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Terry Mauro

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Posts posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Greenspan Denies Responsibility for Housing Bubble


    I wish that he and Andrea Mitchell would go away and leave us all alone.

    I am tired of him and his ego, which is almost in the same league as the Donald's.

    Do these people really think we care about their opinions on anything?


    I know. He's nothing more than a first-rate a--hole, IMHO.

  2. My friend, Sabrina, an R.N. working with Doctors Without Borders, seems to have a knack for finding little jewels such as this one below:

    (My favorite word, when frustrated which is quite often lately...glad to learn it's not a "curse" word....Sabrina)

    Manure... An interesting fact

    Manure: In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before commercial fertilizer's invention, so large shipments of manure were common.

    It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM!

    Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening. After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the term "Ship High In Transit" on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.

    Thus evolved the term " S.H.I.T. " (Ship High In Transport), which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day.

    You probably did not know the true history of this word.

    Neither did I.

    I had always thought it was a golf term.

  3. Hi all,

    John Simkin has kindly invited me to join this forum, which I came across recently via Google. Pardon my breach of etiquette if introductory messages like this are not usually made.

    I've been interested in the assassination for a long time now, dating back to about 1976. Alas, I am among the dwindling number old enough to remember the day it happened (I was then seven).

    Once upon a time I published a web site/ezine called "Fair Play," recently published a book relating to the case, and presently am the "web master" (a term I dislike) for Jim DiEugenio's Probe site (ctka.net). I also edited, in 1999, a book of Vince Salandria's assassination writings called "False Mystery."

    Thus far I've made a few tentative forays onto this forum but am just now getting a handle on how to navigate my way around. I'm happy to be here.

    Happy New Year,

    John Kelin


    "Once upon a time I published a web site/ezine called "Fair Play," recently published a book relating to the case, and presently am the "web master" (a term I dislike) for Jim DiEugenio's Probe site (ctka.net). I also edited, in 1999, a book of Vince Salandria's assassination writings called "False Mystery.""

    Welcome aboard, John. It's always good to have associates of Jim's and Lisa's here on the forum, as well as the founder of "Fair Play."

    Happy New Year,


  4. Merry Christmas to all of you.

    I am no longer posting substantively here to protest being placed on moderation for, IMO, no valid reason. I think I may do a final post in the Tim Gratz Moderation Section to explain my POV but I do not want to clutter this thread with anything controversial.

    I just want to take this opportunity to wish each of you a merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year. I am sure we all hope that in 2008, which will mark the 45th anniversary of the assasination, we may yet see some progress in the case, perhaps through revelations in the Jeff Morley suit versus the CIA.

    The Key West History magazine (an unofficial magazine sold in Key West, not "sanctioned" by any official body) just published a special issue, Key West during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The front cover is JFK in his open convertible (a Lincoln borrowed from a Miami dealership) inspecting HAWK missiles. It is 24 pages in length and includes many vintage photographs. It also includes the full text of JFK's address to the nation announcing the quarantine.

    I am sure it probably has a few factual errors. For instance, it shows three women casually walking by an armed missile launcher on Smathers Beach, but I suspect the main Key West beach was not yet named after Sen. Smathers who was in office until 1968 as I recall. But it is still a rather interesting piece for those interested in JFK and/or the Cuban missile crisis.

    I have a limited number of the magazines I'll be glad to give to ANY member who will send me a stamped self-addressed flat envelope. (The magazine is 8.5 by 11.0 inches. I suspect it would take about $1 of postage to send within the continental U.S.

    If you would like a copy, mail me your stamped and addressed envelope at:

    Tim Gratz, 1413 Laird Street, #1, Key West, FL 33040.

    I will post on this thread when my supply has been exhausted.

    Once more, happy holidays and best wishes to EACH of you for a healthy and happy new year.


    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, too, T.G.

    I just got back from Atlanta and haven't had a chance to go on the forum, what with the moving of Western Imaging's offices from the Venice site to the Marina Del Rey building. Plus, they gave me an extra day, or half-day of work a week, I should say, over at The Hill Of The Seven Jackals [santa Monica-UCLA]. So, I've had my hands full, to say the least. Having a truck automatically relegates me to the "mover" or "hauler" of things, which I'm more than happy to help with, especially when I'm getting paid to do four hours of hauling for my bosses. A good time was had by all.

    I don't know what the problem is with this moderation project, but I'll keep in touch with you by private e-mail from here on out. Time is at a premium for myself these days. I wish you and your daughter all the best in the coming year.

