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Steven Gaal

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Posts posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Former Merck Employee Targeted for Harassment, Intimidation After Speaking out Against Forced Vaccinations

    (Truthstream Media) Once upon a time, Brandy Vaughan worked as a sales rep for Merck & Co. selling a deadly drug called Vioxx which hurt and killed a lot of people. Brandy found out that her employer did this with prior knowledge that this drug was dangerous. She quit, and began to question the entire healthcare system, including the vaccinations that pediatricians later attempted to push on her infant son.

    Now Brandy speaks out against vaccinations like the ones peddled by Pharma giant Merck. She has been a loud opponent in the fight against forced vaccination bills like S.B. 277, speaking at multiple protests and rallies against this blatant medical tyranny.

    A video was sent to us, made by YouTuber Andrew Liebich, detailing the kind of intimidation and harassment that Brandy has been suffering as of late. This isn’t your average case of harassment…

    https://youtu.be/hYxvZO2chj4 video

    Someone (or several someones) has not only gone at length to break into Brandy’s home on multiple occasions, but to let Brandy know her home is being invaded each time in the most obvious ways possible. They’ve presented her with her lost hide-a-key almost like a present on her doorstep. Once she changed the locks and put in an expensive home security system, whoever it was picked her new locks and disabled her alarm system at the keypad with the code only Brandy knew about. Items that she had hidden have been moved around in her home and left out to let her know someone was there doing it. A ladder from her garage was taken out and left open under her bedroom window. These are blatant acts of intimidation meant to scare her and let her know she’s being watched (and that apparently her home and possibly her phone and anything else connected to the internet is bugged).

    These sick bastards even bought her a duck statue and left it on a table on her back patio facing her home. Brandy believes this is to let her know she’s a “sitting duck”. These are not your average home burglars. These are seemingly highly connected intimidation and harassment professionals.

    I am extremely concerned for Brandy’s welfare at this time. Moreover, this shows you the extreme desperation the system is under if they would stoop this low. Not only is Big Pharma paying off Senators like Dr. Richard Pan to co-sponsor bills to FORCE the population to take their dangerous cocktails, but they would threaten and intimidate former employees who attempt to speak out about this.

    The fact that so many people are opting out and questioning vaccines is proof of a mass awakening. People want to know, just for example, why it is that we have the most aggressive vaccination schedule in the developed world but also the highest rate of infant mortality? Why are the majority (some 85%) of people coming down with diseases like measles and mumps already fully vaccinated? Why is it that the only safety study done on the adjuvant thimerosal was in the 1920s on people dying of bacterial meningitis (22 people who, just by the way, died the day after their thimerosal dose was administered)? Why are CDC scientists coming out to say that data was hidden showing a link between the MMR vaccine and an increased risk of autism? Why are voice recordings of that same scientist coming out saying he would never give his own pregnant wife a flu shot? Speaking of the CDC, why has that agency ever once done a simple straightforward study comparing autism rates in vaccinated children to those in unvaccinated children and “put that correlation to rest” if that’s really all it is?

    Why should we trust a multi-trillion-dollar, essentially self-regulated industry where the entire business model is based upon people getting sick (and not based on curing them) to tell us what’s healthy for us in the first place? How much sense does that premise even make?

    Or how about, as we have previously asked, why would such an industry and its invested shills feel the need to pimp out a six-year-old kid who battled cancer to push their agenda, having him give speeches that it isn’t right to brutally force him to go to school with unvaccinated children…when every major medical system including Johns Hopkins puts out patient brochures warning people who have undergone chemotherapy or who are otherwise immune-compromised specifically not to be around children who have just been vaccinated because those kids can potentially spread the very diseases they were recently vaccinated against?

    It is vaccinated children – not unvaccinated children – that immunocompromised people like Rhett, who is recovering from chemotherapy treatments for his leukemia, are advised to stay away from. Check out what is written on page 113 of this Johns Hopkins patient guide for recovering cancer patients:

    Can I have visitors?

    Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.
    • Avoid contact with children who were recently vaccinated.

    Beyond that, this whole situation with S.B. 277 just proves that more people are thinking about this situation critically. More people are choosing to opt out of the system and protect their children from potential harm.

    The bottom line is that people should have the right to decide what they put inside of their own bodies, and if vaccines were really just this amazing panacea of health and longevity, 100% safe and effective with zero health dangers, these mega corporations and their lobbyists wouldn’t have to buy up senators to get bills passed to mandate and force everyone to take them. If vaccines were really so unquestionably good for us, people would just take them, no questions asked.

    I believe Brandy is being intimidated like this because she is a former Merck employee, which gives her added legitimacy when she speaks out against mandatory vaccines and questions their safety (and is a definite embarrassing black eye for Merck). We need a thousand more Brandy Vaughans! We need the alt media to get behind her and spread this story. This needs to get as public as possible so this intimidation stops immediately! The fact that these corporate interests would stoop to this level shows you just how pathetic they really are because, again, if their products were so safe and effective and wonderful, this kind of playground bully behavior wouldn’t be necessary.

    Please share Brandy’s story and help shine a light on these disgusting cockroaches who would seek to silence her!


    You can watch the entire original video up on Andrew Liebich’s channel here.

  2. most delicate and complex doppelganger operation was put largely in the hands of a babbling idiot. // PARKER


    Hands, like control ?? Gee I said (gaal) (WHICH YOU CUT AND PASTE QUOTE) , " she does not know who she working for. She might think she is working for a defense contractor. Marguerite's need to know level is near zero.

    She has been told to give updates on the kids (probably via payphone)." She is housing the young boys. I am sure you have seen the videos (plural) were Marguerite speaks in a creepy fashion of LHO (her son ?) in the third person. ,gaal


    Why she doesn't know the name of some of her relations. //gaal


    Oswaldsmother BlogSpot

    Peculiarities Abound
    Marguerite Oswald, in every interview either with government authorities to newspaper reporters often gave conflicting testimony about her life and related events. When interviewed by a New York probation officer in relation to Lee being truant, she gave conflicting accounts of her life. She got at least five things wrong, from the number years she had been married (a total of 13 years from three marriages but she said 9) to getting Lee’s birth date wrong. What mother does not know her own child’s birthday? At the age of 44 it seemed as if she did not know her own life story on many different levels. Perhaps that is because this “Marguerite” was an impostor with too much to remember?

    Marguerite’s Warren Commission testimony is likewise filled with contradictions and misstatements that are for the most part, ignored by her questioners. To read the transcript of her testimony is to see a woman with an annoying character, a babbler, constantly rambling off the point, always in need of being herded back on the right path. At one point she mislead the Commission when she was asked if any FBI agents had spoken to her before the assassination. She said no. This was not true. She was visited in regards to her son’s defection to the USSR once in 1960, and twice in 1961. An odd thing to lie about as it is so easily proven. Or, this could just have been the misstatements of an impostor not knowing or remembering pertinent facts.

    By the time she got around to telling the Commission she thought her son Lee was spy, they had written her off as a kook. At this point she had discredited herself in their eyes with her meandering testimony and oddball theories. As one of the Commission member’s said, we can see how the son turned out with a mother like this.

    She does not know if her husband was right or left handed. You don't know the handedness of your spouse ????????? ,gaal

  3. This is the fake Marguerite we are talking about here. The one who had secrets to keep regarding secret CIA programs that she put at risk according to Gaal to "tell a story" to make Oswald appear to be a normal kid. // PARKER


    Golly Marguerite is in a secret program ,however, she does not know who she working for. She might think she is working for a defense contractor. Marguerite's need to know level is near zero.

