. The flag we fly if fell in battle must be rapidly pick up so she would not lay in the dirt she always flew proudly and proud were the men under her. Ask the many who were on its journey, my blood runs cold when I see a American flag the stars and strips sowed on the back pocket or so called new generation style of some fairly respectable person so when they get tortured they can sit on the flag the same flag that represents thousands of men and women who died so she could wave on the coat hinge and her meaning of freedom for all and the respect she should be given. I ask myself what happen to the respect. My only assumption ----------

    There was a word that always seem to bother me, I think I have it figured out, when I thought it was brutal it was actual battle.


  10. I think, they would be saying to themselves how easy it was for them to get away.

    Its funny how every now and then, as the years just roll away, somebody pops up and tries to tell the truth, nobody gives a damn anyway.

    I mean, he couldn't possible have information right? After all, who was he? YOU, never heard of him, but the CIA did.

    Hi Scott: Now do not go jumping to conclusions, there are many who are following and have been your information, i think some will express their thoughts, when they feel they have read and been able to access enough of your information, to do so, just check the hits on your threads, as to the how many, are following along., it takes a long time now imo, for most to decide, many have through the years been bitten more than once by jumping to a forgone conclusion, that they bought, right off the bat, now they are wiser and more cautious,slower, it will come, if the truth is there, they will come to it, and as you have mentioned, it is within your book, so hopefully when it is available, the majority will have access, Meanwhile, thank you for your continuous effort that you have made for the membership in revealing some of your information,, btw try not to pay too much attention to the sour apples that at times,spoil the barrel, and or they who will continually try to keep on baiting you, though i must applaud your handling of such sours.....take care b..

    Hi Bernice,

    Its nice to read something so comforting without the attack, I did not ask for this life, in fact I wish I never had to live through it, I would not wish it on anyone, not all was bad of coarse, and sometimes, I think that meeting some of these enigmatic figures only to truly know their importance later in life has really screwed with me, more now then when I was a kid. loosing someone you love is hard, harder when you find out why. My mother has kept it a secret that has been withheld from me for over thirty three years.

    My sister has her way of dealing with things through therapy as do I, I've become obsessed with wanting all records now released by the CIA and that the NARA publicly release all its documents.

    I'm asking for an Congressional Oversight Committee to lay all their cards on the table and let the public sift through any newly developed documents as the CIA has now indicated to me that they are all now released.

    I'm asking the Supreme Court to over rule Obama's Justice Department who as now blocked United States Judge Royce Lamberth from granting a request to have all classified documents, testimonies and any information pertaining to the "Watergate Scandal" be released. Because Obama's administration's believes that citing the privacy interests of individuals named in the testimony. But,

    If they are already dead then why should it matter? Anyways,

    Thanks again Bernice, and for your information I asked Al Navis when the book would be ready, this is what I posted on Facebook and his responce. ANNOUNCEMENT! I have been informed by Al Navis that the book will be completed in two weeks, I will then be seeking one person to proof read the material before going to the press, please let me know if your interested. Thank you!

    Al Navis Scott, the COPY editing will be done in about two weeks. You still have to add some stuff and flush out some descriptors of the avalanche of Cubans, so readers can follow the book without a scorecard.

    My dad was certainly acquainted with quite a few people, our house was like a 24 hour stop spot for everyone and anyone my dad wanted to bring home with him. Unfortunately, he started poking his nose into the Kennedy assassination during his living years, thus the reason. I'm now obsessed and on the quest with wanting to solve both murders.


  11. Your reading of the CIA document is inaccurate, please read the document carefully, as the CIA document refers to President "John F. Kennedy",

    True but you can't have it noth ways if the letter doesn't refer to records concerning your dad then you have produced evidence the CIA is refusing to give you what you want. Can you, as previously requested, post the FOIA request letter you sent them.

    I think, I would better understand you if you started to write in Spanish.

    True but you can't have it both ways if the letter doesn't refer to records concerning your dad then you have not produced any evidence the CIA is refusing to give you what you want. Can you, as previously requested, post the FOIA request letter you sent them.

    Happy now?

