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Greg Wagner

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Posts posted by Greg Wagner

  1. A question which occurred to me recently is, exactly who had custody of the briefcase referred to as "the football", the one containing the confidential codes to begin/control a nuclear attack, on November 22, 1963, between 12:30 and the time of LBJ's swearing-in aboard AF1?

    I tried to do a Google search, but came up empty...and I know that Alexander Haig wasn't there to claim "I'm in charge"...so who was, as it were, "holding the bag?"

    A recent report in the newspaper on the history of "the football"--so named, according to this article, because of the code name "dropkick" once associated with the nuclear defense plan--said that "the football" has existed since at least the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  So...who had the football when the QB got sacked, and before the second-stringer got suited up?

    Hi Mark-

    If I'm not mistaken, I believe it was Kennedy's military attache, General Godfrey McHugh. I cannot immediately recall where I read this, so (anyone) please correct me if I'm misinformed here.

  2. Hi Greg,

    Nice to see you back.

    If looking for a new slogan, CIA can't go past the words of E. Howard Hunt, "No one is entitled to the truth."  :D


    Hi James-

    Thank you. It's good to banter about with you all again. I've just had too many demands on my time these last few months, so... something had to give.

    As for using the Hunt comment as the new slogan, I like it! Perhaps they could put it into Latin, with Veritas this and that. It would sound impressive and no one would no what it meant anyway. :)

  3. Interesting but I hardly think anyone is going to lose interest in investigating the assassination even if JFK had help with his inaugural address.

    Sorenson was certainly a great speech-writer for JFK who contributed greatly to his career, IMO.  Certainly as President JFK had too many responsibilities to personally write all of his speeches but he had of course final editorial control over them. 

    I do not think it detracts at all from a president if he has a great speechwriter.

    It is a different story if a book is "ghost-written" and someone else claims credit for it.  There was of course a famous controversy over whether Sorsenson wrote "Profiles in Courage" for JFK but I think that controversy was finally resolved in JFK's favor.  

    In my opinion, it seems silly for someone to waste energy trying to determine if JFK wrote his inaugual address. 

    I am sure most of you would agree with me that Kennedy's inaugural address was one of the best in American history.  Many of his speeches, of course, were extraordinary in their rhetoric.  Even though I disagreed with him politically, I remember how much, as a subteen, I used to enjoy the wit Jack Kennedy brought to his press conferences.  I think I listened to every one of them.

    While Tim and I don't seem to agree on much, I second his above comments. I'm not educated enough on the subject to opine whether he did or did not write that speech. However, I don't think it matters one bit. The great majority of public figures employ speech writers. Even more so today, with all the spin, buzz words, and carefully crafted slipperiness in political speeches, I would guess that politicians on both sides of the aisle take full advantage of wordsmiths. They would be foolish not to.

    And much like Ronald Reagan (in my view at least), Kennedy simply had a mammoth presence. Kennedy probably a little more so because of his youthful good looks, but they both had the ability to captivate an audience. And whether you liked the their politics or not, you wanted to hear what they had to say. Who wrote what speech had nothing to do with it. Kennedy was a rock star in front of an audience.

  4. The top 5 new Agency slogans under consideration:

    5. "Lee Harvey who? No... never heard of him."

    4. "It's None of Your Damn Business"

    3. "The CIA, brought to you by [ insert corporate sponsor here ]: Violating Your Civil Rights, the Laws of the United States, Our Own Charter, All Ten Commandments, and Probably Your Sister- with Absolute Impunity."

    2. "I Have No Recollection of That, Senator."

    and the winner is...

    1. "The CIA: Executing Foreign Policy (and Presidents) since 1963"


  5. Well put, Pat. There are so many fundamental problems with that theory that it's difficult to know where to start.

    President Kennedy had a memorable meeting with Nikita Kruschev in Vienna in 1961 where NK bullyed the young American politician. Kruschev considered Kennedy to be a "boy" and entered into the meeting with every intent to test his mettle. Afterward, an ashen-faced and shaken Kennedy told his advisors that he had never been talked to in such a way in his entire life.

