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Ty Carpenter

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Posts posted by Ty Carpenter

  1. On 1/25/2022 at 5:01 PM, W. Niederhut said:


         C'mon, man... common ground?  With Trump supporters who have been chanting, "Let's go, Brandon!" (i.e., "F*** Joe Biden!") all year?  When did you guys finally start deploring profanity? It's not so much that I have anything against profanity, I work in the construction business and F bombs fly around all day. What I have a problem with is the hypocrisy of Biden to claim he is a great uniter and that he will fire anyone that is disrespectful towards others, and then proceeds to insult and be disrespectful towards Doocy. 

          Common ground with guys who have been making death threats to U.S. election officials, refusing to acknowledge that Biden won the 2020 election, or that Trump incited a violent attack on the U.S. Congress to block the certification of Biden's election? I have not called for the deaths of anyone or refused to believe that Biden is president. I definitely think there were issues with fraud in the election, but fighting it is a losing cause. When I speak of common ground, I was thinking more about a discussion here. We are a community of people who share a common interest. Surely we could muster the courage to have a reasonable discussion of what we may be willing to compromise on to improve the current situation in our country.

          What sort of "common ground" do you have in mind?  I'm all ears. From my conservative standpoint, I am willing to consider relaxing my views on a few things if you would be willing to make concessions on some of my main priorities.

    My main concerns are gun rights, economic policy, education, and the healthcare system. I am not willing to make any compromise on gun rights, as I feel all gun laws are a violation of my natural rights. On economic, educational, and healthcare policy, I think we could work together to get to a point where we could actually improve the situation. Of course you and I discussing this won't make any real change, but it may be a worthwhile exercise.

    What are several issues important to you that you feel two reasonable individuals could have a discussion on and perhaps find consensus?

          As for Biden privately referring to the Fox News gadfly, Peter Doocy, as a "stupid son-of-a-bitch" (on an accidentally open mic) were you similarly outraged when Trump said, "Get that son-of-a-bitch off the field!" when he saw Civil Rights protester Colin Kaepernick kneeling on an NFL sideline?   Remember that comment? I have no problem with Kap protesting. I despise his method, but I guess he has the right to do so. My problem with him is that he is a communist or at least a misguided idiot who wears a Che shirt.

          Which was the more egregious Presidential comment, in your opinion-- a POTUS privately cursing about a sleazy Fox News propagandist, or a POTUS public cursing about a conscientious Civil Rights protester? While I don't condone either of them, I would have to say I have a strong disdain for hypocrisy. 

    Image tagged in covid-19 - Imgflip


  2. 4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Ty, I'm surprised you bring this up. You don't remember all the unpleasant things Trump would say "on mic" to reporters faces, calling them "fake news." "nasty" , "terrible reporters" "third rate reporters". I thought Trump supporters celebrated  insulting reporters  but I give you credit that you weren't in that group, but you obviously haven't seen that Trump is the most insulting of all Presidents we've ever had and that was with fair questions and not  unknowingly with a "hot mic".

    Here is an exchange in the Spring of 2020, in a  period of great uncertainty at the beginning of the covid  pandemic when a reporter asks.

    Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
    Trump:"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."

    The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast."You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'""Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."

    This was a softball question that any true leader would have seized upon to reassure the public that "it's going to be tough but we're going to pull through". But Trump didn't have it in him. We can talk just about his civility, but almost 2  years later and probably million American lives lost by the end of this , 20 times the number of people lost in the Viet Nam War, this was a great tragedy, that could have lost him the election.

    And Fox News reinforced it, and  was complicit with these insults which now make them look so hypocritical.

    The question itself was obvious and made to embarrass, but within the arc of testy questions reporters ask Presidents.

    More examples of Trump's treatment of reporters, of less testy questions..



    I only broached the subject as I was not seeing the same outrage from the group here towards a D president when he made a tasteless comment.  

    Biden claims to be a "great uniter" but his comments tell me otherwise. 

    I had the assumption (most likely incorrect) that folks had problems with these types of comments coming from our "leaders" no matter their political affiliation, but it appears that concerns over decorum are only valid against a politician from the other side. 

