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Chris Bristow

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Posts posted by Chris Bristow

  1. Every reference to the trajectory of the head shot at 313 has the limo aligned and pointing straight down Elm parallel to the lane markers, and the Nix film verifies JFK's head was at a near perfect 90 degree angle to Zapruder's camera at 313.      
    But the Z image at 312 shows Zapruder was not perpendicular to JFK's head. In fact it isn't until about frame 323 that Zapruder is perpendicular to the backseat.
      In the graphic on top the red lines of sight show Z's angle to the limo that the nix film verify and the X on Elm St show  to be the location of JFK's head at 313. JFK's head and the back seat should be perpendicular to Z at 313.
      The blue lines of sight represent what we actually see in the Z film. At 313 Z was much closer to being perpendicular to where the hood meets the windshield. That is about a 6 degree difference. This means the limo was not facing straight down Elm but had veered to the right by 6 or 7 degrees.
       I don't know how big a deal this is but the trajectory of the bullet into the limo would be approx 6 degrees more than previously calculated. The relationship between Jackie's and JFK's heads based on the Z film would also be a little off. And the path through JFK's head would change by 6 degrees.
    There are two proofs in frame 312 below. The blue lines with arrows show the vertical frame of the side windows on both sides of the limo. The closer one lines up to the left of the far one and this alone proves Z's perpendicular line to the limo at 312 was still forward of those side windows. (The windows curve inward so it is best to compare their bases. although from Z's position the curve would make them appear even closer to aligning). 
    The 2nd type of proof is illustrated by the B&L image of the limo in the middle. The thick red line shows the perpendicular line of sight through the limo. The red lines on either side all lean towards the thick line between them.
    But the lines on 312  all lean to the right and don't approach vertical until you reach the windshield.(The reason the edge of the frames leans in is due to a correction for the distortion caused by Z's camera tilting down. It only changes the tilt a few degrees and serves to lessen the effect on the right half of the screen. It does not create the effect nor cancel it out.)
     Just as a side note if you look at the B&L image of the limo you may notice the blue lines on the bubble top parts show the photographer was actually standing in line with the jump seats(Thick blue line), but it is the thick red line that is perpendicular with the limo. This shows the same type of misalignment in 312. The limo in the B&L image is sitting at a slight angle to the photographer. So the photographer is facing the jump seats but the limo is not at a 90 degree angle to the camera and that shifts the line of sight that is perpendicular to the right of the thick blue line.

  2. 14 hours ago, Mark Tyler said:

    It's a good question, so I shall explain what I did to arrive at the conclusion I did about the gap from the shots to the sirens.  In a nutshell it boils down to the synchronization between the two channels and the real time clock that the dispatcher periodically mentions.

    Firstly, the judgement of the shot timing is done on channel 2 as we hear Curry mention he was approaching the triple underpass.  10 seconds later the dispatcher says it is 12:30.  About 10 seconds after that Curry starts transmitting again and we briefly hear a siren in the background and it is clear that the shooting has just taken place during the previous 20 seconds.  We then get some fairly constant chatter for the next minute until we hear Bill Decker mention about holding everything secure and then we hear what sounds like a bell.  These two events also happen on channel 1 (which was continuously recording for over 6 minutes due to the stuck open microphone), and is the so called crosstalk.  This is my sync point between the two channels, and by checking the time announcements on each of the channels there seems to be a good sync which confirms it is about right.  We can never know to the nearest second exactly how they sync, but everything seems to line up without any loose ends from what I can tell.

    However, the shots that the HSCA scientists identify are just before the bell event and so therefore the alleged shots happened more than a minute after the actual assassination.  This is the big bone of contention between the defenders of the HSCA report and others who feel that the continuity doesn't align with the real time of the shots.

    Taking the recordings of the dictabelt at face value these are my conclusions:

    • The timing is wrong for the position of the alleged shots (it's too late by over a minute).
    • The siren that appears 3+ minutes after the assassination indicates that the microphone is near the Trade Mart as the motorcade rushes past to go to the hospital.
    • The lack of a siren during the shooting, and no crowd noise, suggests that the microphone was never in Dealey Plaza.  Curry on channel 2 was able to pick up a lot of crowd noise on Main Street before the shots, and a siren was audible seconds after the event, so this should have been audible on channel 1 (but it wasn't).
    • The calculated position of the microphone turning from Houston Street onto Elm Street does not correspond to any single vehicle, and no motorbike is close enough for a match (McLain is well over 100 feet away for example).