    Kennedy would not directly involve U.S. forces in the BOP in 1961.

    In October of '62, when under great pressure by the hawks in his administration to invade Cuba, or at least bomb the missile sites, Kenndy chose a less aggressive stance (and wisely so) in a naval blockade.

    Kennedy was also engaged in back channel communication with the Soviet leader to help ensure things did not get out of hand. He promised not to invade Cuba, removed Jupiter missiles from Turkey, he signed the nuclear test ban treaty, was initiating a withdrawal policy in Vietnam (NSM 263), and was in favor of detente and of moving toward peaceful co-existence with Castro's Cuba (the Jean Daniel meeting).

    Do you honestly believe that this was a man that the Soviets feared so much that they felt it was worth risking a nuclear exchange to blow his head off in broad daylight on the streets of an American city? And as Pat so clearly pointed out, then used (or set-up) a man who had been sheep-dipped as a Communist to carry out said ludicrous plot?

    As I stated earlier, there are several other serious problems with this theory, but this one is perhaps the most fundamental. I appreciate learning from those who educate me on other points-of-view, but at this point with this particular theory, logic simply precludes further travels down such a diversionary path.

  6. NSAM 55 gave control of paramilitary operations to the Joint Chief.  My copy is reprinted below.

    JUNE 28, 1961


    TO: The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

    SUBJECT: Relations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President in Cold War Operations

    I wish to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff as follows with regard to my views of their relations to me in Cold War Operations:

    a. I regard the Joint Chiefs of Staff as my principal military advisor responsible both for initiating advice to me and for responding to requests for advice. I expect their advice to come to me direct and unfiltered.

    b. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have a responsibility for the defense of the nation in the Cold War similar to that which they have in conventional hostilities. They should know the military and paramilitary forces and resources available to the Department of Defense, verify their readiness, report on their adequacy, and make appropriate recommendations for their expansion and improvement. I look to the Chiefs to contribute dynamic and imaginative leadership in contributing to the success of the military and paramilitary aspects of Cold War programs.

    c. I expect the Joint Chiefs of Staff to present the military viewpoint in governmental councils in such a way as to assure that the military factors are clearly understood before decisions are reached. When only the Chairman or a single Chief is present, that officer must represent the Chiefs as a body, taking such preliminary and subsequent actions as may be necessary to assure that he does in fact represent the corporate judgment of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    d. While I look to the Chiefs to present the military factor without reserve or hesitation, I regard them to be more than military men and expect their help in fitting military requirements into the overall context of any situation, recognizing that the most difficult problem in Government is to combine all assets in a unified, effective pattern.

    cc. Secretary of Defense

    General Taylor

    Is it strange that NSAM 55 was produced within days of General Taylor being selected to study the Bay of Pigs fiasco?  Is it even stranger that Preident Kennedy would "cc" this memo to Taylor, but not to Admiral Burke or Allen Dulles that were also members of the four man study team along with Taylor and Bobby Kennedy?  Kennedy supposedly did not know Taylor before this period of time but within days of their "first meeting" the Joint Chiefs of Staff would usurp control of paramilitary ops from the CIA with, it seems, Taylor in the loop.  Within months Taylor would facilitate his own rise to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and control of paramilitary ops.

    In March of 1951 General Taylor had written a memorandum, "indicating that his staff was perparing a study on the use of eastern European refugees, as indivduals or in units, to conduct UW (Unconventional Warfare)"  Aaron Bank, From OSS to Green Berets. 

    Taylor planted the seeds in 1951 that would produce the fruit he would harvest when he possitioned himself within the Kennedy administration. 

    As I recall, in Taylor's first post assassination meeting with LBJ, LBJ, at the request of Taylor, reaffirmed NSAM 55.

    Jim Root

    Hi Jim-

    Wouldn't you think that this would put Taylor firmly at odds with the CIA in general, and more specifically with the right-wing reactionary elements of the CIA (men like E Howard Hunt and the boys down at JM/WAVE)?

