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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. ############################################ ############################################ Newly Released Memo: Government ‘Minders’ at 9/11 Commission Interviews ‘Intimidated’ Witnesses Published April 27, 2009 April 27, 2009 History Commons Groups A recently released 9/11 Commission memo highlights the role of government “minders” who accompanied witnesses interviewed by the commission. It was added to the National Archives’ files at the start of the year and discovered there by History Commons contributor paxvector. The memo, entitled “Executive Branch Minders’ Intimidation of Witnesses,” complains that: Minders “answer[ed] questions directed at witnesses;” Minders acted as “monitors, reporting to their respective agencies onCommission staffs lines of inquiry and witnesses’ verbatim responses.” The staff thought this “conveys to witnesses that their superiors will review their statements and may engage in retribution;” and Minders “positioned themselves physically and have conducted themselvesin a manner that we believe intimidates witnesses from giving full and candid responses to our questions.” The memo was drafted by three staffers on the commission’s Team 2, which reviewed the overall structure of the US intelligence community.…
  2. Proposed Tribunal on MH17 Crash to Become Kangaroo Court for Putin = Experts claim that the proposed UN tribunal on the MH17 plane crash in southeastern Ukraine would descend into a veritable kangaroo court on Russia’s alleged role in what the West believes was a downing by Moscow-backed Ukrainian militias. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The proposed UN tribunal on the MH17 plane crash in southeastern Ukraine would descend into a veritable kangaroo court on Russia’s alleged role in what the West believes was a downing by Moscow-backed Ukrainian militias, experts told Sputnik on Friday. On Wednesday, Russia blocked a UN draft resolution to set up an international tribunal to prosecute those behind the Malaysian Boeing 777 plane crash in July 2014. Moscow said it would continue to assist the impartial probe into the tragedy that left 298 people dead, but only under the terms of the previous UN resolution on the matter. "The aim of those who wanted to create the tribunal was to make a body of international justice [that would] become a tribunal against the Russian leader [Vladimir Putin]," said Martin Braxatoris, co-chairman of the Slovak news portal DespiteBorders.com. © Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresensky Kremlin Slams MH17 Tribunal Initiatives As Distraction From Investigation Stevan Gajic, a research fellow at the Institute for European Studies in Belgrade, told Sputnik that Malaysia's tribunal bid, backed by Ukraine, Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands, was effectively aimed at creating "a propaganda machine to blame Russia" and make Putin the "Hitler of the month.""If we take into consideration the statements made by such people as the former UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Balkans, who compared Putin to [Yugoslavian former president Slobodan] Milosevic, I think that those who want to create the tribunal want to blame Russia, but in the end to blame personally Putin," Gajic said. Braxatoris noted that countries behind the Hague tribunal bid had a "ready verdict" on Russia’s involvement even as they floated this idea. It is based on evidence that has never been made public, despite Moscow’s calls for any relevant information to be shared with all the parties concerned. "Therefore I think it could repeat the fate of the Tribunal on former Yugoslavia. There is a serious risk that the work of this organ would have been politicized," he said. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was set up in 1993 to probe war crimes committed on its territory since 1991. Gajic said that it followed a colonial court model that put its creators above the legal process. "I think that this is the reason for the Russian misgivings about the Tribunal on the Malaysian Boeing. Russia smells the malicious intent," he said, adding that Russia would not be in control of the proceedings like some of the other interested parties. Russia has repeatedly stressed that the initiative to create a tribunal is premature and counterproductive. Moscow insists that it is necessary to wait for the Dutch Safety Board to release their final report into the crash. Read more: http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20150731/1025282534.html#ixzz3hXIoImHA
  3. SOMETHING SMELLS ABOUT THE NON RUSSIAN CHANGE IN FLIGHT PATH , gaal __________________________________________________________________________________________ MH17, One Year On: What Really Happened, And Why By Patrick Henningsen Global Research, July 21, 2015 Sott.net 17 July 2015 http://www.globalresearch.ca/mh17-one-year-on-what-really-happened-and-why/5463625
  4. Posted Today, 08:41 PM Do you intentionally format your posts to make them difficult to read? So of the hundreds of people who would have been involved some supposedly sold their souls // Colby ============================================================ Sibrel Edmounds and even ealier whitle blowers such as Agee are still very much alive // Colby --------------------------------- January 15-February 2000 and Spring 2000) who knew the hijackers could have helped with this. Clarke mentions four officials who would have been involved in a decision to withhold information: 1. 36 font >> SAYS 4 > and you still say hundreds (NEED BIGGER FONT ?? ) 2. Sibrel Edmounds and Agee they didn't suffer retaliation ?? SIR do you really know no history ??? gaal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FAQ #12: Where are the 9/11 Whistleblowers? SEE http://www1.ae911truth.org/faqs/758-faq-12-where-are-the-911-whistleblowers.html (a good read) the FBI? Hardly. Consider the case of whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. the CIA? No. Consider the case of whistleblower Susan Lindauer. Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds is one of several government employees who was severely persecuted after blowing the whistle on 9/11 Former UL chemistry lab manager Kevin Ryan was fired after challenging his employer's role in NIST's WTC investigation }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Daily News @ http://RevolutionNews.US~ FOX EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings By Catherine Herridge A document obtained and witnesses interviewed by Fox News raise new questions over whether there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as "Able Danger." At least five witnesses questioned by the Defense Department's Inspector General told Fox News that their statements were distorted by investigators in the final IG's report -- or it left out key information, backing up assertions that lead hijacker Mohammed Atta was identified a year before 9/11....The IG report didn't accurately reflect her statements to investigators, she said, adding that she doesn't think the investigator simply misunderstood her. Lt. Col Tony Shaffer, an operative involved with Able Danger, said he was interviewed three times by Defense investigators . He claims it was an effort to wear down the witnesses and intimidate them. Two other witnesses, one a military contractor and the other a retired military officer, said they had the same experience. The two witnesses spoke to Fox News on the condition of anonymity because they said they feared retaliation. A fifth witness told Fox that statements to investigators were ignored. --
  5. Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids on healers, vitamin shops and supplement companies Thursday, April 12, 2007 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.naturalnews.com/021791.html Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/021791_the_FDA_medical_racket.html#ixzz3hV2Jtmjy ================================================================================== The FDA and Big Pharma’s Latest Killer Agenda: Destroy Homeopathic Medicine By Joachim Hagopian Global Research, June 11, 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-fda-and-big-pharmas-latest-killer-agenda-destroy-homeopathic-medicine/5455093 ============================================================================================== In 2011, the FDA conducted armed raids of an Amish farm searching for raw-milk related infractions. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] see http://www.naturalnews.com/the_FDA.html
  6. Impossible. The very nature of a CT vs. LN JFK debate involves some level of "conflict". It can't be avoided. How COULD it be avoided, what with LNers believing in the exact opposite of what CTers believe? Ergo...there's conflict. What's amazing is that this would need to be pointed out to you at your age. DVP thinks the government should be trusted ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conspiracy Fact: How The Government Conducted 239 Secret Bioweapon Experiments On The American People = http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-11/conspiracy-fact-how-government-conducted-239-secret-bioweapon-experiments-american-p = What's amazing is that this above would need to be pointed out to you at your age.,gaal
  7. GMO Propaganda Over Facts? BBC Panorama Falsely Portraying Bt Brinjal (Eggplant) Cultivation in Bangladesh as a Success By GMWatch Global Research, July 29, 2015 GMWatch 28 July 2015 - http://www.globalresearch.ca/gmo-propaganda-over-facts-bbc-panorama-falsely-portraying-bt-brinjal-eggplant-cultivation-in-bangladesh-as-a-success/5465525 See more at: http://www.globalresearch.ca/gmo-propaganda-over-facts-bbc-panorama-falsely-portraying-bt-brinjal-eggplant-cultivation-in-bangladesh-as-a-success/5465525#sthash.3NNc2frF.dpuf
  8. Ex-CIA Philip Giraldi: Dutch Government Report To Blame Russia For Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-17 Shootdown ============= Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer and Executive Director of The Council for the National Interest, discusses why a Dutch government report on last year’s downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17 over Ukraine will pin the blame on Russia, despite much evidence to the contrary. ============ podcast http://thenewsdoctors.com/ex-cia-philip-giraldi-dutch-government-report-to-blame-russia-for-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh-17-shootdown/ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Who Shot Down MH-17? ------------------------------------- Paul Craig Roberts (RINF) – The available evidence convinces me that the Malaysian airliner shot down over Ukraine was a plot hatched in Washington in order to blame Russia, blame which helps Washington’s pressure on Europe for sanctions against Russia. An alternative explanation is that Washington’s stooge government in Kiev in an assassination attempt against Vladimir Putin mistook the Malaysian airliner for Putin’s airplane. The circumstantial evidence in favor of the former explanation is that the Western media was primed and ready to go with stories blaming Russia the minute the news broke that the airliner had been downed. No evidence was available, but the Western media was uniform in accusations against Russia and “Russian-supported separatists.” In making up your own mind, consider these two reports: http://www.globalresearch.ca/support-mh17-truth-osce-monitors-identify-shrapnel-like-holes-indicating-shelling-no-firm-evidence-of-a-missile-attack/5394324 http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/28-07-2015/131502-unanswered_questions-0/
  9. When will crazed conspiracist Colby stop !! ,gaal Inmate in Cell Next to Sandra Bland ‘Positive’ She Knows Cause of Death — and Second Inmate Agrees Jul. 24, 2015 9:10pm Oliver Darcy The inmate across the hall from the woman found dead in a Texas jail said Friday that she is “positive” the 28-year-old committed suicide. Police say that Sandra Bland, who was arrested on July 10 and found dead three days later, hung herself with a plastic garbage bag from inside her cell. The death was ruled a suicide by a medical examiner. Bland’s family, however, has disputed this claim, contending that she was excited about a new job and wouldn’t take her own life. “Black Lives Matter” activists have strongly suggested that authorities may have been responsible for Bland’s death. But Alexandria Pyle told KTRK-TV that she is certain police at the Texas jail weren’t guilty of foul play. “I don’t think the guards did anything. I mean it’s a tragedy either way, but I don’t think the guards did anything,” she told the news station. “I don’t think the guards did anything.” Share: When asked if she believed that Bland committed suicide, Pyle told KTRK, “I’m positive it was, but that’s just me.” A second inmate who spoke to KTRK said the same thing. Image source: KTRK-TV “Do you think she committed suicide?” a reporter asked. “I do, I do,” the anonymous inmate replied. “Nobody went in or out of her cell.” “And as far as the guards there in the jail, they were really nice. They just did their job,” she added. Bland may have struggled with depression. While being booked to the Waller County Jail, the 28-year-old told police that she attempted suicide with pills in 2014 following the loss of her baby. When asked if she was feeling depressed, she said “yes.” When asked if she was feeling depressed at that moment, she responded in the affirmative. Bland told authorities she had thoughts of suicide, but said she hadn’t had any that day. The information is in line with what Bland posted on her Facebook page earlier this year. In a video, she told her friends she was battling “a little bit of depression as well as PTSD.” – Follow the author of this story on Twitter and Facebook:
  10. For those of you who think there could have been this Byzantine conspiracy & 14 years later none of the hundreds of people involved said anything ========================================== SOME PEOPLE OFFERED REWARD COMPARTMENTALIZED INFO VERY FEW PEOPLE KNEW ,gaal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.historycommons.org/searchResults.jsp?searchtext=BLEE&events=on&entities=on&articles=on&topics=on&timelines=on&projects=on&titles=on&descriptions=on&dosearch=on&search=Go ==================== February 23, 2004: Nomination of Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief to State Department Rank Announced The Congressional Record reports that Richard Blee, the manager in charge of the CIA’s bin Laden unit on 9/11 (see August 22-September 10, 2001), has been nominated to a State Department rank. In a list of State Department nominations, it states that he and several dozen other people are proposed “to be consular officers and/or secretaries of the diplomatic service of the United States of America, as indicated for appointment as foreign service officers of class three, consular officer and secretary in the diplomatic service of the United States of America.” The listing gives his address as the District of Columbia. [US Congress, 2/23/2004, pp. 48 ] ======== August 11, 2011: Former Counterterrorism ‘Tsar’ Says CIA Deliberately Withheld Information from Him before 9/11 In an interview, former counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke says that the CIA purposefully withheld information from him about two future 9/11 hijackers for over a year before September 11. The interview was taped in October 2009, but is released now by documentary makers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy ahead of a forthcoming podcast entitled “Who Is Rich Blee?” about the intelligence failures before 9/11. Clarke indicates he found out the CIA failed to pass information on to him not long after 9/11, but assumed the information had been honestly missed by a single junior officer. However, when he later learned at at least 50 officers accessed the information, he began to question this theory. (Note: the news that the information was accessed by at least 50 officers broke in August 2007—see Mid-January-March 2000 and August 21, 2007). According to Clarke, information of the sort the CIA had on two of the hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, was automatically forwarded to him, but he never heard their names before 9/11. Clarke, who admits he cannot prove his allegation that the information was withheld deliberately, says the best explanation he can come up with is that the CIA was attempting to turn the two hijackers into double agents, which is why nobody was told outside the agency. Clarke points out that alleged Saudi intelligence operatives working in the US (see January 15-February 2000 and Spring 2000) who knew the hijackers could have helped with this. Clarke mentions four officials who would have been involved in a decision to withhold information: CIA Director George Tenet, who followed information about al-Qaeda in “microscopic detail,” Counterterrorist Center chief Cofer Black, Alec Station chief Richard Blee, and his deputy Tom Wilshire. Clarke also expresses wonder that the information was not mentioned at a key meeting with National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice in July 2001 (see July 10, 2001) when Tenet, Black, and Blee were trying to get her to take strong action against al-Qaeda, because what they had on Almihdhar and Alhazmi was the “most persuasive piece of evidence” they had. He also does not understand why the CIA told the FBI in late August 2001 that the two hijackers had entered the country (see August 21-22, 2001). Clarke adds that the CIA presumably did not mention the fact that the two men were in the US at a meeting of high-level officials on September 4, 2001 (see September 4, 2001) because it would have angered Clarke and this would have led to an investigation in CIA “malfeasance and misfeasance” in concealing the information. However, he thinks the US authorities would have caught the hijackers with a “massive sweep” even if he had been told as late as September 4. Clarke also comments that he never asked Tenet and the other CIA officials about what had happened, as the facts became known to him over time. He also says that Tenet, Black, and Blee have got away with what they did, as they were not held to account by the Joint Congressional Inquiry or the 9/11 Commission. [John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski, 8/11/2011; Truthout (.org), 8/11/2011] Tenet, Black, and Blee received an advance copy of the interview and issued a statement in response (see August 3, 2011). Entity Tags: George J. Tenet, Cofer Black, Tom Wilshire, ============ ============ Disconnecting the Dots: How 9/11 Was Allowed to Happen — Chapter 15Published July 22, 2011 by Kevin Fenton Introduction to Chapter 15 of Disconnecting the Dots , for publication at 911Truth.org : In January 2000, several high-ranking al-Qaeda operatives, including alleged Flight 77 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, held a summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting was monitored by the CIA and a local Malaysian service, although the agency reportedly failed to exploit this opportunity to learn what bin Laden’s organization was planning. In addition, the CIA deliberately withheld information about the two men, in particular that Almihdhar had a US visa, from the FBI. … Posted in Books, Evidence and Research, Resources and Materials Tagged Alec Station, Alleged Hijackers, CIA, Cofer Black, FBI, Jon Gold, Kevin Fenton, Khalid Al Mihdhar, Nawaf Al Hazmi, Richard Blee
  11. Mrs. PAINE - I might point out that I didn't know Lee had a middle name until I had occasion to fill out forms for Marina in Parkland Hospital. Mr. JENNER - That is when you learned that his middle name was Harvey and his initial was H? Mrs. PAINE - Right. =============================================== I thought LHO wrote in her address book ?? NO ? , gaal
