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Ty Carpenter

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  1. Do democrats hate Mt Rushmore or something? When did reps corner the market on the ole monument?
  2. I said republican. JFK was a democrat right? I can’t vouch for any of them lol
  3. You missed the point. I think it’s apparent he was a registered rep, but did he hold conservative values? I have a hard time believing a republican would shoot the Don.
  4. If you look at the roof snipers, their vests say secret service at the bottom. Also, stop calling this dipshit a republican. It’s one thing to be registered with a party, a total other thing to live that parties values. People often register for the opposite party to vote in the primaries to skew the vote. Registered republican doesn’t mean dooky.
  5. Great point. We see agents acting when it’s a real event. JFK, let’s stop this limo here for a sec.
  6. https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:3b205a86-9364-3948-9f27-ac834f400e43 So the link above should take you to a probable cause affidavit. The ballistic evidence I referred to is listed in the affidavit. If anyone can let me know what they think about the ballistic evidence, or if they believe the investigators provided probable cause for an arrest, it would be appreciated.
  7. Howdy all, I have an off topic question for this off topic thread. Are any members familiar or knowledgable in the field of ballistic evidence? Or do you know anyone who may be that is willing to answer a question about the reliability if such evidence? My question pertains to an unsolved murder. I would be happy to provide more details if anyone can help. Thanks!
  8. I am in Michigan, and my bill last for 7/06 through 8/03 was $323 for 1762 kWh used. Our electric provider also uses "peak pricing" which jacks up the rate to 1.5 times from 2 p.m. through 7 p.m M-F from June through the end of September.
  9. Not too sure how thrilled I would be about an elected official ruling my life either. On another note, how many kWH's did you use your last billing cycle?
  10. I haven't heard he was denied a security clearance. Can you point me towards this info?
  11. I am wondering what the thoughts of current forum administrators are regarding moving forward. Are we looking at only having someone take on maintenance of the financial obligations? Are we looking to change moderators? Is James giving control of the forum to the person who takes over payment for him? We need to solve this and get moving toward the future. It would be nice to know where everyone stands on the issue and how the current team would like yo proceed.
  12. I have not yet donated in this funding round. Should we hold off on donations until we figure out what we will do moving forward?
  13. If no one else steps up, I would be happy to take care of the PayPal account and ensure the monthly payment is made. I don't post often, but I visit the site multiple times a day just to absorb as much info as possible. Also, James made a somewhat dire statement earlier in the thread about the forum potentially being in danger due to financial issues. That is not the case. We have plenty of members willing to pony up, plus I would fund the forum myself if necessary. I also fit Sandy's request of the holder being a "younger, somewhat healthy" person. I am 38 years old, and don't plan on going anywhere for a long time. I don't want this to be interpreted as me advocating for the position. I would prefer someone else take over, but if needed I am willing to step in to keep this thing going.
  14. Chris, sounds like a good plan. I hope we can all agree to a plan soon. I think a head count post would be great!
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