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Greg Parker

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Everything posted by Greg Parker

  1. Ah... so it's okay for him to lie to the media all of a sudden? Your double standards would embarrass a lesser mortal! If you take multiple statements made by the same witness to the same event, you'll likely find some minor differences in how they tell their story with each re-telling. Your inability to account for this reality would embarrass any reasonable and fair-minded mortal. But, let's face it, your mind has been made up on this thing for years. You're going to toss Roy Truly under the bus no matter what. And to hell with common-sense inquiries like this one that I offered up earlier today: If the whole Baker/Truly "encounter" was nothing but a lie in the first place, then why in hell didn't the Twins Of Deception (Baker and Truly) make their lie a much better one by saying they had encountered Oswald on the SIXTH FLOOR? Um, David how dumb to want to play this? Minor differences would be say, describing someone as wearing a beige shirt in one statement and a beige jacket in another. In various statements, Truly and Baker between them had Oswald walking away from the stairway, sitting in the lunchroom, leaning on the table, and standing beside the coke dispenser. Those are not "minor: differences" no matter how much you squeal and squirm about it. But you do have something right. Roy Truly is going under the bus. No "if's" no "buts".
  2. Yep, What's more, they tested 10 different methods of getting Oswald from the sniper's nest and out the front door - with only 5 of those including a 2nd floor lunchroom pit-stop. Why would that be when the 2nd floor encounter had already long been stitched up as a done deal? Maybe they were rehearsing scenes for a proposed fictional movie?
  3. I thought they were subpoenaed to bring in "assassination 'documents" and questioned about other potential material they may know about? If they were grilled about anything else, I think you can put it down to Turnheim losing control of the ARRB to the machinations of the Lifton-Horne conspiracy. Fact is, the ARRB very specifically had no mandate to investigate anything other than the provenance of documents and media related to the assassination. There was no wiggle room there and any slide into such questioning should have invoked some sort of sanction. In fact, have just checked Horne's bio here: Lifton's unseen hand. Hume's deposition (and the reason he was a subject of interest to ARRB) may be seen here: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/humesa.htm "Seated next to me is Douglas Horne, who works with me on medical evidence in the case." So Horne assisted with ALL medical evidence in he case - despite that having nothing to do with what he was hired for, In my opinion, Lifton had a hand in making that happen for the sole purpose of having his theories given an aura of official approval by a government body not authorized to do so.
  4. Ah... so it's okay for him to lie to the media all of a sudden? Your double standards would embarrass a lesser mortal!
  5. G'day Richard. Glad to see you accepted Rob's invitation which seems to have gotten you out of your premature retirement. I was happy to pass on your contact details to Rob He provides a very good platform. Do yourself a favor though. Drop the sword in the ground shtick. Here you are provoking an argument with me whilst simultaneously claiming I can't be reasoned with... which makes you sound like a masochist. I mean, I don't know of any "normal" person who goes around picking arguments with people who are beyond reason. Or maybe it's just my lack of education and I'm missing something? Whatever, apart from this venture into absurdist theatrics, good to see you back. Loosen the tin-foil hat a bit maybe, and you'll be fine. Hope you had a have a great Christmas. Hate to rub it in, but I'm way ahead with that as well!
  6. "I rushed into the building with a policeman. He thought the shooting came from the roof, and we ran up the stairway. On the second floor he stuck his head into a snack bar we have, and saw Oswald sitting at one of the tables. "Does this man work here?"the policeman asked. I said,"Yes he does". We continued up the stairs. That was when Oswald left the building." .US New and World Report, Dec 8, 1963 Egads! According you, DVP, Truly LIED to the national media!!!!
  7. I thought they were subpoenaed to bring in "assassination 'documents" and questioned about other potential material they may know about? If they were grilled about anything else, I think you can put it down to Turnheim losing control of the ARRB to the machinations of the Lifton-Horne conspiracy. Fact is, the ARRB very specifically had no mandate to investigate anything other than the provenance of documents and media related to the assassination. There was no wiggle room there and any slide into such questioning should have invoked some sort of sanction. In fact, have just checked Horne's bio here: Lifton's unseen hand.
