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Mark Lawson

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Everything posted by Mark Lawson

  1. L. Payette's postulated connection between religion and "liberal ideology," above, leaves me scratching my head as well. In any event, your "I went back and recounted where my personal interest in the JFK assassination first began and how...." essay is excellent - and parallels my own background and experience with the subject. Thank you for posting that, Joe. ML
  2. Given the state of phototypesetting and offset lithography printing circa 1961-63 (with melted-lead Linotype machines still being use by newspapers into the 1970s and early 1980s), I am skeptical that the DPD had either the time or the technology to forge the "HIDELL" Selective Service and Social Security cards overnight. However, considering wanna'-be CIA/FBI agent Oswald's experience with commercial printing, while working in at least one printing plant, he may have had the tools and time necessary to produce these documents himself. In any case, the two typewritten names - as presented for comparison below - very well could have been produced on the same typewriter. (I have no idea why the letters comprising "HIDELL," in the first example, are significantly larger than the others, even within the letters of the first line; but the differences are present in the "original" example.)
  3. It is interesting that Tatum reported: "Both the police car and the young man were heading east [emphasis added] on Tenth Street...." That would of course be in the opposite direction of the Texas Theater. I seem to recall that another witness also reported the "Oswald" character to be headed east at the time he was approached by Tippit. ML
  4. Jack Ray Tatum is listed in the above document (items 37 and 38) as a previously unacknowledged witness to the Tippett murder. Jim, is there any particular reason that Jack Ray Tatum's name is not included by Mr. Armstrong on the diagrams and maps included at https://harveyandlee.net/November/TippittMurder.html and https://harveyandlee.net/Tippit/Tippit.html ? ML
  5. Also recall Florence Smith [Pritchett], the onetime paramour of JFK to whom Killgallen had entrusted her Jack Ruby interview notes, and a copy of her nearly-completed manuscript on the JFK assassination. Smith died of a reported "cerebral hemorrhage" a scant two days following Killgallen's "suicide," and the notes and manuscript copy were never found. See: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKkilgallen.htm and https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKsmithF.htm
  6. With apologies for the "bracketed interjections": In an article referenced in an earlier posting within this discussion thread, Mike Yardley writes in Positive Shooting ("Kennedy Assassination Latest"): "... On [a trip to Dallas], I proved that the [JFK] shots could be made with the 6.5mm Mannlicher Carcano rifle allegedly used by Oswald and fitted with a cheap 'tin-whistle' 4 power telescopic sight. "I made them repeatedly (half a dozen times) in the required 7-8 second time frame [emphasis added] firing from the correct height, at the correct ranges at a vehicle moving at the correct speed using an exact replica of the Oswald rifle and scope and identical ammunition. On the first run, I hit the head target as a crossing shot at about 45 yards (which apparently Oswald missed), I also connected on the next two shots at 60-plus [and] 90-plus yards respectively...." "... the shots with [the Carcano] are possible within the [7- to 8-second] time frame. I have made them again and again. Other reports not withstanding, I believe any competent rifleman would have had a good chance of connecting at least once [emphasis added]...." (Yardley also states: "... It is ... quite possible that there was a second (or third) gunman but it is hard to prove. There is, however, some compelling evidence for some sort of conspiracy beyond the mere fact that Kennedy's head appears to move rearwards as the bullet impacts....") Above from: http://www.positiveshooting.com/kennedyassassinationlatest.html “... If Oswald's rifle fired all the shots, there must have been a minimum of 2.3 seconds between each shot. The rifle discovered on the sixth floor was examined and tested by the US Army and the FBI, who found that it was in a much poorer condition than most rifles of its type. It could not be aimed accurately, and so it was tested mainly for the speed with which it could fire a sequence of shots. In a series of tests by skilled marksmen, the fastest time taken to operate the bolt and trigger pull, without aiming the rifle [emphasis added], was 2.3 seconds ... [which was] the minimum amount of time that could have been taken by a gunman firing at a moving target from 60 feet above, and scoring two hits out of three. The Army’s experts, having adjusted the rifle to improve its accuracy, fired seven groups of three shots at stationary targets from 30 feet above. Their times were: 4.45, 4.6, 5.15, 6.45, 6.75, 7, and 8.25 seconds. Of the 21 shots, 20 missed the heads and shoulders of the silhouettes on the targets [emphasis added]. 