  12. Posted 14 March 2015 - 06:28 PM }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Marina Oswald (important Trejo source,Gaal) More evidence of FBI intimidation and threats of witnesses comes no less from Oswald's brother Robert, who told the Commission that he overheard the FBI threaten to deport Marina Oswald if she did not cooperate with them. Mr. OSWALD. In my presence. And the tone of the reply between this gentle man and Mr. Gopadze, and back to Marina, it was quite evident there was a harshness there, and that Marina did not want to speak to the FBI at that time. And she was refusing to. And they were insisting, sir. And they implied in so many words, as I sat there--if I might state--with Secret Service Agent Gary Seals, of Mobile, Ala.--we were opening the first batch of mail that had come to Marina and Lee's attention, and we were perhaps just four or five feet away from where they were attempting this interview, and it came to my ears that they were implying that if she did not cooperate with the FBI agent there, that this would perhaps--I say, again, I am implying--in so many words, that they would perhaps deport her from the United States and back to Russia. ( 1 H 410 ) The FBI even brought an agent from the Immigration and Naturalization Service in to the Inn at Six Flags to talk to Marina and advise her to "help" the FBI: Mr. RANKIN. Did you see anyone from the Immigration Service during this period of time? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Do you know who that was? Mrs. OSWALD. I don't remember the name. I think he is the chairman of that office. At least he was a representative of that office. Mr. RANKIN. By "that office" you mean the one at Dallas? Mrs. OSWALD. I was told that he had especially come from New York, it seems to me. Mr. RANKIN. What did he say to you? Mrs. OSWALD. That if I was not guilty of anything, if I had not committed any crime against this Government, then I had every right to live in this country. This was a type of introduction before the questioning by the FBI. He even said that it would be better for me if I were to help them. Mr. RANKIN. Did he explain to you what he meant by being better for you? Mrs. OSWALD. In the sense that I would have more rights in this country. I understood it that way. ( 1 H 80 ) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] http://educationforu...hp?showuser=859 Posted Today, 05:10 PM (1) Jack Ruby told Earl Warren that Edwin WALKER and the JBS were behind the JFK murder. // Trejo ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Not the whole story. (GAAL) ==== 'Rodney Rivers', on 26 Feb 2012 - 10:15 AM, said :http://educationforu...post&pid=247362http://educationforu...post&pid=247362 Ruby pointed the finger at LBJ correct? That's probably why. Spot on, Rodney! He whispered as much to a reporter and was caught on film and audio doing so. --Tommy Graves }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} The Mae Brussell tape showed that the military had a plot to kill Walker AND JFK. There is thus a plot above and beyond General Waker. == Walker is surrounded by CIA connected people or people with loyalty to Allen Dulles. BTW Banister was in working Chicago at the time FBN (CIA helper) George White was assigned there, before White moved upward to head FBN. One can conclude that Walkers operations was CIA penetrated back to front and this is why Ruby named him (Walker) culpable in the JFK matter - for Walker was an assigned Patsy. Ruby was just doing his job and hoping said loyalty would give him some relief in his ultra difficult situation. == You ignored the Armstrong Article that showed Ruby's CIA/DOD connections. == The TACA articles (plus Spider's Web article} implies a ultra secret GUN/DRUGS TSBD operation that comes from a compartmentalized hidden State Department operation that is , sideways so to speek, unknown to even most of the upper levels of American intelligence. == "that George DeMohrenschildt (DM) was anything else than a dedicated hater of Edwin WALKER. " // Trejo == Truly this Tejo quote shows a lack of knowledge and intellectual acumen in JFK assassination research (GAAL) So what if George DM had a positive relationship with GHW Bush, starting with the Batista regime? It proves exactly NOTHING. Even if GHW Bush was involved in oil exploration in Haiti -- that still proves exactly NOTHING. // Trejo == Bush is with the former COS of Greece in Dallas. Helms' second in command was also former COS Greece (and Greek BTW). Barbara Bush told Beschloss that her husband and son ("W") went to see the parade (JFK Dallas). Cuban intelligence chief stated that Crichton and Bush were part of a group of businessmen organizing the financing for anti-Castro operations. == }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Ruby's compartmentalized controlled knowledge was that Walker was an assigned Patsy. Ruby was in part staying on script and also giving a partial blackmail back at the conspirators,for the CIA penetration of Walker's operations could lead back to the CIA/DOD. I have explained it all (Hah !!). isn't that what Trejo implies ???????????? 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Dialogue: Conspiracy 78-02-26 (link) AUDIO Listen: Whole Show ========================== CIA HIT TEAM (EDWARD LANSDALE SPECIAL FORCES SELECTION) ARMY PENTAGON HIT TEAM ( BRUSSELL SHOW) WALKER PATSY SAD SACK HIT TEAM (HINTED AT IN BRUSSELL as Walker a Target) =========================================== https://riversong.wo...o-jim-garrison/ ___________________________________ Later, when Maxwell Taylor had become the chairman of the JCS, the only JCS John Kennedy knew was even more CIA biased, since Maxwell Taylor himself was by that time more oriented toward the Secret Team than the military, and Krulak was closer than ever to the President. Thus it was not the real military that Kennedy would have offended if he had withdrawn from Vietnam in 1963. It was the chameleon Secret Team/CIA military who made him think they would have objected, and who made him think that they represented the military. Thus it was not the real military that Kennedy would have offended if he had withdrawn from Vietnam in 1963. It was the chameleon Secret Team/CIA military who made him think they would have objected, and who made him think that they represented the military. As important to the Secret Team as SACSA was, of equal importance was the return to the government and especially to the Pentagon of Maxwell Taylor. After the Bay of Pigs, it was inevitable that Allen Dulles would leave the CIA. His chief lieutenant, Dick Bissell of U-2 fame and of Laos and Bay of Pigs infamy, left the Agency to become the head of the Institute of Defense Analysis, an organization with many interesting functions – among them, acting as a conduit for CIA activities. Dulles again showed that uncanny ability of his and of the Agency’s to rise above each fiasco on to new heights. During the Bay of Pigs inquiry he ingratiated Maxwell Taylor to the Kennedys so firmly that Jack Kennedy assigned General Taylor to the position of Military Adviser to the President. This was a good cover assignment for General Taylor. However, everyone else in the need-to-know clan knew that Maxwell Taylor was in the White House to be the President’s liaison man with the CIA. The President may not have known how closely Maxwell Taylor’s aspirations and those of Allen Dulles matched each other. During the last days of the Dulles era, Maxwell Taylor served as the focal point man between Dulles and his Agency and the White House. .............. Kennedy had the misfortune, which he was overcoming rapidly, of being young and inexperienced in the inner ways of government, such as those employed by the Secret Team. He could not have realized that Maxwell Taylor, for example, by the time he had returned to the Pentagon as chairman of the JCS, was actually more of a Judas goat, as far as the military was concerned, than the leader of the herd, as he had been when he left three years before. Few great armies have been so vastly demoralized and stricken by an integral campaign as has the U.S. Army since those dark days of 1964 and 1965, when Maxwell Taylor and his Secret Team counterparts led them into Vietnam under the banner of counterinsurgency. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PER TREJO >>> JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF (which has ALLEN DULLES MAN TAYLOR) HATES WALKER. DULLES & MILITARY & CIA SET UP WALKER AS FALSE PATSY. WALKER THINKS HE IS INVOLVED MORE THAN HE REALLY IS. PLEASE SEE AUDIO LINK > INSIDER TO HIT TEAM TALKS. ONE OF THE TARGETS ?? WALKER a potential patsy not the CEO of JFK assassination. (please listen to audio link) . , gaal
  13. INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river, U.S. govt. agents raided his research facility to seize a breakthrough cancer treatment called GcMAF =================================================================================================== NaturalNews.comBy Mike Adams | Natural News The history of the suppression of medical science in America is a long one, filled with true accounts of pioneering doctors and clinicians being threatened, intimidated and even assassinated in order to bury emerging cures and keep the “sick care” industry in control. (The American Medical Association, for example, has been found guilty by the U.S. federal courts of a conspiracy to destroy the chiropractic industry, by the way.) Over the last few days, we’ve learned that before being found shot in the chest and floating in the river, pioneering medical researcher Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. Called, “GcMAF”, this molecule has the potential to be a universal cancer cure for many people. It has also been shown to reverse signs of autism in the vast majority of patients receiving the treatment. Advertisement While GcMAF is perfectly legal as a treatment in dozens of advanced nations around the world, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has outlawed it, calling it an “unapproved drug.” It is with this designation — an effort to suppress the forward progress of medical science — that the U.S. government conducted a raid on Dr. Bradstreet’s clinic, specifically seeking to confiscate GcMAF in order to shut down his research and halt his treatment of patients. Meanwhile, Big Pharma gets special permission to unleash untested, experimental drugs on the public as long as those drugs earn sufficient profits. In this article, I summarize the videos, articles and documents covering GcMAF and the mysterious death of Dr. Bradstreet. An exhaustive investigation needs to be pursued on this matter, possibly involving private investigators. The timing and manner of Dr. Bradstreet’s death seems highly suspicious, especially in light of the many other holistic doctors who have recently been found dead under mysterious circumstances. (Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died just days ago…) Motive to murder medical researchers and suppress a promising cancer treatment breakthroughIs there a motive for the murder of pioneering cancer researchers working on a possible universal cancer cure? Of course there is… it’s the most common motive in the world: MONEY. A universal cancer cure would destroy the profitability of the highly lucrative cancer industry and collapse the American Cancer Society, hospitals, oncology clinics and pharmaceutical companies that depend on chemotherapy revenues to stay profitable. Key to their profitability is the inescapable fact that conventional cancer treatments simply don’t work most of the time, creating a reliable profit stream of repeat business from patients who are never cured (by design). Would the cancer industry murder doctors to protect its profits? Of course it would. The industry kills patients as a routine part of its business operations! For example, an oncologist named Farid Fata was recently sentenced to 56 years in prison for falsely diagnosing patients with cancer so that he could sell them chemotherapy treatments they didn’t need. See the article Cancer doctors ‘fess up to making false diagnoses just to make more money. Click here to search for “cancer false diagnosis” at GoodGopher.com, the search engine for truth seekers. INVESTIGATION: Here’s what we know so farMultiple hat tips to all the outstanding citizen journalists, video creators and bloggers who have created the items cited below: U.S. govt. search warrant document served against Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet to confiscate GcMAF from his research facility. Video that connects the dots between Dr. Bradstreet, GcMAF, cancer cures and the suppression of medical science by the U.S. government. Video detailing the Dr. Bradstreet search warrant, served June 30, during which the U.S. government seized GcMAF from Dr. Bradstreet’s research clinic: EzekielDiet.com story that covers the apparent series of murders of holistic doctors, many of whom are working on advanced treatment protocols that render high-profit sectors of conventional medicine OBSOLETE: Yet another doctor was just found murdered inside his home here on the East Coast of Florida. This makes six doctors to be found dead in the last month just from this region of the country alone. Four out of the six were found dead here in Florida. We lost the holistic Dr. Teresa Sievers, MD, who was found murdered in her Florida home just weeks ago. We’ve also lost the alternative Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, MD, who was found in a river with a gunshot to his chest. He’d recently moved to Georgia from Florida. We’ve also lost the Osteopath. Dr. Riley, who was found in Georgia at her home; just a few hours from the Florida border. She was found with a gunshot wound to her head. Now we’ve lost Dr. Schwartz MD, who was found murdered in his home, on Sunday, July 19th, 2015. This was four weeks to the day after the death of the first physician: (Dr. Bradstreet MD) who I broke the story on a month ago. His family is still seeking answers as to what happened to him and they’re some of the kindest people I know. The latest MD, Dr. Schwartz, in the picture above, lived just north of the fit, healthy, holistic Dr. Hedendal; who was the second doctor to be found dead this past Father’s Day, in Boca Raton. This was the same day that Dr. Holt died at the age of 33. Both were fathers; and again, both men died here in Florida on June 21st, 2015. SCIENCE.NaturalNews.com entry describing the extraordinary benefits of GcMAF in a published study: Stepwise incubation of purified Gc protein with immobilized beta-galactosidase and sialidase generated probably the most potent macrophage activating factor (termed GcMAF) ever discovered, which produces no adverse effect in humans… After about 16-22 administrations (approximately 3.5-5 months) of GcMAF, these patients had insignificantly low serum enzyme levels equivalent to healthy control enzyme levels, ranging from 0.38 to 0.63 nmole/min/mg protein, indicating eradication of the tumors. This therapeutic procedure resulted in no recurrence for more than 4 years. In other words, the administration of GcMAF eradicated tumors and left patients cancer-free for 4+ years with no additional treatment! Both U.S. and UK governments desperately seizing all supply, shutting down clinics, even as millions die from cancer every decade…UK govt. admission that GcMAF was on track to being commercialized as a pioneering cancer treatment, so they had to confiscate it! GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), a blood product, claims to treat a range of conditions including cancer, HIV and autism… More than 10,000 vials were seized at this site and production of this unlicensed medicine has now ceased. These products were sold through various European websites and UK patients may have bought it from one of these websites. We are working with colleagues in other countries to alert them to the potential risks. Our investigations are ongoing and we have received no reports to date of side effects caused by this product. That same page lists some of the websites where GcMAF had been available for purchase: www.GcMAF.eu www.immunobiotech.eu www.immunocentre.eu www.petgcmaf.com www.firstimmune.fr www.firstimmune.de www.firstimmune.it www.gcmaf.gr www.gcmaf.se www.gcmaf.es www.gcmaf.ru www.gcmaf.pl GcMAF is readily available as a medical treatment in Japan. This site explains: GcMAF (Gc Protein derived Macrophage Activating Factor) – Gc MAF treatment is a highly effective macrophage activating therapy, used to stimulate the immune system and activate macrophages so that they can destroy cancer cells and other abnormal cells in the body. From the FAQ page of the treatment clinic: What exactly is Second Generation GcMAF? High Dose Second Generation Gc-MAF is produced using our new Patent Pending process which was developed here in Japan by Saisei Mirai in collaboration with Dr Hitoshi Hori and Dr Yoshihiro Uto at the University of Tokushima who have been studying GcMAF for over 20 years. Studies on GcMAF began at the University of Tokushima in 1992, after they were introduced to Dr Nobuto Yamamoto’s work and a collaboration began… Second Generation GcMAF is made using a new and improved 2nd generation method of Gc-MAF production which is 10-20 times more concentrated and is more active and stable than other GcMAF that is currently available. Importantly, this much higher concentration GcMAF has been clinically demonstrated to be largely free of any side effects in the great majority of patients and is much more stable because it is resistant to oxidation. That same site describes Oral GcMAF as follows: “Oral GcMAF is a form of GcMAF produced from bovine colostrum by Saisei Mirai which was developed in collaboration with Tokushima University.” It also lists the following health conditions as being treatable with GcMAF, potentially a “universal cancer cure” substance: Gc-MAF and/or oral Colostrum MAF macrophage activation therapy is indicated in the treatment of any diseases where there is immune dysfunction or where the immune system is compromised, such as: Cancer Autoimmune diseases Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Herpes Simplex virus (HSV) Cystitis Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Multiple sclerosis (MS) Urinary tract infection (UTI) Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Endometriosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) IgA deficiency disorder Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Mycobacteria infections Parkinson’s disease Tuberculosis Fibromyalgia Human papillomavirus (HPV) Lupus (Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) HIV AIDS Dengue fever Pneumonia infection Warts caused by viral infection Norovirus Malaria Influenza virus (flu) Herpes simplex virus (HSV) Q fever (Coxiella burnetii) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Chicken pox (varicella zoster virus) Psoriasis Respiratory tract infections Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease Type 1 diabetes (T1DM), insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM) Type 1.5 diabetes, Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) Do you see yet why the medical establishment must SUPPRESS GcMAF and destroy all knowledge of its clinical applications? This one substance holds the potential to render numerous vaccines and pharmaceuticals utterly obsolete. GcMAF protein described at NaturalHealth365.com: Researchers and practitioners have demonstrated that GcMAF can reverse diseases that attack the immune system such as: chronic inflammation, bacterial and viral infections, chronic herpes, chronic acne, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia osteoporosis, Hodgkin’s, Lupus, MS, Parkinson’s and remarkably – autism. A clinical study out of Italy on 94 children with autism showed that 83 of them made considerable progress while on GcMAF. The most common reported improvements involve: • Cognitive abilities including attention and focus, learning and understanding, receptiveness and awareness of the environment and both receptive and expressive language gains. • Social Skills including willingness to interact and communicate with peers. • Behavior including less hyperactivity, less stereotypical behaviors and improved cooperation and compliance. In another study of 1500 children with autism, 85% had high levels of viruses and a compromised immune system. All 1500 received weekly GcMAF injections and 70% of the children responded to the treatment with reduced symptoms and another 15% made full recoveries. The other 15% did not respond. It was stated that the reduction of autistic symptoms is permanent provided that GcMAF has been taken long enough for the body to produce its own GcMAF which typically takes 24 weeks. The systematic suppression of medical science to protect the lucrative cancer treatment industry (chemotherapy, oncology, radiotherapy, etc.)ANH-EUROPE.org covers the systematic suppression of advanced cancer treatments and cures: Back in 1993, Nobuto Yamamoto, then working at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, USA, first described a remarkable molecule. His paper reported the conversion of vitamin D3 binding protein (DBP, known in humans as Gc) into a potent