    Love and best wishes from,

    Your Femme Nikita

  5. Dec 9, 1961, Teamster Pres Jimmy Hoffa was in town inspecting the once grand Casa Marina Hotel the Teamsters had recently acquired. He later leased it to the U.S. military and it was used for military housing. Less than a year later, on November 26, 1962, when JFK was in Key West, his motorcade went by the Casa Marina so he could see where the military was housed. I have not been able to determine whether JFK knew that the military was leasing property from his brother's arch nemesis. Some of course believe that Hoffa was either involved in or ordered the murder of the President and that Hoffa's own murder in 1975 may have related to his involvement in the Kennedy case.


    Not meaning to hi-jack this thread, T.G., but do you happen to have any pictures of how Key West looked when I lived there from December 3, 1963 to June of 1964? Boca Chica Naval Air Station, and Stock Island, for example? Everything seemed to be battleship gray in color, except for the palms, the coral reefs, and Hemingway's house, as I remember it.


    Your femme Nikita.

  6. ...Hey, the head of Humana Healthcare Systems, had a personal salary of $2 Billion dollars, not money going back into his company, BTW but an annual "personal" salary's worth of stock options and benefits, as well. The head of Travelers Insurance annually took home $2.6 Billion! This was all documented in "Who's Who In The American Medical Association," 1994 edition. I had discovered it in the library of California State University Dominguez Hills, at the time.

    United Health Care is a major player in the health insurance game.

    UnitedHealth has disclosed that the IRS asked for documents dating back to 2003 concerning stock options and other compensation for some executives. It has also been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors.

    McGuire, who had $1.6 billion in exercisable options at the end of 2005, is likely to remain under scrutiny, Henning said.

    "Prosecutors are going to look pretty closely at Dr. McGuire. When you see dollar figures like over a billion dollars in unexercised options, that draws everyone's attention," he said.

    McGuire became president and chief operating officer of what was then United Healthcare Corp. in 1989, and was named chairman and CEO in 1991. Through acquisitions he engineered UnitedHealth's rise from a regional health insurer into one of the largest managed care companies in the country.

    McGuire has pushed for more efficiency in the delivery of health care by measures such as putting patient information in a magnetic strip on the back of insurance cards, and encouraging customers to use the Internet instead of live phone operators for tasks such as switching doctors.

    Shareholders loved it. Adjusted for splits, UnitedHealth shares rose from about 30 cents per share in 1990 to a peak of $62.14 in December. A $10,000 investment then would have been worth more than $2 million at its peak.

    UnitedHealth's board rewarded McGuire, granting him options to buy shares. As the stock price rose the value of those options swelled to $1.6 billion by the end of 2005.

    Then in March, the Wall Street Journal reported that McGuire had received stock options on the days the company's stock price hit yearly lows in 1997, 1999, and 2000, and that other options grants had occurred on low spots in the company's share price. Statistically, that was nearly impossible unless the options were granted retroactively.

    On Sunday, the firm hired by UnitedHealth's directors found that was probably the case.

    It's a nasty business. Incidentally, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida is operated as a not for profit organization.


    "It's a nasty business."

    Especially, for those of us who've fallen through the "marginal man" cracks in the system. And, despite the very "best of intentions" [with which the "road to hell" is paved with, BTW] we've all been caught up in the despicable web of a "profession" which had no "business" being turned into an "industrialized commodity," in the first place.

    Incidentally, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida is operated as a not for profit organization.

    Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I haven't heard of that combination being offered since leaving NYC. It was one of the best plans you could get back in the 50's and 60's, known as Blue Cross/Blue Shield UHM/UHS of New York, with an 80%/20% scaled payment structure, should you have needed to use it.

    Thanks for the info, Mike.

  7. Just going through the PBS tray o goodies they have prepared for us (or maybe its for the kiddies) on January fourteenth: check out this poll question--perhaps prepared by the good people at Sunoco... I mean Pew Realllly Charitable TrustUS! and their oily polling fellows?

    2. Did the Kennedy assassination change Johnson's attitude toward Communism?

    No, Johnson continued the policy of containment.

    Yes, Johnson's suspicion that the assassination was a Communist plot caused him to take a tougher stance in the Cold War.

    SOME CHOICES! Its like a Hillary Rodahm Bush vs. Ghooliani election! PEWEEEY!


    "I mean Pew Realllly Charitable TrustUS! and their oily polling fellows?

    You certainly got that right, my friend! Sorry to be out of the loop for so long, but working in the healthcare delivery system leaves little room for any form of personal life, previously known to its employees, these days.

    And, speaking of healthcare delivery... Back in 1993, The Pew Charitable Trusts put out this "white paper" on how they were going to re-configure the way the Healthcare System was going to be delivered to the American people.

