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Leslie Sharp

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Everything posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. The organizational charts, exquisitely executed by Pete Sattler, are copyrighted; any who infringe that law would be litigious, not me.
  2. Which research "community" are you referring to? As mi esposo often notes; Geez, if this your "community," I'd reevaluate my judgment if I were you. Have you spoken with a Dallas DA to reopen the case? If so, please let me know: I will be on the first flight out and arrive on his or her doorstep with datebook in hand.
  3. @James DiEugenio Before you go, Jim, where two contributors to a book--LS and Robert M- If you're going to opine, please do your homework: Robert Montenegro was NOT a contributor to Coup in Dallas. Is this an attempt to indoctrinate the forum with this book? Sort of like multiple IV needles in a hospital. This is rich, Jim, coming from one who has rested on the laurels of the Garrison investigation and Oliver Stone's work for decades, without moving the needle of the cold case murder investigation. Perhaps that has been your particular reason for ghosting Albarelli's last investigation? Or has it been simply the "bad blood" between you both since he defended an EF contributor's professionalism and human error? If so, I appreciate the class shown by Alan Kent. I believe Alan Kent hung up his "community" spurs in the broad sense some while ago. I know that Hank Albarelli opted out of "the community" for the very reason you cite here — he recognized the cesspool you and yours had been indulging long before Coup in Dallas was published. "EF has become a nest of vipers" was an oft repeated phrase. I hoped this platform had evolved and was ready to learn the latest facts in the cold case murder investigation. The fact that Hank's exclusive investigation has thrown a wrench should not be lost on anyone. With that, this will be my first and final communication with you on the matter.
  4. Ron, I better understand your appreciation for that area of Texas! Great story, and links. Thanks you. You might look into Adair and his marriage into the Vanderbilt dynasty. His Irish roots intrigued me; I suspect he knew the original Brown Bros. pre-BBH.
  5. Art work, containing information in a specific fashion based on exclusive PRIVATE documents; just try to manipulate the map or disseminate without permission and we'll see whether the copyright law applies as stated.
  6. Do you have a plan to alter it @Allen Lowe ? The current org chart is copyrighted. Do not reproduce, or alter, under penalty of copyright law. What is your problem, Allen? Do I recall that you and Hank had a disagreement?
  7. Geez Greg! the written report on the forensic testing that has been done from Leslie which she has now said she has in hand, have at it. I have said repeatedly that I have not been permitted access to the preliminary reports because they are under an NDA. I said that I have the datebook in my possession. You can't even get the basic facts straight, and you've spent two days spewing confusion. I don't think you're understanding what is going on. Do tell, Greg, what is going on.
  8. further to CLAY SHAW, PIERRE LAFITTE, AND TWO DEGREES OF SEPARATION . . . Pierre Lafitte datebook October 9 entry >>>>>>>> Decker, Bender, Vickers, K of M @Ed Berger As noted in my monograph, Baron Wakehurst was the head of Order of Saint John of Jerusalem 1948-1969. Some argue the Order of St. John is not the Knights of Malta; my history says they are one and the same. In order to grasp the significance of Capt. Montgomery we must first understand the people he served. The thirteenth child of Sir Charles Tennant, Margaret “Peggy” Tennant who was born on his 76th birthday and who would be an aunt of the various Tennants thus far named, married John deVere Loder, 2nd Baron Wakehurst, who in 1937 was appointed the Governor of New South Wales King George VI. In 1952, Baron Wakehurst was appointed Governor of Northern Ireland as the representative of the British monarch in The North. Wakehurst was only the third governor of N.I. since 1922 following the official establishment of the Republic of Ireland which preserved the greater portion of the island under one independent, self-governing rule. Baron Wakehurst, Grand Prior of the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1969, and Dame Margaret - a rare title bestowed by the Order - were both enthusiastic patrons of theatre and the arts; they were also dedicated members of the English Speaking Union, an organization that included American Archibold van Beuren, chief of security for Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS and one of the original directors (and later chairman) responsible for bringing John Colquhoun Tysen on board Previews, Inc.
  9. The nickel material definitely caught my eye too! In 1953, Canadian Javelin and Doyle begin moving forward in Newfoundland by gaining concessions from the Newfoundland & Labrador Corporation Ltd (NALCO), and in 1958 Javelin took control of NALCO outright, with NALCO becoming a subsidiary. The line back to the WCC is direct in the most literal sense: the original organizer of NALCO was William Stephenson, and he was joined by Woody, Gundy & Co, which was one of the WCC's original investors. But other NALCO initial principles included Harriman Ripley, and most importantly where nickel is concerned, Charles Shipman Payson. Payson's wife was Joan Whitney Payson—of that Whitney family, and his brother-in-law was John Hay "Jock" Whitney. Besides being second cousins with Tracy Barnes, there's the whole business of Jock controlling Freeport Sulphur and its nickel interests in Cuba. If I'm remembering correctly, doesn't CiD recount the odd circumstances of Clay Shaw and an Freeport executive flying to Canada in connection with nickel business? I did catch the reference to Thomas Eli Davis! Given the link from Davis to Proctor, the fact that Proctor's partner Paul McNutt was also almost certainly an WCC insider, the question posed about Davis and Newfoundland in the book seemed very pertinent. Can you elaborate on why it might be of interest to you? And yes, these were definitely deeply hidden revenue streams; but, we're not sure Lafitte was running these schemes on behalf of any particular, or specific government agency. They may well have been mob related, or purely private enterprise. I'm interested due to a pattern I've been noticing: that many of those in the 'orbit' of the WCC were, by the mid-1950s, neck-deep in byzantine frauds of all kinds. These include David Baird (whose inner circle included WCC-linked notables such as Floyd Odlum of the Atlas Corporation and Robert Young, an early WCC 'client', as well as William Zeckendorf of Great Southwest and... Conrad Hilton), who operated a mind-boggling chain of hinky securities dealing through his 'philanthropic' foundations, one of which later became outed as a CIA funding conduit. They also include Stewart Hopps, the OSS veteran who alleged to have worked with Stettinius at the WCC before embarking on carousel ride of stock and insurance frauds. There is also Sonny Fassoulis of the Commerce International Corporation, who engaged in his own blizzard of funny stock wheeling and dealing that landed him in hot water more than once (Peter Dale Scott once wrote that Commerce International was a subsidiary of the WCC, and then later walked it back; I don't believe it was a subsidiary but in all likelihood was linked—after all, Commerce International was originally incorporated around the same time as the WCC's debut and went by the initial name of the North African Commerce Corporation). The list can go on and on. To make this pattern even more stark, I've founded that while the frauds are often different, they share a score of overlapping participants, both in terms of personnel and companies. I believe, simply put, that there is a dark, vast and maze-like terrain pouring across the 1950s and early 1960s that remains yet to be fully charted, likely due to the sheer complexity of the networks in play. I would be interested to know to what degree Lafitte's own conman activities overlap with the network I'm describing. His appearance in connection with Javelin is one giant step in that direction (as is the reference in the datebook to Conrad Hilton!). It seems to me that this pattern could easily repeat in his other activities. Either esoteric, twilight realm, something, so we've been reviewing Opus Dei, P2 John XXIII death, Aldo Moro, Knights Templars, K of M's, Arthurian cycle (Lancelot Project), Ireland ... Several clues: Pierre's repetition of OSARN in the Oct 9 entry is almost ritualistic, and mimics his four 848's periodically. Either a code, or? Extremely interesting! The presence of the Order of St. John via Willoughby etc is definitely food for thought. Not only did they mimic the official K of M, but got up to all manner of esoterica themselves.