  8. Btw, David... this is an appeal to incredulity. A logical fallacy - which is one of many logical fallacies you employ, but quite obviously one of your favorites.
  9. Wow! Who knew it was against the law to lie on NATIONAL television? Round every politician in the US and lock 'em up!
  10. Aerial Reconnaissance Developments Leading to the U-2 Fighter-Conveyance (FICON) Program: At the same time GENETRIX was being developed, the USAF explored a concept by which the high-speed of a jet fighter could be combined with the long-range of a bomber to create a dual reconnaissance platform. Originally, the Fighter-Conveyance (FICON) Program was based on the lessons of the Korean War (where our slower bomber-type reconnaissance aircraft were too susceptible to Soviet fighters). It would be adapted to fit the requirements of long-range strategic reconnaissance in the far northern and eastern reaches of the USSR. http://www.rb-29.net/html/77ColdWarStory/04.01auaun.htm This is the program Sylvia Hoke was working on as a recruitment psychologist for the CIA. It was a program that preceded the U2. http://educationforu...=21911&p=321185 So... Sylvia was working on recruitment for a reconnaissance program targeting an area taking in Belarus and it's capital, Minsk during the years 1954 to 1956 inclusive. During this same time-frame, Oswald joined the CAP which had a secret "anti-subversion" program which including teaching recruits the Russian language and culture and in which it sought the imprimatur of both the FBI and CIA. There would be no need for the latter if this was to be strictly a "home turf" program. After joining the CAP, Oswald begins memorizing the Marine manual and Marxist philosophy, In 1956, he joins the Marines. In 1959, a flight attendant named Rosaleen Quin flies across the country to date both Oswald and Oswald's superior, John Donovan. It is now known that Pan Am flight attendants were targeted by the CIA for clandestine work behind the Iron Curtain. Ms. Quin had been learning Russian through Berlitz. Donovan himself had also received training in "foreign service" through the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. Then of course, there was Oswald himself, about to "defect" behind the Iron Curtain.... and end up in Minsk... an area of special interest in the reconnaissance programs that Hoke had worked on. Quin, Oswald, Donovan.... a "foreign service" ménage à trois ---------------- Hate to break it to you all, but this case is solvable, As will be seen.
  11. It was a joke, Curtis. But it is still a fact that there is an eerie similarity between the non-required, non requested history of your metamorphosis and numerous others I have read over the years. In fact, being non-required and non-requested is another similarity with those others in itself. It's just an observation, Curtis. One based on... well.... fact. Others can make of it what they will. All I will say is that the points of commonality with those others is quite uncanny. What did you do in the navy, Curtis? Just curious... Nice subtle smear job, Greg. (I just linked your new 2-volume book to my FB page today, and wrote, "Greg Parker is an excellent researcher." Pretty devious of me, eh?) --Tommy, the Droll Subtle? Smear Job? Could all be coincidental, Tommy. That however does nothing to alter the facts of that very similarity. I've already given one example. Here's another: "In around 2000-2001, my thinking on conspiracy theories changed dramatically. Every time I subjected a claim to logical scrutiny, it fell apart. I read the entire Warren Commission report. " http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/blog/93/jfk-100-days-of-debunking-on-twitter-an-analysis-of-jfk-conspiracies/ There is no truth at all to the rumor that if you name the Devil, he disappears. Thanks for the plug! Greg, I know, because he's in the details. Out , out damned ... Not being familiar with the details you enumerated, I was referring more to your inquiry about what he had done in the Navy. --Tommy, the Serious, the Dramatic He looks like he was a cook or a clerk to me. Something starting with "c" anyway. But I withdraw the question if it seems out of line. Later, and after the internet became a staple of our lives (sometime around 2000-01, maybe?), and it [The Warren Commission Report] was readily available, I still felt a pang of honest hesitation in reading it. For reasons unknown at the time, but which become clearer with the dual benefit of both age and hindsight, I now know that I put it off for so long, simply because I was afraid of what I might find, and worse, that it would all make sense, and that my own intellectual honesty would force me to sacrifice even the last vestiges of any possibility of my conspiratorial beliefs. Chris Berkley - converted circa 2000 after reading the WCR In 2000, I got the Internet and downloaded the Warren Report. After reading the narrative and a good chunk of the Appendices, including witness testimonies, my response was Holy XXXX! They investigated the XXXX out of this thing! Okay. Theres way more to this than CT bullXXXX .Garry Rodgers converted circa 2000 after reading the WCR "In around 2000-2001, my thinking on conspiracy theories changed dramatically. Every time I subjected a claim to logical scrutiny, it fell apart. I read the entire Warren Commission report. " "Muertos" converted circa 2000 after reading the WCR IIRC, it was around 2000 that a guy named David Reitzes saw the light, as well. 2000 was a good year for the Empire, apparently.
