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Antti Hynonen

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Posts posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. Evan Burton Posted Today, 09:47 AM

    Jack - all you have to do is put the link to your bio in your profile, as you have been asked to do several times now and in accordance with Forum rules, and your posts will all be made visible. Simple. If want assistance on how to place it in your signature line:

    1. Near the top of the page, on the right hand side, there is a link labeled MY CONTROLS. Click on that.

    2. A new page will appear. Go to the left hand side, and look for the heading PERSONAL PROFILE. Under that heading will be a selection labeled EDIT SIGNATURE. Click on it.

    3. A text box will appear. Simply paste the URL for your biography into that box, then click on UPDATE MY SIGNATURE at the bottom of the box.

    We CANNOT do this for you; you have to do it yourself. If you need assistance, please contact myself or one of the other Mods via PM and we'll help you.

    Thank you.

    Mr. Burton is quite right.

    I have even e-mailed Mr. White the instructions on how to proceed with attaching a working bio to his profile, I have had no reply from him, nor has he complied.

    If Mr. Burton does not set Mr. White's posts invisible, I will. That is until he complies with the rule regarding his bio.

  2. Who can vouch that any one of us here are using their given names? Which member here can vouch for me?

    Why does Len Colby need to prove that his name is really Len Colby, and why does nobody else need to do this for their respective names?

    Why does he need to explain his responsibilities from a different website?

    I think he only needs to cite sources for what he posts here, not for what he has posted elsewhere. By the way Len's email address starts with LenBrazil, I think I have seen it on this Forum somewhere. What's the big deal?

    Why does he need to answer these?:

    "Who is the webmaster/editor-in-chief/publisher of the self-styled "journal"?"

    "What is a "nom de web" exactly? Please define." Isn't the answer to this, rather self evident? It is an alias used on the web, his call sign if you like.

    Len's bio is a fine example of a bio and IMO all you need to know about him (and more) is right there.

    Sure, Colby's opinions regarding conspiracies differ from many of ours, but is that a good reason to treat him like this?

  3. Thomas H. Purvis Posted Today, 02:09 AM

    QUOTE(Mark Knight @ Aug 4 2008, 08:19 PM)

    So...I guess we can break this down into (1) what we know, and (2) what we don't know.

    What we know, based upon the best evidence available, would include:

    (1) The rifle shipped from Klein's was a 91/24 TS carbine, or a shortened rifle, which was 36 inches long.

    (2) The rifle in police custody, found in the TSBD, was a 91/38 short rifle, which was 40 inches long.

    Therefore, we can conclude that the rifle shipped from Klein's Sporting Goods to "A. Hidell" in care of LHO's post office box was NOT the rifle recovered by police in the TSBD.

    From that we can conclude that the rifle shipped from Klein's was not connected to the JFK assassination, other than to have carried the same serial number as the separate and distinct rifle recovered from the TSBD.

    Ballistics and analysis of bullet fragments from the assassination link the short rifle to the assassination...but not the "shortened" rifle.

    But apparently, from the photographs of the stamped serial numbers, police MUST have had BOTH rifles in their possession at one time.

    And exactly which gun yielded Oswald's palm print...the 91/24, which can be traced to him thru Klein's, or the 91/38, which can't be traced back to Oswald??

    Why the shell game? Why didn't someone who knew come forward and SAY that they had two rifles in custody, both with the same serial number? It's quite obvious today that either the DPD, SS, or the FBI knew this....or perhaps they ALL knew it.

    I think that finding the source of the model 91/38 short rifle may be the Rosetta Stone of the conspiracy...because if Oswald had a source for a second rifle--one the WC says he didn't have enough income to purchase--yet he somehow acquired it...then the existence of conspiracy is proven. And if Oswald didn't acquire the short rifle--Sterling Wood's testimony aside--then there certainly was a conspiracy that may NOT have included Oswald, and making sure the short rifle had the same serial number as Oswald's rifle from Klein's may prove that Oswalds was merely the patsy he said he was.