    She has been told to give updates on the kids (probably via payphone). Her job was to tell a tale of a normal childhood at the WC. However she was not prepared for WC cross. I ask why ??

    You say she wasn't prepared for testifying before the WC because there is no HARVEY AKA H & L program and she is very confused and overwhelmed.

    I say she was given zero preparation for appearing before the WC on purpose and told to present a normal childhood.

    She was sand bagged. She lost credibility by letting herself be manipulated. Who can believe her after her shaky WC testimony ?? ..Why she doesn't know the name of some of her relations. //gaal


    Oswaldsmother BlogSpot

    Peculiarities Abound
    Marguerite Oswald, in every interview either with government authorities to newspaper reporters often gave conflicting testimony about her life and related events. When interviewed by a New York probation officer in relation to Lee being truant, she gave conflicting accounts of her life. She got at least five things wrong, from the number years she had been married (a total of 13 years from three marriages but she said 9) to getting Lee’s birth date wrong. What mother does not know her own child’s birthday? At the age of 44 it seemed as if she did not know her own life story on many different levels. Perhaps that is because this “Marguerite” was an impostor with too much to remember?

    Marguerite’s Warren Commission testimony is likewise filled with contradictions and misstatements that are for the most part, ignored by her questioners. To read the transcript of her testimony is to see a woman with an annoying character, a babbler, constantly rambling off the point, always in need of being herded back on the right path. At one point she mislead the Commission when she was asked if any FBI agents had spoken to her before the assassination. She said no. This was not true. She was visited in regards to her son’s defection to the USSR once in 1960, and twice in 1961. An odd thing to lie about as it is so easily proven. Or, this could just have been the misstatements of an impostor not knowing or remembering pertinent facts.

    By the time she got around to telling the Commission she thought her son Lee was spy, they had written her off as a kook. At this point she had discredited herself in their eyes with her meandering testimony and oddball theories. As one of the Commission member’s said, we can see how the son turned out with a mother like this.

  4. Oswalds Mothers blogspot


    There Is a Second Margret–The First Wife
    Robert Oswald’s first wife was Margret Keating (1892-1972). They were married 13 years and divorced in 1933. Keating never remarried and lived in the same house she shared earlier with Robert Oswald for many years. One peculiar thing was the 1956 telephone directory in New Orleans lists her as Margret Oswald, at the correct street address. This is a name she had not used in 23 years, since the court awarded her maiden name back to her in the 1933 divorce.
    Notice the year as well–1956. The same year Marguerite’s tax returns are withheld. It could have been a typo but certainly an odd occurrence.

  5. Is your job to distract threads on this forum, Steve?

    Will the Real O.V. Campbell Please Stand up?
    donald willis
    Other recipients:
    Texas School Book Depository VP Ochus V. Campbell was all over the place, literally, in his statements after the assassination. Perhaps because he knew and said too much to the NY Herald Tribune: "Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the
    Texas School Book Depository VP Ochus V. Campbell was all over the

    place, literally, in his statements after the assassination. Perhaps

    because he knew and said too much to the NY Herald Tribune:

    "Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the building. We saw

    Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor." (11/23/63)

    Had he stuck to his guns, figuratively, he would have helped absolve

    Oswald of any shooting that day--and relegated him to a minor role. a

    mere Rosencrantz, simple Distractor of Cops, say, who gave the

    shooters time to pack up their gear.

    But lo & behold an alternate version of Campbell's actions appeared

    the same day in the Dallas Mourning News:

    "Campbell said he ran toward a grassy knoll west of the building where

    he thought the sniper had hidden."

    Notice it's not a direct quote here, though, hence carries less weight

    than the NYHT version. But. well, if this version were true, then,

    no, Campbell could not have been there with Truly & Baker to see

    Oswald on the first floor.

    But apparently the DMN version was not true. The testimony of others,

    including Geneva Hine, may have led Campbell to change his tune again,

    from "I'm a knoll cowhand" to "Back in the Building Again":

    "He observed the car rush away from the scene. He then immediately

    rushed into his building...."

    Ah! back to square one? Not quite. The chorus has changed:

    "[Campbell] added that he is not personally acquainted with [Oswald] &

    has never seen him." (FBI interview of Campbell 11/24/63)

    Backpedaling 1A, eh? Or, Two Ways of Discounting a First-Floor

    Encounter with Oswald. One (DMN): Run fast, in the other direction.

    Two (FBI): Run fast in the same direction, but say not just that you

    did not see Oswald then & there, but that you *never* saw him. Never

    say never....

    Campbell, guilty with too many explanations.... Oswald, guilty of

    being merely a first-floor pawn in the conspiracy....


  6. #2: From the New York Herald Tribune, written 11/22, published 11/23:

    Mr. [Ochus V.] Campbell [vice-president of the TSBD] said, "Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the building. We had been outside watching the parade. We saw him (Oswald) in a small storage room on the ground floor. Then we noticed he was gone.” Mr Campbell added: "Of course he and the others were on their lunch hour but he did not have permission to leave the building and we haven't seen him since." // GRAVES


    So many 11/22 tales....,gaal

    see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16815&p=300521


    Steven GAAL

    Posted 13 April 2015 - 10:21 PM


    OV CAMPBELL dosent want the TSBD involved.

    Grassy Knoll Witnesses : The JFK Assassination



    22 November 1963: A Brief Guide to the JFK Assassination .... Campbell says he ran toward a grassy knoll to the west of the building, where he thought the ...


    Molina, a TSBD employee, heard shots coming from west of the building.


    http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh6/pdf/WH6_Dougherty.pdf see page 373 MOLINA Afraid does not want to be involved.

    HOLMES - Molina connection see Scully post this thread



    The TACA case. How the government allowed arms and drug trades into Central America and intentionally looked the other way rather than prosecuting the mafia. This action in the 30s made Sam Carolla rich and set the stage for the infamous Marcello brothers and other in the New Orleans branch of the Mafia in the 50s and 60s. Who many believe were involved in the Kennedy assassinations. (SEE POST ABOVE # 83 video)


    for link http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20291&p=298381 see 4 below



    ONI MONITORED ASSASSINATION per GRAVES ONI man (see post # 149 above)

    ONI wanted cremated OSWALD

    First of all, Mason Lankford’s father, John Mason Lankford Sr., was an employee of Temco in the early 1950s, suggesting a possible relationship with David Harold Byrd.

    ONI worked with United fruit since the 1920. (BOOK LINK BELOW)

    Marguerite ONI connection via Uncle and husband and also the Amon Carter Family. (THESE CONNECTIONS SEE BELOW)




    also see Husband Marguerite link


    also see Uncle Marguerite link



    Marguerite Oswald worked as a receptionist for a Standard Fruit Company law firm.Marguerite Oswald's uncle's law partner did work for United Fruit. Marguerite Oswald's Uncle seems to have gotten Marguerite the receptionists job. Odd for Standard Fruit and United Fruit were until around WWIi were at loggerheads against each other. Could Marguerite Oswald been a United Fruit spy ? Marguerite worked in the home of AMON CARTER JR. Carter family connected to ONI via General Dynamics .

    Amon Carter SR. bio

    Besides American Airlines, he also was instrumental in General Dynamics and Bell Aircraft Corp. establishing plants near Fort Worth. Amon G. Carter Field was named for him in 1950.


    SEE United Fruit / ONI connection below

    Anthropological Intelligence: The Deployment and Neglect ...


    David H. Price - 2008 - Social ScienceThe U.S. O≈ce of Naval Intelligence (oni) secretly trained and deployed a ring of ... along the Gulf of Mexico coastlines of Mexico, British Honduras, and Belize.



