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Greg Doudna

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Posts posted by Greg Doudna

  1. The way paradigm level thinking works is no matter what individual fact is fact-checked, people will think well that's only that one, what about all the others which are still true. This is how paradigm thinking works, and why so few minds are changed by fact-checking on matters of politics or religion.

    Ron Bulman, what hypothetically would it take for you to be convinced that Ruth Paine and Michael Paine never had files of Cuban sympathizers in their garage? The fact that the only officer who claimed that in his 1963 police report, explicitly repudiated that claim in 1964 in sworn testimony under oath? The fact that there never was at any time a single firsthand witness who claimed to have seen any such files personally?

    What would it take for you? 

  2. 3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


          I suggest that you go back study the original, detailed commentaries in the first several pages of this 2015 thread by James DiEugenio and Greg Parker.  It can't be said any better.  They review the evidence about the Paines, Allen Dulles, and the involvement of the Paines in helping to set up and, later, frame Oswald as the lone assassin of JFK.

         This includes a review of the fact that Ruth Paine's own father and sister worked for the CIA-- something that she tried to cover up during the Clay Shaw trial.

         And, incidentally, I don't bear false witness against anyone.  Never have and never shall.

         It's against my "ancient Near Eastern religion."     

    W., concerning your "Ruth Paine's history with the CIA" I read pages 1-5 and except for one mention of the Marina CIA/ACLU hearsay, no one in those pages even claims Ruth was CIA, let alone purports to offer evidence for such.

    You add now "Ruth Paine's own father and sister worked for the CIA--something she tried to cover up during the Clay Shaw trial". Do you know that Ruth knew her sister was CIA at the time she was asked about her sister? No. Are you sure covert CIA persons with cover employment in the government tell adult siblings they are covert CIA (as opposed to the cover employment)? I very much doubt that you know that. Are you being fair, if you don't know, which you don't, to level that accusation against Ruth Paine? 

    Also, I could be wrong but unlike with her sister I don't think her father ever was verified CIA. I am not denying the possibility and I don't care here whether he was or wasn't. I am simply saying as a matter of factual accuracy I don't think that is a known fact. There is a hearsay of a woman who says Ruth told her her father was CIA but we don't know if that is accurate transmission since it is hearsay. Would Ruth know? In the Max Good film Ruth Paine says she doesn't know. 

  3. The incredible allegation that Ruth Paine had files of names of Cuban sympathizers in her garage

    [I am putting on this thread some further material from the Max Good film, "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine".]

    In the Max Good film, "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine":

    DiEugenio: When the Dallas police went to the Paine household, one of the detectives wrote a report about taking out several filing cabinets of notations and cards and maps etcetera of Castro sympathizers. This makes a very good case, I believe, that Michael and Ruth were involved in surveillance activities of the American left. These cabinets existed until the Warren Commission. Because there are several exhibit numbers in the Warren Commission that refer to them. But the big difference is when the Warren Commission went through them, they only found something like one letter from Ruth to one of her relatives. So in other words, if the original report is accurate, somebody fiddled with the contents of those cabinets.

    This is an astonishingly irresponsible allegation which is known to be untrue. It is irresponsible in that the film does not disclose to the viewer that the officer, deputy sheriff E.D. “Buddy” Walthers, in his testimony under oath to the Warren Commission, denied that he ever had personal knowledge that that earlier report was accurate—a report uncorroborated by any other officer or witness either, and that he, the sole source of the claim, repudiated it

    Even in Walthers’ original report of Nov 22, 1963 in which the statement was made that DiEugenio quotes, the wording strictly construed does not claim Walthers himself ever saw such or witnessed such (“also found was a set of metal filing cabinets containing records that appeared to be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers” [19H520]). No other officer reported any such thing, and Walthers, the sole foundation for the story, made it clear to the Warren Commission that the story is baseless. Here is Walthers’ testimony to the Warren Commission in 1964: 

    Mr. Liebeler. What was in these file cabinets?

    Mr. Walthers. We didn't go through them at the scene. I do remember a letterhead--I can't describe it--I know we opened one of them and we seen what it was, that it was a lot of personal letters and stuff and a letterhead that this Paine fellow had told us about, and he said, "That's from the people he writes to in Russia"; he was talking about this letterhead we had pulled out and so I just pushed it all back down and shut it and took the whole works.

    Mr. Liebeler. I have been advised that some story has developed that at some point that when you went out there you found seven file cabinets full of cards that had the names on them of pro-Castro sympathizers or something of that kind, but you don't remember seeing any of them?

    Mr. Walthers. Well, that could have been one, but I didn't see it.

    Mr. Liebeler. There certainly weren't any seven file cabinets with the stuff you got out there or anything like that?

    Mr. Walthers. I picked up all of these file cabinets and what all of them contained, I don't know myself to this day.

    Mr. Liebeler. As I was sitting here listening to your story, I could see where that story might have come from--you mentioned the "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets that were in a barrel.

    Mr. Walthers. That's right--we got a stack of them out of that barrel, but things get all twisted around.

    In an article published on the Kennedys and King site, “Oswald’s Intelligence Connections”, July 29, 2017, DiEugenio claimed of the original sentence in the Nov 22, 1963 report, fifty-four years after its author and sole proponent, Walthers, repudiated the error on July 23, 1964:

    This cinches the case that the Paines were domestic surveillance agents” (https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/oswald-s-intelligence-connections-how-richard-schweiker-clashes-with-fake-history). (emphasis added)

    Talk about "hanging judge" logic! Would you want that man on your jury?

    One is left speechless at this, in which any unverified claim put into print even one time, no matter how much contradicted by other evidence and later published corrections, retains its currency undiminished in sectors of JFK assassination conspiracy-believer circles fifty-four years later and is considered to “cinch” a case against Ruth Paine. 

    The contents of those cabinets were Ruth Paine’s personal property and should never have been taken by Dallas police or sheriff's deputies. Neither police nor the FBI nor the Warren Commission had any right to Ruth’s personal papers without her permission or a search warrant. But never mind that—the important point here is that the contents of those file boxes were examined, reviewed, and known to the Dallas police and FBI and there was no surveillance of leftists in them or anything else of the sort, nor anything incriminating of Ruth of anything, all perfectly mundane personal papers. It is not as if there is some mystery over what was in that property of Ruth Paine's. What DiEugenio calls "fiddl[ing]" reflects the return of Ruth’s property, a citizen's property, to her.

    Nor is there any indication that Ruth or Michael were involved in surveillance of leftists independently of what was not found in those seven file boxes.

    Apart from attendance at a Dallas Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) meeting, a respected mainstream civil liberties advocacy organization of which Michael and Ruth Paine were members, there is no known attendance of Ruth or Michael at any left-wing meeting in Dallas. No known association of either Michael or Ruth with leftists other than Lee as Marina’s husband. No document ever indicating Ruth or Michael were involved in “surveillance of the American left”. Neither Ruth nor Michael are known to have attended a meeting concerning Cuba or Castro sympathizers.

    There is also an issue of plausibility. Ruth was functioning as a single mom of two toddlers demanding pretty much full-time attention. Just in practical terms how would she surveil leftists. There is no trace of evidence of such and DiEugenio's representations of Ruth Paine in this way in this film without the producer doing elementary fact-checking before airing this is nothing other than a gratuitous and shameful smear of Ruth Paine pure and simple.

    From the film:

    Ruth Paine (a film clip speaking to an audience): I learned a lot about what is written isn’t always true, in newspapers and magazines. One magazine said the police took out seven file boxes of Cuban sympathizers’ names. Well, there were my three boxes of folk dance records [audience laughter], my three little file boxes of my college papers, and a projector for a 16 mm camera. Those were the seven boxes of Cuban names.

    Max Good (displaying a metal file holder to Atesi): This is one of the so-called filing cabinets that contains—there’s a report that they contained names and info on Cuban sympathizers.

    Joe Atesi (shaking head): Yeah I think that’s nonsense. This is who I used to work for years ago. [shows plexiglass embossed seal of “Defense Investigative Services, United States of America”]. I was a Special Agent, did background investigations for the government, and—just, you know, for security clearances—so I’ve got a natural curiosity. In 2013 I found out that Ruth Paine was living right here in Santa Rosa and a friendship developed, we’re not best of friends, but, you know, she knows me well and she likes me enough that she’s given me some very interesting items. This entire album here [showing album] is relating to the Paines and the many things they’ve assigned to me. This [showing cardboard box] is Ruth’s texts of FBI investigative reports that she obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. She’s read books, she’s got a collection, her notes are on here. And certainly I’m sure she went through all of this and read all of it. She’s an avid student of the assassination herself. This is Ruth speaking to me in August 2017 [holds letter]. She says “Thanks for all the work investigating what was available on the internet.” She wanted me to find out about this particular Warren Commission exhibit [a different metal filing box than the one Good showed but the same kind]. It says “Commission Exhibit No. 458”. [Continuing to read] “There is certainly a lot of misinformation traveling around the internet. All the things the police took were taken without my permission.”

    Narrator: When the issue of the contents of the file cabinets came up Ruth’s testimony was taken off the record, and the exhibit numbers were omitted without explanation. [Camera closeup of Warren Commission testimony showing going off the record.]

    There are lots of “off the record”’s in the Warren Commission witness testimony transcripts. In the absence of knowledge of what was discussed, this is no basis for assuming something untoward was discussed and yet this is presented in the film as if that is being insinuated. The physical metal file boxes were returned to Ruth because they were her property. The Warren Commission had no right to the personal property of a citizen who was not under investigation and without a search warrant. That the Warren Commission left intact exhibit numbers which originally may have been occupied by Ruth’s metal file holders, without explanation in the Warren Report, is none of Ruth’s concern nor does it have anything to do with anything.

    Is Ruth Paine due an apology from Max Good for airing this completely bogus accusation that "Ruth Paine had files of names of Cuban sympathizers in her garage", for not doing the most basic fact-checking of that claim of DiEugenio before airing it?

    Where is the justice for Ruth Paine?

  4. Oswald, the job at the Texas School Book Depository, and the assassination: an update and correction

    There are six persons who "got Oswald to apply for the job at the TSBD". They are:

    • Linnie Mae Randle--told Ruth Paine and Marina of TSBD job possibility. Told her brother, Frazier, that Lee needed a job.
    • Marina Oswald--urged Ruth Paine to phone TSBD about job for Lee. Urged Lee to apply. Got Lee to apply.
    • Ruth Paine--at Marina's urging called Truly at TSBD. Truly said Oswald invited to apply.
    • Buell Wesley Frazier--upon learning from Linnie Mae, checked with boss Shelley at work on Oswald's behalf. Shelley checked with Truly. Shelley returned to Frazier with word from Truly that Oswald was invited to apply.
    • Roy Truly--told Ruth Paine Oswald was invited to apply. Told Frazier Oswald was invited to apply. By those two actions Truly got Oswald to apply. Hired Oswald when he applied.
    • Lee Harvey Oswald--he got Oswald to apply at the TSBD too.  

    The problem has been that that looks for all the world like something that happened accidentally and opportunistically for Oswald without prior planning--an accident. Yet it turned out to be so important in the assassination that happened six weeks later. So the question has been: how to reconcile those two in terms of plausible mechanism--how would it work that Oswald became employed there on the assumption of an assassination plot?

    I showed above that it cannot have been via the phone call from Ruth Paine (picking out Ruth Paine from the six above) because that could in no way realistically have been relied upon to accomplish ensuring Oswald's hire. But how then might it have worked? If the assassination was a criminal conspiracy prepared for Kennedy in Dallas.

    Here I update and correct my earlier above and propose a better answer to that question, in which there is no need to suppose anything other than unwitting coincidence on the part of the five above other than Oswald, in the circumstances of Oswald getting that job--and yet Oswald's hire is interpreted as playing a role in a criminal conspiracy to assassinate the president nevertheless.

    To start with some context, I think Lee was CIA or some agency working with CIA. I think Oswald was an operative infiltrating groups that an agency wanted disrupted, such as the FPCC in New Orleans. I think there was an intention by a circle within CIA to have the assassination pinned falsely on Castro by means of an Oswald connection.

    I think the assassination plot was known as to its existence by a small number of persons in CIA but that CIA did not carry out, was not involved in, the on-the-ground of it, but that part was done by a mob interest--the planning and carrying out of the execution of the plot as an aspect of a larger context of CIA/Mob contacts and working relationships, in this case probably via Marcello of New Orleans since he controlled Dallas.

    On the circumstances of how Oswald came to get his job at the TSBD with respect to Buell Wesley Frazier, I may not have gotten that right, and this reflects an update and correction.

    The point I brought out that stands is an important one: the idea that a serious plot for an assassination would rely upon--plan in advance to use--a cold-call phone call from a complete stranger in Irving, Ruth Paine, to ensure Oswald would be hired, makes no sense. Since that makes no sense, the plot planning had to have some other way of accomplishing the setup for the assassination than that. And since that phone call of Ruth Paine cannot have played any central role in the actual plot planning, there is nothing to distinguish that phone call of Ruth to Truly at TSBD as other than what it has always appeared to be, Ruth making a phone call to try to help Marina's husband who is in a bad situation and needs a job. That the assassination happened at the TSBD six weeks later becomes coincidence as far as Ruth Paine is concerned, no different than the way a thousand other incidental human acts could be so interpreted looked at backward from a Big Event.

    I suggested an alternative possibility that had not received attention: that it was via Buell Wesley Frazier (himself a recent arrival to Dallas and recent TSBD hire) as a mechanism to have an "inside man" know details of timing, connections to key persons, and then put in a personal word, as raising the chances of success of Oswald in being hired. The main problem in suggesting that is it has no more positive evidence than the ideas that Ruth Paine called Truly at TSBD at the behest of the CIA, that is, nothing. Like Ruth Paine, Frazier had a family association--Frazier's stepfather in Huntsville, according to Frazier as he told the authors of Lone Star Speaks, was Dixie Mafia. The Dixie Mafia groups in Texas worked with (always under) Marcello of New Orleans. So there was an argument from association and juxtaposition of timing with the building, TSBD, which could fit into a Marcello-plot idea. That was the argument I saw. The strength of the argument is that an inside man (such as Frazier) is a mechanism or would be in a good position to assist in bringing about a hire of someone else. The weak point is that there is no evidence, its all imagination of possible reconstruction, in that sense almost as bad as the notion that the CIA got Oswald hired at TSBD downtown by means of having total stranger Ruth Paine from Irving make a phone call and TSBD would hop to it.

