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Michael Walton

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Posts posted by Michael Walton

  1. Ramon,

    You've done a great job building up 3D assets. Does this mean that you or someone else will be developing some kind of 3D animation sequence of the assassination? The reason why I ask is because several years ago, I learned Sketch Up and built my first test animation sequence. Not of the assassination but of my back yard. You can see it here:

    After the hilarious and dishonest wreck of an animation sequence that "Emmy-award-winning" animator Dale Myers put together - and cleverly exposed by Pat Speers [see it here] - my goal was to make an honest 3D depiction of the murder. So I wanted to check in and see if someone is already developing one so I don't duplicate the effort.

    Let me know - thanks.

  2. Hi Ray - I understand what you mean. The whole point of when I asked about the man in the photo (circled) at the beginning of this post was:

    1. Has anyone ever identified who this person was?

    2. When was it taken?

    #2 would be critically helpful because as you may be aware, there were numerous sightings of either the real LHO or a lookalike hanging around Ruby's nightclub during the latter part of 1963. This is critical info because it would show that Ruby and LHO - or at least a lookalike - was planning to set up LHO as the fall guy on 11/22.

    So I agree that the man in the circle is not 100% identical to the man DPD arrested on 11/22. But there are some similarities - the droopy ears, the pinched mouth, and the bright eyes.

    The record states that LHO or an impostor was going around in the summer and fall of '63 doing "outrageous" things - saying he was coming into money at a car dealership; shooting other people's targets at a range - and so on. I've always wondered just how much the impostor looked like the real LHO. The man in the circle certainly does have some similarities and as far as I know, the photo was taken in Ruby's strip joint.

  3. I agree about the DPD dishonesty, Greg, and it started the minute Fritz broke the supposedly four-point ring - with him in the lead - during the parade in front of millions of TV viewers, leaving the door wide open for Ruby to walk up and shoot LHO. Fritz's expression in the Jackson photo speaks a million words and if you watch the live shooting on YouTube, you'll notice the kid right next to Fritz jerk from the loud pop of Ruby's gun. Fritz just cooly stands there, does a slow turn to look at what he most probably already knew what was going to happen, and takes in the event.

    One other thing - I agree with you about not going off on tangents with wild speculation. Throughout the many years I've studied the JFK case, when something seems untrue, it usually is untrue. That's why I ignore many of those pretty wild ideas of how Jim Files was an assassin, the Zapruder film was faked, the SS agent shot JFK, and so on.

    At the same time, I know that dogged hunches can often lead to discovering the truth. For example, during one of the episodes in Making A Murderer, Avery's girlfriend mentioned on-camera that during the time Avery supposedly was raping and murdering the girl at his home, she checked her phone bill and there were two calls of 15 minutes where she talked to Avery on the phone. The real kicker was that both calls were recorded because she called from jail while serving a DUI charge.

    The show plays the recording and right then and there, I knew this guy could not have murdered this girl in his home because he supposedly was with his nephew raping this poor girl, cutting her throat, taking her outside, shooting her twice, and then burning her body.

  4. Thanks all. Not to get too speculative but I was curious more than anything about exactly who was in the photo.

    I do know this - there were plenty of verified sightings of someone impersonating Oswald, such as at the gun range where "LHO" shot at another person's target, the time where he went to a car dealer and said he's going to come into a great deal of money soon, and of course the fake Oswald who supposedly was in Mexico in October 1963 (and who, none other than J Edgar Hoover said was not the Oswald sitting in jail on 11/22).

  5. Greg, thank you. I'll always believe that if Oswald hadn't been assassinated himself on 11/24, and if a legal dream team had been available to him, there is no way in the world he would have been found guilty. Thankfully, because of people like Lane, Meager, Thompson - and onto DiEugenio and many others seeking the truth, they and many others did it for him.

    Good luck with your innocence work.

  6. I wanted to take a moment here to post about the new Netflix series "Making A Murderer." As I've been watching the various episodes, it's amazing to me how there are so many similarities between this case and the JFK case. When Steven Avery was first accused of the rape of his victim, there was no DNA evidence available to him in 1985. Eighteen years later, when DNA evidence became available, it freed him because the DNA evidence proved that it was another guy named Allen who did it.

    Just as Avery's lawyers were ready to file the wrongful civil lawsuit against the county, he was accused again of a horrendous murder. During one of the episodes, one of the former cops who was involved in the first case was called to testify. When the defense lawyer asked him about the first case and how the DNA evidence exonerated his client, the cop on the stand actually had the nerve to say to the effect, "I have doubts about that evidence, but..."

    There are numerous other examples that I've seen - how Avery was railroaded (even though he was convicted of the murder I still don't believe had anything to do with it);tampering of evidence, and so on. One chilling example is how, when one of the cops discusses the possible planting of evidence against Avery, he says to the effect, "It's harder to plant evidence. If we'd wanted to make him go away, it'd be easier to just kill him." For Lee Harvey Oswald, getting rid of him *and* planting evidence was the way to go in the JFK case.

    Here is the trailer on YouTube:

    Disclaimer: I do NOT work for Netflix.

  7. This is my first post on this forum. I tried to join years ago and was told it was closed to newcomers. Recently, a current member told me that it was now open to newcomers, so I'm glad I could join.

    Anyway, I've learned a lot about the JFK case through the years but then came across the photo of an Oswald lookalike in Ruby's bar which is pretty amazing:

    Photo of LHO Lookalike in Ruby's Club

    Can someone tell me if that lookalike was ever identified or when the photo was taken?


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