    The dictabelt evidence tells us many things about the events in Dallas, but sadly it tells us nothing about the shots fired in Dealey Plaza.

    Thank you for that wealth of information.

  3. The graphs shown in the wave pattern in the HSCA video have the middle of the range at 2.0 khz. A police siren is supposed to be around 1.8 khz and if the siren was approaching at 80 mph the doppler shift would increase it to a bit over 2.0 khz. As the siren pulled away it would drop from 1.8 to 1.6 khz. There are dopper shift calculators online that make it pretty simple to calculate.
     Regardless of the speed of the vehicle/siren the middle of the doppler shifted range should be around 1.8 khz if was recording it accurately. If it comes out that way I would be fairly confident the measured doppler shift would indicate the speed of the siren.

  4. 53 minutes ago, Steven Kossor said:

    Chris, the depth of your understanding of dictabelt technology is certainly well beyond mine, so if it is possible for two transmissions to be encoded "at the same time" I guess it's technologically possible for the dictabelt recording to contain both the ambient "stuck mic" up near the Marriott as well as the high amplitude, short duration bursts characteristic of gunfire.  I did a wave form analysis some time ago and found evidence for at least six "shots" on the tape, but thought that they had to be artifacts if the only available mic was a mile or more away.  Makes me want to pull that audio study out and reexamine it; maybe it would be of interest here to see the wave forms?

    I would love to see the wave forms again. My old mac with my wave form program that came with it"Garage Band" died long ago.
    I don't know how much filters would effect this measurement but I would like  to see how much doppler shift happened as the motorcade approached then passed the open mic. If filters don't reduce the effect it may show how fast the motorcade approached. If it exceeds 70 mph it would indicate the motorcade was on the freeway.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Steven Kossor said:

    A police officer (I think he had ID #30 or 38) was reporting about crowds walking along Stemmons near the Marriott hotel (across from the Trade Mart) and it seemed that the start of the open mic problem coincided with his transmission and continued until after the shooting.  With the sirens approaching and passing his position, it seems reasonable to conclude that he was located somewhere between DP and Parkland, so no shots in DP could have been recorded from a microphone that far away.  The audio profile of the "open mic" section of the DPD recording definitely shows some high amplitude short-duration bursts that would be consistent with rifle discharges, but there doesn't seem to be any image of a moving recording device in DP during the shooting that would have the background noise of a 3-wheeler overlaying those sounds.  I believe the dictabelt could only record one transmission at a time, so the sounds from the "open mic" out near the Marriott could not be overlaying gunshot sounds that were transmitted to the dictabelt tape via a different microphone (one that was traveling through DP during the shooting) at the same time.  It's possible that the sounds were mixed somehow afterward, but that really stretches the bounds of credulity.  The "gunshot" sounds on the dictabelt may be just artifacts and not the sound of actual gunshots in DP after all.

    I do wonder if it is possible that 2 mics were getting stuck off and on during the event. As to the belt recording more than one mic at a time, it does happen. When I worked in a job that used radios we could often hear the open mic and a faint sound of a second mic trying to get thru. When a mic is keyed and the dispatcher can't get thru it to tell the driver the dispatcher ups the gain a lot and then even with the mic keyed the driver can hear the dispatcher tell them to check their mic. 
     Imagine you are saying something very embarrassing and confidential yet 30 other drivers and dispatch are all hearing you loud and clear. There were times when a driver had to return to base at the end of the day after everyone heard them calling their boss a piece of s''t.

  6. Here is a portion of the HSCA testimony and at 49:30 they address the issue of the sirens
     Some interesting points made here. The congressman notes that the sirens happen 3 minutes after the gunshots and asks how that is possible. The answer is the mic would not have picked up Curry's siren at the start because it was to far away and just beyond the underpass. But the first siren was the follow up SS limo. Kinney stated as soon as the head shot happened he hit the siren and made a radio call. So the question is still open because Kinney was more like 250 feet away and not beyond the overpass (The sirens start at 5:55.)
    The engine on the open mic bike is still running around 2200 rpm during the sirens. So the bike is question was not going down the highway with the motorcade because the motorcade did nearly 100 mph down the freeway. McClain's 74 could never keep up with the 100 mph motorcade at 2300 rpm.  Just in case my memory from a few years ago is wrong and I measured the rpm at 3200, neither the 74 or the 45 could keep up at that rpm. An old hog at 100 mph would be running around 4500 rpm. (I counted the rpm by using a wave form program. Actually it was the mac program "Garage band" which works fine for analyzing wave forms).
     1. The bike in question is running at a low rpm during the sirens so it cannot be part of the motorcade.
    2. The sirens start 3 minutes after the shots.