    I am now thinking I assumed too much, such as that the TSBD was picked in advance as essential to the plot. There are other ways it could have worked. The basic situation, thinking it through, is that there is a plot intended to take place in Dallas during the presidential visit to Dallas involving a parade. However the route is not known and even if there was an inside man involved in the route planning, there are many uncertainties. It is essential in the reconstruction that Oswald (CIA or agency working with CIA) be part of the plot approved and run by Marcello. The way that could work is Marcello might be asked to use Oswald (Oswald's uncle in New Orleans had worked in the Marcello organization which could grease that connection [the uncle, Murret, died 1964]). Meanwhile, Oswald would be asked to be an informant on the plot. Oswald gets double-crossed by being sacrificed as the patsy, after he thought he was working as an informant.

    Rather than a complex reconstruction in which Oswald or others arranged for all of Oswald's prior job interviews to fail before the hire at TSBD, replace that with a simpler construction: that Oswald was after any job that could have a good chance of being on a parade route, which could include a hundred or more possibilities, not just TSBD (even though TSBD was very good strategically as it turned out). The evidence that this was what was going on--Oswald seeking any job that would have a good chance of maybe being on the parade route--comes from several indications I see. First, there is that early police talk about finding a map of Oswald marked with what looked like the parade route and places marked on the parade route, at least that is what early reports said the Dallas police thought it looked like. Later that was explained as a misunderstanding as only being Oswald job applications (but that is the point, here). (Incidentally, is any image of that map accessible which has Oswald's markings clear enough to be seen? I have seen a photo of that map, which had been given to Lee to use by the Paines and had some unrelated Paines' markings on it before Oswald had it, but the photo I have seen is not clear enough to intelligibly see the markings on the map after Oswald had it.)

    One of Oswald's earlier job applications, at Wiener Lumber Company on Oct 14 where he was interviewed and turned down, the day before he applied to and was hired at TSBD, was retroactively suspected as possibly connected to a motivation on Oswald's part of securing a job at a location on the most likely parade route. From an FBI interview report 11/27/63.

    "Mr. Samson Wiener, Proprietor, Wiener Lumber Company, Inwood Road at Maple Avenue, telephone ME 1-1111, who stated he is a member of the Crime Commission in Dallas, furnished a copy of an application for employment daed October 14, 1963, in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, born October 18, 1939, place not given, which was filled out in his handwriting. Wiener stated that he was mildly impressed with Oswald as a prospective employee until Oswald was asked to show his Honorable Discharge Card, inasmuch as he alleged to have been in the U.S. Marine Corps. When he was unable to satisfy him regarding his alleged former service with the U,S. Marine Corps, he was not hired, according to Mr. Wiener.

    "Mr. Wiener advised that one of his employees advanced the theory that Oswald may not have come to Wiener Lumber Company purely by accident, that it was entirely possible that a motorcade from Love Field to downtown Dallas could have passed by this lumber company at Inwood Road and Maple Avenue. Wiener pointed out that in his opinion it would have possibly been even a more direct route to the downtown area than the route which was taken subsequently by the Presidential Motorcade when President Kennedy visited Dallas. He felt that the possibility existed that Lee Harvey Oswald may have contacted other places on what he may have thought to have been a potential motorcade route from the airport to downtown Dallas for the President." (https://www.maryferrell.org/archive/docs/095/95616/images/img_95616_113_300.png)

    And after Oswald got the Texas School Book Depository job there are at least three known instances (could be more) of what I believe can only be interpreted as plot-connected attempts to get plot-connected persons hired into jobs in tall buildings on downtown arteries. All three apparently involved false use of Oswald's name even though in none of those cases was the person Oswald. That is, Oswald's job in TSBD was not all the interest there was in tall buildings with good sniper possibilities in the runup to JFK's visit to Dallas.

    But there is the fundamental question: how can a sniper assassination be planned before the parade route was known which was only finalized at close to the last moment? One possibility is, even though the route was not known, some things could be anticipated on the basis of fairly good guess, or analysis of necessity. And in the main uncertainty--which of the three arteries, Elm, Main, or Central--the motorcade would take through downtown--some tall buildings could cover two of those, and it would only take two or three hires on those main downtown arteries and there is a good chance whatever parade route was selected would be covered; Kennedy would be vulnerable. That is on the assumption of no inside man inside the motorcade-route planning end of it. If there was an inside man in a position to influence or order alteration in the route, that would be an even easier explanation--just have a good sniper location set up and have the motorcade routed by it. The key point is that the fixation on having Oswald be at the Texas School Book Depository specifically--for the plot--may be overthinking this. The idea would be that Oswald would get any job on one of the main downtown arteries or which otherwise might reasonably be anticipated to have a good chance of being on the parade route. The plot would then develop the rest of the sniper planning around that location wherever Oswald was. I think the original framing plan for Oswald was not to have him be tagged as the shooter or that the shooting be done by one person but rather a criminal conspiracy blamed on Castro by means of Oswald as the supplier or owner of a rifle used in the shooting and found afterward (the Flip DeMey argument).

    And in further support of this: the Laura Kittrell Texas Employment Commission story of her dealings with Oswald.

    "I want an office job, downtown"

    Laura Kittrell's backward-remembered account of her dealings with Oswald in the course of her position with the Texas Employment Commission, building from writing of her memories starting as early as Dec 1963, is conflated with memories of Larry Crafard whom she also dealt with and whom she confused with Oswald, creating incongruities such that her entire story was given no interest by the FBI and relatively little interest by researchers. Note that there has never been an issue whether Laura Kittrell was who she said she was at TEC nor was there ever any denial that she worked with Oswald. Nevertheless, her story was deep-sixed and did not enter into formation of the Warren Commission narrative. The retroactive conflation of Oswald and Crafard created incongruities providing justification for rejecting her story in toto, without considering that there was information underneath Kittrell's confusion of the two persons if the confusions in identity were disentangled. I think her story may have been covered up. Provided Laura Kittrell's account is subjected to critical analysis and interpretation--distinguishing Oswald from Crafard, disentanglement of the two--there is information of significance.

    (Among other things, there is a report of a physical aptitude and coordination test taken by Oswald in early Oct 1963 indicating Oswald would be a poor rifle shooter, and Oswald agreeing with Kittrell who pointed that out to him that that was true, that he was a poor shot with a rifle--that alone could be possible motive for coverup of her story.) 

    There are a number of things of interest in the Kittrell account, but for present purposes there is this: Oswald is at the Texas Employment Commission in early Oct 1963 wanting a job and Kittrell's job is to help him. Apparently Oswald had been classified for blue-collar or general work. Oswald came back and was sent over to Laura Kittrell to get upgraded to white-collar and he said he wanted a job in a downtown building. Kittrell started writing her story Dec 1963. This is Laura Kittrell writing of Oswald in her office in early Oct. 1963 (pp. 33-34 of Kittrell mss.):

    "He [Oswald] wanted me to drop everything else and make him out an extra application for office work, and I was feeling the time slip away, and did not want to.

    "He won his argument with me by dredging up some office experience. At first it seemed to me that just as he had, upon seeing the ad for the electronics assemblers, invented needed but unverifiable experience as an electronics assembler, (in Russia!) so he had now invented white-collar experience to go with his sudden notion that he should have an office job, downtown.

    "'I used to sell shoes', he said. 'That is office-work experience, isn't it?'

    "'Well, do you want to sell shoes, then?', I asked crossly.

    "'No,' he said, 'I want an office job, downtown.'"

    (The typed version of the Kittrell manuscript is available at the John Armstrong Collection site at https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/poage-collections/john-armstrong-collection. Because I found it difficult to access at that site, to save others the same difficulty here is how: Hit "Search Collections". Search for "Kittrell". Click on first search listing, "Sightings of LHO, Oct. 1963--Laura Kittrell" (187 images). Click on "Download" button to lower left. A popup screen will give you three choices and ask what you want; click the choice, "Full Asset". Click "Download". It should now be on your computer.)


    Therefore I am concluding now that Buell Wesley Frazier's mid-Sept relocation from a mobbed-up home in Huntsville (in the sense of a homegrown crime organization which cooperated with Marcello's organization in New Orleans), to the Dallas area and employment in the TSBD in a position to assist Oswald in being hired there a month later, may or may not have been accidental (I know of no way of knowing). In either case Ruth Paine's phone call to try to help Marina's husband get a job was accidental and played no role in the planning or execution of the plot. 

    I imagine a plot in which several sniper-friendly buildings were lined up ready to go prior to the President's arrival to Dallas, depending on how the parade route played out. If it was found necessary to do it from one of the locations other than where Oswald had found his job, that need not be an insurmountable problem in that the key original setup was (a) a Castro conspiracy (multiple shooters in evidence, no problem), that connection established by (b) linkage and implication of Oswald to a rifle (and perhaps Oswald's physical presence at the shooting site even if he was not employed there).

    In a benign interpretation of Oswald, which has my strong sympathies, Oswald might be imagined to have informed on this plot and right up to the last minute expected intervention to stop it, though without knowing the detail that he was being set up with the rifle association. When the assassination happened without being prevented, that might have been a moment of panic for Oswald, but a backup contingency plan "in case anything goes wrong" might have been to get to the Texas Theatre for say a 3 pm meeting, which is what he did--where a killer arrived with intent to kill him there, though that is another story.

    Bottom line: it is unnecessary to assume or conclude any of the six involved in Oswald's TSBD hire, including Ruth Paine, were CIA except Oswald. There is no evidence or necessity to suppose that any of those other five, including Ruth Paine, were witting to anything other than a young pregnant immigrant woman's husband needing a job in a bad way.

    Since from most accounts Oswald had no unusual meetings or contacts at his rooming house in Oak Cliff, his mechanism for regular contact for his informant work would be during his lunch hour walking to one of the downtown offices or nearby to meet someone, during his work days.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    There may be no direct evidence that Ruth Paine was CIA, but there is very strong circumstantial evidence indicating so. Circumstantial evidence requires corroborating evidence in order to remove "reasonable doubt," but there is plenty of other circumstantial evidence pointing to Ruth to do just that.

    The plotters had to get Oswald to take a job at the TSBD so that he could play his role as patsy there. Testimonial evidence shows that Ruth was responsible for Oswald applying for a job there. The only reasonable way she could have known that Oswald needed to apply there is if she were taking orders from the CIA. And she would take orders from the CIA only if she were a CIA asset. Therefore she was a CIA asset.

    You did not see my post on the other topic ("The Secret Service never told Marina that Ruth Paine was CIA"), where I directly responded to you on this very thing? Here, I will post it again:

    Oswald and obtaining the job in the TSBD

    Sandy, thanks for your answer. I think you may be jumping to unwarranted conclusions. Lets start with some common ground. I think Lee was either CIA himself or CIA was all over him in the sense of watching him, one or the other. I think Oswald was an operative infiltrating groups that agencies wanted disrupted, such as FPCC in New Orleans, and probably others. On Mexico City, that is a puzzle and I do not claim to understand it, but I have some thinking short of certainty: the big question to me is whether Lee was sent there or went there on his own to try to escape to Cuba or the USSR (and was followed, surveilled, and that visit exploited after the fact opportunistically by CIA). (I don't buy the idea that he did not go to Mexico City.) I do not think Oswald's encounter with Kostikov in the Soviet embassy was planned but was accident, and I think the monitored followup phone call of someone not Oswald to that embassy but pretending to be Oswald was a phishing phone call, to find out who Oswald had talked to inside there.

    I think the assassination plot was known as to its existence by a small number of persons in CIA but that CIA was not carrying out the on-the-ground of it, but that was handed off to or being done by a mob interest, to plan and carry out the execution of the plot, part of a larger context of CIA/Mob contacts and working relationships, in this case probably via Marcello of New Orleans since he controlled Dallas.

    On the TSBD, I wrote in a different thread on that but I may not have gotten that completely right. The point I brought out that stands is an important one: the idea that a serious plot for an assassination would rely upon--plan in advance to use--a cold-call phone call from a complete stranger in Irving, Ruth Paine, to ensure Oswald would be hired, makes no sense. Since that makes no sense, the plot planning had to have some other way of accomplishing the setup for the assassination than that, in which whether Ruth Paine's phone call happened was not too important. And since that phone call of Ruth Paine cannot have played any central role in the actual plot planning, there is nothing to distinguish that phone call of Ruth to Truly at TSBD as other than what it has always appeared to be, Ruth making a phone call to try to help Marina's husband who is in a bad situation and needs a job. That the assassination happened at the TSBD six weeks later becomes coincidence as far as Ruth Paine is concerned, no different than the way a thousand other incidental human acts could be so interpreted looked at backward from a Big Event.

    I suggested an alternative possibility that had not received attention: that it was via Buell Wesley Frazier (himself a recent arrival to Dallas and recent TSBD hire) as a mechanism to have an "inside man" know details of timing, connections to key persons, and then put in a personal word, as raising the chances of success of Oswald in being hired. The main problem in suggesting that is it has no more positive evidence than the ideas that Ruth Paine called Truly at TSBD at the behest of the CIA, that is, nothing. Like Ruth Paine, Frazier had a family association--Frazier's stepfather in Huntsville, according to Frazier as he told to the authors of Lone Star Speaks, was Dixie Mafia. The Dixie Mafia groups in Texas worked with (always under) Marcello of New Orleans. So there was an argument from association and juxtaposition of timing with the building, TSBD, which could fit into a Marcello-plot idea. That was the argument I saw. The strength of the argument is that an inside man (such as Frazier) is a mechanism or would be in a good position to assist in bringing about a hire of someone else. The weak point is that there is no evidence, its all imagination of possible reconstruction, in that sense almost as bad as the ideas that the CIA had Oswald hired at TSBD downtown by means of having total stranger Ruth Paine from Irving make a phone call and TSBD would hop to it.

    I am now thinking maybe I have been assuming too much, such as that the TSBD was picked in advance as essential to the plot. There are other ways it could have worked. The basic situation, thinking it through, is that there is a plot intended to take place in Dallas during the presidential visit to Dallas involving a parade. However the route is not known and even if there was an inside man involved in the route planning, there are many uncertainties. It is essential in the reconstruction that Oswald (CIA or equivalent spook agency) be part of the plot approved and run by Marcello. The way that could work is Marcello might be asked to use Oswald (Oswald's uncle in New Orleans had worked in the Marcello organization which could grease that connection [the uncle, Murret, died 1964]). Oswald is asked to be an informant on the plot. Oswald gets double-crossed by being sacrificed as the patsy, after he thought he was working as an informant.

