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Tom Neal

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Posts posted by Tom Neal

  1. if it is not a hole completely through the tie, the nicked area had to be on the side of the knot.

    The 'white' that you see through the hole in the outer fabric, is the white inner lining of the tie which was not damaged. Also, the testing of the tie was destructive so a "sample" of unknown size was removed from the 'nick'. Before or after the photos were taken? Who knows... IMO, due to their SOP we are probably looking at the post-removal of fabric condition of the tie. If so, we don't know the original size and shape of the nick...

    I just wonder why Aston's photo shows the tie knot displaced so far to the anatomical right. Is there historical evidence showing JFK's tie knot off to his right?

    The photo of the tie he used for his animation is of JFK in Dallas or Ft. Worth on 11-22-1963.

    When you say 'the knot is displaced so far to the right' I don't know what you mean. If you mean the lower half of the knot, looking at it after it was cut off the way the knot was tied has pointed the lower half of the knot toward his right.


    The scissors you described used by EMTs for rapid clothing removal - have you ever removed a necktie with them? The cut in JFK's tie appears too ragged to have been cut by scissors, and also appears it took a minimum of two strokes to cut through it. Any thoughts?


  2. I don't understand why the nick has to be in the location Ashton put it. The pattern repeats, so that portion of the tie could be moved either direction and it would still fit. Though if moving it covers up the nick, then that wouldn't be right... that part of the tie had to be exposed in order to get nicked.

    There are 6 columns of patterns, which match every other column, allowing 3 possible 'rotations' of the cloth that match. Per the FBI memo that I posted earlier, the location of the "nick" is on the anatomical left side of the tie.

    Harold Weisberg states that he requested photos be taken of the tie that would reveal the location of the nick when the tie was worn. He states that per his discussions with Nara personnel it was obvious that the tie had been untied and re-tied so as to move the nick toward the front center.

    In my opinion the nick, as shown in the photo above, is lower than the holes in the shirt.

    I agree.


    In your comments regarding the vertical slit, you mention that due to the 'weave', the shirt will tear along a vertical line. Isn't it equally likely to tear along a horizontal line if the force was applied in that direction?


  3. There isn't even one single video of Dulles to psychoanalyze his communication habits. For those of you who don't understand what that means, it's to hear him speak, compare his arrogance to that of Helms, needless to say, all there is are photos of Dulles disseminated all over these videos with dubbed voices telling us just how bad this man was, so bad that Dulles was the CEO of Kennedy's assassination.


    Everyone understands what you are saying so you don't have to talk down to us so we can understand. I googled "Allen Dulles youtube" and here are the FIRST two results which are devoid of your claimed overdubs, etc. Didn't exactly look everywhere before you made your "Tidd-like" statement, now did you? Tidd doesn't know about the Garrison trial and you don't know about the internet...

    Before you psychoanalyze AWD from the videos, STATE you credentials and qualifications to do so...


  4. We are in my opinion trying to weigh what we know against what we don't know with as much level headed consideration as possible. It's not always easy. But guys, you are not playing fair. Your objections to my opinion, or Talbot's opinion, are that you have a different opinion. Great - all true. So how should we proceed?

    Well, from what I can gather Jim D would like us to seriously examine the facts, not opinions, around A Dulles' career. We are in luck - we have a well known and careful (not to be misread as perfect) author/researcher who has put together in an easy to read format a book easily available on kindle or hard copy called.....

    'The Devil's Chessboard'. In this book, the author, David Talbot, lays out the particulars of AWD career in such a way that we can easily see what a dirt bag xxxx head asshole he was. So rather than have to answer for why we think he might have been the monster that handled this coup, we should ask the few here that argue otherwise how exactly they have come to their opinions.

    So far we know that Scott Kaiser believes with fervor that he has inside information,which by the way is pretty much the way he sees everything. That's understandable to a degree, given his background.

    Then we have Jon Tidd, who was an intelligence officer and like the proverbial blind men and the elephant fable, believes that his personal experience explains everything about how power works.

    So I think Scott and Jon should share their information which weighs in favor of AWD. What was there about him that supports your opinion in his favor? Are you convinced he did what was right for the US?

    Jim and Paul: Absolutely perfectly said.

    Logic, facts and the latest research is strong evidence that Dulles could, would, and probably did play a major role in JFK's murder.

    Scott and Jon's counterargument is a closed loop:

    1. state AWD wasn't involved because *I* believe he wasn't involved.