    Or maybe the truth lies somewhere inbetween. But the second rifle, as I see it, surely proves conspiracy...as I don't think Oswald procured the second gun without knowledgeable help.

    And the fact that the WC went into such great detail in CE 2562 [going from memory here] about a Carcano with the same serial number from Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods being tracked to a certain point, and then "disappearing" into a story about salvaged and repaired guns, makes me think that the WC knew SOMETHING about the second gun but chose to hide what they knew in the miscellany, hoping that no one would pick up on what was being said--or not said--about that gun's existence.

    This all just seems to be of critical importance, in my mind, because if one can unravel the source of the 91/38 short rifle, one can start putting the pieces of the conspiracy together a lot easier.

    Sort of like our Vice-President!

    There are the "known unknowns" in which we know that we don't know.

    And then there the "unknown unknown's" in which we do not even know that there is an unknown, not to mention not knowing anything about the actual unknown itself.

    TS Carbine---36 inch long true carbine, made by multiple factories, therefore multiple identical serial numbers.

    Model 91/24 Carbine--36 inches long which is in fact an old "long rifle" which has been cut down to the 36 inch Carbine length.

    Long rifles were produced by all five manufacturing plants, therefore repetition of serial numbers can again occur.

    Model Cavalry Carbine, completely different stock, yet barrel length is exactly the same as the standard TS (36 inch Carbine), made by multiple plants and all that one has to do is remove the barrel and install it onto any model carbine.

    Model 91/38 Short Rifle, produced at at least three plants.

    Thousands of various replacement "blank" barrells recovered as war stocks in which once installed onto a weapon, could have virtually any serial number stamped onto it.


    All of which would serve to indicate that someone went out of their way in an attempt to make it appear that the assassination weapon could ultimately be traced directly back to Klein's Sporting Goods.

    Even to the extent of insuring that photographs of LHO holding an actual "Short Rifle" existed, in order to alleviate any suspicions in regards to the Carbine v. Short Rifle received issue.

    So! Why would anyone go to so much trouble to insure this????????

    "Incoming, run for cover"!


    Since the actual assassination weapon was in fact originally a Model 38 (Short Rifle in the 7.35mm), it could have easily been been acquired by anyone as such, and then a barrel change made thereafter.

    Thereby making the weapon, for all practical purposes, untraceable.

    And, other than the fact that LHO is photographed holding a short rifle, it certainly leads to a potential conclusion that he may have been some form of unwitting accomplice.

    On the other hand, it may have merely been an exercise in which someone, for whatever reasons, wanted to insure that the finger ultimately pointed back at Klein's Sporting Goods.

    Known Unknowns!

    If, in fact it can be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" (I suspect we can), that there were, in fact two Carcano's, a short rifle and a carbine, both with the same serial numbers, both entered into evidence, there is no option but to conclude that Lee Oswald was framed.

    Tom Purvis All of which would serve to indicate that someone went out of their way in an attempt to make it appear that the assassination weapon could ultimately be traced directly back to Klein's Sporting Goods.

    I would continue this statement Tom, and say "....and to Alek Hidell's order, and therefore to Lee H. Oswald".

    Tom Purvis And, other than the fact that LHO is photographed holding a short rifle, it certainly leads to a potential conclusion that he may have been some form of unwitting accomplice.

    On the other hand, it may have merely been an exercise in which someone, for whatever reasons, wanted to insure that the finger ultimately pointed back at Klein's Sporting Goods.

    Again, I would continue this statement Tom, and say "....and to Alek Hidell's order, and therefore to Lee H. Oswald".

    Doesn't the result of the study of the backyard photos by Jack White, in fact show that the rifle ordered by A. Hidell is different to the one seen in the backyard photos, and different to the one found at the TSBD?

  4. Steve & J,

    I have a slightly different section of testimony by Det. Guy F. Rose, of the DPD. He is asking Oswald about his name (Hidell vs. Oswald), and he replies: "You find out."

    Here it is:

    Mr. BALL. What did you say to him or did he say to you?

    Mr. ROSE. Well, the first thing I asked him was what his name was and he told me it was Hidell.

    Mr. BALL. Did he tell you it was Hidell?