macrophage-activating factor (MAF), known as Gc-MAF. Macrophages are a key part of the human immune system with two roles: to engulf and destroy pathogens and cellular debris, and to recruit other immune cells to respond to the pathogen. Gc-MAF hasn’t had the benefit of a single patent owner – as a natural molecule, it cannot be patented without being modified – with the will and resources to push it under the noses of the public and health authorities. Dr Yamamoto has run small human trials in breast, prostate and colorectal cancers, with promising results. David Noakes might just be the person to bring Gc-MAF into the mainstream. He’s the CEO of Immuno Biotech Ltd. and spokesperson for First Immune Gc-MAF, a project he describes as, “PhD and BSc biochemists and biomedical scientists… with external doctors, oncologists and scientists who kindly provide advice, committed to bringing some of the increasing number of published but relatively unused medical cures to as many people as we can.” At the moment, Noakes and his colleagues are supplying Gc-MAF to 30 countries where it is legal, via a network of “around 300″ doctors. Their Gc-MAF is made to extremely high standards, and is being used in ongoing clinical research by Noakes’ collaborators and others. Their ultimate goal is to, “Build the case that GcMAF is effective for various illnesses, which will help to make it available to the public”. GcMAF suppliers fighting for survival against a global medical monopoly that profits from diseaseMUST-SEE website: http://gcmaf.se/ From the site: The medical laws have been changed over the last 40 years so that all the brilliant breakthroughs in cancer are denied to the British public. Lord Maurice Saatchi had to watch his wife die, while his doctor told him the only thing he was allowed to prescribe her was chemotherapy, which would shorten her life. He hopes to bring the Medical Innovation Bill to Parliament, so instead of obeying a destructive government law, a doctor will be able to prescribe whatever treatment is best for the patient… Bad law kills, and Britain has the worst medical laws in Europe. The 1939 Cancer Act makes it illegal to discuss the possibility cancer can be cured, which is partly why 160,000 people die unnecessarily of cancer in Britain every year. Science and treatments are decades ahead of where the medical industry is today. The MHRA’s job is to get life saving treatments like GcMAF out to people as quickly as possible. Instead they block them to protect billion dollar Big Pharma monopolies, who also fund the MHRA. Over a hundred thousand lives could be saved every year if the 1939 Cancer Act were repealed, and the MHRA were closed down. There are 142 eminent scientists who have published GcMAF research papers on the US National Library of Medicine alone. From the how GcMAF works page: Your GcMAF empowers your body to cure itself. In a healthy person your own GcMAF has 11 actions discovered so far, including two on cells, three excellent effects on the brain, and 6 on cancer. Amongst these it acts as a “director” of your immune system. But viruses and malignant cells like cancer send out an enzyme called Nagalase that prevents production of your GcMAF: that stops its 11 beneficial effects, and neutralises your immune system. So diseases become chronic, and cancer cells grow unchecked. Minutes after a receiving a dose, 10 of the body’s actions restart. In three weeks of two GcMAF 0.25ml doses a week, your immune system is rebuilt to above normal strength. You need two doses a week for typically 24 weeks for many diseases and early cancers, up to seven one ml doses a week and a year for stage 4 cancers. Your body then takes the disease down without side effects, and successfully in 80% of cases -depending upon how well you follow the protocol under “Treatment Protocol” on this website. What is GcMAF? It is a human protein. One week’s GcMAF looks like a small raindrop. If properly produced it is perfectly sterile, and a most ethical course for doctors. GcMAF is therefore a replacement therapy for those who can’t make their own. Taking GcMAF replaces the missing part of the immune system, and also acts as the body’s own internal medicine. GcMAF is extracted and isolated; its a 24 step process, and at the end it must have tests to prove its sterility and activity. (If it does not come with published tests, its probably not GcMAF.) One GcMAF has been tested in universities, laboratories and clinics, where, as a result of the testing, consistent activity and sterility have always been found, and been the subject of 40 scientific research papers. What does GcMAF do? The GcMAF Conference 2013 showed GcMAF is a far more powerful molecule than thought, both in terms of the science, and doctors’ results. In stage 4 cancer, some doctors who use the full protocol, listed on “Treatment Strategies,” are saving every patient (if they have not had chemotherapy.) Success can be achieved with all tumour cancers including breast, lung, prostate, pancreatic and melanoma. GcMAF can eradicate chronic inflammation and viral infections. It is better than antibiotics in many areas, and 25% successful with Autism, 50% or more with Chronic Herpes, Chronic Acne, Chronic cirrhosis of the liver, Chronic kidney disease, Chronic depression, Colitis, Crohn’s, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Herpes, LMBBS, ME/CFS, Osteoporosis, Periodontal disease, Psoriasis and various types of Immune dysfunction including allergies. Research shows GcMAF can halt deterioration in Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis (MS), dementia and ALS, and in its role of immune system regulator, can reverse diseases that attack the immune system like Lupus and Arthritis. And is effective with wound healing. Its successful with tumour cancers, and some others. In addition to rebuilding a depressed immune system, GcMAF: Inhibits angiogenesis – stops blood supply to tumours Activates macrophages – phagocytosis and destruction of cancer cells Apoptosis – suicide of cancer cells Reverts the cancer cell phenotype to normal (Turns cancer cells into healthy cells) Reduces the metastatic potential of human cancer cells in culture. Increases energy production at the mitochondrial level – ME/CFS Improves human neuronal metabolic activity through cAMP signaling – autism, ME/CFS, MS, ALS Counters toxic effects including cadmium – ME/CFS It abolishes neuropathic pain due to neuro-oxidative stress (stress due to the anti-cancer drug oxaliplatin) in the lab. (neurodegenerative diseases and autism that have oxidative stress as a pathogenetic mechanism) It increases neuronal connectivity by promoting differentiation and the formation of dendrites and neuritis (autism and ME/CFS, where there is a lack of connectivity between neurons). See the 31 research papers published, particularly Brescia, and the 60 published by others listed under “The science”. 80% of terminal stage four tumour cancers cases can be saved (40% if they’ve had chemo), but usually when they are closely monitored, which is why residential Treatment Centres are being run in Switzerland. If they have three months to live and have not had chemo, almost no one needs to be lost. The 180 scientists who have published papers on trials of GcMAF selected those in the early stages of cancer and HIV, and reported nearly 100 percent success, with no recurrence after many years. They did not attempt trials on people with large tumours. Our trials are quite different: many people are over 50, some over 80, with advanced or terminal cancers, with significant tumour mass. Most come to us when their doctors tell them they can do no more. The life of GcMAF is only six days – you have to keep taking it until your disease has gone (ie your nagalase is under 0.65 nmol/min/mg) then a further 8 weeks, or the immune system gets shut down again. How long should you take GcMAF for? 8 weeks for chronic herpes/acne, fibromyalgia, inflammation. Allow 24 weeks plus of GcMAF for: Autism (85% improve, 25% eradication), CFS (70% eradication), HIV, Lyme (8% respond, most appear to have the VDR gene blocked and the viruses conceal themselves with biofilms) and stage 1 to 2 cancer, (80% respond). Late stage cancer, if you follow “Treatment Protocol” again has 80% responders, but it takes a year to 18 months to become cancer free. Cirrhosis of the liver: 16 months Remember everyone responds differently. We can’t say how you will respond. The more minor the disease, the easier it is for GcMAF to eradicate. GcMAF needs normal levels of vitamin D to function strongly (take 10,000iu a day). in low responders, larger doses are required. We have probably proved GcMAF can work for people up to age 90, and can destroy large tumour mass. See “Participants experiences”. If you have your blood taken for monocyte counts, relevant markers and vitamin D levels, and again for a nagalase test at the beginning, you should see on your next test after three weeks that your immune system is back to full strength, and after 8 weeks significantly falling nagalase will indicate the disease is losing its grip. Don’t stop the GcMAF until your nagalase gets below 0.65 nmol/min/mg, when it loses the ability to prevent your body producing your own GcMAF, and then you no longer need ours. Even better, get scans. Autism children can improve at five weeks with substantial improvements at 8 weeks. See “Participants experiences.” But everyone is different. The beauty of using your own immune system to attack disease or cancer is that it remembers how to defeat it for the rest of your life: it doesn’t come back. And unlike chemotherapy, the side effects are trivial. The only way you can tell if GcMAF is genuine and active is to test with living cells in a laboratory. See “Quality and Tests of our GcMAF.” To recap: We put live macrophages cells and MCF7 breast cancer cells together; nothing happens. Then we add GcMAF; in 72 hours the macrophages eat all the MCF7 cancer cells. We then put only GcMAF and MCF7 together, and the GcMAF turns the cancer cells back into healthy cells. We have GcMAF available for preclinical trials. See “Buy GcMAF”. You must read at least all of “Buy GcMAF” and “Treatment strategies” on the left if you want to take this further. And you must be prepared to give us feedback. Patent document on GcMAFSee the Yamamoto patent involving GcMAF: Cancerous cells and HIV-infected cells secrete -N-acetylgalactosaminidase into the blood stream, resulting in deglycosylation of serum Gc protein. This inactivates the MAF precursor activity of Gc protein, leading to immunosuppression… When peripheral blood monocytes/macrophages of 175 cancer patients bearing various types of cancer were treated in vitro with 100 pg GcMAF/ml, monocytes/macrophages (phagocytes) of all cancer patients were activated for phagocytic and superoxide generating capacity. This observation indicates that patient phagocytes are capable of being activated… Also see BetterHealthGuy.com coverage on GcMAF: first heard about GcMAF almost a year ago. At the same time, I had first learned about “nagalase”, a blood test that is used to in part determine whether or not one might be a candidate for GcMAF therapy. Nagalase is an enzyme that prevents Vitamin D receptors (VDR) from being activated on the surface of the macrophage. As a result, macrophages are not “activated” and our immune systems are not able to properly respond to invaders. Here are some points that I have learned thus far on GcMAF: – GcMAF has reportedly been tested more for safety, purity, etc. than other human blood products. – Macrophages are cultured, destroyed, and the GcMAF receptors are purified. – Treatment is via injection 1x/week for 8-20 weeks. Dose is titrated initially to avoid exacerbation or Herx responses as much as possible. – A commonly used dose is .25ml once weekly (a 2.2 ml vial should last 8 injections). – The primary test used in looking at whether or not GcMAF may be a reasonable intervention is nagalase. – Nagalase inactivates macrophages. – I personally would NEVER consider this option without having a baseline nagalase test. Normal is < 0.95. Mine was 2.9. The practitioner I worked with suggested that 2.9 was in the range of someone with HIV or cancer in terms of the impact on the immune system. I’d like to hear from others in the Lyme community as you get test results as well to see if there is a pattern of elevated nagalase in those with Lyme disease. Whether or not Lyme itself has anything to do with nagalase elevation is something I have not been able to find anything on. We certainly all have underlying viral co-factors that are likely in play as well, but I suspect that Borrelia may also play a role in nagalase elevation. – In healthy college students, a nagalase 0.4 is not uncommon (the lower the better). – At 2.9, my practitioner was surprised that I did not have more cognitive deficits such as memory loss and other cognitive issues. – It has been suggested that ongoing antimicrobial therapy without a working immune system is like leaving the house with the door wide open inviting burglars in. By using GcMAF to activate macrophages, nagalase drops, and one may regain a functional immune system. The door is then closed to further invaders and we may no longer serve as a microbe hotel. – Maintenance therapy should not be needed once the immune system is once again properly functioning. – Activated macrophages only remain active for 7 days so any negative responses are generally short-lived. That said, some people do have strong inflammatory responses that are not believed to be typical die-off reactions. – It has been indicated that in some cases, other medications may be needed in order to manage the inflammatory response. This is another reason that one needs to be working closely with a knowledgeable practitioner before considering GcMAF in my opinion. In the CFS and GcMAF world, this more severe form of a die-off reaction is called IRIS. – VDR genetics do not seem to play a role in predicting response as earlier thought according to one practitioner that I have spoken with. That said, Vitamin D levels do correlate with the positive response rate of GcMAF. Thus, Vitamin D supplementation may be required in order to optimize outcome. – Other than die-off reactions or activation of symptoms (inflammation), no other side effects are generally expected. – Nagalase should be monitored every 1-2 months while on treatment to determine the required duration of the therapy. Target nagalase after treatment would be 0.4 to 0.6. – Elevated nagalase has a profound detrimental effect on the immune system. Elevated nagalase is often presumed to be related to microbes of viral origin or cancer. Viruses that are nagalase producers open the door to chronic infections. – Hemagglutinin contains nagalase and is also found in flagella of some bacteria so it could also be the case that some bacteria may produce nagalase. – Parents with ASD children also often have elevated nagalase. – A practitioner I spoke with likened Lyme disease to a “peat moss fire” burning below the surface. Activating macrophages should help to deal with the fire. – GcMAF should be helpful in dealing with other infections that are not of viral origin; for example, Borrelia, Bartonella, and other infections commonly associated with Tick-Borne Infections (TBIs). GcMAF is active against many cancers and many different kinds of microbes. – Neopterin is another test that is sometimes used as an indicator of immune suppression. As macrophages become activated, neopterin may rise and later fall. If one is in the normal range for neopterin and has an immune-related illness, this could be an indication that the immune system is suppressed and not responding appropriately. – People with autoimmune conditions can generally use GcMAF. However, GcMAF may be contraindicated in people with Multiple Sclerosis. – Reduction in nagalase is generally seen early in the course of treatment; within the first 3-6 weeks. In some studies, nagalase dropped by over 50% in less than six weeks. – Cancer patients may initially feel as bad on GcMAF as they do on chemotherapy, but often feel much better after the first month. – Anti-inflammatories may limited the effect of GcMAF. – Enzymes and biofilm-reducing supplements may have a negative impact on GcMAF therapy and may be best avoided. It is still too early to know what the impact may be, but one practitioner I spoke with feels that it is best to avoid these. – One should not be on any immune-suppressing agents while on GcMAF as the immune system must be partially functional in order to respond appropriately to the treatment. – A common pattern is to see elevated lymphocytes, high nagalase, and low NK cells. Once nagalase drops, it may be the case that NK cell function could be positively impacted. CD57 is a type of NK cell. It is too early to know if this proves to be true, but it is one of the things I’m quite interested in. Watch this video presentation on GcMAF therapy to learn more. Read about GcMAF from Alternative-Health-Group.org. Read The GcMAF Book at this link. Open the “Stop Fighting Cancer” PDF document and search it for “GcMAF” to read some intriguing passages: Researchers testing GcMAF stated it, “works 100% of the time to eradicate cancer completely, and cancer does not recur even years later.” (This was stated based on the tested group of patients -nothing works 100% for everyone) The weekly injection GcMAF, a harmless glyco-protein activates the human immune system which then can kill the growing cancer. Studies among breast cancer and colon cancer patients produced complete remissions lasting 4 and 7 years respectively. This glyco-protein ‘cure’ is totally without side effect but currently goes unused and completely ignored by cancer doctors. Why? Maybe it is because there is little money to be made in selling it. For less than $2000USD a cancer patient can obtain an adequate amount of GcMAC. See the National Library of Medicine page Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer with Gc Protein-Derived Macrophage-Activating Factor, GcMAF: When human macrophages were treated in vitro with 100 pg GcMAF/ml for 3 hours and a prostate cancer cell line LNCaP was added with an effector/target ratio of 1.5, approximately 51% and 82% of LNCaP cells were killed by 4 and 18 hours of incubation, respectively [14,15]. This in vitro tumoricidal capacity of macrophages activated by GcMAF led us to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of GcMAF for prostate cancer. GcMAF therapy as a single remedy modality can eradicate metastatic breast and colorectal cancers most effectively… ==== Click here to search for “GcMAF” on GoodGopher.com, the new search engine for truth seekers. ==== Read this article from The Telegraph on how scientists are being assassinated because of what they know. This article originally appeared on Natural News
