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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. I'm guessing that Oswald then was there, in Miami not once but a few times, in a testimony under oath by Marita Lorenz crossed excamined by Mark Lane. She says the following. Also, you should note, neither Mrs Lorenz nor the FBI knew the correct names of the two brother's who left in the caravan to Dallas from Miami. My father in his living years discovered them to be the Navarro brothers. I am trying not to swim in theory, but I have one that is too tempting not to address. That is, that the Novis/Novo Brothers of whom Marita Lorenz is speaking of during her testimony to Mark Lane, and the same Novo brother's that Hemming talks about in the book "Bloody Treason" could actually be the Navarro Brothers. It would seem to make sense given their shared company, the fact that Wilferdo Navarro testified before the Rockefeller Commission with Frank Sturgis (and there is no mention of the Novis/Novo brothers) the fact that Sturgis knew the Navarro brothers in the early 60's; and according to Sonia Kaiser's testimony (my mother), Wilfredo Navarro was a right wing asshole who knew Sturgis since the early 60's.

    Lane: During and before November of 1963, did you work on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Miami area?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did you work with a man named Frank Sturgis, while you were working for the CIA?

    Lorenz: Yes, I did.

    Lane: Was that in Miami, during and prior to November 1963?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: What other names, to your knowledge, is Frank Sturgis known by?

    Lorenz: Frank Fiorini, Hamilton; the last name, Hamilton. F-I-O-R-I-N-I-.

    Lane: Was Mr. Fiorini or Mr. Sturgis, while you worked with him, also employed by the Central Intelligence Agency?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: During that time were payments made to Mr. Sturgis for the work he was doing for the CIA?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did you ever witness anyone make payments to him for the CIA work which you and Mr. Sturgis were both involved in?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Who did you witness make payments to Mr. Sturgis?

    Lorenz: A man by the name of Eduardo.

    Lane: Who is Eduardo?

    Lorenz: That is his code name; the real name is E. Howard Hunt.

    Lane: Did you know him and meet him during and prior to November 1963?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did you witness payments made by Mr. Hunt to Mr. Sturgis or Mr. Fiorini on more than one occasion prior to November of 1963?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did you go on a trip with Mr. Sturgis from Miami during November of 1963?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Was anyone else present with when you went on that trip?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: What method of transportation did you use?

    Lorenz: By car.

    Lane: Was there one or more cars?

    Lorenz: There was a follow-up car.

    Lane: Does that mean two cars?

    Lorenz: Backup; yes.

    Lane: What was in the follow-up car, if you know?

    Lorenz: Weapons.

    Lane: Without asking you any of the details regarding the activity that you and Mr. Sturgis and Mr. Hunt were involved in, may I ask you if some of that activity was

    related to the transportation of weapons?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did Mr. Hunt pay Mr. Sturgis sums of money for activity related to the transportation of weapons?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did Mr. Sturgis tell you where you would be going from Miami, Florida, during November of 1963, prior to the time that you traveled with him in the car?

    Lorenz: Dallas, Texas.

    Lane: He told you that?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did he tell you the purpose of the trip to Dallas, Texas?

    Lorenz: No; he said it was confidential.

    Lane: Did you arrive in Dallas during November of 1963?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: After you arrived in Dallas, did you stay at any accommodations there?

    Lorenz: Motel.

    Lane: While you were at that motel, did you meet anyone other than those who were in the party traveling with you from Miami to Dallas?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Who did your meet?

    Lorenz: E. Howard Hunt.

    Lane: Was there anyone else who you saw or met other than Mr. Hunt?

    Lorenz: Excuse me?

    Lane: Other than those?

    Lorenz: Jack Ruby.

    Lane: Tell me the circumstances regarding your seeing E. Howard Hunt in Dallas in November 1963?

    Lorenz: There was a prearranged meeting that E. Howard Hunt deliver us sums of money for the so-called operation that I did not know its nature.

    Lane: Were you told what your role was to be?

    Lorenz: Just a decoy at the time.

    Lane: Did you see Mr. Hunt actually deliver money to anyone in the motel room which you were present in?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: To whom did you see him deliver the money?

    Lorenz: He gave an envelope of cash to Frank Fiorini.

    Lane: When he gave him the envelope, was the cash visible as he had it in the envelope?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    Lane: Did you have a chance to see the cash after the envelope was given to Mr. Fiorini?