    Unless of course, Taylor was unhappy with Kennedy's foreign policy (choosing the blockade option in Oct '62, cutting the deal he did with Kruschchev over the missiles in Cuba, back channel talks with same, the test ban treaty, NSM 263, etc.) despite the authority Kennedy granted him in NSM 55, and those same right-wing militant elements of the Agency and General Taylor found some common ground. That being the necessity- the "patriotic" obligation- to remove Kennedy from office. Their motivations being the advancement of their world view and ideology, their pursuits of Cuba and Vietnam. Not to mention a much more hard line approach with the USSR. Although they know they are technically talking about treason and murder here, they also know that they can make a somewhat legit case for incapacity to perform as POTUS based on his drug usage (recreational and medicinal), his "secret" negotations with NK, and his sleeping with women like Judith Campbell and Ellen Rometsch, all during very dangerous times (Cuba, Cold War). So they gather evidence and put together their case for incapacity and take it to LBJ as a done deal. With a faction of the CIA on board, along with Generals Taylor, Walker, & LeMay, Adm. Lemnitzer, et al., while LBJ faces being dropped from the ticket (potentially) in '64 along with serious legal jeopardy without the protection his office affords him, what else would he say... except "Go"?

    Jim, you seem to know quite a bit about Max Taylor. Are you aware of any possible connection he may have had with the more extreme right-wing and militant elements of the Agency?

    Just a thought.

  7. Kind of following on John's post below,here is an enhancement from 2002 which i think may show the true location of the shooter behind the picket fence,and possibly the one seen by Ed Hoffman.Funnily enough Oliver Stone portrays the shooter in the exact same location as i do.Does anyone  know Stone's information source for placing the shooter in this precise location?,and is this close to where Sam Holland seen the smoke?.Bill Miller claims that my enhancement is nothing but a floating torso of tree branches suspended in mid air because he insists that the Dallas Skyline is cutting through the bottom of the body.I dispute this,as the Skyline phenomenon can also be seen on the front of the picket fence giving a kind of waterfall effect.These what i call "wash marks" are not tree shadows as he also claims.I think these artifacts in both areas are simply caused by the poor quality of the Moorman polaroid,although the Dallas skyline can be seen running along other parts of the fence.

    Duncan :news

    Hi Duncan-

    If S.M. Holland was standing on the triple overpass and viewing these events, wouldn't his assessment of smoke "about fifteen feet this side of that tree" tend to support the firing position you suggest? Seems like it to me.

    "And about that time, there was a third report that wasn't nearly as loud as the two previous reports. It came from that picket fence, and then there was a fourth report. The third and the fourth reports was almost simultaneously. But, the third report wasn't nearly as loud as the two previous reports or the fourth report. And I glanced over underneath that green tree and you see a - a little puff of smoke. It looked like a puff of steam or cigarette smoke. And the smoke was about - oh, eight or ten feet off the ground, and about fifteen feet this side of that tree."

  8. It could be the horizontal grouting trough in the masonry wall,

    thanks for the clear pictures.  I could not see the parallel line

    above the "rifle" when I viewed the pixilated MUCHMORE film...

    I still wonder why this area is "Fuzzed" in Zapruder?


    I couldn't see it (possibile horizontal trough in adjacent bldg) in my version of MM either. Ian's image appears to be from a clearer, wider angle.

  9. http://www.jfkjr.com/archives/

    If you are familiar with Lee Forman's seminar thread on the Zapruder,

    you know there is an anomaly in the upper right quadrant of frames 1-40

    which looks like a matte overlay, a fuzzy indistinct area to the right of the

    building with the narrow upright windows. (Lee says it looks like the retaining wall

    and it does):


    Looking at Muchmore, I found the large black block, which is seen in Zapruder inside this strangely fuzzy area.

    In Muchmore it is a black "marquis" shaped balcony.

    About 22 seconds into the MUCHMORE film (link provided at the top of this post)

    a very clear RIFLE is seen. It is pointed downrange and hangs over the

    portico between the two buildings. 

    This is a very clear, naked eye, unmistakeable film image of a rifle ...

    Go to Muchmore, pause at 22 seconds and look at the second story above the

    black connecting portico. You will see it in the area "fuzzed" in the Zapruder film.

