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W. Tracy Parnell

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Everything posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. Ray and Richard, Sorry, I usually resist urges to respond in this manner but I had a weak momment.
  2. A critical review of Thompson's book by Nicholas Nalli: JFK Files: The Ghost of the Grassy Knoll Gunman
  3. I don't believe it is such. Regarding the point Jim D. makes, Garrison's office was looking for Bertrand. It is reasonable to assume that Garrison was aware of it. But Fred has admitted that is it possible he may not have been.
  4. As I have already mentioned, my purpose was not to write a critical review. I was helping a friend promote a book. If Jim or others want to criticize they may do so.
  5. Was Rose Cherami Murdered? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  6. Was Sergio Arcacha Smith with Rose Cherami in November, 1963? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  7. Anthony Summers: "I think the Cherami episode should now be consigned to the junk pile - as a red herring that one could well do without." Jim Garrison (and others) on Rose Cherami (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  8. Did Rose Cherami Provide Invaluable Information on Dope Smuggling? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  9. Fred Litwin explains why it is highly unlikely that anyone heard Rose Cherami predict the JFK Assassination. Did Anybody Hear Rose Cherami Predict the JFK Assassination? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  10. Francis Fruge's Conversations about the JFK Assassination with Rose Cherami (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  11. You don't have long to wait Jim. I have never been to Clinton/Jackson and I never will. I have absolutely zero interest in the subject since I don't find the claims regarding Shaw, Oswald etc. having been there to be credible. I believe that when researchers do spend time and money on a subject there is a natural human tendency to believe that they have "paid their dues" and it is then ok to speculate which is unfortunate.
  12. The adventures of Rose Cherami continue at Fred's blog: Did Rose Cherami Watch the Dallas Motorcade on Television? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  13. I don't know what you mean by "common elements." If you mean that those who would plan to kill JFK (assuming there was a conspiracy) might have ties to unsavory elements that is a reasonable assumption. What is not reasonable to me is that these elements would have anything to do with either Cherami or Ruby. That is if they planned to keep their plot a secret. BTW, what happened to your photo Calvin? I think that is required here.
  14. According to Fruge, Cherami said Ruby and Oswald were "bed partners" (in the literal sense). Cherami also said Oswald's nickname was "pinkey." Fruge also was the person who said that it was "verified" that Cherami stripped for Ruby. So, either Fruge is a good source on all of this or he isn't.
  15. I'll tell you what is "illogical." Believing that a woman with an extensive criminal record who was a prostitute and drug abuser and who had played loose with "facts" that she related to law enforcement officials would have any type of knowledge of an assassination plot as she claimed (or as some people said she claimed). What sort of conspiracy would trust her? She also said that Ruby and Oswald were "bed partners." Is that believable? The whole point here is that any comments she made were almost certainly after the assassination when she and many other people were speculating about the facts surrounding JFK's death. Absent some verification (and I don't mean anonymous sources) The Rose Cherami story is not believable to most people at this point in time. Yet it seems that it must be defended here with the utmost vigor.
  16. Rose Cherami week continues at Fred's blog: Did Rose Cherami Ever Work for Jack Ruby? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  17. There had been some speculation (with the Covid-19 thing) that Jim was ill. It is indeed good to see that he is alive and kicking, albeit still wrong.
  18. It seems that Cherami was once charged with providing false information to Police (hat tip to Steve Roe for finding the info): An Important New Find Regarding Rose Cherami (onthetrailofdelusion.com) BTW, Fred Litwin promises additional tidbits regarding Cherami at his blog.
  19. Jim D. tries to brush off Alecia Long's book (which he obviously has not read since it has not been released yet) by equating it with an article she did some time ago. Jim writes that the "ten-page article is simply a compendium of every MSM caricature of Garrison and his Kennedy case that one can imagine ..." But Long's book goes much deeper than "standard" criticisms of Garrison. As the promo material for the book states: "Tapping into the public's willingness to take seriously conspiratorial explanations of the Kennedy assassination, Garrison drew on the copious files the New Orleans police had accumulated as they surveilled, harassed, and arrested increasingly large numbers of gay men in the early 1960s. He blended unfounded accusations with homophobia to produce a salacious story of a New Orleans-based scheme to assassinate JFK that would become a national phenomenon." The book will also show that: "... the Shaw prosecution was not based in fact but was a product of the criminal justice system's long-standing preoccupation with homosexuality." So, Jim will have his hands full defending Garrison after this comes out. Edit: I'm told that the Alecia Long article that Jim criticizes may be read here: The Garrison Tactics | 64 Parishes
  20. Fred Litwin's work discussing Garrison's homophobia was the first of its kind but not the last: Cruising for Conspirators: How a New Orleans DA Prosecuted the Kennedy Assassination as a Sex Crime (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  21. Good work again Steve. Fred has a blog post out with an excellent summary of the whole silly affair: Did a Piece of Paper with the Names of Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald Provide a Link to Rose Cherami? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)
  22. Jim D. is evidently not aware that Fred has already discussed many of the topics at his blog that he mentions here in this fantasy monologue by “Paul Hoch.” Some examples: Manchester Was Jim Garrison Interested in the Truth about Clinton? (onthetrailofdelusion.com) Ferrie and the CAP Did David Ferrie Know Lee Harvey Oswald? (onthetrailofdelusion.com) Harold Weisberg and Dean Andrews Did Dean Andrews admit that Clay Shaw was Clay Bertrand? (onthetrailofdelusion.com) Were Garrison’s witnesses harassed? Were Garrison's Witnesses Surveilled, Harassed, Attacked and Intimidated? (onthetrailofdelusion.com) Interested parties should check in at Fred’s site often as he post new material every week. BTW Jim, keep your day job. I don't think (attempted) comedy is a strong point for you.
  23. Great work Steve. DiEugenio's book is filled with stuff like this as Fred documents nearly every day at his blog. Blog | On The Trail of Delusion
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