    One of their "earmarked" plans was to create this paradigm shift known to them by their catch-phrase "Patient-Focussed Care" which was nothing more than a ephemism, or "play on words" to suggest that they were considering having the "housekeeping" departments presently known as, "Environmental Services," to be given these "6-week-wonder" courses on how to become certified "phlebotomists" in order to withdraw blood. This was part of their plan for taking it out of the hands of their degreed laboratory professionals, and turning it over to their minimum wage personnel, just to save a few bucks. No worry about whether there would be any cross contamination, septicemia, or resultant MRSA epidemic, or the culmination of any form of scabies or pediculosis infestations, due to an already overworked "housekeeping" staff, [or should I say "staph"] as it was.

    Real smart move, on their part, right? Of course, this hairbrained idea was never quite allowed to manifest its ugly head in the State of California, thank God!

    But, it didn't stop corporate CEO's running these damned HMO's which were allowed to buy out and merge any medical centers deemed "in trouble," into cutting their staff down to skeleton crews, just to save those few bucks with which they thought they'd be able to line their personal pockets. Hey, the head of Humana Healthcare Systems, had a personal salary of $2 Billion dollars, not money going back into his company, BTW but an annual "personal" salary's worth of stock options and benefits, as well. The head of Travelers Insurance annually took home $2.6 Billion! This was all documented in "Who's Who In The American Medical Association," 1994 edition. I had discovered it in the library of California State University Dominguez Hills, at the time.

    What this, exactly, has to do with the JFK assassination, or any of the assassinations committed against our leaders of the 1960's, is to demonstrate just how far from grace out democratic form of government, if it ever actually was allowed to exist, in the first place, has fallen along with our fallen leaders.

    Those leaders who had tried to exercise their right to a democracy, as it had been stated and written, in The Declaration Of Independence, and in The Constitution Of The United States, to begin with. And, to point out just whom is really calling the shots and running the show in Corporate Fascist America since the American Dream became the American Nightmare, circa November 1963.

    Happy Holidays!

  8. Thanks for the interesting report Duke.

    I doubt I could of contained myself if I had been there.

    To be perfectly blunt,

    I would of set fire to it.

    Oh there's a man inside it?

    Oh okay...........

    "Hey Tex. Your =ss is on fire"!

    There's your publicity.


    At least it was only 10' & not 52'.


    Very sad.

    I hope that particular problem is absent next year.

    Best of luck!

    I have a Tom Blackwell photo of the culpret, Big Tex, who appears to be a lone-nut.

    Will try to post.





    All I gotta say is that it's a good thing I wasn't there to have witnessed that fiasco, because I would've wasted no time in dragging and kicking his sorry ass off the pergola, in a heartbeat! Of course, being arrested for assault and battery would have been worth the effort, but I probably wouldn't have made it out of Dallas alive, either. Those redneck peck'o'woods are beyond repute. :)

  9. Don't get your hopes up.

    It seems that the Scheim/Davis/Blakey-Billings/Waldron-Hartmann disinformation chain/cover-up is set to continue.

    From Harvard's website description of the forthcoming Kaiser book:

    "The conspiracy to kill JFK took shape in response to Robert Kennedy’s relentless attacks on organized crime—legal vendettas that often went well beyond the normal practices of law enforcement. Pushed to the wall, mob leaders merely had to look to the networks already in place for a solution. They found it in Lee Harvey Oswald—the ideal character to enact their desperate revenge against the Kennedys."

    Sad in advance,


    Hopes for what? Can I at least hope I might learn something? A book does not necessarily need to be prejudged based on the author's stated conclusions. I would rather judge it by the quality of research contained therein. Even the books Charles listed provoked discussion and further research by others, and had a certain value or interest.

    I've long since given up hope that any book by any author will solve this mystery completely.

    David Kaiser is a member of The Education Forum: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...art=#entry67344

    His previous book on Kennedy, Johnson and the Vietnam War entitled American Tragedy was generally well-received.

    I intend to buy Kaiser's new book when it is published, read it - and listen to the opinions of others. Then, and not until then will I make up my mind whether the author had anything of value to share.

    Morley had this to say about his friend's book:

    ....I know of four tenured academic historians who have written directly on the JFK assassination in the past five years. Three of them (Gerald McKnight of Hood College, David Wrone of the University of Wisconsin-Steven Points, Michael Kurtz of Southeast Louisiana University) came to conspiratorial conclusions, while one (Robert Dallek of UCLA) vouched for the lone gunman theory. A forthcoming book by Naval War College historian David Kaiser on Kennedy's Cuba policy and the assassination, to be published by Harvard University Press next year, is likely to demolish this myth once and for all. (Full disclosure: Kaiser is a friend and the book will cite my JFK reporting.)