    Here is the Muchmore frame in question... What building is this?

  10. Who do you think it is??

    Interesting Link covered by media.


    Hi Wade-

    Interesting article. Palamara has a new book coming out (hopefully this year) in which he details interviews with over 70 agents and former agents, and addresses many of the questions/issues surrounding the actions (or lack thereof) of the Secret Service on and around 11/22/63. From what I know of it, it sounds like it may be quite revealing. I believe the title is Survivor's Guilt. The book is finished, and Vince is currently shopping it to publishers.

  11. I don't have that book yet, but in terms of the conversations between LBJ and Hoover, I want to remind you of the one on 11/29/63 in which it is clear from their conversation that they know or assume there was a shooter in front. They talk about Connally turning and catching a bullet from the front that was intended for JFK. This is after Hoover has stated that they have enough evidence to prove Oswald fired all the shots. IOW they are in effect talking about the setting up of Oswald, without either one of them coming out and saying so. Talk about good acting, I think this is an example of it. They're acting together and know it. And I see no reason to believe that both of these men were not in on the plot from the beginning, both being essential to its success in terms of the cover-up, as well as both being low enough to want it done and both having a need for it to happen.

    On the question of the bullet proof car, it's my recollection (I remember hearing the audio on a national news broadcast when the tape was first released) that LBJ asked Hoover if he had a bullet proof car, and Hoover said yes, and LBJ then asked him if Hoover thought he (LBJ) ought to have one too, and Hoover said yes, explaining why. Hoover didn't ask LBJ if he had one. But again that's my recollection from hearing it (which was pretty impressive), so I could be wrong.



    Impressive indeed! You are 100% correct. Thanks for catching my error. Upon re-reading it though, it still strikes me that Hoover is trying to tell LBJ that he can be "got" just as easily. Again though, gut feeling on my part. Probably not worth a bucket of warm spit without HEARING the tapes. And even then...


  12. Greg, I am so glad you are reading "The Assassination Tapes."  I agree with you that when you read this book it is difficult to believe that either LBJ or J. Edgar were involved in the assassination.  As you put it, they would have to be very good actors.

    And it is also interesting, is it not, that it was RFK who recommended Allen Dulles to serve on the Commission, proving rather conclusively that RFK did not suspect CIA complicity in his brother's assassination.

    It just seems to me to be a VERY strange conversation. That's more of a "gut feeling" than anything else. I did not suggest that Hoover was not involved, I suugested that IF LBJ were not, Hoover might have been sending him a messgae about how LBJ should proceed, lest he end up like his former boss.

    Tim, the reference you make to RKF suggesting Dulles be appointed to the WC is a VERY interesting one. I read that and I thought, "Really? That seems odd." But I believe that that was just Holland's take, as the footnote (143, on pg 120) states, "According to Dulles biographer, 'there was no evidence that the younger Kennedy played any role in the composition of the commission.'" Of couse, it goes on to say that the assertion that RFK did suggest Dulles was a result of LBJ talking with Fortas, Fortas talking with Katzenbach, and Katzenbach talking to RKF. This, in my mind, makes this somewhat unlikely recommendation by RFK suspect. Or at least open for discussion. I haven't read very much on Bobby. Perhaps this is addressed in one of his bios. The only reason that I can fathom that RFK would suggest Dulles, if in fact he actually did, is that perhaps he felt like Dulles would be inclined to keep the Mongoose stuff under wraps. As far as the CIA goes, Booby clearly had his suspicions about their involvement: "Did one of your guys do it?" Maybe that's a reference to Oswald who he perhaps recognized as an Agency asset. Maybe it was a question about their larger involvement, Oswald aside.

  13. Greg,

    If my memory serves me (and I've had guests and an admitted few glasses of wine), LBJ stated to Walter Cronkite in the late sixties that he thought Cuba was responsible for Kennedy's murder.

    What a bunch of xxxx.

    Anyone who has investigated this crime, that still comes away with the notion that "Castro did it" has a few screws loose.

    There.  I said it.  I feel better.