    Mr. ROSE. Yes; he did.

    Mr. BALL. He didn't tell you it was Oswald?

    Mr. ROSE. No; he didn't, not right then--he did later. In a minute--I found two cards--I found a card that said "A. Hidell." And I found another card that said "Lee Oswald" on it, and I asked him which of the two was his correct name. He wouldn't tell me at the time, he just said, "You find out." And then in just a few minutes Captain Fritz came in and he told me to get two men and go to Irving and search his house.


    Mr. ROSE. I don't remember--I did see McDonald and I did talk to him, but I don't remember whether he was the one that was standing right there at the time or not.

    Mr. BALL. After you saw the cards, you asked him which one was his true name?

    Mr. ROSE. Yes; I did.

    Mr. BALL. What did he say?

    Mr. ROSE. He said, "You find out."



    Mr. BALL. Did you ask him what his address was?

    Mr. ROSE. Yes; but from there, he wouldn't tell me--he just said, "You just find out."


    Also from my memory (so, this is definitely not a worth 2 cents, but here goes): Det. Jim Leavelle, recalls the Oswald interrogation on the "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" -series (done in the 1980's, I guess) and says along the lines that: "When we asked Oswald whether his name was "Hidell" or "Oswald" he replied: "You're the cop, you figure it out.""

    Steve Thomas Posted Jul 28 2008, 06:25 PM


    QUOTE(J. Raymond Carroll @ Jul 25 2008, 12:02 PM)


    Seated in the patrol car to the left of Oswald during the ride downtown, Detective Bentley heard a dispatcher say Oswald was the prime suspect in the Kennedy shooting. “I turned to him, and I said, ‘Did you shoot President Kennedy?’ ” Detective Bentley recalled. “He said, ‘You find out for yourself.’ ”

    I don't think Bentley ever said this to the WC, but don't have time to check.

    The only time I can remember LHO giving this response was in response to a question put to him by Detective Guy Rose concerning his address:

    Mr. BALL. Did you ask him what his address was?

    Mr. ROSE. Yes; but from there, he wouldn't tell me--he just said, "You just find out."

    Steve Thomas

  5. I find it intriguing that the two police officers at the TSBD, who both (initially) claimed that the rifle found there was a Mauser - became insane. A coincidence I'm sure.....

    1. Seymour Weitzman


    2. Roger Craig


    QUOTE(John Simkin @ Jun 13 2008, 05:26 PM)

    Email from Roger Craig's daughter:

    There are a few items in your article about Roger Craig you just might want to correct for the sake of accuracy and truth in reporting. i) His marriage didn't end due to repeated harassment or threats - unless you count his repeated threats to end his own life. ii) The man was disturbed. As his daughter I would place money on the fact that he suffered from either Borderline Personality Disorder or Bi-polar depression. Those last two attempts on his life? The husband of the woman he was fooling around with. Trust me, I met her AND her daughters before the bastard killed himself. The husband met him at the door with that shoulder shot.

    Articles like yours only serve to continue the myth. My father was a disturbed man. I'm not disputing that what he thought he saw was something different than what was reported. But let's face it, my dad didn't know a Mauser from a whatever. He was a Wisconsin farmboy who joined the army illegally, and was released from duty because he kept injuring himself - I note you don't mention all the self-inflicted scars from his tour of duty. Furthermore, it is EXACTLY this kind of dramatic license that killed my father. It fed his disease. It fed his paranoia. And in the end, it contributed to his self-destruction. You should be ashamed of yourself for perpetuating this garbage.

  6. Douglas Caddy Posted Jun 13 2008, 04:21 PM

    QUOTE(Thomas H. Purvis @ Jun 13 2008, 01:54 PM)

    QUOTE(John Simkin @ Jun 13 2008, 11:40 AM)

    A couple of years ago I posted this article by Doug Thompson, Is Deception the Best Way to Serve Your Country? (30th March, 2006) on my webpage on John Connally.


