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Andrew Prutsok

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Posts posted by Andrew Prutsok

  1. 19 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    A little known fact about Dave, as a youth Dave would trade baseball cards and Indiana U. Hoosier basketball cards with none other than Mike Pence! Dave's sister used to sing in the local church choir with Mike as well. Right Dave?

    That's some pretty nasty stuff to say about someone's family. :)

  2. What about him serving up James Parrot to the FBI? Or even more strange, Barbara's bizarre, suspicious "letter home" to her "family" during her three-day campaign trip in which she is sitting in a salon and writes about hearing about the president's shooting just now on the radio. We learn of his death before she gets to the end of the letter. 

  3. Of course the government censoring the Internet is an abomination.


    Why aren't Google, FB, YouTube, Instagram, et. al., subject to the same rules and regulations that newspapers and television have to follow? You cause to be published something false or defamatory, you can be held accountable via . civil suit. 


    I could grow my newspaper circulation tremendously, I think, were I not held liable for what was printed in it.

  4. On 7/27/2018 at 11:57 PM, Kathleen Collins said:


    Just a curiosity -- Folk singer Phil Ochs was standing near the Dal-Tex building afterwards.  You can see it in the Cooper film or a frame of it. 

    Kathy C

    And he died just as the House investigation was Ramping up...hmmmm.

  5. On 10/8/2009 at 6:58 PM, Denis Pointing said:

    Hi Jim, UM "calmly sat down on the curb" or sat down in a state of shock? I guess we'll never really know will we? And IMO if UM was part of the plot he would never have sat down to have a chat, he would have got away from the scene as quickly and discreetly as possible. One question Jim, do you not think a signaler would have found a more discreet way to signal? Waving an umbrella around in the air has always seemed a little too flamboyant to me, for some one who wouldn't want to draw attention to themselves.


    Unlike the subtlety of blowing the president of the United States' head off in broad daylight in a major city before hundreds of witnesses?

  6. 2 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

    I found it interesting how the final question of the Helsinki press conference, a direct request to Trump to endorse the substance of Mueller’s two indictments of Russian persons - one on election meddling and the other on email hacking - became in effect a loyalty oath. And when Trump refused to directly answer, and spouted some reasons why the indictments might be lacking, that became the specific reason that the immediate charges of “Treason!” started to thunder across the commentariat and are continuing. It wasn’t Treason due to breaching the Constitution, it was treason because he would not accept the “truth” of an untested Indictment or accept the “word” of a small portion of the Intelligence community loyal to Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, etc - persons who actually have breached your Constitution and lied about it.

    I don’t know why Comey released those emails late in the election cycle, but he can’t be said to be a Trump guy and if anything was tied to the “deep state” faction lining up behind Hilary. There have been hints of intense internal divisions within the FBI at that time. I would suggest Comey’s move was a reactive measure to stave off some other event which would have had more far-reaching consequences.

    Terrible as it is, “racist appeals to the worst instincts of the worst Americans” have been part of the political playbook since the beginning.

    I’m glad Hilary lost - she was assembling a national security team of neoliberal hegemonic globalists who gave every indication they were preparing to seize the moment and apply massive military force to reverse perceived geopolitical setbacks and directly confront Russia and China while they still held military superiority. The TPP trade agreement was also set to be ratified with no public debate or input, which would have codified a neoliberal corporatist economic structure resistant to any reform or reevaluation.

    Marks never like to admit being scammed. We know as of last night that Trump was provided direct evidence that Putin personally directed the attack prior to the inauguration. It is not a matter of opinion. And he has continued to lie about it since. There is no longer any rationalization available to his supporters to justify it.

  7. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    OMG,  in heaven.

    All that Cory said was this:  Trump ran a very smart campaign and he won the electoral college vote.  He kept Clinton out of the south, save Virginia.  He then took down parts of the blue wall in the north.  He visited those states much more often than HRC did.  

    Michael Moore predicted in advance that this was going to happen.  That the people in the north who were hurting were going to tell the Democrats to stuff it: What did Obama do for me?

    But no one would listen. In addition, only three of the 21 polls got it right. Huffpo said there was  a 97 per cent change of Clinton winning. It was a lock. If you watch the election night returns from 2016--and there are many of these reels on You Tube--all the so called pundits were rocked.    

    They were wrong. Clinton had twice as much money as Trump. Let me say that again: Trump was outspent 2 to 1.  He did not have nearly as many employees as Clinton.  But he ran a smarter campaign.  Which the MSM completely missed since they never took him seriously anyway.

    In my view, Russia Gate is a direct reaction to this shock to the system.  Its a way of getting back for an embarrassing flub.  

    There is, of course, a parallel here with the JFK assassination.  They missed that one too, and they will abide by no one telling them they were wrong.



    So you consider racist appeals to the worst instincts of the worst Americans, backed up by Russian subterfuge "smart?" Seems to lean more  toward "evil," "vile" or "traitorous."

  8. On 7/17/2018 at 4:25 PM, Jeff Carter said:

    As a Canadian, I have perhaps a bit more objectivity on all this.

    Were the DNC servers HACKED or was it a LEAK? The Meuller/Democrats/media side say hacked, and hold the Russians responsible. Julian Assange says the information came to him as result of a leak (inside job), and he is backed by British diplomat Craig Murray who also had direct involvement. A group of former US intelligence personnel known as VIPS also hold the opinion that it was a leak due to technical restraints. This group includes William Binney, who is perhaps the person, of anyone, most familiar with cyber capabilities. The FBI never examined the servers in question and so all the allegations of hacking appear based on the work of a private company under the employ of the Democratic Party. Personally, I believe Assange, Murray, and the VIPS people to have more integrity than the other side. 