  12. It was a joke, Curtis. But it is still a fact that there is an eerie similarity between the non-required, non requested history of your metamorphosis and numerous others I have read over the years. In fact, being non-required and non-requested is another similarity with those others in itself. It's just an observation, Curtis. One based on... well.... fact. Others can make of it what they will. All I will say is that the points of commonality with those others is quite uncanny. What did you do in the navy, Curtis? Just curious... Nice subtle smear job, Greg. (I just linked your new 2-volume book to my FB page today, and wrote, "Greg Parker is an excellent researcher." Pretty devious of me, eh?) --Tommy, the Droll Subtle? Smear Job? Could all be coincidental, Tommy. That however does nothing to alter the facts of that very similarity. I've already given one example. Here's another: "In around 2000-2001, my thinking on conspiracy theories changed dramatically. Every time I subjected a claim to logical scrutiny, it fell apart. I read the entire Warren Commission report. " http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/blog/93/jfk-100-days-of-debunking-on-twitter-an-analysis-of-jfk-conspiracies/ There is no truth at all to the rumor that if you name the Devil, he disappears. Thanks for the plug!
  13. I'm glad you clarified, Greg, that it was Carol Hewett's balderdash, and not mine. OK, now, you wonder if that's all Carol Hewett got wrong. I've gone over her material with a fine-toothed comb, and I can assure you that there is more to come. Regards, --Paul Trejo Will it be as good as this "reportage"?
  14. Well, Ernie, that wasn't my point. My point was that Carol Hewett in Probe Magazine openly called for Ruth Paine to testify before the ARRB. It might be a ludicrous idea, but it isn't my idea, it's Carol Hewett's idea. I pointed out that she said this, and then Greg Parker called my statement "balderdash." Well, I then proved that my statement is true and correct -- Carol Hewett certainly said that. Carol's demand might be balderdash, but not my reporting of what she said. Regards, --Paul Trejo Here is what what you said: In this case, it appears that Carol Hewett was hired to review the WC and Garrison testimony of Ruth Paine in order to construct a case to prosecute Ruth Paine -- perhaps in order to convince the ARRB to call Ruth Paine again to the witness stand. Here is what I replied: Absolute balderdash. The ARRB was prohibited from investigating possible conspirators. It's sole job was to identify and obtain JFK assassination records. You did NOT specify what Hewett said. You indicated that you thought she was hired to construct a prosecution case against Ruth Paine and then piled on further speculation that it had the aim of trying to convince the ARRB to get her on the witness stand. Where do I start with a worm on a hook?You NEVER POINTED OUT that she said anything in particular. That is a falsehood, pure and simple. Your "reporting" was just you "supposing" lots of stuff. You obviously had no idea that what Hewitt said was in error UNTIL I POINTED IT OUT TO YOU - otherwise it was rather slipshod of you NOT to address that error in your original post
  15. Absolute balderdash. The ARRB was prohibited from investigating possible conspirators. It's sole job was to identify and obtain JFK assassination records. Ordinarily, Greg, I like your posts -- but when it comes to Probe Magazine you evidently haven't read much from it -- otherwise you would have known about the countless times that Probe Magazine referred to ARRB from 1993 to 2000. Also, at the conclusion of Carol Hewett's article, The Paines Know – Lurking in the Shadows of the Walker Shooting, she says the following: The Walker shooting is but another example of the many reasons why the Paines may have had a closer relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald than they will admit – and a closer relationship with the DeMohrenschildts as well. It is imperative that they be forced to testify before the Review Board on this matter... (Carol Hewett, Esq., Probe, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-February-April, 1998) Notice how Carol Hewett specifically advised that Ruth Paine testify before the ARRB -- despite your claim that this is "balderdash." Unlike some here, Greg, I research almost every sentence I write. So, please be advised. Regards, --Paul Trejo It was balderdash then and it's balderdash now. The ARRB had no investigative mandate and therefore could not force anyone to testify about past relationships. If that is all Ms Hewett got wrong, you really haven't got much to complain about.