    "Hopes for what? Can I at least hope I might learn something? A book does not necessarily need to be prejudged based on the author's stated conclusions. I would rather judge it by the quality of research contained therein. Even the books Charles listed provoked discussion and further research by others, and had a certain value or interest."

    You're absolutely 100 percent correct, Mike!

    Like my professor of The Sociology of Law, Jeanne Curran, used to say, "How do you expect to remain informed enough to be able to counter your opposition, if you've not bothered to read up on their views, or arguments against your own case?" It's called, "Know thine enemy."

  10. Duke: Having Big Tex stand behind COPA during what should have been a solemn ceremony - or perhaps more accurately, either not moving him away from them, or them away from him - gave this year's ceremony very much of a "circus"-like appearance.

    Duke, COPA didn't bring the circus to Dallas, it was already there.

    Now if we can only get a big sign : Free the JFK Files - to put around Big Tex's neck

    - BK



    "Now if we can only get a big sign: Free the JFK Files - to put around Big Tex's neck."

    A capital idea, Billy! :clapping

    Hey, Dawnie and I will be on the scene next year, finally. And that's a given, this time. I look forward to finally meeting up with you. I met John a few years back at the L.A. Seminar, a really great crew of people, BTW.

  11. In his article "The Man Who Did Not Talk" Jeff Morley has this to say about Blakey and Joannides:


    Perhaps the single most intriguing story to emerge from the JFK files concerns a career CIA officer named George Joannides. He died in 1990 at age 67, taking his JFK secrets to the grave in suburban Washington. His role in the events leading up to Kennedy's death and its confused investigatory aftermath goes utterly unmentioned in the vast literature of JFK's assassination. Vincent Bugliosi's otherwise impressive 1,600 page book debunking every JFK conspiracy theory known to man mentions him only in an inaccurate footnote. In 1998, the Agency declassified a handful of annual personnel evaluations that revealed Joannides was involved in the JFK assassination story, both before and after the event.

    In November 1963, Joannides was serving as the chief of psychological warfare operations in the CIA's Miami station. The purpose of psychological warfare, as authorized by U.S. policymakers, was to confuse and confound the government of Fidel Castro, so to hasten its replacement by a government more congenial to Washington. The first revelation was that Joannides had agents in a leading Cuban student exile group, an operation code-named AMSPELL in CIA files. These agents had a series of close encounters with Oswald three months before JFK was killed.

    The second revelation was that the CIA's Miami assets helped shape the public's understanding of Kennedy's assassination by identifying the suspected assassin as a Castro supporter right from the start.

    The third revelation, the one that is most shocking, is that when Congress reopened the JFK probe in 1978, Joannides served as the CIA's liaison to the investigators. His job was to provide files and information to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. But far from being a helpful source and conduit, Joannides stonewalled. He did not disclose his role in the events of 1963, even when asked direct questions about the AMSPELL operation he handled.

    When the story of the Joannides file emerged, former HSCA chief counsel G. Robert Blakey was stunned by the audacity of Joannides's deception. Blakey, a former federal prosecutor, thought the Agency had cooperated with Congress's effort to look into JFK's murder. Twenty-three years later he learned that the CIA bureaucrat ostensibly assisting his staff was actually a material witness in the investigation. "The Agency set me up," reported the Washington Post.

    Blakey, now a law professor at Notre Dame, says Joannides's actions were "little short of outrageous. You could make a prima facie case that it amounted to obstruction of Congress, which is a felony."

    Blakey has long argued that organized crime figures orchestrated Kennedy's assassination. The revelation of Joannides's unknown role has given him second thoughts about the CIA's credibility.

    "You can't really infer from the Joannides story that they [the CIA] did it," he says. "Maybe he was hiding something that is not complicitous in a plot but merely embarrassing. It certainly undermines everything that they have said about JFK's assassination."


    "When the story of the Joannides file emerged, former HSCA chief counsel G. Robert Blakey was stunned by the audacity of Joannides's deception. Blakey, a former federal prosecutor, thought the Agency had cooperated with Congress's effort to look into JFK's murder. Twenty-three years later he learned that the CIA bureaucrat ostensibly assisting his staff was actually a material witness in the investigation. "The Agency set me up," reported the Washington Post."

    Well then, I guess the C.I.A. really saw you coming when the Senate appointed you to the investigation. Too bad you had so much faith in them, even in 1978, and even after all the rotten things they'd been allowed to covertly conduct under the auspices of the U.S. gov., you still profess naivete?

    Too late and a dollar short, sir.

    "Blakey has long argued that organized crime figures orchestrated Kennedy's assassination. The revelation of Joannides's unknown role has given him second thoughts about the CIA's credibility.