    Rather than a complex reconstruction in which Oswald or others arranged for all of Oswald's prior job interviews to fail before the hire at TSBD, replace that with a simpler construction: that Oswald was after any job that could have a good chance of being on a parade route, which could include a hundred or more possibilities, not just TSBD (even though TSBD was very good strategically as it turned out). The evidence that this was what was going on--Oswald seeking any job that could have a good chance of maybe being on the parade route comes from several indications I see. First, there is that early police talk about finding a map of Oswald marked with places on the parade route, at least that is what the Dallas police thought it looked like. Later that was explained as a misunderstanding as only being Oswald job applications (that is the point). However, to the present day I have been unable to find any image of that map which has the markings clear enough to be seen. (There is a photo of that map, which had been given to Lee to use by the Paines and had some unrelated Paines' markings on it before Oswald had it, but the photo I have seen is not clear enough to see the markings on the map after Oswald had it.)

    Oswald's first job application, where he was turned down for the job, was retroactively suspected by the employer as possibly connected to it being a location which would be where the presidential parade would go by. And after Oswald got the TSBD job there are at least three known instances (could be more) of what I believe can only be interpreted as plot-connected attempts to get plot-connected persons hired into jobs in tall buildings on downtown arteries. All three apparently involved false use of Oswald's name even though in none of those cases was the person Oswald. That is, Oswald's job in TSBD was not all the interest there was in tall buildings with good sniper possibilities in the runup to JFK's visit to Dallas.

    But there is the fundamental question: how can a sniper assassination be planned before the parade route was known which was only finalized at close to the last moment? One possibility is, even though the route was not known, some things could be anticipated on the basis of fairly good guess, or analysis of necessity. And in the main uncertainty--which of three arteries, Elm, Main, or Central--the motorcade would take through downtown--some tall buildings could cover two of those, and it would only take two or three hires on those main downtown arteries and there is a good chance whatever parade route was selected it would be covered; Kennedy would be vulnerable. That is on the assumption of no inside man inside the motorcade-route planning end of it. If there was an inside man in a position to influence or order a key leg or alteration in the route, that would be an even easier explanation--just have a good sniper location set up and have the motorcade at the last minute routed by it, wherever it was. The key point is that the fixation (speaking to myself here) on TSBD specifically, may be overthinking this. The idea would be that Oswald would get any job on one of the main downtown arteries or otherwise on a portion of the parade route that might reasonably be anticipated, and the plot would then develop the rest of the sniper planning around that location wherever Oswald was. I think the original framing plan for Oswald was not to have him be tagged as the shooter or that the shooting be done by one person but rather a criminal conspiracy blamed on Castro by means of Oswald as the supplier or owner of a rifle used in the shooting and found afterward (the Flip DeMey argument).

    And in further support of this: the Laura Kittrell Texas Employment Commission story of her dealings with Oswald. Kittrell's account of Oswald is mixed and conflated with memories of Larry Crafard whom she also dealt with and confused with Oswald, creating incongruities such that her entire story was given no interest by the FBI and relatively little interest by researchers. I think her story may have been covered up, and, provided it is subjected to critical analysis and interpretation, has information there of much significance (among other things, there is a report of a physical aptitude test in Oct 1963 indicating Oswald would be a poor rifle shot, and Oswald agreeing with Kittrell that that was true, he was a poor shot with a rifle--that alone could be possible motive for coverup). There are a number of things of interest, but for present purposes there is this: Oswald is at TEC in early Oct 1963 wanting a job and Kittrell's job is to help him. Apparently Oswald had been classified for blue-collar or general work and Oswald came back to get upgraded to white-collar and he said he wanted a job in a downtown building. (I found the typed version of the Kittrell mss. difficult to access; to save others time here is how. Go to the John Armstrong Collection site at https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/poage-collections/john-armstrong-collection. Hit "Search Collections". Search for "Kittrell". Click on first search listing, "Sightings of LHO, Oct. 1963--Laura Kittrell" (187 images). Click on "Download" button to lower left. A popup screen will give you three choices and ask what you want; click the choice, "Full Asset". Click "Download". It should now be on your computer.) Kittrell started writing her story Dec 1963. This is Laura Kittrell writing of Oswald in her office in early Oct. 1963 (pp. 33-34 of Kittrell mss.):

    "He [Oswald] wanted me to drop everything else and make him out an extra application for office work, and I was feeling the time slip away, and did not want to.

    "He won his argument with me by dredging up some office experience. At first it seemed to me that just as he had, upon seeing the ad for the electronics assemblers, invented needed but unverifiable experience as an electronics assembler, (in Russia!) so he had now invented white-collar experience to go with his sudden notion that he should have an office job, downtown.

    "'I used to sell shoes', he said. 'That is office-work experience, isn't it?'

    "'Well, do you want to sell shoes, then?', I asked crossly.

    "'No,' he said, 'I want an office job, downtown.'"

    Therefore I am concluding now that Buell Wesley Frazier's mid-Sept relocation from a mobbed-up home in Huntsville and employment in the TSBD in a position to assist Oswald in being hired there a month later may or may not have been accidental (I know of no way of knowing), but in either case Ruth Paine's phone call was an accident and played no role in the planning or execution of the plot. 

    I imagine a plot in which several sniper-friendly buildings were lined up ready to go prior to the President's arrival to Dallas, depending on how the parade route played out. If it was decided to do it from one of the locations other than where Oswald had found his job, that need not be an insurmountable problem in that the key original setup was (a) a Castro conspiracy (multiple shooters in evidence, no problem), proven by (b) linkage and implication of Oswald to a rifle (and perhaps visiting to the shooting site if not employed there).

    In a benign interpretation of Oswald, which has my strong sympathies, Oswald might be imagined to have informed on this plot and right up to the last minute expected intervention to stop it, though without knowing the detail that he was being set up with the rifle association. When the assassination happened without being prevented, that would have been a moment of panic for Oswald, but a backup contingency plan "in case anything goes wrong" might have been to get to the Texas Theatre for say a 3 pm meeting, which is what he did--where a killer arrived with intent to kill him there, though that is another story.

    Bottom line: it is unnecessary to assume or conclude any of the six involved in Oswald's TSBD hire, including Ruth Paine, were CIA except Oswald. There is no evidence or indication that any of those other five, including Ruth Paine, were witting to anything other than a young pregnant immigrant woman's husband needing a job.

    Since from most accounts Oswald had no unusual meetings or contacts at his rooming house in Oak Cliff, his mechanism for regular contact for his informant work would be during his lunch hour walking to one of the downtown offices or nearby to meet someone, during his work days. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I wonder if the recent blitz of threads whitewashing Ruth Paine's history with the CIA might be an example of Cass Sunstein's "cognitive infiltration" strategy for "conspiracy theory" forums-- similar to the Fred Litwin nonsense.

    Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: Griffin, David Ray: 9781566568210: Books - Amazon

    It is not, from me, in any way shape or form W. 

    There is no known history of Ruth Paine with the CIA to whitewash. You should, you must, if you care about truth, reword your statement. You are making false, unsubstantiated smearing of someone without evidence. How do you feel morally about that? "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor"--ancient near eastern code.

    All documents concerning Ruth Paine except for tax records are now released--nothing more to get. Not one shred of evidence--document, witness testimony, nothing-- that Ruth was CIA. 

    You can say because her sister was and her father was USAID then you know she "must have been too" which would not be a problem if you labeled that accurately as unsubstantiated suspicion, unsubstantiated allegation. But you don't. You express it as bedrock fact.

    When you started talking like this, my first reaction was "Et tu, W.?" Because I have followed your posts on Ukraine, Solzhenitsyn et al and they are thoughtful.

    Are you familiar with Rene Girard and scapegoat theory? Girard argued that all cultures, going as far back into prehistory, resolve deep group tensions by fixing upon an innocent scapegoat, projecting guilt upon that scapegoat, and sacrificially executing that scapegoat. That was not the half of it. Girard also argued (this was work in anthropology, with a slight bit of Girard's Roman Catholic theology mixed in), that this phenomenon, which Girard argued was a cultural universal, also involved this: cultures when they fix upon and abuse and destroy their innocent scapegoats literally, literally--literally--cannot see that that is what they are doing when they are doing it.

    What this community, and you (as in the story of David and Nathan the prophet in the Old Testament, with the parable ending with the words, "You are the man"), are illustrating here is picture-perfect Girard theory, case study.

    My posts came about in response to the film "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" released a month ago. 

    I would like to think that exoneration of an innocent person will advance, not weaken, the struggle to come to resolution and knowledge of the criminal conspiracy that assassinated JFK. 

    Even if you do not believe Ruth Paine is exonerated simply because no hard evidence has ever existed to incriminate her, why in God's name do you not acknowledge that most basic principle of American jurisprudence, "innocent until proven guilty", and apply that to Ruth Paine?

    Even "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" gets this most basic point straight up front:

    Narrator: There are all kinds of claims and rumors about the Paines but no concrete evidence has ever directly linked them to the CIA.

    And I do not know if you are aware of this--I suspect not--but there is almost a straight-line correlation between the top tier of JFK assassination researchers who do not speak of Ruth Paine as guilty, going down to the grassroots where Ruth Paine is considered the worst form of witch and devil and called horrible names. At the top tier, Newman, such substantial work over decades on the CIA, never goes after Ruth Paine. Talbot, who wrote the book against Dulles, exonerates--yes explicitly exonerates, Ruth Paine in his Dulles book. You don't find attacks on Ruth Paine in Larry Hancock's books, who is top tier of the top tier, in his oeuvre (corpus of published research). And Bill Simpich, who knows most if not all of the major names and is one himself, says all of the major names in his league, known to him, consider Ruth Paine exonerated from being part of the assassination plot, in "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine":

    Bill Simpich: I don't know anybody who thinks that they were part of the plot to kill the President.

    (In the interests of full disclosure, Simpich holds to a view that Ruth Paine, innocent of any witting role in the assassination, was unwittingly manipulated by others into doing things that advanced the plot, without awareness of it.)

    If holding Ruth Paine innocent of the assassination in agreement with ca. 100% of the top tier according to Simpich, and stating the simple, plain, unvarnished truth that there is no evidence she was CIA, is what you think is cognitive infiltration, perhaps look at that top tier--all of the top tier of researchers known to Simpich--who hold to exactly what you appear to believe in your bones is subversive to the proper existential order related to JFK assassination conspiracy research.

  7. Sandy I agreed with you Oswald is CIA or some equivalent and that there was a plot to blame Castro for the assassination via Oswald. You are picking at a point that does not affect or matter to the issue you and I were discussing, which is the TSBD hiring of Oswald.

    I don't think the Silvia Duran twist party or the red-haired black dude who said he paid $6500 to Oswald, involved Oswald. I agree that the voice on the phone call to the Soviet embassy pretending to be Oswald wasn't. 

    You cite some things that question whether Oswald was in Mexico City, but none of those are airtight. What is airtight is that Oswald in his handwriting in a letter he purposely left out for Ruth Paine to find in her living room (to be reported and become record inside the government and perhaps made public), said he had gone to Mexico City. So its a matter of weighting the various elements of evidence and to me I see greater weight that he did go there. I suppose it could be argued that Oswald was witting to pretending that another person who went there and pretended to be him, was him, wrote down Silvia Duran's information in his address book, had paper items from Mexico City, etc. I am not as quick as some to leap to the all-purpose "everything was forged" (such an easy solution to everything, isn't it?) whenever an issue of physical evidence comes up, especially in this case in which the physical evidence at issue comes from diverse sources and circumstances the only thing in common being contact with Oswald. 

    We know that there was a major issue within the first weekend of the assassination of LBJ putting a stop to, and then covering up, a plot in some CIA quarters to blame Castro/USSR for the assassination. It seems to me that could be a pretty good motive right there coming from LBJ and Hoover to try to deny the idea that Oswald went to Mexico City, if it were possible to do so convincingly. As for the Cuban consulate witnesses, the two American informants inside the Cuban embassy only said they had not seen Oswald but they were not in the physical location where they would have seen him, so their testimony does not exclude Oswald there. Duran I think went both ways on whether it was Oswald. Azcue is the major and most compelling witness saying it wasn't Oswald. One possibility is he was right (which still leaves indeterminate whether Oswald was in Mexico City just not at the Cuban consulate). Another possibility is as a loyal Castro Cuban (as it seems he was despite US attempts to turn him) he said it wasn't Oswald because of how sensitive the situation was with respect to the charges being made against Castro, accusations that Castro did it, knew about and dealt with Oswald at that consulate, etc. Here is why I think Azcue privately maybe did think it was Oswald despite outwardly saying the opposite: because US intelligence picked up Castro referring to a report Castro received from the Cuban consulate and in that report Castro thinks there had been a scene with Oswald. Castro's private intelligence seems to have told him it was Oswald, and the source for that for Castro, would that not be Azcue in Mexico City? Azcue also could have been on the spot for his job personally over it. I don't know. I agree Azcue is a strong witness if he's telling the truth, but there is counterevidence going the other way, so it all has to be weighted. The photos of the blond-haired guy, how do we know who that was. Lack of photos of Oswald from the US side--perhaps relics of an early failed attempt of CIA/FBI to cover up Oswald going to Mexico City altogether?

    There's another thing. I am not so sure that Post Office man Holmes, working with the FBI, was extravagantly lying under oath in his WC testimony--absolutely risking a prison sentence for perjury (if he was making it up)-- when he testified under oath to the Warren Commission that Oswald talked a lot about his Mexico City trip on the Sunday morning before he was shot. Nobody has paid much attention to that because nothing of Oswald talking about MC appears in the written reports of those Sunday morning interrogations, including I think Holmes' own. Which has greater weight--Holmes testimony under oath, or the written reports of the interrogations at the time which say nothing of Oswald talking of MC? What if the absence of it in the written reports was because at that early stage there was an attempt, if it could be gotten away with, to cover up Oswald in Mexico City, make it not to come to light that it had happened? (As part of LBJ/Hoover's decision to shut down the failed attempt to link the assassination to Castro.) I don't know. You can come down dogmatically on one side or the other on this and that's fine--I'm not as certain.

    On Kostikov. From what I have read he was the person inside the Soviet embassy in Mexico City who, of the Soviet staff, would have been the one to deal with Oswald as a walk-in (I don't recall the exact reason but it related to defectors or something). Also, I have read that the story that he was involved in assassinations and wet ops was later questioned. In any case, his name only comes into the picture when the phishing phone call (voice impersonator of Oswald) picked up, by accident, from the Russian answering at the other end, a volunteering of the name, Kostikov, as a contact of Oswald inside that embassy (a phishing phone call that succeeded in obtaining that detail of information). Everyone has focused on Kostikov as being the setup of connecting Oswald to the USSR in the assassination while overlooking the more important addressee of Oswald's US/Soviet embassy letter. I think Kostikov's name coming up in Mexico City was an accident at the time of the Mexico City trip but what was not an accident is in the Soviet embassy letter, which, again, fact, was in Oswald's handwriting. Oswald addressed that letter to the leading KGB official in the US by name, and in the letter referred to "finishing our business", an ambiguous statement which can be read either innocently or with sinister meaning and may have been intentionally composed that way (Oswald wrote that letter in his handwriting but he could have had help in composition). 