    2. reject out of hand the latest AWD historical facts

    3. respond to facts with over-the-top sarcasm

    4. make an irrelevant response

    5. return to step 1 and repeat

    You guys sound like Cronkite who summed up LHO's marksmanship like this: 'We know he COULD do it, because he DID do it.'


  5. I've used FBI photo of JFK's post-assassination shirt, and have applied basic image enhancement to it to bring out details. In doing so, I've concluded to my satisfaction that the slits are almost exactly the same size and shape, contrary to other conclusions. Here is the enhanced image, enlarged and cropped:


    A thread running upward from the hole on the anatomical left (image right) creates an illusion of a longer slit/hole, but it seems clear in the enhanced image that it is a thread, not a further slit.

    At last someone besides me sees this loose thread! As I posted earlier it may even be two threads on top of the collar flap...


  6. I have done a painstaking job of "wrapping" it to the best of my ability on the knot of the tie in the large image taken on 22 November 1963 of JFK at Love Field in Dallas. Based on the pattern, I have wrapped it in the only available logical placement on the knotunless the nick is around behind the visible knot on the anatomical left side (image's right side). I have made an animated gif of it so everyone can how I aligned the pattern in my best good-faith attempt to show the location of the nick and the stain:


    Nicely done! Photoshop for the wrap?

    This shows the position of the "nick" - sort of... Could they possibly have made it more difficult to determine the location of the nick? Whether this is before it was unknotted and reknotted they don't say.



  7. My mom was a seamstress. I remember at times she would make a small cut on the edge of some piece of fabric, and then tear it by hand. The tear would always come out perfectly straight and perfectly in line with the threads. Apparently that was the path of least resistance.

    That sort of phenomenon may have been at play when the bone fragment made that perfectly straight, vertical cut.

    "Tear it by hand" forces would be very different than the forces at work in this situation.


  8. Here's another scenario. I think this one works.

    A bullet strikes JFK and the impact breaks off a piece of bone. The width of the bone fragment is small enough to make the small exit wound found by Parkland doctors. But it is longer than wide, maybe 1/2" long. It has a sharp tip.

    The bone fragment creates the wound and exits. It hits the shirt right behind the necktie knot and pulls the shirt a little bit away from the neck. Upon penetrating the inner layer of shirt fabric, it begins to tumble. The tumbling action causes the tip of the bone to cut a slit into the outer layer of fabric. The tip barely reaches the back of the necktie knot and nicks it.

    By this time the bone has tumbled far enough that its broad side hits the back of the tie. It isn't sharp enough on its broad side, and it doesn't have enough remaining energy, to cut through the back of the knot. it comes to rest there, between the shirt and the knot, and later it falls out.

    Regardless of whether or not this happened, I'm satisfied that the wound was hidden by the knot. And that the slits in the shirt and nick in the tie resulted from the shot. If I am right, the shot had to have come from behind because there is no hole through the tie.

    Pretty much what I was thinking, Sandy.

    This idea has already gone through my head also....

    Great minds think alike...


    After my comments, do you still think the bone scenario works?

    To reiterate, I don't have a theory that works...


  9. JT: What I was getting at, Tom, is that none of the "stuff" in the JFK matter has ever been admitted into evidence by a trial court. Admitting into evidence is done by a trial judge according to a dense body of rules.

    He is wrong anyway Tom. In 1969, Jim Garrison had much of the medical and ballistics evidence admitted at the trial of Clay Shaw. This was over the strenuous objections of the defense.

    His cross examination of Finck literally blew up the medical evidence. To the point that the Justice Department and Harry Connick admitted that Finck was "screwing everything up" and they flew Boswell into town to discredit Finck! I kid you not. They actually rented a hotel room for him. And Connick left him a note. (Destiny Betrayed, second edition, pgs 299-306) They thought better of it though because Finck was actually a more accredited pathologist than Boswell.

    Jon, if you read some good books on this case you would not have to assume so much that is wrong.

    Hi Jim,

    I responded to his post earlier, but for some reason it seems to have disappeared!

    In the last response that is still extant, I was sticking within the boundaries he cited. I wanted him to respond to that first, and then I would step on his toe by pointing out the Garrison trial. I don't know where that post has gone, but you 'stomped" him better that I did, so I'm glad it was my post that vanished instead of yours!

    I'm sure he doesn't care, but I'm 'one more irrelevant post' away from putting him on ignore...


