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Sandy Larsen

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Posts posted by Sandy Larsen

  1. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


    This is fake news. There is no carpet bombing in Jabalia or Rafah.

    There is only targeted bombing, and fighting between IDF and Hamas forces.

    Meanwhile, I just read that nearly 500,000 refugees have fled Rafah. Which surprises me because I thought they'd be in no condition to leave given their lack of basic necessities of life. Maybe the humanitarian shipments aren't as bad as they've been made out to be.



  2. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:
    3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    We shall see, won't we.

    Biden Moves Forward on $1 Billion in New Arms for Israel


    Netanyahu hasn't begun his large scale invasion of Rafah. That has been Biden's red line for the last two months. So you are attempting to move the goal posts.

    To be clear, Biden threatened to quit sending offensive weapons to Israel if Israel invaded or began large scale bombing of Rafah, unless Israel first took measures to provide humanitarian aid to the refugees in Rafah, AND to protect the refugees from Israel's bombing.


    As of now, Biden still has the means to threaten Netanyahu into not invading or large-scale bombing Rafah. Had Biden done what you think he should have done -- actually stopped sending military aid -- Biden would have lost his leverage over Netanyahu. Without that leverage, Netanyahu would do as he pleases and bomb the hell out of Rafah. There would be no warnings for the refugees, and a loss of humanitarian aid. It would be a blood bath.

    But, oh well... at least you could say that Netanyahu didn't get any of the new bombs from you.


  3. Chris,

    What more needs explaining in the extant Z film other than the following:

    1. The gaping wound in the back of the head seen by nearly every witness, but not seen in the Z film.
    2. The gaping wound in the right temple as seen in the Z film, but not seen by any witness.
    3. The stop or near-stop of the presidential limo seen by dozens of witnesses, but not seen on the Z film.

    Regarding #1, the color logarithmic scans proves for a fact that the hole in  back of the head was painted over.

    Regarding #2, it seems likely that the "blob" and gaping wound in the temple area were simply painted in. IMO, there is no question about this.

    Regarding #3, it seems that in the commotion, several witnesses could have gotten wrong what the thought they saw. For example, maybe the limo slowed down but didn't stop. Maybe some witnesses thought they saw people run between the limo and the car following it, when in reality no such thing happened other than Clint Hill running and jumping on the back of the limo. And that, finally, to remove the slowdown, all that we needed was to remove a few frames and touch up some motion blur to make it look natural. Or, ADD motion blur to the whole frame to hide anything that looked unnatural.

    Don't you think that those three things were the only things needed to explain the known major discrepancies?


  4. 16 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


    We shall see, won't we.

    In the meantime, since Biden began threatening Netanyahu against a large scale invasion and bombing of Rafah over two months ago, the collateral killing of civilians has dropped from an average of 250 per day, to 50 per day.

    But people like Ken Klippenstein don't care because their emotions cloud their thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if Klippenstein sees something negative in the reduction of civilian killings. Just so he can continue blaming bogeyman Biden for Netanyahu's depravity.


  5. 21 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    But disgust with Biden's role in Netanyahu's Gaza genocide is not based on what psychiatrists (and psychologists) refer to as "emotional reasoning"-- as the term is used in Beck's cognitive therapy.



    I was using common English definitions when I made the phrase"emotional reasoning". I had no idea that the phrase is used in a branch of cognitive theory.


    21 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

          Moral outrage about the genocide is a sign of mental health, IMO.




  6. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

        Why do you keep repeating your misdiagnosis about emotional reasoning?


    I merely noted the fact that, due to that rapper's emotional response, he made an irrational choice of not voting for Biden. His non-vote for Biden would in effect be a vote Trump!

    Trump is all for Israel's attack on Gaza! The only criticisms I've seen Trump dish up against Netanyahu are that Netanyahu has allowed photos of the destruction be revealed. That's right... the only thing that bothers Trump is the negative PR Israel is getting.

    My diagnosis is correct.


    1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

        Are people supposed to have no emotions about the horrific massacres of women and children in Gaza?


    Well I would certainly hope that they be affected emotionally by the massacre and destruction! On the other hand, I find it unfortunate that it negatively affects their reasoning and decision making.

    Biden could lose a whole lot of votes to Republicans due to these irrational decisions. This despite the fact that Republicans are the worst people to turn to if you want Netanyahu to stop the fighting.


    1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

        C'mon, man.  Emotion serves an important purpose in human life.  We should feel horror about genocide.


    Of course. And then we should allow those with cooler heads make the important decisions on solving the problems.


  7. On 5/12/2024 at 1:50 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

    NOTE: #4 was debunked by Greg Doudna, as an AI hallucination, early on in the thread. The "California" in #3 is also from an AI query, and so should be considered suspect.