    Either it was Oswald in Mexico City or Oswald himself was up to his ears in intentionally cooperating in making it sure look like he was there, from his end. That's about the best I can make of it. Again, you are picking an argument over something that does not really affect the discussion concerning the TSBD hiring of Oswald. 

    I have read claims that the Lopez report for HSCA, which is probably the best information that exists on the Mexico City trip issue, concluded Oswald did not take the trip. When I checked that, I found such claims were not correct but rather the Lopez Report concluded with uncertainty, which is not the same thing. What isn't uncertain is that somebody wanted to blame the JFK assassination on Cuba and then by decision at the top level of LBJ that was aborted in favor of going for the lone-nut solution. As long as we agree on that, maybe set aside the rest of the Mexico City debate for another time and place? Do you have anything to say regarding what I wrote concerning Oswald at TSBD?

  8. Sandy, thanks for your answer. I think you may be jumping to unwarranted conclusions. Lets start with some common ground. I think Lee was either CIA himself or CIA was all over him in the sense of watching him, one or the other. I think Oswald was an operative infiltrating groups that agencies wanted disrupted, such as FPCC in New Orleans, and probably others. On Mexico City, that is a puzzle and I do not claim to understand it, but I have some thinking short of certainty: the big question to me is whether Lee was sent there or went there on his own to try to escape to Cuba or the USSR (and was followed, surveilled, and that visit exploited after the fact opportunistically by CIA). (I don't buy the idea that he did not go to Mexico City.) I do not think Oswald's encounter with Kostikov in the Soviet embassy was planned but was accident, and I think the monitored followup phone call of someone not Oswald to that embassy but pretending to be Oswald was a phishing phone call, to find out who Oswald had talked to inside there.

    I think the assassination plot was known as to its existence by a small number of persons in CIA but that CIA was not carrying out the on-the-ground of it, but that was handed off to or being done by a mob interest, to plan and carry out the execution of the plot, part of a larger context of CIA/Mob contacts and working relationships, in this case probably via Marcello of New Orleans since he controlled Dallas.

    On the TSBD, I wrote in a different thread on that but I may not have gotten that completely right. The point I brought out that stands is an important one: the idea that a serious plot for an assassination would rely upon--plan in advance to use--a cold-call phone call from a complete stranger in Irving, Ruth Paine, to ensure Oswald would be hired, makes no sense. Since that makes no sense, the plot planning had to have some other way of accomplishing the setup for the assassination than that, in which whether Ruth Paine's phone call happened was not too important. And since that phone call of Ruth Paine cannot have played any central role in the actual plot planning, there is nothing to distinguish that phone call of Ruth to Truly at TSBD as other than what it has always appeared to be, Ruth making a phone call to try to help Marina's husband who is in a bad situation and needs a job. That the assassination happened at the TSBD six weeks later becomes coincidence as far as Ruth Paine is concerned, no different than the way a thousand other incidental human acts could be so interpreted looked at backward from a Big Event.

    I suggested an alternative possibility that had not received attention: that it was via Buell Wesley Frazier (himself a recent arrival to Dallas and recent TSBD hire) as a mechanism to have an "inside man" know details of timing, connections to key persons, and then put in a personal word, as raising the chances of success of Oswald in being hired. The main problem in suggesting that is it has no more positive evidence than the ideas that Ruth Paine called Truly at TSBD at the behest of the CIA, that is, nothing. Like Ruth Paine, Frazier had a family association--Frazier's stepfather in Huntsville, according to Frazier as he told to the authors of Lone Star Speaks, was Dixie Mafia. The Dixie Mafia groups in Texas worked with (always under) Marcello of New Orleans. So there was an argument from association and juxtaposition of timing with the building, TSBD, which could fit into a Marcello-plot idea. That was the argument I saw. The strength of the argument is that an inside man (such as Frazier) is a mechanism or would be in a good position to assist in bringing about a hire of someone else. The weak point is that there is no evidence, its all imagination of possible reconstruction, in that sense almost as bad as the ideas that the CIA had Oswald hired at TSBD downtown by means of having total stranger Ruth Paine from Irving make a phone call and TSBD would hop to it.

    I am now thinking maybe I have been assuming too much, such as that the TSBD was picked in advance as essential to the plot. There are other ways it could have worked. The basic situation, thinking it through, is that there is a plot intended to take place in Dallas during the presidential visit to Dallas involving a parade. However the route is not known and even if there was an inside man involved in the route planning, there are many uncertainties. It is essential in the reconstruction that Oswald (CIA or equivalent spook agency) be part of the plot approved and run by Marcello. The way that could work is Marcello might be asked to use Oswald (Oswald's uncle in New Orleans had worked in the Marcello organization which could grease that connection [the uncle, Murret, died 1964]). Oswald is asked to be an informant on the plot. Oswald gets double-crossed by being sacrificed as the patsy, after he thought he was working as an informant.

    Rather than a complex reconstruction in which Oswald or others arranged for all of Oswald's prior job interviews to fail before the hire at TSBD, replace that with a simpler construction: that Oswald was after any job that could have a good chance of being on a parade route, which could include a hundred or more possibilities, not just TSBD (even though TSBD was very good strategically as it turned out). The evidence that this was what was going on--Oswald seeking any job that could have a good chance of maybe being on the parade route comes from several indications I see. First, there is that early police talk about finding a map of Oswald marked with places on the parade route, at least that is what the Dallas police thought it looked like. Later that was explained as a misunderstanding as only being Oswald job applications (that is the point). However, to the present day I have been unable to find any image of that map which has the markings clear enough to be seen. (There is a photo of that map, which had been given to Lee to use by the Paines and had some unrelated Paines' markings on it before Oswald had it, but the photo I have seen is not clear enough to see the markings on the map after Oswald had it.)

    Oswald's first job application, where he was turned down for the job, was retroactively suspected by the employer as possibly connected to it being a location which would be where the presidential parade would go by. And after Oswald got the TSBD job there are at least three known instances (could be more) of what I believe can only be interpreted as plot-connected attempts to get plot-connected persons hired into jobs in tall buildings on downtown arteries. All three apparently involved false use of Oswald's name even though in none of those cases was the person Oswald. That is, Oswald's job in TSBD was not all the interest there was in tall buildings with good sniper possibilities in the runup to JFK's visit to Dallas.

    But there is the fundamental question: how can a sniper assassination be planned before the parade route was known which was only finalized at close to the last moment? One possibility is, even though the route was not known, some things could be anticipated on the basis of fairly good guess, or analysis of necessity. And in the main uncertainty--which of three arteries, Elm, Main, or Central--the motorcade would take through downtown--some tall buildings could cover two of those, and it would only take two or three hires on those main downtown arteries and there is a good chance whatever parade route was selected it would be covered; Kennedy would be vulnerable. That is on the assumption of no inside man inside the motorcade-route planning end of it. If there was an inside man in a position to influence or order a key leg or alteration in the route, that would be an even easier explanation--just have a good sniper location set up and have the motorcade at the last minute routed by it, wherever it was. The key point is that the fixation (speaking to myself here) on TSBD specifically, may be overthinking this. The idea would be that Oswald would get any job on one of the main downtown arteries or otherwise on a portion of the parade route that might reasonably be anticipated, and the plot would then develop the rest of the sniper planning around that location wherever Oswald was. I think the original framing plan for Oswald was not to have him be tagged as the shooter or that the shooting be done by one person but rather a criminal conspiracy blamed on Castro by means of Oswald as the supplier or owner of a rifle used in the shooting and found afterward (the Flip DeMey argument).

    And in further support of this: the Laura Kittrell Texas Employment Commission story of her dealings with Oswald. Kittrell's account of Oswald is mixed and conflated with memories of Larry Crafard whom she also dealt with and confused with Oswald, creating incongruities such that her entire story was given no interest by the FBI and relatively little interest by researchers. I think her story may have been covered up, and, provided it is subjected to critical analysis and interpretation, has information there of much significance (among other things, there is a report of a physical aptitude test in Oct 1963 indicating Oswald would be a poor rifle shot, and Oswald agreeing with Kittrell that that was true, he was a poor shot with a rifle--that alone could be possible motive for coverup). There are a number of things of interest, but for present purposes there is this: Oswald is at TEC in early Oct 1963 wanting a job and Kittrell's job is to help him. Apparently Oswald had been classified for blue-collar or general work and Oswald came back to get upgraded to white-collar and he said he wanted a job in a downtown building. (I found the typed version of the Kittrell mss. difficult to access; to save others time here is how. Go to the John Armstrong Collection site at https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/poage-collections/john-armstrong-collection. Hit "Search Collections". Search for "Kittrell". Click on first search listing, "Sightings of LHO, Oct. 1963--Laura Kittrell" (187 images). Click on "Download" button to lower left. A popup screen will give you three choices and ask what you want; click the choice, "Full Asset". Click "Download". It should now be on your computer.) Kittrell started writing her story Dec 1963. This is Laura Kittrell writing of Oswald in her office in early Oct. 1963 (pp. 33-34 of Kittrell mss.):

    "He [Oswald] wanted me to drop everything else and make him out an extra application for office work, and I was feeling the time slip away, and did not want to.

    "He won his argument with me by dredging up some office experience. At first it seemed to me that just as he had, upon seeing the ad for the electronics assemblers, invented needed but unverifiable experience as an electronics assembler, (in Russia!) so he had now invented white-collar experience to go with his sudden notion that he should have an office job, downtown.

    "'I used to sell shoes', he said. 'That is office-work experience, isn't it?'

    "'Well, do you want to sell shoes, then?', I asked crossly.

    "'No,' he said, 'I want an office job, downtown.'"

    Therefore I am concluding now that Buell Wesley Frazier's mid-Sept relocation from a mobbed-up home in Huntsville and employment in the TSBD in a position to assist Oswald in being hired there a month later may or may not have been accidental (I know of no way of knowing), but in either case Ruth Paine's phone call was an accident and played no role in the planning or execution of the plot. 

    I imagine a plot in which several sniper-friendly buildings were lined up ready to go prior to the President's arrival to Dallas, depending on how the parade route played out. If it was decided to do it from one of the locations other than where Oswald had found his job, that need not be an insurmountable problem in that the key original setup was (a) a Castro conspiracy (multiple shooters in evidence, no problem), proven by (b) linkage and implication of Oswald to a rifle (and perhaps visiting to the shooting site if not employed there).

    In a benign interpretation of Oswald, which has my strong sympathies, Oswald might be imagined to have informed on this plot and right up to the last minute expected intervention to stop it, though without knowing the detail that he was being set up with the rifle association. When the assassination happened without being prevented, that would have been a moment of panic for Oswald, but a backup contingency plan "in case anything goes wrong" might have been to get to the Texas Theatre for say a 3 pm meeting, which is what he did--where a killer arrived with intent to kill him there, though that is another story.

    Bottom line: it is unnecessary to assume or conclude any of the six involved in Oswald's TSBD hire, including Ruth Paine, were CIA except Oswald. There is no evidence or indication that any of those other five, including Ruth Paine, were witting to anything other than a young pregnant immigrant woman's husband needing a job.

    Since from most accounts Oswald had no unusual meetings or contacts at his rooming house in Oak Cliff, his mechanism for regular contact for his informant work would be during his lunch hour walking to one of the downtown offices or nearby to meet someone, during his work days. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    Let me explain what I mean by a "good Christian" woman, Denny. I mean that she tries to live that way, and sees herself that way.

    But does she fall short? Of course. The vast majority of "good Christian" women fall short. 

    Let's not forget that the vast majority of "good Christian women" voted for Trump in 2016. 

    It should be noted, moreover, that you're kinda demonstrating my point. People hate Ruth because they see her as a phony who failed to live up to her Christian ideals. They just hate her. And this hate fuels their fervent belief she is not what she would appear to be, and is really some sort of spook. 

    I have come to believe this is incorrect. As pointed out in earlier posts, if her "job" was to implicate Oswald in the murder of Kennedy she sure did a lousy job of it. I mean, she failed to see the gun, failed to see Oswald go into or come out of the garage, failed to notice the curtain rods in the garage when she was told Oswald had taken them, etc. 

    If I was Oswald's defense attorney, and she wasn't called by the prosecution, I would have called her to the stand. 

    There is another point here. I don't think Ruth Paine made any point of putting herself out as a Christian or even a Quaker, and I don't think she ever claimed she took in Marina as charity or selflessness or out of the goodness of her heart, etc.

    Two single moms with troubled marriages headed for divorce with a language in common forming a household to share in childcare ... that's not charity or selflessness, and I do not believe Ruth ever claimed it was. I think Ruth never represented or claimed her relationship with Marina was other than mutual-advantage, with someone she had come to care about on her part, the kind that happens millions of times in America, roommate situations forming up for combined friendship/practical reasons. Happens in college towns all the time.  

    These things about Ruth not being perfectly Christian, not perfectly selfless, etc and etc are straw men. If someone else (not Ruth) speaks of Ruth as generous or charity or acting as a good Quaker, etc. that brings a Pavlovian-dog response of channeling vicious sarcasm and venom directly at Ruth, as if it was she, Ruth, representing herself and making those claims for herself that way.

    It happens and happens. For years and decades. Here it has happened just now in this very discussion. First Pat Speer makes a comment representing his own opinion which is somewhat sympathetic to Ruth but nuanced with a different perspective on the situation that he sees (not a description Ruth Paine herself would give). Pat offers his comment:

    Pat Speer: Absolutely. Not remotely surprising. She was trying to help Marina, and Marina was married to Lee. She would not have come right out and said "I won't help Lee because I'm secretly hoping Marina will dump him and the two of us can live happily ever after." That wasn't the way she was built.  

    Then responds Denny with a vicious attack on Ruth as if Ruth had represented herself that way.

    Denny Zartman: Ah, so Ruth was coveting her neighbor's wife too, another sin on the pile. And are we still expected to believe that she is a "good Christian woman?" Can we at least put that ridiculous notion to bed once and for all? 