    The TACA operation of guns to Central American dictators run by the State Department and the mafia predates the creation of the CIA.

    To help in the operation the State Department would tap ONI. Bill Weston's Spiders Web contends that the TSBD had a gun running operation.
    Ex Navy man Molina TSBD employee may have been part of this.

    Harold Byrd (owner TSBD building) was one of the three major owners of LTV. LTV was trying to develop a sea torpedo to air weapon system.

    ONI would have been all over any of the LTV owners.

    Harold Bird sat on the board of Dorchester Gas with Jack Crichton of Empire Trust. Empire Trust's private intelligence service had ONI connections.

    ONI worked with United fruit since the 1920.

    Marguerite ONI connection via Uncle , husband and also the Amon Carter Family


    It may be that ONI man Holmes is watching/reporting on in real time a CIA assassination operation run out of the ONI/TSBD building. (GAAL)

    The shooting out of the TSBD is a classic example of covert operation compartmentalization.

  7. Who said she was channeling Allen Dulles ?? Marguerite has a story to tell and that's her job. The photo wasn't deep sixed because nobody reads/looks and the photos of that LHO time frame are scarce and an intell tale of H & L is being told. If someone did look they would see a child experiencing a normal time and that's the tale the CIA wants to tell. //,gaal

    So the fake Marguerite's job was to tell a story which included producing a photo of the fake Lee which might blow the whole scheme, but the risk was worth it because they wanted to show Lee was a normal child with sever psychiatric problems per Hartogs which would eventually manifest in killing Kennedy. Intriguing!

    And completely idiotic.

    Never said that LHO was presented as normal. Marguerite gave a story that she gave him normal things as a child and yet he turned 'COMMUNIST'. GOVERNMENT Monitor your children closely for you don't know if they could turn out commie traitor. Monitor monitor ...you don't want your child to be a POTUS murderer !!! monitor for any sign and put them on the right path to love the wonderful system we have !! .gaal.


    lobotomy Parker

    channeling Parker

    Completely idiotic Parker ))))) >>>>> ITS possible you are not self aware of how many insults you throw out. ,gaal

  8. (Bill Kelly post)

    American University Symposium on Oliver Stone's film "JFK"

    CSPAN – (Circa 1991-2)


    John Judge

    I think from my own work, I have read the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission….You know Alan Dulles, when he was asked about releasing the evidence by Hale Boggs, replied, "Go ahead and print it, nobody will read (or look at ,gaal) it anyway."


    Do you have an answer for me regarding why the fake Marguerite produced the photo of the fake Oswald for the WC and risked exposing the whole operation? I have just stopped rolling around laughing at Gaal's excuse that she was channeling Allen Dulles' in thinking no one would read the report anyway... // PARKER


    channeling // Parker >>>>> THATS A BACK HANDED INSULT. //,gaal

    Who said she was channeling Allen Dulles ?? Marguerite has a story to tell and that's her job. The photo wasn't deep sixed because nobody reads/looks and the photos of that LHO time frame are scarce and an intell tale of H & L is being told. If someone did look they would see a child experiencing a normal time and that's the tale the CIA wants to tell. //,gaal


  9. What are foreign military bases for?
    By David Swanson, World Beyond War
    Sunday, Aug 2, 2015
    If you're like most people in the United States, you have a vague awareness that the U.S. military keeps lots of troops permanently stationed on foreign bases around the world. But have you ever wondered and really investigated to find out how many, and where exactly, and at what cost, and to what purpose, and in terms of what relationship with the host nations?

    A wonderfully researched new book, six years in the works, answers these questions in a manner you'll find engaging whether you've ever asked them or not. It's called Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Harm America and the World, by David Vine.

    Some 800 bases with hundreds of thousands of troops in some 70 nations, plus all kinds of other "trainers" and "non-permanent" exercises that last indefinitely, maintain an ongoing U.S. military presence around the world for a price tag of at least $100 billion a year.

    Why they do this is a harder question to answer.

    Even if you think there is some reason to be able to quickly deploy thousands of U.S. troops to any spot on earth, airplanes now make that as easily done from the United States as from Korea or Japan or Germany or Italy.

    It costs dramatically more to keep troops in those other countries, and while some base defenders make a case for economic philanthropy, the evidence is that local economies actually benefit little -- and suffer little when a base leaves. Neither does the U.S. economy benefit, of course. Rather, certain privileged contractors benefit, along with those politicians whose campaigns they fund. And if you think military spending is unaccountable at home, you should check out bases abroad where it's none too rare to have security guards employed purely to guard cooks whose sole job is to feed the security guards. The military has a term for any common SNAFU, and the term for this one is "self-licking ice cream."

    The bases, in many cases, generate an enormous amount of popular resentment and hatred, serving as motivations for attacks on the bases themselves or elsewhere -- famously including the attacks of September 11, 2001.

    Bases around the borders of Russia and China are generating new hostility and arms races, and even proposals by Russia and China to open foreign bases of their own. Currently all non-U.S. foreign bases in the world total no more than 30, with most of those belonging to close U.S. allies, and not a single one of them being in or anywhere near the United States, which would of course be considered an outrage.

    Many U.S. bases are hosted by brutal dictatorships. An academic study has identified a strong U.S. tendency to defend dictatorships where the United States has bases. A glance at a newspaper will tell you the same. Crimes in Bahrain are not equal to crimes in Iran. In fact, when brutal and undemocratic governments currently hosting U.S. bases (in, for example, Honduras, Aruba, Curaçao, Mauritania, Liberia, Niger, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Mozambique, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Yemen, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia, or Singapore) are protested, there is a pattern of increased U.S. support for the government, which makes eviction of the U.S. bases all the more likely should the government fall, which fuels a vicious cycle that increases popular resentment of the U.S. government. The U.S. began building new bases in Honduras shortly after the 2009 coup.

    Vine also tells a troubling story of the U.S. military's alliance with the Camorra (the mafia) in Naples, Italy, a relationship that has lasted from World War II to the present, and which fueled the rise of the Camorra -- a group reportedly deemed reliable enough by the U.S. military to protect nuclear weapons.

    The smaller bases that don't house tens of thousands of troops, but secretive death squads or drones, have a tendency to make wars more likely. The drone war on Yemen that was labeled a success by President Obama last year has helped fuel a larger war.

    In fact, I want to quibble with Vine's account of the birth of Base Nation, because I think the facilitation of the worst war ever was involved. Vine gives the history of the U.S. bases in Native American lands, starting in 1785 and very much alive today in the language of U.S. troops abroad in "Indian territory." But then Vine dates the birth of the modern base empire to September 2, 1940, when President Franklin Roosevelt traded Britain old ships in exchange for various Caribbean, Bermudan, and Canadian bases to be used in or after the war he was supposedly not planning on. But I'd like to back the clock up a little.

    When FDR visited Pearl Harbor (not actually part of the United States) on July 28, 1934, the Japanese military expressed apprehension. General Kunishiga Tanaka wrote in the Japan Advertiser, objecting to the build-up of the American fleet and the creation of additional bases in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands (also not part of the United States): "Such insolent behavior makes us most suspicious. It makes us think a major disturbance is purposely being encouraged in the Pacific. This is greatly regretted."