    I drive through town with a bumper sticker on the back of my car.  It reads:




    I think this memorable statement calls for a special designation. I dub you, WABOS. You sure cut to the chase!


  14. Greg wrote:

    2) It was also STANDARD PROCEDURE for agents (Rybka and Hill, in this case) to be stationed on the rear platforms behind JFK and Mrs. Kennedy in such a motorcade. This occurred with regularity in this type of procession, with the exception of the Dallas trip. Clearly, when you see the shift leader, Emory Roberts, ordering Rybka (and probably Hill, although he is difficult to see in the video) OFF of the limo as it departs, and you witness Rybka's reaction to the order as the follow-up car drives by and leaves him standing on the tarmac at Love Field angry and perplexed (obvious when you watch the video), any reasonable person would find this compelling.

    Unless, of course, the reasonable person knew the facts.

    "Keep those Ivy League charlatans off the back of the car [in Dallas]."

    Order given November 18, 1963 re the Dallas motorcade to Secret Service Agent Floyd Boring.

    The person giving the order?

    President John F. Kennedy.

    Reference:  William Manchester, "The Death of the President", page 36.

    Reading the history books can be enlightening.


    I think Robert Charles-Dunne had a point about your flippant remarks (even on the occasions when you may present factual material) not helping your cause. You of all people should realize the amount of disinformation that has been heaped upon these events to date. History books can also be very dangerous when they do not accurately represent the facts. And this case most probably holds the world's record for the topic on which the most mis- or disinformation has been published. Admittedly though, in this case, it's often very difficult to know which books are which.

  15. Thanks Ron-

    According to Mr. Palamara, there will other such "facts" exposed for the propaganda they are. He has repeatedly commented to me that the statements he makes in his book are well-supported via his interviews with these agents, documents, and photos. I suppose the proof will be in the pudding, but in my view, his research is very credible.

  16. Greg, you asked that I respond to your post here, and I will.  It raises a very good question.

    I do not believe that anyone in our government KNOWS that Castro did it (in part because that avenue of investigation was quickly squelched by both the FBI and the CIA).  LBJ did not WANT to find evidence of foreign complicity for fear it would lead to a war and the death of millions of innocent people.

    I believe that the weight of the evidence that does exist suggests that Castro killed Kennedy because Kennedy (or at least the CIA) was trying to kill Castro.  Given the extent of the evidence available, I do not believe evidence exists to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt.

    (If Castro did indeed do it, a full investigation may very well have been able to establish that but then LBJ would have been under tremenduous pressure to take out Fidel--and remember the public, and perhaps even LBJ himself, was not at that time aware that in fact it was our government that had first started to kill Fidel.   This was exactly the scenario that LBJ feared.  And I put it to you Forum members who loved JFK--would it have been worth the death of millions of innocent people to avenge his death?  I don't think JFK would have wanted that as the legacy of his assassination.)

    Since we in the Forum are trying to examine the issues and determine who killed John F. Kennedy, it is appropriate for me to suggest that the strongest evidence suggests Castro.  Given the state of the evidence, however, I believe it would be highly inappropriate for the POTUS, whoever it is, to publicly accuse Castro of that action.  It may be, and this is speculation on my part, one of the reasons our government remains so unwilling to negotiate with Cuba is suspicion or belief on the part of POTUS that Castro killed one of his predecessors.

    The other point that I would make is that (without having to decide the extent of JFK or RFK's knowledge) IMO the plots to kill Castro may very well have been criminal--even if authorized by POTUS.  If, indeed, Castro killed Kennedy it was a desperate action on his part to save his own life, and while we would never condone his action, perhaps we could agree that under the circumstances it was at least understandable.  So if our government should say, hey, we know Castro killed Kennedy, all it does is draw attention to the fact that members of our government, perhaps even including the POTUS, had engaged in a conspiracy to commit murder.

    Just as Richard Nixon had no right as president to authorize burglaries (a point established by the Watergate crisis--even the POTUS is not above the law) by the same token JFK had no right to authorize a political murder.  And, of course, if the POTUS had no such authority, neither did Dulles, Bissell and crew--assuming they did so without presidential authorization.