    Update of list of General LeMay alibis:

    1. On a hunting trip. (In Wisconsin?)
    2. At an official meeting (UN?) in (Wiarton?) Canada.
    3. On his way to California aboard a C-130 transport plane.
    4. On a trip to Saigon.


    Update of list of General LeMay alibis:

    1. On a hunting trip. (In Wisconsin?)
    2. At an official NATO meeting in (Wiarton?) Canada.
    3. Aboard a C-130 transport plane.


  8. On 5/12/2024 at 3:33 AM, Greg Doudna said:

    This is really outrageous Sandy, on #4.

    GILLON NEVER WROTE ANY SUCH THING, despite Keyvan's claim in his opening post with no disclosure in his opening post that he was quoting from Google AI. I DEBUNKED THAT.

    KOZAK NEVER WROTE ANY SUCH THING, despite Keyvan's claim in his opening post without disclosure that he was quoting from Google AI. I DEBUNKED THAT.


    Thank you for you corrections, Greg.

    I made a note of your debunkings on both my post and Keyvan's OP stating the parts that had been debunked, so that this disinformation will no longer be propagated.



  9. 7 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


    The actual title of the article is:

    Even Biden’s Lawyers Are Urging the White House to Change Course on Gaza

    Which is interesting timing because that is what Biden has already done.



  10. 16 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    From Macklemore's song:

    “The blood is on your hands, Biden, we to can see it all / And fuck no, I’m not votin’ for you in the fall.”

    This is another example of irrational, emotional response to Biden's strategy. In case you don't see the problem in it, read this comment from one of the readers of the article:

    "Not voting for Biden will give Bibi what he wants -- crony Trump back in the WH."


  11. On 5/11/2024 at 10:40 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

    Hmm... or was it four alibis?

    These are the alibis I recall:

    1. On a hunting trip. (In Wisconsin?)
    2. At an official meeting (UN?) in Canada.
    3. On his way to California aboard a C-130 transport plane.
    4. Flying to some event on another continent.

    It seems like I once read about #4, but dismissed it because it seemed so unlikely.

    Anybody with a better memory... feel free to correct my list.


    NOTE: #4 was debunked by Greg Doudna, as an AI hallucination, early on in the thread. The "California" in #3 is also from an AI query, and so should be considered suspect.

    Update of list of General LeMay alibis:

    1. On a hunting trip. (In Wisconsin?)
    2. At an official meeting (UN?) in (Wiarton?) Canada.
    3. On his way to California aboard a C-130 transport plane.
    4. On a trip to Saigon.




    4. According to forum member Keyvan Shahrdar:

    According to the book "The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After" by Steven M. Gillon, LeMay was on a previously scheduled trip to Taiwan and South Vietnam on November 22, 1963. Gillon cites a telegram sent by LeMay to the U.S. Ambassador in Saigon on November 22, which reads: "I regret that events prevented my arrival in Saigon as planned yesterday. I am now in Taipei and hope to be in Saigon on the 23rd."

    Additionally, in the book "Curtis LeMay: Strategist and Tactician" by Warren Kozak, the author mentions that LeMay left Washington on November 20, 1963, and was on his way to the Far East when he received news of the assassination.


  12. Just now, Sandy Larsen said:

    (which is one of his three alibis)


    Hmm... or was it four alibis?

    These are the alibis I recall:

    1. On a hunting trip. (In Wisconsin?)
    2. At an official meeting (UN?) in Canada.
    3. On his way to California aboard a C-130 transport plane.
    4. Flying to some event on another continent.

    It seems like I once read about #4, but dismissed it because it seemed so unlikely.

    Anybody with a better memory... feel free to correct my list.



  13. 9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Did LeMay ever publicly say where he was on 11,22,1963? And mention his actions the next few days after?


    I read the other day that in at least one of his authorized biographies, LeMay said that he was on a hunting trip at the time of the assassination (which is one of his three alibis), but that he returned in time to attend Kennedy's funeral.

    If what I read is accurate, then one would think that LeMay agreed with what the biography said.


  14. 8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    You have to focus and listen.


    If I don't know or can't remember how your position on something specific about Gaza differs from William's or Doug's, I reply with a generic response. Just what my beliefs are.


    8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    As it turns out, Bibi has said "screw you" to Biden. You completely ignored this.


    No, I mentioned it. I said something like, Bibi said two months ago he would invade Rafah regardless of Biden's threats. I just didn't use the words "screw you."

    But so far those have been empty words from Bibi.


  15. 8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
    15 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    That said, I do indeed believe that the death toll could easily have gone into six digits had Biden not gotten Netanyahu's ear and talked him into taking steps to reduce collateral civilian deaths. Something that is a demonstrable fact...

    8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    "demonstrable facts"?


    I didn't say it was a "demonstrable fact" that "the death toll could easily have gone into six digits." I specifically said in that very sentence that that was something "I do indeed believe!"