    "You can't really infer from the Joannides story that they [the CIA] did it," he says. "Maybe he was hiding something that is not complicitous in a plot but merely embarrassing. It certainly undermines everything that they have said about JFK's assassination.""

    Oh yeah? Well, thank you ever so much, Mr. Blakey, for your duplicitous oversight in 1978, in helping to set back the investigation another 20 years. And, equal thanks to Mr. Morley for glossing over something the research community has been whipping to death since Johannides "apparent" suicide took place.

  12. Due to promises I've made, I can't say much...only to reiterate what I've always said. Tosh Plumlee is NOT dead,and for purposes I'll not go into here, faked his own 'death'.....

    When my promise [temporarally bound] is over, I'll have more to say.

    You should believe Plumlee is dead - the way you should believe LHO killed JKF and OBL pulled-off 9/11....or the Contras did cocaine drug-running on their own....[not CIA instigated and run].

    Sorry, Tosh...the TRUTH will set us free...not the lies!.....


    Peter, if what you're intimating is true, what if you're blowing his cover???

  13. Duke,

    John Judge has been going to Dealey Plaza every November 22nd siince the mid-sixties. One year, on a cold, rainy day, only Penn Jones, Judge and a half-dozen other people showed up.

    Judge doesn't use a microphone, talks briefly from 12:20-12:30 and then holds a moment of silence.

    There's only a circus if the media make it so. And it was the reporters who wants to portray whatever it is they want to portray.


    I've been going to DP every November 22 since I've had the wherewithal to be there. I don't go to participate in a circus, but it is certainly easy to understand how "outsiders" get the impression of it as that. Having Big Tex stand behind COPA during what should have been a solemn ceremony - or perhaps more accurately, either not moving him away from them, or them away from him - gave this year's ceremony very much of a "circus"-like appearance.

    C'mon: a cartoon figure waving to the crowd and making inane comments in front of any and all who'd listen or were within earshot?!? Standing directly behind the COPA crowd during the ceremony, by all appearances a part of them and it?!?

    Unless someone in the media hired Tex, then your statement above is simply not so. It was stupid and tasteless if it was anyone else, especially anyone trying to prove that the event is not a circus! "We resent Jackie Floyd saying that, and here to prove it today is Big Tex!" (Nobody said that, but they might as well have.)

    Apparently, some people think their cause is so right and righteous that nothing - not even Big Tex or the Muppets - can distract from it, and people will understand. Appearances mean nothing, right? Perception is not reality?

    Anyone who believes that is indeed delusional. Not to mention a fool.

    John Judge's inclusion of remarks about Jackie Floyd and what she said had nothing whatsoever to do with JFK's death, and smacked of the "free publicity" and self-aggrandizement she spoke out against. Has he never heard the adage about not dignifying something with reply?

    Stick to the freaking program, which has nothing to do with John Judge, COPA, Jackie Floyd or even MLK and RFK or our big bad government and its multiple and myriad lies and nefarious schemes.

    Maybe if someone would actually do that - make it an actual memorial service dedicated to JFK - then maybe nobody would think it was a "circus."

    Oh. And leave Big Tex at home, or at least stay away from him when you're talking. D'oh!! (Penn Jones might have even spun in his grave if he saw that! If I thought it was bad, you can rest assured others saw it in an even worse light. Isn't that what we're trying to accomplish?)


    "Maybe if someone would actually do that - make it an actual memorial service dedicated to JFK - then maybe nobody would think it was a "circus.""

    If Dallas and Dealey Plaza insist on a repeat performance of mockery next year then all of us, going to Dallas for the 45th, should boycott their restaurants and hotels. Find some other place to stay. Maybe even drive there from Garland in an RV and set up camp near the site. I wouldn't spend a goddamned dime in the city of Dallas when you could just as easily stay in one of the outlying suburbs and drive in for a yes, dignified memorial service, if you could find a pastor or a priest to officiate it, and maybe give it tone of authenticity.

    And, if Dallas and their news media continue with their childish, churlish exhibition on the grassy knoll, then we should take up the whole center piece of the plaza and carry on with it there. In fact, I believe it should be relegated to that central piece of greenery in the plaza because it appears to offer more foot and standing room than that little hill near the pedestal, anyway. Just an idea for a solution to the tacky disregard Dallas seems to hold for this horrendous

    crime they allowed to be committed in broad daylight on the streets of their own city.