    RFK probably encouraged and supported efforts to kill Castro himself.  But if, and it is a big if, he did not, then, in my opinion after his May 7, 1963 meeting with Houston and Edwards he probably should have directed the appropriate prosecuting attorneys in DC or Virginia to draft conspiracy to commit murder indictments against the CIA personnel involved.

    So, you see, IMO, the evidence pointing to Castro is insufficient for the government to publicly accuse him of doing it.  And if our government has such evidence in secret someplace, it still would not want to go forward with it because Castro's actions were precipitated by, IMO, criminal actions of members of the U.S. executive branch.

    Hope this makes sense.  My view on it anyway.

    Hi Tim-

    I suppose that is a possibility.

    But the CIA/Kennedy attempts on Castro's life were long ago accepted as fact by virtually all historians and interested parties, were they not? So, there doesn't really appear to be a risk of "exposing" these plots. It seems to me that that boat sailed long ago.

    Perhaps, if your theory is correct, the U.S. government never obtained any hard evidence that Castro did it beacuse there was never a proper investigation. I'll concede that. But hard evidence or not, I believe it is beyond question (in my mind, anyway) that they know exactly who "did it." Whether it was LBJ, Castro, CIA, Pentagon, Elvis, Brittany Spears, or Krushchev- they know.

    I guess Tim, what you are saying in a nutshell is that since there may be no "hard" evidence, and since we'd have to dredge-up our own unsavory plans to whack The Cigar, why drag it out into the light of day? To what end? I suppose that is a plausible explanation. But when weighed against the magnitude of the act of murdering the president of the United States, I'm just not convinced it holds up. And with all due respect to president Bush, I'm not so sure that "hard" evidence has always been required before a president takes action if he believes the cause is just.

    For some reason, they are STILL witholding mountains of evidence, controlling what the media reports about this case, and effectively supressing the truth about these events. Why?

    Don't know what else to say about this one. Perhaps we will never know for sure.

    What is POTUS?

  17. I've always thought that LBJ was a good candidate to be a conspirator- one of the men in the exec branch who was approached with the incapacity/security risk case against JFK. And of course, as John Simkin has so ably pointed out, he was in deep sh%t and also in danger of being dropped from the '64 ticket. So that's always made the dirty SOB, in my mind, a probable conspirator in the murder.

    I guess I've started taking another look at him since I'm in the middle of reading Holland's The Kennedy Assassination Tapes. It's all of Johnson's transcribed (relevant) phone conversations in the days following Dallas. If he's acting (knowing the dialogue is being recorded), he does a pretty good job. If I had to choose, I think I'd still have to say he was involved. But I'm less certain than I used to be. I do think they could have pulled it off without him. After all, with the dirt Hoover surely had on him, and after witnessing Kennedy get his head blown off, he wouldn't be fool enough to take a stand against them. So, would there have been any reason to exclude LBJ from the circle of conspirators?

    Johnson really seems to kiss Hoover's a$$, which seems odd. The tapes (and commentary added by Holland) really seem to suggest that LBJ is, at least initially, dead-set against a presidential commission. He states that perhaps that would infringe upon Texas law and create States' rights issues. Hoover, at one point on 11/29, states to Johnson that it would be "very, very bad to have a rash of investigations." Hoover also seems to be planting the seed in LBJ's mind about LHO's "Cuban ties"- allegedly receiving $6500 from Sylvia Duran in Mex City. Which we now know never happened, according to the CIA's own David Atlee Phillips, much to Colby’s displeasure. It's odd, because if you didn't know better, you'd swear Hoover was LBJ's boss by reading, and listening to (according to Holland), this exchange.

    Hoover also goes on to ask LBJ if he has a bulletproof car to ride in and mentions that "you could have a thousand Secret Service agents on guard, and still a sniper can snipe you from up in the window if you are exposed, like the president was." Hoover goes on to tell Johnson that, "You see, there was no Secret Service man standing on the back of the car. Usually the presidential car in the past has had steps on the back next to the bumpers, and there’s usually been one [agent] on either side standing on those steps at the back bumper.”