  3. Matt,

    I will give Biden credit for apologizing, even though it was not much of an apology. It was more an acknowledgement that he made a mistake.

    Your comment is telling though, if it was Trump who said this, you would be up in arms calling for impeachment or something. But since it's your guy, it's all good. Perhaps this type of attitude is partially responsible for our inability to find common ground and work together on things in this country?


  4. 4 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    I'm certainly no expert in firearms of ANY sort, (I have a fairly decent grasp on the rifles and muskets of the Napoleonic era, but after that I'm pretty much a complete Muggle) but what I learned from reading War Comics in the 1970s was that a "Carbine" was originally a shortened version of a standard rifle, with the the occasional  tailor made carbines all being fairly short. 

    The rifle presented by DPD to the public was over 40" in length. I've never understood, unless my understanding of the word is completely wrong, why they referred to the CE139 rifle as a "Carbine" .


    Oh, and brilliant find Vince!!!

    I'll never tire of that "How are we only seeing that now?" feeling in association with this crime.


    The designation "carbine" refers to barrel length not necessarily overall length of the firearm. By common definition, a carbine has a barrel length of 16 to 20 inches. In my quick search, the model LHO is claimed to have used had a barrel length of 17.5" or 17.6". 

  5. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I disagree, Ty.

    It isn't "constructive" to say nothing about conduct that is destructive to the self and to others in our society.  It's collusion in dysfunctional behavior.

    Would you have the same opinion about a drunk driver who insisted on his "freedom" to drive drunk, and ended up killing himself and endangering others?


    Your drunk driver scenario has no merit in this discussion. As we now know, the vaccine does not stop one from becoming infected with the virus and does not stop transmission. Additionally, drunk driving is something you choose to do. Not getting vaccinated is something you choose NOT to do. 

    Is there any proof Mr. Loaf would have survived his bout with Covid had he been vaccinated? I keep hearing vaccinated folks that have had the virus state that it would have been much worse if they weren't vaccinated. That is just ridiculous. My entire family, ages 39, 37, 12, and 8, all unvaccinated, tested positive on Christmas eve. My wife had the worst symptoms of all of us which was that she was pretty fatigued for one day. Other than that, it was a minor inconvenience. We canceled our holiday plans and stayed home to relax. I even went to the office and worked the next week (by myself). We chose to take our chances and are just fine. And according to the CDC we have stronger immunity than any vaccinated person out there. I didn't kill anyone by not getting vaccinated. 

  6. Mr. Loaf is apparently quoted as saying "If I die, I die" regarding his attitude towards Covid. When he proceeds to die from the virus, why would one feel the need to basically say "I told you so?" He stated his position on the issue and apparently was willing to accept the consequences of his decision. The conversation really should end there, any further commentary on the issue is pointless and not made to be constructive or helpful in any way.

  7. 1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Right on W. To Ben, Epps is his star witness against the government deep state. To us he's had his 15 minutes of fame, and it's inconceivable that such a character like that could have started the 1/6 Capitol break in anyway.


    I remember a year ago last summer, during  a general covid lock down. There was a baseball game where they honored the health care workers, who were the only fans at the game. It brought tears to my eyes to see these people finally get honored for all the overtime work they had done earlier, during the first covid breakout in the Spring of 2020.

    Over the last 2 years. I'm reminded how in the right wing media, and Fox News,  there's never any inkling , at least that I ever saw, of a tribute to the brave souls who've provided care  to the victims of the covid pandemic, endlessly risking infection and getting covid themselves. It was ignored because it could be acknowledging that there was actually a problem at all. And now care givers have to deal selflessly  with unvaccinated people who could be taking away beds and other precious resources from victims of automobile accidents, people needing various emergency surgeries and care, young people who might have their appendix burst and even elective surgeries.
    These are essential people who are being treated as expendable people, which can only reflect a greater attitude towards the rights of the lesser powerful as well. No matter what anyone's politics, in a climate where there's always media criticism that there aren't enough good feeling, inspiring stories in the dark times of a pandemic. These people should have gotten a lot more air time for their heroics among right wing media than they did, and still do.JMO


    Here ya go:






    And finally, Fox News apparently even has a web page devoted to good news:


    It's not that it doesn't exist, Kirk, it is that you have not looked.