    3. The sirens approach, pass, then fade off.
    All this taken together would make it impossible for the open mic to be  McClain or anyone in the plaza.
     The only explanation to refute this idea is if the filters on the radio changed the rpm. It seems unlikely to me but I am open to the idea. The  possible explanation for the 3 minute gap between shots and sirens would be the dicta belt skipped like a LP (you know,a record album) and the sirens were not 3 minutes apart from the shots.
    but if the 3 points above stand then the mic was not in the plaza during the shooting.



  7. For what it's worth it seems to be running about 2300 RPM through almost all of the recording. Then it slows down just before the head shot which is consistent with McClain story about coming to a stop on Houston at Elm Street.

    I think the biggest clue is those sirens that pass by whoever had their mic open. As I recall that happens 30 seconds or more after the shots. That should speak volumes about the location of the bike in question.

    Since we hear the sirens approach and then pass by the open mic I have to wonder how that could ever be McClain. How could he be in a position where the sirens approach and pass him when he was behind the motorcade?

    I'm going from memory again but don't  we hear  the sirens after chief Curry announces that they are going to Parkland? That would mean the open mic would have to be somewhere along the freeway or after they got off the freeway.

    Because the sirens approached and then passed by within about 10 seconds we should be able to tell where the mic was based on how how much time elapsed between the shots and the sirens.

    So let's say the sirens came 45 seconds after the shots. If so, and combined with the fact that the sirens approached the open mic, wouldn't that prove that the open mic was not in Dealey Plaza when the shots occurred?


  8. The dispatcher not only identifed the motorcycle as a 45 cubic inch trike. He and McClain also identified the whistling of the person riding that bike. So there's no doubt as to which 45 trike it was, and that person was apparently positioned out by the Trade Mart at the time.

    There is a sound of sirens and they sound like they approach and pass very close to the trike. Then they Trail off. The sirens are of multiple Vehicles traveling together.

  9. 2 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

    The recording on the Dictabelt went through a filter. This means what you hear is not an accurate representation of Anything. To analyse the sound impulses you need to take account of the filter, you can't simply say it 'sounds' like x motorcycle type. 

    I know there are filters that will take out the high-end and such but I am not looking at the frequency of the sound. My judgment of it is based on the pattern of sounds. The repeating sound of the two motorcycles have a different Cadence. Consider the drumming in that Van Halen song. The frequency of course is nothing like an engine. It is simply the Rhythm of the drumming that instantly allows you to recognize that he's imitating a Harley 74. 

    Years ago I used to radio at work and seems feasible to me that a dispatcher would know the difference sounds of different drivers bikes.

  10. https://youtu.be/nKpyx8py1DE

    Here is a 5 second sound clip of the Harley engine heard from the keyed mic. I played with the equalizer and the engine sound is loud and clear thru most of the clip.
     I believe this is the sound of a 45ci Harley meter maid trike. The sound of McClain's 74ci bike and all Harley 74's have a very distinct sound. The drums on the Van Halen song "Hot For Teacher" is a great imitation of that distinct 74ci sound. They almost sound like a roadster with a hot camshaft. They always idle rough and uneven and it is still recognizable  at higher rpm's. But what we hear on the tape is much smoother and sure seems to have the 45ci pattern.
    Both McClain and the dispatcher felt they recognized those different sounds and identified the engine sound as a 45ci. I can't get passed that. I also had a 66' highway Patrol 74ci for many years and the sound is so deep into my psyche I just can't fathom that engine as a 74ci.
       But the other big thing is we can very clearly hear the person whistling. Both McClain and the dispatcher recognized the whistle as the officer who rode a 45ci trike. Could McClain here himself whistling and not recognize it as himself? McClain said he was not a whistle while you work kind of guy. I find it hard to understand how McClain would make these mistakes.

  11. Trying to figure out how much butchering was done by his memory or tunnel vision, and how much was done because of alteration to the Z film, and how much was done by lies he may have been prompted to tell is a tall order!

    Many of the witnesses described the limo stop as having stopped or almost stopped. Just how slow does the limo have to go in order for the witnesses to have a hard time telling whether it's stopped or was just moving very slowly?