2.3 seconds: Warren Report, p. 97; the Army’s test times: Warren Commission Hearings, vol.3, p.446; the FBI’s test times: ibid., pp.403–10 Above from: 22 November 1963: A Brief Guide to the JFK Assassination, by Jeremy Bojczuk, p. 28; and http://22november1963.org.uk/how-did-oswald-kill-kennedy As an aside, am I correct in recalling that sniper teams sponsored both by the French and by Fidel Castro attempted to replicate the JFK murder scenario endorsed by the Warren Commission - but failed to do so? Meanwhile, the late Lucian Cary (1886-1971), onetime gun editor for True magazine and a lifelong authority on rifles and their shooting, compared expert shotgunners to gamblers, expert riflemen to chess players. He also wrote: "... [Rifle shooting] requires its own special kind of nerve, the nerve to wait under pressure, to resist the natural human impulse to snatch at the trigger as the sights swing fast across the [target], to hold until the gun steadies, slows down, edges toward the center, and then, promptly but without haste, to put the last necessary quarter-ounce pressure on that trigger...." From: https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2012/09/american-long-rifle/ See also: https://www.nytimes.com/1971/09/09/archives/lucian-gary-86-noyelisteditor-riter-of-short-stories-and-authority.html Call the following "original research" - or not: My paternal grandfather was an expert rifleman (and a chess player), and a competent shotgunner; my father was a champion shotgunner (and a gambler, at least in business), and an accomplished rifleman. A photo of the latter: By the time I was six these two began teaching me to shoot a cheap, scoped, semi-automatic Mossberg rifle; and by age eight I moved up to a decent-quality scoped, bolt-action rifle. After that I started shooting (and later inherited) my grandfather's high-end Winchester version of the latter configuration, lately with sound suppression, and that is what I've been using ever since. During Army ROTC service I was awarded the Distinguished Rifleman trophy, medal and ribbon, three years straight; and my kill record with deer, squirrel, rabbits and varmints compares favorably with the two-legged bag record of Vietnam-era sniper Carlos Hathcock, as cited in this Forum thread by James DiEugenio: The [Tague debris hit was] the missed shot. After the back shot. Which sticks you with three shots in 5.6 seconds. No rifleman has ever duplicated that feat without cheating. The WC cheated and CBS cheated, for the simple reasons that they knew it could not be done under normal conditions. The WC knew this which is why they tried to time their 2 sets of tests for six seconds. ...Craig Roberts ... would relate what the greatest sniper of the Vietnam War said to him: Carlos Hathcock did it under real conditions and he could not do it.... How many certified kills did Hathcock have? Over 90. How many uncertified? Over 200. How long did he hold the record for the longest kill shot ever by a sniper? Over 20 years. How far away was he? A mile and half. While I generally agree with Yardley, as quoted above, that "... any competent rifleman would have had a good chance of connecting at least once"; it is those rapid-fire second and third shots, at "60-plus" and "90-plus" yards respectively - at a moving target - that seem to me nearly impossible for a lone rifleman to achieve. OTOH, add in two or even three expert riflemen, in a crossfire, and then it all begins to make sense. Strictly FWIIW - fireproof suit now ON. ML
  7. "Mirth and ridicule" to the *thread*, in toto, perhaps - but there still are some gold nuggets to be found here. I will attempt to add some additional, first-hand observations later. Stay tuned.... ML
  8. I respectfully request otherwise. Yes, this discussion is often contentious and sometimes testy (or worse), but as a newbie to this quest for - by now ongoing since November of 1963 - I am learning much from the best of the researchers here. Please be respectful - but please do keep this message thread open. ML
  9. That's a good point, Jim - thank you for clarifying. The newly revised and augmented Armstrong article on Tippit's murder is most interesting and thought-provoking. It seems bizarre that "two Oswalds" could have been so closely intertwined - and both of themvisible at various times - but then the documented historical record is itself breathtakingly bizarre. Still studying the evidence and scratching my head. ML
  10. Tangential to the above-referenced article: In John Armstrong's hypothesized scenario, why would *both* HARVEY and LEE ever have risked being present, at the same time, in or around the TSBD - especially at the time when JFK was murdered? Considering Armstrong's presentation of evidence that these two people looked alike, at least in the face, would it not have risked exposing the plot if the presence of both individuals had been observed (or had they been apprehended) at the same time - or nearly so - by any or all of TSBD employees, bystanders or DPD personnel? ML
  11. "... the preeminent post-mod Delphic Oracle, also known as Henry Kissinger, simultaneously adorned by hagiography gold and despised as a war criminal...." Solid-gold prose from Pepe Escobar - well worth the read, IMO. ML