  8. 26 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    I must be missing something.  I don't have a clue how to donate.  I have before with no problems.  When I check on the link I end up in James photos.

    Help, if you can. 


    Chris mentioned this also, but hover over the word "store" in the blue banner at the top of the forum. That will give you another menu directly below the word "store." Go to that menu directly below the blue banner and  click "donations" which is on the far left of that menu. That will lead you to the donation process and just follow instructions from there.

    Any other questions, I am happy to help.

  9. 18 minutes ago, James R Gordon said:

        I agree to maintain the banking link with Invision. What about the end of March being the Education Forum end of year. So for a 15 month year - if that is what you want - the new year would begin in April 2022 and would end in June 2023
         If you are looking at a 15 month period then the sum is £810: 15 times £54.
        Invision charge me in $ and it is $70 per month which equals $1050. $1050 is the same as £ 810.
        I agree to let the forum know when the target sum has been reached and - if helpful - I can give you a monthly state of the account.
        As regards the PayPal account I believe it still works. If someone donate $1 I can check whether still reaches the account and report back.



    I just sent in a $5 test donation. Please confirm with a reply to this message that you have received it. 

    Edit: I have received a verification email from the Ed Forum that my payment has been received. Please confirm things are working on your end as well.


  10. 15 minutes ago, James R Gordon said:

    I appreciate the support for the Forum continuing. I am also aware as Denny Zartman and Karl Hilliard have commented that these are not easy times for us all. It would require $600 to be raised per year were the forum to be saved by contributions. I could not possibly ask for such a sum.



    Are you willing to continue in your current capacity if funds can be secured?

  11. 41 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Sorry Ben,  just gotta go on record as personally finding virtually all of that as laughable and in a pattern of creating a larger counter history of events....entertaining though it is for Deep State thinking.  And just to irritate everyone further, I agree with Liz Cheney in regard to Snowden and actually in regard to a great many things related to actually maintaining a democracy including the extreme threat posed by Trump and his acolytes. 

    The idea that Trump even thought about records release for more than a minute when someone brought it up is more than unlikely, much less that he could be successfully blackmailed in regard to them. .  

    Part of my New Years resolution to be totally transparent and contrarian at my advanced age.  Probably brought about by seeing too many vehicles around me with "F Biden and anyone who supports this presidency"  and "Trump is our Leader".


    I just want to clarify that one can say "F Biden" and not be a Trump sycophant. Also, in my entire life I have never seen a sign or flag that had the actual F word on it until the Trump era. But it wasn't the Trump supporters that normalized that, it was the left with their "F Trump" signs and flags. Even our governor here in Michigan had a sign in her office that said "8645". That certainly is not behavior one would expect from the self proclaimed party of inclusion and respect.


  12. 17 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Rex Bradford has done an outstanding job of addressing the new releases via the Mary Ferrell Foundation site.  You may find the material, his reviews and

    assessments here:


    Even if you don't intend to dig into the documents themselves, his commentary on the this releases as compared to the previous ones - as well as the state of the records at NARA is important reading.


    The link you provided takes us to an update as of March 2021. The link below will take folks to the current December update:


  13. 3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Thanks for all your efforts Larry, It seems like the Kennedy family has always been a thorn in the side of the JFKA research community. This has always perplexed me. Incidentally, Anna Eshoo is my congresswoman.

    Hey I'm not trying to be a heretic. If anybody's bored here, with no smoking gun, or a need to strike out in a different direction.

    While I was driving I heard this radio interview with Lamar Waldron, a JFKA researcher who many of us are familiar with and I know Jim Di doesn't like because he in the camp that says RFK was part of the coverup as he asserts it was a Mafia hit  and that ultimately RFK felt responsible for his brother's death.. The first thing all of us think of is how could there be such a massive government coverup if the Mafia killed JFK?  Waldron's answer is that CIA feared Mafia would expose their ties to them, RFK and Operation Mongoose  and  that that was plenty. 