    At 8 miles an hour it would move half of its 21 ft length every second. I think that would be easy to see even from a distance. It would be easy to see even if you were directly in front or behind like the folks on the overpass. At 4 miles an hour the limo would move about 5 feet per second. I would guess you could sense movement if you looked at it for one half of a second and saw it move about two feet.

    So I think the consistency of the testimony in which they couldn't be sure if it was even moving would indicate a speed of no more than two miles per hour. 

    I can't get past how strange it was that Dan Rather offered up the observation that it didn't stop without being prompted. Similarly I find it strange that Ike Altgens offered the same unprompted observation in his WC testimony.

  12. On 1/24/2021 at 8:49 AM, John Butler said:


    Here's a few things more to consider.

    Dan Rather early comments on Zapruder

    I believe I can add another witness to the over 100 list who saw something different on the day of the assassination, or in Dan Rather’s case someone who saw an early version of the Zapruder film that does not relate to later versions.

    At first Rather describes the passengers in the p. limo and a Secret Service man on the bumper.  He sees this on Houston Street! 

    Later, he describes the vehicle making a left turn off of Houston onto Elm Street.  He said this 3 times!  If this is true, and also seeing the vehicle on Houston Street, then he saw a film without the Zapruder Gap being present.  This makes the Zapruder Gap artificial.

    He mentions a Secret Service agent on the bumper 3 times!  He says nothing about Clint Hill’s run to the p. limo from the SS security vehicle.

    He says that he saw the president put his hand up to his face and slump slightly forward after the first shot.  As an example, it would look something like this from a scene from a different film on Main Street.


    He said the first shot occurred about 35 yards from the base of the TSBD.  If so that would make the shot about 205 feet from the turn onto Elm Street.  This would be calculated from the SW corner of the TSBD (the TSBD is 100 ft long and 35 yards is 105 ft).  If the base of the TSBD is calculated as the SE corner of the building then the shot would have occurred about 5 ft from the SW corner of the building.  Somewhere between these points the shot occurred according to Rather.

    Rather’s description of the shooting of John Connally sounds suspicious.  To make the shot seem from behind he has Connally turning to the point where his body is almost completely facing backwards. And, then the second shot becomes the third shot!  Was that a slip up?

    Yep!  Rather saw a different film then the rest of us.


    I can see how he would miss Clint hill running and climbing because the head shot would stun you for a moment and maybe give you tunnel vision.
     When he tries to put the limo at a specific location in front of the TSB it would be easy to get that wrong when you base it on Z's point of reference and the limited field of view.
      Rather puts a shot at Connally's 'big' turn around. Early on the FBI also assumed Connally was hit later than JFK. I don't know if he knew enough at that time to even make a slip up.
    Maybe he did see the clip of the turn onto Elm or hr filled in the gap with false memory of seeing it turn onto Elm.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Robin Unger said:


    Yes that is the official location. But when McClelland talks about the scalp being pulled over the defect he demonstrates the location which of course does not agree with the official story.

    The Warren Commission testimony of the Parkland doctors and nurses with subsequent interviews photographs and diagrams puts about 14 of the Parkland staff at odds with the official results.

    With only four of the Parkland staff supporting the official story I think there's enough circumstantial evidence to have valid doubts about the legitimacy of the autopsy.


  14. Thanks for the link. I had not been able to find this particular clip on Youtube in a long time. It is clear which portion of the head McClellend was talking about when he placed his hand there a second time at 2:44. In another version on Youtube McClellend's statement about the scalp being pulled over the wound is not there.
    Skeptics will often claim that in the Nova doc all the doctors from Parkland agreed with the autopsy. I don't remember exactly which doctors were in the doc except for Jenkins, Peters, Dulany and McClellend. I would love to know if anyone has the full documentary.
       McClellend says the photos agree with what he saw that day but we have to include his caveat that they must have pulled the scalp up over the occipital parietal wound. So he can't be agreeing with the official wound placement even when he says the images agree with what he saw that day. The contradiction is such that any skeptics argument that McClellend capitulated falls apart.
     In a segment not seen in this clip they have Jenkins and McClellend saying they did not inspect the head wound. But Jenkins is talking about post mortem when they had no further reason to inspect the wound. McClellend is talking about before they established JFK's airway, breath and circulation. According to the ABC's of resuscitation you start with the airway,breath, circulation before doing anything else. It would be irresponsible to take time to inspect the head if the patient is not breathing yet. That is what McClellend was talking about.
    The Nova doc implies they never got a chance to look at the head wound closely but the WC testimony blows that argument out of the water as doctor Clark called off Dr Perry's suggestion to do open heart massage because, in part, the head wound was "Mortal". Clark made a major medical decision based on his observation of the mortal head wound which completely refutes any argument that they did not take a close look at the head wound.
       McClellend and Jones did a seminar around 2004 in which McClellend called the whole Nova doc a joke and again reiterated his unwavering testimony about an occipital parietal wound.
     One question though. If they did just pull the scalp up we would still see a great laceration in the occipital parietal wouldn't we?

