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Christian Frantz Toussay

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About Christian Frantz Toussay

  • Birthday 07/04/1955

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    West Indies

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  1. "Christian You appear to be plugging away on your own here amigo ,We are watching with hope that the penny will drop and we suddenly understand the "limits" of the process .I must admit the work on the right lateral photo is very persuasive do you have other iterations on this photo as it appears a sharp contrast(no pun intended)to the actual photo?. Ian" ...well, I almost done anyway. Like I said, this is done so that there is a record of it, essentially: *I have explained the concept behind the process *I have answered with convincing counter arguments, I think, the legitimate questions asked *I have explained step by step how to proceed *I have shown results obtained, starting first with the undisputed image of Black Dog Man in Belzner *I have explained in details why these images cannot be dismissed as optical illusions *I have suggested 2 ways that the validity of the process can be checked, using quantified values *I have proposed to send a complete file (the Bond 4 file) to anyone wanting to verify it So I think that's pretty much all I can do. Glad it's done though...
  2. ...here are 2 composites of Z 337 and the right lateral autopsy picture: you can verify for yourself whether the front wound, as seen from 2 different points of view, is correlated, or not... ...you can use Kennedy's profile for an easier reconstruction of the bullet path in Z 337... The volcano-shaped wound in the occiput is indicative, to me, of an exit wound....
  3. ...the processed images of the autopsy record shown here should, I think, be of interest to those who specialize in the details of the autopsy: *they would tend to indicate that there were no a posteriori photos taken of a reconstructed JFK head, compatible with the Lone Nut theory, but merely an alteration of the existing photographic record *this would also seem to indicate that the medical personnel present during the official autopsy was, in all probability, very well aware of the true nature of JFK's wounds.... The 5-versions composite of the posterior head view shows conclusively that the occipital wound was identified and measured during the autopsy. From the size and appearence, it is clear this is an exit wound. How comes this wound does not show up in the official record? And why would conspirators intent on hiding the true nature of the wound record it for posterity, going as far as using a ruler just to make sure? Evidently, this picture was taken durng the autopsy procedures, and altered afterwards... ...maybe Doug Horne, whose 5-volume set on the ARBB investigation is highly recommanded, could have a word here...
  4. ...so I decided to run yet another crosschecking test of the process, this time using a second autopsy picture; I chose the right lateral head picture, because the Z 337 frame (already posted here...) showed clearly that the right side of Kennedy's forehead was literally split opened, indicating that a wound of some sort had to be present there. *the processed image, for you to analyze, would appear to show an apparent entry wound in the upper right forehead, surrounded by a roughly circular area of bruised tissues, confirming Z 337, and indirectly, Moorman and the processed posterior head view presented above. Compare also to Kilduff spontaneous gesture during the Dallas press conference...
  5. ...the composite below shows that the "fake information" was drawn/painted over the original picture: the processs would not be able to pick up residual information if it had been replaced by a photo insert... ...you can verify for yourself how this image corroborates the processed images of Z 337 and Moorman, already posted here, and showing the true nature of JFK rear head wound....
  6. ..there is a lot of other images I have not presented here, all confirming the basic findings presented here of Dallas Police involvement in the shooting: the Nix film, for instance, shows Black Dog Man moving around the retaining wall corner during the shooting; Altgens 9 shows a policeman crouched near the pergola at a time nobody has yet started to move; etc But I will now end this presentation with some results obtained on the autopsy pictures. I decided to work on them as a crosschecking of the results obtained on the shooting pictures and films. I had reached the conclusion, that the posterior pictures (showing the back of the head) were composites, with some "cut and paste" data added to alter the picture. So my reasoning was that, if it were true, the process should be able to make the the "forgery" more visible, by making the insert itself more visible. Actually, I was quite wrong...
  7. ...for nearly 50 years, serious researchers have concluded that JFK was killed by a coordinated crossfire (though there is much disagreement on almost everything else...): the process shows that they were right. We can see for the first time here photographic evidence supporting their conclusions. Here is a résumé of what we've found so far in the pictures and films of the shooting.... Though it is possible that other assassins were not caught on films or pictures,what we see here could probably account satisfyingly for the known wounds and ballistic data. We would have then: *one low, almost horizontal rear shooting post (Daltex) *one low, almost horizontal front shooting post (fence corner) *one high angle rear rightside shooting post (TSBD) The fact that all three shooters would appear to be wearing Dallas Police uniforms is, however, new and crucial information....
  8. ..this is a composite showing, for analysis, 2 different stages of the processing of the 2 patterns of interest....
  9. ...and here is a composite of the best results of the processing of both windows... Please note images are not on the same scale.
  10. I will post below the same iteration of Altgens, to which I have only applied one visual tool, so that you can visualize how classic optical enhancement interprets the data extracted by the process presented here: it would seem optical interpretation of this data confirms the initial results... Note how the man in the left window becomes more visible: again, I only used here a classic optical tool (Scratch Removal in ArcSoft, equivalent to Smart Blur, Softening and the like in other software...)upon the data extracted by the process...
  11. ..this is an early stage of the processing of the same area. The 2 "X" indicates the patterns of interest. People with good visual skills will probably pick up quite easily the man in the left window, even at this early stage.
  12. ...this is the part of the Altgens picture, showing the Daltex Building, where still other evidence of suspicious Dallas Police activity can be found. This window is partially hidden from view by the fire staircase, which means that while offering a prime potential shooting post, it would be relatively safe from view by potential witnesses outside...
  13. ... to conclude this brief presentation of the evidence attesting to the presence of unknown DPD personnel on the Knoll during the shooting, I post below a version of Willis 6, which summarizes what we have found so far: *the identity of Black Dog Man as a DPD officer *the presence of at least one man behind the picket fence corner The image is till in the "work-in-progress" category, but is still clear enough for analysis... We will now see results obtained on the Altgens picture...
  14. ...here is a composite showing three (3...) images of the accomplice near the fence corner, again taken from 3 different cameras, from 3 different points of view, and at 3 different moments in time. That would seem to be a very persistent optical illusion... Note the man's expression in Moorman, while Kennedy's head explodes...
  15. ...the presence of the 2-man team behind the fence is corroborated by other images found in Willis 6 and in the Nix film. Though the Nix images are still in the "work-in-progress" category, they are still very interesting. Below is a composite showing the image from Moorman compared to one of the Nix frame...
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