    The constant repetition that the US Intelligence community as a whole endorses the conclusion that Russia hacked and meddled in the election is not correct, as can be determined by simply reading the January 2017 document itself. Hand-picked members of three agencies made this assessment, and the assessment, in their own words, is far from definitive and might actually be wrong (their words). And yet many Democrat politicians and large portions of the major media continue to repeat false information about this.

    The Indictment last Friday was clearly a politically motivated attempt to scuttle the Trump/Putin meeting, and it joins other dialogue-preventing mechanisms historically such as the Powers U2 incident, except this time the meeting still happened. There is no expectation that this Indictment will ever go to trial and therefore be tested through due process - in fact the Indictment itself has been handed to the Justice Department’s National Security Division which never takes its work to a courtroom. (https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/07/muellers-latest-indictments-russians-politicized-pointless/) (I do not endorse this columnists viewpoint, but the information about the Indictment and the Justice Dept is important for context).

    The demonization of Putin has been deliberately manufactured and enforced, again, by constant repetition. When it comes to extra-judicial murder by state actors, the United States is far and away the biggest offender - with a drone program responsible for thousands of targeted deaths including a disturbing amount of collateral damage (I.e. innocent bystanders). The U.S. led destruction of Iraq and Libya were far more serious breaches of international order than Crimea.

    According the Mueller, the budget for the entire Russian election meddling and hacking operation amounted to about $200,000. Total spending for the entire 2016 election process has been estimated at over six billion dollars. It is absurd to think that such small scale and arguably negligible activity nearly tore down the foundation of American democracy, and yet many persons of influence apparently believe this. The United States and it 5-Eyes partners, including Canada, in fact run the largest, most widespread, and thorough hacking, cyber-meddling, and information retrieving operation on the planet by a large margin. So the hysteria over the alleged Russian activity is wildly disproportionate.

    Mueller hasn’t said anything.

  9. 4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    BN: How about because until 1945 the Europeans have been slaughtering each other for hundreds of years? Go back through maps of Europe say four or five hundred years .


    I did not say what you are imputing to me.

    What I said was, why do we have to foot the bill for it?  Look at the ratios.  

    But your other argument is not the reason that it was created.  It was not created to stop wars between European nations.  It was created to stop a Soviet invasion through the Eastern Bloc.

    There is no USSR today and there is no Eastern Bloc.

    Take  look at how far NATO extends east today. I think that is ridiculous.


    Are we defending Europe or occupying Europe? I’d be a might resentful and uncooperative, perhaps if asked to pony up tax dollars to fund Russian troops’ presence in the US.


    I harbor no I’ll will toward Russia for meddling in our elections. Fair is fair. We do it everywhere, just with less style and panache, to quote Clay Shaw from JFK.


    With that said, any U. S. Citizen who aided and abetted that effort is a filthy traitor who should be imprisoned for life or executed.

  10. On 10/17/2016 at 12:11 PM, Joe Bauer said:

    I just read the entire Voshinin WC testimony transcript.

    My God!

    The intriguing questions it opens up are so numerous.

    Just one:

    The many trips ( every 4 weeks ) taken by the De Mohrenchilds to Houston ( the purpose of which the normally talkative George De Mohrenchilds wouldn't discuss when asked by Voshinin ) in late 1962 up until they left for Haiti in the Spring of 1963 begs a huge question...who were the De Mohrenchilds meeting there on a regular basis?

    Anybody important in this story ( or a larger but related one? ) working out of Houston at that time?

    Wasn't Poppy Bush running the Harris County Republican Party in Houston at that time? Happy Birthday to him by the way.

  11. Another piece on Intrepid Report attacking the Boston Globe's recent efforts to brand anyone who doesn't know Sirhan is guilty a "conspiracy nut," and sourcing everything to Danel Moldea. He cites Jim DiEugenio in debunking Moldea's work.

    "As the night follows day, we meet conspiracy nuts here too, courtesy of DeCosta-Klipa who allows Moldea a free hand to spout nonsense. A person not familiar with the research done on this case by the great researcher Lisa Pease and others would assume that Moldea was the expert par excellence on RFK’s assassination, when nothing could be further from the truth. James DiEugenio, Pease’s colleague and an equally brilliant researcher, has surgically dismembered Moldea’s work on the case...It is unlikely that he has read Moldea’s 1995 book, The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy, a book about which DiEugenio rightly says: its “every major tenet is highly suspect, whose sourcing is not explicit, whose fairness is, to say the least, one-sided, whose completeness is just not there, whose use of witnesses-like Kaiser and McCowan-is rather lenient. . . . it is a ‘bookshelf’ book that has no intellectual content or substance.” He suggests it was commissioned by the government forces responsible for RFK’s death and the ongoing cover-up."


  12. 19 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Here are two of my favorite photos of the motorcade:



    It sure seems the cyclists are doing their job here and Greer has his door open to push the crowd back. But what about the folks on the bus? 

    I think all of this discussion about, "Oh, the SS backed off opening the way to the murder" is pure speculation. As Kennedy himself said - it'd be easy to get him from a tall building with a rifle.

    What no one seems to want to say here is that times were very, very different back then. Unlike today, with nuts running around shooting into crowds and running people over, it was a more innocent time then. You didn't "need" limos that weighed 20,000 pounds, choppers flying around, 10,000 guards pushing all manner of crowds 200 feet away and other extreme measures circa 2018.

    Obviously, maybe you did.

  13. “The  brains behind the cover-up were brilliant in predicting how the media would react and swallow quick release of fake news about Lee Harvey Oswald.”


    I’m not sure they were “brilliant” as much they were just confident. They infiltrated every major media outlet in the country with their minions.

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