  10. @COPYRIGHT softcover edition Coup in Dallas CLAY SHAW, PIERRE LAFITTE, AND TWO DEGREES OF SEPARATION . . . THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1963 SOUETRE AND DAVIS IN APRIL HERE [HOTEL] -SHAW WHERE? (Lafitte datebook, 1963) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1963 SPRAY-GUN 2 WILLOUGHBY-SHAW? (Lafitte datebook, 1963) Clay Laverne Shaw, the only individual to have been formally charged with involvement in the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, kept a social and personal diary that included some 216 names, most of whom were associated with theatre and the arts. Shaw himself was a playwright. His name appears in the datebook of Pierre Lafitte so we can assume that he was at best privy to if not an active player on some level in the lead up to the assassination. In light of that probability, the names in his personal diary hold a fascination providing possible clues to a broader understanding of a long term agenda in the plot to weaken the spread of democracy worldwide. We are greatly indebted to the exhaustive research into the names in Shaw’s diary done by Anthony Edward Weeks aka Anthony Frewin who served for decades as assistant to renowned film director Stanley Kubrick. Weeks astutely identified that Shaw’s welcome into a certain milieu of British society which included nobility closest to the Royal Family was most likely the result of his love affair with one Sir Charles Michael Robert Vivian Duff, 3rd Baronet. According to Weeks, Duff was one of only two true loves of Clay Shaw. It was also Weeks who years ago in the Calcott Memorial Issue of Lobster Magazine laid down the gauntlet to researchers concerning another name in the Shaw diary: “This enquiry had produced at least one significant name that merits further research and attention and which may help us to understand more fully the political and intelligence face of Clay Shaw: Peter Montgomery.” Weeks continued “ . . . I was disappointed to find that I was the only person driving down the highway, and doubly disappointed because I was just about to hit the off-ramp. I hope this piece prompts some other researchers to hit the road.” It did, Mr. Weeks. Indeed, Captain Peter Stephen Montgomery was a character of interest in and of himself but his associations proved even more so considering the authoritative positions they held during WWII and the subsequent Cold War. However, before we expand on Weeks’s own research into Capt. Montgomery, we have reason to first consider Shaw’s lover, Michael Duff. Born in 1907 at Vaynol Park, Anglesey, one of the most picturesque manors in Wales, Sir Michael was the son of the 2nd Baronet Duff and his wife Juliet Lowther, the daughter of the 4th Earl of Lonsdale. Duff’s godmother, Mary of Teck was married to King George V, the grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II. Duff was also was deeply rooted in the history of Wales and Ireland thru a maternal grandmother who was a direct descendant of Richard deClare, the Anglo-Norman invader known as Strongbow. Strongbow’s daughter married William Marshall, an equal of her father’s on the battlefield, and it is thru this marriage that the title Earl of Pembroke was created by King Stephen of England in the 12th century. Since 1605, the Earls of Pembroke from whom Sir Michael descended have also held the title of the Earls of Montgomery. This particular period in the history of Ireland provides a road map to contemporary Kennedy-Fitzgerald dynasties from which John Fitzgerald Kennedy descended, a study which is for another time, another investigation; but suffice to say that volumes have been written related to the significance of Strongbow and his lineage in the evolution of what became the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. For our purpose it is important to emphasize that Michael Duff could claim relationships to much of the nobility of Europe and was no doubt very well informed of the history and subsequent British colonization of Ireland, India, New South Wales, the Caribbean, and the ‘New World.’ Aristocrat Michael Duff Assheton-Smith as he was known initially married first the Hon. Millicent Joan Marjoribanks whose grandfather, the Scottish Baron Tweedmouth and grandmother who was the aunt of Winston Churchill financed the purchase and development of the Rocking Chair Ranch in Collingsworth Co. in northeastern Texas Panhandle in the late 1800’s during a period when Scottish and English bankers saw the potential for investments in cattle grazing across the Panhandle and Staked Plains. Millicent’s relatives, the Lord and Lady Aberdeen (Aberdeen being a shire in Scotland famous for its hearty Aberdeen-Angus cattle) are recorded as having visited the windswept 150,000 acre ranch, one of several enormous ranches in the area, all of which benefited from financing by Scottish and British banks. We pause to remind the readers of the presence of John A. “Jack” Crichton in the Texas Panhandle in the late 1950s and early ’60s where the headquarters of his Dorchester Gas were located at the time he was employed by Empire Trust – a private investment firm with deep English and Scottish roots and significant investments in the Panhandle via the Texas Land and Development Co. whose president was Minor Cooper Keith of United Fruit. Assassination researchers have pursued Jack Crichton’s genealogy for decades to no avail; perhaps a faint hum can be heard in the remainder of this analysis. While it is most likely that Michael Duff was able to introduce Clay Shaw (whom he had met in London while Shaw was stationed there during the war) to Prime Minister Winston Churchill through his marriage into the Marjoribanks nobility, Duff’s own family history and that of his second wife would have opened as many more doors into British society which he chose to share with his lover Duff’s marriage to Millicent Marjoribanks ended in annulment after one year and he did not marry again until 1949 when Lady Caroline Paget became Lady Caroline Duff. Caroline was the eldest daughter of another British peer, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Henry Alexander Paget, 6th Marquess of Anglesey and Lady Marjory Manners, daughter of the 8th Duke of Rutland. The name Paget will surface again in this critique. For context of the relationship between Sir Michael - who apparently spent his life in the pursuit of worldly pleasures rather than active participation in the military, agriculture, banking or other commercial endeavors - and Clay Shaw, it should be noted that both Duff and Caroline Paget Duff were known bisexuals. Michael’s sister, Veronica Duff, married a grandson of British politician, chemist and powerful industrialist Sir Charles Clow Tennant whose involvement with Nobel Explosives and United Alkali company which was enveloped in the 1920s with the mega global conglomerate Imperial Chemicals