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W. Tracy Parnell

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Everything posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. Joseph Uscinski studies conspiracy theories. If ambition hits me at some point, I may do an article on his work as applied to the JFK case. I have two of his books and he mentions JFK quite often. While that would not convince you (or many others here) it would be an interesting exercise I believe.
  2. Yes there are Steve and thanks for making that point.
  3. BTW, I think this thread has veered off course. It is supposed to be about the death of a man who was very accomplished and respected and who had a family and many friends. Whether you are religious or not, I think the golden rule-do unto others-is applicable here. A number of people have chosen to ignore this basic human tenant in pursuit of their political beliefs or their beliefs regard the JFK case. For better or worse, their comments are now a part of the public record.
  4. There is a unified conspiracy theory? Could someone please point me to that?
  5. Yes, but I wouldn't use that link if I were you. It is from the site of a "lone nutter" and you just can't trust them.
  6. IMO, his "intent" was simply to enjoy the conference by way of anonymity.
  7. In light of the vitriol displayed in this thread, it is unsurprising to me that McAdams chose to go to a JFK conference incognito. If I understand it correctly, he revealed his true identity at the conclusion of the conference. Where's the harm?
  8. You would not believe the abuse and "dismissive responses" I have received since I have been working on my current Maurice Bishop project. I had an email exchange with a prominent CT researcher who I assumed was above such tactics. How wrong I was. It would make for interesting reading but I (of course) have a policy of not revealing private email exchanges. So, it works both ways assuming your characterization of your exchanges with McAdams is accurate.
  9. He did not suffer fools gladly. I believe that he mostly attacked weak ideas however and not individuals although there may have been instances when certain people felt otherwise.
  10. No, identity theft is when you steal someone's social security number and perform illicit acts in their name for your advantage. McAdams' act was innocent enough and I have no problem with it.
  11. "We" are not condemning him. The facts as established by the Warren Commission and subsequent investigators are properly doing that.
  12. Fonzi was right about one thing. I think we have seen the "Last Investigation."
  13. My response is to say that I disagreed with them but they were a human being with a grieving family who deserves respect. Unfortunately, we have seen some regrettable responses here.
  14. Yes but how many debunkings do we have of the acoustics evidence by now? Three or four or perhaps more.
  15. No, I remember that very well. IMO, he may have simply used an alias out of fear for his safety. Some of the comments here would lend credence to that idea.
  16. Tell that to his family and the numerous researchers that he helped over the years.
  17. Prouty calling McAdams a "laughing stock?" That's rich.
  18. I see that quite a bit. I suspect that those who call him a thug may simply have been on the losing end of debates.
  19. A textbook that you would find in a classroom as opposed to something like "Crossfire" for instance.
  20. I hate to break it to you Calvin, but the CT community has already lost-they just don't know it. Go look on Wikipedia or read any of the mainstream books or websites or legitimate history textbooks. You will find the statement that LHO killed JFK alone. The reason for this is not that there is a worldwide conspiracy to suppress the truth that includes the media and academia. It is because there exists no unified alternative explanation to the LN theory. You could put the top CT researchers in a room and they would agree on very little. The top researchers on both sides are dying at an alarming rate and when they are all gone so will the debate be. In any case, celebrating a good man's death does absolutely nothing for your "cause." It does show that you (and others here) have extremely poor taste. BTW, it should be mentioned that McAdams' site was one of the premier sources of information and was used extensively by both sides. Hopefully, it will be maintained.
  21. Brilliant man who fought misinformation and stood up for what he believed in. He said he would win the lawsuit against Marquette and he did. Simply an irreplaceable loss for the LN community-God bless him and his family.
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