    Lorenz: Frank pulled out the money and flipped it and counted it and said "that is enough" and put it in his jacket.

    Lane: How long did Mr. Hunt remain in the room?

    Lorenz: About forty-five minutes.

    Lane: Did anyone else enter the room other than you, Mr. Fiorini, Mr. Hunt, and others who may have been there before Mr. Hunt arrived?

    Lorenz: No.

    Lane: Where did you see the person you identified as Jack Ruby?

    Lorenz: After Eduardo left, a fellow came to the door and it was Jack Ruby, about an hour later, forty-five minutes to an hour later.

    Lane: When you say Eduardo, who are you referring to?

    Lorenz: E. Howard Hunt.

    Lane: When did that meeting take place in terms of the hour; was it daytime or nighttime?

    Lorenz: Early evening.

    Lane: How soon after that evening meeting took place did you leave Dallas?

    Lorenz: I left about two hours later; Frank took me to the airport and we went back to Miami.

    Lane: Now, can you tell us in relationship to the day that President Kennedy was killed, when this meeting took place?

    Lorenz: The day before.

    Lane: Is it your testimony that the meeting which you just described with Mr. Hunt making the payment of money to Mr. Sturgis took place on November 21, 1963?

    Lorenz: Yes.

    [Note: Marita Lorenz returned to her home in Miami that same night, but said Frank Sturgis later told her what she had missed in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963: "We killed

    the President that day."]

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  2. I tried some searches at the Mary Ferrell site, and it indeed a bit strange.

    I found this link to an exhibit in the Warren Hearings:


    There is something about Oswald possibly in Miami in October, 1962.


    And here is some more about November 1962:





    It is off course possible that this information was not available at the time Mary Ferrell made her chronology.

    Very interesting information indeed! Thank you...

  3. The number that is striked out must have been Oswalds number, and I'm assuming these number's where area code 305. The number above must have been a decoy, when I call the number that is stricken out it will ring for quite sometime before I get a recording, not so with Sturgis' number. I"ll call that number and get a recording right away, I also have another person who went by the name of Eduardo, however, in my father's phone book he spells it Ewdero who is also known by Howard Hunt. His number too goes to a recording machine.

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  4. Does anyone know if Lee Oswald was indeed in Miami on November 1962? I found this file and it appears to be dated 12/05/1962. In an article published in the Florida Sun Sentinel which by the way, is also the same news paper who's reporter Mike Wales implemented my father from a reliable source as being the 6th individual and burglar in the Watergate break-ins, and on 4th December, 1963 Jim Buchanan claimed that Sturgis had met Lee Harvey Oswald in Miami shortly before the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    Buchanan claimed that Oswald had tried to infiltrate the Anti-Communist Brigade founded by Sturgis. When he was questioned by the FBI about this story, Sturgis claimed that Buchanan had misquoted him regarding his comments about Oswald.

    My father left behind two little black books. In these books are names, phone numbers and addresses of many important and infamous men. One page in particular stands out with regards to Frank Sturgis and Lee Harvey Oswald.




    RECORD NUMBER : 173-10011-10157





    TO : FBI LA



    DATE : 12/05/1962

    PAGES : 11






    DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 03/22/1993


    Audit history for this Record Identification Form </cgi-bin/starfinder/5096/jfksnew.txt?action=toyezGEKdaP4YcSltsnwInxspnlJyb5_MCPyozsr>

    I could not find evidence of a visit to Miami in November 1962 in the Mary Ferrell Chronology, but maybe I overlooked it.

    November 1962 starts on this page:


    This is weird, when I was doing some research to corroborate my father's story, I found it in the MFF, the information I proved above, Oswald was one of the thirteen men arrested in Florida FBI file 173-10011-10157. However, I do not see this information in Oswalds Chronology timeline, also to see if what my father was saying true, in his phone book, my mother tells me that it was in November 1962 that my grandmother decided to move from Norwalk Connecticut to Miami Beach. It was about that time that my father met Sturgis through Navarro who introduced my father to Oswald.