  14. Correction back. That is a ref note and should be looked at in context (below) PLEASE SEE POST # 1134 above. , If Eddowes is acting like an intelligent asset said hypothesis of Oswald acted alone is false. , gaal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Eddowes' book, November 22nd: How They Killed Kennedy (3) suggested that Lee Harvey Oswald had been replaced by a look-a-like KGB agent when he went to the Soviet Union. (4) Following this to its logical conclusion, Eddowes reportedly spent over $10,000 in October 1981 on legal fees and exhumation costs involved in reopening Oswald's grave. (5) He arranged for a new autopsy with the consent of Marina Porter (Oswald) to see if the grave contained Oswald or a double. (6) Inevitably such ideas have meant that Eddowes has been portrayed as an 'assassination loony'. But he had at one time been a respected solicitor; obtained a Royal Pardon for Timothy Evans who was mistakenly hanged for the Christie murders; and wrote a best-selling book on the case, A Man On Your Conscience. Was Eddowes just muddying the water with disinformation on the assassination, or had he really uncovered evidence to confirm his theories? ======================================================== Sexual Blackmail http://kkooporation.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html Judging from Washington's perennial sex scandals, power truly is the ultimate aphrodisiac - to paraphrase that seventies-epoch Casanova, Henry Kissinger, in a slightly different context. For young wonks and old goats alike, political prowess tends to breed hubris and hormones.Not surprisingly, then, in the nation's pulsing capital, the fine art of sexual blackmail has what you might call "a history." The pioneering figure of Washington "sexmail" was that creepiest of peeping G-men, J. Edgar Hoover. Thanks to his infamous sex files, which contained dirt on just about everyone in Washington short of his shoeshine boy, Hoover managed to dominate the capital (and eight presidents) for nearly half a century. Not surprisingly, Hoover's busiest period came while John F. Kennedy occupied the White House and its many bedrooms. By several accounts, when rumors were rampant that Kennedy was going to pinkslip the aging, annoying FBI chief, Hoover put his plenary Kennedy files to work, thereby saving his own hide. With an obsession more than verging on the pathological, Hoover had bugged JFK's legion love nests and tapped the princess phones of assorted Kennedy playmates, including mob moll Judith Campbell Exner and superstarlet Marilyn Monroe - whose bedroom was purportedly heavily trafficked by both Kennedy brothers. The bug-eyed Hoover also glommed onto in-flight tapes of Jack and actress Angie Dickinson summiting in the boudoir of a chartered aircraft. Typically playing both sides against the middle, Hoover leaked info to the tabloid press about an old Kennedy affair with a senate secretary and about Kennedy's rumored former marriage, and then "put Kennedy in his debt by supplying background for the Newsweek rebuttal," according to journalist Anthony Summers. When it came to recording Jack and Bobby's compromising positions, Hoover had company. The Mafia and Jimmy Hoffa also managed to plant electronic bedroom ears in Marilyn Monroe's inner sanctum, especially at roue actor and Kennedy in-law Peter Lawford's beach house. Hoover used the same tactics in his vendetta against Martin Luther King, Jr., bugging the civil rights leader's tryst spots with assorted paramours, spreading untrue gossip that King was a "switch-hitter," even marshaling surveillance photographs of King in the same room as a known - GASP - homosexual. Transcripts were leaked to the press, but the media didn't bite. Hoover even had a bimbo file on Richard Nixon, of all the unlikely party animals. As Anthony Simmers reports in his revisionist Hoover biography, Official and Confidential, while Nison was vice president, he met a young Hong Kong travel guide named Marianna Liu. Convinced that Liu was a spy for communist China (a "Chicom"), the CIA had British intelligence train its infrared camera lenses on Nixon's bedroom window during his visits to Hong Kong. Liu and Nixon swore to Summers that there was never any sex, but Hoover was described as reading the Nixon-Chicom file "gleefully" and showing it to Dick before be became president. Never one to let "evidence" get in the way of salacious innuendo, Hoover later came up with a report claiming that future Watergate boys H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and Dwight Chapin were homosexual lovers. This was in 1969, before Watergate, and Hoover's source, an unidentified bartender, was claiming that the three were whooping it up at homosexual parties in the Watergate hotel. Of course, it wasn't true, and as Ehrlichman told Summers, "I came to think that Hoover did this to show his claws, or ingratiate himself to Nixon - probably both." In Washington, what going around come around, and Hoover's actual homosexuality was hardly a secret among his numerous enemies. Mob boss Meyer Lansky liked to boast that he "fixed that son of a bitch" Hoover, purportedly by acquiring graphic photos of Hoover fellating his lifelong companion, Clyde Tolson. According to Summers, by the late 1940s there were also pictures of Hoover vamping as a closet drag queen. Even that quintessential CIA garbologist, counterspy catcher James Jesus Angleton was in on the act, purportedly having his mits on incriminating Hoover sex pics. Blackmail or not, the mob's sway over Hoover was enormous: Publicly, the all-American, morally unimpeachable lingerie-wearing FBI director refused to admit that the Mafia even existed. Hoover went to his grave more than two decades ago, taking his voluminous "personal and confidential" sex files with him. Of course they mysteriously vanished, giving rise to assorted conspiracy theories, including the possibility that Hoover loyalists destroyed them, that the CIA snatched them up, and even that Nixon's Watergate Plumbers made a bungled attempts to get their hot little mits on the explosive cache. So, with Hoover out of the picture, is sexual extortion in Washington merely a historical idiosyncrasy, like Hoover, and the Kennedys, the product of a more reckless era? Well, sexual blackmail may have a more enduring place in Washington politics than we ten to suspect. More than one vice investigator in Washington believes that mob-controlled call girls, intelligence operatives, and even Washington lobbyists have long run an underground racket aimed at sexually compromising Congress and the administration. Conspiracy researcher Peter Dale Scott calls it "an ongoing, highly organized, and protected operation." Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley, goes so far as to suggest that Washington's sex syndicate, exploited by intelligence spooks and the mob, has "driven the major scandals of Washington since at least the beginning of the Cold War." Apparently, behind every good political scandal is a prostitute. Scott isn't alone in this thinking. According to Scott, "a retired Washington detective, one who played a small but important role in Watergate," believes that mob pimps and bigwig lobbyists use pricey call girls to put the squeeze on key officials. This is apparently a reference to Carl Shoffler, incidentally the arresting police officer who slapped cuffs on the Watergate burglars. During a 1982 investigation into the use of "drugs and sexual activity to lobby congressmen," Shoffler did indeed advise congressional investigators to look into a male prostitution ring that serviced Capitol Hill. The veteran police detective believed that the sex ring might be linked to a high-flying Washington lobbyist, Robert Keith Cray, who had more than a few connections to CIA folk. According to Peter Dale Scott, some Washington investigators also suspected that the gay sex ring was connected to D.C. crime boss Joe "the Possum" Nesline. Unfortunately, the congressional probe petered out before it got anywhere. Summing up the untested Libido-gate hypothesis, however, one of the congressional investigators put it this way to author Susan Trento: "If a lobbyist wants to use hookers to influence legislation, there's a pool of talent he draws from. There are certain madams in town that they make connections with. By simple logic, if you're in the business of influencing people with male prostitutes of kids, there has to be that supply chain…. [if] we start to identify some of the clients, it's possible we could find the suppliers for intelligence, organized crime, and lobbyists." In other words, follow the honey. Former (and fugitive) CIA officer Frank Terpil had no compunction about identifying one such client, his former employer. Terpil told investigative author Jim Hougan that CIA-run sexual blackmail setups were common in Washington during the Watergate years. Terpil fingered his former partner, Ed Wilson, as the facilitator of one such CIA operation. Terpil claimed that Wilson ran the CIA mantrap from Korean agent Tong Sun Park's George Town Club, the Korean intelligence front that figured in the 1970s Koreagate scandal. "Historically," Terpil explained, "one of Wilson's agency jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary…. Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasy in the flesh…. A remembrance of these occasions [was] permanently recorded via selected cameras." Of course, we should note the Terpil hasn't offered any proof to back up that claim, and ex-CIA officers - not least of all, ones who have been convicted in absentia for terrorist activities - aren't celebrated for their candor. On the other hand, sexual blackmail was indeed a favorite CIA method of "turning" foreign agents or otherwise compromising them to do Uncle Sam's bidding. Considering all of the Agency's illegal doings on domestic soil during the last four decades, Terpil's story certainly seems plausible. Interestingly, Robert Keith Gray, the omnipresent superlobbyist whose name came up during the 1982 gay sex ring investigation, also pops into the George Town Club-Terpil milieu. Gray, who (coincidentally or not) gravitates toward spy nests, was the club's first overseer and also a director at Terpil's firm, Consultants International, a notorious CIA proprietary front. And speaking of strange coincidences, it might be nothing more than evidence that networking is key in D.C., but Terpil's and Korean lobbyist Park's names turned up a few years earlier in the trick book of a cathouse madam linked to yet another famous scandal, the biggest scandal of all: Watergate. The theory that the Watergate affair sprang, unintentionally, from the bosom of a political sex ring was first proposed by journalist Jim Hougan in his book, Secret Agenda. The madam, Heidi Rikan, worked out of the Washington's posh Columbia Plaza apartment building, located across the street from the Watergate office complex. Hougan suggests that Rikan's call-girl ring may have been "either a CIA operation or the target of a CIA operation." Briefly, Hougan's hypothesis is this: The Columbia Plaza girls were servicing a very interesting political clientele: Democratic muckamucks who placed their orders for companionship from a phone inside the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate building. Discovering this fruitful setup, Nixon's henchmen decided to target the Democratic fornicators. But in doing so, they stood a good chance of exposing the heavy breather already bugging the phone lines: the CIA. Ergo, the CIA's moles in the White House (allegedly superpatriotic conspirators James McCord and E. Howard Hunt) were forced to sabotage the Watergate break-ins in order to protect the CIA's highly illegal sex sting from Nixon's overeager burglars. An illegal CIA sexpionage gambit unintentionally triggering the downfall of Richard Nixon? Say it ain't so! Does the sexpionage industry go back even further in history than the babes of Watergate? Conspiracy theorist-emeritus Peter Dale Scott is game enough to hazard an affirmative. Employing the semiotics of conspiracy research - wherein names connect to other names, dates, and misdeeds, creating a tableau of suspicion that is usually intriguing, if not always conclusive - Scott has connected the dots. Most interestingly, the Watergate madam, Heidi Rikan, was a girlfriend of mobster Joe "the Possum" Nesline, whose alleged connection to the Capitol Hill gay sex scandal a decade late aroused the suspicions of Washington detectives. Assorted boyfriends and former husbands of both Rikan and her sometime roommate, Mo Biner (who married key Watergate figure John Dean, which makes Mo a pivotal character, according to scandal revisionists), were associated with the Quorum, an early 1960s "swingles" club run by Bobby Baker, a former aide to Lyndon Johnson. Scott surmises that all roads led to Baker's club for a reason: the Quorum functioned a lot like the mob-and-intelligence-infested sex traps of the 1970s. It was Bobby Baker who introduced President Kennedy to an East German bombshell named Ellen Rometsh, whom JFK, true to form, promptly bedded. Scott speculates that J. Edgar Hoover leaked word of this international indiscretion to the press. Whether or not Hoover was behind the leaks, they nearly ignited a global scandal. That's because JFK's nubile Valkyrie also happened to be sleeping with a Soviet diplomat, a coincidence that, if revealed, wouldn't have served Kennedy well at the height of the Cold War. The threat of a "bimbo eruption" with international implications forced Bobby Kennedy into scandal-kibosh mode. Scott notes that the JFK-Rometsch peccadillo paralleled the scandalous 1962 affair that toppled British war minister John Profumo. Profumo publicly confessed to romping with Christine Keller, a party doll/prostitute working for sexual procurer Stephen Ward. That scandal proved doubly damaging to Profumo because Keller was simultaneously servicing, yes, a Soviet diplomat. And more recent revelations have disclosed that the British intelligence agency MI5 "had been using the Stephen Ward sex ring for some time to compromise the Soviet agent." Scott wonders, did MI5 set out to compromise Profumo as well? Did the hyperlibidinous JFK blunder into a similar sex trap? Interestingly, there is a more direct connection between JFK's peccadilloes and the MI5-manipulated Profumo affair. During the summer of 1963, Hoover's porous sex files began leaking again, resulting in press reports that a high U.S. official had slept with two members of Britain's Ward-Keeler sex ring, the very ring that toppled Profumo. That high U.S. official, no surprise, was the prodigious JFK. Scott observes that "MI5, as Britain's counterintelligence agency, maintained direct relations with both Hoover in the FBI" and the CIA. Did the Brits help Hoover set up Kennedy for a fall? Bobby Baker, catalyst of the JFK-Rometsch affair, later boasted that he had in his possession letters from the east Germain woman that could prove embarrassing to the Kennedys, which per Scott, "strengthens the impression of an ongoing, sophisticated blackmail operation" in this nation's carnal capital. Perhaps. Or maybe it just proves that in Washington eventually everyone gets screwed.
  15. http://www.ciajfk.com/Russ-Baker-X.html THINGS LIKE THIS HAPPEN IN THE JFK community. ,gaal
  16. THIS FELLOW EDDOWES WAS VERY DEEP INTO THE ULTRA DEEP BLACK INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS. , gaal Eddowes. (JACK WHITE posted Eddowes told him he was retired MI 6 . , gaal) ==== Posted by John Simkin on 18 December 2013 - 04:13 PM in JFK Assassination Debate ----------------------------------------------- I decided to produce some material on the Profumo case. This took the form of biographies on the key figures. During my research I discovered that Keeler and Rice-Davies met Earl Felton at a 1963 New Year party. According to Rice-Davies, Fenton was a screen-writer who introduced her to Robert Mitchum. The following month Felton contacted Keeler. According to her account: "Stephen had been telling him lies, feeding him false information and indicating that I was spying for the Russians because of my love for Eugene. The message was to leave the country, say nothing about anything I might have seen or heard." I know from other sources that Fenton was a CIA agent. A FBI document dated on 29th January, 1963, reveals that Thomas Corbally, an American businessman who was a close friend of Stephen Ward, told Alfred Wells, the secretary to David Bruce, the ambassador, that Christine Keeler was having a sexual relationship with John Profumo and Eugene Ivanov. The document also stated that Harold Macmillan had been informed about this scandal. In March, 2009, I was contacted by Mandy Rice-Davies, who was upset by my biography of her. She was particularly angry about a quote I had used by Christine Keeler, that she considered libelous. I was invited to telephone her, which I did, and she was very generous with the amount of information she gave me on the case. The problem was that she was just a pawn in these events and was unable to see the larger picture. For example, she refused to accept that Earl Fenton was a CIA agent and that he genuinely wanted to make her a Hollywood star. Rice-Davies did give me some really interesting information about the court-case. It was her intention to provide evidence to the court that Stephen Ward was not living on her immoral earnings. However, when she was cross-examined by Ward's defence counsel, James Burge, he never gave her the opportunity to explain this. Whereas when she was cross-examined by the prosecuting council, Mervyn Griffith-Jones, he was allowed by the judge to give the false impression that Lord Astor paid her £200 to have sex with her. Rice-Davies speculated that someone was so determined to get Ward they were even controlling his defence team. I am convinced she is right but it was not the government but the intelligence agencies who had decided on who were going to be the victims of the cover-up. The story begins in 1952 when Stephen Ward, who worked for the Osteopathic Association Clinic in Dorset Square, became friendly with model, Joy Lewis. She was the wife of the successful businessman and former Labour Party MP, John Lewis. Ward introduced Joy to Frederic Mullally. It was claimed that Mullally had once said that his greatest ambition was to sleep with all the beautiful women in London. Mullally began an affair with Joy Lewis. Mullally later commented: "She (Joy) and Lewis had lots of fights, rows and walkouts. And on one occasion she went out in great distress, and didn't know what to do, and called Stephen Ward. And he put her up for the night at his place. It was a totally friendly gesture on his part." However, when Lewis heard about what happened, he became convinced that Ward was also having an affair with his wife. Lewis also became angry with Ward over another relationship his wife had. Ward's friend, Warwick Charlton, has argued: "He (Lewis) went potty when he found Stephen had fixed her up with a Swedish beauty queen, a lesbian, with whom she had an affair. This he thought, was an assault on his manhood... He had a heart attack over it." Charlton was with Lewis when he heard the news of the affair. Lewis told Charlton "I will get Ward whatever happens". Lewis took out a revolver and said "I'll shoot myself, but not before I get Ward." Charlton claimed that "from then on, the most important thing in John's life was his burning hatred for Ward, which went on year after year." The journalist, Logan Gourlay, remembers that in 1953 Lewis attempted to get his newspaper, The Daily Express, to publish an article discrediting Ward. Frederic Mullally explained: "Lewis got hold of an Express reporter, a young untrained boy, and gave him what purported to be an exclusive story that Stephen Ward and I were running a call-girl business in Mayfair." The editor, Arthur Christiansen, who was friendly with both Ward and Mullally, and refused to publish the story. Lewis now began to telephone the Marylebone Police Station anonymously, saying that Dr Ward was procuring girls for his wealthy patients. The police treated the calls as coming from a crank and ignored them. MI6, who provided prostitutes for foreign visitors, became aware of the activities of Stephan Ward. One officer admitted: "We learned that Ward wasn't that interested in participating in sex. He liked to watch girls being screwed, especially adult women dressed up as underage girls. Ward would obtain girls, and a boost for us came when he met Lord Astor - and capitalised on Astor's perversion... For us, here was a thriving little London setup with all sorts of big names and diplomats and others swimming in and out... MI6 has tentacles everywhere, and someone spotted Ward and felt the setup might become useful, that some interesting people might walk into it. We could get to know them, do little deals, so that they'd be friends of ours." According to the authors of Honeytrap (1987), MI6 became aware of the attempts by Lewis to bring an end to Ward's activities. An MI6 officer recalled: "The problem was how do we negate Lewis, and stop him spoiling this promising setup? My case officer assigned me to get in with Lewis, and I did, by pretending I wanted an interview for the paper or something. Soon I was going nightclubbing with him - we went to a place called Eve's quite a lot. He was quite open about his hatred for Ward. And I got in with him to the extent that I was helping him to plan his anti-Ward campaign, but in such a way as to make sure it didn't come off.... Ward was never actually recruited, so far as I knew, just observed and kept on ice as an available asset." In 1954 John Lewis decided to divorce his wife. Lewis told Warwick Charlton that he was going to use the case to ruin Stephen Ward: "He's a bastard. Not only did he introduce Joy to Freddy Mullally but to some Swedish beauty queen as well. I'm going to cite seven men and one woman in my divorce case." The judge in the case noted it had "been fought with a consistent and virulent bitterness which could rarely have been excelled". The judge also questioned some of the evidence he heard. It was later claimed that "Lewis asked several witnesses to perjure themselves, and bribed some to do so." Lewis had not obtained the revenge he required but he was unwilling to forget the