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David Boylan

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Posts posted by David Boylan

  1. From a previous post -

    FEBRUARY 5, 1967




    At 10:00 PM on January 31, 1967, CHARLES JONAU and I spoke to
    ANGEL VEGA. This meeting, arranged by LAUREANO BATISTA,
    Took place at the headquarters of the Christian Democratic Movement
    located at 1732 N.W. 7th Street, Miami, Florida….

    ANGEL VEGA is a slightly built Cuban male appearing to be in his
    late twenties. He was one of the twenty Cubans who trained at a camp
    in the New Orleans area. VEGA arrived at eth camp sometime near
    the middle or end of June, 1963. When he arrived, there were only
    four or five others at the camp site. The house and grounds where they
    stayed were completely run down, giving the appearance they had not
    been inhabited for quite a while. Their first task was to refurbish the
    house and its conveniences.

    All personnel stayed in the house which consisted of three rooms, a
    kitchen and two baths. In addition to this, there was a screened porch
    on the front and back of the house. The grounds had a swimming pool
    which was constantly fed by an underground spring. Also, there was a
    stream or bayou running through the property. Within sight of the property
    was another house. The camp was served by a dirt road which VEGA recalls
    was never used by vehicular traffic during his entire stay at the camp. ANGEL VEGA is positive he could find this camp site today, and would be willing to come to
    New Orleans on a weekend for that purpose.

    Training at the camp was principally limited to a physical fitness program. Daily exercises were taken along with swimming lessons. The men at the camp also practiced fording the stream that ran through the property. At no time did the men stray farther than about 200 yards from the house. No shooting whatsoever took place at the camp. They had two or three old Springfield rifles and M-1 carbine. These weapons were never fired. The M-1 carbine was used to show the men how to disassemble and assemble the weapon. During the course of many of the exercises, the men would carry small logs to simulate the weight of a weapon. Also, these logs were used in mock hand-to-hand combat training.

    About two days before the cache of explosives was found at the other camp, ANGEL VEGA and two other camp members left for Miami with the Castro agent, FERNANDO FERNANDEZ. Shortly thereafter all Cubans at the camp returned to Miami. This was about August 1, 1963. Therefore, the camp was in operation for about five or six weeks.

    While at the camp, ANGEL heard rifle shots and explosions from the direction of the other camp. However, at no time did VEGA and his fellow Cubans know of the existence of the other camp. This came to their knowledge only after the explosives were found.

    As ANGEL recalls, the camp site was owned by two American males in their fifties or sixties. He feels they were in the insurance business. All contacts with them were made by RICARDO (DICKEY) DAVIS. They came to the camp occasionally to see if the men needed any food. DAVIS came to the camp about 8 to 10 time, mostly bringing food when he came. On one occasion, he brought his wife and he did some target shooting with a 22 caliber pistol.

    ANGEL VEGA never heard the name of SERGIO ARCACHA SMITH or LINDBERGH mentioned and never saw any other Americans at the camp with the exception of the two previously mentioned. Angel remembers the following men to have been at the camp with him:

    VICTOR PANEQUE 2ND in Command
    FIDEL ZALDIVAR 1st in Command

    As you can see, ANGEL could only remember the first name of one man and only the last name of another. LAUREANO BATISTA, however, is still trying to locate a complete camp roster for us. He is also trying to locate the names if the Americans who owned the camp. If he is successful, he has promised to mail the information to me in New Orleans.

    I feel that ANGEL VEGA was completely candid and cooperative throughout the interview. However, as far as the movement and its key personnel are concerned, we should expect some hedging.



    This is the Slidell camp that was financed by "a group of very wealthy Texans and Louisianeans (Oil men) who had a lot of money and were willing to back any anti-Castro plan that would give them land were they could have a camp to train."

    Most of the men were recruited by Victor "Diego" Panique who was then in New Jersey. They were to train for Somoza's "Nicaraguan Operation." Somoza had actually gone to Miami to do some personal recruiting.

  2. The issue which Paul Trejo and I have debated is whether or not Robert Welch or the JBS supported anyone who planned or facilitated murder or any other illegal activity. We know that when the JBS discovered neo-nazis, Klan members, and Minutemen in its ranks -- it terminated their membership.

    A lot of things are done for show. A lot of groups on both sides of politics are presented as the "cleanskin" public face of the left or the right. The dirty stuff is done by other groups. That's how it works. The IRA carried out the bombings, Sinn Fein carried out the politics. We see similar things in the Middle East.

    The two demonstrators who were involved in Stevenson incidents were expelled from several groups - including Walker's! Yet DPD intelligence had quoted talk at a Walker meeting that they planned on "dragging his (Kennedy's) dick in the dirt when he comes to Dallas." That is a euphemism for dragging a dead body away from the scene of a gun fight or ambush.

