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Steve Jaffe

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About Steve Jaffe

  • Birthday 02/14/1944

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    Former staff investigator for N.O. DA Jim Garrison, forensics analyst exclusively assigned to JFK case, 1967-1968. Testified before Rockefeller Commission March, 1975. Currently writing forthcoming book. Produced documentary with Mark Lane narrated by Martin Sheen being offered on "JFK-CAPA.com" or "JFK-CAPA.org" and was supervising producer/tech consultant for theatrical feature film "Executive Action," starring Burt Lancaster (1974). Assisted, as associate prod./technical consultant, filmmaker John Barbour on his two "Garrison Tapes" documentaries. For the past years, Jaffe worked with author, editor, the late James Wagenvoord of LIFE Magazine/Time-Life Inc., on the history of the case as published in LIFE Magazine. Nevertheless, Jaffe plans to release a book next November about his forensic photo evidence which he first examined in 67-68 for DA Garrison.

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    Tragically, my friend and co-author, James Wagenvoord, a former editor at LIFE Magazine (in 1963) and prolific author (43 books) passed away last July. We were both scheduled to speak at the CAPA Conference in Dallas next month. CAPA was founded by Dr. Cyril Wecht, MD, JD, who has been a leading expert on the case of the assassination of JFK for all these years. I worked for DA Jim Garrison in 1967-68 as a forensic photo analyst and my memoranda were all submitted to the DA prior to the trial. After he left office many of the DA's files were destroyed or stolen. But I have kept copies of my work. James Wagenvoord, who was also a director of business affairs for LIFE, involved in the Stolley-Zapruder transaction for acquisition of the Zapruder film, and we had an interesting story to tell when we compared notes. Sadly, that book can never be written now. I will introduce a clip (November 20, 4 PM) of James' incredible story which was recorded for one of the prior CAPA conferences. He put his career on the line at LIFE (Time-Life, Inc.) to tell the truth about the case and was shortly thereafter fired. I hope that you'll attend or watch online (CAPA website: www.JFK-CAPA.ORG, or www.CAPA-US.ORG) or join and watch the entire video of the two days of lectures some time this year. 

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