  12. The following quote is from https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2013/4/3/1199001/-Jeb-Bush-Oliver-North-and-the-Murder-of-CIA-Drug-Smuggler-Barry-Seal-in-1986 CIA operative Chip Tatum, who worked closely with Oliver North in the 1980's, says Oliver North said GHW Bush & Jeb Bush were going to "arrange something out of Columbia" to take care of Barry Seal Google "Chip Tatum Pegasus" and you will learn a lot about CIA drug smuggling and assassinations. Mr. North stated the following to the other passengers, "One more year of this and we'll all retire." He then made a remark concerning Barry Seal and Governor Clinton. "If we can keep those Arkansas hicks in line, that is," referring to the loss of monies as determined the week prior during their meeting in Costa Rica. I stood silently by the vat of leaves, listening to the conversation. General Alverez had gone with the Contra leader to discuss logistics. The other three - North, Rodriguez, and Ami Nir - continued through the wooden building, inspecting the cocaine. North continued, "...but he (Vice President Bush) is very concerned about those missing monies. I think he's going to have Jeb (Bush) arrange something out of Columbia," he told his comrades, not thinking twice of my presence. What Mr. North was referring to ended up being the assassination of Barry Seal by members of the Medellin Cartel in early 1986.... ------------- Comments?
  13. Here is the section of Professor McBride's podcast interview that especially gets my attention: [~41:09] ... If Tippit was involved in the shooting of Kennedy, it would have been very convenient to have all three of them killed within an hour or so - Kennedy, Tippit and Oswald - and they would have wrapped up the whole case and looked like heroes; but it didn't really work out because Oswald was allowed to live; and so then they had to have him killed in the police station - which was a real messy thing to do. But, I couldn't *prove* that Tippit was the grassy knoll shooter. One reason is that his wife gave him an alibi that he was home for lunch. And, her story kept changing, though, over the years. She told many versions of it that don't quite jibe. And, I couldn't get an interview with her - I tried to, and she didn't reply. And, then after the book was published, she appeared in public at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas with her children - her surviving children - two children. And, so I flew to Dallas to try to get an interview with her; and I went up to her after the event, and she seemed very friendly - I introduced myself, told her I had written this book; and she seemed very nice; and I said, "Could I interview you? I'm here in town briefly, could I see you tomorrow?" And she said, "Yeah, I'd be happy to do that." [~42:22] And then this policeman came over who was her minder, kind of. And I've been told that she's always been surrounded by the Dallas Police, who keep a close eye on her; and in a protector, etc. - or whatever they - protect her and control her. And this guy came over and said, "Who are you? I'm - ya' know, I'm in charge of her schedule." So I gave him my card, and he gave me his card. And he said, "Well, we'll work it out - we'll get back to you." Of course he never got back to me. And, so she was willing to give an interview - and she didn't, because of this guy. And then, so I went over and talked to Tippit's son Curtis, who was a very friendly, nice fellow; and we were having an interesting ... talking ... and the same policeman came over and literally yanked Curtis by the arm and pulled him away from me. It was bizarre. So, I was hoping to try to quiz Mrs. Tippit further and at lunch, because her stories kept changing, and the times kept changing. [Snip] [~44:03] So, it's still an open question with me whether he was home for lunch, or whether his wife was giving him a convenient alibi. So I think the available evidence shows that he was part of the operation. Soon after the shooting they wanted to eliminate Oswald. So they sent Tippit.... ---------------------- Into the Nightmare was published in 2013, and Professor McBride states that the above-described encounter with Tippit's widow and son Curtis took place after that; so, 50 years on - and counting - Tippit's family is still being held in a prison without bars. ML
  14. A link appears below to a short Dealy Plaza Echo article on the Secret Service travesty committed against Abraham Bolden. As Bill Simpich writes in the final chapter of his State Secrets e-book: ... Abraham Bolden [was] the first African American Secret Service officer to serve at the White House. Bolden had earned that honor by being personally singled out by JFK. He had become friends with the President and his family, and he was very loyal. After learning that someone [had flashed] Secret Service credentials at the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza immediately after the shooting to officer Joe Marshall Smith, [and then had] been allowed to proceed on his way unchallenged, although no agents were on the scene, Bolden concluded that the White House detail's protection of the President "was a complete sham. The detail