    Then, in March 1935, Roosevelt bestowed Wake Island on the U.S. Navy and gave Pan Am Airways a permit to build runways on Wake Island, Midway Island, and Guam. Japanese military commanders announced that they were disturbed and viewed these runways as a threat. So did peace activists in the United States. By the next month, Roosevelt had planned war games and maneuvers near the Aleutian Islands and Midway Island. By the following month, peace activists were marching in New York advocating friendship with Japan. Norman Thomas wrote in 1935: "The Man from Mars who saw how men suffered in the last war and how frantically they are preparing for the next war, which they know will be worse, would come to the conclusion that he was looking at the denizens of a lunatic asylum." The Japanese attacked Wake Island four days after attacking Pearl Harbor.

    In any case, Vine points to the uniqueness of World War II as a war that has never been ended, even after the Cold War was said to have ended. Why have the troops never come home? Why have they continued to spread their forts into "Indian Territory," until the U.S. has more foreign bases than any other empire in history, even as the era of conquering territory has ended, even as a significant segment of the population has ceased thinking of "Indians" and other foreigners as subhuman beasts without rights worthy of respecting?

    One reason, well-documented by Vine, is the same reason that the huge U.S. base at Guantanamo, Cuba, is used to imprison people without trials. By preparing for wars in foreign locations, the U.S. is often able to evade all kinds of legal restrictions -- including on labor and the environment, not to mention prostitution. GIs occupying Germany referred to rape as "liberating a blonde," and the sexual disaster area surrounding U.S. bases has continued to this day, despite the decision in 1945 to start sending families to live with soldiers -- a policy that now includes shipping each soldier's entire worldly possessions including automobiles around the world with them, not to mention providing single-payer healthcare and twice the spending on schooling as the national average back home. Prostitutes serving U.S. bases in South Korea and elsewhere are often virtually slaves. The Philippines, which has had U.S. "help" as long as anyone, provides the most contractor staff for U.S. bases, cooking , cleaning, and everything else -- as well as likely the most prostitutes imported to other countries, like South Korea.

    The most isolated and lawless base sites include locations from which the U.S. military evicted the local population. These include bases in Diego Garcia, Greenland, Alaska, Hawaii, Panama, Puerto Rico, the Marshall Islands, Guam, the Philippines, Okinawa, and South Korea -- with people evicted as recently as 2006 in South Korea.

    In hundreds of other sites where the population was not evicted, it might wish it had been. Foreign bases have been environmentally disastrous. Open-air burns, unexploded weaponry, poisons leaked into the ground water -- these are all commonplace. A jet fuel leak at Kirkland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, N.M., started in 1953 and was discovered in 1999, and was more than twice the size of the Exxon Valdez spill. U.S. bases within the United States have been environmentally devastating, but not on the scale of those in some foreign lands. A plane taking off from Diego Garcia to bomb Afghanistan in 2001 crashed and sank to the bottom of the ocean with some 85 hundred-pound munitions. Even ordinary base life takes a toll; U.S. troops produce over three times the garbage each as local residents in, for example, Okinawa.

    Disregard for people and the land and the sea is built into the very idea of foreign bases. The United States would never tolerate another nation's base within its borders, yet imposes them on Okinawans, South Koreans, Italians, Filipinos, Iraqis, and others despite huge protest. Vine took some of his students to meet with an official at the U.S. State Department, Kevin Maher, who explained to them that U.S. bases in Japan were concentrated in Okinawa because it was "the Puerto Rico of Japan" where people have "darker skin," are "shorter," and have an "accent."

    Base Nation is a book that should be read -- and its maps seen -- by everyone. I wish Vine did not write "Russia's seizure of Crimea" when referring to a free and open and legal vote, especially in the context of a book about military bases. And I wish he did not only use selfish points of reference in terms of financial tradeoffs. Of course the United States could be transformed for the better with the redirection of military spending, but the United States and the world both could be. It's that much money.

    But this book will be an invaluable resource for years to come. It also includes, I should note, an excellent account of some of the resistance struggles that have in some cases shut bases down or scaled them back. It's worth noting that just this week, in the first of two necessary rulings, an Italian court has ruled for the people, against the U.S. Navy's construction of communications equipment in Sicily.

    Just this month, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff published "The National Military Strategy of the United States of America -- 2015." It gave as justification for militarism lies about four countries, beginning with Russia, which it accused of "using force to achieve its goals," something the Pentagon would never do! Next it lied that Iran was "pursuing" nuclear weapons, a claim for which there is no evidence. Next it claimed that North Korea's nukes would someday "threaten the U.S. homeland." Finally, it asserted that China was "adding tension to the Asia-Pacific region." This "Strategy" admitted that none of the four nations wanted war with the United States. "Nonetheless, they each pose serious security concerns," it said.

    So, one might add, does each of the U.S. foreign bases. Vine's book ends with some excellent proposals for change, to which I would add only one: Smedley Butler's proposed rule that the U.S. military be forbidden to travel more than 200 miles from the United States.

    Source URL
  10. Can you answer the other question as to why the fake Marguerite would hand over a picture of the fake Lee that his own brother doesn't recognize, and thereby put the whole scheme in jeopardy of being exposed? // PARKER (OTHER THREAD)


    I got it already. You can't answer the question. Thanks. // Parker

    ======================================================== for the third time I will give you an answer

    "He went to the Zoo as any normal child would. That's the story I want to tell." // speaking for Marguerite. ,

    A normal looking childhood is part of the scheme. A concept that seem to me easy to understand. ,gaal


    (Bill Kelly post)

    American University Symposium on Oliver Stone's film "JFK"

    CSPAN – (Circa 1991-2)


    John Judge

    I think from my own work, I have read the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission….You know Alan Dulles, when he was asked about releasing the evidence by Hale Boggs, replied, "Go ahead and print it, nobody will read (or look at ,gaal) it anyway."

    Some people dont WANT to believe the truth. ,gaal

    archaeological evidence supports the historical accuracy of the Biblical account in every detail



    article/53 min video



    Greg Parker, on 02 Aug 2015 - 2:06 PM, said:

    This reliance on witnesses is needed to prop up this mess, but is totally unreliable in the real world:


    The vast majority of testimonial errors-and every trial lawyer

    knows they are numerous-are those of the average, normal honest

    man, errors unknown to the witness and wholly unintentional, represented

    in the great body of testimony which is subjectively accurate

    but objectively false. What are the factors determining the accuracy

    and reliability of the memory of a particular witness? Juries quite

    generally regard the assertiveness and positiveness of the witness

    as the best test of accuracy, but experimental psychology has demonstrated

    that the most positive feeling of accuracy is no guarantee of, or

    evidence of, the truthfulness of the testimony.'



    I thought you on occasion you , Mr. Parker, used Ruth Paine as a witness. SAID Ruth one degree of separation from Steve suspect # 1 Allen Dulles. ,gaal




    Steven Gaal, on 16 Jul 2015 - 2:22 PM, said:

    The ears appear smaller (less lobe) in the "CATHY" photo than the Santa Anna passport photo., gaal
    Greg Parker

    I'm guessing that this is not your correct head size? (PICTURE STEVEN GAAL head photo , not allowed to use that image extension on this community.)

    The lobotomy scars appear smaller than I imagined they would..

    I am willing to stand corrected, however... // end Parker


    Lets try common sense of our eyes. Insults sometimes come from someone cornered and defeated.

    Looking at LHO of the same time period and the Oswald what is called the "CATHY" photo in comparison >> there is a mismatch .. thus proof of TWO OSWALDS. , gaal



    That wasn't an insult. It was an example of how you lot look at photos.

    I use witnesses when there is other evidence to back them up, or when they have shown a level of accuracy in the past.

    You lot use witnesses based only on one criteria: "can their memory be used to support my theory"? If the criteria was more honest than that, you would be citing a lot of other witnesses who remember things differently than your hand-picked troupe.