    Denny is just outraged at the idea of Ruth Paine presenting herself as "a good Christian woman". Except that isn't Ruth Paine representing herself as that. I cannot think of any time Ruth Paine represented herself in that way, claimed she was motivated in her relationship with Marina by selflessness, etc. When asked her beliefs or religion she of course answers and says she is Quaker, opposed to violence, etc. in simple one sentences. But there is not a whiff of evangelical fervor or wanting to convert others or claim of superiority or claim that she is Mother Teresa. And yet the viciousness comes on her as if she did present herself that way. That is projection. Then Denny uses the inclusive "we" as if speaking for the community at large with an excoriation of Ruth for being such a hypocrite that she fails to live up to a straw man Mother Teresa standard.

    And Pat Speer when calling Ruth Paine a "good Christian woman" explained he meant that in a different way than Denny took it. Pat Speer meant it sociologically, a sociological description or type like "suburban soccer mom" or "earth mother type". Pat explained it has nothing to do with being perfect or Mother Theresa or not having flaws and shortcomings or not having the same issues that all other women and human beings deal with in navigating this vale of tears. I like Pat Speer's term "warts and all". The issue is not whether the people we encounter in life have "warts"--who among us does not?--but whether they rise to a level of significant moral evil. Is the moral evil that some in this community see in Ruth Paine evidence-based or is it projection?

    Pat Speer and Kirk Gallaway are the voices of reason and insight here, capturing some of the ambiguities. 

  10. "There are all kinds of claims and rumors about the Paines but no concrete evidence has ever directly linked them to the CIA" -- Narrator, "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine"

    "I don't know anybody who thinks that they were part of the plot to kill the president" -- Bill Simpich, "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine"


    (please think on those two statements for a moment)


    I have struggled to understand what is going on with the scale of animosity against Ruth Paine in some quarters of this community. I have struggled to understand why.

    This is a woman for whom to the present day there has not been shown hard evidence that she has ever done anything objectionable rising above what Pat Speer calls the "warts and all" of being human. Never charged or convicted of a crime. No record of violence. No record of attempting to hurt anyone.  

    There is something not right here. For unsubstantiated suspicions about Ruth Paine are considered by perhaps a majority reading these words as if they are bedrock fact, not termed unsubstantiated suspicions as they ought accurately if truth in labeling matters. Are people aware of the mislabeling? 

    It is like something out of the Twilight Zone. All this animosity, even venom, toward a woman with no clear information she ever did anything.

    Is the “why” because Ruth is blamed for the incrimination of Oswald in the assassination? Many if not most here (I am among this number) believe Oswald was innocent of the JFK assassination. There is a sense, not only of the loss of what President Kennedy represented to America, but the passion of an injustice done to Oswald, an Innocence Project passion to vindicate a wrongful conviction of Oswald.

    Time after time, like a drumbeat, in book after book, article after article, internet post after internet post, I have seen and felt a perception that Ruth Paine is responsible for that conviction of Oswald, almost a subdued rage at one perceived as playing a leading role in the incrimination of Oswald.

    But what if that premise never was true?

    What if all along that supposed verity—that Ruth Paine incriminated Oswald, incriminated an innocent man—has all along has been fundamentally--I mean really fundamentally--mistaken, wrong? What if Ruth Paine never incriminated Oswald of any crime in her Warren Commission testimony? What if Ruth Paine is innocent even of that?

    I am not talking about she believes today the Warren Commission and Oswald did it. Half of educated America believes that. Just forget that as not the issue here. That belief has no legal significance in incrimination of someone in a crime. From Max Good's "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine": 

    Narrator: Other than Marina, Ruth Paine had been history’s most important witness against Lee Harvey Oswald. Ruth and her garage provided much of the incriminating evidence, and the Walker Note wasn’t the only piece that curiously popped up after the initial police search of Ruth’s house. The infamous Backyard Photos were found in the second police search the day after the assassination. And Ruth later handed over the cameras that had supposedly been overlooked. One was matched to the Backyard Photos. The other was a miniature spy camera which has intrigued researchers for decades. Two weeks after the assassination, as doubts about Oswald’s trip to Mexico were surfacing, Ruth miraculously found several incriminating items sitting in a room where the Oswalds stayed.

    This which occurs midway during the film is one of the most objectionable passages of this film. Up to that point the presentation has the overt structure of a neutral narrator, a “we report you decide” back and forth between accusations that the woman is a witch, idiomatically put, and the woman’s denials that she is a witch, idiomatically put. The words of the narrator above depart from that overt stance of neutrality and now favor the side of Ruth’s accusers. 

    The manner of expression conveys the narrator’s endorsement of an accusation that Ruth Paine fabricated and/or planted physical evidence in a large-scale way for police to find for the purpose of falsely incriminating Oswald, an accusation for which, it pains me that it is necessary to repeat once again, there is no evidence. 

    Three words of the narrator reveal the departure from neutrality. The first is “curiously” with reference to the finding of the Walker Note. Marina said she hid it in her book seven months earlier, then it is found in Marina's book where she said she left it. Ruth never saw it or touched it before the Secret Service found it in Marina's book. The note is in Oswald's handwriting. There is no evidence Ruth had anything to do with it. Why “curious” and if something is curious what does that have to do with Ruth? 

    The second is “supposedly” as in Ruth handing over cameras to police “supposedly” previously overlooked. The “supposedly” evokes a hint that Ruth’s action is not what it appeared to be. 

    The third is “miraculously” in “Ruth miraculously found several incriminating items sitting in a drawer…” “Miraculous” is language of mockery or incredulity that the named thing can have come about through natural causes. The word suggests that the finding of that physical evidence is impossible to have come about naturally and therefore was forged and/or planted, with the insinuation being that said forgery and/or planting was done, not by the parties usually responsible for planting evidence in cases of police finding planted evidence, namely the police, but instead Ruth Paine. The hapless police and FBI in Dallas in the investigation were fooled by this woman's serial forgery/planting of physical evidence, so evil was she, so the thinking goes. 

    The uses of “curiously”, “supposedly”, and “miraculously” in the narrator’s voice indicate the narrator, not simply interviewees in the film, holds to the allegations implied by the sarcasms. The voices of Ruth’s accusers have entered the voice of the narrator. 

    The allegation to which the narrator has by manner of expression given credence is utterly, utterly outrageous. There is no evidence or reason to suppose Ruth Paine forged or planted physical evidence. Apart from no evidence there is very little sense to this charge. Ruth had no police or spy or military or intelligence training. She never went to forgery school or evidence-planting school. She had no prior record of framing innocent persons, no prior experience in covert operations, never forged or planted evidence in the past, no criminal history. If she had been involved in such a thing it would subject her to serious perjury issues involving risks of multiple and lengthy prison sentences if prosecuted and convicted. What citizen in their right mind would agree to that kind of thing? For what motive? How does that work, if a citizen, asked to do that, after consultation with maybe an attorney asks the government to provide indemnification in writing, a promise to compensate if they end up in the slammer for a few years through some slipup? Is there any reality to these ideas of what Ruth Paine is imagined to have been doing? And why would Ruth want to frame Lee, even posthumously? Is there anything in her life that suggests she would have any desire or willingness to do that? No.

    The narrator states that Ruth Paine was, next to Marina, “history’s most important witness against Lee Harvey Oswald”. 

    With the possible exception of testifying that Lee had written untrue things in the Soviet embassy letter (not sure if that is a crime, but it is not the best character reference)—with that one minor exception in her voluminous Warren Commission testimony, it is not clear that Ruth Paine gave any incriminating testimony against Oswald at all. 

    She never testified to witnessing a criminal act committed by Oswald, or to having knowledge of a plan or intention on Oswald’s part to commit a criminal act. 

    She had nothing to do with connecting the sixth floor rifle or any other firearm to Oswald.

    She never claimed to hear Oswald express hatred for Kennedy, or any other motive to kill Kennedy.

    She never claimed to have seen Oswald be violent, or threaten violence. She gave no testimony incriminating Oswald in the assassination of President Kennedy, the Walker shooting, or the Tippit killing. The characterization that Ruth Paine as the second most important witness in history against Lee Harvey Oswald is a misconstrual of reality of epic proportions. Did she ever incriminate Oswald in any crime at all?

    There are those who charge Ruth with being responsible for the finding of the Warren Commission that Oswald killed Kennedy, on the grounds that Ruth’s testimony provided the raw material which the Commission used to construct a narrative to convict Oswald in the court of public opinion. That is wrong on so many levels. First of all, the narrative convicting Oswald started Friday afternoon Fri Nov 22 and was embraced by the FBI, the new President, and the major television networks before the weekend was out. Ruth did not cause that. Ruth gave no interview before Oswald's death Sunday morning Nov 24. As for her Warren Commission testimony, the only issue that matters or should matter is was Ruth truthful and accurate in answering questions asked of her, not how that testimony was used by the Commission which was not her doing and over which she had no authority. 

    The Warren Commission had been given authority from Congress to subpoena witnesses and compel testimony. Just as with other witnesses, Ruth did not get to decide which questions she wished to answer, how many, whether she wished to testify. She had no control over what the Warren Commission did with her compelled testimony. The only issue should be was her testimony truthful and accurate. I have heard people blame Ruth, not on issues of what was true or false, but as if Ruth was responsible for how her testimony itself (true or false) was used by the Warren Commission, as if she was personally culpable for the Warren Commission's uses of her testimony, even though her testimony itself never incriminated Oswald. From the film:

    DiEugenio: Almost from the beginning of this case, Ruth and Michael are always there to discredit Oswald, to caricature Oswald, to say he wanted to be a big man in history, which of course makes no sense at all. Because if that’s what Oswald was doing then he would have admitted that he did it, OK, but he never did. In fact he said just the opposite, that I’m just a patsy.

    I think it should be considered that the post-assassination comments of Ruth were colored by a belief that he had killed her president. Ruth’s post-assassination descriptions of Oswald, colored by that belief, seem moderate under the circumstances. Michael's were harsher but Michael is not my focus of attention here. 

    And so to the opening question. If Ruth Paine's deepest crime is incrimination of Oswald, where is the incrimination? Where did she? Where in her Warren Commission testimony did she give evidence that, if delivered in court in a trial of Oswald, would have incriminated Oswald of a crime? 

    Some might cite her testimony that she saw a light on Fri morning Nov 22 that had not been on when she went to bed the night before. She concluded from that, though she did not claim to witness it directly, that Oswald may have gone into the garage. That's it. That's what Ruth testified. Was that incriminating? No, because the garage is where Oswald's belongings, his things, were. There could be a hundred reasons why someone would do that, even if the Warren Commission construed that as the time when Oswald retrieved his rifle to take to the TSBD the next morning.

    Was Ruth a witness "against" Oswald in the sense of incriminating him in anything? Or is that another myth that should be deconstructed? 

  11. 15 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    Max showed the film to a few of us at a conference a few years back. I found it quite interesting. While the film showed some bias against Mrs. Paine, it really told two stories: one in which a Quaker woman with a somewhat mysterious past detailed her personal connection to a political assassination, and one in which an old woman was hounded by people convinced she was a knowing part of the murder of President Kennedy.

    It was very much a Rorschach test. After it was over, a number of people said things like "Wow, he nailed her, that evil witch (or something rhyming with witch)!" But my takeaway was different and came as a surprise to me. I came away feeling sorry for her. I have known some "good Christian" women in my life, and Ruth Paine is definitely one of those, warts and all. I suspect it is those warts, moreover, that leads some to hate her with a burning passion. They don't trust "good Christian" women and assume they are basically phonies. 

    I see Ruth as a complex person. I have a strong suspicion her feelings towards Marina extended beyond friendship, and that she may have been in love with her. I have a similarly strong suspicion that this helped fuel her dislike of Lee, and her eagerness in helping the officials pin the tale on the Oswald. 

    As a consequence, it wouldn't surprise me if she went along with a few lies about the evidence against Oswald.

    But the thought she was a knowing participant in the assassination, and deliberately set Lee up as a patsy, etc... is, to me, unthinkable.

    Years ago I came across a book that claimed Jackie killed JFK herself because she was tired of his affairs and that Onassis organized the cover-up. 

    I put the idea Ruth helped kill Kennedy by setting up Oswald in the same stinky garbage bin. 

    P.S. I think one of the steps in my evolution in thinking about Ruth came a few years back when I re-read her testimony regarding the curtain rods. If she was part of a frame-up, all she had to do was say "See those curtain rods! Those are the only curtain rods I've ever had in my garage. And Michael came out and checked on them right after we heard Lee said he'd brought curtain rods to work, and they were there!" Bim Bam Boom. But no, she said Michael came out and looked at a package that he thought were curtain rods (but could very well have been blinds) and that she herself had never double-checked to see if he was correct.

    She offered evidence helping Oswald's (largely non-existent) defense even when the frame-up would have been far better served by her telling a white lie. And I think that's because she is someone who largely tells the truth...as she sees it. 

    Lots of insights here Pat. The Rorschach Test description. This is one of the most sympathetic, human summaries I've read. I think Marina's rejection of Ruth--just sudden cutoff without explanation, refusing to see her or answer letters--was one of the most painful things in Ruth's life. I have read that studies of romantic breakups and times to recovery showed the worst is when someone cuts off with no explanation or discussion, longest recovery time from that. Fastest time to recovery is when there is a real discussion at time of breakup. 

    On the point about the curtain rods. Yes, Ruth if she wanted to incriminate Lee and did not care about being truthful could have done so in a hundred ways that she did not. She never even had Oswald violent or saying anything against Kennedy.

    The "good Christian" woman and the way that strikes some people unreasonably negatively... yes. 

  12. On 4/30/2022 at 8:19 PM, Sandy Larsen said:
    1. The incident in Mexico City proves that the CIA was behind the plot to kill Kennedy, and was setting up Oswald, Cuba, and Russia to take the blame.
    2. The CIA had to put Oswald in the TSBD at the right time to accomplish their plan.
    3. Whoever it was who got Oswald to apply for the job at the TSBD, certainly had been instructed by the CIA to do so.
    4. Therefore if Ruth Paine got Oswald to apply at the TSBD, she must have been working for the CIA.

    It doesn't matter whether Marina meant CIA or ACLU in her testimony. Either way we know that Ruth Paine must have been CIA.

    Sandy, on your point #3, do you really mean "whoever it was who got Oswald to apply for the job at the TSBD, certaintly had been instructed by the CIA to do so?"