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  5. "I believe it is possible that William Pawley paid for the assassination of JFK."
    Nixon was also to be assassinated in 1970 and 1972. First was at Key Biscayne, the second was at the VVAW at Flamingo Park in Miami Beach Both events were financed by Pawley, both Nixon and Pawley are found in my father's phone book as well.

    post-6379-005756300 1312743805_thumb.jpg

  6. Does anyone know if Lee Oswald was indeed in Miami on November 1962? I found this file and it appears to be dated 12/05/1962. In an article published in the Florida Sun Sentinel which by the way, is also the same news paper who's reporter Mike Wales implemented my father from a reliable source as being the 6th individual and burglar in the Watergate break-ins, and on 4th December, 1963 Jim Buchanan claimed that Sturgis had met Lee Harvey Oswald in Miami shortly before the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    Buchanan claimed that Oswald had tried to infiltrate the Anti-Communist Brigade founded by Sturgis. When he was questioned by the FBI about this story, Sturgis claimed that Buchanan had misquoted him regarding his comments about Oswald.

    My father left behind two little black books. In these books are names, phone numbers and addresses of many important and infamous men. One page in particular stands out with regards to Frank Sturgis and Lee Harvey Oswald.




    RECORD NUMBER : 173-10011-10157





    TO : FBI LA



    DATE : 12/05/1962

    PAGES : 11






    DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 03/22/1993


    Audit history for this Record Identification Form </cgi-bin/starfinder/5096/jfksnew.txt?action=toyezGEKdaP4YcSltsnwInxspnlJyb5_MCPyozsr>

  7. Navarro made available the index cards which were in a paper container and stamped "received May 19,1970, Office Customs Agent in charge, Miami, Florida". These cards, 188 of them, contained the names, descriptions, and file numbers of persons arrested by the U.S. Customs on narcotics charges. Navarro said that Kaiser (My Father) admitted he stole these cards from the office of U.S. Customs before the agency moved to its present offices. My father said that he had taken these cards and contacted individuals whose names were mentioned on those cards. Gerry P. Hemming, Frank Castro, Tony Calatayud, Santo Trafficante and many more.

  8. Another photo of Navarro and Sturgis. JK

    Are you sure its Navarro in this photo? He doesn't look much like the guy standing next to my father, but without the mustache and maybe loose some hair it could be him. Like I said, the photo I took was in 1976, these photo's appear to be early 1970's so were looking at a five to six years age difference, could there be that much of a change in the photos?

  9. Is this one of the Navarro's you refer to? Wilfredo Navarro on the left, Frank Sturgis in the middle and unknown on the right. I think he was a lawyer. Sorry about the poor quality. JK

    The guy in the glasses looks like Ruben Ellis, Frank's attorney, he was also my father's attorney.

  10. Were did you find that photo? There is also a photo I took in 1976.I have the photo, it is of Wilfredo Navarro and my father. I can try to compare the two, I will also try and upload the photo here. And yes that is Fat fu*king Frank. Frank is who killed my father on the boat my father and Frank were both working on. Navarro is in the red pants and my father is on the right. Can you tell there were just the best of buddies? Neither guy has his arm around the other, no contact what so ever. Hmmm?

    post-6379-063023700 1312492376_thumb.jpg

  11. In my upcoming book, I will share with you my theory and the information my father possessed about the Navarro brothers who were the two brothers that left Miami in the caravan to Dallas, it was not the Novo brothers. These are the facts, Frank Sturgis and both Navarro brother's were long times friends sense 1960. Fact, On February 15, 1971 Navarro said that he gave my father his personal automobile and $200.00 to go to New York City and make arrangements for the "big rally" and press conference that was to be held on February 18, 1971. My father took the money and the car. He went to New York and got intoxicated, spent the money in the bar and did not arrange any meeting with the right-wing groups. He did not contact the press and did not work on promoting the rally.

    On March 5, 1971 Navarro said that my dad, while in New York City, had abandoned Navarro's automobile and returned to Miami. Prior to returning to Miami, my father called two Cuban exiles in Miami and said that he received an order from the United States Government saying that Navarro needs to be assassinated right away. He stated that Navarro was guilty of "treason". When the two Cuban exiles came to Navarro's house with guns, Navarro was able to dissuade them and snuck out the back door.

    Fact, the information my father gave my mother, will for the first time be made public in my upcoming book, her testimony and knowledge of the information given to her.

    Fact, both Navarro brothers died sometime in the 80's in an unexplainable car crash.