  14. To the rabid right wing, the assassination of JFK must have been a glorious moment. Here was a president who, in their collective opinion, was a collossal failure. He singlehandedly screwed up the Bay of Pigs, to hear them tell it. In the Cuban Missile Crisis, he gave away the store instead of sending in the B52's with the nukes, as any good, red-blooded [true American] right-winger would've done. His foreign policy was a series of missteps and stumbles, and at home he let the n*ggers think they were somebody! Instead of locking up that "black agitator" Martin Luther King, he let him hold a rally at the Lincoln Memorial!!! In short, JFK was, to the right wingers, the most UN-American leader ever...on a level with Benedict Arnold, to some. So what happened to him should've come as no surprise...the only surprise being it didn't happen sooner.

    These are things I've heard said in recent years about JFK.

    [Now, if JFK had singlehandedly caused the collapse of Communism--as some still credit one successor with doing--maybe the right might've cozied up to him a bit more.]

    And despite all the cry from the right about a left-wing US media bias, today in America the right wing owns the media. So expect that whenever anything is aired about JFK, it will be ONLY something negative.

    But JFK called this nation to become more than what we were in 1960...to join together in working to achieve our potential. There were new challenges on the horizon and New Frontiers; there was the Peace Corps...the war in Vietnam was essentially "theirs to win or lose" in 1963. "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Liberal stuff there, indeed.

    After November 22, 1963, the world was still the same...but the joy and positive anticipation with which we'd previously faced the challenges of the day were gone. Instead of the vibrant Jack Kennedy, we were led by the dour LBJ...followed by the brooding Nixon. And we are still being led by their political heirs, folks whose vision of America more closely follows Adolph Hitler's vision of Germany than Jack Kennedy's vision of America. Government OF the people, but certainly not FOR or BY the people.


    "And despite all the cry from the right about a left-wing US media bias, today in America the right wing owns the media. So expect that whenever anything is aired about JFK, it will be ONLY something negative."

    And, that has been nothing more than a distraction created by the true entities who've really been running the Mockingbird sideshow.

    The right-wing has always owned the media. Especially from the year, 1947 when Operation Mockingbird was first put into place. After the Anglo-American O.S.S. realized what a cash cow the new technology of television offered them, and the rest of the elitist faction, aka, fascist faction, for manipulating masses of humanity for the supreme opportunistic venture of control and corporate economic gain. I don't care what political persuasion they profess to hide behind, while conducting their "dirty deals, and/or tricks" campaigns. The Rockefellers, Harrimans, Luces, et.al. are nothing more than elitist fascists, using their political clout, and charitable organization contributions for corporate tax write-offs.

    It was, and always has been, 1 party - 2 branches, especially after World War II, the last "honest" war. "Them that's got, is them that gots supposed to get." And, the rest of us are nothing more than plebes from which to extract money to pay for trumped up "eminent domain-style" Manifest Destiny wars on foreign soil no less, just so some corporate military contractors can become billionaires. That's the furthest thing from what the true form or idea of "democracy" is supposed to represent. More like a "bastardized" version, IMHO. But, then again, I certainly was fooled for years.

    Look at how that's been driven home to us since 1963, regardless of how many changes LBJ tried to implement by signing the Civil Rights Bill and his war on poverty. It's been crashing and burning ever since. The only reason they continue to endorse the 2 party system is merely as a way of fooling the general "dumbed-down" public into believing that they actually have a "choice." Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone can be bought and sold, for a premium these days. Those who buck the system are either physically, or "characteristically" assassinated.

    "Money talks bulls--t walks." That's London's, and Wall Street's motto.

  15. Mark wrote:

    To the rabid right wing, the assassination of JFK must have been a glorious moment. Here was a president who, in their collective opinion, was a collossal failure

    The assassination was a glorious event to members of organized crime who were being vigorously prosecuted by JFK's brother.

    With respect to celebration even by the "rabid" right wing, I am sure some occured and indeed has been documented. But it is unfair I think to brand even right-wing extremists as people who would celebrate the murder of a political opponent.

    Look at it this way: many members consider the administartion of the current president as at best a "collossal failure". But I hope that in the unlikely event he should share the same fate as JFK few of you would celebrate it as a "glorious moment."

    Back then, I was not an extremist but I was quite conservative. I cried that entire weekend and I know that was also true of many other supporters of Barry Goldwater. JFK was the president of all Americans even those who disagreed with his policies and his assassination was a crime directed not only at him but at our democratic system.

    And Mark is wrong, the programs that have been aired about JFK have been anything but negative about him.

    Mark is also wrong that the "right wing" owns the media. Left-wing bias in the main stream media is well-documented.


    "Back then, I was not an extremist but I was quite conservative. I cried that entire weekend and I know that was also true of many other supporters of Barry Goldwater. JFK was the president of all Americans even those who disagreed with his policies and his assassination was a crime directed not only at him but at our democratic system."