are sufficient evidence of not only his wealth but the influence had on Britain’s very own military-industrial complex. The entanglement of centuries old intermarriages in the United Kingdom is well exemplified in the Tennant family. Sir Charles Clow, Sr. bore 17 children from two marriages, four of whom were born after he turned 76; only an expert genealogist can chart the precise chain of command but suffice to say that Tennant and those who inherited his name and the wealth derived from conglomerates that fed a war machine for decades prove intriguing. Among them was John Edward Tennant, a young pilot who advanced to Wing Commander at the outset of WWII who married Veronica, the sister of Clay Shaw’s lover, Michael Duff. Another grandson of Sir Charles was Sir Christopher Colin Paget Tennant, the 3rd Baron of Glenconner, a highly colorful aristocrat of extreme interest to our story. Again, a skilled genealogist would recognize precisely how closely related were Sir Caroline Paget Duff and Sir Colin Paget Tennant who would have been closely related to Sir Michael Duff thru the marriage of his sister Veronica to John Edward Tennant, but we know from the social escapades of Sir Colin Tennant and Sir Michael Duff that they were acquainted, if not very well acquainted. Early in his life, Sir Colin fell head over heels for Princess Margaret, the sister of Queen Elizabeth II, both of whom were granddaughters of King George V whose wife Mary of Teck stood as Michael Duff’s godmother; but as shared in his memoirs, Sir Colin suspected the princess ‘wouldn’t have me.’ Clearly that did not inhibit his seduction of her when he gifted her Les Jolies Eaux , an exquisite villa situated on ten acres of the island of Mustique in the Grenadines. Tennant had created a playground for the rich and famous on the island where riotous partying is legendary and no doubt Princess Margaret proved a delightful magnet. The story continues: Colin Tennant eventually chose a somewhat traditional marriage to Lady Anne Coke, the daughter of the 5th Earl of Leicester, who had been one of Queen Elizabeth’s Maids of Honor at her coronation along with Lady Moyra Kathleen Hamilton, the daughter of the 4th Duke of Abercorn and Lady Crichton of Crom Castle. Lady Kathleen would soon assume the role of Mistress of the Robes to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother in 1964. Sir Colin and Lady Anne selected a relatively well-known professional photographer of his day, Tony Armstrong-Jones to capture their nuptials, and according to legend it was at that wedding that Armstrong-Jones (the future Lord Snowden) met his soon to be wife, Princess Margaret. The godfather of Tony Armstrong-Jones was Sir Michael Duff; considering that deep bond, and Duff’s lineage and relations with the Paget-Tennant families we can safely presume that Sir Michael - a great love of Clay Shaw – was at the wedding at that he knew Sir Colin Tennant (if not Lady Anne or Princess Margaret) on a first name basis at the very least. * * * One might ask why this matters. Later in the decade, according to legend, Colin Tennant made an offhanded remark to the president of international real estate brokerage Previews, Inc. that he needed the firm to move quickly on the promotion of the island of Mustique that Tennant had decided to sell. John Colquhoun Tysen, the president of Previews, Inc. when Otto Skorzeny’s wife Ilse was no doubt using the company as a vehicle for travel, introduction and cover, agreed to help Tennant, and in the process convinced him to purchase 80% of Previews. Such a transaction could not have been made frivolously let alone without agenda. Allegedly Tysen and Tennant’s introduction came about when Tennant had developed the island; however, as we shall see, there is a possibility that their introductions were made earlier and based more on familial relationship than a casual commercial opportunity. Sir Iain Colquhoun, 7th Baronet of one of the oldest Scottish seats of nobility married another grandchild of Sir Charles Clow Tennant (1st Baronet), Geraldine Dinah Tennant which means that Colquhoun and Colin Tennant and Michael Duff were related through marriage. Whether or not Sir Colquhoun is a direct ancestor of John Colquhoun Tysen (who was obviously so proud of the surname Colquhoun that he named his daughter Anne Colquhoun Tysen) has not been established but the circles the two families traveled in suggest that Tysen may have known Sir Colin before the sale of Previews. According to Tysen, he was also descended from the Dutch settlers of Staten Island and that his father was posted in Paris with the Morgan bank dynasty at the time of his birth. It should be noted that Sir Ian Colquhoun, who died in 1948, was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland; it does not get any higher in Freemasonry than that. His antecedent, J. C. Colquhoun, Esq. of Killermont penned the highly inflammatory “Ireland—Popery and Priestcraft, the cause of her misery and crime.” Published under the superintendence of the Glasgow Protestant Association. Sir Ian was succeeded as Grand Master of Scotland by the Duke of York who would ascend to the throne of England as King George VI. George VI’s Lord in Waiting included the 6th Earl of Erne, John Henry George Crichton who was related thru his aunt Kathleen (Crichton) Hamilton to the 4th Duke of Abercorn. The significance of the Duke of Abercorn, whose grandfather, the 2nd Duke had served as the Grand Master of Ireland, will be discussed shortly in relation not only to Captain Peter Montgomery but events in Texas. In order to grasp the significance of Capt. Montgomery we must first understand the people he served. The thirteenth child of Sir Charles Tennant, Margaret “Peggy” Tennant who was born on his 76th birthday and who would be an aunt of the various Tennants thus far named, married John deVere Loder, 2nd Baron Wakehurst, who in 1937 was appointed the Governor of New South Wales King George VI. In 1952, Baron Wakehurst was appointed Governor of Northern Ireland as the representative of the British monarch in The North. Wakehurst was only the third governor of N.I. since 1922 following the official establishment of the Republic of Ireland which preserved the greater portion of the island under one independent, self-governing rule. Baron Wakehurst, Grand Prior of the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1969, and Dame Margaret - a rare title bestowed by the Order - were both enthusiastic patrons of theatre and the arts; they were also dedicated members of the English Speaking Union, an organization that included American Archibold van Beuren, chief of security for Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS and one of the original directors (and later chairman) responsible for bringing John Colquhoun Tysen on board Previews, Inc. Peter Montgomery was born in 1909 in