  10. Here's another scenario. I think this one works.

    A bullet strikes JFK and the impact breaks off a piece of bone. The width of the bone fragment is small enough to make the small exit wound found by Parkland doctors. But it is longer than wide, maybe 1/2" long. It has a sharp tip.

    The bone fragment creates the wound and exits. It hits the shirt right behind the necktie knot and pulls the shirt a little bit away from the neck.

    This idea has already gone through my head also, so I'll state the objections I gave myself during its journey through my head...

    The tumbling action causes the tip of the bone to cut a slit into the outer layer of fabric.

    Are you positing that the tip rotated along a 1/2" arc while not moving forward along its velocity vector? IIRC you are an engineer so you are familiar with this terminology...

    The tip barely reaches the back of the necktie knot and nicks it. By this time the bone has tumbled far enough that its broad side hits the back of the tie. It isn't sharp enough on its broad side, and it doesn't have enough remaining energy, to cut through the back of the knot. it comes to rest there, between the shirt and the knot, and later it falls out.

    FWIW, the nick is on the side of the necktie knot - not on the back. After it was untied and retied the nick has moved away from the side and toward the front of the knot.

    Regardless of whether or not this happened, I'm satisfied that the wound was hidden by the knot.

    I agree with you there. Because:
    • 1. Despite what has been alleged, the transcript records that it is Dulles that says the wound is above the knot, NOT Carrico. Carrico attempts to respond and Dulles cuts him off. In WC testimony Carrico clearly states as I and Ashton have posted that HE himself unbuttoned JFK's shirt and (then) observed the neck wound. The phrasing clearly indicates that this is the first time he has seen it. Whether he or Dulles states that the wound was above or below the collar, Carrico himself clearly states that he did NOT see the wound until after JFK's clothes were removed. So either way Carrico is estimating.
    • 2. Nurse Henchliffe saw it prior to the tracheostomy, but gives no indication as to whether she first observed it before or after clothing removal. I have requested a transcript from Wallace Milam (a BIG thank you to Jim DiEugenio for supplying the contact info!) of his interview with her in the hope that it will resolve this issue as well as the scalpel v. scissors debate.
    • 3. Nurse Bowron stated in her WC testimony that she did not observe the throat wound until after the trach tube was removed. However, in a 1993 interview with Harrison Livingstone she states that she observed it while in JFK's limo. It has been suggested that her testimony was alterred in 1964. IMO it's more likely that her 30 year old memory is faulty. The WC wants the throat wound low enough to connect with the back wound, so they had a motive to alter this. However, she also mentions observing the back wound in 1993, but did see "any other wounds" meaning other than head/throat in 1964.

    And that the slits in the shirt and nick in the tie resulted from the shot.

    Which caused the bone fragment to create the slit and the nick...

    One of the many issues I have with any theory of a bone creating the slit is that the slit is absolutely vertical. If created by a scalpel this is EXACTLY what we would expect. But isn't this one hell of a coincidence if done by a bone fragment? No matter how the slit was created, why are the two slits so different in appearance?

    Pardon me for throwing rocks at your theory, but I have run out of reasonable explanations that fit the evidence:

    • bullet fragment - no spectrographic evidence on shirt slit and tie
    • bone fragment - gyrations required for bone fragment to exit a 1/5" round hole, yet cut a 1/2" VERTICAL slit through 2-3 layers of fabric that is touching this wound at the time
    • shirt slit - all the characteristics of a scalpel cut, but considering Carrico's statement that the tie was pulled away from the patients neck and then cut with a scalpel, how do we reconcile a slit cut through 2-3 layers of shirt with a short-bladed scalpel?
    • no vertical incision in JFK's throat - To pull the shirt away from his throat you MUST first unbutton the shirt collar. Carrico is clear that only the tie was pulled away and cut. Then he unbuttoned the shirt himself. After cutting away the tie, a slit through JFK's shirt does nothing to assist its removal AND would have created a vertical incision in JFK's throat, which does not exist
    I am REALLY hoping that the evidence I am awaiting helps, because I have no reasonable scenario here at all...


  11. Tom Neal @ #288:

    There is no evidence in the legal sense. Therefore, as Mason would say, any facts in the JFK case are (assumed) facts not in evidence.

    Well, with this kind of talk no one will accuse you of posing as a lawyer.

    Apparently, I missed the actual trial. None of the evidence was struck down nor was it accepted. You are attempting to impose the rules of evidence in an ongoing trial with the evidence presented for consideration.