    Thank you for sharing this with us, T.G.

    Sometimes I feel there are members on this forum that read right past your logic in order to pick out the parts of your response that will allow them the sole purpose of finding another bone of contention, in their minds, with which to pick with you.

    My father was a hard line Republican, but he was at a total loss, and just as forlorn as I was, while observing the events as they unfolded on that weekend in 1963.

  16. The numbers of people who were alive when the Kennedy Assassination occurred are dwindling down. We must never forget this crime, nor the overthrow of govt.

    Kathy Collins

    I am one of those who was not alive during President Kennedy's administration. Please rest assured, however, that the events of that weekend WILL NOT FADE AWAY.


    People like me won't let that happen. I may not have the memories of President Kennedy but I do have a sense of justice, of what this country and world lost with his murder. So I will make sure my future students are well aware of the importance of not forgetting, of not letting it fade into the mists of history.

    It won't happen on my watch. I promise.

    Thanks for that Courtney. I believe as shocking as the events of 9/11 were, those of 11/22/63 were even more devastating to those of us who have those memories seared into our minds and 'souls'. They are, of course, different heads of the the same Hydra. It is heartening that those who were not here to remember it as it happened can understand the importance of the event - and the need to counter it. 9/11 was another blow...but the first BIG one happened in Dallas on that day 44 years ago. It was theft of a Nation by stealth, nothing less...slowly, by slight of hand and lies......if one looks at what is left of the America that existed on 11/21/63 one would have to say very little...but enough to fight for what we have lost back...if ONLY people would feel empowered to fight. It is OUR Nation - NOT 'theirs' [the secret Oligarchy] It is one person one vote, not one dollar one vote! Time is now short, I fear...one more event like these and those of open minds will be in detention camps. I know that sounds extreme....no one in Germany in the early 1930s would have believed it possible either....but it happened - and is happening in America. America, Awake - or face an endless night.......and fog.....


    I believe as shocking as the events of 9/11 were, those of 11/22/63 were even more devastating to those of us who have those memories seared into our minds and 'souls'.

    I sometimes get the feeling that 9/11 was staged as the "shock and awe" experience it was, as a way of diminishing the memories of the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK, if not completely obliterating them, from the American collective consciousness. But, that's just my humble opinion.

    Read Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine - or see her speeches on it on youtube and google!...I believe you are correct....and the 'next' one is going to be the one when they open the 'camps'.....and start to round us up an not just abuse us at home.


    While most of us want to be correct, I hope I'll be [but fear I will not be] wrong.


    "....and the 'next' one is going to be the one when they open the 'camps'.....and start to round us up an not just abuse us at ome."

    That's exactly what my neighbor, Steve Gaal, has been telling me for the last 3 to 4 years. But, you know what? They're going to have a battle royale on their hands when they try and take me down. They'll have to drop a freaking bomb on this house, or grenade it because I'll give them nothing short of a Gunfight At The O.K. Corral, Culver City style, that is. They'll never take me alive, and that's a fact!

    Are you listening out there?

  17. The numbers of people who were alive when the Kennedy Assassination occurred are dwindling down. We must never forget this crime, nor the overthrow of govt.

    Kathy Collins

    I am one of those who was not alive during President Kennedy's administration. Please rest assured, however, that the events of that weekend WILL NOT FADE AWAY.


    People like me won't let that happen. I may not have the memories of President Kennedy but I do have a sense of justice, of what this country and world lost with his murder. So I will make sure my future students are well aware of the importance of not forgetting, of not letting it fade into the mists of history.

    It won't happen on my watch. I promise.


    People like you inspire hope in me. Your students will be fortunate. Who knows which of them

    will go on to become journalists, teachers, historians, passing the torch of truth:

    "Let the word go forth".



    "Your students will be fortunate. Who knows which of them will go on to become journalists, teachers, historians, passing the torch of truth: "Let the word go forth"."

    I'm in total agreement with you there, Dawnie.

    How fortunate we all might be if only there were more young people, like Courtney, out there to carry the torch for us into this new millenium.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow Americans.

  18. The numbers of people who were alive when the Kennedy Assassination occurred are dwindling down. We must never forget this crime, nor the overthrow of govt.

    Kathy Collins

    I am one of those who was not alive during President Kennedy's administration. Please rest assured, however, that the events of that weekend WILL NOT FADE AWAY.


    People like me won't let that happen. I may not have the memories of President Kennedy but I do have a sense of justice, of what this country and world lost with his murder. So I will make sure my future students are well aware of the importance of not forgetting, of not letting it fade into the mists of history.

    It won't happen on my watch. I promise.