Blessingborne, outside Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Twenty-miles down the road and across the border into County Fermanah sits the stunning Crom Castle, the seat of the Crichton family, Earls of Erne. Crom is considered one of the finest estates in Northern Ireland. Members of the Crichton family held the post of Lord Lieutenant of Fermanagh off and on for decades. In the 1960’s the title was held by Viscount Henry Crichton, the 5th Earl of Erne. As mentioned, his daughter, Kathleen married a neighbor in Co. Tyrone, James Hamilton (of the Hamiltons who descended from King James II of Scotland), the 4th Duke of Abercorn who will help us close out this analysis. Peter Montgomery joined the BBC Northern Ireland in the mid-1930’s, a position he retained thru the mid 1970s, advancing to General Advisory Council of BBC by 1963. His father, an avowed Ulster Unionist was a member of the Senate of Northern Ireland, served as Deputy Lieutenant of Tyrone, then appointed High Sheriff of Co. Fermanagh and later High Sheriff of Co. Tyrone. Peter’s second cousin was the famed Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount of Alemein, a connection that would prove fortuitous for Peter by 1945. Peter attended Trinity College, Cambridge where he encountered the love of his life for a number of years, Anthony Frederick Blunt who the reader will recognize as the “fourth man” among the Cambridge Five of the infamous Russian spy scandal in Great Britain. Blunt was also the surveyor of the King’s photos and later the Queen’s. We are reminded that James Jesus Angleton was a close friend of another of the ‘five’, Kim Philby as was Mexico City station chief Winston Scott. As Weeks’s points out, “Clay Shaw, in other words, had one stop access to Blunt, Philby and Burgess and their milieu.” Whether or not Angleton was aware of Shaw’s easy access to Montgomery, and Blunt thru Shaw’s lover Michael Duff, warrants further investigation. We do know that at the beginning of the war, Peter Montgomery joined the Intelligence Corp, rising to the rank of Captain. There is no specific indication to suggest he didn’t remain active with the BBC during this period. In 1945, he was assigned as aide-de-Camp to the Viceroy of India, Viscount Archibald Wavell who is seen in photographs conferring with Peter’s cousin, Field Marshall Montgomery during the war. It is not verified that Peter remained in the post in India after Wavell’s death in ’47; Lord Mountbatten, a close relation of the Queen as well as her husband Prince Phillip accepted the assignment as the last viceroy and served until India assumed charge of running its own government. Most readers will know that Mountbatten was killed in 1979 in a spectacular bombing incident carried out by the IRA just miles from the noxious border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, in retaliation for the violence Mountbatten had managed over the years. This incident ignited a new and perhaps the most virulent wave of violence in Ireland since 1916. But most readers would not be aware that according to his own memoirs, Otto Skorzeny - himself living in the Republic of Ireland off and on from 1957 to the mid-’60’s - studied Mountbatten’s guerrilla war tactics and considered him a master. In 1954, Capt. Montgomery was again assigned the role of aide-de-Camp; this time to the Governor of Northern Ireland, John Loder, Baron Wakehurst. We need not repeat the details of Wakehurst’s ties to Michael Duff thru the Tennant family nor his associations thru the English Speaking Union with Archibald van Beuren of Previews, Inc., or his passion for theater and the arts that could brush against Clay Shaw; but we should highlight once again that both Duff and Montgomery are named in Clay Shaw’s diary, Shaw and Duff were lovers, and Montgomery was a lover and later ‘sister’ in the parlance of the gay world of Anthony Blunt. According to Anthony Weeks, when Blunt was interrogated by the Secret Service in 1964, Montgomery feared that his name would come up and on other occasions he thought their relationship would come out and he would ‘get the chop’. On the contrary, he was appointed Vice Lieutenant of Co. Tyrone under the then 4th Duke of Abercorn, Lord Lieutenant of Tyrone. We remind the reader that Abercorn whose antecedents were Grand Masters of the Masonic Lodge of Ireland married the daughter of Viscount Crichton, the 5th Earl of Erne whose seat was 20 miles from the home of Capt. Peter Montgomery. According to the travel itinerary of former Texas Governor Allan Shivers, The Duke and Duchess of Abercorn were dining at his private home Woodlawn house, Austin, Texas, on October 31 (Halloween), 1963. It should be noted that a thorough search for any press coverage of the visit has thus far produced no evidence the Duke and Duchess were in Texas; however, there is no reason to think they did not keep their dinner date with the Shivers, which prompts the question, ‘why wouldn’t there be press coverage?’ Allan Shivers was a lifelong active and influential figure in the Freemasons of Texas, achieving the coveted 33°status. A critical date in the Lafitte datebook – October 17, with the note, JA call yest. Says high-level gathering in DC—Lancelot - cross references with Shivers’ itinerary that places him in Washington D.C. within 24 hours of that meeting. Further, according to his itinerary, an investiture for new 33° Masons was held on December 7, 1963, just two weeks after the president of the United States was assassinated in his state. Shivers also served on The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, Washington D.C., U.S. He was also a member of the highly select Knights of the Brotherhood of San Jacinto, the advanced membership of the Sons of the Republic of Texas that extended the formal invitation to President Kennedy to visit the state in November of 1963. However, according to his itinerary for the month of November and just three weeks after the dinner with James Hamilton, the Duke Abercorn and Lieutenant of Co. Tyrone - whose Vice Lieutenant was Captain Peter Montgomery named in the Shaw diary - Shivers was scheduled to travel from Austin to Houston on the 21st, and on to New York and Washington DC on the 22nd-23rd instead of remaining in Texas to participate in hosting visit of the president of the United States. For whatever reason, perhaps fate, this would place Shivers in DC when John Kennedy’s body was flown from Dallas to Bethesda. The other entries for the month included a meeting of the board of Neil Mallon’s Dresser Industries. Arguably, the details presented here can be struck off as little other than dot-connecting, yet when one absorbs the highly select milieu of British aristocrats and spies into which Clay Shaw seems to have been welcomed and trusted, it is difficult to deny that he remains an intriguing character among those Pierre Lafitte included in his records.