    In your own words, anything that hasn't passed a judges ruling is "bunk"; thus every piece of evidence is bunk.

    You can QED all you want, you haven't demonstrated anything, and your stipulation is BS. Ipso Facto.


  12. Tom (who obviously thinks that a reasonable analysis of Dulles is impossible without reading THIS [Talbot's latest] book)

    Even prior to Talbot's book, the case for the CIA's involvement had already been made.

    The value of Talbot's book is in pinpointing the ringleader, as Tom points out.


    Just to clarify/elaborate: Prior to reading "THE DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD" I was convinced that AWD was, at the VERY least a major participant in JFK's murder. The "Power Elite" wanted him dead. They needed someone with a track record of:

    • flagrantly opposing the plans of the POTUS. e.g. Dulles making a personal deal with top nazi officials contrary to strict presidential orders; the BOP (no need to elaborate); assassination of Lamumba et al.
    • experience in the successful assassination of Leaders of State while covering up any US involvement
    • close long-term connections to the media to control the reaction of the press e.g. Henry Luce, et al
    the list goes on and on...

    Name someone else with this experience who hated JFK for publicly humiliating him and making his last official act the debacle that was the BOP?

    "THE DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD" and all of its new insight to AWD did NOT change my previous opinion of him, but it did lower it even more and increase my confidence that whatever title you want to give him, AWD was a MAJOR player in getting this job done.


  13. And your source is a son of CIA's Bissell. What are his bonafides? What would you expect his father to say? Why would you or he think his father was telling the truth, or just the truth as he saw it?

    Can you tell me what the difference is between a son of a CIA man and a conspiracy theorist?


    Paul Brancato has nailed it, but please allow me to elaborate and personalize:

    I was not born a CONSPIRACY THEORIST. I became one by virtue of the information that I have acquired over a period of decades. I have weighed the evidence and made my decision. Having made that decision I remain open to any reasonable evidence to the contrary. My belief is not based on Faith, it is based on the best evidence available.

    I was born my father's son. In dealing with me, I trust him more than anyone I know. I know the man, and base my trust on that. Am I biased on his behalf? Yes. Can your friend truly say that he not biased toward what his father told him?

    Bissell and Dulles had the same belief system. Did your friend ever tell you if his father thought Kennedy should or should not have been assassinated? Knowing that under AWD, the CIA has actually assassinated heads of state; knowing CIA's goals at that time and JFK's direct interference with their achievement, I strongly *suspect* that any high-ranking CIA officer would agree that killing JFK was the best thing for the greater good. This of course doesn't mean any specific individual was actually involved, but it would dramatically affect his opinion as to the right or wrong of JFK's murder.

    For Scott and John Tidd:

    (Stepping up on my soapbox) I continue to be a student of the assassination as I believe are all (OK, ALMOST all) who post here. Whatever my overall belief, I accept any information that has been reasonably substantiated whether it supports my overall belief or undermines it. Whether an individual hates AWD, loves AWD, or places him somewhere within this range, can you honestly call yourself a student of the assassination while not only ignoring, but strongly rejecting out-of-hand the most up to date information on AWD?

    Tom (Stepping down off his soapbox)

  14. One of my favorite videos of Helms denying the CIA was responsible for Kennedy's death. One of the least believable interviews out there.

    Excellent clip, Brian! Thanks for sharing.

    The only thing that's missing is a zoom into a closeup of Helm's while he intones: "I was convicted of purjery, and to this day I wear that conviction as a badge of honor -- remember this, you CAN TRUST ME!"

    For anyone who is unfamiliar, "wear it as a badge of honor" is indeed a direct quote. Not something Helms said once, but a mantra used again and again...


  15. I would have thought they'd use scissors to cut the tie off. But from the looks of that ragged cut, I'm more inclined to believe they used a scalpel.

    A few hours ago, while in search of the origin of the 'scalpel v. tie'; as I had mentioned earlier, it did indeed originate with Harald Weisberg. He states quite clearly (and more than once) that during his interview with Carrico, the doctor went so far as to demonstrate the method. The nurse pulled the tie far enough away from JFK's neck to avoid any chance of inflicting a wound, and as close to the knot as possible. This is the ONLY statement I've found anywhere that indicates whether a scalpel or scissors was used to cut the tie. I have several legitimate medical scalpels that I use for hobby-type stuff, and the blades are quite short. IMO she would have held the tie too far away to have cut a slit into the shirt while severing the tie. After all the shirt was touching his body at the time and the blade would have created a wound.