    Please don't tell me what I can and cannot have, post or say, I don't know where you live, but I'm an American. An if you can't read what I'm posting its not my problem, furthermore, the FBI is a gathering of information agency, and if the FBI says they have been granted to continue "non-disclosure" of my father's information by the US Justice Department because it poses a "National Thereat to Security" you can rest assure that the CIA has not released ALL information on my father either. The CIA sent me three FULL pages of redacted information. That was a waist of tax payer's money don't you agree?

    And after, when I received that letter from the CIA saying they have now released ALL information to the NARA referring to "KENNEDY" and I can't get all of my father's information, what makes be believe that I'm going to get Kennedy's too?

    The New York Times, on October 17, published a page-one story by Scott Shane about the CIA’s defiance of a court order to release documents pertaining to the John F. Kennedy assassination. If they are saying they have now released ALL documents to the NARA, then they, the (CIA) are full of xxxx.

    And Len, You may contiue to converse with me, about what ever you like, in fact. I'm beginning to like you, now that I understand you. But you will not get any more information out of me or get me to play anymore taped conversations, or get me to talk about David, Frank, my father or anything else before the release of my book, afterwards. I will be more then happy to answer any of your questions. And,

    By the way, I will try and make it as simple reading for you as I can so you will not not need a scorecard reading my book, I want you to keep up.


  12. I think, they would be saying to themselves how easy it was for them to get away.

    Its funny how every now and then, as the years just roll away, somebody pops up and tries to tell the truth, nobody gives a damn anyway.

    I mean, he couldn't possible have information right? After all, who was he? YOU, never heard of him, but the CIA did.

  13. Scott Richard Kaiser ****** A dude! Thanks! I'm pretty dam sure this house was occupied by Alex Rorke, I'm going to use your photos in my book! Thanks man, luv them...!!!!!

    about an hour ago · Like.

    Mark Lorenz It is a few blocks from a friend of mine, double duty, a ride home and research all in one ride =D

    about an hour ago · Unlike · 1 person.

    Scott Richard Kaiser Thanks brother!!! I owe you.....

    about an hour ago · Like.

    Scott Richard Kaiser Tell your mom I said hi....

    about an hour ago · Like.

    Mark Lorenz Mom says "he tooke me to see his wife and kids...I must have been there once...whats her name? jackie? I remember she had reddish blond hair, very irish looking, he had a lot of kids. It must be the house I was in." and she says hello Scott, hugs to you!

    about an hour ago · Unlike · 1 person.

    Scott Richard Kaiser I don't know his wifes name, sorry, I'll have to look it up....

    about an hour ago · Like

    I redacted the bad words.

  14. in this instance that I'm hogging the board* and so bumping this topic to top to indicate I'm done. Sorry. Please continue. I'm interested in this exchange.

    *7 in one day is a bit much but I'm a bit strapped for time and sometimes a reply takes time to germinate so my posts sometimes come in bursts that can be seen as flooding or at least annoying. I'm more used to the IRC format where multiple threads coexist happily at rapid speed without fear or favor.

    Please continue. I'm interested in this exchange.

    Mark Lorenz So this is not a new build by any means, it must still be the same building.

    36 minutes ago · Like.

    Scott Richard Kaiser I found out that the building was built in 1930.

    33 minutes ago · Like.

    Scott Richard Kaiser That's the house that Alex Rorke lived in, ****** A. Its the same address that's in my dads address book, you can see it on the door, your ****** awesome bro!!!!

    32 minutes ago · Like.

    Mark Lorenz I made xxxx sure to get a clear shot of the address for you, and 1000% sure I was on 76th Road.

    31 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

    Scott Richard Kaiser I'm freaking excited, its a small world for sure who would have thought that the son of Marita Lorenz lived around the corner from Alex Rorke house and his address is in my dad's address book, this is ******* cool....

    26 minutes ago · Like.

    Mark Lorenz I am so psyched that I can help you out with your research, also, Mom said Alex's picture is at Loyola in Manhattan, he played basketball as he was studying to become a jesuit priest, he was 17-18 years old, very catholic.

    24 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

    Mark Lorenz In a group shot, one among many.

    24 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

    Mark Lorenz Monica was the one who brought it to Mom's attention as she also was attending Loyola, not very sucessfully though, she had a rotten experience with a dirty old priest.

    23 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

    Scott Richard Kaiser Its has to be his house then no doubt, would your mom care to say anything in a private email to me the I could put in my book, in her own words? I would be honored...