  12. It appears that my father was the sixth man in Watergate not Lou Russell as many thought him to be. Attached, is one of the many letter's my father left me before his murder explaining to me how he was the sixth man in Watergate when he broke into the Watergate Building with Sturgis, it only seems to be quite fitting sense Sturgis and my father were long time frinds, he confessed this information to my mother shortly after Sturgis' arrest in Washington. My father then went to Hati to lay low. This is somewhat paraphrased:

    “Five of the six men involved in Watergate were from the Bay-of-Pigs. 6 out of 6 from Miami. All involved at one time or another with Cuba or her problems. It is my belief that if we had more Americans with the love they have and have shown, and the want to do, not talk about doing something, but doing it for this Country, to work as this 6 men try to work, we Americans would be better off. As I said before, I only knew one of them. I only wish I had the pleasure to know them all. {(crossed out with pen) I have information on a exchange.}

    Tuesday 26th July – Ramone Orosco.

  13. Below is our petition, I will be petitioning the United States Supreme Court as well as United States Congress. Please read our following petition, your help in proving your signature will allow your voice to be heard. I plan on getting this petition to our government agencies before Obama's Administration is up or we have collected the required signature goals, which ever come first. Thanking you in advance.

    Scott Kaiser


  14. On July 29, 1973 an American who has identified himself as Ed Scott (Kaiser) telephoned (name unknown Someone who was in Jail in CUBA and has been recently released) at the address of Mrs. (name unknown) in Miami, Mr. (name unknown) is currently staying at his sister-in-laws house. Scott (Kaiser) said that he and (name unknown) had mutual friends and that he needed to see (name unknown) right away at the Cuban shopping center on N.W. 22 Avenue and 11th Street which the Cubans named "Centro Commercial Cubanos." Scott (Kaiser) who was waiting in front of a small coffee shop located in the shopping center. Upon (name unknown) arrival Scott suggested that they go into the Yumura furniture store where he introduced (name unknown) to one of its owners, a Sergio Gonzales, who was in prison in Cuba with (name unknown). According to (name unknown) Gonzales was supposed to have served six years as a political prisoner and is a former head of the 30th of November revolutionary activities for years, that his group was about to do something big in Cuba, and asked (name unknown) if he could get him some arms. (name unknown) told Scott (Kaiser) that he was arrested for attempting to leave Cuba illegally, and he was not involved with any group and did not want to discuss this any further. Scott (Kaiser) said that he could tell (name unknown) the location of the Russian military camps in Cuba, the location of all the prisons in Cuba, and asked if (name unknown) thought the prisoners would escape if freed by a group, if a group infiltrated into Cuba, would the people of Cuba help them? He also asked what the Cubans needed in way of arms, food etc., to change the present situation in Cuba. Scott (Kaiser) asked (name unknown) about the current conditions in Cuba, the length of his prison sentence, if (name unknown) would be willing to join Scott's group, Scott (Kaiser) asked (name unknown) if he knew anything about a large amount of drugs being smuggled by small boats with Cubans from the United States. Scott (Kaiser) also asked (name unknown) if the American government had talked to him since his return to the United States from the Islands. Scott (Kaiser) said that he would like to take (name unknown) to an office where a girl would take down information from (name unknown) by typewriter and a tape recorder. Scott (Kaiser) then took (name unknown) out to his car, a dark green 1970 or 71 Ford Galaxy, opened the trunk and showed (name unknown) a large number of round things, resembling sticks , wrapped in tin foil. Scott (Kaiser) told (name unknown) they were dynamite. (name unknown) was unable to note the license plate number on the car. Scott (Kaiser) would not tell (name unknown) where he obtained (name unknown) telephone number, but (name unknown) later found out that it was given to Scott (Kaiser) by a Cuban friend, by the name of Felix Rodriguez (fun) who is now employed at the coffee shop counter in the shopping center. Scott (Kaiser) told (name unknown) that he was called to Washington recently in connection with the Watergate case. Scott had an attaché case containing tapes, index cards and photostatic copies of photos of Frank Sturgis, Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt, and others which he showed to (name unknown). Scott (Kaiser) said that he made a number of references to an Aldo Vera, Lanz Diaz and other persons. (name unknown) said he steadfastly refused to cooperate with Scott (Kaiser) and told Scott (Kaiser) that the only thing he could tell him is what went on in prison because he knew nothing about what went on outside of the prison walls.