    It also appears to me that a scalpel was used to cut the tie. Considering the appearance of the cut ends, IMO it required two or more 'strokes' with the knife to complete the cut.

    Tom, the part you marked as "Front" is indeed the front.


    Thanks for the input. I had given up on anyone commenting on this photo re front or back. It doesn't really make sense to me that in the first photo of the tie you see the front twice and then back. The next photo has the same issue but in reverse. Like the wrong CE number is this designed to confuse the issue?

    But the spot you marked as "Nick?" is not the nick we see in the other photo. In the following photos we see 1) rows of six of those little patterns in the wide area of the tie; 2) rows of five in the knot area; and 3) rows of 5 in the nick area, indicating that it is part of the knot area. The spot you marked as "Nick?" is the narrowest part of the tie and would surely have fewer than five patterns in a row... I would say three.

    I honestly can't tell, and I don't know what that 'spot' is. I was unable to fit "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" into the space available, and the ONLY reported damage with the nick. So I used the word "NICK" and a question mark. They did a horrendous job photographing this tie as far as locating the "nick" on the knot. Or probably with their agenda I should have said they did a GREAT job...

    BTW, in an all-nighter that has yet to terminate, I discovered two things about this tie that I had never read.

    • in addition to the spectrographic examination of the hole in the back of the shirt and the slit in the front of the shirt as I reported earlier, they actually did test the "nick" in the tie at the same time. Like the slit in the front of the shirt, no "Bullet Metal" was detected.
    • in order to conduct the exam a small amount of material was removed from the tie. The remaining questions are: how much material was removed from the tie, and were the extant photos taken before or after this removal of material? IMO the photos were taken AFTER the removal of material to give the impression of a larger nick.
    The stain that appears on the tie at the site of the nick has not been commented on by the FBI who had the tests done. The spectrographic analysis that was performed at all three 'sites' would have detected the presence of blood, and unsurprisingly, they do not mention whether or not any blood was revealed on the shirt or tie.

    Here's a possible scenario:

    The body arrives. One of the nurses pulls the knot of the necktie to one side, loosing it a bit and exposing the button behind it. She then sticks her index finger down into the the collar -- just behind

    the now-off-center knot -- and pulls it tight, up and away from the skin. She then proceeds to saw through the tie with a scalpel, or some other type of knife. Whatever type of knife it is, it has a sharp

    point. Because it penetrates the shirt plackets on a few of its strokes, thus creating a 1/2" slit on the outside placket, and a shorter slit on the inside placket.

    The doctor then unbuttons the shirt and discovers the wound.

    As stated above, according to Weisberg/Carrico you nailed it! The one comment I have is that IMO a penetration of the shirt by the scalpel would have penetrated the shirt that was touching his body and left an incision in his throat.

    Question re the shirt photo: the slit on the anatomical left side of the shirt appears to begin well into the collar. To me eyes it appears that this is actually two loose threads on top of the collar. Any opinions regarding this possibility?

    Thanks again for responding,


  16. Tom:

    I too read DCB and Talbot was not suggesting that Dulles alone engineered the event. The book opened my eyes to several important observations. First, the de Gaulle action has the same earmarks of what happened to JFK ... clearly a CIA-assisted event. It is telling how active Dulles remained after his retirement from CIA, meeting with his faithful acolytes, and no doubt setting something in play. Being at the Farm (Camp Peary) during the weekend is conspicuous to say the least. Angleton's strange allegiance, and how he got his position and was possibly holding damaging information over Dulles is also interesting.

    The fact that Dulles manipulated the Unitarian/Quakers, and his use of liberal religious organizations as "an ideological mask over his operatives" is insightful, making a logic tie to the Paines (besides the mary Bancroft connection). So was his sponsorship of Richard Nixon, who became his "mouthpiece in Congress" after Truman was elected. For me, the Nixon relationship is the most chilling revelation as far as implicating others in the assassination is concerned. It suggests all manner of implications.


    Hello There Gene,

    You've hit every one of what are to me the high points in this book, and your take is identical to mine.

    The deGaulle section was intriguing - especially the failure of the US media to report the question of CIA involvement and deGaulle's statements regarding the JFK assassination. I don't want to give away TOO many details...

    That brings the total that read the book up to four. Are you as surprised as I am at how few members have read this book?


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