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Lionel Touzellier

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  1. Ok... Sorry everybody, it was a mistake to go here ( I went because Kathy Becket adviced me) I didn't know that the memebrs of this forum were so closed-mind... I think differently ( because I believe that it needs to be open-mind if anybody wants to try to search the truth). And as I am a french author of novels, I know a lot of writers, authors, artists, painters... And I never told to an artist that what he made was a "pile of garbage" ... I wish to everybody here all the best for the future in their lifes... I am leaving this forum. God bless America.
  2. Thanks Paul for your kind answer, Yes, the first 6 chapters of the english version are available for a free reading in Amazon.com ( to the link I gave), but it doesn't exhibit the basic items of my new thesis... As I told in my first post, I can't tell too much because it would spoil the "astonishing" end ( and, for some disturbing )... But I will tell that the book is divided into 2 tracks 1) I give the outlines of a new investigation (scientific investigation to nanometric scale) 2) there is too a psychological analyse , novel and unknown, of Lee Harvey Oswald. I hope it is enough to give you an idea of my novel
  3. Hello everybody ! My name is Lionel Touzellier, I am a french novel writer, and I was invited to join this forum by Kathy Becket. I speak to you from France, and from this far little country, I wrote a book on JFK assassination. Although it is a suspense fiction, I exhibit a new thesis, unknown, based on true and real datas, all verified. I don’t claim that I found the truth but I am proud of it and specially because I discovered a new angle ( it is rare enough to be underlined, I think) To be honest with you, I can not tell you my deep thoughts because it would spoil the end of my book, but what I can tell is that I tried to shed a new light on this blurring event, a light that nobody explored before. However, at the end, everybody is free to believe what he wants. We live in democratic world, and I respect totally this. I am an open-mind person I give you the link if you are interested to have a look at it : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077P5PF5K
  4. I am Lionel Touzellier. I am a french novel writer and I wrote a thriller/investigation/suspense book on JFK assassination. My book was released in France and was ranked #1 during 3 months in Amazon, ( so I was very happy because a lot of french people discovered JFK assassination with my book !) And after that, I made to translate it in english because I want so much to know what american people would think about my new ideas. And perhaps it will help some people to understand better what happened, or even to be apeased with this blurring and so confused event which disturbed the history of USA.... Who knows ? Here is a link where you can have a look at it : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077P5PF5K
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