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Nico Zijlstra

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Posts posted by Nico Zijlstra

  1. In a programme for the Dutch Open University I've been asked to describe the ways I use evaluations of teeaching projects using ICT.

    I sometimes use my own forum to get information from my students.

    If you've tried other means in evaluating your teaching using ICT, please answer in the thread below! :rolleyes:

    Thanks, Nico

  2. Hi guys, I've been asked to identify/translate a ?dutch german badge/medallion ?dutch nazi medal with a wolftrap symbol on the front over the traditional swastika. The wording on the front is as follows :- LOTSVERBONDENHEID.10.14.MEI 1940

    and on the back is the following inscription:- DIETSCHERS EN DUITSCHERS




    I can provide photographs of this if it helps. Can't find it in German insignia books, but think it issued by Germans to Dutch Nazi party, after invasion of May 1940.

    Would love to know the history behind this if anyone can help.

    The badge is Dutch.

    The wolfstrap symbol is a a symbol used by the NSB, the Dutch Nazi Party led by A. Mussert.

    You might find the symbol here: http://www.atlasgeo.net/fotw/flags/qt-z_sym.html#88

    The text commemorates the German invasion in the Netherlands on May 10th -14th 1940.


    DUTCH AND GERMANS (Dietschers=poetic old fashioned word for the Dutch, here it is obviously used to match the word 'Duitschers', the normal word for Germans)


    UNIFIED IN DANGER (in gevaar?) (please send me a clear photograph)


  3. Ed Waller has suggested that the people who are going from Heathrow should meet up before hand. I should be there by around 8.30. Where do you want to meet?

    There's a caffe nero and costa 'after security'... My coach is meant to arrive about 8.30... and I might be in serious need of a coffee after 2 hours with national express...

    Ed W

    And I'll pick you up at 13:00 in Düsseldorf (minibus!). Hopefully there is no snow or sleat....

  4. Interested in Moodle? I might arrange a presentation of Moodle in Sintermeerten.

    Moodle does need to be part of the course as it is increasingly the favoured VLE option of many secondary schools

    I completely agree. I think we should include something about Moodle in our course.

    My young collegue Guido van Dijk will show how Moodle is being implemented in Sintermeertencollege on Friday morning.

  5. Albert van der Kaap will give a presentation on the use and making of webquests:

    Examples of his presentation can be found in Digischool: http://histoforum.digischool.nl/heerlen/heerlen.htm

    Is he happy to be filmed and to add a version of his presentation to the 'Seminars' section of the forum?

    He's happy to be filmed. I've arranged for a professional Sony camera, tripod and microphone. No need to take all of this from Toulouse.

  6. Interested in Moodle? I might arrange a presentation of Moodle in Sintermeerten.

    Moodle does need to be part of the course as it is increasingly the favoured VLE option of many secondary schools

    I just asked my collegue Guido van Dijk to give us a small presentation of Sintermeertencollege/moodle featuring the moodle didactics rather than moodle as organising tool.

  7. This is very much what I would like to happen sooner rather than later.

    The digital video fixation I have to say leaves me stone cold. I would much rather be working on areas of interest to me and my institution viz. the creation and upkeep of online learning materials and fora, and the online tutoring and mentoring of trainee teachers. Both I think should constitute areas of the final course.

    Interested in Moodle? I might arrange a presentation of Moodle in Sintermeerten.

  8. Ed Podesta and Ed Waller will both be giving presentations in March. I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread in an area of the Forum they can access. They can post any questions, opinions, etc. that they might have about the meeting.

    This is not a very exciting question, but can you tell me what kind of IT provision there'll be? Will there be internet access? What about PCs for use by attendees?



    Hello Ed,

    Not an exciting answer I'm afraid:

    Sintermeerten can provide can provide computers with broadband internet access/ Microsoft Office 2003, beamer. In the presentation room no smartboard I'm afraid, but that can be arranged.

    I'll see to it that participants can use/ share at least 8 computers (brand new P4's.) But I'll check today for us!