    So I take it you cannot answer the question as to why the fake Marguerite would risk exposing the operation by producing a photo of the fake Lee for the WC? // END PARKER


    Greg Parker, on 02 Aug 2015 - 12:44 PM, said:


    Since I don't believe Harvey existed, how could I possibly know the answer to these questions?

    If it was something more than just a happy family snap, what was the purpose of it?

    Why did (presumably the fake) Marguerite provide it to the WC, when it might give the game away?

    I am asking because I want to know what you guys believe in regard to these questions. I don't intend to argue about your answers. // END PARKER


    "He went to the Zoo as any normal child would. That's the story I want to tell." // speaking for Marguerite. , gaal


    start Parker

    So you're saying it was just a normal family snap of "Harvey" not taken for any hidden purpose?

    Can you answer the other question as to why the fake Marguerite would hand over a picture of the fake Lee that his own brother doesn't recognize, and thereby put the whole scheme in jeopardy of being exposed? // END PARKER (OTHER THREAD)


    ANSWER gaal

    How would she know that it would be used for cross examination. ??? ....????


    "He went to the Zoo as any normal child would. That's the story I want to tell." // speaking for Marguerite. , gaal


    That wasn't an insult. It was an example of how you lot look at photos.// PARKER

    LOBOTOMY ?? Well I bet most people would say that was a insult.// GAAL


    Looking at LHO of the same time period and the Oswald what is called the "CATHY" photo in comparison >> there is a mismatch .. thus proof of TWO OSWALDS. // gaal


    Mr. Parker, used Ruth Paine as a witness. SAID Ruth one degree of separation from Steve suspect # 1 Allen Dulles. // gaal

  12. This reliance on witnesses is needed to prop up this mess, but is totally unreliable in the real world:

    The vast majority of testimonial errors-and every trial lawyer
    knows they are numerous-are those of the average, normal honest
    man, errors unknown to the witness and wholly unintentional, represented
    in the great body of testimony which is subjectively accurate
    but objectively false. What are the factors determining the accuracy
    and reliability of the memory of a particular witness? Juries quite
    generally regard the assertiveness and positiveness of the witness
    as the best test of accuracy, but experimental psychology has demonstrated
    that the most positive feeling of accuracy is no guarantee of, or
    evidence of, the truthfulness of the testimony.'


    I thought you on occasion you , Mr. Parker, used Ruth Paine as a witness. SAID Ruth one degree of separation from Steve suspect # 1 Allen Dulles. ,gaal



    Greg Parker, on 16 Jul 2015 - 2:56 PM, said:

    Steven Gaal, on 16 Jul 2015 - 2:22 PM, said:

    The ears appear smaller (less lobe) in the "CATHY" photo than the Santa Anna passport photo., gaal


    Greg Parker

    I'm guessing that this is not your correct head size? (PICTURE STEVEN GAAL head photo , not allowed to use that image extension on this community.)

    The lobotomy scars appear smaller than I imagined they would..

    I am willing to stand corrected, however... // end Parker


    Lets try common sense of our eyes. Insults sometimes come from someone cornered and defeated.

    Looking at LHO of the same time period and the Oswald what is called the "CATHY" photo in comparison >> there is a mismatch .. thus proof of TWO OSWALDS. , gaal

  13. Since I don't believe Harvey existed, how could I possibly know the answer to these questions?

    If it was something more than just a happy family snap, what was the purpose of it?
    Why did (presumably the fake) Marguerite provide it to the WC, when it might give the game away?
    I am asking because I want to know what you guys believe in regard to these questions. I don't intend to argue about your answers.

    "He went to the Zoo as any normal child would. That's the story I want to tell." // speaking for Marguerite. , gaal

  14. Golly gee and whoopty-dooo! // Parker


    David Josephs

    4/10/2014 DPF


    During his time in the Marines Oswald’s medical record was kept as was the medical records for all the marines. Oswald was in San Diego from 26 Oct 56 thru 18 Jan 57 and in platoon 2060 with one Alan Felde and 6 other men who were then sent to Camp Pendleton for 13 WEEKS of Boot Camp followed by 3 weeks of specialized combat training starting January 20 1957. (Google "Marines Boot Camp" and see discussions of it being 13 weeks for as long as anyone remembers with the 3 weeks that follow as well) 13 weeks from Jan 20, 1957 is April 21, 1957 plus the 3 weeks of combat training is now May 12, 1957 ….

    Yet CE1961 has Oswald finishing Combat Training in only 5 weeks and going to Jacksonville FL between Feb 26th and March 18th (normally a 2 day trip as recorded by those who went to Biloxi on May 2nd) Allen Felde says that in MAY 1957 he and Oswald were sent to the A&P School in Jacksonville FL… Yet according to the testimony of one Daniel Powers LEE Harvey Oswald was given orders to report to Keesler AFB effective May 3, 1957 with 4 other men:

    On the evening of May 2 these six Marines boarded a train for Biloxi and arrived
    on May 4.21 Their departure from Jacksonville is confirmed by Marine Corps
    Unit Diary No 105-57, p. 722. 57-12

    …Camarata, Bandoni, Brereton, Schrand, and Powers. 23

    Donald Peter Camarata told the FBI that he first met Lee Oswald when they
    traveled together on a train from Jacksonville, Florida to Biloxi on May 2. Camarata
    said that during the time he knew Oswald, "He had no recollection .... of any remarks on his
    part concerning Communism, Russia, or Cuba. " 24
    Edward J. Bandoni and James N. Brereton met Lee Oswald when they traveled
    together on the train from Jacksonville, Florida to Biloxi on May 2. Neither man
    was interviewed by the FBI or Warren Commission.
    Martin Schrand also met Lee Oswald when they travelled together on the train
    from Jacksonville, Florida on May 2. Lee Oswald and Schrand were assigned to the same
    unit in the Philippines on January 5, 1958 when Schrand was killed by a shotgun blast while on
    guard duty.
    Daniel Patrick Powers was the only member of the 6-man group interviewed
    by the Warren Commission. Reading from his Marine Corps orders, Powers told the
    Commission that his group attended Course number AB27037 and Class number
    08057.25 57-13 Harvey Oswald's Marine Corps record, however, show that he attended Course
    number AB27330, and Class number 24047.


    So basically we have Lee HARVEY Oswald in platoon 2060 at combat training thru May 1957 while LEE Harvey Oswald from platoon 1070 or 1069 has already been to Combat Training, been to Jacksonville FL and is on now his way to Biloxi Miss by May 2, 1957, when HARVEY and FELDE are just arriving in Jacksonville.

    The men who traveled with LEE are not called to discuss their time with him, while the one man who is called – Daniel Powers – has orders which match the Marine Corp Unit Diaries and has LEE traveling with this same group of men. This is an example of the combining of records and the dismissal of anyone who could connect LEE with HARVEY between Jan 1957 and May 1957.

    What does this have to do with Tonsils? It simple establishes that the Oswald with the colds, and reoccurring sore throats was HARVEY Oswald from platoon 2060, Allen Felde’s acquaintance… and NOT the man Powers and a handful of others knew as LEE who supposedly finished 13 weeks of basic training in 5 weeks.

  15. In the "Greg Parker has been banned" thread, one Deep Politics member said:

    "In all honesty, I thought Greg was putting up a fair debate. And, the argumentation and disruption came from both sides of this debate. And, I wonder who could be these invisible complainers? Part of some Facebook group or something? They should have had the guts to respond on the forum.

    "Sorry but it seems a bit unfair to me......"