    Think about this. Because there are six persons who "got Oswald to apply for the job at the TSBD". They are:

    • Linnie Mae Randle--told Ruth Paine and Marina of TSBD job possibility. Told brother Frazier Lee needed a job.
    • Marina Oswald--urged Ruth Paine to phone TSBD about job for Lee. Urged Lee to apply. Got Lee to apply.
    • Ruth Paine--at Marina's urging called Truly at TSBD. Truly said Oswald invited to apply.
    • Buell Wesley Frazier--upon learning from Linnie Mae, checked with boss Shelley at work on Oswald's behalf. Shelley checked with Truly. Shelley returned to Frazier with word from Truly that Oswald was invited to apply.
    • Roy Truly--told Ruth Paine Oswald was invited to apply. Told Frazier Oswald was invited to apply. By those two actions Truly got Oswald to apply. Hired Oswald when he applied.
    • Lee Harvey Oswald--he got Oswald to apply at the TSBD too. 

    So there are six "who got Oswald to apply for the job at the TSBD", not one. Is your #3 ("whoever") applicable to all six, or less than six?

    Do you think it is reasonably possible that one or more of those six might not be CIA-instructed? 

    If you are using this logic as proof that Ruth Paine is CIA, can you explain why this logic is not proof that all six are CIA by your same stated reasoning?

  13. But what does it have to do with Ruth Paine?

    Lawrence Schnapf-- the information you present is very strong, such that if Oswald had only a medium-competence level or better legal team he would easily be acquitted, i.e. it would take actual incompetence not to have reasonable doubt and acquittal.

    But . . . but: what does any of this have to do with Ruth Paine?

    Well, you seem to follow a line of reasoning as follows: argument for exoneration of LHO from evidence --> the FBI was intent on pinning it on him --> therefore one of the primary items of material evidence, the Walker Note, may have been fabricated at behest of the FBI, requiring an extremely high level of sophistication of forgery skill --> [[NON SEQUITUR ALERT!!!!] --> therefore the FBI instead of having a professional in-house experienced forger do that highly skilled forgery (drumroll...) farms out the job to citizen RUTH PAINE in Irving to do that highly skilled forgery!

    Ruth Paine who has no known prior history, training, anything, in arts of forgery. Never went to forgery school. Never did any forgery in the past. Never showed any interest in forgery. Never accused of forgery. No evidence she physically handled the Walker Note at any time in her life. Never forged anything after that time in her life. No evidence that she possessed any forgery skill, let alone the extraordinary top-tier skill level necessary to fool highly experienced questioned-document examiners if the Walker Note were forged.

    So even if I were hundred percent with you on everything else (I am on much but not all, but that is irrelevant to the point here) ... how does Ruth Paine get worked in as a necessary component to anything? 

    If the FBI wanted to forge a Walker Note (I doubt it) then it makes no sense on earth that the FBI would not do it themselves with in-house expertise, rather than ask Ruth Paine to not only do it, but be willing to commit perjury about it (a crime), trust her never to talk later about her one-time world-class forgery accomplishment, etc. and etc. That's all made up. Its just a leap into outer space. It does not logically follow from facts cited.

    Other comments. I do not believe Oswald buried the rifle, took the bus, did it on his own, etc. However I think it is very possible he told Marina those things. As to whether he fired a shot into an empty room, with some assistance and a car involved, uncertain, he might have, I don't know how that could be confirmed or disconfirmed either way. But I think he was involved in that shot and wanted it to look that way and may have told Marina most of what Marina said he told her. 

    I cannot agree with the common idea that Marina was coached to tell complex stories out of whole cloth, the opposite of what Marina knew to be the truth. I know a lot of people think that but that makes no sense. What makes sense is they want her to talk, to tell them the truth, and she has a loose relationship with truth (diplomatically put), some fibs and contradictions. Here is the problem with the notion that Marina first says "I've never seen that [Walker Note], Lee never wrote that". Then, "We want you to say you have seen it, that he did write it, that you hid it in your book, we want you to tell a whole invented story about how its yours." "You do? What if I get my lines wrong?" "We will train you" etc. There is no evidence or plausibility that happened. And if it did happen, the Secret Service, FBI, whoever, would still want her to tell them "what really happened" so you have to propose two sets of dual interview records, one the "real truth" (except you still don't know if Marina is truthful even then), and then another set of documents around a heavily choreographed Marina doing acting with lines learned and storytelling learned given to her. Two sets of debriefings of Marina and Marina able to keep her assigned stories straight between the two, and that never come to light, is just not sensible.

    Rather than the FBI deciding "we're going to frame Oswald for this unsolved crime over here", so: make Marina incriminate Lee; fabricate photos of the Walker house backdated to April 1963 and make them look like Lee's and make Marina say they are Lee's; make Ruth Paine put Walker house photos in her house and falsely say they were there all along; have an extremely technically-good forgery made of a Walker Note in what looks like Oswald's handwriting (not done by an experienced professional but by inexperienced Ruth Paine), etc. etc. is too complex. It is simpler that Oswald was an infiltrator of the Walker people, got mixed up with them, and the Walker photo album that Marina said Lee had prior to later destroying it, as well as other things ... are part of an intention of Lee that he be arrested and credited with attempting to kill Walker, though that arrest and court trial never happened. 

    The Bradford Angers story does not look fabricated out of whole cloth. It appears to be a version of the truth of Oswald and the Walker house shooting. An accomplice, a car, a shot, an inside job, Oswald ... 

    A nitpick (among so much else that is solid and good): I believe this sentence is not an accurate representation in the way you word it: "Note that only one of three HSCA experts were willing to say the note was in Oswald's handwriting". That makes it sound like two out of the three had reservations, or some uncertainty, or doubts that it was Oswald's. In fact those two declined to work on all of the documents in Cyrillic, not simply the Walker Note, not because of any opinion concerning authenticity but because of limitation of scope. The other letters in Cyrillic of Oswald to Marina in the Soviet Union without question were Oswald's but "only one of three HSCA experts were willing to say" those were in Oswald's handwriting too, to paraphrase you. Those two declining to assess any of the Cyrillic writings had nothing to do with mental reservations over whether this or that one was written by Oswald. The only relevant expert opinion among those three is the one who did assess all of the Oswald Cyrillic materials and that one gave an unequivocal identification of the Walker Note as written in the same handwriting as the Oswald Soviet notes to Marina. Your wording does not accurately represent the true sense here, as if the two who stood down from Cyrillic materials were casting doubt on one of those Cyrillic materials, when there is no testimony or basis for that. 

    I also think Walker knew exactly that he had faked his injuries and put some effort into attempting to entrap and incriminate Duff, not because he thought Duff might have taken the shot, but in order to make it look like Duff did. If Duff had taken the bait of the money and been entrapped, Duff would be incriminated for trying to kill Walker at a later time, which would still leave the earlier shot unsolved but would look like Duff probably did the earlier shot too no matter how much he might deny it. But Duff refused to be entrapped and told the FBI of the attempted entrapment.   

    On your last question, since Ruth Paine has nothing to do with anything you have concerning the Walker shooting that I can see, I do not quite understand the question, but yes, I believe Ruth Paine that she gave a book to Marina. That is well supported by the Irving Police and the Secret Service that she did so. I believe Ruth Paine when she said she did not write the Walker Note. That is well supported on other grounds too.

    To reverse your question: do you really disbelieve her? or do you simply want to disbelieve her? 

  14. Did Ruth Paine knowingly fail to inform Oswald of a Trans Texas Airways better job? No. The baselessness of the accusation that Ruth Paine wilfully obstructed Oswald from learning of a better job opportunity

    There is a related allegation, believed as if it is gospel truth by perhaps a majority of the persons who read this, that Ruth Paine deliberately failed to pass on a message to Lee from Robert Adams of the Texas Employment Commission of a better job opportunity, in order to prevent Lee from learning of that job. According to the reasoning of this allegation, if Lee had learned of the better job offer Lee would have flown the coop, taken the better job and left the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), and then the carefully-planned JFK assassination with all that work put into setting up Lee's role in it would have been ruined. Ruth or "her handlers" were not going to let a planned killing of the president Ruth had voted for be thwarted in that way. So Ruth deliberately failed to pass on the information of the better job to Lee. Lee not knowing of the better job did not leave the TSBD for it. It was a close call there, but the assassination plot was preserved and went forward, thanks to Ruth preventing Lee from learning of the better job. This or something close to it is what many here have believed in their bones to be fact.

    But there is no evidence that is true, and no plausibility that it is true. It is one more in the class of beliefs held and circulated about Ruth Paine which are based entirely on imagination, unanchored on any judicious reading of facts or evidence. The allegation has no substance underlying the certainty with which the belief is held.

    Robert Adams, a placement interviewer of the Texas Employment Commission (TEC), told of having had three job referrals for Lee, on Oct 7, 9, and 15, in 1963. The first two Lee applied for but was not hired. The third, and the one of interest here, was a cargo handlers' job at Trans Texas Airways, which would have paid better than Lee's pay at the TSBD--a more desirable job. On this third job offer, on Tue Oct 15, 1963 (the day Lee applied at the TSBD), Adams called the Ruth Paine home in Irving asking for Lee. Ruth answered the phone and said Lee was not there. Adams left a message for Lee to call, so that he could tell Lee of the Trans Texas Airways job offer. Adams did not hear back from Lee the rest of that day and so Adams tried again the next morning, at about 10:30 am Wed Oct 16 (Lee's first day of work at TSBD).

    Ruth answered the phone both times. The first time Ruth took a message for Lee and the second time Ruth told Adams that Lee had found a job, which Adams did not know until told by Ruth on Wed Oct 16. Adams then ceased further followup at that point. He had left his message, Lee had not returned the call, and now he learned Lee was employed, the whole objective of TEC for him; Adams considered his task concluded.

    The Texas Employment Commission's records showed Oswald as a "non-report" on the Trans Texas Airways job referral. Although that notation commonly indicated a client who had received a job referral but failed to appear for a job interview, Adams told the Warren Commission that in Oswald's case the notation reflected that he, Adams, had not gotten the Trans Texas Airways job referral to Oswald and he did not believe anyone else at the TEC had done so either, such that the third job referral had never been given to Oswald at all. That was Robert Adams' testimony.

    In Ruth Paine's testimony, Warren Commission counsel Jenner told Ruth the details of the Trans Texas Airways job including its higher pay level and asked what she knew about it. Ruth Paine responded three times with puzzlement and no knowledge or recognition of any such Trans Texas Airways or cargo handling job referral for Lee. Under continued questioning Ruth then said she did remember something--she remembered a job for which Lee had gone into Dallas to apply. (Note Lee going into Dallas to apply for a job cannot have occurred after Lee started work at the TSBD on Wed Oct 16!!! Important!!!) 

    This memory of Ruth of Lee going into Dallas to apply for a job, Ruth said explicitly, she remembered as having happened before Lee started work at TSBD

    Therefore that job application to which Ruth referred--in which Lee had gone into Dallas to apply, before he started at TSBD--clearly was either one of the two earlier job referrals (#1 or #2) of Robert Adams or a non-TEC job application Lee made such as to Wiener Lumber Company on Mon Oct 14 or some other, before Lee started work at TSBD. Adams' #1 of Oct 7 was a high-paying job at Solid State Electronics Company. Ruth's description appears to be either the Adams' #1 or #2, or some other such as the Wiener Lumber Company, but not the later Trans Texas Airways (Adams #3) of Adams' calls of Oct 15 and 16. 

    The central point is that Robert Adams did not deliver the Trans Texas Airways job information or referral in either of his phone calls to Ruth. Adams would not have told Ruth any details, not the name of the employer, nature of the job, pay level, anything--that was none of Ruth's business, the job referral was not to her, it was to Lee, Lee whom Adams was trying to reach, Adams simply wanted to reach Lee, asked to have Lee call him back. At the time of that first call on Tue Oct 15 Adams does not know of Lee's TSBD job and Ruth does not know of Adams' job offer which he has in mind for Lee or its pay level. 

    There is no evidence or reason to assume that Adams would have told Ruth any details of job offer #3 at all. (Why should he? he probably had no idea even who Ruth was who answered the phone.)  

    Ruth therefore would not have known any specifics of the Trans Texas Airways job opening or its better pay level or anything about it, not even the name "Trans Texas Airways", in agreement with Ruth's first three answers to the Warren Commission--only a message from Robert Adams of TEC for Lee to call him back.

    With Lee not living at Ruth Paine's house and gone all that day Tue Oct 15 and returning that evening not to Irving but to his rented room in Oak Cliff, Lee would not have gotten any message during business hours that day (no way for Ruth to have reached him). The logical time for Ruth to have conveyed the message to Lee would have been that evening, Tue eve Oct 15. It is neither confirmed nor excluded in Ruth's testimony that Ruth called or tried to call Lee in Oak Cliff that evening. In light of Ruth's conscientiousness it is likely Ruth would have tried. If Ruth tried it is unknown whether she got through to Lee. If she did not get through it would not have been because she was trying to stop Lee from learning of a better job (Ruth had no knowledge of a job offer that was better). Because this is unknown, we can only reconstruct what is likely to have happened or which we would expect to have happened. We would expect Ruth to have tried to get the message to Lee, and the time that would occur would be Tue eve Oct 15 after Lee was home in Oak Cliff. Although not certain, we would also probably expect, all else being equal, that an attempt to reach Lee was more likely than not to have been successful. Therefore I believe Ruth did call and did reach Lee that evening, Tue Oct 15, and convey the message that Robert Adams of TEC wanted Lee to call him. If Lee would have asked, "What is it about? Do you know?" Ruth would have said, "No I don't know what its about, he just asked you to call." Lee: "OK, thanks." Some form of that is what I think happened, simply because that falls into expected behavior. There is no evidence anything other than that occurred, even if we lack direct information. But the notion that Ruth never called Lee, did not pass on the message intentionally, and did so intentionally because she knew how great of a job offer it was (can't have Lee getting a good job offer after getting him into the TSBD), that is hallucinating. 

    What would have happened next? Lee cannot call Robert Adams that evening because it is after-hours. The first chance Lee would have to call Robert Adams would be the next morning, Wed Oct 16. But Wed morning Lee is at work at the TSBD. Lee did not call Adams at TEC. This is established from the testimony of Adams. Not receiving any call from Lee by 10:30 am that morning, Adams makes his second try to reach Lee by calling again to Ruth Paine's house in Irving. That is when Adams learns from Ruth that Lee is employed--news to Adams--and Adams thereupon marks his records accordingly and does no further followup.

    If Lee was happy with his new job at TSBD or had some other reason for wishing to remain situated at that particular location, he may not have returned Adams' call. It was not a case of either Ruth or Lee knowing this was a better job possibility. It was a matter of Adams at TEC who might have some job possibility but without knowledge of what it was. Here is Ruth's Warren Commission testimony in which it is clear she has confused an earlier actual job application (Adams' #1 or #2 or Wiener Lumber or some other) before Lee started work at TSBD, with the later Trans Texas Airways job (Adams' #3) of the Warren Commission's interest of which Ruth knew nothing.