  11. @COPYRIGHT softcover edition Coup in Dallas CLAY SHAW, PIERRE LAFITTE, AND TWO DEGREES OF SEPARATION . . . THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1963 SOUETRE AND DAVIS IN APRIL HERE [HOTEL] -SHAW WHERE? TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1963 SPRAY-GUN 2 WILLOUGHBY-SHAW? Clay Laverne Shaw, the only individual to have been formally charged with involvement in the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, kept a social and personal diary that included some 216 names, most of whom were associated with theatre and the arts. Shaw himself was a playwright. His name appears in the datebook of Pierre Lafitte so we can assume that he was at best privy to if not an active player on some level in the lead up to the assassination. In light of that probability, the names in his personal diary hold a fascination providing possible clues to a broader understanding of a long term agenda in the plot to weaken the spread of democracy worldwide. We are greatly indebted to the exhaustive research into the names in Shaw’s diary done by Anthony Edward Weeks aka Anthony Frewin who served for decades as assistant to renowned film director Stanley Kubrick. Weeks astutely identified that Shaw’s welcome into a certain milieu of British society which included nobility closest to the Royal Family was most likely the result of his love affair with one Sir Charles Michael Robert Vivian Duff, 3rd Baronet. According to Weeks, Duff was one of only two true loves of Clay Shaw. It was also Weeks who years ago in the Calcott Memorial Issue of Lobster Magazine laid down the gauntlet to researchers concerning another name in the Shaw diary: “This enquiry had produced at least one significant name that merits further research and attention and which may help us to understand more fully the political and intelligence face of Clay Shaw: Peter Montgomery.” Weeks continued “ . . . I was disappointed to find that I was the only person driving down the highway, and doubly disappointed because I was just about to hit the off-ramp. I hope this piece prompts some other researchers to hit the road.” It did, Mr. Weeks. Indeed, Captain Peter Stephen Montgomery was a character of interest in and of himself but his associations proved even more so considering the authoritative positions they held during WWII and the subsequent Cold War. However, before we expand on Weeks’s own research into Capt. Montgomery, we have reason to first consider Shaw’s lover, Michael Duff. Born in 1907 at Vaynol Park, Anglesey, one of the most picturesque manors in Wales, Sir Michael was the son of the 2nd Baronet Duff and his wife Juliet Lowther, the daughter of the 4th Earl of Lonsdale. Duff’s godmother, Mary of Teck was married to King George V, the grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II. Duff was also was deeply rooted in the history of Wales and Ireland thru a maternal grandmother who was a direct descendant of Richard deClare, the Anglo-Norman invader known as Strongbow. Strongbow’s daughter married William Marshall, an equal of her father’s on the battlefield, and it is thru this marriage that the title Earl of Pembroke was created by King Stephen of England in the 12th century. Since 1605, the Earls of Pembroke from whom Sir Michael descended have also held the title of the Earls of Montgomery. This particular period in the history of Ireland provides a road map to contemporary Kennedy-Fitzgerald dynasties from which John Fitzgerald Kennedy descended, a study which is for another time, another investigation; but suffice to say that volumes have been written related to the significance of Strongbow and his lineage in the evolution of what became the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. For our purpose it is important to emphasize that Michael Duff could claim relationships to much of the nobility of Europe and was no doubt very well informed of the history and subsequent British colonization of Ireland, India, New South Wales, the Caribbean, and the ‘New World.’ Aristocrat Michael Duff Assheton-Smith as he was known initially married first the Hon. Millicent Joan Marjoribanks whose grandfather, the Scottish Baron Tweedmouth and grandmother who was the aunt of Winston Churchill financed the purchase and development of the Rocking Chair Ranch in Collingsworth Co. in northeastern Texas Panhandle in the late 1800’s during a period when Scottish and English bankers saw the potential for investments in cattle grazing across the Panhandle and Staked Plains. Millicent’s relatives, the Lord and Lady Aberdeen (Aberdeen being a shire in Scotland famous for its hearty Aberdeen-Angus cattle) are recorded as having visited the windswept 150,000 acre ranch, one of several enormous ranches in the area, all of which benefited from financing by Scottish and British banks. We pause to remind the readers of the presence of John A. “Jack” Crichton in the Texas Panhandle in the late 1950s and early ’60s where the headquarters of his Dorchester Gas were located at the time he was employed by Empire Trust – a private investment firm with deep English and Scottish roots and significant investments in the Panhandle via the Texas Land and Development Co. whose president was Minor Cooper Keith of United Fruit. Assassination researchers have pursued Jack Crichton’s genealogy for decades to no avail; perhaps a faint hum can be heard in the remainder of this analysis. While it is most likely that Michael Duff was able to introduce Clay Shaw (whom he had met in London while Shaw was stationed there during the war) to Prime Minister Winston Churchill through his marriage into the Marjoribanks nobility, Duff’s own family history and that of his second wife would have opened as many more doors into British society which he chose to share with his lover Duff’s marriage to Millicent Marjoribanks ended in annulment after one year and he did not marry again until 1949 when Lady Caroline Paget became Lady Caroline Duff. Caroline was the eldest daughter of another British peer, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Henry Alexander Paget, 6th Marquess of Anglesey and Lady Marjory Manners, daughter of the 8th Duke of Rutland. The name Paget will surface again in this critique. For context of the relationship between Sir Michael - who apparently spent his life in the pursuit of worldly pleasures rather than active participation in the military, agriculture, banking or other commercial endeavors - and Clay Shaw, it should be noted that both Duff and Caroline Paget Duff were known bisexuals. Michael’s sister, Veronica Duff, married a grandson of British politician, chemist and powerful industrialist Sir Charles Clow Tennant whose involvement with Nobel Explosives and United Alkali company which was enveloped in the 1920s with the mega global conglomerate Imperial Chemicals are sufficient evidence of not only his wealth but the influence had on Britain’s very own military-industrial complex. The entanglement of centuries old intermarriages in the United Kingdom is well exemplified in the Tennant family. Sir Charles Clow, Sr. bore 17 children from two marriages, four of whom were born after he turned 76; only an expert genealogist can chart the precise chain of command but suffice to say that Tennant and those who inherited his name and the wealth derived from conglomerates that fed a war machine for decades prove intriguing. Among them was John Edward Tennant, a young pilot who advanced to Wing Commander at the outset of WWII who married Veronica, the sister of Clay Shaw’s lover, Michael Duff. Another grandson of Sir Charles was Sir Christopher Colin Paget Tennant, the 3rd Baron of Glenconner, a highly colorful aristocrat of extreme interest to our story. Again, a skilled genealogist would recognize precisely how closely related were Sir Caroline Paget Duff and Sir Colin Paget Tennant who would have been closely related to Sir Michael Duff thru the marriage of his sister Veronica to John Edward Tennant, but we know from the social escapades of Sir Colin Tennant and Sir Michael Duff that they were acquainted, if not very well acquainted. Early in his life, Sir Colin fell head over heels for Princess Margaret, the sister of Queen Elizabeth II, both of whom were granddaughters of King George V whose wife Mary of Teck stood as Michael Duff’s godmother; but as shared in his memoirs, Sir Colin suspected the princess ‘wouldn’t have me.’ Clearly that did not inhibit his seduction of her when he gifted her Les Jolies Eaux , an exquisite villa situated on ten acres of the island of Mustique in the Grenadines. Tennant had created a playground for the rich and famous on the island where riotous partying is legendary and no doubt Princess Margaret proved a delightful magnet. The story continues: Colin Tennant eventually chose a somewhat traditional marriage to Lady Anne Coke, the daughter of the 5th Earl of Leicester, who had been one of Queen Elizabeth’s Maids of Honor at her coronation along with Lady Moyra Kathleen Hamilton, the daughter of the 4th Duke of Abercorn and Lady Crichton of Crom Castle. Lady Kathleen would soon assume the role of Mistress of the Robes to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother in 1964. Sir Colin and Lady Anne selected a relatively well-known professional photographer of his day, Tony Armstrong-Jones to capture their nuptials, and according to legend it was at that wedding that Armstrong-Jones (the future Lord Snowden) met his soon to be wife, Princess Margaret. The godfather of Tony Armstrong-Jones was Sir Michael Duff; considering that deep bond, and Duff’s lineage and relations with the Paget-Tennant families we can safely presume that Sir Michael - a great love of Clay Shaw – was at the wedding at that he knew Sir Colin Tennant (if not Lady Anne or Princess Margaret) on a first name basis at the very least. * * * One might ask why this matters. Later in the decade, according to legend, Colin Tennant made an offhanded remark to the president of international real estate brokerage Previews, Inc. that he needed the firm to move quickly on the promotion of the island of Mustique that Tennant had decided to sell. John Colquhoun Tysen, the president of Previews, Inc. when Otto Skorzeny’s wife Ilse was no doubt using the company as a vehicle for travel, introduction and cover, agreed to help Tennant, and in the process convinced him to purchase 80% of Previews. Such a transaction could not have been made frivolously let alone without agenda. Allegedly Tysen and Tennant’s introduction came about when Tennant had developed the island; however, as we shall see, there is a possibility that their introductions were made earlier and based more on familial relationship than a casual commercial opportunity. Sir Iain Colquhoun, 7th Baronet of one of the oldest Scottish seats of nobility married another grandchild of Sir Charles Clow Tennant (1st Baronet), Geraldine Dinah Tennant which means that Colquhoun and Colin Tennant and Michael Duff were related through marriage. Whether or not Sir Colquhoun is a direct ancestor of John Colquhoun Tysen (who was obviously so proud of the surname Colquhoun that he named his daughter Anne Colquhoun Tysen) has not been established but the circles the two families traveled in suggest that Tysen may have known Sir Colin before the sale of Previews. According to Tysen, he was also descended from the Dutch settlers of Staten Island and that his father was posted in Paris with the Morgan bank dynasty at the time of his birth. It should be noted that Sir Ian Colquhoun, who died in 1948, was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland; it does not get any higher in Freemasonry than that. His antecedent, J. C. Colquhoun, Esq. of Killermont penned the highly inflammatory “Ireland—Popery and Priestcraft, the cause of her misery and crime.” Published under the superintendence of the Glasgow Protestant Association. Sir Ian was succeeded as Grand Master of Scotland by the Duke of York who would ascend to the throne of England as King George VI. George VI’s Lord in Waiting included the 6th Earl of Erne, John Henry George Crichton who was related thru his aunt Kathleen (Crichton) Hamilton to the 4th Duke of Abercorn. The significance of the Duke of Abercorn, whose grandfather, the 2nd Duke had served as the Grand Master of Ireland, will be discussed shortly in relation not only to Captain Peter Montgomery but events in Texas. In order to grasp the significance of Capt. Montgomery we must first understand the people he served. The thirteenth child of Sir Charles Tennant, Margaret “Peggy” Tennant who was born on his 76th birthday and who would be an aunt of the various Tennants thus far named, married John deVere Loder, 2nd Baron Wakehurst, who in 1937 was appointed the Governor of New South Wales King George VI. In 1952, Baron Wakehurst was appointed Governor of Northern Ireland as the representative of the British monarch in The North. Wakehurst was only the third governor of N.I. since 1922 following the official establishment of the Republic of Ireland which preserved the greater portion of the island under one independent, self-governing rule. Baron Wakehurst, Grand Prior of the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1969, and Dame Margaret - a rare title bestowed by the Order - were both enthusiastic patrons of theatre and the arts; they were also dedicated members of the English Speaking Union, an organization that included American Archibold van Beuren, chief of security for Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS and one of the original directors (and later chairman) responsible for bringing John Colquhoun Tysen on board Previews, Inc. Peter Montgomery was born in 1909 in Blessingborne, outside Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Twenty-miles down the road and across the border into County Fermanah sits the stunning Crom Castle, the seat of the Crichton family, Earls of Erne. Crom is considered one of the finest estates in Northern Ireland. Members of the Crichton family held the post of Lord Lieutenant of Fermanagh off and on for decades. In the 1960’s the title was held by Viscount Henry Crichton, the 5th Earl of Erne. As mentioned, his daughter, Kathleen married a neighbor in Co. Tyrone, James Hamilton (of the Hamiltons who descended from King James II of Scotland), the 4th Duke of Abercorn who will help us close out this analysis. Peter Montgomery joined the BBC Northern Ireland in the mid-1930’s, a position he retained thru the mid 1970s, advancing to General Advisory Council of BBC by 1963. His father, an avowed Ulster Unionist was a member of the Senate of Northern Ireland, served as Deputy Lieutenant of Tyrone, then appointed High Sheriff of Co. Fermanagh and later High Sheriff of Co. Tyrone. Peter’s second cousin was the famed Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount of Alemein, a connection that would prove fortuitous for Peter by 1945. Peter attended Trinity College, Cambridge where he encountered the love of his life for a number of years, Anthony Frederick Blunt who the reader will recognize as the “fourth man” among the Cambridge Five of the infamous Russian spy scandal in Great Britain. Blunt was also the surveyor of the King’s photos and later the Queen’s. We are reminded that James Jesus Angleton was a close friend of another of the ‘five’, Kim Philby as was Mexico City station chief Winston Scott. As Weeks’s points out, “Clay Shaw, in other words, had one stop access to Blunt, Philby and Burgess and their milieu.” Whether or not Angleton was aware of Shaw’s easy access to Montgomery, and Blunt thru Shaw’s lover Michael Duff, warrants further investigation. We do know that at the beginning of the war, Peter Montgomery joined the Intelligence Corp, rising to the rank of Captain. There is no specific