  15. I think it's harder to see the limo slow down in the Z film because it is zoomed in. There's a panorama version of the Z film that follows the limo in the current frame as it passes along the panorama. The Slowdown of the limo is much more apparent in that video. I think that might be why it's more obvious in the Nix film because we can see the background slow down as the camera pans slower to follow the limo.

    The limos position in the Nix film matches the Z film frame for frame so the difference must be an illusion.

    The YouTube clip below is interesting because of the way Hargis prefaces his statement about the limo almost coming to a complete stop with the caveat that this statement was not to be shown publicly. By the time of this interview the Z film have been public for years. We all knew the official story so why would he ask that it not be shown publicly? The only answer, I think the obvious answer is that he was contradicting the official story. So people can argue about Witnesses descriptions of how slow the limo went but I think Hargis makes it clear that it went slower then what we see in the official Zapruder film


  16. I am updating a previous post, it should be less confusing and makes a new point.
       The shooter possible locations for a 313 shot would have been limited by Greer and the window behind him. The red lines show the window of opportunity for a 313 shot from the South knoll. The shooter would have to be located where the yellow bar is between the red lines.  The shooter is further limited by the Franzens and the couple to their left because the bullet would be less than five feet off the ground when it passed them. The blue lines and bar represent the location at which the shooters line of sight would be blocked by the witnesses. So the shooter in the parking lot would have to be where the yellow bar is.
      But that position makes it impossible for the shooter to take both the 223 and 313 shots. From the position marked by the yellow bar the angle to the limo at 223 is over 20 degrees, closer to 25 degrees(Purple line). But the angle from the apparent bullet hole in the windshield to JFK's neck is only 15 degrees. A 22 degree angle would miss JFK and hit Connally's right side. It looks like a single shooter could never have taken both shots


  17. 20 hours ago, John Butler said:


    Thanks again.  I'll do that but will not be able to reply for the next couple of days. Graphics look good.  

    Are you suggesting that the 3 cars in the last left hand graphic are the cars seen by Bell and Bond?  I thought of Nix and Muchmore, but forgot to check them out.

    "The image in your last post that shows the line of sight back to the Stemmons & continental Ave lands a couple blocks short of Continental ave. Continental is the next major street North."

    I thought that might be the case but was looking for a spot the photographer could be at on the other side of the Stemmons to make that shot work.  It seems to cut midway through that barren area in the photo.


    If you put your position for the photographer here then please repost.  Thanks.

    John, Bowers building is visible in the Stemmons photo directly above Greer's head. Directly above that is The Annex Building. The center of Bowers building/Tower lines up with the third set of Windows from the left on the Annex Building. Draw line of sight from that third set of windows and through the center of Bowers Tower. That will give you the completely accurate line of sight that leads to Continental Street a couple blocks north of the point that you have now. 

  18. 959013892_FINALTRAINSLOWRES.thumb.jpg.d5John, check out the image on the right. The position of the 3 Pullman cars are marked by the 3 long red lines. Based on all the different photos and films(Nix too) that is where they sat. All the images of passenger cars in Hughes, MC2, Bond, Nix, Allen are of these 3 cars.
     The image in your last post that shows the line of sight back to the Stemmons & continental Ave lands a couple blocks short of Continental ave. Continental is the next major street North.

  19. 3 hours ago, John Butler said:

    Ghost Train of Dealey Plaza- The Elusive, Non-existent Train Hidden in Plain Sight

    In order to see if there was any trains or train cars on the Triple Underpass, the Stemmons Railroad Overpass line, or in the rail yards one needs to re-examine the photos concerning trains that afternoon.  Once again there are a lot of photos to look at and analyze.  It is wordy if you believe a picture is worth 10,000 words.

    First off, there is no visual evidence for any train or cars on the Triple Underpass.  None.  There may be reasons for that and will be discussed later.

    There is evidence for train cars on the Stemmons Overpass spur line.  To see these train cars, we need to review the McIntyre photos and others concerning trains.  There are 3 McIntyre photos that I have put into order as 1, 2, and 3 depending on where they were in relation to the small Stemmons Exit sign seen in those photos.