    JENNER: Did you ever hear anything by way of discussion or otherwise by Marina or Lee of the possibility of his having been tendered or at least suggested to him a job at Trans Texas, as a cargo handler at $310 per month?

    PAINE: No, in Dallas?

    JENNER: Yes.

    PAINE: I do not recall that. $310.00 per month.

    JENNER: Yes. This was right at the time that he obtained employment at the TSBD.

    PAINE: And he was definitely offered such a job?

    JENNER: Well, I won't say it was offered - that he might have been able to secure a job through the Texas Employment Commission as a cargo handler at $310.00 per month.

    PAINE: I do recall some reference of that sort, which fell through--that there was not that possibility.

    JENNER: Tell us what you know about it. Did you hear of it at any time?

    PAINE: Yes.

    JENNER: How did it come about?

    PAINE: From Lee, as I recall.

    JENNER: And was it at that time, or just right –

    PAINE: It was at the time, while he was yet unemployed.

    JENNER: And about the time he obtained employment at the Texas School Book Depository?

    PAINE: It seems he went into town with some hopes raised by the employment agency - whether a public or private agency I don't know - but then reported that the job had been filled and not available to him.

    JENNER: But that was –

    PAINE: That is my best recollection.

    JENNER: Of his report to you and Marina?

    PAINE: Yes.

    JENNER: But do you recall his discussing it?

    PAINE: I recall something of that nature. I do not recall the job itself.

     It is obvious there is some confusion here, in this testimony in mid-1964 in Ruth recalling the exact sequence in those days of mid-Oct 1963. The Adams #3 job referral, which Oswald never learned of, could have been told to Lee, if he had learned of it, only after Lee started work at TSBD. Whatever Ruth was remembering was before Lee started work at TSBD, therefore it was an Adams #1 or #2 or some other pre-TSBD job referral--before Lee started at TSBD. 

    As noted, for the first two job referrals handled by Robert Adams of Oct 7 and 9, Lee applied but was not hired. As for the third, the Trans Texas Airways of Oct 15-16, Adams stated,

    “Inasmuch as I did not talk with Oswald either by telephone or in person in connection with this job order, I do not know whether he was ever advised of this referral, but under the circumstances I do not see how he could have been.”

    That should be read, not as referring to Ruth Paine not advising Lee as to the specifics, pay level, etc., but to fellow staff at the Texas Employment Commission not advising Lee of that, the only ones who would have been in a position to advise Oswald of that job referral. Robert Adams is saying he did not advise Oswald of the Trans Texas Airways job opening and he did not see how anyone else (at TEC) could have either.

    Ruth Paine, who did so much to help that family--she drove Lee places, spent time teaching him parallel parking so he could pass a driving test, made him a birthday celebration, tried to find job leads for Lee from neighbors, made a phone call to try to help Lee get a job, assisted Marina in having her baby--Ruth would not have knowingly obstructed Lee from learning of an opportunity for a better job. That would be the opposite of all of her other actions with Lee and Marina. The charge--the belief which has so bizarrely become fixated in some circles--that Ruth Paine did so is without any basis or grounds. Its only basis for continued perpetuation is an insistence, unanchored to any reason, on imagining the worst and projecting it onto her. 

    Robert Adams’ affidavit to the Warren Commission of Aug 4, 1963, can be seen at https://www.jfk-assassination.eu/warren/wch/vol11/page481.php.

  15. I knew her Lawrence, twenty years ago, and she continues to be smeared beyond any reason. Why have so many here been so obsessed with seeing Ruth Paine in the worst imaginable light. 

    Maybe its because I think its just wrong. I care about the truth of the JFK assassination, but going on a witchhunt after an innocent person is fundamentally mistaken, in addition to the damage on a personal level to a wrongly accused person.

  16. Sandy (and Jim D.), just a heads-up on that "bonus loot" phone call, as the "discoverer". At first I thought that it was (and wrote of it as) an operator's overhearing or mishearing of the Paines' phone call following the assassination. But I pretty quickly realized that was not correct since the Paines' numbers are known and the operator's specific exchange information on that call, which she wrote, shows different numbers. Also, the Paines' call was originated by Michael (collect call to Ruth's Irving phone) whereas the "bonus loot" call was originated by a woman in Irving.

    So the facts indicate this call is unrelated to the Paines and that is a red herring (a mistake I introduced actually, before correcting it on the other thread). Sandy has a theory that it was a fake phone call by Michael and Ruth impersonators. Without meaning disrespect to Sandy's attempt to propose an explanation, I see the weak point in that being that it was never publicized. (i.e. a lot of work to fabricate a private phone call that no one was known to have heard.) 

    With the Paines out of the picture in that phone call, as I came to see, I returned to the question of what that phone call was. Here I have some partial possibilities of something. It would best be taken up in its own thread (as a working man I just lack time to do everything all at once). But I will give the gist of it here. 

    The key may be in the strange story of the Marion Meharg documents and an article discussing those documents by Lee Farley (https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t585-the-case-of-the-nuisance-phone-calls-redux). After working through that material it looks to me in agreement with the FBI that Marion Meharg was behind a series of nuisance phone calls that followed, but Lee Farley may have been stunningly on the money on a possibly extraordinarily significant phone call to the Dallas police from Marion Meharg overheard by operator Alveeta Treon the day of the assassination (before the nuisance phone calls in the weeks following). 

    Here is how extraordinary this is: this only came to light in 1978 when HSCA was asking Alveeta Treon about the "John Hurt" phone call of Oswald on the eve of Nov 23. Alveeta Treon had notes and written records, so this was not an issue of created memory. From an HSCA document in 1978:

    "Alveeta Treon, who worked as a telephone operator at Dallas City Hall on Nov. 22, 1963, had told me [HSCA investigator Harold Rose] on a prior occasion that on the night of the assassination, a man called the Dallas Police Department several times and wanted to report that there was a second assassin but she said that the P.D. dismissed it as a prank call. Mrs. Treon told me that she copied the information down and would try to locate it and call me. On this date [5/15/78], she called and stated that the man that called never gave his name, but he gave the name of the man that he said was the second assassin. The man's name was David Miller and that he fired the second shot. He carried the rifle with him when he exited out of the rear of the TSBD. David Miller then left in a car bearing Texas license plates T W 1784. This car was reportedly listed to David Miller's wife Mildred. Mrs. Treon stated that the original notes she took are in her hand writing and we have them if we wanted."

    Note the significance of this (as noted by Lee Farley): this is a version of the Roger Craig station wagon story, which was also seen by others, phoned in to the Dallas police by a caller with no knowledge of that story. Although Craig's identification of the man he saw running and getting into that wagon as Oswald is disputable, the event of a man running and getting into that vehicle is a fact (others saw the same thing). Yet in all this time no one has been able to identify that vehicle or who owned it or drove it beyond this and that conjecture.

    As Lee Farley pointed out, this may be a witness who recognized that vehicle--as a 1956 green and white Chevrolet station wagon which belonged to his ex-wife and her new husband. 

    The point here is that that 1956 green and white Chevrolet station wagon belonged to Mildred Meharg and Marion Meharg was claiming that the running man was the man who his wife ditched him for. Farley suggested this was a real identification preceding whatever followed in the Marion Meharg saga. 

    And Mildred Meharg's mother, Bernice Click, as well as Mildred's brother and where Mildred and David Miller hung out before moving to Georgia, lived in Irving. Think of it: a verified (from the Meharg FBI documents) existence of a green-and-white 1956 station wagon, the same color Roger Craig later insisted he had seen, so similar to the color and age and appearance of Ruth Paine's station wagon, in Irving, except that it is not Ruth Paine's station wagon.

    In short, that Ruth Paine-like station wagon could be the Shasteen barber's sighting of a mistaken "Oswald" driving what Shasteen thought was Ruth Paine's station wagon. And Roger Craig saw that very station wagon and he too thought it looked like "Oswald". 

    And by an accident the ex of the woman who owned title to that station wagon, her husband (the one who looked enough like Oswald to be mistaken for Oswald both in Dallas [Craig] and in Irving [Shasteen]), saw the same thing Roger Craig did, but he recognized who it was, his wife's car and her new husband! And not only that, he phoned it in, or tried to, to the Dallas Police that same day, but his phone call was blown off by the police, either not investigated at all or if it was, quickly covered up so as to look like it had never been investigated, one or the other.

    There is the Irving connection to the Roger Craig running-man/TSBD sighting. There is the confusion of the vehicle with the similar-appearing Ruth Paine station wagon. There is what may be someone involved in the assassination possibly identified. And I suggest the overheard "bonus loot" phone call initiated by a woman in Irving, whatever that was about, may be related to these same people in Irving.

    That's the gist of what I see possible here.

  17. Ron, I am responding to the Max Good film, "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" which was first released at the Ashland Film Festival (Ashland, Oregon) the first week of April 2022. I paid twice for the 24-hour access in those days and during my second 24-hour access, April 7-8, made a transcription of about 70% of the film.

    A better question might be what do these errors with respect to Ruth Paine have to do with solving the JFK assassination and why are these errors still continuing in 2022. 

    And as to why, consider it sticking up for a friend. If you saw a friend smeared and wrongly accused, I think you would do the same.

  18. In the Max Good film, "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine", a longstanding accusation leveled against Ruth Paine by some conspiracy-theorist researchers, without any evidence--entirely unsubstantiated imagination--is presented in the form of an insinuation: that a note written by Oswald at the time of the Walker house shooting and hidden by Marina in a book by Marina's account, was fabricated and put in that book, not by Marina, but by Ruth Paine. In this topic I intend first to show how baseless this accusation is which has been leveled against Ruth Paine. Then I intend to show why there is no need to deny Oswald's authorship of the Walker Note in a true argument for Oswald's innocence of attempted murder of Walker. 

    As is familiar to everyone here, the "Walker Note" is so called even though the note itself makes no mention of Walker. It is a note written in Russian in which Lee gives instructions to Marina of what to do if and when Lee is arrested for some unstated reason. From the film, "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine":

    DiEugenio: “Seven or eight days after the assassination Ruth Paine says she has to return a couple of books to Marina. Out of nowhere, in one of those books, she accidentally finds this note which the FBI turned into a piece of evidence about the Walker shooting. By the time that gets to the Warren Commission, this is supposed to be a precedent for Oswald shooting Kennedy.”

    According to all reporting at the time, DiEugenio misspoke here: Ruth did not find that note. The note had been hidden by Marina in one of her books, Ruth handed the book with the note in it along with other items to the Irving police to convey to Marina, and the note was found by the Secret Service. And, it was not the FBI which turned that note into evidence related to the Walker shooting. It was the contents of the note and what Marina said about it which did that.

    Contrary to a persistent notion in JFK conspiracy-believer circles, there is not one shred of evidence Ruth Paine had anything to do with the Walker Note. Ruth physically transferred Marina's book to Irving police to convey to Marina which had the note in it, but Marina said she, Marina, had put that note there in that book. And the handwriting of the note is Oswald's.

    But on the logic that since Ruth had physical opportunity to plant that note if she were evil, some conspiracy-theory believers conclude that therefore that is what Ruth did. That is: theoretical possibility plus "don't like her looks" gives logical conclusion that Ruth Paine (with no prior criminal history or evidence of wrongdoing) did forge and/or plant it, q.e.d. Airtight logic!

    DiEugenio: The Secret Service returned that note to Ruth saying, This is yours, isn't it? (laughs) (laughing) That's how suspicious the Secret Service was of Ruth Paine. They thought she wrote the note!”

    After the Secret Service discovered the note written in Russian (Cyrillic)--which they could not read; it is not clear if they had opportunity yet to have it translated--the Secret Service naturally wanted to know what is going on, and asked Ruth if the note was hers, their first thought being that Ruth may have been passing a note to Marina. DiEugenio represents by his laughter that he considers the very asking of the question by the Secret Service, even though the question was answered by Ruth and Ruth's answer was accepted by the Secret Service, as indication that Ruth is suspicious. 

    The handwriting of the note was verified as Oswald's from expert testimony. James Cadigan, FBI questioned-documents examiner of 23 years experience, testified to the Warren Commission that the handwriting was from Oswald's hand. The later HSCA obtained three handwriting experts to evaluate documents. Two declined to assess the Walker Note because of its being in Cyrillic. The third, Joseph McNally, 37 years experience in questioned-document examination, found conclusively that it was written by the same hand as Oswald letters to Marina in the Soviet Union, i.e. written by Oswald. 

    That is two expert testimonies, against zero expert testimonies finding differently. That is simply from analysis of handwriting alone. In addition to the handwriting analysis, from the distinct method of comparison of spelling and grammar, there has been found a great difference between Oswald's Russian writing and Ruth Paine's Russian writing: Oswald's written Russian has many grammatical errors and misspellings whereas Ruth Paine's written Russian is correct grammar and correct spelling.

    So any notion that Ruth Paine forged that letter should be dispensed with, because: there is no positive evidence whatsoever that she did, and there is overwhelming evidence that she did not. That is not quite how DiEugenio sees it though. Something to do with fingerprints.

    The Walker Note and fingerprints

    In the film:

    DiEugenio: “The [Edwin Walker house] shooter was thirty yards away from a stationary target, and he missed. But yet we're supposed to believe that Oswald hit a moving target from as far away as 270 feet. There were seven fingerprints taken off the so-called Walker Note. None of them match Lee. None of them match Marina.”

    If DiEugenio is wishing to imply that neither Lee nor Marina handled that letter and therefore it was forged, that does not follow from the fact cited. 

    According to reference sources, methods of lifting fingerprints from paper in use by the FBI in 1963 were good at lifting recent fingerprints but not so good at lifting fingerprints from paper left seven months earlier. The Walker Note was checked for fingerprints in the FBI lab in Dec 1963. M. Edwin O'Neill, "Development of Latent Finger-Prints on Paper", Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 28 (1937): 432-41: 

    “The development of latent fingerprints on paper, however, usually presents a problem of greater difficulty. Due to the absorbent nature of most papers, which results in the penetration of the watery secretion into the paper and the migration of at least some of its components (e.g. chlorides or sulphates) laterally within the paper, the simple mechanical process of development used on hard non-porous objects is inadequate in practical investigations where several days or even months have elapsed since a document or other paper article received the fingerprint impressions (. . .) under ordinary circumstances successful development cannot be effected after a few weeks, and in some cases the impressions may be lost after a few days.”  (pp. 432-33)

    The method used by the FBI to obtain the fingerprints from the Walker Note is not stated in the FBI letter informing of the results (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62287#relPageId=21), but the FBI method for paper or cardboard appears to have been silver nitrate (based on this: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=590 ["Using the silver nitrate method, the FBI developed nine identifiable latent fingerprints and four identifiable latent palmprints on Box A [TSBD 6th floor], seven identifiable fingerprints and two identifiable palmprints on Box B...", etc.]). 