    David Lifton has emailed me and asked if I could find anymore information on this story. Please post your thoughts on the Forum:

    I met John Connally on a TWA flight from Kansas City to Albuquerque earlier that year. The former governor of Texas, the man who took one of the bullets from the assassination that killed President John F. Kenney, was headed to Santa Fe to buy a house.

    The meeting wasn't an accident. The flight originated in Washington and I sat in the front row of the coach cabin. During a stop in Kansas City, I saw Connally get on the plane and settle into a first class seat so I walked off the plane and upgraded to a first class seat right ahead of the governor. I not only wanted to meet the man who was with Kennedy on that day in Dallas in 1963 but, as the communications director for the re-election campaign of Congressman Manuel Lujan of New Mexico, I thought he might be willing to help out on what was a tough campaign.

    When the plane was in the air, I introduced myself and said I was working on Lujan's campaign. Connally's face lit up and he invited me to move to the empty seat next to him.

    "How is Manuel? Is there anything I can do to help?"

    By the time we landed in Albuquerque, Connally had agreed to do a fundraiser for Lujan. A month later, he flew back into New Mexico where Amy and I picked him up for the fundraiser. Afterwards, we took him to dinner.

    Connolly was both gracious and charming and told us many stories about Texas politics. As the evening wore on and the multiple bourbon and branch waters took their effect, he started talking about November 22, 1963, in Dallas.

    "You know I was one of the ones who advised Kennedy to stay away from Texas," Connally said. "Lyndon (Johnson) was being a real asshole about the whole thing and insisted."

    Connally's mood darkened as he talked about Dallas. When the bullet hit him, he said he felt like he had been kicked in the ribs and couldn't breathe. He spoke kindly of Jackie Kennedy and said he admired both her bravery and composure.

    I had to ask. Did he think Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed Kennedy?

    "Absolutely not," Connally said. "I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission."

    So why not speak out?

    "Because I love this country and we needed closure at the time. I will never speak out publicly about what I believe."

    We took him back to catch a late flight to Texas. He shook my hand, kissed Amy on the cheek and walked up the ramp to the plane.

    We saw Connally and his wife a couple of more times when they came to New Mexico but he sold his house a few years later as part of a bankruptcy settlement. He died in 1993 and, I believe, never spoke publicly about how he doubted the findings of the Warren Commission.

    Connnally's note serves as yet another reminder that in our Democratic Republic, or what's left of it, few things are seldom as they seem. Like him, I never accepted the findings of the Warren Commission. Too many illogical conclusions.

    John Kennedy's death, and the doubts that surround it to this day, marked the beginning of the end of America's idealism. The cynicism grew with the lies of Vietnam and the senseless deaths of too many thousands of young Americans in a war that never should have been fought. Doubts about the integrity of those we elect as our leaders festers today as this country finds itself embroiled in another senseless war based on too many lies.

    John Connally felt he served his country best by concealing his doubts about the Warren Commission's whitewash but his silence may have contributed to the growing perception that our elected leaders can rewrite history to fit their political agendas.

    Had Connally spoken out, as a high-ranking political figure with doubts about the "official" version of what happened, it might have sent a signal that Americans deserve the truth from their government, even when that truth hurts.

    Perhaps the below "corrections" may serve to steer history into the correct direction.


    When the bullet hit him, he said he felt like he had been kicked in the ribs and couldn't breathe.

    Which in itself fully clarifies that when he was yelling "My God they are going to kill us all"


    he said, "My God, they are going to kill us all."


    Having observed a few persons take one through the chest, I have yet to see one who clearly stated anything like this.

    Kinda makes one doubt that JBC was hit in the chest at this time.


    and as he recoiled to the right, just crumpled like a wounded animal to the right, he said, "My God, they are going to kill us all."

    Nope! Don't think so!

    Personally, I prefer Jackie's descriptive adjective: "squealing like a pig".


    "I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission."

    Well! Since the WC fairy tale also includes THE SHOT THAT MISSED, and you are/were fully aware that there was no SHOT THAT MISSED, then it would be entirely understandable as to why you would not only not believe the WC, but you would also know that it was an intentional lie.-------Largely to CYA!