    What I said is that it was a "demonstrable fact" that Biden had "gotten Netanyahu's ear and talked him into taking steps to reduce collateral civilian deaths."

    And if you read the whole paragraph so that it is taken in context, you should see that this is readily apparent.


  16. 8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
    Sandy: Had Biden stopped military aid to Israel months ago, what would he do now to stop Netanyahu from invading Rafah?
    Kirk: So can we now, say if Bibi now invades Rafah that Biden's policy is a failure?


    First off, just because one component of a policy or plan doesn't work out as hoped, doesn't mean the whole policy or plan is a failure.

    Had Bibi invaded Rafah two months ago, when he first began saying he would regardless of Biden's threats to change US policy toward Israel, which later became more specifically threats to halt arms shipment, then yes, I would say that that part of Biden's plan failed.

    But Biden's threats have indeed kept Netanyahu from invading Rafah! You are so anti-Biden that that, among other important facts, has escaped you.

    I don't know how long Netanyahu will be restrained. What I do know is that the civilian death rate has dropped dramatically over the last couple months that Netanyahu has been kept from invading Rafah. (From about 250 per day down to 70 per day.) This is directly due to Biden's threats. The threats that you would have wasted by cutting off military aid months ago.

    If Netanyahu does follow thought with his threats to go it alone and invade Rafah, it's going to be a blood bath. The refugees there have virtually nowhere to go. For now at least, Biden is stopping the blood bath.


    The bottom line is this: Biden's plan has proven to be effective. In contrast, had you and others had gotten your starry-eyed way and just pull the plug on military aid early on, we would currently have no leverage over Netanyahu. He would have invaded Rafa long ago and there would be an enormous death toll, not only from the bombings but also from the lack of humanitarian aid.


  17. 7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    In your mind is there any scenario by which Biden's policy becomes a failure? If so what is it?


    Yes, of course Biden's policy could have failed.

    As I keep reminding you, due to Biden getting himself into Bibi's good graces, he was able to get him to take steps at reducing collateral civilian casualties. For example, by instructing Gazans to move to other parts of the country to avoid the bombing. And for those who didn't move, a system designed to warn civilian to leave a targeted building at the last moment.

    Here is how Biden's plan could have failed: Netanyahu could have simply said screw you to Biden, I am going to invade the country without taking any of these civilian-saving measures.

    But guess what... even that wouldn't have been a failure! Biden would have seen right away that his sweet talking wasn't going to work. At which point he would begun the tough-talking stage of his plan. And that is, to threaten to stop the flow of weapons.

    We know that that was Biden's plan. We know it because that is exactly what Biden did when Netanyahu started complaining about Biden's demands over Rafah.

    The only real failure of Biden's plan would have been if Netanyahu had said to Biden, screw you, I'm going to invade Gaza with no regard for civilian casualties, and with no regard to your threat to stop military weapons shipments.

    If that had happened, Biden would have wasted no time to following through on his threat to stop weapons shipment. In other words, he would have done what you and William and Bernie Sanders, etc, etc. have wanted him to do all along. And the loss of civilian life would have been much, much greater than 35,000.

    It is only because of Biden's plan that the civilian death toll has been kept at only 35,000. A person would have to be a fool to think that Netanyahu's demonstrable partial restraint -- achieved through Biden's efforts -- didn't save a huge number of civilian lives. I say easily in the six digits.


  18. 9 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
    On 5/10/2024 at 4:10 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

    33,000 dead and 1.6 to 2.3 million displaced is a lot better than 133,000 dead and 1.5 to 2.2 million displaced. Saving 100,000 lives would be a spectacular success.

    9 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    133,000 dead,? What are you talking about? 33,000 dead is an accepted fact! But you have no basis in fact to speculate about any number of deaths that might have happened or may happen..


    I was demonstrating how it is possible for ONLY 33,000 dead to be considered a "spectacular success."

    That said, I do indeed believe that the death toll could easily have gone into six digits had Biden not gotten Netanyahu's ear and talked him into taking steps to reduce collateral civilian deaths. Something that is a demonstrable fact... unless you happen to believe that Netanyahu did that out of the goodness of your heart.


  19. On 7/14/2023 at 5:19 PM, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    Curtis LeMay was airborne on the day that JFK was assassinated. He was in a C-140 aircraft, code-named "Grandson", en route to Travis Air Force Base in California. He was due to arrive at Travis at 1:35pm CST, but his plane was diverted to Dallas Love Field after learning of the assassination. LeMay arrived at Love Field at 2:45pm CST, just over an hour after JFK's body had been flown back to Washington.


    Yes, General LeMay was aboard a C-140 aircraft during the assassination. At least that is what his aid, Colonel Dorman, said. I guess that makes it his third alibi.

    This is from a late-found (2012?) Air force One tape. Discussed here:



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