    Wang et al., "Fluorescent Nanomaterials for the Development of Latent Fingerprints in Forensic Sciences", Advanced Functional Materials, April 2017:

    “The silver nitrate method is an old approach to developing latent fingerprints on the porous surfaces. (. . .) The silver nitrate method is a simple and effective technique to develop latent fingerprints on normal porous substrates and some water-repelling surfaces. However, it is suggested that the age of latent fingerprints should not be older than one week.

    Fingerprints therefore could be obtained and matched to handlers of the Walker Note from a recent time before the prints were lifted in early Dec 1963, but fingerprints would either much less likely or not at all be obtained from anyone handling that paper in April 1963, seven months earlier. Therefore the most likely source of the seven fingerprints on that note is one or more persons who handled the physical note between the time the note was found by the Secret Service and the time it entered the FBI lab in Washington, D.C. There is no information in those fingerprints relevant to April 1963.

    It is not surprising that neither Lee nor Marina's fingerprints would survive on the note if the note had been written and handled by them seven months earlier in April 1963. 

    Since absence of fingerprints on the Walker Note is not exculpatory of any person from having handled the paper seven months earlier, the fingerprints, as stated, give zero useful information. Those seven prints do not exclude anyone from having handled the paper seven months earlier. That raises the question of what the point is in mentioning those fingerprints at all, since they convey no meaningful information. The only purpose served by DiEugenio’s mention of the fingerprints, and the inclusion of that soundbite in the film, seems solely to insinuate suspicion of Ruth to viewers who have no means to know better, no means to know that there are no grounds for suspicion of anything from the data cited.

    While setting up an insinuation that there is something amiss with Ruth Paine in that meaningless data of the fingerprint report, at the same time "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" fails to inform the viewer of the highly relevant information that the handwriting of the note was conclusively found to be Oswald's. The film suggests baseless and outrageous insinuations against Ruth Paine—insinuations that Ruth Paine forged Lee's note to Marina, planted it, lied about it, did so to frame Lee! terrible, baseless things!-- which not only have no positive evidence but are counterindicated by negative evidence which the film does not disclose. The expert testimony that the Walker Note was Oswald’s handwriting should have been disclosed in the film.

    The Walker Note does not mention Walker but it was written spring 1963 compatible in time with the Walker house shooting, and it was written by Oswald. Those are the facts. Starting from those two facts interpretation can then be debated. Bringing up fingerprints without explaining that no point is established or indicated, just a baseless insinuation left hanging in the air as one more item in a film listing allegations against Ruth Paine, is not right.

    The Walker note is genuine and it is probably true that Lee told Marina he took a shot at Walker, but there is more there than meets the eye: making the real case that Lee did not attempt to murder Walker 

    Bill Simpich (in “The Assassination & Mrs. Paine): “… A lot of people think frankly that [General Edwin] Walker set up the shooting himself.”

    On April 10, 1963, a shot was fired through a window into the Dallas home of General Walker which Walker says narrowly missed him sitting at a desk at the time. The HSCA, in disagreement with the Warren Commission, found that the bullet of the Walker house shooting did not come from the same rifle found on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository (“[The Mannlicher-Carcano] could not have fired the Walker bullet. Oswald’s alleged rifle fired 6.5-ram ammunition, copper jacketed while the Walker bullet was a steel jacketed 30.06” [HSCA 6.296]). Nevertheless testimony from Marina, photographs of Walker’s house and vicinity found among Lee’s belongings, and the note Marina hid in her book, argue that Lee was involved, and if Marina is to be believed said he fired the shot. 

    The question is whether Walker was in the room when the shot was fired. Dallas police who responded to the scene reportedly suspected Walker had faked it. Walker’s injuries consisted of either two (initial police report) or three (Walker, later) lightly bleeding surface wounds on the skin of the outside of Walker’s right forearm. Those injuries could easily have been self-inflicted by means of pressing one’s forearm down on broken glass on a flat surface. 

    As for Oswald’s involvement, there is the credible claim of Dallas security professional and businessman Bradford Angers of personal knowledge that Oswald had infiltrated Walker’s group and took the shot with the assistance of a Walker employee, which called for but never received investigation (reported in Dick Russel, The Man Who Knew Too Much [1992], 325-27). 

    Independently, interviews by Gayle Nix Jackson of two sons of Walker aide Robert Surrey give additional cause to consider that Oswald was known to a Walker aide and the shot may have been a stunt with the approval of Walker (Gayle Nix Jackson, Pieces of the Puzzle [2017], 88-237). 

    Also, that might not have been the first time Walker considered such a stunt. Author Jeffrey Caufield reported that Minutemen founder Robert DePugh told him in interviews in 1999 and 2000 that in early 1962 Walker asked DePugh to do a fake kidnapping of Walker to be blamed on communists, for the purpose of creating sympathetic publicity which would assist Walker in being elected governor of Texas in 1962 (Caufield, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy [2015], 339). 

    After the shot fired April 10, 1963, Walker implied to reporters that evening that domestic communists had done it (the “other side”) and criticized the Kennedys for downplaying the nation’s “internal threat” responsible for the shot which had narrowly missed him. 

    Returning to Walker’s wounds, Walker in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLIjxSzRTFE, points to three positions on the outer side of his right forearm and says he bled in those three places: 

    “Back there forty steps behind me … a bullet crashed through the window and just missed me [bullet hole in wall overhead]. And it < > much grit and dirt in my hair, and my arm was laying on the desk, and was bleeding in three places [showing with fingers of left hand three places on the outside of his right forearm], which turned out to be fragments from the shell casings.” 

    From the position of the bullet hole in the wall over the desk and the way Walker would have been sitting as the bullet passed overhead, if he was in the room when the shot was fired, it looks questionable that metal shards from shell casings would strike Walker’s outer right forearm at all, let alone only there all three times, whereas the outer side of the right forearm would be the expected location for two or three slight skin cuts by pressing down on broken glass or shards. 

    Based on the extremely minor nature of Walker’s injuries and their distribution and location I believe those injuries were self-inflicted; that Walker was not in the room at the time the shot was fired; and that Oswald did not try to kill Walker that evening, no matter what he may have told Marina.

    What did Lee tell Marina?

    The following is a first draft of some speculation in trying to make sense of this. We know there is smoke around Oswald as some kind of informant or operative even if specifics are elusive. Oswald in Dallas in early 1963, if he is a spy or infiltrator, targets the extreme right wing, Walker’s circle. Oswald’s “Walker Note” for Marina may have been part of an intention for Oswald to be arrested for that shooting, then to become a cause celebre and with a good lawyer get off with a light sentence, attract sympathy among Americans who did not like Walker ideologically, and Oswald would have credentials of some kind. The idea is that Oswald anticipated and intended for himself to be arrested but that plan did not come to fruition, either due to the accident that no one turned him in (Marina could easily have confided in someone who would have turned Lee in, but Marina did not do so), or he was turned in and it was quietly quashed without an arrest. The hypothesis is that the “Walker Note”—along with perhaps intentional hints and leaks to others? (BYPs?)—were designed to result in an arrest after the shot into the Walker house. In this scenario it would be Lee telling Marina that he tried to kill Walker but missed, and Marina believing Lee, even though that was not exactly what had happened.

    The hypothesis is that the Walker Note is like the later Soviet embassy note which Oswald left out in the open in Ruth Paine’s living room for a whole day knowing that Ruth Paine would look at it and report it. Similarly with the Walker Note with Marina. The idea is that both of those paper documents handwritten by Oswald were meant to be found, meant to be reported to authorities. 

  19. This on ReopenKennedyCase (ROKC) (https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/f1-jfk). I was stunned to see this. I have disagreed in the past with Greg Parker on some things but he is honest and very sharp with facts and evidence and when he is on his game and right, unbeatable. (Thanks Greg P.)

    "As one of Greg Doudna's biggest critics re Ruth Paine... I am now coming to his defense"

    Greg Parker

    Greg is absolutely wrong that Marina got the CIA and ACLU confused. 


    What he should have said is that she got the initials of the two orgs confused.

    He is being taken to task on the grounds that no one could confuse the CIA with the ACLU. And that is true. One is a secretive intel agency and the other is a group formed to defend the constitutional rights of citizens.

    But someone - particularly a foreigner - could certainly confuse the initials by which the two orgs are known.  That is not the same as confusing the nature and work of either. 

    But the possibility of confusion by Marina is not enough to swing it that way. Was does swing it that way is that Greg Olds of the DCLU (the local ACLU affiliate) had tried to contact Marina by phone more than once to make sure she was being properly represented and had due access to legal advice. She initally wanted to do this, but was talked out of it.

    Mr. REDLICH. And you also related the Ruth Paine, second Ruth Paine, visit to your home to something which you referred to as the American Civil Liberties Union business.
    Mr. MARTIN. It was right after--these incidents happened rather closely. The letter from the Civil Liberties Union--well, first we received a telephone call from the Civil Liberties Union wanting to see Marina Oswald.
    Representative FORD. Telephone call from Dallas or New York, or what?
    Mr. MARTIN. From Richardson, the same person who wrote the letter which you have there. Do you have that?
    Mr. REDLICH. We do have. We are inventorying many of these documents of which the American Civil Liberties letter is one and we will introduce it at an appropriate time.
    Mr. MARTIN. Richardson is a suburb of Dallas.
    This gentleman called, what was his name?
    Mr. LEECH. I can't remember it.
    Mr. REDLICH. Would it refresh your recollection if I mentioned the name Olds?
    Mr. MARTIN. Yes, Greg Olds. He called on the phone and wanted to see Marina Oswald, wanted to. make sure she was being properly represented, that she knew her rights, and so on and so forth. John Thorne talked to him, and told him that he represented Marina Oswald, and that he was definitely sure that all her rights were being observed. Then I think there was another phone call from them still wanting to see Marina Oswald, and I talked to Marina and she said well, she would talk to him. So they arranged a meeting with a third party, I can't remember his name, who was a minister of some kind, and then Marina changed her mind and said no, she didn't want to go at all, she didn't want to talk to any of them. So then they wrote the letter. They wrote a letter to her in Russian and sent one to me in English, one to John Thorne in English, and I believe one to the Secret Service and one to the FBI.

    When Greg Olds was called to testify, he volunteered what had happened in regard to this. 

    Mr. STERN. Mr. Olds, I think that covers the matters that I am interested in. Is there anything further that you would like to tell us? Anything that you----
    Mr. OLDS. Possibly later after this matter was disposed of, we became interested in the legal status of Oswald's wife, Marina, and a story in the New York Times, I believe December 19, said something to the effect that perhaps she was being held incommunicado and in some way illegally detained. Anyway, her status was not clear as far as the reporter was concerned, and our national office in New York City got a number of inquiries both by phone and personal calls and letters, telegrams, and they asked us in turn then, to see what we could find out about it. After a certain amount of negotiations with the Secret Service and FBI and so on, we sent a letter to Mrs. Oswald and she later wrote us that 'she was content with her situation, and was very happy with her status, in fact, it was for her interest.

  20. 54 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Why would the U.S. government want to cover up a Dixie Mafia hit on the president?

    Not a Dixie Mafia hit, a Marcello hit.

    Why would the US government want to cover up a Marcello hit on the president? I don't know. Could it be most of the government did not know who did it other than Oswald?

    Ask the question: why would Hoover or the Warren Commission or Garrison want to cover up Ruby's connections to Marcello and other elements of the organized-crime world? Why would Hoover, WC, and Garrison want to cover up a Marcello hit (via Ruby) on Oswald?

    How does that work exactly? Did Hoover, WC, and Garrison know Ruby was connected to organized crime and cover it up (looks like it)? Or did they not know, like Hoover and Garrison not knowing that there was organized crime in New Orleans? Or did they not want to know? How does that work?

    Why would the government want to cover up a mob hit on Oswald?

    Yes, why? 

  21. I typed out those selections from Lone Star Speaks because that is the only source for the McGann material, it is not available online, and few people have the book, as a courtesy to those interested. I disagree that the subject of Beverly Oliver as Babushka Lady is of zero significance. It is potentially one of the most important overlooked breakthroughs in the case, whether that is immediately apparent or not. It relates to how Oswald could have gotten the job in the TSBD independently of the phone call from Ruth Paine being other than accidental.

  22. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    Yes, this may have happened. But why would she hide something relevant from the investigating agency of a murder, so she could share it with the FBI?

    It's obvious to me she'd been seduced by spy stuff. This deference to the FBI demonstrates her desire to be of service to that agency, which in turn supports that she was interested in working with them to nail Oswald. 

    This cuts into her credibility, and raises the possibility she had a prior "arrangement" with Hosty. 

    Well, she testified that Hosty on Nov 1 was the first time she met an FBI person in her life. That's her statement on it. I do not see how "good citizen" deference to the FBI means she is not truthful or is a positive argument that she had a prior arrangement with Hosty before Nov 1 (and committed perjury in stating that was not the case). Those seem to be conclusions not warranted from facts cited.

    I do not know why she did not volunteer the embassy note to Dallas police and sheriff's deputies on Fri Nov 22. Could it be, per suggestion noted, that she had already called the FBI, either Nov 11 or 12, to tell them of the note and had been asked to keep the note until FBI got there to pick it up, and asked not to tell anyone else before FBI got there?

    I go one step along with you on one point: it does look to me like, starting from Nov 1, Ruth was being groomed as a PCI (Potential Confidential Informant) by Hosty/FBI. They wanted PCI's and developed PCI's naturally from cooperative citizens in the normal course of activity. So it would fit the pattern. This would have nothing to do with Ruth being willing to perjure, not to mention it has nothing to do with making her involved in the assassination.

    (Speaking of the FBI/confidential informant pattern: when I was a kid growing up in Akron, Ohio, our family attended a large Methodist church. I was maybe 8 or 10. There was a man in the congregation that was a career FBI agent. My father told me later how that FBI agent told other church members (diplomatically without being critical) how Hoover was very strict, dress code, hair style, no overweight allowed, etc. and also this: that the FBI local office would get phone calls or first-time walk-ins from citizens reporting some concerning activity, like some group up to no good. He said standard practice was to thank that citizen (whom they had not sought out, but who was there), treat them very courteously ... and ask them, if they would, to keep in touch and let them know in the future any further news on the suspect group. This was how PCIs were developed, probably the most common mechanism.)

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