    To summarize, He cites RFK aide Robert Nolan, whose also in Manchester's book,  as telling him that Bobby was part of the coverup and to those not familiar, there was to be an invasion of Cuba on Dec 1st, 1963 with the full knowledge of the Kennedys, Cyrus Vance, and Alexander Haig.  The third in command, and founder and head of Castro's Cuban army. Juan Almeida (sp?) had approached the U.S. about overthrowing Castro. The plan was thwarted by JFK'S death and much later Waldron said he got an admission of the plot to overthrow Castro by no less than Dean Rusk.

    There's a lot here about hard core anti Castro Bay of Pigs hero, Harry Williams (starts at 30.00) befriended by Bobby in the negotiation for release of BOP prisoners, who told Bobby Hoffa wanted to kill him, and later who was initially approached by Almeida,, and the threatening of his life by a Mafia representative who wants the continued Mafia presence in Cuba after the overthrow of Castro  in no less than Bobby's apartment! Obviously it sounds way too fantastic, and Waldron's having a lot of fun telling it!

    This whole thing is 2 hours long, but you can get a pretty good summary  in the last 25 minutes or so. This is from Thom Hartmann's nationally syndicated radio show,who I'm sure many are familiar with. Hartmann was Waldron's main assistant and co author in his numerous previous works on the JFKA. 




    Great post here. It makes one think, had LHO been killed before being arrested would these possible invasion plans still have taken place? I believe if the Cuban invasion scenario posited above were true, it would fit some theories nicely. If Oswald was killed before being apprehended, the conspirators could easily link Oswald to Cuba or at least communist sympathizers as it appears they were laying the groundwork for leading up to the assassination. Voila, Cuban invasion complete and totally justified, no more Commie threat next door. The arrest of a live Oswald and the fallout from that forcing the conspirators to enact contingency plans certainly would have ruined the conspirators plans. 

    If Oswald was killed before being apprehended, would we even be here talking about the JFKA today? I think we would be looking back on the JFKA as the event that ignited WW3 similarly to the way the Ferdinand assassination is looked at as the catalyst for WW1.

  14. 7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    An interesting take on the Waukesha massacre. Evidently the murderer admired Hitler. 

    So this character is obviously a garbage human and should be executed swiftly. How does one both admire Hitler (white guy) and hate white people?

    Also, this kind of stuff drives me nuts and just shows how terrible the media truly is:

    Left- "We're not going to report on this because it doesn't fit our narrative."

    Right- "We're going to report on this and call attention to the left not reporting on this because it does fit our narrative."

    This just goes to support the Trump "fake news" arguments. I will take that one step further though, Trump just called those who didn't report what he wanted "fake news", but I will say it is all "fake news." Both sides stuck in furthering their narratives and infecting weak minds with their propaganda. Sure, I am pretty far on the right spectrum, but I can filter through the garbage and decipher the facts for myself. I fear many others are not capable of doing the same and are swept up in this crap. Much like I believe Mr. Brooks fell for the narrative that was created for him to follow like a "good commie soldier." 

    The creation of the 24 hour news cycle and the appetite for such coverage has created this problem in my opinion. With the appetite that exists for constant coverage and analysis, the news stations need to supply content for that demand. And there is not enough "real news" to fill that gap, so we are fed "opinion journalism" to fill the void. The problem is that "opinion journalism" has crept in and has overtaken the "real news" reporting and we are left with 24/7 "indoctrination outlets." Even the local 6 o'clock news has been infiltrated with this bias.

  15. 39 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    The article is a Part 1 of intended 3, and the purpose here was to make the argument that it was Lee and Marina at the Furniture Mart. That argument is either convincing or not independent of the purpose of a scope installation. You cite various reasons why you don't think that was Lee and Marina, which is fine but raises the question of, if it was not, who were they? Which you answer by suggesting that it indeed was Marina but it was Michael Paine, not Lee, who took Marina and her children to the Furniture Mart. But the man with Marina told Mrs. Whitworth he had just fathered a newborn baby girl, the baby of Marina, a couple of weeks earlier. To me that sounds like Lee, since it was Lee who had just become the father of a baby girl on Oct 20, whereas Michael Paine had no newborn baby girl. The argument for the rifle sale I intend to make in Part 3. A brief point here: I do not think it would cost money to remove a scope, since that simply involved unscrewing the base.