    Do you honestly believe that Hatfield and Fredrickson were expelled by any groups for any reason other than public show?

    There is no way to answer your question to your satisfaction because there is no factual evidence upon which to base a conclusion. If you have some documentary evidence which establishes that Hatfield and Fredrickson were not dropped but, instead, continued to be members -- I certainly would like to see it. OR if you have some other evidence which proves that the JBS (as an organization) encouraged or directed Hatfield or Fredrickson to assault Stevenson -- I would be happy to see that too.

    Perhaps you have statements by other members of the Friends of Walker group to support your innuendo?? Do you have anything from:

    William Drew Fitzwilliams, Bill Waller, William Ivan Snodgrass, Pat Brady, Michael Ray Bowlin, Bill Calhoun, Leslie Tooker, Ronnie Beall and Rusty Williford, William McCune Duff, Mrs. Beth Rachel, Cliff Roberts, William Keester, or Julia Knecht??


    Maybe you have some statements or other evidence from members of the Indignant White Citizens Council such as Bob or William Joiner, Claude Binder, Earl Thornton. L.M. Edmunds, Roy Davis Jr., or Mrs. Addie Frazier??

    OR perhaps something else?

    Hi Ernie,

    Is this the Reverend Roy Davis as mentioned by Joseph Milteer and head of the Dallas KKK?


    CORRECTION: My FBI file on Citizens Councils-Dallas does identify Davis as "Grand Dragon, US Klans, Knights of the KKK, Realm of Texas" and he was elected President of the Oak Cliff Citizens Council in June 1958.

    Thanks Ernie.

  3. The issue which Paul Trejo and I have debated is whether or not Robert Welch or the JBS supported anyone who planned or facilitated murder or any other illegal activity. We know that when the JBS discovered neo-nazis, Klan members, and Minutemen in its ranks -- it terminated their membership.

    A lot of things are done for show. A lot of groups on both sides of politics are presented as the "cleanskin" public face of the left or the right. The dirty stuff is done by other groups. That's how it works. The IRA carried out the bombings, Sinn Fein carried out the politics. We see similar things in the Middle East.

    The two demonstrators who were involved in Stevenson incidents were expelled from several groups - including Walker's! Yet DPD intelligence had quoted talk at a Walker meeting that they planned on "dragging his (Kennedy's) dick in the dirt when he comes to Dallas." That is a euphemism for dragging a dead body away from the scene of a gun fight or ambush.

    Do you honestly believe that Hatfield and Fredrickson were expelled by any groups for any reason other than public show?

    There is no way to answer your question to your satisfaction because there is no factual evidence upon which to base a conclusion. If you have some documentary evidence which establishes that Hatfield and Fredrickson were not dropped but, instead, continued to be members -- I certainly would like to see it. OR if you have some other evidence which proves that the JBS (as an organization) encouraged or directed Hatfield or Fredrickson to assault Stevenson -- I would be happy to see that too.

    Perhaps you have statements by other members of the Friends of Walker group to support your innuendo?? Do you have anything from:

    William Drew Fitzwilliams, Bill Waller, William Ivan Snodgrass, Pat Brady, Michael Ray Bowlin, Bill Calhoun, Leslie Tooker, Ronnie Beall and Rusty Williford, William McCune Duff, Mrs. Beth Rachel, Cliff Roberts, William Keester, or Julia Knecht??


    Maybe you have some statements or other evidence from members of the Indignant White Citizens Council such as Bob or William Joiner, Claude Binder, Earl Thornton. L.M. Edmunds, Roy Davis Jr., or Mrs. Addie Frazier??

    OR perhaps something else?

    Hi Ernie,

    Is this the Reverend Roy Davis as mentioned by Joseph Milteer and head of the Dallas KKK?


  4. Paul.

    I admit it's confusing and I'm as confused now as I've ever been. Otepka was an associate of Robert Morris. Of course Morris was close to Walker, H.L. Hunt, and L. Robert Castorr. Morris was also friendly with Lester Logue. Logue knew Loran Hall, Gerry Hemming, Jeb Rose and George DeMorenschildt.

    Rose offered Hall $50,000 to kill JFK. George DeM was friends with Oswald. Hall knew John Martino.

  5. Hemming's rifle purportedly turned up at a Dr. Crockett's place in Miami. Crockett was a Miami dentist who occaisionally helped out the anit-Castro crowd.

    Hall was most likely an FBI informant and was willing to help them out. After reading WCD1553, I came to the conclusion that the FBI couldn't have known such detail about Hall, Howard and Castro-Alba's trip from California to Dallas unless one of them was an informant. I doubt it was Howard and Castro-Alba's English was not that good.

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