    John Connally felt he served his country best by concealing his doubts about the Warren Commission's whitewash[/b]

    How about: John Connally felt that he served HIS INTERESTS BEST by concealing the facts of the assassination!

    With of course the primary aid and assistance of his political criminal/crony, LBJ.


    Had Connally spoken out, as a high-ranking political figure

    Then, his "high-ranking" political career would have been instantly shot as well!

    And history would have accurately recorded that in lieu of THE SHOT THAT MISSED, we would have THE GOVERNOR WHO DUCKED!--------Right into the line of fire for the third shot, I might add!


    but his silence may have contributed to the growing perception that our elected leaders can rewrite history to fit their political agendas.

    In that regards, one just may want to check into what he and LBJ demonstratedly convinced people in Texas as to the "truth".


    Connnally's note serves as yet another reminder that in our Democratic Republic, or what's left of it, few things are seldom as they seem


    To many, this is of course quite accurate, and JBC was among the top in pulling the wool over the eyes of most americans.

    However, there are a few of us who possess the ability to "look thru" the BS, and not suprisingly, things are in fact EXACTLY AS THEY SEEM.

    Not long before he died, Connally relented and granted an interview to Robert Caro. LBJ had long been dead. Who knows what Connally told Caro about the assassination?

    I first met Caro, who now is up in years also, in 1986 and when I asked him at a public meeting if he planned to discuss Mac Wallace in his LBJ biography, he grabbed the the lapels my suit and asked who I was and how he could talk to me further. I gave him my card but heard nothing more from him.

    At this point late in his life I think Caro realizes that there is nothing to lose by telling what Connally and other LBJ cronies have confided in him about the assassination. His final book on LBJ may rewrite history.

    Mr. Caddy,

    It would be interesting if you could follow-up on your discussion from 20 years ago with Mr. Caro. I suspect Mr. Caro is familiar with the writings of Barr McClellan?

    According to Wikipedia, Mr. Caro is 72 today, up in age perhaps, but not too far imo.


  7. Steve Thomas Posted Yesterday, 03:45 PM


    QUOTE(Antti Hynonen @ May 28 2004, 12:59 PM)

    I read the following, which is an unpublished manuscript

    written by the late Roger Craig:


    In it Roger Craig mentions that Jim Garrison showed him a picture of a man who was in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd 1963 at the time of the assassination. Craig says he identified the man as the same man who drove the Rambler station wagon, which he claims Lee jumped into.

    Quote from the article refrenced above:

    " I had several meetings with Jim Garrison. He showed me numerous pictures taken in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Among them was a picture of a Latin male. I recognized him as being the same man I had seen driving the Rambler station wagon in which I had seen Oswald leave the Book Depository area.



    Depending on which picture Roger Craig was shown, I have speculated that the dark complected driver was Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro, he of 3126 Harlendale fame.

    Two other officers of SNFE/Alpha 66 that met at the Harlandale address about every other Saturday were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana Mayo. They lived in Garland.

    In his Sheriff's Report filed on November 23, 1963, Deputy Sheriff, Roger Craig wrote about a man seen running down the hill in front of the TSBD and getting into a light colored Rambler. "The man driving this station wagon was a dark complected white male."


    On April 1, 1964 he testified before the WC, and tld them, "Mr. BELIN - What about the man who was driving the car?

    Mr. CRAIG - Now, he struck me, at first, as being a colored male. He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking Jacket..."

    Sounds an awful lot like the dark completed man standing with Umbrella Man doesn't it?


    Here is a physical description of Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro on page 5 of April 26, 1964 Report of Wallace Heitman.

    5’11”, 158 lbs, has brown hair, dark glasses, and has a dark complexion. (This description could also fit the "dark complected man".)


    In another FBI Report of 11/23/63, it says that Rodriguez couldn't speak English.

    Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964 report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas (Castro's and Quintera's) that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan."

    They had picked up this bumper sticker at a John Birch Society meeting held in October. Originally it read, "Kan the Kennedy Klan", but somebody had scrathed out the word, "Kan" and changed it to "Kill".

    His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker.