    The first photo one will see is McIntyre 1 on the internet which are usually sharp and clear.  The Unger photo is a good representative of this.


    This photo is misleading in the sense it does not show all of the information contained in the photo.  A better example is from the book, Pictures of Pain.  The Stemmons Overpass spur line separates from the 7 main tracks just south of the towers perhaps 40 to 50 feet from the main tracks.



    The signal towers for the railyards were located on the Stemmons Overpass Railroad Line.  There are definitely there and not in the railroad yards.  The Stemmons Overpass line leaves about 40 to 50 feet south of the 7 main tracks going over the Triple Underpass.

    We see the towers again in McIntyre 2.  Definitely on the Stemmons Overpass.  Here if you look closely or blow up this photo you will see a passenger train behind the signal towers.  Ghost Train?


    The blowup:



    The signal towers have been cut out in the earlier photo.  These towers are clearly on the Stemmons Overpass line.  We see the Triple Underpass line also.  The towers split from the other 7 lines on the TU tracks just before the signal towers are reached forming a Y to the west.

    McIntyre 2 reinforces this by showing the Dealey Plaza area in relation to the Stemmons signal towers.  In this photo the Secret Service security vehicle is near the small Stemmons Exit sign.

    If one looks closely there appears to be a train in the railroad yards.  Blowing up the image one can see the passenger train is behind the signal towers and therefore has to be in the railroad yards.

    McIntyre 3 shows what may very well be the Ghost Train of Dealey Plaza or parts of it.  There are another two passenger cars on the Stemmons Overpass spur line.  This is within a minute or two of the assassination.


    Notice that the first train on the right (picture left) has distance between it and the Stemmons line.  It must be in the railroad yards.   The other two passenger cars are the ones we see through the Pergola structure in Bond, Bell, and others.  This is the mistake that Harold Weisberg and others made when saying these cars are on the Pergola spur line. You can see they are on the Stemmons with the main tracks in the background.  And, I believe these are also the cars that one sees in Allen with boxcars added.  This indicates within minutes to an hour of the assassination the elusive Ghost Train was reassembled into other trains. 


    The passenger cars and freight cars shown here are on the Stemmons spur line.  You can see they are passing through the signal towers.  This is after the McIntyre photos and indicates more work by the railyards moving trains and cars. 

    This Allen photo is more than likely an alteration showing the train cars larger than they should be.  The distance from the signal towers to the edge of the parking lot for the yards is 152 as measured by Google Earth Pro.  Their appearance should be smaller.

    This is a later, but contemporary photo showing a train on the tracks of the TU.  Notice the size of the cars in relation to the train.  This is very similar or smaller than the vehicles of what is seen in Allen indicating that Allen is altered.


    One further photo needs to be examined.  At this point the photographer of the photo is unknown.  It shows a policeman standing on a train car in the distance.



    This photo also appears to show a train in the railroad yards perhaps on the Pergola spur line as Harold Weisberg suggested.  It has a someone, a policemen perhaps, on top of a car. 

    Once again, the size of the cars call into question where this partial train is.  This is the partial train of a short passenger car and long passenger one sees in McIntyre 3.  This train is on the Stemmons Overpass line, but appears to be near the railroad yards.

    Hughes may show the same train or another.  If another, there was considerable movement of passenger cars on the Stemmons spur line.  Harold Weisberg was wrong when he said this train was on the Pergola spur line.

    Conclusion:  After almost 57 years we have a better understanding of trains in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy.

    There is a good possibility that the long, slow train that Officer J. C. White stated passed through at the time of the assassination was disassembled and reassembled as two freight trains about to leave Dallas and remnant car cars were left on the Stemmons spur line.  

    Is McIntyre 3 showing what I call the Ghost Train of Dealey Plaza?  I think it could very well be the non-existent train.  Why was this train not seen in the media of Dealey Plaza during the assassination?  I can only say alteration. 

    There may be one other reason.  The Triple Underpass is 27 feet high at the height of the bridge railing.  It is 120 feet across above the 3 streets.  There are 7 tracks on the bridge.  One may not be able to see the center of the bridge on a middle track from Elm Street from the intersection with Houston to down to the Stemmons Overpass exit. 

    Photographers such as Bell and Paschall were on elevated positions and should have seen and photographed the train.  Here are two photo frames of Paschall that shows alterations.  Here we see the entire bridge and railroad lines blacked out. 