indication to suggest he didn’t remain active with the BBC during this period. In 1945, he was assigned as aide-de-Camp to the Viceroy of India, Viscount Archibald Wavell who is seen in photographs conferring with Peter’s cousin, Field Marshall Montgomery during the war. It is not verified that Peter remained in the post in India after Wavell’s death in ’47; Lord Mountbatten, a close relation of the Queen as well as her husband Prince Phillip accepted the assignment as the last viceroy and served until India assumed charge of running its own government. Most readers will know that Mountbatten was killed in 1979 in a spectacular bombing incident carried out by the IRA just miles from the noxious border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, in retaliation for the violence Mountbatten had managed over the years. This incident ignited a new and perhaps the most virulent wave of violence in Ireland since 1916. But most readers would not be aware that according to his own memoirs, Otto Skorzeny - himself living in the Republic of Ireland off and on from 1957 to the mid-’60’s - studied Mountbatten’s guerrilla war tactics and considered him a master. In 1954, Capt. Montgomery was again assigned the role of aide-de-Camp; this time to the Governor of Northern Ireland, John Loder, Baron Wakehurst. We need not repeat the details of Wakehurst’s ties to Michael Duff thru the Tennant family nor his associations thru the English Speaking Union with Archibald van Beuren of Previews, Inc., or his passion for theater and the arts that could brush against Clay Shaw; but we should highlight once again that both Duff and Montgomery are named in Clay Shaw’s diary, Shaw and Duff were lovers, and Montgomery was a lover and later ‘sister’ in the parlance of the gay world of Anthony Blunt. According to Anthony Weeks, when Blunt was interrogated by the Secret Service in 1964, Montgomery feared that his name would come up and on other occasions he thought their relationship would come out and he would ‘get the chop’. On the contrary, he was appointed Vice Lieutenant of Co. Tyrone under the then 4th Duke of Abercorn, Lord Lieutenant of Tyrone. We remind the reader that Abercorn whose antecedents were Grand Masters of the Masonic Lodge of Ireland married the daughter of Viscount Crichton, the 5th Earl of Erne whose seat was 20 miles from the home of Capt. Peter Montgomery. According to the travel itinerary of former Texas Governor Allan Shivers, The Duke and Duchess of Abercorn were dining at his private home Woodlawn house, Austin, Texas, on October 31 (Halloween), 1963. It should be noted that a thorough search for any press coverage of the visit has thus far produced no evidence the Duke and Duchess were in Texas; however, there is no reason to think they did not keep their dinner date with the Shivers, which prompts the question, ‘why wouldn’t there be press coverage?’ Allan Shivers was a lifelong active and influential figure in the Freemasons of Texas, achieving the coveted 33°status. A critical date in the Lafitte datebook – October 17, with the note, JA call yest. Says high-level gathering in DC—Lancelot - cross references with Shivers’ itinerary that places him in Washington D.C. within 24 hours of that meeting. Further, according to his itinerary, an investiture for new 33° Masons was held on December 7, 1963, just two weeks after the president of the United States was assassinated in his state. Shivers also served on The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, Washington D.C., U.S. He was also a member of the highly select Knights of the Brotherhood of San Jacinto, the advanced membership of the Sons of the Republic of Texas that extended the formal invitation to President Kennedy to visit the state in November of 1963. However, according to his itinerary for the month of November and just three weeks after the dinner with James Hamilton, the Duke Abercorn and Lieutenant of Co. Tyrone - whose Vice Lieutenant was Captain Peter Montgomery named in the Shaw diary - Shivers was scheduled to travel from Austin to Houston on the 21st, and on to New York and Washington DC on the 22nd-23rd instead of remaining in Texas to participate in hosting visit of the president of the United States. For whatever reason, perhaps fate, this would place Shivers in DC when John Kennedy’s body was flown from Dallas to Bethesda. The other entries for the month included a meeting of the board of Neil Mallon’s Dresser Industries. Arguably, the details presented here can be struck off as little other than dot-connecting, yet when one absorbs the highly select milieu of British aristocrats and spies into which Clay Shaw seems to have been welcomed and trusted, it is difficult to deny that he remains an intriguing character among those Pierre Lafitte included in his records.
  12. LS This sort of reads like an advertisement for your services?
  13. GD Forensic ink analysis of the physical object, the Lafitte datebook As I understand it, the ink on the Lafitte datebook has already been examined by a reputable forensic agency. Previously stated, repeatedly. Nobody here knows the results of that examination, except in a hearsay form reported by Leslie in 2021. LS Second hand accounts, a.k.a. hearsay are admissible in certain legal cases. The reason nobody knows those results, may be because nobody in the JFK research community has asked that agency or its examiners or the film producer who hired them. LS The documentary film company bound Hank to a non-disclosure agreement, and vice versa; after four years, and having encountered insurmountable obstacles to secure the preliminary reports from Aginsky and Thorne, with the aid of counsel I've determined that I am not technically bound to that NDA. My obligation is that which I continue to honor: my respect for Hank's efforts, his sources, my continued advancement of his/our exclusive investigation, and my personal 30-year commitment to contribute to resolution of this cold case murder investigation. The reason nobody has asked is because nobody is able to know who to ask, who they are. LS I've provided you with two names. Go for it, Greg. Let's see how far you get in persuading them to break a legally binding agreement. The copyright holders of Coup will be interested in their response. In reporting this, Leslie said she was not legally restricted from saying who the forensic examining agency was, said both the filmmaker and examining agency were free to come forward, but that she was not going to disclose their identities to JFK assassination researchers. LS I still am not going to reveal the documentary film company. If you're the researcher you claim to be, you might figure it out for yourself. Analysis of the ink is likely one of the two best opportunities or means for detection of forgery relevant to the Lafitte datebook--to find out if it was a forgery, if it was--the other being handwriting analysis. LS Sherlock. This expert ink analysis that was done--mention is made of "hours" of expertise time involved in the undertaking--was not commissioned by Albarelli or Leslie. Leslie has explained that Albarelli's position was "take it or leave it", disinterest in having any test done of the physical item to check for forgery, since Albarelli, who first saw the item post-2000, had determined that he knew it was genuine from 1963 and everyone else should take his word for it, "take it or leave it", without forensic examination. LS That's right. Hank had first hand experience with "the community." He did not suffer fools. It was a UK film company, arranged by Albarelli to do a film featuring the sensational Lafitte datebook, which obtained the ink analysis. This ink analysis which the film company had done, information which presently exists of forensic examination already carried out, remains secret and forbidden knowledge to the JFK assassination researchers, remains undisclosed somewhere in