    The Rambler was owned by Raul Castro. (See Wallace Heitman’s interviews with Castro and Quintera.)

    On page 5 of this Report, it says, "On April 9, 1964, SA Wallace R. Heitman observed parked on the street in front of the residence at ..... Garland, Texas a late-model, four door Rambler automobile, bearing license PD-4976."


    Steve Thomas


    Thanks for all this info. I have not yet opened the links you have attached. In your post you mention Raoul Castro, I suspect he is a different Raoul than the current President of Cuba?

    The initial reason for starting this thread was to hopefully ID the man and the photo shown to Craig, hoping that this would lead to a clearer picture of the hispanic/latin people in and around Dealy Plaza on 11/22/63.

    Glad to see this old thread revived.

  8. Tim Gratz Posted Today, 07:34 AM

    BK, you can attempt to set me stright whenever you want but I suggest you first learn to spel.


    Sir, I think if you wish to point out someone's poor spelling or typos, you might want to make sure you type your comment correctly yourself.

    "BK, you can attempt to set me straight whenever you want but I suggest you first learn to spell.


  9. Interesting thread. Just a layman's view: The dark area on the "clip" is not a spiral at all imo. It definitely looks like a photo of a man. One can make out that the picture has a face, the person is wearing a hat, also the white shirt sleeves seem to be present protruding from under the coat. The persons hands are in front of him.

    A photo, but not a typical mug shot.

  10. John Simkin Posted Today, 11:24 AM

    On page 179 of "Our Man in Mexico" Jeff Morley points out that Stanley Watson, Win Smith's deputy chief of station and Joseph Piccolo, a CIA counterintelligence officer in Mexico City, both claimed to have seen photographs of Oswald entering and leaving the Cuban Embassy.

    Ok, this is interesting. From this information I understand that there are two LHO impersonators in Mexico in 1963 - in addition to the authentic LHO. The man approximately Sylvia Duran's height at 5ft 3½in. The widespread mystery man (Saul Sage) photographed and mistakenly identified as Oswald in the early stages of the investigation.

    Also then the questions, why did the CIA release (to the FBI) the Saul Sage photo's and why were these initially identified as LHO? This is odd as it was early on assumed that LHO had indeed been to Mexico and that he had visited the Emabassies there. If Lee had indeed been there, why the fake LHO photos?

  11. To add to this topic "The affidavit that destroys "With Malice"".

    How do members see the following facts related to the Topic and the Tippit killing in partular?


    Benavides says he was threatened by DPD. Benavides' brother Eddie was shot in the head in a Dallas club. Domingo Benavides is convinced that the assailant was targeting him (Domingo) and mistakenly attacked his brother instead. Shot in the head mid February 1964.

    Most interesting is also this from the Benavides page on Spartacus (link above):

    Domingo's father-in-law, J.W. Jackson, was so unimpressed with the police investigation of Eddy's death that he launched a little inquiry of his own. Two weeks later Jackson was shot at in his home. The assailant secreted himself in the carport, fired once into the house, and when Jackson ran outside, fired one more time, just missing his head. As the gunman clambered into an automobile in a nearby driveway, Jackson saw a police car coming down the block. The officer made no attempt to follow the gunman's speeding car; instead, he stopped at Jackson's home and spent a long time inquiring what had happened. Later a police lieutenant advised Jackson, "You'd better lay off of this business. Don't go around asking question; that's our job." Jackson and Domingo are both convinced that Eddy's murder was a case of mistaken identity and that Domingo, the Tippit witness, was the intended victim.

    Another Tippit case witness, car dealer, Warren Reynolds was the victim of a shooting soon after the Kennedy/Tippit slayings as well. Soon after his attack, Warren Reynolds changed his testimony. Shot in the head on January 23, 1964.


    Question: What are the possibilities that two persons being witnesses in the Tippit slaying become victims of violent crimes (and/or threats) just by chance? The difference in the time elapsed beween the Benavides attack and the Reynolds attack was some 3 weeks?

    (Granted that in Benavides' case it was his brother who was the victim.)

    Reynolds' WC testimony is interesting to read as well.