    22 minutes ago · Like.

    Scott Richard Kaiser LOL....

    22 minutes ago · Like.


    Redacted some of the bad words.

  15. John,

    On paper, those who provided negative identifications could be accused of having vested interests but ultimately, I was persuaded they were being honest and open with me. I was particularly impressed by how helpful Chavez, Fernandez, Roman and the Morales family were in answering my questions and providing new images (Rita and Sandra are pseudonyms, by the way).

    I now believe the two figures in the ballroom are Michael Roman and, probably, Frank Owens. The Bulova connection and the actions of Roman after the shooting are a bit strange but I don't now believe the man with him is Joannides.

    The "Morales" identification is so disputed at this stage, I prefer to emphasise that Morales confessed he was in Dallas and Los Angeles and, after talking to his family, they have no alibi for his whereabouts on June 5, 1968. This is significant because generally Morales' family lived with him wherever he was posted, with the exception of his tour of Vietnam and his first year in Laos.

    Brad Ayers, Wayne Smith and Ed Lopez are all highly credible and I found their IDs persuasive for a long time. While I personally now doubt it is Morales in the video, the new images of Morales his family provided made Ayers and Smith even more sure of their original IDs. Even if it isn't Morales in the video, his statement that he was there and his implication that he was involved must be followed through as far as possible. What more can be done to pin this down, I'm not sure.

    I found the interviews with Morales’ two eldest daughters interesting. On page 462 Rita Morales claims that David Morales was at home on the evening of the assassination of JFK and showed no reaction to the death. This sounds very abnormal and suggests that he was keeping himself under tight control (something that all spooks have to do when the subject matter of an issue concerns their work).

    Rita said in the interview that “when he wasn’t drinking, he was a good guy”. The only problem with this assessment is that he was an alcoholic.

    Rita also says: “If my father got a direct order to do it, I’m sure he did it. He knew the people who could get the job done.” Doesn’t sound like a “good guy” to me.

    If true he was home and showed no reaction, that in and of itself is strange. Everyone had a strong reaction - one way or another!....and he was well known to not like JFK. He also worked for the man - his commander in chief. No reaction is almost a 'reaction' [of covering his real ones] in itself!.......

    As someone who was supposed to have kicked Che's head like a football after it had been severed from his body....and many other ' wet jobs', I think we can conclude he was not a 'good guy' except to his friends and family, perhaps. Morales certainly could have done it without any troubled sleep if ordered or if he was one of the plotters. All evidence seems to point to his involvement in both JFK and RFK assassinations and American coup d'etat.

    Peter: What about the signed affidavit which Brad Ayers and I signed at your residence in Solano Beach, California about 1991? If I remember right, it covered details about Ayers and our knowing each other at JM/WAVE, Miami Station.., and what he and I knew about operations in Miami and the timeline when we knew it.

    Would you care to expand on that certified document and what all was discussed at that meeting before we both went to south Florida. As you know Brad almost got Jim Marrs and I killed when we were down there..., or is it to secret for you to go into today.

    Would you care to POST that document/affidavit or explain why you can't?

    Rita said in the interview that “when he wasn’t drinking, he was a good guy”. The only problem with this assessment is that he was an alcoholic.

    This happens to be true all three men, Frank, David and my father would get drunk and shoot off at the mouth, Frank loved to brag about his war stories, I can still remember some of what he talked about.

  16. I have been ask a lot of questions about David Morales.  In the past I have just past them off.  Some ask me how Iknow he was not a player in the assassination of John Kenedy.  I know some will take unkindly with this post, but following is information that was given to an investigative committee in 1991 Senator John Kerry's  Iran Contra Re-Supply network ref; Dick Mc Call and John Winner.., close door session..." classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive".

    Question:  How do you know that Morales was not involved in the Kennedy assassination?

    I was told by Tracy Barnes,  John Martino, William "Wild Bill Harvey", and John Rosellie shortly after the assassination, that David was in Miami. 



    Would you anticipate any further public disclosures of Kerry Committee discoveries if he is elected? Your last sentence is a mouthful: "I was told by Tracy Barnes, John Martino, William "Wild Bill Harvey" and John Roselli shortly after the assassination, that David was in Miami." I would love the chance to drag the details of that conversation out of you and put them down in a methodical manner. Doing that stuff off-the-cuff in video-interview format hasn't served you well, IMO.