was an unhealthy conglomeration of cocky senior agents, few of whom showed much respect for Kennedy, and inexperienced probationary agents and trainees who may or may not have fully understood the gravity of their assignment.... I suspected the responsible parties set up the agents on the president's protection detail by exploiting their reputed weaknesses for women and booze. Somehow, I theorized, they had managed to get the identification of one of those agents. "I firmly believed that the officer who confronted the unknown suspect behind the picket fence immediately after the assassination was indeed shown an authentic Secret Service commission book, the book that had been lost by, or taken from, an alcohol-impaired agent the night before. Further, I was convinced that the Secret Service leadership acted to conceal or at least obfuscate this fact by providing new commission books for all the agents in the Service. The Service has, of course, publicly denied this. Finally, it seems an inescapable conclusion that high officials in the U.S. government ... have concealed or altered supporting evidence [about the assassination]." [45] On May 17, 1964, while in Washington DC, Bolden attempted to report to counsel J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission his knowledge about the Secret Service's drinking on duty on the night before the events in Dallas, as well as the Chicago and Tampa [assassination] attempts. The next day, Bolden was arrested on a phony bribery charge and wound up in prison until 1969.... From: https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Conclusion.html "The Lost Secret Service Commission Book" - Dealey Plaza Echo, July 2008: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=145232#relPageId=55&tab=page Abraham Bolden told Vince Palarma: "I was personally told by [Secret Service agent] Harvey Henderson, 'You're a n****r. You were born a n****r. You're going to die a n****r. So act like a n****r.'" From: http://vincepalamara.blogspot.com/2010/01/dark-side-of-kennedy-detail.html
  15. Since this lately quiescent message thread involves David Talbot, I will pose a question, below: In The Devil's Chessboard, Talbot presents convincing evidence that Operation Sunrise - the secret efforts of Allen Dulles, during WWII, to negotiate on his own a separate peace with Germany - was treasonous. Dulles secretly acted in direct defiance of directives issued to him by the FDR administration. By contrast, in Jefferson Morley's 2008 Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA, Morley writes: "... Throughout the war, Dulles hoped for 'separate peace' with the 'good Germans' who disliked Hitler. "When emissaries of top German field commanders in the Italian theater approached Dulles in February 1945 with an offer of a separate surrender, he seized the opportunity. While careful not to act against U.S. policy [emphasis added], he made every effort to let the military high command in Washington know that he regarded the offer as genuine and worthy. He dubbed the secret negotiations to effect the surrender Operation Sunrise...." Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA, by Jefferson Morley, p. 32. Was Talbot reporting information revealed subsequent to 2008; or had Morley simply given Dulles a pass on treason, in his earlier book? In any case, it seems that even CIA operatives sometimes tell the truth. As Morley quotes opposite his copyright page in Our Man in Mexico: "Covert operations are important, illegal manipulation of society done secretly." - John Whitten, CIA official
  16. Indeed! Treason: Nixon and the 1968 Election Jul 6, 2015 - by Don Fulsom The Mafia's President: Nixon and the Mob Nov 14, 2017 - by Don Fulsom Nixon's Darkest Secrets: The Inside Story of America's Most Troubled President Jan 31, 2012 - by Don Fulsom
  17. Regarding organized crime and David Talbot's coverage of it: In reading his 2008 Brothers, I was struck by his reference to HSCA staff investigator Don Hardway's "false dichotomy" construct: "... [The HSCA] pointed a finger at the Mafia and Cuban exiles, declaring that the conspiracy might have involved members of those groups. But the report cleared the [CIA] even though a number of the committee's own staff members - including [staff investigators Don] Hardway and [Gaeton] Fonzi - believed that some CIA officials were deeply implicated. "Though the committee's final report was circumspect about the principal source of the plot, [HSCA chief counsel G. Robert] Blakey pulled no punches: 'I think the mob did it,' he bluntly told the press. Over the years, Blakey would be sharply criticized by Fonzi and other assassination researchers for his single-minded focus on the Mafia. Some of them, including Hardway, argued the Mafia vs. CIA debate about the assassination was a false dichotomy [emphasis added]. At the operational level the two organizations had merged in shadowy enterprises like the Castro murder plots. And Hardway was convinced that rogue agents had joined with gangsters and anti-Castro militants to kill JFK...." Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, by David Talbot, pp. 387-88 (First Free Press trade paperback edition, June 2008).