damage that Ward had done him. Ward continued to prosper as an osteopath and his patients included people such as Winston Churchill, Duncan Sandys, Feliks Topolski, Ava Gardner, Mary Martin and Mel Ferrer became his patients. This enabled him to set up his own clinic in Cavendish Square, on the fringe of Harley Street. Over patients included Lord Astor, who allowed him the use of a cottage on his Cliveden Estate. Other friends included Colin Coote, the editor of the Daily Telegraph, Roger Hollis, the head of MI5, Anthony Blunt, Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures, Geoffrey Nicholson, the Conservative MP, Peter Rachman, the famous slum landlord and the actor, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Ward was also an artist and he had a reputation for producing fine portraits of his friends. This included the Duke of Edinburgh and Madame Furtseva, the Soviet Minister of Culture. In 1959 met Christine Keeler, when she worked as a showgirl at Murrays Cabaret Club. It was not long before she decided to go and live with him at his flat in Orme Court in Bayswater. "His flat was tiny and on the top floor but there was a lift. There was a bed-sitting room with two single beds pushed close together, and an adjoining bathroom. we would share the bed but only as brother and sister; there were never to be any sexual goings-on between us." During this period Ward also got to know Maria Novotny, Mandy Rice-Davies and Suzy Chang. Novotny ran sex parties in London. So many senior politicians attended that she began referring to herself as the "government's Chief Whip". As well as British politicians such as John Profumo and Ernest Marples, foreign leaders such as Willy Brandt and Ayub Khan, attended these parties. In 1960 Novotny travelled to the United States with Chang. It is believed that both girls worked at the Quorum Club in Washington, run by Bobby Baker, and became involved in relationships with leading politicians. This included both John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. Recently released FBI files claim that Stephen Ward was involved in supplying these girls. The FBI investigation also suggested that a "Hungarian madam in New York" was also involved in what was called the "Bowtie" case. Colin Coote, the editor of the Daily Telegraph commissioned Stephen Ward to sketch pictures of participants in the trial of Adolf Eichmann. Coote " got many complimentary letters about the drawings and decided that when there was another opportunity to use Ward he would do so." Coote suggested Ward should go to the Soviet Union to sketch the leading politicians of the country. However, Ward had difficulty getting a visa from the Soviet Embassy in London. Ward told Coote about his problems and on 21st January 1961, Coote invited Ward to have lunch at the Garrick Club with Eugene Ivanov, an naval attaché at the embassy. Coote later recalled: "I remembered Stephen Ward's difficulty about a visa and thought that this link might be useful." David Floyd, the Daily Telegraph's correspondent on Soviet affairs, also attended the lunch. Ward was impressed with Ivanov's ability to discuss foreign affairs: "I listened with fascination as they argued backward and forward on issues which I had never heard discussed before in an intelligent and informal manner." Ward and Ivanov became close friends. As Philip Knightley pointed out: "As Ward's friendship with Ivanov blossomed, the original purpose for meeting him - to get a visa to go and sketch Soviet leaders - appears to have been forgotten. The two men met often and went everywhere together. Ivanov would call at Ward's flat unannounced and the two of them would go out - either to visit a club, to play bridge, or to dine with one of Ward's friends." Anthony Summers argues that: "MI5's D branch, responsible for counter-espionage, quickly identified Ivanov as a Soviet Intelligence officer using diplomatic cover, a common practice worldwide. According to one source, part of Ivanov's mission may have been to supervise Soviet penetration of the Portland naval base in Dorset." In February, 1961, Ward and Christine Keeler moved to 17 Wimpole Mews in Marylebone. According to Keeler's autobiography, The Truth at Last (2001), Roger Hollis and Anthony Blunt were regular visitors to the flat. "He (Lord Denning) knew that Stephen was a spy and that I knew too much. During my two sessions with him I told him all about Hollis and Blunt: how Stephen had politely introduced me and how I had said 'hello' and nodded when they visited. I told him all about Sir Godfrey's visit and how I had seen Sir Godfrey with Eugene. He asked me very precisely who had met Eugene and about the visitors to Wimpole Mews. He showed me a photograph of Hollis - it wasn't a sharp shot of him - and asked me to identify him. I told Denning this was the man who had visited Stephen. He showed me a photograph of Sir Godfrey and I also identified him. He did not show me a picture of Blunt for, I suspect, they already knew more than they wanted to know about Blunt. Denning was very gentle about it and I told him everything. This was the nice gentleman who was going to look after me. But I was ignored, side-lined - disparaged as a xxxx so that he could claim that there had been no security risk. It was the ultimate whitewash." Ward also got to know Keith Wagstaffe of MI5. On 8th June 1961, the two men went out to dinner before going back to the Wimpole Mews flat. Christine Keeler made the two men coffee: "Stephen was on the couch and Wagstaffe sat on the sofa chair. He wanted to know about Stephen's friendship with Eugene. We knew that MI5 were monitoring embassy personnel so this was quite a normal interview in the circumstances." Wagstaffe asked Ward: "He's never asked you to put him in touch with anyone you know? Or for information of any kind." Ward replied: "No, he hasn't. But if he did, naturally I would get in touch with you straight away. If there's anything I can do I'd be only too pleased to." Keith Wagstaffe reported back to MI5: "Ward asked me if it was all right for him to continue to see Ivanov. I replied that there was no reason why he should not. He then said if there was any way in which he could help he would be very ready to do so. I thanked him for his offer and asked him to get in touch with me should Ivanov at any time in the future make any propositions to him... Ward was completely open about his association with Ivanov... I do not think that he (Ward) is of security interest." On 8th July 1961 Christine Keeler met John Profumo, the Minister of War, at a party at Cliveden. Profumo kept in contact with Keeler and they eventually began an affair. According to Keeler: "Their (Ward and Hollis) plan was simple. I was to find out, through pillow talk, from Jack Profumo when nuclear warheads were being moved to Germany." Profumo and other cabinet ministers were also attending sex parties being held by Mariella Novotny. In December 1961 Novotny held a party that became known as the "Feast of Peacocks". According to Keeler, there was "a lavish dinner in which this man wearing only... a black mask with slits for eyes and laces up the back... and a tiny apron - one like the waitresses wore in 1950s tearooms - asked to be whipped if people were not happy with his services." Although MI5 and MI6 were aware of these sex parties taking place, there is no evidence that these politicians were warned about the danger they were in. After the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, Ward told Keeler that he believed John F. Kennedy would be assassinated. He told her and Eugene Ivanov: "A man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I assure you of that." I will return to this issue later because evidence would emerge in 1963 that Ward was working for MI6 during this political crisis. On 28th October, 1962, Ward introduced Christine Keeler to Michael Eddowes, a lawyer who had become a rich businessman. This included owning Bistro Vino, a chain of restaurants. (Later this lawyer was to become very involved in the cover-up of the assassination of John F. Kennedy). As Keeler later revealed: "I kept my date with Michael Eddowes but he was far too old for me. He was nearly sixty but her certainly was interested and wanted to set me up in a flat in Regent's Park." During this period Keeler became involved with two black men, Lucky Gordon and John Edgecombe. The two men became jealous of each other and this resulted in Edgecombe slashing Gordon's face with a knife. On 14th December 1962, Edgecombe, fired a gun at Stephen Ward's Wimpole Mews flat, where Keeler had been visiting with Mandy Rice-Davies. Two days after the shooting Keeler contacted Michael Eddowes for legal advice about the Edgecombe case. During this meeting she told Eddowes: "Stephen (Ward) asked me to ask Jack Profumo what date the Germans were to get the bomb." However, she later claimed that she knew Ward was joking when he said this. Eddowes then asked Ward about this matter. Keeler later recalled: "Stephen fed him the line he had prepared with Roger Hollis for such an eventuality: it was Eugene (Ivanov) who had asked me to find out about the bomb." On 24th December 1962, Ward's old enemy, John Lewis, met Christine Keeler at a Christmas Party. She told him about the problems she was having with two of her former lovers, Lucky Gordon and John Edgecombe. "On the surface, the man I met at Jenny's party on Christmas Eve 1962, could not have been more helpful. I didn't know he was using me as a conduit to get to Stephen Ward. He bragged about getting hundreds of thousands of pounds in legal actions against newspapers. My legal troubles involving Johnnie and Lucky were nothing. I was so grateful when he said he would get his lawyers to help and even more pleased that he actually rang, as promised, the next day." Keeler later admitted that he was "one of the most evil men of the whole affair, the vindictive John Lewis... Stephen had played a part in his bitter divorce from his wife, Joy, and Lewis was, even years later, after him." Lewis decided he would pass this information to George Wigg, the MP for Dudley. The first meeting took place on 2nd January 1963. Wigg was interested in the story but asked Lewis to provide him with more information. Lewis now told Keeler he was willing to pay her £30,000 if her information brought the government down. Keeler responded by telling him that "Stephen (Ward) asked me to ask Jack Profumo what date the Germans were to get the bomb." Wigg's secretary remembers, "Mr Lewis constantly rang up during the day when Mr Wigg was about his parliamentary business. I frequently got the impression he wasn't completely sober. But he was insistent." On 7th January, Lewis told Wigg the story about Ward asking her to discover classified information from Profumo. Wigg pointed out in his autobiography: "Lewis had attended a pre-Christmas party where a Miss Christine Keeler talked excitedly about a recent shooting incident, the first of several events destined to endow her with what she appeared to crave the reputation of being the most notorious woman in London. Miss Keeler, who said she had heard a Mr Stephen Ward refer to Lewis, asked if she could telephone him and, a few days later, sought his help. She then spoke about her friendship with John Profumo, Secretary of State for War, and with the Russian Naval Attaché, Captain Eugene Ivanov. Miss Keeler alleged that Ward had asked her to obtain from Profumo information about the supply of atomic weapons to the Germans... I rejected at once the idea that Profumo personally was a security risk. I had found him politically untrustworthy but I never regarded him as a fool, and I could not be persuaded that an obviously ignorant girl would be used as a go-between. It seemed to me the man to keep an eye on was Ivanov. Lewis agreed that the matter must be handled exclusively on the issue of security. I urged him to talk to the police and, at a later stage, advised him to talk to Commander Townsend at Scotland Yard. Lewis did talk to the police but, being dissatisfied with the results, returned to me again and again." Warwick Charlton later explained. "John Lewis was an able politician. He had held pretty high office, but because of the way he was living he had lost his seat. He was desperate to get back in. He had two motives delivered to him by Christine: one, the Russian security thing, and, two, evidence that Stephen was a ponce. He'd have his revenge, and he had little presents to give Wigg to beat the Tory Party with, and he might get back and re-establish his reputation with Labour." On 10th March, 1963, Wigg attended a party with Harold Wilson, the leader of the Labour Party, Richard Crossman and Barbara Castle. Crossman later recalled: "When we arrived at the party George outlined the story to us and we emphatically and unanimously repudiated it. We all felt that even if it was true and Profumo was having an affair with a call girl and that some Russian diplomat had been mixed up in it, the Labour Party simply should not touch it. I remember that we all advised Harold very strongly against it and in a way rather squashed George." George Wigg got up in the House of Commons on 21st March and asked Home Secretary Henry Brooke, during a debate on the John Vassall affair: "I rightly use the Privilege of the House of Commons - that is what it is given me for - to ask the Home Secretary who is the senior member of the Government on the Treasury Bench now, to go to the Dispatch Box - he knows that the rumour to which I refer relates to Miss Christine Keeler and Miss Davies and a shooting by a West Indian - and, on behalf of the Government, categorically deny the truth of these rumours.... It is not good for a democratic State that rumours of this kind should spread and be inflated, and go on. Everyone knows what I am referring to, but up to now nobody has brought the matter into the open. I believe that the Vassall Tribunal need never have been set up had the nettle been firmly grasped much earlier on. We have lost some time and I plead with the Home Secretary to use that Dispatch Box to clear up all the mystery and speculation over this particular case." Richard Crossman then commented that Paris Match magazine intended to publish a full account of Keeler's relationship with John Profumo, the Minister of War, in the government. Barbara Castle also asked questions if Keeler's disappearance had anything to do with Profumo. The following day John Profumo issued a statement: "I understand that in the debate on the Consolidated Fund Bill last night, under the protection of parliamentary privilege, the Hon. Gentlemen the Members for Dudley (George Wigg) ... spoke of rumours connecting a Minister with a Miss Keeler and a recent trial at the Central Criminal Court. It was alleged that people in high places might have been responsible for concealing information concerning the disappearance of a witness and the perversion of justice. I understand that my name has been connected with the rumours about the disappearance of Miss Keeler. I would like to take this opportunity of making a personal statement about these matters. I last saw Miss Keeler in December 1961, and I have not seen her since. I have no idea where she is now. Any suggestion that I was in any way connected with or responsible for her absence from the trial at the Old Bailey is wholly and completely untrue. My wife and I first met Miss Keeler at a house party in July 1961, at Cliveden. Among a number of people there was Doctor Stephen Ward whom we already knew slightly, and a Mr Ivanov, who was an attaché at the Russian Embassy.... Between July and December, 1961, I met Miss Keeler on about half a dozen occasions at Doctor Ward's flat, when I called to see him and his friends. Miss Keeler and, I were on friendly terms. There was no impropriety whatsoever in my acquaintanceship with Miss Keeler." Ward now decided to contact George Wigg. On the afternoon of 26th March Wigg received a phone call from Ward and a meeting was arranged for that evening. At the meeting Ward told Wigg about his relationship with Eugene Ivanov: "Ward said he first met Ivanov some time in 1961 at a Garrick Club lunch where, with a journalist specializing in Soviet affairs, they were guests of a Fleet Street editor. Ward found Ivanov a charming man. He taught him to play bridge and, soon, was seeing him two or three times a fortnight. They had fun with girls, although nothing improper ever took place, and they played bridge. They had visited only one night club, The Satyr, together, and then only for ten minutes. Ward said Ivanov never spoke critically about the British people. His one desire, which Ward shared, was to foster Anglo-Soviet friendship.... The Security Service, Ward asserted, knew all about his association with Ivanov. Representatives of the Security Service had enquired about his various meetings and Ward had promised to keep them informed and had kept that promise. He cited two occasions on which he thought friendship with Ivanov had been of value to Britain. At the time of the Berlin crisis in 1962 he, acting for Ivanov, had informed Sir Harold Caccia and other Foreign Office officials that the Soviet Union would adopt a conciliatory policy in return for Western guarantees about the integrity of the Oder-Neisse Line." The second occasion he had provided information to the intelligence services was during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. "His second venture in Ivanov - directed diplomacy - again as a go between - occurred during the Cuban crisis. This time, according to Ward, he was the link between Ivanov as peacemaker and the British Government, represented by the Foreign Secretary, Lord Home, and the Prime Minister. Ivanov told Ward the Russians would respond to a British initiative calling a conference in London by halting the delivery of arms and stopping all shipments of war equipment to Cuba. I pressed even harder on this subject for the obvious reason that I did not believe that Ward, personally, had been in touch with the Foreign Secretary and the Prime Minister Ward became cagey again. He was not prepared to say because too many important people were involved." However, Ward did say that he had written to Harold Wilson at the time to explain what he had been doing. "I told Harold Wilson that my visitor claimed to have written both to him and to the Prime Minister towards the end of the Cuban crisis. The letter was immediately extracted from the files and Wilson at once recalled a phrase about an approach made by Ward on behalf of Ivanov to the Foreign Office: 'I was the intermediary', Ward had written. Next day, Wilson handed Ward's letter to the Prime Minister and expressed his now acute anxiety about the implication that Ward was a contact between Ivanov and people of influence in this country." On 27th March, 1963, Henry Brooke summoned Roger Hollis, the head of MI5, and Joseph Simpson, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, to a meeting in his office. Philip Knightley pointed out in An Affair of State (1987): "All these people are now dead and the only account of what took place is a semi-official one leaked in 1982 by MI5. According to this account, when Brooke tackled Hollis on the rumour that MI5 had been sending anonymous letters to Mrs Profumo, Hollis vigorously denied it." Hollis then told Brooke that Christine Keeler had been having a sexual relationship with John Profumo. At the same time Keeler was believed to be having an affair with Eugene Ivanov, a Soviet spy. According to Keeler, Stephen Ward had asked her "to find out, through pillow talk, from Jack Profumo when nuclear warheads were being moved to Germany." Hollis added that "in any court case that might be brought against Ward over the accusation all the witnesses would be completely unreliable" and therefore he rejected the idea of using the Official Secrets Act against Ward. Brooke then asked the Police Commissioner's view on this. Joseph Simpson agreed with Hollis about the unreliable witnesses but added that it might be possible to get a conviction against Ward with a charge of living off immoral earnings. However, he added, that given the evidence available, a conviction was unlikely. Despite this response, Brooke urged Simpson to carry out a full investigation into Ward's activities. Commander Fred C. Pennington was ordered to assemble a team to investigate Ward. The team was headed by Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert and included John Burrows, Arthur Eustace and Mike Glasse. Pennington told Herbert and his colleagues: "we've received this tip-off, but there'll be nothing in it." Glasse later told Philip Knightley that he thought that this was "a hint not to try too hard." It emerged later that Herbert installed a spy in Ward's home during the investigation. They recruited Wendy Davies, a twenty-year old barmaid at the Duke of Marlborough pub, near Ward's flat. Davies knew Ward who had sketched her several times in the past. Davies later recalled: "I went to Stephen's flat practically every night up to his arrest. Each time I tried to listen in to telephone conversations, and to what Stephen was saying to friends who called. When I got back to my flat I wrote everything down in an exercise book, and rang the police the next day. I gave them a lot of information." Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert interviewed Christine Keeler at her home on 1st April 1963. Four days later she was taken to Marylebone Police Station. Herbert told her that the police would need a complete list of men with whom she had sex or who had given her money during the time she knew Ward. This list included the names of John Profumo, Charles Clore and Jim Eynan. On 23rd April Mandy Rice-Davies was arrested at Heathrow Airport on the way to Spain for a holiday, and formerly charged her with "possessing a document so closely resembling a driving licence as to be calculated to deceive." The magistrate fixed bail at £2,000. She later commented that "not only did I not have that much money, but the policeman in charge made it very clear to me that I would be wasting my energy trying to rustle it up." Rice-Davies spent the next nine days in Holloway Prison. While she was in custody Rice-Davies was visited by Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert. His first words were: "Mandy, you don't like it in here very much, do you? Then you help us, and we'll help you." Herbert made it clear that Christine Keeler was helping them into their investigation into Stephen Ward. When she provided the information required she would be released from prison. At first Rice-Davies refused to cooperate but as she later pointed out: "I was ready to kick the system any way I could. But ten days of being locked up alters the perspective. Anger was replaced by fear. I was ready to do anything to get out." Rice-Davies added: "Although I was certain nothing I could say about Stephen could damage him any way... I felt I was being coerced into something, being pointed in a predetermined direction." Herbert asked Rice-Davies for a list of men with whom she had sex or who had given her money during the time she knew Ward. This list included the names of Peter Rachman and Emil Savundra. On 19th May, 1963, Stephan Ward wrote a letter to the Home Secretary Henry Brooke, the leader of the Labour Party, Harold Wilson, and his local M.P., William Wavell Wakefield. "I have placed before the Home Secretary certain facts of the relationship between Miss Keeler and Mr Profumo since it is obvious now that my efforts to conceal these facts in the interests of Mr Profumo and the Government have made it appear that I myself have something to hide - which I have not. The result has been that I have been persecuted in a variety of ways, causing damage not only to myself but to my friends and patients-a state of affairs which I propose to tolerate no longer." As a result of his earlier statement the newspapers decided not to print anything about John Profumo and Christine Keeler for fear of being sued for libel. However, George Wigg refused to let the matter drop and on 25th May, 1963, once again raised the issue of Keeler, saying this was not an attack on Profumo's private life but a matter of national security. On 5th June, John Profumo resigned as War Minister. His statement said that he had lied to the House of Commons about his relationship with Christine Keeler. The next day the Daily Mirror said: "What the hell is going on in this country? All power corrupts and the Tories have been in power for nearly twelve years." Some newspapers called for Harold Macmillan to resign as prime minister. This he refused to do but he did ask Lord Denning to investigate the security aspects of the Profumo affair. Some of the prostitutes who worked for Stephen Ward began to sell their stories to the national press. Mandy Rice-Davies told the Daily Sketch that Christine Keeler had sexual relationships with John Profumo and Eugene Ivanov, an naval attaché at the Soviet embassy. On 7th June, Christine Keeler told the Daily Express of her secret "dates" with Profumo. She also admitted that she had been seeing Eugene Ivanov at the same time, sometimes on the same day, as Profumo. In a television interview Ward told Desmond Wilcox that he had warned the security services about Keeler's relationship with Profumo. The following day Ward was arrested and charged with living off immoral earnings between 1961 and 1963. He was initially refused bail because it was feared that he might try to influence witnesses. Another concern was that he might provide information on the case to the media. On 14th June, the London solicitor, Michael Eddowes, claimed that Christine Keeler told him that Eugene Ivanov had asked her to get information about nuclear weapons from Profumo. Eddowes added that he had written to Harold Macmillan to ask why no action had been taken on information he had given to Special Branch about this on 29th March. Soon afterwards Keeler told the News of the World that "I'm no spy, I just couldn't ask Jack for secrets." In a FBI classified memo dated 20th June, 1963, from Alan Belmont to Clyde Tolson referred to the concerns of Defence Secretary Robert McNamara about the John Profumo case. It stated "Mr. McNamara referred to a memorandum from the FBI dated June 14, 1963, advising that Air Force personnel may have had relationships with Christine Keeler." The next section is blacked out but it goes onto say: "McNamara said he felt like he was sitting on a bomb in this matter as he could not tell what would come out of it and he wanted to be sure that every effort was being made to get information from the British particularly as it affected U.S. personnel." Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert also interviewed Vasco Lazzolo, who was one of Ward's friends who agreed to testify for the defence. Herbert told Lazzolo that if he was determined to give evidence on Ward's behalf, then he might have to be discredited. Herbert warned that the police might have to "find" some pornographic material in his studio and prosecute him. Ward asked James Burge, one of his patients, to represent him when he appeared at the the Magistrate's Court. Although he was not a Q.C., Ward decided to retain him for the trial. The trial of Ward began at the Old Bailey on 22nd July 1963. Christine Keeler admitted in court that she had sex with John Profumo, Charles Clore and Jim Eynan. In all three cases the men gave her money and gifts. During cross-examination she confessed that some of this money was paid to Ward as she owed him money for rent, electricity and food while she was living at his flat. Mandy Rice-Davies also admitted receiving money and gifts from Peter Rachman and Emil Savundra. As she was living with Ward at the time she gave him some of this money for unpaid rent. As Rice-Davies pointed out: "Much was made of the fact that I was paying him a few pounds a week whilst I was living in Wimpole Mews. But I said before and say it again - Stephen never did anything for nothing and we agreed on the rent the day I arrived. He most certainly never influenced me to sleep with anyone, nor ever asked me to do so." She added: "Stephen was never a blue-and-white diamond, but a pimp? Ridiculous.... As for Christine, she was always borrowing money (from Stephen Ward)." Ronna Ricardo had said that she had sex for money and then gave it to Ward at a preliminary hearing. However, she retracted this information at the trial and claimed that Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert had forced the statement from her by threats against the Ricardo family. According to Philip Knightley: "Ricardo said that Herbert told her that if she did not agree to help them then the police would take action against her family. Her younger sister, on probation and living with her, would be taken into care. They might even make application to take her baby away from her because she had been an unfit mother." At the trial Vickie Barrett claimed that Ward had picked her up in Oxford Street and had taken her home to have sex with his friends. Barrett was unable to name any of these men. She added that Ward was paid by these friends and he kept some of the money for her in a little drawer. Ward admitted knowing Barrett and having sex with her. However, he denied arranging for her to have sex with other men or taking money from her. Sylvia Parker, who had been staying at Ward's flat at the time Barrett claimed she was brought there to have sex with other men. She called Barrett's statements "untrue, a complete load of rubbish". Christine Keeler claims that she had never seen Barrett before: "She (Barrett) described Stephen handing out horsewhips, canes, contraceptives and coffee and how, having collected her weapons, she had treated the waiting clients. It sounded, and was, nonsense. I had lived with Stephen and never seen any evidence of anything like that." Mandy Rice-Davies agreed with Keeler: "Much of what she (Barrett) said was discredited. It was obvious to anyone that Stephen, with the police breathing down his neck and the press on his doorstep, would hardly have the opportunity or the inclination for this sort of thing." Ludovic Kennedy, the author of The Trial of Stephen Ward (1964) has argued that James Burge was unable to compete with the prosecuting counsel Mervyn Griffith-Jones: "In short, Mr. Burge was a very nice man; indeed, as the trial went on, I began to think that alongside Mr. Griffith-Jones, he was almost too nice a man. He was a civilised being, a person of wit and humour. I had been told by one of his colleagues that he was one of the few men at the Bar who could laugh a case out of court. The atmosphere here, as I think he realised, was not conducive to this sort of approach, but I was told he had tried it once or twice at the Magistrate's Court with some success. In addition to his quip about Mr. Griffith-Jones making a honeymoon sound obscene, he had also said that he had no objection to some of Mr Griffith-Jones's leading questions, as they were not leading very far. Mr. Griffith-Jones himself would have been incapable of either of these two remarks. But equally Mr. Burge could not match Mr. Griffith-Jones's cold relentless plodding, his battering away at the walls until, by sheer persistence, they began to crack. It was this, in the last analysis, that made one admire Mr. Griffith-Jones as much as one deplored him. Because his own attitude to the case was committed, one became committed in one's attitude towards him. It was this outward lack of commitment, not in matter but in manner, that at times led one to feel that Mr. Burge was doing himself literally less than justice. They say that the days of the committed lawyer are over: yet one would have liked to see Ward's defence accompanied by some passion, with his counsel as contemptuous of the charges laid against him as the prosecution were contemptuous of Ward himself. As it was, while I had no doubts which of the two counsel was the more intelligent, urbane and congenial, equally I had no doubts, where the jury was concerned, which was the more effective advocate." In his cross-examination of Stephan Ward, Burge asked him about his annual income. Ward replied that he was earning about £4,000 from his practice and another £1,500 or so from his drawings - a total of between £5,000 and £6,000 a year. Burge then asked: "If the prosecution's picture of a man procuring, and the picture of people in high places and very wealthy men was true, would you have needed to carry on your practice and work as an osteopath?" Ward replied: "If that were true, evidently not." Philip Knightley, the author of An Affair of State (1987) pointed out: "That ended the prosecution case. How strong was it? Griffith-Jones had succeeded in establishing that Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies took money for sex. He had shown that both girls gave money to Ward. Even though, given that in law the dividing line between living with a prostitute and living on a prostitute is very thin, the prosecution's weak point was that both girls owed Ward - one way or another - far more money than they ever paid him." Ward told his defence counsel, James Burge: "One of my great perils is that at least half a dozen of the (witnesses) are lying and their motives vary from malice to cupidity and fear... In the case of both Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies there is absolutely no doubt that they are committed to stories which are already sold or could be sold to newspapers and that my conviction would free these newspapers to print stories which they would otherwise be quite unable to print (for libel reasons)." Stephen Ward was very upset by the judge's summing-up that included the following: "If Stephen Ward was telling the truth in the witness box, there are in this city many witnesses of high estate and low who could have come and testified in support of his evidence." Several people present in the court claimed that Judge Archie Pellow Marshall was clearly biased against Ward. France Soir reported: "However impartial he tried to appear, Judge Marshall was betrayed by his voice." After the day's court proceedings, Ward contacted Tom Critchley, a Home Office official working with Lord Denning on the official investigation. Later, Critchley refused to comment what was said in that telephone conversation. That night Ward met the journalist Tom Mangold: "Stephen was very relaxed... He wasn't walking around in a froth. He was very calm and collected, just writing his letters and putting them in envelopes. I wanted to pretend that I hadn't seen what I'd seen. My excuse, which was not a good excuse, was that I was on a yellow card from my wife. I reckoned I could risk being home two hours late. But I knew the marriage wouldn't survive if I showed up any later. So all I did was to bleat at Stephen not to do anything foolish." After Mangold left Ward wrote to his friend, Noel Howard-Jones: "It is really more than I can stand - the horror, day after day at the court and in the streets. It is not only fear, it is a wish not to let them get me. I would rather get myself. I do hope I have not let people down too much. I tried to do my stuff but after Marshall's summing-up, I've given up all hope." Ward then took an overdose of sleeping tablets. He was in a coma when the jury reached their verdict of guilty of the charge of living on the immoral earnings of Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies on Wednesday 31st July. Three days later, Ward died in St Stephen's Hospital. According to Warwick Charlton, Ward's old enemy, John Lewis, was delighted at the news of his death: "He was celebrating. He made no bones about it." Ward's defence team found a letter that he had written to Vickie Barrett: "I don't know what it was or who it was that made you do what you did. But if you have any decency left, you should tell the truth like Ronna Riccardo. You owe this not to me, but to everyone who may be treated like you or like me in the future." The letter was passed to Barry O'Brien, a journalist who worked for the Daily Telegraph. He gave the letter to Barrett. He later reported she read the note and began to cry. "It was all lies but I never thought he would die." Barrett said she had been coerced into giving her evidence by the police and agreed to go to see Ward's solicitor, then went to another room to get her coat. According to O'Brien, an older women came out, and said: "Miss Barrett was not going anywhere." Barrett later retracted her retraction. In his book, The Trial of Stephen Ward (1964), Ludovic Kennedy considers the guilty verdict of Ward to be a miscarriage of justice. In An Affair of State (1987), the journalist, Philip Knightley argues: "Witnesses were pressured by the police into giving false evidence. Those who had anything favourable to say were silenced. And when it looked as though Ward might still survive, the Lord Chief Justice shocked the legal profession with an unprecedented intervention to ensure Ward would be found guilty." The entertainer Michael Bentine, who worked as an intelligence officer for MI9 under Airey Neave during the Second World War and had known Ward for sometime, kept up his contacts after the war, later commented: "A Special Branch friend of mine told me Ward was assisted in his dying. I think he was murdered." Paul Mann, a close friend of Stephen Ward, says he was told shortly after his death, that "Ward was injected with an air bubble, by hypodermic, with the intention of causing a fatal embolism. The needle broke, and the assassins left in a hurry. It was enough, though, to send the drugged Ward on his way. It was a botched affair." Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert died of a heart attack on 16th April 1966 at the age of 48. In his will he left only £300, which was commensurate with the police salaries at that time. However, after his death his bank account was discovered to contain no less than £30,000 (660,000 by today's values). According to Philip Knightley: "By coincidence, in the tape recordings which Christine Keeler made with her manager, Robin Drury, Keeler says that John Lewis, Ward's bitter enemy, had offered her £30,000 for information leading to Ward's conviction and the bringing down of the Conservative Government." In 1987 Anthony Summers and Stephen Dorril published their book on the Stephen Ward case, Honeytrap. During their research they managed to speak to several members of MI5, including Keith Wagstaffe, Wards case-officer. The book confirms that Ward had been involved in an operation that was attempting to persuade Eugene Ivanov to become a double-agent. As a result of the book being published the authors were contacted by a former MI6 officer who claimed that Ward was murdered by a contract agent called Stanley Rytter, whose cover was as a freelance journalist and photographer. Rytter had died in 1984 but Summers and Dorril investigate the allegation and got the story confirmed by one of his associates, Serge Paplinski. The intelligence officer then went on to say: "It was decided that Ward had to die.... He admitted (Rytter) that Ward was killed on the instructions of his department. He convinced Ward that he ought to have a good night's sleep and take some sleeping pills. The agent said he let Ward doze off and then woke him again and told him to take his tablets. Another half an hour later or two, he woke Ward again, and told him he'd forgotten to take his sleeping pills. So it went on - till Ward had overdosed. It might sound far-fetched, but it's the easiest thing in the world to do. Once the victim is drowsy he will agree to almost anything." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by Robert Howard on 23 January 2014 - 10:12 PM in JFK Assassination Debate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was entirely by chance, but I discovered that in Peter Dale Scott's - Deep Politics & The Death of JFK, pps. 367-68 footnote to section from page 230 HOOVER, BOBBY BAKERAND THE ELLEN ROMETSCH STORY, he elaborated on the similarity between the former and the Profumo Scandal. Below is the footnote in its entirety. Some miscellaneous speculations: Owen, it will be recalled, was with Ruby's stripper friend Candy Barr in 1957, just before she was arrested. Both Lester May, her attorney in that case and his brother-in-law Gordon McLendon (whom Ruby listed as one of his six closest friends 20 WH 39) were busy in 1971 in the mob effort to secure the release of Jimmy Hoffa (Sheridan, Hoffa 503-04; Moldea, Hoffa Wars, 280). So was Carlos Marcello associate D'Alton Smith, brother-in-law of Nofio Pecora, the head of Marcello's call-girl operations whom Ruby phoned in October 1963. In 1970 Smith would be indicted as part of a securities-fraud network, along with Charles Tourine, Ruby's friend Maurice "Frenchy" Medelvine, Mike McLaney and Sam Benton of the McLaney arms cache on Lake Ponchartrain (Scott, Crime & Cover-up, 46). Bobby Baker was approached about the million-dollar bail-out of Hoffa as well (Baker Wheeling and Dealing, 17). Bedford Wynne entertained his girls, and his friend George Owen, at his home in the Maple Terrace Apartments. This was also the womanizing friend George DeMohrenschildt (WCD 7:135), and at one time of Ruby's friend Lewis McWillie (WCD 84.86). Could Ruby and McWillie have moved in such "higher" circles by their ability to supply women, drugs and gambling? McWillie told the House Committee that he ran "stag parties" at the Cipango Club for Dallas gamblers Ivy Miller, and Earl Dalton, although he explained that the stag parties featured dice games at which "they let their wives come too" (5 AH 66). Jim Marrs writes that the Four Deuces in Fort Worth, which McWillie managed for the "gentleman gambler" W. C. Kirkwood was "in an area noted for its taverns and its prostitution. It was here, under the protective eye of off-duty policemen, that men like H. L. Hunt, Clint Murchison (sic) and others joined [speaker] Sam Rayburn and his protege [Lyndon] Johnson for hours of Kirkwood-provided hospitality." (Marrs, 292) One last detail to support the Washington policeman's theory that the mob, and more specifically, Nesline, has been behind sexual corruption in high places for a long time. Mandy Rice-Davies, the number-two woman in the Ward-Keeler sex ring that compromised both Profumo and Kennedy, established mob contacts when she moved to Israel. There she met Herbert Itkin, the mob-FBI-CIA double agent who had testified in the Teamster kickback trial, where his CIA control Mario Brod had testified successfully for the defense. Had she known the mob before the Profumo story broke? At least one of Ward's women, Mariella Novotny, (who had slept with Kennedy), had worked in London strip joints like the Club Pigalle and the Black Sheep (Summers and Dorrill, Honeytrap, 96). Meyer Lansky and Dino Cellini also had interests in London clubs, which may explain why Lansky and Nesline were spotted there in 1962. It is safe to say that the mob was involved in the post-assassination cover-up, beginning with Ruby's murder of Oswald in the Dallas police basement. But it is clear that many of those involved in the pre-assassination sexual intrigues, including Rosselli, Guy Richards, Michael Eddowes and, above all, Bedford Wynne, were involved in the post assassination story as well. ==================================================== Lobster number 2, 1983 by Stephen Dorril. __________________________________________________ __ Stephen Dorril In February this year, unnoticed by the press, a funeral took place in a quiet Sussex village. In attendance were some famous names from London society of the fifties and sixties, and two men in regulation dark suits from an undisclosed department of the Security Services. They had been contacts for the deceased, Maria Novotny, who made headlines in the sixties through her 'relationship' with President John Kennedy, and her involvement in the Profumo affair. Novotny's own accounts of the two episodes have tended to be dismissed, and reasonably so, as they appeared in the sensationalist press. (1) But one man, Michael Eddowes, took her very seriously indeed, claiming to have spent over $100,000 of his own money following up leads generated by her story. To Eddowes, Novotny was the link to a Soviet plot to discredit Western leaders: "I had discovered that the group in London who had destroyed Profumo had sent a young woman, Maria Novotny, to destroy the character of President Kennedy. She was the cousin of President Novotny of Czechoslovakia. This is fact." (2) When Eddowes expanded his theory to include the assassination of Kennedy, it took on a distinctly bizarre look. Eddowes' book, November 22nd: How They Killed Kennedy (3) suggested that Lee Harvey Oswald had been replaced by a look-a-like KGB agent when he went to the Soviet Union. (4) Following this to its logical conclusion, Eddowes reportedly spent over $10,000 in October 1981 on legal fees and exhumation costs involved in reopening Oswald's grave. (5) He arranged for a new autopsy with the consent of Marina Porter (Oswald) to see if the grave contained Oswald or a double. (6) Inevitably such ideas have meant that Eddowes has been portrayed as an 'assassination loony'. But he had at one time been a respected solicitor; obtained a Royal Pardon for Timothy Evans who was mistakenly hanged for the Christie murders; and wrote a best-selling book on the case, A Man On Your Conscience. Was Eddowes just muddying the water with disinformation on the assassination, or had he really uncovered evidence to confirm his theories? Strangely, although central to his theory on the assassination, Novotny is only briefly mentioned in the introduction to his book. One would have thought that everything that could be said on the Prufumo affair had been told, but new evidence, primarily from Nigel West (7) and Novotny herself, undermines the conclusions of the Denning Report. It also provides background to, and some justification for Eddowes' line of enquiry; even though in the end we can dismiss the Eddowes' claims because he misunderstood the role of Stephen Ward. This article is also an account of Maria Novotny's own life, which confirms at least a part of the articles in the sensationalist press. (8) There are no tidy ends to this account and if it is largely speculative - so be it; for the true story of the Profumo affair has yet to be revealed. I take it that readers have a basic knowledge of the Profumo affair and can read between the lines for themselves. Maria Novotny knew little of her own background: it wasn't until this year that her husband learned her real name. Maria Stella Novotny was born on the 9th of May 1941 in Prague. Her father was brother to the President of Czechoslovakia, and they lived in the Royal palace until she was 6 years old, when the Soviet Union moved in. Because the President supported the Communists, this family tie would explain why Eddowes thought she had been chosen to destroy Kennedy. But what Eddowes didn't know was that Maria's father was actively anti-Communist. Although opposed to each other politically, the brothers remained friends, the President warning Maria's father that the Soviets were liable to arrest him, and advising him to leave the country. Instead, he joined the underground, making arrangements for Maria to leave the country with the family agent, called Rutter. They escaped in a railway truck hiding under some corn, crossing the border into Austria. Unfortunately they ended up in the Soviet sector where they were put in a displaced persons camp. In 1948 Maria was released, apparently through the efforts of a Mrs Capes, who had known her father when he was in England, studying at university. How this was achieved is not known, but Maria was brought to England where she lived as the daughter of Mrs Capes. When she became a teenager she went into modelling and was determined to make it into a successful career. When only 18 she met Horace 'Hod' Dibden (9), then aged 57, at the Black Sheep Club (10) in Piccadilly, which he helped run. An expert on English antiques and furniture, he had many friends on the London scene, including Stephen Ward, who he had known since the war; and, interestingly, Michael Eddowes, who had given up his solicitor's practice and become the owner of a chain of restaurants. Hod and Eddowes had known each other for twenty years. Hod and Maria were married in January 1960. The marriage was conditional on her being allowed to carry on her own life. She appears to have been a highly intelligent, very beautiful young girl, determined to get on in the world, hoping to use Hod's contacts and money to climb the social ladder. In her personal account she claims to have been a virgin at the time, and, in reality, rather turned off by sexual relations. To her, sex was a 'game' designed to shock other people: she took her pleasure watching the reactions of people to situations she had organised. After the honeymoon they were regulars on the night club scene. One particular party in February 1960, given by an American millionaire, Huntingdon Hartford, was a turning point. Among the guests were Stephen Ward and a more 'sinister' man, Harry Alan Towers, who claimed to be a film producer and owner of a modelling agency. Maria and Towers didn't meet at the party, but Towers must have recognised her: four days later a letter arrived suggesting a meeting at Claridges to discuss some possible modelling work. The letter was actually signed by Tower's mother, Margaret, who Novotny claims had an extraordinary influence over him, and from whom he took his instructions. At the meeting Towers was brisk to the point of rudeness. He told her that he could make her a top television model doing commercials in America. Although she didn't like Towers, she found it difficult to turn down the contract, which offered upwards of $50,000 a year. Over the next days the contract was sorted out and Maria was introduced to some of Towers' friends, one of whom tried to have sex with her in Paris. Towers, over the next year, made no sexual advances towards Maria but didn't mind pushing his friends on her. She signed to Towers' modelling agency and he gave her a large deposit. The day she left for New York Stephen Ward went to a dinner party with her at which he made some sketches of her. Maria claimed that Ward and Towers knew each other. To Eddowes this provided a link between the Kennedy and Profumo episodes. Hod also thought that Ward and Towers knew each other at this time. Towers flew ahead a few days earlier and met Maria at what became Kennedy Airport. Almost immediately they were arguing with each other, and Maria became doubly suspicious of him when he told her to sign a hotel register as Maria Novotny. Up til then she had been known as Maria Chapman, Hod's family name. Towers insisted that while she was in America she should use Novotny. What else, she thought, did Towers know of her background? At first her modelling career went well and they went to the usual round of parties. But it seems that modelling offers were the result of her sleeping with television producers. After two weeks Towers arranged a lunch for her with Peter Lawford, the brother-inlaw of President John Kennedy. Towers claimed that it would do her modelling career good if she got to know Kennedy. Maria didn't see the connection at the time; it was only later that she realised that Towers had engineered the meeting for other purposes. On reflection, it spelt blackmail to Maria and Eddowes. Unknown to her at the time she was scheduled to be the replacement for Simone McQueen, a TV weather forecaster, who had just finished with Kennedy. Lawford took her to parties and she briefly met Kennedy at one and arranged to meet him again. They were more intimate at a party where the singer, Vic Damone, was the host. She was introduced to Kennedy and almost immediately shown into a bedroom where she went to bed with him. They weren't gone very long before there was a commotion in the main room. Damone's Asian girlfriend had made an unsuccessful suicide attempt and had been found in the bathroom with her wrists slashed. The apartment quickly emptied, Kennedy disappearing with a bodyguard and his associates. The incident was hushed up. The quick departure may have had something to do with the fact that, according to Maria, one of J. Edgar Hoover' s men was known to attend these parties. Word would have quickly reached Hoover who would have no doubt added it to his files on the Kennedy brothers. Maria continued to see Kennedy and his brother, Robert, though I doubt that there is much truth in the published accounts of her relationship with Robert. Her own account rarely mentions him - or, for that matter, the sensational claims of her involvement with UN officials. The latter appears to have involved Towers' other girls. At the end of the year Hod arrived in New York to buy antiques. At this time Maria had had enough of Towers. Her modelling career was nowhere in sight. She decided to leave Towers and move into Hod's apartment near the UN building. Towers was extremely angry and determined to make her stay in his flat. But as he was commuting between London and New York at this time, he had little real control over her. She moved in with Hod. During this period when Towers would later be accused of running a vice-ring at the UN building, he was in constant touch with his mother - and one other person, Leslie Chateris. This was presumably an innocent relationship since Towers said he wanted to buy the TV rights to The Saint. But Towers did get Maria to take a package to Chateris in Los Angeles. To Maria, Tower's business seemed to have little to do with television or films. Shortly after the disagreement Maria returned to his luxurious Manhattan apartment to pick up the rest of her clothes. Towers was surprisingly good-natured, apologising for his previous loss of temper, saying he would make it up to her. That night he said she could use his apartment for a night with a boyfriend. When he arrived they went into a bedroom, at which point he tried to persuade her to accept $100 for sexual relations. Eventually, after some persuasion, she accepted. He then showed her his badge and told her she was under arrest. He left the room fetching in other officers who were lining the corridor. Searching the apartment they found Towers hiding, shaking under some suitcases in a lobby. Maria was taken to a police station and interrogated for four hours, going through three different agencies. Finally she was released on bail. At her apartment the next day plain clothed policemen interviewed her and at FBI headquarters she was shown pictures of many girls and asked if she knew them. It was clear that the FBI wanted Towers. Several charges were to be made against him and they wanted her to testify against him. But before they could, Towers escaped from America after bail, reputedly a very large sum, had been put up. Towers was accused of running a vice-ring involving UN officials. Hod and Maria were shown immigration files on Towers which, according to Hod, showed Towers' links with Eastern Europe. When Eddowes went to New York he met John Malone, head of the New York FBI, and they apparently had three two hour interviews. Eddowes was shown FBI, Immigration, and, possibly, CIA files on Towers and Novotny. These proved to Eddowes satisfaction that Towers was working for the Soviets; that Novotny had been used to get close to Kennedy for possible blackmail - probably because of her Czech background. (For some reason Novotny believed that photos existed of her love making sessions taken from hidden cameras in the UN building.) It was reported that on leaving America Towers went to Prague, Moscow, and Peking, stopping for a time in southern Ireland before residing in Canada. (11) Novotny was held as a material witness and charged with being a wayward minor. According to Hod, it was rumoured at the time that Kennedy himself had intervened to stop the charges. By now Novotny was determined to leave America: Towers was hardly likely to return. She had in her own words, become a political pawn, with the State police, FBI and Immigration officials claiming jurisdiction over her. She escaped by buying a boarding ticket for the Queen Mary and staying on board when it sailed. Rather implausibly an officer let her stay on board without saying anything when she told him she had lost her passport. A rumour reached the papers that the CIA had helped her escape. Hod met her off the boat in England having flown ahead. One of the first people she met in London, around April 1961, was Stephen Ward, who invited her to a reception at the Soviet Embassy. Ward pestered her daily to meet the Soviet diplomat Eugene Ivanov, but she refused. She had had enough problems in New York, and a solicitor friend (possibly Eddowes) warned her not to get involved with political figures. Hod went in her place to the Embassy reception (with Gilbert Harding) where he met Ivanov. Ward didn't give up though. After Ivanov he switched to Profumo, introducing Maria as 'the girl who made an impact on the Kennedy clan'. Unknown to her, he was also playing up her relationship with the Czech President. These attempts to link Novotny to Profumo and Ivanov (which she later saw as deliberate) took place before the famous Keeler meeting, suggesting at the very least, that the Denning report (12) was less than adequate. She was eventually tricked into seeing Ivanov at a party at Cliveden. Ward introduced her to a surprise guest and quickly left the room. The guest was Ivanov. What came next was a shock because Ivanov knew details of her background and told her he could arrange for her to visit Czechoslovakia to see relatives. He painted a rosy picture of life in the country and of the Communist Party. She declined his offers and after some further efforts at persuasion she left the room to join the others. She learned later that he was particularly interested in her experiences in America. Behind the sexual affairs and personal intrigues of Ward, Profumo and Ivanov were the British Security Services; and further back, and probably not apparent to the participants, was the wider intelligence battle between East and West. It is worth going into some detail on this area as it provides clues to Novotny's true position.(13) In April 1961 the West's most important Soviet spy, Oleg Penkovsky, arrived in London on a Trade Mission, staying until May 6th. The material he gave to MI6 and CIA representatives was to prove vital to resolving the Cuban missile crisis: Kennedy would base his final decisions on the Penkovsky material. (14) During this particular visit he was debriefed at an all-night session during which he provided details on the KGB and GRU men at the Soviet Embassy in London. Amongst them was Ivanov whom he had known as a student. It is also worth noting that he had told MI6 that there was a traitor in the top ranks of MI5. Although no MI5 men took part in the debriefings of Penkovsky, they did play a leading role in the Profumo/Ivanov episode based on details he provided. Ivanov's cover for his intelligence role was that of Naval Attache. But he was no runof- the-mill intelligence officer. His father-in-law was Alexander Gorkin, Chairman of the Soviet Supreme Court. It is also believed that Ivanov played a prominent role in Nasser's coup in Egypt. According to Nigel West (15) he had been identified by 'D' branch as an intelligence officer when he first arrived in London on the 27th March 1960. Penkovsky described him as a man who liked women and a good party, suggesting that he might be a profitable target. So the watchers began trailing him. Here West's revisionist account starts to break down. It seems incredible that Ivanov was able to meet so many celebrities without MI5 keeping some tabs on him if they knew he was a spy. It is claimed that in June 1961 Ivanov led them to a house at 17 Wimpole Mews. By checking the electoral roll they found it was the home of Stephen Ward, who they contacted on June 8th. But that is virtually impossible because Ward didn't move into the flat until June 1st (16), which would have given him no time to be put on the register. Also according to MI5, on West's account, Ward was unknown to Registry. But Lee Tracey (17) an MI6 contract employee working at the Daily Mirror on organised vice, has revealed that he was assigned by MI6 to compile a profile on Stephen Ward six years before the scandal broke. Nothing ever appeared in the paper but a full report went to MI6 who hoped that some juicy target might be sexually compromised inside the Ward circle. (Which suggests either MI5 and MI6 didn't exchange material or someone is lying - or both.) MI5 made some discreet enquiries of Ward which revealed that he had many important people as friends, including the third Viscount Astor, who was known to MI5. Novotny has said that she saw reports which showed that Bill Astor was controlling Ward, and that her meeting at Cliveden with Ivanov had been arranged by Astor. In one of those intriguing coincidences, Astor played a role in Ivanov's attempts to intervene in the Cuban Missile Crisis. On the Thursday evening of the Cuba week, Astor suggested Ivanov should meet 'Boofy' Gore, the Earl of Arran. At the time it seemed to be an eccentric choice for behind - the - scenes diplomacy. But in reality it was spot on. For besides having easy access to Lord Home, then the Foreign Secretary, he was the first cousin of Sir David Ormsby-Gore the British Ambassador to America. Gore was a close friend of Kennedy - so intimately tied up in the decision making around the missile crisis (assuring Kennedy of the value of the Penkovsky material) that he was invited to the President's nuclear shelter if things went bad. (18) It was the Missile Crisis that persuaded Eddowes