    Iknow he was not a player in the assassination of John Kenedy.

    This is not true, Frank and David were there.

    I was told by Tracy Barnes, John Martino, William "Wild Bill Harvey", and John Rosellie shortly after the assassination, that David was in Miami.


    These are a bunch of guy's you should beleive.

    Euclides Mendez, who was one of the leaders of Alpha 66 also later joined the Cubanos Unidos, Mendez is also known as "El Indio" who's real name was David Sanchez Morales.

    I know this to be true because, I talked to Tomas Arrencibia over the phone appox. 6 months ago or so, he still lives in Miami, he verified that Morales was infact Mendez, also Morales use to come over our house in Hialeah.

  17. On 11th December, 1959, Colonel J. C. King, chief of CIA's Western Hemisphere Division, sent a confidential memorandum to Allen W. Dulles, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. King argued that in Cuba there existed a "far-left dictatorship, which if allowed to remain will encourage similar actions against U.S. holdings in other Latin American countries."

    As a result of this memorandum Dulles established Operation 40. It obtained this name because originally there were 40 agents involved in the operation. Later this was expanded to 70 agents. The group was presided over by Richard Nixon. Tracy Barnes became operating officer of what was also called the Cuban Task Force. The first meeting chaired by Barnes took place in his office on 18th January, 1960, and was attended by David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, Jack Esterline, and Frank Bender.

    On 4th March, 1960, La Coubre, a ship flying a Belgian flag, exploded in Havana Bay. It was loaded with arms and ammunition that had been sent to help defend Cuba's revolution from its enemies. The explosion killed 75 people and over 200 were injured. Fabian Escalante, an officer of the Department of State Security (G-2), later claimed that this was the first successful act carried out by Operation 40.

    One member, Frank Sturgis, claimed: "this assassination group (Operation 40) would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents... We were concentrating strictly in Cuba at that particular time."

    Over the next few years Operation 40 worked closely with several anti-Castro Cuban organizations including Alpha 66. CIA officials and freelance agents such as Porter Goss, E. Howard Hunt, David Morales, Bernard L. Barker, Frank Sturgis, Barry Seal, and William C. Bishop also joined the project. Cuban figures used by the Operation 40 included Antonio Veciana, Luis Posada, Orlando Bosch, Roland Masferrer, Eladio del Valle, Guillermo Novo, Carlos Bringuier, Eugenio Martinez, Antonio Cuesta, Hermino Diaz Garcia, Felix Ismael Rodriguez, Juan Manuel Salvat, Ricardo Morales Navarrete, Isidro Borjas, Virgilio Paz, Jose Dionisio Suarez, Felipe Rivero, Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo, Nazario Sargent, Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz, Rafael Quintero, Jose Basulto, and Paulino Sierra.


    The picture below is of interest. This photograph was taken in a nightclub in Mexico City on 22nd January, 1963. It is believed that the men in the photograph are all members of Operation 40. It has been suggested that closest to the camera on the left is Felix Rodriguez. Next to him is Porter Goss and Barry Seal. It has been claimed that Tosh Plumlee is attempting to hide his face with his coat. Others in the picture are Alberto 'Loco' Blanco (3rd right) and Jorgo Robreno (4th right).

    I would be interested in the opinions of Gerry and Tosh on this photograph.

    Tosh for sure could finally end the dispute (demopedia) between you and Daniel Hopsicker who claims in "Barry and the Boys" that the guy hiding his face is Frank Sturgis.


    ps: somewhere I read that the first guy on the right is William Seymour (?)

    Tosh for sure could finally end the dispute (demopedia) between you and Daniel Hopsicker who claims in "Barry and the Boys" that the guy hiding his face is Frank Sturgis.

    The guy who is hinding his face is Frank.

  18. Your reading of the CIA document is inaccurate, please read the document carefully, as the CIA document refers to President "John F. Kennedy",

    True but you can't have it noth ways if the letter doesn't refer to records concerning your dad then you have produced evidence the CIA is refusing to give you what you want. Can you, as previously requested, post the FOIA request letter you sent them.

    I think, I would better understand you if you started to write in Spanish.

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