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Steve Jaffe

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About Steve Jaffe

  • Birthday 02/14/1944

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    Former staff investigator for N.O. DA Jim Garrison, forensics analyst exclusively assigned to JFK case, 1967-1968. Testified before Rockefeller Commission March, 1975. Currently writing forthcoming book. Produced documentary with Mark Lane narrated by Martin Sheen being offered on "JFK-CAPA.com" or "JFK-CAPA.org" and was supervising producer/tech consultant for theatrical feature film "Executive Action," starring Burt Lancaster (1974). Assisted, as associate prod./technical consultant, filmmaker John Barbour on his two "Garrison Tapes" documentaries. For the past years, Jaffe worked with author, editor, the late James Wagenvoord of LIFE Magazine/Time-Life Inc., on the history of the case as published in LIFE Magazine. Nevertheless, Jaffe plans to release a book next November about his forensic photo evidence which he first examined in 67-68 for DA Garrison.

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  1. Hi Steve. I am living in an ex-Russian colony ...As the generation of my parents (born in the end of 20s early 30s) departs I started to be interested in their generational issues. I found out that my mother was a typist at the Corvina Publishers in Budapest in 1963...working for a translator called Emil Gardos - an ex US emigré and ex KGB asset, whose family was mentioned as an Oswald-relative in the Tippit Call.

    It seems to me that this Corvina Publisher edited a Cartoon book  and it was sold by the widow of Oswald right after LHO's killing - and its existence only became  known in 2013 on the internet. (I found it on the Educationalforum.ibphost.com in a 2019 post)

    My mother's Uncle worked at the Rand Corporation  (and was a Harvard Prof) among others with Kissinger. 

    The Director of Corvina then was an ex-KGB officer who spent more then a decade in Latin America and sponsored Castro (according to local gossips) - and was Jewish too. But all Russian and Jewish hints seem to be tabooed and censored (due to both places being very dangerous and spontanous discoveries risk a warlike setup  in the media- so maybe caution is warranted.)

    But I am not an expert -  my interest is a family related curiosity. But i decided to write to experts  - maybe some of them would be interested. I start with you. 

    Maybe even if you are not interested in such a minor detail - you may know some expert colleagues who should be approached with this. 




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