    I wonder how can anyone defend that there is nothing seriously suspicious related to the Kennedy and Tippit cases?

    In my opinion these related cases here provide additional evidence supporting a conspiracy, which unfortunately, it seems some members of the DPD attempted to conceal to the very end.

    Comments welcome!

  12. David G. Healy Posted Yesterday, 04:21 PM

    Defend the Warren Commission Report Findings? The 45 questions

    Question #23

    Back by popular demand - the 45 Questions that terrify those who try to defend

    the Warren Commission Report. In the past, there have been only two

    semi-serious attempts to answer them, one by John McAdams, and one by 'Bud' (the

    xxxxx listed below) - Both responses were basically denials of the facts in most

    of the 'answers'.

    *reposted with authors permission -- author: Ben Holmes...*

    But first, an important note:


    Important Note for Lurkers - there are many trolls on this forum (alt.conspiracy.jfk) who's

    only purpose is to obstruct debate, deny the evidence, and attempt to change message

    threads from discussing the evidence, to personal insults and attacks.

    These trolls include (but are not limited to):

    **22 trolls who post regularly to alt.conspiracy.jfk** names removed -dgh

    Please beware when seeing their responses, and note that they will simply

    deny the facts I mention, demand citations that I've provided before, or

    simply run with insults. These trolls are only good material for the kill


    source: alt.conspiracy.jfk


    I've decided to repost this one - since no-one has even tried to answer it. If

    those who believe the Warren Commission Report want to defend it - they *MUST*

    answer these questions... running away from them, or claiming that they are

    "dead on arrival" or have "already been answered" simply won't do the trick.

    If there are any honest LNT'ers out there - I won't hold you to trying to

    justify McAdams lies about this - just answer the first question below.

    23. "I spoke to Gus Rose concerning the camera. He told me that he did find the

    small camera. He told me that 'the FBI came back three times trying to convince

    me and Captain Fritz that what I had found was a light meter. Captain Fritz

    told them on the third visit not to come to him again about the camera.' Fritz

    stood behind his man and today is vindicated through Rusty's photograph." -

    First Day Evidence, pg 212

    "The agent-in-charge of the Dallas FBI office during the assassination

    investigation was J. Gordon Shanklin. He claimed that he could not recall the

    camera incident. However, an inventory list was made in his Dallas FBI office

    on November 26th, 1963, of the evidence obtained from the Dallas police. It

    listed "one Minox camera" under item number 375, which was witnessed by De

    Brueys himself as well as Dallas Police Captain J. M. English of the Property


    However, upon arrival in Washington, a SECOND inventory list was made by De

    Brueys and another agent, Vince Drain. Item number 375 at that point became a

    'Minox light meter.' Still included among the evidence were two rolls of

    'apparently exposed' and two rolls of undeveloped Minox film, supporting the

    fact that there must have been a camera to take the photographs." First Day

    Evidence, pg 214

    Why did the FBI seem so insistent on erasing the record of a Minox camera owned

    by LHO? Why did he own one? This was not an inexpensive camera... and it

    seems cruel to mention that these were favored by intelligence operatives

    because of their small size.

    LNT'ers will almost certainly fall back on "simple denial" for this question,

    should they be brave enough to attempt it. They may attempt to argue that the

    Minox camera found in November actually belonged to Michael Paine, who at the

    behest of the FBI went into his garage in Jan '64 and "found" a Minox camera -

    although this raw anachronism won't affect LNT'ers...

    Any LNT'er honest enough to admit that Oswald owned a Minox, and that the FBI

    went to extraordinary efforts to hide that fact?


    Review the complete topic (launches new window)


    The fact that LHO had in his possessions a Minox camera and the fact that the official record has later been altered to indicate he did NOT have one in his possession, should indicate to all researchers that this is indeed a key point in understanding who LHO was. Further, the official investigation must have had a pre-determined outcome, which did not include LHO's Minox camera.

    This ranks right up there with the Odio incident and other key evidence disregarded by the Warren commission, all of which would have pointed the investigation towards a conspiracy - which of course was not part of the pre-determined single assassin conlcusion.