  18. Here follows a link to a 2009 article that discusses Nixon's Mob connections. A few of the article's details may have been superseded since then, but otherwise it remains relevant: Richard Nixon's Greatest Cover-Up: His Ties to the Assassination of President Kennedy - Oct 2, 2009 - by Don Fulsom "Nixon's ties to the assassination of President Kennedy run deep, from his association with Jack Ruby, his ties to Jimmy Hoffa and the Mafia, and his connection to CIA operative E. Howard Hunt. On a tape recorded in Nixon's White House office in 1972 he told two top aides that the Warren Commission Report pulled off 'the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated.' No one knew that better than he did...." From: http://www.crimemagazine.com/richard-nixons-greatest-cover-his-ties-assassination-president-kennedy
  19. Apologies in advance if the following posting belongs in another discussion thread, but since this one continues to circle back to the credibility of the JFK autopsists and the evidence (or lack of it) that they produced, I will wade in with this: In the Conclusion to his State Secret e-book, Bill Simpich writes: "... I'm always reminded that the [assassination] planners needed someone in the Navy [i.e., JFK's personal physician, Dr. (Admiral) George Burkley] to smooth the way for the controlled autopsy at the Bethesda Naval Hospital.... White House medical officer George Burkley ... did his best to control the autopsy ... [and he] was answering to Lyndon Johnson, and not the Kennedy family...." https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Conclusion.html Other reports, including the HSCA Boswell-Purdy interview, portray Burkley's role as prominent or even domineering: "... Dr. Burkley was basically supervising everything that went on in the autopsy room and ... the commanding officer was also responding to Burkley's wishes...." Yet, Simpich goes on to state that it was Secret Service agent (and, according to Simpich, possible assassination co-conspirator) Roy Kellerman who "... [took] possession of the autopsy photographs, the unprocessed negatives and the X-Rays during the night of the autopsy...." Clouding matters further: In the article "How Five Investigations Into JFK’s Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got it Wrong," by Dr. Gary L. Aguilar and Kathy Cunningham, reference is made to "26 persons" being present at the JFK autopsy. The included table of witnesses lists only 22 of them, but conspicuously absent from that list is Dr. Burkley - even though he is reported elsewhere to have signed the "official White House death certificate" of JFK. List of 22 (of 26 total) witnesses to JFK autopsy: https://history-matters.com/essays/jfkmed/How5Investigations/How5InvestigationsGotItWrong_tabfig.htm#Table_2 Possibly explaining the absence of Burkley's name from the above-referenced list, David Talbot, in his 2007 book Brothers, apparently citing William Manchester's The Death of a President, states on page 15 (First Free Press trade paperback edition, June 2008): "The [Kennedy] family's medical representative, JFK's personal physician Dr. Burkley, was banished from the morgue [emphasis added] soon after the eight-hour procedure began, and he joined the Kennedy group in the tower [on the seventeenth floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital]." Clear as mud? ML
  20. Since this discussion thread is entitled "New Article by John Armstrong," with present consideration being given generally to the methods and reliability of Armstrong's research, would it be appropriate to also discuss here what Armstrong reports regarding Jack Ruby? If so, I will post accordingly. If not, can someone please recommend an already-active Education Forum JFK message thread that would be more appropriate to this subject - particularly regarding Ruby's alleged connections with organized crime? Thanks, ML