    Thanks for that Courtney. I believe as shocking as the events of 9/11 were, those of 11/22/63 were even more devastating to those of us who have those memories seared into our minds and 'souls'. They are, of course, different heads of the the same Hydra. It is heartening that those who were not here to remember it as it happened can understand the importance of the event - and the need to counter it. 9/11 was another blow...but the first BIG one happened in Dallas on that day 44 years ago. It was theft of a Nation by stealth, nothing less...slowly, by slight of hand and lies......if one looks at what is left of the America that existed on 11/21/63 one would have to say very little...but enough to fight for what we have lost back...if ONLY people would feel empowered to fight. It is OUR Nation - NOT 'theirs' [the secret Oligarchy] It is one person one vote, not one dollar one vote! Time is now short, I fear...one more event like these and those of open minds will be in detention camps. I know that sounds extreme....no one in Germany in the early 1930s would have believed it possible either....but it happened - and is happening in America. America, Awake - or face an endless night.......and fog.....


    I believe as shocking as the events of 9/11 were, those of 11/22/63 were even more devastating to those of us who have those memories seared into our minds and 'souls'.

    I sometimes get the feeling that 9/11 was staged as the "shock and awe" experience it was, as a way of diminishing the memories of the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK, if not completely obliterating them, from the American collective consciousness. But, that's just my humble opinion.

  19. The numbers of people who were alive when the Kennedy Assassination occurred are dwindling down. We must never forget this crime, nor the overthrow of govt. What we must do is continue to talk about the slaughter that happened November 22, 1963, so generations to come will not be ignorant of it. Let's not allow the Gerald Posners, Mark Fuhrmans and Vincent Bugliosis of the world have the last say. I know members are angry when an "old" issue is brought up again. But you have to realize there are people here who never knew what President Kennedy's Administration was all about. I suggest they read Brothers by David Talbot to see what Kennedy was up against.

    Kathy Collins


    Happy Thanksgiving Day, Kath. I hope you are spending it with those you love, and with those who can understand and reflect upon what we all shared that terrible "Thanksgiving" weekend in 1963.

    Remember Judy Garland being forced to go on like the trouper she really was, when she'd have rather been in DC for the funeral?

    Dressed in black, she said, "This is for you, Jack." and broke into a heartbreaking rendition of "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic."

    All I could do was weep, that whole horrible week.

    Take care, and if you're going out on the road, drive safely.

  20. The numbers of people who were alive when the Kennedy Assassination occurred are dwindling down. We must never forget this crime, nor the overthrow of govt.

    Kathy Collins

    I am one of those who was not alive during President Kennedy's administration. Please rest assured, however, that the events of that weekend WILL NOT FADE AWAY.


    People like me won't let that happen. I may not have the memories of President Kennedy but I do have a sense of justice, of what this country and world lost with his murder. So I will make sure my future students are well aware of the importance of not forgetting, of not letting it fade into the mists of history.

    It won't happen on my watch. I promise.


    And, for those of us who stood on the threshold of their adult lives, at the age of eighteen years old. Those of us, who thought they were about to change the world for the better with all the promise of a New Frontier and the hopes of a brighter, newer future with this young, beautiful, and extremely intelligent man at the helm of our Starship Enterprise. Our lives and dreams were literally dashed and shattered on that bright, sunny midday afternoon in a small plaza in Dallas, Texas.

    "Hail To The Chief," will always be remembered in my mind's ear as it was played in a beautiful dirge, as requested by his young widow, on that cold, bleak morning in Washington, DC, as they walked behind his casket being drawn on a casson in the funeral cortege, his riderless horse with his boots facing backwards on the stirrups of his saddle.


    Words and music by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

    He had white horses and ladies by the score

    All dressed in satin and waiting by the door


    Oooh, what a lucky man he was

    Oooh, what a lucky man he was

    White lace and feathers, they made up his bed

    A gold covered mattress on which he was laid


    He went to fight wars for his country and his king

    Of his honor and his glory the people would sing


    A bullet had found him, his blood ran as he cried

    No money could save him, so he laid down and he died


    Theresa C. Mauro


  21. There is another thread going on this article started by Mr. Caddy.

    No idea whose thread was first but obviously they should be merged.

    I assume someone in authority here will catch this and merge the thrads.


    "There is another thread going on this article started by Mr. Caddy."

    Come to think of it, you're right, T.G.

    Caddy started his an hour before J.Ray's.

  22. JFK was certainly a fan of Von Braun's. Was JFK ignorant of his Nazi history?

    But here is yet another thread in the JFK assassination debate that belongs in another section.


    "JFK was certainly a fan of Von Braun's. Was JFK ignorant of his Nazi history?"

    Only about as ignorant as he was of Inga Binga's.

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