  13. Tim, your April 25 posts were approved by me on April 30th. Other moderators have the right to approve posts as well, when I'm off-line.

    You mailbox is full; ie you can not receive any Personal Messages.

  14. Hi,

    Each member has a pre-set limit for the total size of attachments they may use for posts on the Forum (that's a limit for all the attachments together that you have posted on this Forum). I recommend you go back to your older posts and delete some older attachments in order to release some more attachment space for the new files you wish to attach.

    If your file is still too large, you will have to look into possibilites to make the attachment smaller (for example using Zip or some other packing software), or you may post the attachment somewhere else on the internet and provide a link to it in your post here.

    The final option is to request more attachment space from the Forum Administrator, John Simkin.

    I hope this helps.

    Pamela Ray Posted Yesterday, 11:55 PM

    Sorry to start a new topic but I couldn't upload the rest of the pages I wanted to post. The documents scanned in seem to be a few 100 KB too large. Any suggestions on how to upload pages?


  15. William Kelly Posted Today, 12:09 AM

    QUOTE(Bill Byas @ Apr 13 2008, 03:39 AM)

    QUOTE(William Kelly @ Apr 12 2008, 09:12 PM)

    QUOTE(Bill Byas @ Apr 13 2008, 01:22 AM)


    I thought there was already a thread concerning the trial of Dr. Wecht.

    Why diversify the interest and support to a new topic and thread when there is already one going?



    Yo! Bill, I didn't mean to cut you off, but there are a few threads on a few topics that I try to keep track of, keep up to date and save for the record, and that is one thead that I think's important. So starting another thread sort of disrupts the flow of the record. Then again maybe it won't all amout to pile of beans.


    The Wecht threads have now been merged.


  16. Hi Paul,

    Here's some more useful evidence to consider regarding the debris from the head shot at 313.

    Officer Hargis' testimony. He was to the left of the President and behind him.


    Hargis by the way has commented later, along the lines that at the time of the 313 shot, he thought he had been hit by a gunshot himself, of course this was a result of the power of the debris from JFK's head hitting him. As I recall this was something he related in one of the first 3 episodes from "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" (Nigel Turner series).

    On the Other hand there is evidence from Mrs. Connally


    and Mr. Connally


    Then there is of course the famous Harper fragment. A skull fragment found about 1 day later, by a medical student. The location of this fragment was approximately in line with a shot from the TSBD SE window.

    My personal take on this 313 issue is that the Harper fragment was a plant (because the general Dealey area was carefully searched 11/22/63). Also based on all the evidence (Zapruder film, witness testimony and medical records of the autopsy) the deadly shot at 313 came from the front or side. A good source for the exit wound (location) in JFK's head is to see what the first physicians to attend Kennedy had to say (aka Parkland Doctors).

    Further in my opinion numerous items of evidence seem to contradict each other. This leads me to believe that some of the evidence has been "fudged" deliberately in order for the official record to point only to one shooter from high and behind (TSBD) only.


  17. Even tough I am far from an expert, I'd like to throw this question in the air:

    Don't you find it rather unbelievable that in this case, the experts have to rely on audiotape to determine whether a victim has been shot by two guns and therefore by two assailants?

    (The use of audio material reminds me of the HSCA findings and the subsequent JFK -case acoustics test relating to the alleged open mirophone of a motorcycle officer.)

    What happened to ballistics, forensic autopsy etc.? Wouldn't the traditional and normal methods relating to a homicide investigation reveal such basic facts, as the use of more than one weapon, bullet caliber, as well as the assumed position of the assailant and victims?

    These should, then in turn, result in a straight forward case against the gunman (gunmen) that is, considering that there were also numerous eye witnesses to this case, not to mention cameras and as we now know audio tape. No?

  18. Bar owner Mac Manual (Silver Slipper) also identified Sergio Arcacha-Smith as one of the persons accompanying Rose Cherami(e) from November 1963, prior to JFK's assassination.



    Arcacha-Smith had ties to Carlos Marcello, David Ferrie and Carlos Bringuier.


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