    You can see an area blacked out in the middle of the bridge.  It could be a train there.  The true sign of alteration is the back of the railroad bridge railing.  It elevates above the front of the bridges railing.  The is perspective wrong.  Elm Street slopes downward at a 3. 5 percent slope from the intersection to the Stemmons exit.  The bridge would be leveled to account for that.  The center of the bridge is gradually raised to a slight degree to shed water from rains.  Distance perspective should show the back railing sloping downwards not upward.     

    This is the train broken into two other trains that the 3 tramps came off of during the search of the railroad yards.  If this train was the one described by J. C. White then it could have provided a platform to make a shot to Elm Street at Z frame 160 and blow through the windshield and strike President Kennedy in the throat. 

    John. the 'ghost train in MC2 is part of the the same three Pullman cars you see in the Hughes film, and you can see the back end of the 1st of those three cars in the Allen photo. The policeman on the Pullman car photo has him on top of the same Pullman's as in the other photos. I have measured the location of those cars for Hughes, Allen and MC2 and the location for the back end we see in Allen is the same location in all those photos.
     The photo from the Stemmons freeway  shows different train cars. On the left there is a boxcar behind a flatbed with some stacked pyramid shapes cargo, the another partial boxcar in front of it. I will look again for the photo but I think I saw those cars sitting farther West on the Stemmons spur, maybe 50 or 100 yards from the tower
    Just checked google Earth. That photo on the Stemmons shows the Dal Tex is not blocked by the TSB, there is a gap between them. You can use that to do a line of sight back to the  camera location on the Stemmons. A second line of sight from the limo can be traced using Bowers tower visible in the center of the photo. The Annex is behind it and the tower lines up with the 3rd window from the left. That gives a very accurate line of sight. The limo is right over  Continental Ave. Turns out those boxcars on the left side of the photo are nowhere near the yard. They are 1000 feet or so North of the plaza on track parallel to the Stemmons. The limo is about 2000 feet North of the plaza and 850  feet from those train cars. They only other track that intersects with the line of sight is tracks in the yard behind(North of) the TSB but the cars are facing 90 degrees away from the direction of those tracks.
    The cars on the left side of the photo are also on same track but about 800 feet closer to the yard than the other cars. Cars on the left side are about 1200 feet from the yard and the cars on the left side of the screen are about 400 feet North of the yard.
     I do not believe you can judge relatives sizes of objects and get their distance without specific measurements. It is a ball park judgements and needs to be verified by testing and comparing relative sizes. Like the train cars on either side of the Stemmons limo photo above look pretty close in size to be so far apart yet the cars on the left are 50% larger when you measure them. The other factor is the distance from the camera to each object. If a camera is 100 feet away from object A and 200 feet from object B the relative sizes of A& B will not be the same as a photo taken from half the distance.  I THINK! I will test that and get back to you.
    Place yourself over Continental Ave on the Stemmons and Bower's tower will line up just as in the photo. Then draw a line from the back of the TSB which is directly behind the train cars to continental Ave and the line will show the possible locations for the train cars
     The dark overpass in the Paschel film is not in itself evidence of fakery and I think the lack of quality in some photos makes it hard to see the people on the bridge.

  20. On 11/13/2020 at 1:20 AM, Joe Bauer said:

    There is some conflict between Bethesda Naval Hospital corpsman Paul O'Conner's JFK's body and head handling observations and time line account and that of his fellow corpsman James Jenkins.

    I can't recall all the exact specifics right now but you already stated one above.

    Remember too that corpsman Paul O'Conner had more training and experience than James Jenkins who had only been in this medical position just a few months before and up to 11,22,1963.

    O'Conner's main autopsy job was brain removal.

    He was trained to saw and lift back the skull and membrane and cut muscles and nerves to start the procedure of brain removal which would also require cutting the brain from the brain stem underneath.

    Corpsman Jenkins was not.

    Humes and Boswell themselves would not be the ones to do this procedure.

    Humes really didn't even have that much hands on autopsy experience.

    So, did O'Conner do this procedure on JFK?

    O'Conner testified under oath he "did not."

    In fact O'Conner testified under oath the skull, membrane and nerve cutting brain removal procedure "was never done on JFK!"

    If not, how could anyone pull an almost intact brain out JFK's skull which the official report says weighed as much as a full brain?

    When O'Conner testified that he saw little brain matter inside JFK's skull, are we sure he made this observation as soon as he and Jenkins lifted JFK's body out of the casket ( and body bag? ) and had placed him on a table?