    I think so too. // SORENSEN


    Golly they don't even allow me on the DPF> and here on the Conspiracy side numerous posts of mine are "locked". .since the DPF has been brought up...........

    much of the Marine material is inexplicable


    JOSEPH 3/26/14 DPF


    When interviewed by the HSCA in 1978, (Richard Allen) Cyr produced his original set of Marine orders from the Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Casual Company, Department of the Pacific, Marine Barracks, United States Naval Station, Treasure Island, San Francisco, California. The list containedthe names of seven Marines and their addresses, all of whom had served atAtsugi in Japan and knew Lee Oswald. They were: John E. Bordenkircher(Florida), Richard A. Bullock (AtlanticCity, NJ), Russell Burton (Long Island, NY), James A. Groden (Tullahona,TN), Lance lves (Belfair, WA), Richard Korson (North Point, Ml), and Charles Benedict (Newton, MA).

    (hmmm... that's funny, not a single one of the people on this list were ever contacted to be shown a picture of the Oswald who killed JFK and aks if it was the same person..... facepalm-smiley-emoticon.gif )


    In July, 2003 JFK researcher Bill Kelley interviewed Richard A.Bullock, who
    knew Lee Oswald in Japan. Bullock knew him as "Ozzie," andsaid he was 30-40
    pounds heavier and 3-4 inches taller than the man accused of killingPresident Kennedy.

    Bullock said the Oswald he knew in Japan was not man accused of killingthe President.

    This statement directly contradicts the FBI SUMMARY REPORT submitted by SA Darrel B Currie.
    When he spoke to the HSCA about any interviews he gave at the time of the assasinationn he told them:

    He was not questioned when
    Oswald defected to the Soviet Union. He was questioned
    concerning the nickle-plated 22 caliber Derringer, about
    a week or two weeks after the assassination of President Kennedy

    by two FBI agents, one of whose names Cyr recalled as
    being Agent Nightengale.

    In the FBI report from 6/3/64, Currie claims that Cyr told him that Oswald was a very quiet guy and that other than the shooting incident he was never the subject of conversation, which
    if you follow the link and read the HSCA interview, and remember that Oswald was disciplined for a variety of things that never made it to this early FBI report... one has to wonder how badly the FBI was interested in Oswald's time in Japan and the people he knew there.. or what exactly Cyr told him if anything... yet another example of a FBI, unsigned and unchecked SUMMARY REPORT which is at odds with the actual facts discovered later, when complete interviews were performed.

  16. Ukraine agribusiness firms in 'quiet land grab' with development finance



    Islamic State “Brothers” Now Fighting in Ukraine Under Pravy Sektor Administrative Command

    Chechens in Ukraine (photo credit Reuters)

    COMMENT: Two dif­fer­ent types of fas­cist cadres are oper­at­ing in tan­dem in Ukraine–in addi­tion to the OUN/B heirs such as the Pravy Sek­tor for­ma­tions, Chechen fight­ers (almost cer­tainly allied with some ele­ment of Mus­lim Broth­er­hood) are now fight­ing along­side them and under the Pravy Sek­tor admin­is­tra­tive command.

    The Chechen for­ma­tions are described as “broth­ers” of the Islamic State.

    The Boston Marathon bomb­ing appears to have been blow­back from a covert oper­a­tion back­ing jihadists in the Caucasus.

    It is impos­si­ble under the cir­cum­stances to cover our research into the Ukraine crisis. Previous pro­grams on the sub­ject are: FTR #‘s 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 794, 800, 803, 804, 808, 811, 817, 818, 824, 826, 829, 832, 833, 837, 849, 850, 853. Listeners/readers are encour­aged to exam­ine these pro­grams and/or their descrip­tions in detail, in order to flesh out their understanding.

    “Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists” by Robert Parry; Con­sor­tium News; 7/7/2015.

    In a curi­ously upbeat account, The New York Times reports that Islamic mil­i­tants have joined with Ukraine’s far-right and neo-Nazi bat­tal­ions to fight eth­nic Russ­ian rebels in east­ern Ukraine. It appears that no com­bi­na­tion of vio­lent extrem­ists is too wretched to cel­e­brate as long as they’re killing Russ-kies.

    by Andrew E. Kramer reports that there are now three Islamic bat­tal­ions “deployed to the hottest zones,” such as around the port city of Mar­i­upol. One of the bat­tal­ions is headed by a for­mer Chechen war­lord who goes by the name “Mus­lim,” Kramer wrote, adding:

    “The Chechen com­mands the Sheikh Mansur group, named for an 18th-century Chechen resis­tance fig­ure. It is sub­or­di­nate to the nation­al­ist Right Sec­tor, a Ukrain­ian mili­tia. … Right Sec­tor … formed dur­ing last year’s street protests in Kiev from a half-dozen fringe Ukrain­ian nation­al­ist groups like White Ham­mer and the

    “Another, the
    group, is openly neo-Nazi, using the ‘
    sym­bol asso­ci­ated with the [Nazi] SS. With­out address­ing the issue of the Nazi sym­bol, the Chechen said he got along well with the nation­al­ists because, like him, they loved their home­land and hated the Russians.”

    As casu­ally as Kramer acknowl­edges the key front-line role of neo-Nazis and white suprema­cists fight­ing for the U.S.-backed Kiev regime, his arti­cle does mark an aber­ra­tion for the Times and the rest of the main­stream U.S. news media, which usu­ally dis­miss any men­tion of this Nazi taint as “Russ­ian propaganda.” . . .

    . . . . Now, the Kiev regime has added to those “forces of civ­i­liza­tion” — resist­ing the Russ-kie bar­bar­ians — Islamic mil­i­tants with ties to ter­ror­ism. Last Sep­tem­ber, Marcin Mamon, a reporter for the Inter­cept,
    a van­guard group of these Islamic fight­ers in Ukraine through the help of his “con­tact in Turkey with the Islamic State [who] had told me his ‘broth­ers’ were in Ukraine, and I could trust them.”

    The new Times arti­cle avoids delv­ing into the ter­ror­ist con­nec­tions of these Islamist fighters. . . .

    Discussion 2 comments for “Islamic State “Brothers” Now Fighting in Ukraine Under Pravy Sektor Administrative Command”
    1. This appears to be the exe­cu­tion of a strat­egy of NSDAP to have Islamist coop­er­ate with the Nazi’s. The book “Islam and Nazi Germany’s War” by David Motadel on page 313 states “In the last months of the war, in the Berlin Bunker, Hitler lamented that the Third Reich’s efforts to mobi­lize the Mus­lim world had not been strong enough. “All Islam vibrated at the news of our vic­to­ries” and Mus­lims had been “ready to rise in revolt,” he told Bor­mann. Just think what we could have done to help them, even to incite them, as would have been both our duty and interest!”

      The book cites the fol­low­ing source: “The Tes­ta­ment of Adolph Hitler: The Hitler-Bormann Doc­u­ments, Feb­ru­ary — April 1945, ed. Fran­cois Geout Transl. R. H. Stevens, intro. H. R. Trevor– Roper Lon­don, 1961″(17 Feb­ru­ary 1945) Pages 69–75.

      Posted by Waffen SS | July 19, 2015, 6:43 pm
    2. Just to add to the com­ment above — Mr Emory has painstak­ingly doc­u­mented the form and struc­ture of the con­nec­tion between cer­tain strands of Islam and fas­cism for decades as even a cur­sory trip through the archives will show.

      Most recently, the absolute essen­tial multi-part series with author Peter Lev­enda goes into some detail on the links between the Third Reich and its attempts to co-opt the more extrem­ist strands of Islamic ideology.