  9. Albert van der Kaap will give a presentation on the use and making of webquests

    Is this thread for associates or members or both Nico?

    In any case I think members should give a short presentation of what they have been up to as well.

    For both.

    I agree that members should post their presentations here at the forum. I'll transfer the content to the E-help website for further dissemination.

  10. I would like to hear more about the learning outcomes of this particular trip.

    I am sure that giving school children expensive kit to play with on a school trip no doubt gives them a new "focus".

    I remain to be convinced however that such an If only more historians spent more of their time making home movies of their day trips I would be more inclined to agree :)

    I agree with Andy that it is not sure that the outcome is likely to be a " relatively high level philosophical discussion about the nature of historical discourse".

    What it does: it higly motivates my students to study this part of History. Most of the students seem to be thrilled to use the new technique, more than the historical background of it all.

  11. 40 Years ago the Dutch government decided to close all coalmines in the region of Heerlen NL.

    The closures had a profound impact on the miners, in fact on everyone in the region. 20 years after the closures there was hardly anything left that reminded of this period of local industry.

    In the heads of ex-miners however the History lived on. Together with my pupils we've decided to create a 'digital monument'in which the story will be told for future generations.

    December 17th 2005, exactly 40 years after the closures were announced, pupils aged 15-16 carried out some 20 interviews on digital video tape. In a special website on the Dutch mining industry those videointerviews will be made public.

    At the same time other pupils made a film acting as journalists reporting on the official festivities of that remembrance day.

    More info:


    The 'digital monument'

    The video: pupils at work for www.demijnen.nl

    A photographic impression

    The first 2 interviews on-line

  12. Social Democrat/Green Party

    I think my interest in politics started at the age of 17, when I decided to study History at Leiden University (NL). Studying at University was something no one had done before in my family. My mother only had primary education, my father had to leave secondary school in 1933 when the Great Depression struck the family. He struggled from job to job until he became a shop assistant in 1939. 1953 he was sacked by his firm (Albert Heijn= like Tesco's) because he had dispute about losses incurred by shoplifting: Albert Heijn deducted the losses from my father's wages. He was held personally responsible for the losses.

    My father won the law-suit but lost his job. He turned into a trade-unionist ever since, although the Roman Catholic trade unions were more like social clubs.

    I was much influenced by the way my parents talked about this affair. Knowing what my parents had been through, I knew they had little money to spend on my studies. But they gave all kinds of moral support. At that time governmental grants came available for 'working class' youths to study at University. (1972)

    I guess I've been lucky: íf I'd been born 7 years earlier, I would never had the chance.

    The seventies were very exciting in the Netherlands: politics were 'on the streets'. Discussions on old and new democracy, a revolution of the younger (post war) generation: and I was in the middle of it! We really had the feeling that we could change the world, making it a better place for all. At the University students and their views were taken seriously, students were given responsibilities in governing bodies in the faculties.

    In my professional life I've always put that sence of fighting injustice first, maintaining a rather independent attitude towards 'bosses'. Perhaps somewhat naïv, as I've found out.

    With Dan Lyndon I agree that the government has a role to care for its citizens, and fight obstructions of background (we do not use the word class the same way as in GB) and gender.

    Living in a 'cycling country' I've become more and more aware about the precious earth we all live on. Feeling attracted to some of the environmental ideas of the green parties, I take a pragmatic -not ideological- approach in my daily life. I cycle a lot, will organise a cycling tour with members of this forum in March! With extreme house insolation measures, fuel efficient heating, in our mountain cottage we use solar power. Our little contribution towards a better environment.

  13. Der Film Good Bye Lenin (2003) eignet sich sehr gut im Unterricht (Sekundarstufe, Oberstufe)

    Für Geschichte: Themen: Lenin, die Wende, DDR, Leben in der DDR.

    Für Kunst: Wie ist der Film aufgebaut?, Beschreibe die Hauptpersonen! Gibt es Tricks? Welche?