  21. As Jefferson Morley writes in The Ghost: "Washington circa 1961 was a unique place in the history of the world. Never had there been a country so dominant, so wealthy, so influential, so attractive, and so feared as the United States of America. Never had the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, as well as the new multibillion-dollar intelligence agencies, the CIA, the NSA, and the DIA, been so fully funded." (p. 101) Some of these organizations and agencies, and to some extent the FBI, had been tracking Oswald since 1959 or before. For a detailed view of the manpower and money the CIA spent in playing convoluted (albeit deadly) games with Oswald and his intelligence "legend" - particularly regarding his purported September 1963 trip to Mexico City - see Bill Simpich's seven-part e-book State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City, Double Agents, and the Framing of Lee Oswald. It is an eye-opening source of information on the convoluted inside workings of the CIA: https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Preface.html Simpich writes in the Conclusion to State Secret: "... I am convinced that the impersonation of Oswald is a historical fact...." If one is willing to accept Simpich's thesis that the Bill Harvey/David Morales Miami JMWAVE crew was sophisticated enough to sucker Win Scott, possibly David Atlee Phillips, and also James "The Cadaver" Angleton and his whole CI/SIG apparatus, with the "Two Oswalds" in Mexico City story; then it is not too much of a stretch to give credence to Jim Armstrong's own "Two Marguerite" and "Two Lee Harvey" Oswalds theories, positing that the late-1940s OSS survivors in the newly formed CIA (including Angleton and soon to include Allen Dulles) were sophisticated enough to begin the process of blending the identities of two boys who, at that time, were only somewhere between six and eight years old. See: http://harveyandlee.net/Moms/Moms.html Of course, for Armstrong's scenario to work, the boys - most fortuitously - would have had to look alike; and Robert Oswald would have had to cooperate in the ruse as well. In any case, Armstrong has conducted quite a number of primary interviews, and scoured various real property, school and similar records, and the glaring discrepancies he cites have to be explained somehow. As I read more of his work, I am willing to keep an open mind as to its credence. Strictly FWIIW. ML
  22. No explanation - unless he is as bad at remembering names as I am (no joke). ML
  23. FWIIW: Veciana is reported to be a native Spanish speaker. In British English, Maurice is usually pronounced "Morris," versus the French "More-ESE." Bishop/Phillips *may* have used the former pronunciation. In any event, if whoever made the audio transcript heard "Morris," then there's a good chance they would have spelled it phonetically. ML
  24. Thanks for the reply, Jim. I certainly do understand your frustration with SPAM and other junk/crazy e-mail traffic. I wouldn't want to trade places with you. <grin> Regarding the "Harvey and Lee" Web site, I will reply to you offline. ML
  25. Spot-on comments, Ron. Regarding the "rat lines," which resulted in the escape of Nazi war criminals Vlaerio Borghese and Eugen Dollmann, and the treasonous "Operation Sunrise" secretly conducted by Allen Dulles, I highly recommend David Talbot's The Devil's Chessboard. There's more on James Jesus Angleton there, too. See also Christian Dewar's 2005 online article "Nazis in the CIA closet: The Origins of Fascism in the United States," at http://archive.democrats.com/view.cfm?id=9099; and Paul Dickson's book Sputnik, in which the author relates the story of how some 135 Nazi rocket engineers and production workers, along with advanced rocket hardware were, at the end of WWII, quickly (and of course very quietly) smuggled out of Germany, and then resettled in the US. Called, "Operation Paperclip," this program included Werner von Braun, who was not only a Nazi party member, but also held the rank of Sturmbannführer (equal to the US Army rank of major) in the SS. https://www.amazon.com/Sputnik-Shock-Century-Paul-Dickson/dp/0802779514 "... The CIA's handling of information about Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy, is a story shrouded in deception and perjury, theories and disinformation, lies and legends. But at least one aspect of the story cannot be disputed: Angleton controlled the CIA's file on Oswald for four years - from his defection in October 1959 until his death in November 1963. "Angleton would conceal this fact for the rest of his life. He hid it from the Warren Commission and he obfuscated about it with congressional investigators in the 1970s. The story only began to emerge when Congress ordered the declassification of long-secret JFK assassination records in the 1990s...." From The Ghost, by Jefferson Morley, p. 87. A travesty and a tragedy, I'd say. ML
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