      Pre­vi­ously, the very men­tion of the “N” word by the NATO media prox­ies was con­sid­ered taboo and yet in recent weeks, there has been an orches­trated dis­clo­sure, that yes, there are nazi and fas­cist forces in Ukraine — in the form of a “few bad apples” that the “demo­c­ra­t­i­cally minded” Kiev regime is cur­rently tack­ling. A cynic would sug­gest this is sim­ply a form of sheep-dipping and the Right Sec­tor have prob­a­bly been told to “cool it” with the overt Nazi/Fascist insignia (of course the Stepan Ban­dera ref­er­ences can stay, given the fact very few in the west know the name).

      The embed­ding of Chechen reac­tionar­ies in the con­flict has the fin­ger­prints of west­ern state and mil­i­tary intel­li­gence all over it.

      Posted by Paul Harvey | July 20, 2015, 2:00 pm
  17. Regarding the presence of military intelligence officers in Dealey Plaza, James Richards recently offered a bit of information (and this photo) that was previously unknown to me.

    David A. Sooy was an ONI officer stationed in Dallas. He was photographed with another ONI man named Frank Krystinic. Krystinic was close friends with Michael Paine. Sooy was in his car parked in front of the TSBD when the shots were fired, a fact which is referenced in his obituary.

    Just another coincidence?


    Krystinic was more than close friends with Mike Paine.

    He actually met Oswald at the ACLU meeting that Paine and Oswald went to in October of 1963. It was after Oswald made a speech.

    Oswald and Krystinic later got into an argument. Which became heated, and nearly violent.

    Although Oswald left the impression he was not impressed by the ACLU, he later joined the organization. (Melanson, Spy Saga, p. 56)

    Its a small RUBY like world , NO ?? , gaal


    Bill Kelly

    Posted 21 March 2013 - 08:49 PM

    Okay, let me get this straight.

    In early November 1963 Col. James Dudley Wilmeth USA(Ret), professor of Russian language at UT Arlington, seeks out Marina Oswald so he can hear her speak Russian, the same reason Ruth Paine gave for seeking out Marina and befriending her.

    Col. Wilmeth is a neighbor of Clarke Benham, a Bell Helicopter engineer who works with Michael Paine, who gave Ruth Paine's phone number to Wilmeth, and calls early in the week before the assassination. I like Ruth Paine's testimony on this when she acknowledges the phone call from Wilmeth, but then asks if they were interested in Wilmeth's visit to the Paine home,

    Mr. Jenner. Have you completed all you wish to say about that incident?

    Mrs. Paine. Yes. Are you going to ask me if he came?

    Well Wilmeth came calling Nov. 19 as they were preparing dinner, a "social call" that lasted about an hour and a half. Wilmeth considered having Marina address his Russian language class, but called Ruth Paine on the afternoon of Nov. 22nd, and considering the circumstances, said he wouldn't bother them again.

    Col. Wilmeth is a local Ft. Worth boy who attended UT Austin and West Point, served in North Africa and Europe during WWII, and after the war was assigned to the US Military Mission to Moscow, where he worked on POW issues and developed his interest in the Russian language. Wilmeth also served in Korea and Japan and after retirement from the military taught Russian at UT Arlington.

    When Wilmeth is questioned about his visit to the Paines, the report mistakenly says Wilmeth learned Russian while spending "two years with US military in Mexico," and J. E. Hover himself decides this mistake in a report is worthy of calling attention to it and correcting, making sure the Warren Commission knows that it's MOSCOW not MEXICO, just in case Wilmeth is called to testify. He is not called, but at Hover's insistence the official record is corrected.

    Wilmeth's neighbor and the link to Michael Paine is Clarke Benham, Paine's Bell Helicopter co-worker (US Navy, U Michigan) whose wife also teaches (chemestry) with Wilmeth at UT Arlingtion.

    Michael Paine and Clarke Benham are together with Raymond Franklin Krystink at Bell Helicopter when news of the assassination mentions the Texas School Book Depository, which sparks Krystink to mention that Paine's friend Oswald works there. The three of them huddle around a little radio, and when Oswald's name is mentioned, Michael Paine says, "He's not supposed to have a gun," or something to that effect.

    Kryntink knew Oswald worked at the TSBD because they met earlier at an ACLU meeting. Michael Paine took Oswald to the meeting and Oswald joined the organization. According to Kryntink, Oswald spoke up at the meeting and they talked about the Pope, Walker and Adlai Stevenson. Kryntink says that Oswald implied that he had heard Walker talk and was present at the Stevenson incident.

    Krystinik mentions all this in his testimony, but I think he fails to mention that after meeting Oswald at the ACLU meeting, he went to Jack Ruby's Carousel Club with some other Bell Helicopter employees.

    Then it comes out - years later, that once Oswald was identified, Michael Paine called home from his Bell Hel office, a conversation that was either picked up by a window washer or a tap on the phone - but in either case, the conversation was picked up and Michael Paine said something about knowing Oswald didn't do it and they knew who did, a conversation said to be with either his father in California or wife in Irving. He then drove to Iriving.

    And Col. Wilmeth is not questioned further, but acknowledged visiting Ruth Paine and Marina for a social visit for an hour and a half on November 19, and neither Clark Benham nor Ruth or Michael Paine are questioned by the HSCA or ARRB.

    Is that the story?

    Well at least they got Krystinik:

    JFKCountercoup2: Raymond Franklin Krystinik

  18. that brings to my mind the next question. what do I want out of this, finally? vindication? for the bad guys to suffer (many are already dead)? for this "other" form of government to fall...?

    to regain the america we once had...?

    am i effin' crazy?

    Uh, yup, I'd say you're crazy... ;)

    There was never "the america we once had"... never existed Glenn. The evils we all accept today were much better hidden - but they were still there and running things...

    So I'm not sure to what you refer.

    When the decision was made to sacrifice people and planet for profit... or people and planet for control... I fail to see the ability to stop that slide.

    My other project has to do with the history of nation owning and how the intelligence services arose from the wealthy private sector...

    What I'm saying is that even in Plato's days, the rich were controlling the strings.

    Property rights and sovereignty related to the Tragedy of the Commons remains, imo, the root of humanity's problems.

    There are always people who feel that if they do not exploit the Commons, they in turn we be exploited.

    Kant wrote about it in "Perpetual Peace"

    I think what we do here is to increase the awareness base. And turn the tide a millimeter at a time.

    That 911 can happen and be so in your face about the lies just shows we've made no progress since 1964... in fact the progress is in the wrong direction, now they don't even bother hiding much...

    The reply is "so what, deal with it"...

    And we do.



    - Michael Parenti - The Assassination of Julius Caesar


  19. Edmounds worked briefly for the FBI after 9/11 translating Turkish not Arabic or Phashto which she didn't speak (though she speaks Farsi which is related to the latter) and firing had nothing to do with 9/1!. She latter started making far fetched claims about things that would not have come into her purview.

    Ryan was not an "insider" he worked for a water testing lab in Indiana purchased by UL shortly before 9/11. There was no substantiation for his claims and he was fired for using company letterhead to push them giving the impression his employer backed them.

    Lindauer was according to several mental health professionals delusional. Only one person supports her claim she gave a vague pre-9/11 warning of a bombing in southern Manhattan. But if we are to believe her the Iraqi gov't was involved.

    Articles by Kevin Ryan

    Ryan is also the creator of the one-hour talk on the NIST Report 'A New Standard For Deception', which is the subject of this review.

