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Mark Lawson

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Everything posted by Mark Lawson

  1. Well, yes Tracy - I *am* receptive to the evidence Armstrong presents - but I am also receptive to credible refutations of that evidence. In any case, I will peruse the Web sites you, Bart Kamp and others recommend. Jim Hargrove wrote: Jefferson's Morley's take-down of Mr. Parnell's latest effort is here.... I am well into reading Morley's "Ghost"; and his book "Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott..." now lies on the top of my "to-read" pile. In the meantime, there are other "Harvey and Lee" subjects that I believe might be appropriate for discussion in this "Jim Armstrong" message thread, and which I will thus post as time permits. Thanks, ML
  2. Jim, thank you for the above article link. Because of various "place-holder" (non-active) links on John's Web site, I was beginning to wonder whether he is still among the living. I did send a July 16th e-mail message to the "Jim Hargrove" address listed as the contact point for the John Armstrong Web site, but did not receive a reply. Am I correct in assuming that you are one and the same Jim Hargrove? If so, I have some suggestions and dead-link issues that I would like to discuss with you off-line. Meanwhile, Michael Clark wrote: "Start a new thread, IMO." Since by now we are nearly 55 years beyond the subject event, this "John Armstrong" message thread is new enough that I will stick with it for the moment. Regarding your above "opinion versus evidence" statement, I well understand what you are saying, but I am here in this forum to learn your and other members' reasoned *opinions* - as formed on the basis of the available *evidence*. There *are* a few established historical *facts* regarding the JFK assassination, but way too much evidence is still missing - and a considerable amount of it has been deliberately destroyed by various culpable parties. So, please continue to offer you reasoned opinions, based on the available evidence - with the assumption being that if and when the evidence changes, our opinions should be changed along with it. Thanks again, ML
  3. Ah yes! Having read read all 19 pages of this thread, I understand precisely. Stay tuned.... ML
  4. I am joining the forum to learn more about the JFK assassination. I had just turned 14 years of age on that fateful day in November of 1963, at which time I was sitting in the junior high school study hall as the successive shooting and death announcements were made. Of course that fateful day has been forever seared into my memory. In the mid-nineties I toured the Sixth-Floor Museum in Dallas, but until I read a 2010 PLAYBOY article by Hillel Levin, followed by the 2007 James Douglass "JFK" tome, a couple of years ago, I had not given the event much thought since that day at the TSBD. Now that I am retired, however, I plan to apply significantly more time and effort to studying the available literature.
  5. Yes it did - and I thank you very much. I have read the entire contents of the http://harveyandlee.net/ Web site, but having this same (or more) information searchable within one PDF file will be most useful. In the meantime, since I came to this late-2017 message thread in search of specific John Armstrong-related information, might this be as good a place as any to continue discussion of his (and others') "two Oswalds" theory? I am obviously new to the forum, and will post biographical information soon, but for now would appreciate receiving any pointers that forum members would be willing to offer. Best, ML
  6. Michael, did you ever post the above-referenced file link? If so, would you mind repeating it, please? Thanks! ML
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