England, with the filmmaker free to disclose it, if it were possible to ask. LS Who said it was a UK company, Greg? Show me where it says "Albarelli arranged to do a film . . . "? You would twist words publicly? "secret and forbidden knowledge" "Remains somewhere in England?" Huh? That's weird. I'm looking at it in New Mexico. "with the filmmaker free to" .. what... Greg? LS I'm relieved you're revealing your ignorance of the facts. This may illuminate to your followers a unique approach to research. The hearsay of the findings of that ink analysis suggested a finding of anomalies in the ink used in the handwriting of the Lafitte datebook that could not be matched to standard inventories of known inks from 1963. In the case of those anomalies, according to the hearsay, the expert said the ink of the datebook's writing could have come from some other part of the world not in the expert's known ink types inventory/databases for 1963. Or, well, (beginning to write like Pat Speer here) maybe the ink used by the writer wasn't from 1963, and was from a later date. Maybe that's the reason the ink of the 1963 Lafitte datebook could not be matched by the analyst to any of the known inks for 1963, LS So, let me get this right: ink that was available in 1963, wasn't available later? Is that what you're saying? It is not possible to understand with further clarity the expert interpretation of those anomalies which could not be matched to known 1963 ink type inventories, because it is not known who to ask. LS I've provided you with a name, Greg. Go for it. There also was forensic analysis at the same time looking at the handwriting. According to the hearsay report, the handwriting analysis found that the handwritten entries of the Lafitte datebook "were all made by one and the same individual within a constricted timeframe". Now that last detail, that the writing of all entries of twelve months of calendar were all done "within a constricted time frame", could be a detail of interest meriting closer inquiry. The general principle is authentic writing of calendars and appointment books and ledgers show varied kinds of writing indicating writing at different times over a span of time. But in forgeries, all a calendar year's date entries might be written at one or two or three goes over only a few days' time, or in some cases even in a single sitting. Most forgers, aware of this, will attempt to disguise that by intentionally trying to show variety, but such attempts are not necessarily successful. Skilled examiners can often spot the difference between real and fake on this point. I understand that IRS criminal investigators deal with this issue all the time with enterprising taxpayers' attempted retroactive fraudulent creation of expense books and calendars and ledgers--first thing they look at is do all the entries look the same and written by the same pen. That principle. LS And here you present your expertise in forgeries: If A forged a document, and C forged a document, then surely B forged a document. Therefore an expert finding concerning the Lafitte datebook, told in hearsay form to have found that all the writing on the datebook was done "within a constricted timeframe"--what does that mean? Was that expert suggesting possible indication of forgery with that language? Or not? LS Second hand knowledge is sometimes rejected as hearsay in court: but if you're following the Trump indictments, "hearsay" is admissible in certain court cases. I have second hand knowledge of the examination done in London. "Take it or Leave it." It is not possible to know more specifically, because the examiners and their findings are not available to ask. LS Go for it. It is not possible for anyone to ask because no JFK assassination researcher knows whom to ask, except Leslie, and Leslie has not seen fit to disclose. LS That is now an inaccurate statement. Please retract.
  14. Jeremy, what is your evidence that I haven't "gotten things moving"? Why do some on this forum regard themselves as competent researchers, rising to the highest standards, yet fail to execute a simple review of the trajectory of and the impediments to final authentication?
  15. Andrej, I will respond forthwith in one fell swoop, I promise. Yesterday's tech issues compelled me to answer in that fashion. If only we could walk in one another's shoes for just one hour.
  16. May some empathy and compassion go some way to healing the wounds of division and bring better understanding of our common purpose. Beautifully stated. I too trust this burnishing is leading to resolution and reconciliation, perhaps on a scale we don't fully understand; at least that's what Hank and I hoped.
  17. Tell me again why you reviewed Coup, without reading it, based on the datebook and the coauthor's independent statement, while ignoring Hank's own introductory remarks related to its provenance and authenticity, when you know nothing about the authentication process? I'll make another trade: revise your reviews and comments to include an opening caveat with each one that says: I am not an expert in document analysis, nor am I an expert in the Kennedy assassination investigation. That would be a giant leap toward that "professionalism" you expect in others. and use the powers at your disposal to aggressively pursue ink and paper analysis and handwriting examination? And you're suggesting I haven't? Oh the hubris. Do a bit of googling for Aginsky and Thorne.
  18. Extreme projection, not dissimilar to your projecting the personality traits of Herbert W. Armstrong in an effort to resolve some deep seeded psychological damage. Let Lafitte be the conman that he was, and deliberate the cold case investigation with us, without working through your personal issues.
  19. I am not expert in ink and paper analysis or modern handwriting examination. On radiocarbon dating I have some knowledge and publications. @Greg Doudna Add to that, Greg Doudna is clearly not an expert in Kennedy assassination research: he focused on a couple of key characters in the past few years, and apparently — based on an academic credential —he has been "taken seriously" and welcomed into "the fold." There are so many holes in his Walker research it is embarrassing. His emotional attachment to Ruth Paine's reputation is curious at best. Greg is not qualified to analyze the datebook, the information contained therein, nor is he informed enough to assess the material gathered during Hank's investigation. I believe "we as a community" should insist that he cease the deflection from this objective approach to solving the cold case murder investigation.
  20. So, you've spent the past week or so, and another few weeks in early 2022, lobbing accusations that the datebook is fraudulent when you actually know nothing about ink and paper analysis or handwriting examination? Do I have that right?
  21. Correct me if I've misunderstood: you present as an expert in carbon dating, ink and paper analysis, handwriting examination, do you not?
  22. this doesn't describe the incident I'm referring to, but it's provides interesting backstory in light of the focus on the Birch Society in Coup. (fwiw, I see no resemblance other bone structure; features do not resemble, at least to my eye.) MASEN also advised him that "Minutemen" and JohnBirchers in the Dallas area had contacted him for the purpose ofbuying ammunition. MASEN never mentioned the names or locations ofthese individuals. MASEN never advised SNOGA that he was himself amember of a John Birch Society or "Minutemen." It was SNOGA'simpression that MASEN was not a member of either of theseorganizations, if, in fact, he was in contact with them. Thisimpression was based primarily on the fact that MASEN was moreinterested in money than in political beliefs. https://alt.assassination.jfk.narkive.com/sO6Pp0YG/frank-ellsworth-s-informant-on-john-masen
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