    Komödie :) oder Tragödie? ;)

    Welch Szenen gefallen dir am Besten? Warum?

    Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Website Good Bye Lenin Welch 'Ost-Begriffe'kann man erkennen?

    Stelle ein Menü von Ost-Produkte zusammen!

    Der Film bietet viele möglichkeiten, der Schüler sollte aber gut im Unterricht vorbereitet worden sein! :ice

  14. Thijs Wöltgens nam afscheid als voorzitter van de Open Universiteit Nederland in Heerlen.

    Hij stelt in zijn rede een aantal interessante zaken vast.

    Gemeten aan de Europese ambitie (de Lissabon-agenda) is het algemeen opleidingspeil van onze beroepsbevolking te laag. Een kenniseconomie – zo is de algemene opvatting – heeft een beroepsbevolking die tenminste voor de helft

    hoger opgeleid is. Met traditioneel onderwijsbeleid is die ambitie pas over tientallen jaren te bereiken, terwijl Lissabon mikte op 2010. Dat dit zo lang duurt, komt omdat de beroepsbevolking jaarlijks maar met een paar procent ververst wordt. Traditioneel onderwijs richt zich alleen op de nieuwe toetreders tot

    de arbeidsmarkt...Het Nationaal Initiatief ‘Lang Leve Leren!’ ontwikkelt momenteel op eigen kracht activiteiten, maar het zou sneller, beter, effectiever en ambitieuzer kunnen worden aangepakt als de overheid haar verantwoordelijkheid zou waarmaken in een soort vliegwielrol...Een echte grote stap zou gemaakt kunnen worden als het onderwijsmateriaal als open bron op internet gepubliceerd zou worden. De Open Universiteit zou haar volledige leerstof toegankelijk kunnen

    maken. Dat zou de overheid slechts 12 miljoen euro per jaar kosten. Daar staat een enorme winst tegenover:

    - de schaalvoordelen van digitalisering van het onderwijs worden maximaal uitgebuit

    - de algemene toegankelijkheid van het onderwijsmateriaal ook voor de andere onderwijsinstellingen,

    levert een enorme bijdrage aan wat we kennisvalorisatie noemen: het gebruik van de beste beschikbare kennis in het werk van alledag

    - de beschikbaarstelling van die kennis is het beste bewijs dat we ons zelf serieus nemen, als we zeggen dat tenminste de helft van de beroepsbevolking moet kunnen werken en denken op hoger onderwijsniveau.

    Uiteraard gaat het niet alleen om de content van de Open Universiteit Nederland. Ook op andere onderwijsniveaus moet die maximale beschikbaarheid nagestreefd worden. ....Het is mooi dat de technologie een oud-sociaal-democratisch ideaal waar maakt: vrij en kosteloos onderwijs.

    Is onderwijs in Nederland te duur? Is het gratis aanbieden van materialen een wapen in de strijd voor een Kenniseconomie? Hoe maken wij gebruik van hoogwaardige onderwijsmaterialen op internet. Wat vindt U?

  15. Would you like to upload it to the e-help website? You could be the first to try out the new system?

    I am afraid there is a copyright issue here. The copyright of the material belongs to Department of Education (they paid for my participation). They have yet to decide what will happen to this material when the VS closes down.

    As I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) the VS-website is to close between Sepotember 2005 (old site) and September 2006 (New site). Copyright problems should solve themselves by then.

  16. So far I have produced articles on


    Alletta Jacobs (biography)

    Johanna Naber (biography)

    The National Exhibition on the Work of Women (1898) (examples of work and thoughts in the womens movement of that time)

    The Dutch suffragettes: the struggle for the votes

    The peacemovement (planned)


    Rosa Manus (biography)

    National Socialist Women's Movement (NSVO) 1933-1945 (Role of women in a fascist -national-socialist- society)

    1945- present day

    Joke Smit (biography)

    The 'Dolle Mina movement' and the sexual revolution (planned)

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