    Is it possible that Johnson WAS out of the loop? And, reading between the lines, was Hoover maybe trying to tell him something (Play ball- and don’t think we can’t get to you too if you refuse.)? And so Johnson orchestrated/went along with the official cover-up.

    Perhaps I’m reading too much into this conversation. Very possible. But when I read the transcription, this stuff jumped out at me. I’d be interested in any thoughts. Has anyone HEARD this conversation? Does anyone know if the actual audio recordings are available somewhere on the Internet? I’d love to actually HEAR this conversation.


  18. Greg,

    If my memory serves me (and I've had guests and an admitted few glasses of wine), LBJ stated to Walter Cronkite in the late sixties that he thought Cuba was responsible for Kennedy's murder.

    What a bunch of xxxx.

    Anyone who has investigated this crime, that still comes away with the notion that "Castro did it" has a few screws loose.

    There.  I said it.  I feel better.

    I drive through town with a bumper sticker on the back of my car.  It reads:



    Hi Stan-

    Nothing like a touch of the grape to help cut to the chase! Speaking of which, it's Saturday night and I have yet to achieve an altered state of consciousness. I believe that's my cue. "Check please!"


  19. For what it's worth, here's an interesting except from a 9/2004 Salon.com article:

    Thanks to tapes of White House conversations that have been released to the public in recent years, we now know that the man who appointed the Warren Commission -- President Lyndon Johnson -- did not believe its conclusions. On Sept. 18, 1964, the last day the panel met, commission member Sen. Richard Russell phoned Johnson, his old political protégé, to tell him he did not believe the single-bullet theory, the key to the commission's finding that Oswald acted alone. "I don't either," Johnson told him.

    Johnson's theories about what really happened in Dallas shifted over the years. Soon after the assassination, Johnson was led to believe by the CIA that Kennedy might have been the victim of a Soviet conspiracy. Later his suspicions focused on Castro; during his long-running feud with Robert Kennedy, LBJ leaked a story to Washington columnist Drew Pearson suggesting the Kennedy brothers themselves were responsible for JFK's death by triggering a violent reaction from the Cuban leader with their "goddamned Murder Inc." plots to kill him.

    In 1967, according to a report in the Washington Post, Johnson's suspicious gaze came to rest on the CIA. The newspaper quoted White House aide Marvin Watson as saying that Johnson was "now convinced" Kennedy was the victim of a plot and "that the CIA had something to do with this plot." Max Holland, who has just published a study of LBJ's views on Dallas, "The Kennedy Assassination Tapes," intriguingly concludes that Johnson remained haunted by the murder throughout his tenure in the White House. "It is virtually an article of faith among historians that the war in Vietnam was the overwhelming reason the president left office in 1969, a worn, bitter, and disillusioned man," writes Holland. "Yet the assassination-related tapes paint a more nuanced portrait, one in which Johnson's view of the assassination weighed as heavily on him as did the war."

  20. In any event, the above is further support for my point that the primary beneficiary of the death of John F. Kennedy was indeed Fidel Castro.[/color]

    Tim Gratz


    JFK's death:

    Who benefited?

    Now let's see, LBJ was about to be indicted, but became president. Just a coincidence, I guess.

    After LBJ we might have had Bobby Kennedy, but I guess the Castro forces killed him too, so we ended up with criminal Nixon.

    Then came Warren Commissioner Ford, then for a brief 4 years Cater, but Bush Sr. and his little "October surprise" ended that, giving us 16 years of Reagan and Bush.

    Then came Bill, and Monica gate...

    Then two terms of Bush Jr.

    Now how does Castro "benefit" from any of this????

    To say that Castro was the principal befeficiary of JFk's death is hogwash, pure and simple.

    There is no credible evidence that LBJ really BELIEVED that JFK was killed by a "foreign conspiracy".

    I cannot believe this thread is even still going on.


    Hi Dawn-

    Didn't LBJ, after he was out of office, state (privately, though I cannot remember who he allegedly said this to) that he thought the CIA was involved? I could be mistaken, but I thought I read that somewhere.

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