    Ryan was fired from Underwriters Laboratories immediately after the e-mail listed above became public. Ryan has filed a lawsuit against Underwriters Laboratories for wrongful termination, in order to ensure accountability of the taxpayer-supported agency. To support Ryan's effort, you can contribute to the Legal Defense Fund for Kevin Ryan.

    For more articles by Kevin Ryan, see his blog: Dig Within, which has regularly updated content.

    back to Articles



    Susan Lindauer Talks to WeAreChange Connecticut ...


    Oct 5, 2012 - Uploaded by wearechangect

    10/4/12 Whistleblower & activist Susan Lindauer talks to ... because she was NOT "crazy" and that ...



    Lindauer's life up until the arrest certainly doesn't give the impression of a person operating in psychoses. She is the daughter of John Lindauer, a former Republican candidate for governor of Alaska. She majored in economics in college and worked for the United States Congress as well as several media outlets as follows ......


    As a U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 up to the invasion. Independent sources have confirmed that she gave advance warning about the 9/11 attack. She also started talks for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats. Shortly after requesting to testify before Congress about successful elements of Pre-War Intelligence, Lindauer became one of the first non-Arab Americans arrested on the Patriot Act as an “Iraqi Agent.” She was accused of warning her second cousin, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Secretary of State Colin Powell that War with Iraq would have catastrophic consequences. Gratis of the Patriot Act, her indictment was loaded with “secret charges” and “secret evidence.” She was subjected to one year in prison on Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas without a trial or hearing, and threatened with indefinite detention and forcible drugging to shut her up. After five years of indictment without a conviction or guilty plea, the Justice Department dismissed all charges five days before President Obama’s inauguration.

    Video from Portland, Oregon, August, 2011– on CIA’s advance warnings about 9/11 and cover up on the Patriot Act.





    April 2001: FBI Translators Learn Al-Qaeda Suicide Pilots Plan to Hit Skyscrapers in US and Europe

    FBI translators Sibel Edmonds and Behrooz Sarshar will later claim to know of an important warning given to the FBI at this time. In their accounts, a reliable informant on the FBI’s payroll for at least ten years tells two FBI agents that sources in Afghanistan have heard of an al-Qaeda plot to attack the US and Europe in a suicide mission involving airplanes. Al-Qaeda agents, already in place inside the US, are being trained as pilots. By some accounts, the names of prominent US cities are mentioned. A report on the matter is filed with squad supervisor Thomas Frields, but it’s unclear if this warning reaches FBI headquarters or beyond. The two translators will later privately testify to the 9/11 Commission. [WorldNetDaily, 3/24/2004; Salon, 3/26/2004; WorldNetDaily, 4/6/2004; Village Voice, 4/14/2004] Sarshar’s notes of the interview indicate that the informant claimed his information came from Iran, Afghanistan, and Hamburg, Germany (the location of the primary 9/11 al-Qaeda cell). However, anonymous FBI officials will claim the warning was very vague and doubtful. [Chicago Tribune, 7/21/2004] In reference to this warning and apparently others, Edmonds will say, “President Bush said they had no specific information about September 11, and that’s accurate. However, there was specific information about use of airplanes, that an attack was on the way two or three months beforehand, and that several people were already in the country by May of 2001. They should’ve alerted the people to the threat we were facing.” [Salon, 3/26/2004] She will add, “There was general information about the time-frame, about methods to be used but not specifically about how they would be used and about people being in place and who was ordering these sorts of terror attacks. There were other cities that were mentioned. Major cities with skyscrapers.” [Independent, 4/2/2004]


    July-August 2001: FBI Agent Is Deliberately Deceived regarding Skyscraper Warning

    According to statements by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds in 2004 and 2005, in July or August 2001, an unnamed FBI field agent discovers foreign documentation revealing “certain information regarding blueprints, pictures, and building material for skyscrapers being sent overseas. It also reveal certain illegal activities in obtaining visas from certain embassies in the Middle East, through network contacts and bribery.” The document is in a foreign language and apparently the agent isn’t given an adequate translation of it before 9/11. Approximately one month after 9/11, the agent will suspect the original translation is insufficient and will ask the FBI Washington Field Office to retranslate it. The significant information mentioned above will finally be revealed, but FBI translation unit supervisor Mike Feghali will decide not to send this information back to the field agent. Instead, he will send a note stating that the translation was reviewed and the original translation was accurate. The field agent will never receive the accurate translation. This is all according to Edmonds’s letter. Edmonds will claim Feghali “has participated in certain criminal activities and security breaches, and [engaged] in covering up failures and criminal conducts within the department.” While the mainstream media will not report on this incident, in January 2005 an internal government report will determine that most of Edmonds’s allegations have been verified and none of them could be refuted. [Edmonds, 8/1/2004; Anti-War (.com), 8/22/2005]


    September 20, 2001 and After: FBI Translator Sees Pattern of Deliberate Failure

    Immediately after beginning her job as an FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds encounters a pattern of deliberate failure in her department. Her supervisor, Mike Feghali, allegedly says, “Let the documents pile up so we can show it and say that we need more translators and expand the department.” She claims that if she was not slowing down enough, her supervisor would delete her work. Meanwhile, FBI agents working on the 9/11 investigation would call and ask for urgently needed translations. In January 2002, FBI officials will tell government auditors that translator shortages are resulting in “the accumulation of thousands of hours of audio tapes and pages” of material that has not been translated. [Washington Post, 6/19/2002] After she discloses this in an October 2002 interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) says of her charges, “She’s credible and the reason I feel she’s very credible is because people within the FBI have corroborated a lot of her story.” He points out that the speed of such translation might make the difference between an attack succeeding or failing. [CBS News, 10/25/2002; New York Post, 10/26/2002] An investigation by the Justice Department’s Inspector General’s Office

    One of Sibel Edmond’s main assignments as a contract FBI translator is to expedite requested translations from field agents. Shortly after she is hired by the FBI, an Arizona field agent requests that certain material be re-translated. He is concerned that the original translation may not have been thorough enough. When she does the re-translation, she discovers that it contains information extremely relevant to the September 11 attacks, including references to “blueprints, pictures, and building material for skyscrapers being sent overseas” It also “reveals certain illegal activities in obtaining visas from certain embassies in the Middle East, through network contacts and bribery” (see July-August 2001). [Edmonds, 8/1/2004] After re-translating the documents, she goes to supervisor Mike Feghali and says, “I need to talk to this agent over a secure line because what we came across in this retranslating is gigantic, it has specific information about certain specific activity related to 9/11.” But Feghali refuses to send the retranslation to the same agent, telling her, “How would you like it if another translator did this same thing to you? The original translator is going to be held responsible.” The agent never receives the re-translation he requested from Edmonds. Instead he is told by the Washington field office that the original translation is fine. [Boston Globe, 7/5/2004; Edmonds, 8/1/2004]

  20. I thought the Forum Members should see a related post, which I find fascinating posted by Greg Parker

    concerning Joe Molina, - [TSBD worker on 11/22/63] who had some pretty interesting ties to the far right wing in Dallas.

    Under "Joe Molina's connection to Gun-Runners"


    By the way, please respond if you are familiar with these

    1963 Dallas Phone Numbers.

    LA 6-3844

    RI 8-6141

    Robert, If I come across these numbers I'll pass it on.

    I can remember reading this post by Greg at some time.

    There is also a statement to the effect that the first hint of a conspiracy originated with Dan Smoot of the Dan Smoot report and the JBC. I've been for some time searching for a copy of this original 'report'.

    Has any members heard of this and have a copy or can point to one?

    gun runners

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