    On July 30, 1973 Mr. Saldivar (fun) father of Eugenio Saldivar, visited (name unknown) at (name unknown) sister-in-law's apartment. Mr. Saldivar and (name unknown) then went to have coffee at the aforementioned shopping center and saw Scott (Kaiser) there with some of his "cronies" and Armando, who is not further indentified, but was exiled in the Uruguayan Embassy in Havana in 1962. The group started a normal conversation with (name unknown) and after they drank their coffee, Scott (Kaiser), in an effort toward trying to be funny, according to (name unknown) took an old Cuban $100 bill out of his pocket to pay for the coffee. The group insisted that (name unknown) have lunch with them but (name unknown) declined with the excuse that he had a doctor's appointment.

    On the morning of August 3, 1973 (name unknown) again visited the Cuban shopping center to purchase some items and again encountered Scott (Kaiser). An unidentified Cuban at the shopping center that day called Scott "Casid" (Kaiser). Scott (Kaiser) told (name unknown) that he was very busy these days and showed (name unknown) a large boat near the shopping center which Scott (Kaiser) said he was fixing up in preparation for a trip soon. Scott (Kaiser) invited (name unknown) to come see him the following day where he was working on the boat. The boat that Scott was working on is located in back of the Cuban shopping center on N.W. 22nd Avenue (name unknown) said it reportedly is worth about $75,000 and is owned by a Mr. Richard Cabrera, nickname Cayo, whose means of livelihood is unknown to (name unknown). In a note to this agency dated August 6, 1973 (name unknown) said that "they", sources not named, told him that Scott is also known by the name of Kaiser, and that Scott, or Kaiser, has spread the story around the Cuban colony that he is a member of the CIA; that he fought in the Indo-China war; that he was a member of the French Foreign Legion, and that he was wounded many times in World War II. Scott (Kaiser) said that he and Armando were going to Washington again to be questioned in the Watergate matter. Scott is a personal friend of Armando Fernandez, who is about 45 years old, who reportedly is in jail in Cuba at the present time and claims to be or to have been associated with the CIA. Reportedly Fernandez, together with Carlos De Armas who is about 50 years old, were arrested in Cuba on or about July 20, 1973 for having gone to Cuba to bring out the family of Armando Fernandez and some other people. According to (name unknown) the families who were to have left Cuba illegally on the return trip with these three were also arrested in Varadero where the families lived. (name unknown) said that the person called "El Pirate" allegedly had been in jail in Cuba previously but got out and came to Miami and that these three persons used to hangout in the Yumura furniture store in the shopping center on N.W. 22nd Avenue, which is where my father spent many of his afternoons.

  15. My name is Scott Richard Kaiser, My father, Edwin Benjamin Kaiser, was a thrill-seeking patriot, who became enmeshed with many of our nation's biggest conspiracies. Whether smuggling arms, plotting assassinations, or heading underground militia movements, my father took part with gusto and without hesitation. In the early seventies, my father was the military head of an anti-Castro movement called "Cubanos Unidos." He started to form relationships with others of the same liberating nature. These were men, and a few women, who felt the need to neuter Communism and free Cuba from the grips of Fidel Castro. My father's world of espionage and corruption was spinning out of control while he tried to balance life at home and the demands of his "job."

    What was my father's job? He had many throughout his years: soldier of fortune, seed peddler, importer, husband, thief, father, assassin, arms smuggler, revolutionary leader, spy, American Patriot and the greatest Hero a young boy could ever hope for in a father. My father was an idealist of his time, a man who loved his country and above that, humanity. He was willing to lay it all on the line to accomplish what he thought was right. My father believed in American freedom above Communism of any flavor. Throughout his stunted life, my father sought out oppressed people and used his brains, brawn and courage to help liberate them. Only the smartest, bravest or most ruthless can participate at this level. At times, my father employed any combination of these traits to accomplish his goals and to survive in this secret world.

    Through his contacts and dealings in this clandestine world, my father was able to obtain a confession that by no means solves, but adds another perspective from which to view one of our nation's most obsessed over questions. Who was involved in the conspiracy to kill President John F. Kennedy? Knowing the answer may have been what killed him.

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