  16. It was a joke, Curtis. But it is still a fact that there is an eerie similarity between the non-required, non requested history of your metamorphosis and numerous others I have read over the years. In fact, being non-required and non-requested is another similarity with those others in itself. It's just an observation, Curtis. One based on... well.... fact. Others can make of it what they will. All I will say is that the points of commonality with those others is quite uncanny. What did you do in the navy, Curtis? Just curious...
  17. From John Pic's testimony: so from about somewhere between September of 1952 and January 1953, my brother Robert came to New York on leave, and we were all invited up to the Bronx. Robert got lots of things wrong. This was just one of them. Whilst I may have got it wrong about the 54 vs 64 inches through not having a good copy of the document, you have several things wrong which you continue to fail to own up to. I will ensure if I did have this wrong, it will be corrected in any future editions of my book. It doesn't really matter because... the Marines give 10 days leave after basic training. Robert went to boot camp in July 1952. This fits with Pic's assertion that Robert came to visit sometime between September, 1952 and January, 1953. Based on a July start date for Boot Camp, Robert could have visited as early as the end of September that year. http://recruitparents.com/bootcamp/10day.asp That means the zoo photo was taken almost a whole year before you claim it was. As for the days absence covering Youth House... as I have told you before, PS 44 shows 15 full days absence. You posted it. You should be able to see it. Fits in fact, like a glove. Then of course, we have your failure to take ownership of your completely wrong assumptions about the Beauregard records. The Two Oswald theory is a creature of voodoo accounting, not evidence.
  18. Curtis is always going to answer the question not asked if the questioned asked has any relevance or importance.
  19. Curtis' voluntarily shared epiphany http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21956 " Later, and after the internet became a staple of our lives (sometime around 2000-01, maybe?), and it [the Warren Report] was readily available, I still felt a pang of honest hesitation in reading it. For reasons unknown at the time, but which become clearer with the dual benefit of both age and hindsight, I now know that I put it off for so long, simply because I was afraid of what I might find, and worse, that it would all make sense, and that my own intellectual honesty would force me to sacrifice even the last vestiges of any possibility of my conspiratorial beliefs." Curtis Berkley A former Mountie shares his moment of conversion while selling his aptly named book, "The JFK Assassination for Dummies" http://dyingwords.net/jfk-assassination-dummies/#sthash.DJ5fTTZn.dpbs In 2000, I got the Internet and downloaded the Warren Report. After reading the narrative and a good chunk of the Appendices, including witness testimonies, my response was Holy XXXX! They investigated the XXXX out of this thing! Okay. Theres way more to this than CT bullXXXX .Garry Rodgers Go ahead and explain how these guys are channeling each other. But ya gotta love how everything is flipped. The internet is supposed to have caused the explosion in conspiracy theories - but not for these two - no sireee, for these two it was a chance to read the Warren Report and shed their CT skins! and Hallelujah, Brother, they're gonna spread the word! I can understand how some would dogmatically cling to any theory, however thoroughly disproven. I try not to do the same, but respect that others may. As to the WC, I think that if most people actually read it, or Bugliosi's Reclaiming History, they'd find any suggestion of a conspiracy to be laughably misguided. And I happen to agree with you on the WC. But then when you read and review the evidence they used, the "laughably misguided" become those who fail to read all of that material and base their decision on the report alone. It's kind of like raw intelligence on whether a particular country has stockpiles of WMD -- as opposed to what was actually reported to the people. No doubt you never bothered checking any sources in all of those CT books you read when you were a "true believer" either. It appears that the real 2,000 (millennium) bug was that that those whose computers were affected, were hypnotically programmed to read the WC and swallow every word. Nothing to see here, folks. Chris is just your run-of-mill-logic-free "convert" who felt compelled to open his account here with the full "I Was once a CT just like YOU until I saw the light" spiel which is from a template for similar spiels you can read in numerous places on the web under numerous names.