    If removal of the scope was a simple process of unscrewing the base, would it not be just as simple to re-install the scope in reverse order? Thereby negating the need for a gunsmith?

  16. 34 minutes ago, Andrej Stancak said:

    I second Greg Doudna's concerns, reading the same sections of the book. I have a Kindle version of the book, and unfortunately, the book pages with scanned diary pages provided in the Appendix sections are illegible to the extent they are worthless as to own evaluation of the diary notes. It may be that the printed book offers a better quality of individual pages of the diary than the Kindle version, however, even this may not be the case given they are 6 diary pages compressed into one book page. 

    The images in the print version are no better.

    Last night I skipped ahead and read the last two chapters. I was not impressed with how the book finished up. I don't consider it a waste of money, but I was left extremely underwhelmed.

  17. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I’ll carry the ball here. Many, even most, here have dismissed the ‘French Connection’ because when it became a hot theory a few decades ago many researchers, excited about the revelations of Christian David, were thoroughly disappointed when David named names that turned out to be false, such as Lucien Sarti. After that the theory kind of disappeared. But has anyone considered the possibility that David was himself doing the bidding of the very forces that were trying to prevent disclosure of their guilt? I mean, who was David? And why would his cryptic and false statements derail the theory, when the most obvious place to look was at Souetre, who was provably in Dallas on November 22? Well, we all dismissed Souetre too, because of all the confusion, deliberate in my view, around whether someone was using his name who wasn’t him? I’m sure many of you remember all this. But it’s time to look again at the possibility that deep state conspirators outsourced the assassination to foreign terrorists? The beauty of Hank Albarelli’s research is that he ties Souetre to Skorzeny, and Skorzeny to key CIA people and to Dallas big shots.

    I’m going to lose my faith in this community if they don’t take a serious look at Albarelli’s work. Why have DiEugenio and Hancock not weighed in on this thread? Are they reading Coup in Dallas? Are you? 


    I am through the first couple hundred pages and remain intrigued. I did note a Paul Brancato name drop in the book! 

    So far, there is certainly a lot to discuss but not much yet as to the actual JFKA. To this point in the book, it is mostly setup and background info for the players set forth in the book. 

    A couple discussion items I have:

    1. In the book, Thomas Eli Davis iii is discussed as having been in MC at the same time as LHO and with LHO. Here is a link to an EF discussion on him- 

    I have not found any pics of Thomas Eli Davis iii, but is it possible he may be the MC Mystery Man?

    2. Here is a link to and EF discussion on Jean Pierre Lafitte-

    Lafitte figures as the main character in the book. Is anything else known about him and has he been connected to the JFKA before?

    3. Author Albarelli makes mention of June Cobb. He states that she is even his grandsons Godmother! I do not know much about June Cobb other than that she was definitely a CIA asset. Should we trust information provided by someone with such close ties to a known CIA asset?

    I would love to have discussion on the book as I progress through it. I certainly hope folks are reading the book and assume that as it is such a large volume that they are reserving comment until finished with the book.

    Any thoughts on my above comments/questions?

  18. 39 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    After reading the forward and afterwards I began the book. Over 100 pages in, and it’s eye opening. A book like this is long overdue. You won’t find nuts and bolts of Dealey Plaza or painstaking examinations of Oswald’s life. There’s plenty of books for that. What you will find is a theory of who did it, and really in depth looks at some understudied principals, such as Tracy Barnes, Jack Crichton, and Jean Souetre, and Otto Skorzeny. I have a lot more reading, and I’m not nearly ready to write a cogent review. I’m posting this in hopes that some or all of you will read it. Along with writers and researchers like Larry Hancock, Jim DiEugenio, Dick Russell, Peter Dale Scott, John Newman and others, Hank Albarelli deserves to be taken seriously. The research is original, the writing detailed but eminently readable. I think it deserves serious consideration, and much discussion. 

    I have read through the first chapter. I am totally hooked and find it an intriguing read so far. I think you will see a lot of researchers that have hitched their wagon to one particular theory poo-pooing the books thesis. 

    My only complaint so far is that there have been several typos in the first 100 pages or so. 

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