    Or did he make this observation later and while involved in other preparation work on JFK's head area.

    Jenkins and O'Conner were not always together at the exact same time as I recall from an interview account of Jenkins made not that many years ago. Bathroom breaks, brief fresh air or sandwich in the hallway breaks perhaps?

    James Jenkin's account in his decades later interview seemed a little unsure in some areas of details. On the contrary, Paul O'Conner seemed very sure, very confident when he related his remembered account decades earlier.

    Jenkins claims Humes or Boswell ( Jenkins wasn't sure which? ) handed him an almost intact JFK brain (except for a missing chunk ) to place in a preservative container. The size of the missing chunk? Can't recall the exact size description Jenkins mentioned but I generally remember him stating it wasn't too large.

    Jenkins could not say who removed the brain from JFK's skull.

    Did he even say he was present when the brain removal took place?

    The idea that O'Conner didn't see much brain in JFK's skull because it had already been removed is ludicrous because the only way to get JFK's brain out of his skull ( even shattered on it's back and right top and side) would be the procedure O'Conner described in his court testimony.

    Cutting the skull and peeling it back, cutting the membrane and severing the eye nerves and other connective tissue and then finally severing the brain from the brain stem.

    You can't just pull JFK's brain out of his skull without doing these cutting procedures.

    But O'Conner says the cutting procedure wasn't even done on JFK's skull at any time.

    If O'Conner is lying, then the question is at what point were these skull, membrane, nerve and tissue cutting procedures done on JFK's skull to be able to remove a full weight brain ... and who did the procedure?

    If not O'Conner, who was trained in this procedure, who else and why not?

    So, either much of JFK's obliterated brain matter had been exploded out of his skull on initial impact ( as O'Conner speculates happened ) and with even more oozing out at Parkland and during the flight back to Maryland, or O'Conner just lied about his whole account even though he had the opportunity to see JFK's skull and even inside of it as he was so close to the head area of JFK from initial casket delivery through the entire autopsy.

    The question is who's telling the truth here. Was the typical skull, nerve and membrane cutting procedure done on JFK's head or not?

    To get an intact brain it had to have been done.

     So, who did this and when?

    If not O'Conner, Humes or Boswell and certainly not corpsman James Jenkins then whom?

    Even if O'Conner is lying, the "fact" is that so much JFK brain matter had been expelled during the initial head shot (with visibly more oozing out up to and during his Parkland treatment" there is no way JFK's brain weight as listed in the final "official" autopsy report can be accurate imo.

    The two motorcycle officers right behind the presidential limo stated in ther WC testimony that they felt they were hit quite sharply by a blood and "matter" spray.

    Brain matter was found throughout the JFK limo back seat area. Jackie held a piece of JFK's brain in her hand. Dr. Jenkins stated there was brain matter on the stretcher JFK was brought in on and at least one Parkland doctor next to JFK's head in the ER table tesified that some more brain matter had oozed out of the massive baseball sized occipital wound during his ER treatment.

    How many grams of brain matter could make up all this noted brain loss?

    10% of JFK's entire brain? 20%. More?

    The final brain weight listed in the official autopsy report can't be right if even 20% of JFK's brain was lost in all these testified ways.

    And we know much of JFK's brain was mush upon his arrival to Parkland from the descriptions of Dr. Jenkins, Jackie's hand held chunk, oozing out the occipital wound.

    Jenkins did not describe seeing such a mushy mascerated brain that was handed to him.











    As I recall O'connor said he noticed most of the brain missing as soon as he unwrapped JFk's head.

  21. 26 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Chris, I don't know if you realize how important that is:

    If he is correct, how could the doctors not see the cerebellum?

    It does seem like a shocking contradiction. I don't know if he was  implying the defect was both oc and temporal or just the laceration, but either way there was no laceration of skin near the oc area in the autopsy photos. I suppose the temporal laceration could be associated with the temple flap.
    He never uses the word parietal to describe the laceration and saying oc/temp puts it very low on the side of the head. So the laceration revealed the skull defect and that limits the skull defect location to a low place on the side of the head. 
     That was his recollection within hours of working on JFK so it might be his best recollection.

  22. It took some effort to get JFK hooked up and to test and see if the heart massage was creating a pulse. But prior to that their first concern was the airway. After the airway they did take a close look at the head wound. Doctors Clark and Jenkins examined it together and concluded that it was fatal. At that point Clark decided not to initiate open heart massage. But as I recall he was not really DOA on arrival. I assume even with no pulse you may be resuscitated.

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