  20. Absolute balderdash. The ARRB was prohibited from investigating possible conspirators. It's sole job was to identify and obtain JFK assassination records.
  21. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21911&p=321185
  22. from vol 2 Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke It has long been known that Ruth Paine’s older sister, Sylvia Hoke, had worked as a psychologist for the CIA under cover of civilian employment by the US Air Force. It has even been known that Hoke was employed as a Personnel Research Technician in the Placement and Employee Relations Division under the Director of Civilian Personnel. The CIA cover employment seems to have commenced in 1954 and continued on through at least 1956. What is revealed for the first time here is that this assignment brought Hoke to George Washington University working with dedicated teams within HumRRO on the FICON Project. Excerpt from HumRRO Bibliography of publications showing that Hoke worked on the FICON project Sigmund Diamond, in his opus, Compromised Campus: The Collaboration of Universities with the Intelligence Community, 1945-55, tells us that HumRRO “functioned as a kind of holding company for several government intelligence and military agencies and engaged in its own research in a number of locations throughout the country, including Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, Michigan, Chicago and others…” This explains both the FICON research and Hoke’s presence under Air Force cover in what was ostensibly an Army research facility. What we see here ultimately is proof that Hoke worked on the precursor program to U2, specifically with regard to selecting and training electronics maintenance personnel just prior to Oswald’s USMC recruitment and training in aviation electronics and placement at a U2 base in Japan. End of book excerpt ------------------- FICON is shown to be a direct descendant of the U2 program here http://www.rb-29.net/html/77ColdWarStory/04.01auaun.htm ---------------. Volume One is the only book to crack the Gaitain assassination, give the spooky background to Youth House and reveal new information about Edward Ekdahl Volume Two is the only book to not just guess about Sylvia Hoke. It is the only book that gives any sort of concrete evidence for a false defector program. & Volume Three will be the only book not to just guess about who was behind the ambush. Volumes one and two out now as a combined paperback http://www.amazon.com/Harvey-Oswalds-Cold-Assassination-Reinvestigated/dp/099244604X/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
  23. Curtis' voluntarily shared epiphany http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21956 " Later, and after the internet became a staple of our lives (sometime around 2000-01, maybe?), and it [the Warren Report] was readily available, I still felt a pang of honest hesitation in reading it. For reasons unknown at the time, but which become clearer with the dual benefit of both age and hindsight, I now know that I put it off for so long, simply because I was afraid of what I might find, and worse, that it would all make sense, and that my own intellectual honesty would force me to sacrifice even the last vestiges of any possibility of my conspiratorial beliefs." Curtis Berkley A former Mountie shares his moment of conversion while selling his aptly named book, "The JFK Assassination for Dummies" http://dyingwords.net/jfk-assassination-dummies/#sthash.DJ5fTTZn.dpbs In 2000, I got the Internet and downloaded the Warren Report. After reading the narrative and a good chunk of the Appendices, including witness testimonies, my response was Holy XXXX! They investigated the XXXX out of this thing! Okay. There’s way more to this than CT bullXXXX .Garry Rodgers Go ahead and explain how these guys are channeling each other. But ya gotta love how everything is flipped. The internet is supposed to have caused the explosion in conspiracy theories - but not for these two - no sireee, for these two it was a chance to read the Warren Report and shed their CT skins! and Hallelujah, Brother, they're gonna spread the word!
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