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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. George, If I were to do that, I would be obliged to quote you, point-by-point to demonstrate the problems with your line of reasoning and the premises of your argument. That is not a courtesy that you extend to the reader who is trying to follow you. Indeed, you tell the reader that it is all on the internet and they can find it themselves. 

    You refuse to quote sources. You refuse to provide the statements of members To which you take exception. Why would I extend that courtesy when the lack of that courtesy, on your part,is the real source of the problem?

    For example, a reader who comes across this very post of mine has absolutely no idea what I am responding to. They have to go back and try to find it in order to make any sense out of it.... to put it in context. The reader may not want to do that. The reader may not be successful in doing that. In this case the post to which I am responding is three posts back,... not hard to find; but can the reader even be sure that that post is the one to which I am responding? Not really.

    Its a simple thing, demonstrated all over this forum everyday. Indeed the existence of the quote function speaks for itself. I don't understand why you do not do it. I tried to help. There is not much more I can do.

  2. Ron, Nothing solid here, but it may prod somebody's memory, but I believe I read that Michael Paine was identified, through pictures, as a person who was querying students at a local university regarding their political positions. IIRC, Michael was doing this anonymously or under cover. He was gathering intelligence on students, essentially.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    Can you cite who has debunked the assertion that you can catch a reflection on the left side of the sprocket film area in a Bell & Howell video camera?  I have a feeling that you are debunking this assertion all by yourself.  Have you or who ever you claim to have debunked this done any testing?  Can I see the results of the test?  Do you have a report on this?  Can you provide this information before you make baseless claims?

    Keyvan, You and your posted video are claiming that the Z-film cought a reflection of a County Records Building rooftop shooter in the sprocket area of the film. That anomoly is present in a large majority of the Z-frames, including frames that were exposed while the camera was pointed AWAY from the County Records Building.

    In fact, you "double-downed" on that claim.

    It's an assertion with a built-in, automatic, hands-free self-debunking feature. That feature worked flawlessly, I must say.

    And, I just checked.... that anomoly is present on two of the last three frames of the z-film, when the camera is pointed west, into the trees.


    Frame 484




  4. 35 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    Have you lost your mind?  

    Keyvan, aside from being discourteous, rude, a deflection and an ad hominem, it is against the rules of the forum to question the mental faculties of another member.

    I am basing my debate on a video???  YES, the Zapruder film video.

    You posted the YouTube video. You supported it's analysis. You own it. Your reference to the Z-film is a deflection.

     You need to step up your game!  You are hell bent on debunking this, you need to learn how to debate.  I will give you a quick educational primer after my response.


    Here is the Bronson film from the sixth floor depository.  Bronson was using a similar camera that Zapruder was using.  Those cameras when they are in full zoom, capture a reflection to the left side of the film.  Here is a video of the same effect from the Bronson film  You can see a reflection starting at about 33 seconds (Not of the rooftop gunman). BTW, with this film, you can also infer the length of time that took for the crowd to gather and rush up the hill.


    Not interested in more deflections. Your support of CRB shooter reflections in the Z camera has been noted. Those sprocket area reflections have been debunked as absurd.

    As for your debate skills:When I present constructive debate points, you need cross examine my affirmative position.  Not come up with red herrings trying to distract everyone of your god awful negative position.  What does a YouTube Channel having disabled comments or using negative connotations have to do with your answer?  You can do better, I have a feeling that you can, take a really good negative position and let the chips fall where they may!

    I'll leave that for whoever stumbles upon it to chew on.

    Michael, It just crossed my mind that you might be a lone nutter theorist.  Are you a lone nutter theorist?

    Uhhhh... no.



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