that Khrushchev was behind the assassination of JFK. It is possible that MI5 have said they used the electoral register to trace Ward to protect the real source. It is said that Ward was introduced to Ivanov by (Sir) Colin Coote, editor of the Daily Telegraph, in January 1961. There are conflicting stories about the origins of this meeting, but it has something to do with Ward doing sketches of Soviet diplomats. He did sketches of many famous people though he was only an average artist. (19) Coote had contacts in the Soviet Embassy and, interestingly, he was a golfing friend of the Director of MI5, Sir Roger Hollis. (20) Coote arranged a meeting at the Garrick Club. Accompanying Ward to this lunch was David Floyd, the Telegraph's correspondent on Soviet Affairs. Floyd was on the books of the IRD. (2I) IRD, run by the Foreign Office, was a Cold War propaganda outfit which had a close relationship with MI6; and, especially with section IX which dealt with the Soviet Union. Was the meeting set up by the intelligence services or did Floyd supply a report to section IX? Officially Ward was employed by MI5 on June 8th 1961 to help in the entrapment of Ivanov, hopefully to compromise him with the help of his girls. Ward's friends didn't know this. On the contrary many, including Hod and Maria, believed that he could be working for the Soviets. Hod was astonished when told of Ward's real role. He still believes Ward was murdered to keep him quiet. "It wasn't in his character to commit suicide." In London Hod and Maria set up dinner parties (22) at which many famous people attended. About half of these parties appear to have included sexual games afterwards. Ward was a frequent guest but as far as is known he never actually had sexual relations with the girls. It was at one of these dinner parties that the famous Ministerin- the-mask incident occurred; though in reality it was very different to the accounts of Keeler and Rice-Davies. (They, incidentally, never met Novotny.) Hod had met Keeler one night when Profumo picked her up at Ward's flat. According to Hod, Mandy Rice- Davies learned of the mask incident from Ward when he returned to their flat that night. Maria says: "I lied to Lord Denning, but not about a politician. My lies were to protect someone from ruin and a criminal charge. A Member of Parliament was present, William Rees-Davies, MP for Thanet, but he was not in the disguise." On December 14th 1962 Christine Keeler ran into an old friend - Michael Eddowes - and, according to him, the whole story of her involvement with Profumo and Ivanov came out. This included Ivanov's request that Keeler ask Profumo when the allies were going to let West Germany have nuclear warheads. Eddowes says he made out a 6- page report which eventually reached the Security Services. Nothing came of it because MI5 believed that Profumo had told the Prime Minister of this twin relationship, while Profumo assumed MI5 had told him. It wasn't until Eddowes wrote to Macmillan on June 13th that the affair was finally exposed. On Friday June 14th he released the full text of the letter to the Evening Standard and the media scramble began. Ward had been trying to get Novotny to meet Ivanov up until his departure. He left shortly after the Edgecombe shooting incident at Wimpole Mews. But what happened to Ivanov I haven't discovered. Officially he was recalled to Moscow, although Mandy Rice-Davies (who is not reliable) recounts a different tale. In 1977 two men interviewed her about the Profumo Affair in Israel, where she lived for a time. At first they claimed to be journalists from Time magazine; then private investigators. Eventually one of them said " I was with the CIA for 25 years. I spent a lot of time in London - I was involved in the George Raft affair at the Colony Club." When she mentioned Ivanov he said "We took him...we... the CIA. We couldn't let him go. We didn't know what he had and what he didn't have and we didn't want to take any chances. Let's say he was an involuntary defector." (23) It would be around this time that Eddowes started to put together the Novotny connection, eventually going to New York at the invitation of the Journal - American, to follow up leads. The one piece of information which he said he was after, could be details of the background of Harry Towers, which were given to him by 'contacts'. Eddowes did attempt to write a book with Maria Novotny on this whole affair and in the late sixties they were three quarters of the way through it when strange things started to happen. Eddowes rang Hod one day from his house telling him that two men had broken into his flat, beating him badly, leaving him bleeding on his bed. They warned him to stay away from the subject. The day before Maria had narrowly escaped a serious accident in her car when the steering failed. Bolts in the steering column had been cut. Eddowes, by this time an old man, was scared and burned the manuscript, and would pursue the matter no further. This would explain the brevity of the Novotny sections in his books on the Kennedy assassination. Maria doesn't appear to have changed her lifestyle very much in the later sixties. She did try to become a novelist, writing many books. But only one, a Harold Robbins type version of her own life, got published. She also had a regular column in the magazine Club International for a time, exploiting incidents from her own life. It was whilst researching a book, apparently on brothels, around 1970, that she came into contact with British Intelligence. At a brothel she found that it was a set-up, with two-way mirrors and hidden microphones, used by the Security Services to compromise clients. She was invited to help them with similar work and seems to have been employed as a high-class companion/whore to people of interest to the services. Particular cases involved compromising the head of a Caribbean island which the Foreign Office hoped to stop going independent. It did little good: it went independent the following year. Cameras had been hidden in a bedroom at Brown's Hotel when he came across for a diplomatic meeting. In 1978 (24) she was involved in the break-up of a massive fraud. She had been put onto the activities of Taylor and Ash by Billy Hill, the former London underworld boss, who thought there was the making of another Kray-type gang, whose brutality went against the old-time ideals. She was asked to become involved with Taylor, and was friendly with him for two years. In court Taylor claimed: "I have been set up by Henrietta Chapman, also known as Maria Novotny, who is working for British intelligence." The judge told him to sit down and stop being silly. Novotny was outside, waiting to give evidence against him, but following this outburst was advised not to, since she might be used again. A few days later on his way home from court, Taylor collapsed at Waterloo Station. He died later in hospital. Officially a heart attack, it has been suggested by some that he was killed with a poisoned umbrella. Following this case she was asked by the Chief Constable of Kent to help with enquiries into corruption in Scotland Yard. She became very friendly with top detectives and reported direct to the Chief Constable. It is known that she made visits to Southern Ireland and Ulster, apparently involved in intelligence operations. She also arranged parties in Europe for Common Market MPs and diplomats. Whether this or many of the other episodes were actually done on behalf of British Intelligence is not known. (25) Maria Stella Novotny died on the 20th February 1983. She had had a heavy cold during the day and ate little. Taking some food later she died choking on a milk pudding. Shortly after her death her house was burgled and all her files and large dayto- day diaries from the early sixties to the seventies were stolen. Recently Hod claims to have given her address books to the members of an undisclosed Secret Service department. Unfortunately I have been unable to track down Eddowes - if he is still alive. One can see now from where he received his basic ideas. A Czech girl with supposed Communist background, used by a group of men also with alleged Communist links (Towers and Ward), controlled by a Soviet intelligence agent (Ivanov), who claimed to have direct access to Khrushchev. All this was linked in his mind through the Cuban Missile Crisis, to the assassination of JFK. Where the evidence for that link is no one knows. Obviously, though, it falls down with the recent revelation that Ward worked for British Intelligence. But that raises a whole load of other questions..... Notes 1. News of The World (1961), Saturday Titbits (1972), The Globe (US) 1980. She has written a book - Kings Road (1977) - which deals with this period but it is a highly fictionalised account. 2. Radio Interview: Chicago WGN 1977 3. Known in the USA as The Oswald File (NY 1978). He has also personally published Khrushchev Killed Kennedy (1975). Does anyone have a copy? 4. Although it would be stretching the evidence to suggest Oswald had been replaced by a double, there are some strange aspects to his trip to the Soviet Union. His height, recorded on various official documents, varies quite considerably, and there are marked differences between photos of Oswald in the USSR and in the USA. (See The Many Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald - Jack White US 1979) 5. A large section of articles dealing with the exhumation are in The Continuing Enquiry Vol. V1 No 3 October 1981. 6. The new autopsy appeared to answer all the doubts that it was Oswald in the grave. But, incredibly, this has now come into question. The skull shows no signs of the original 1963 autopsy. Switched heads? It's all getting too crazy! 7. MI5 1945-72: A Matter of Trust Chapter 6. West's books are badly written. New material comes in small doses - basically to tease whilst the real 'game' is a continuing battle of sources, occasionally played over the dead body of Roger Hollis. It's a battle of the right wings. Chapman Pincher (Their Trade is Treachery NEL 1982), against aspiring Tory, Rupert Allason. ('West'). There are political and ideological motives to 'West's' books contrary to what some journalists believe. Notice how his books are so well received by the media whilst better and more important books - Verrier/Bloch and Fitzgerald/Faligot - suffer something like an unofficial D Notice. Is there any truth to the rumour that the recently arrested 'mole' in MI5 is one of 'West's' sources? 8. This account is taken from interviews with her husband and access to her own hand-written journal, letters etc. 9. There was nothing unusual in this relationship for Hod. In the late 1940s he had taken the 16 year old Patsy Morgan, daughter of a Coventry grocer, and given her the Pygmalion treatment. Rather the same approach as Stephen Ward. (See The Evil Firm: The Rise and Fall of the Brothers Kray - Brian McConnell, London 1969, p34) 10.Hod had helped to run Esmeralda's Barn, a night-club in Knightsbridge. Originally he designed it for society girl Esmeralda. In another bizarre incident on the night of its opening, she was found dead, accidentally gassed, on her bed with her lesbian lover. Patsy Morgan-Dibden was the main attraction of the club, so when she ran away from Hod to Europe, he gave it up. Protection for the club was provided by Billy Hill who ran the London underworld with his rival, Jack Spot. Hod returned to the business in the late 1950s with the Black Sheep Club. Esmeralda's Barn was eventually owned by the Kray twins who purchased it on the advice of Peter Rachman. (The Profession of Violence, John Pearson, London 1973). A good introduction to this whole Ward/Rachman/Criminal underworld nexus is Rachman, Shirley Green, London 1981. The media created 'Rachmanism' - a device designed to ease attention away from the real crooks, and a godsend to Labour's election hopes at the time. 11.Towers decided to return to the States in 1980 to face charges of bail jumping and contempt of court. As part of the deal, an address book which reportedly contains the names of every politician for whom he allegedly procured call girls will forever remain sealed away. Mary De Bourgon, Assistant D.A.: "It will never be opened in a court of law." (The Globe (US) December 9th 1980). Novotny was friendly with other politicians and lawyers. "Their names didn't mean all that much then but now many of them are big shots, in very high places." Obviously association with one of Towers' girls would have people worried, especially so when she adds: "I kept a diary of all my appointments in the UN building ...I understand the diary is now in the hands of the CIA." 12.Lord Denning's Report (HMSO 1963). Novotny was interviewed by Denning but she says the report was already written. He refused to accept her allegations, seemingly turned off by the details of the sexual games. 13.Kennedy's other 'relationships' certainly weren't ordinary and could explain why Novotny's could be important. In 1964, a year after the assassination, Mary Meyer [Pinchot], an intimate friend of JFK'S was mysteriously shot to death. Shortly after, her personal diaries were taken from her home by James Angleton (at the time head of CIA's Counter Intelligence Branch), a friend of the Meyer family. Angleton destroyed the diary, and though involved in the CIA's investigation of the assassination, has refused to comment: on the Meyer episode. (See Washington Post February 23rd 1976. Coincidence or Conspiracy Bernard Fensterwald (US 1977) Judith Exner had been introduced to JFK by friend Frank Sinatra, and had an affair with him through 1961 and '62. She also knew Sam Giancana and John Roselli intimately, both of whom were involved in the CIA/Mafia plots against Castro. (And both of whom were murdered just before going to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.) It has been suggested that Giancana used his close friend Sinatra to place a girl near the President, perhaps to blackmail him. In another strange twist, Robert Maheu, Howard Hughes' man, who had also been involved in the CIA/Mafia plots, had been involved in a highly questionable CIA operation. "Taxpayers monies were spent to provide Heads of State with female companions and to pay people with questionable reputations to make pornographic movies for blackmail (against Heads of State)." See final Report of the House Select Committee on Intelligence: Village Voice Feb l6th 1976 page 72. On Exner see My Story Judith Exner (NY 1977). And, of course, there was Marilyn Monroe, who Novotny claimed to have met a few times when MM was having an affair with both Kennedy brothers. It has been claimed that she died in mysterious circumstances and had knowledge of Mafia and Teamster affairs, contained (again) in diaries. See: Who Killed Marilyn, and Did The Kennedy's Know, Tony Sciacca (NY 1976): Marilyn Monroe S. Periglio (Seville, 1982): and, for this whole Maheu/Mafia/ CIA/Kennedy's/Monroe mess, best of all is Jim Hougan's Spooks (London 1979). 14.Through The Looking Glass Anthony Verrier (London 1983) Chapter 6. 15.West, ibid page 17: also How MI5 Sacrificed Stephen Ward (Sunday Times 28/11/82) 16.Scandal '63: A Study of The Profumo Affair Clive Irving et al (London 1963) p 13 17.Secrets That Won't Be Told, Duncan Campbell (New Statesman 20th February 1981) 18.Verrier ibid. 19.Ward told Hod that he picked up girls in coffee bars, doing quick sketches of them to introduce himself. Ward said this was how he met Keeler in a cafe in Staines, Middlesex, and that he (Ward) was instrumental in obtaining a job for her at Murray's Club, contrary to published stories. 20.West ibid p145 21.See The Ministry of Truth, in Leveller No 64 (1981) and British Intelligence and Covert Action Bloch/Fitzgerald (London 1983) p 91. 22.Among those attending the Novotny parties were Walter Flack, Charles Clore's partner; Bill Astor; Sir William Emirs Williams, the Secretary General of the Arts Council; Sheila Scott; Nicholas Egon; Lord Asquith; Bobby Moore; Eustace Chesser; Douglas Fairbanks Jnr; Felix Topolski; Simon Harcourt- Smith; Lord Belper and many others. 23.Mandy Mandy Rice-Davies with Sheila Flack (London, 1980) p123. She reveals that she knew next to nothing - though perhaps others thought she did. She claims that she was refused a visa to the USA, and when in 1974 she tried to see her (she claims CIA) files they had disappeared (pl21). She claims she was interviewed by MI6 at Century House - unusually, since it is usually left to Special Branch to sort out security cases. 24.Times 1978: April 4/5/25; May 6/12/26; June 10/14/17/23 25.Times May 6th 1978      
  17. PLEASE READ MATERIAL OF POST # 1 +++++++++++++++++++++ MORE ON QUIGLEY SEE http://www.carrollquigley.net/ ################################### Carroll Quigley quotes The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. === Carroll Quigley quotes The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world. === Carroll Quigley quotes For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century. === Carroll Quigley quotes The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England... (and) ...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years, and was permitted in the early 1960's to examine its papers and secret records. … I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known. === Carroll Quigley quotes In 1891, [Cecile] Rhodes organized a secret society with members in a "Circle of Initiates" and an outer circle known as the "Association of Helpers" later organized as the Round Table organization. In 1909-1913, they organized semi-secret groups known as Round Table Groups in the chief British dependencies and the United States. In 1919, they founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Similar Institutes of International Affairs were established in the chief British dominions and the United States where it is known as the Council on Foreign Relations. After 1925, the Institute of Pacific Relations was set up in twelve Pacific area countries. They were constantly harping on the lessons to be learned from the failure of the American Revolution and the success of the Canadian federation of 1867 and hoped to federate the various parts of the empire and then confederate the whole with the United Kingdom. ... There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates to some extent in the way the Radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known. === Carroll Quigley quotes I am now quite sure that 'Tragedy and Hope' was suppressed although I do not know why or by whom. (GEE PROFESSOR ITS THE SAME PEOPLE YOU WROTE ABOUT. ,gaal)
  18. The speech the government of the UK likes !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,gaal ======================================================== Porn websites visited 250,000 times on parliament computers Published: July 27, 2015 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Source: RT “I will do whatever it takes to keep our children safe.” Over 247,000 attempts were made to visit X-rated websites from the UK Parliament’s computer network last year, with the numbers spiking during parliamentary recess in April, a Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed. Attempts to access more than 42,000 sites classed as pornographic were made during April alone last year, totaling more than 1,300 each day. The Freedom of Information request by the Daily Express found the second most active month was October 2014, where there were more than 30,000 attempts to access porn sites. The figures don’t show which sites were accessed or how long was spent on the pages. The findings add to the previous total of 350,000 in 2013. Taxpayers’ Alliance Chief Executive Jonathan Isaby said of the figures: “Some of these ‘visits’ are no doubt the product of pop-ups beyond anybody’s control, but the number is absolutely staggering. “One would hope that those attempting to access these sites at Parliament could keep their extra-curricular activities safely within their own four walls, as it’s not an appropriate use of time when it’s on the taxpayers’ tab,” he added. Speaking about the 2013 results, a House of Commons spokeswoman said: “We do not consider the data to provide an accurate representation of the number of purposeful requests made by network users due to the variety of ways in which websites can be designed to act, react and interact and due to the potential operation of third party software.” Prime Minister David Cameron has previously vowed to block pornographic material from “the darkest corners of the internet.” “For a lot of children, watching hardcore pornography is in danger of becoming a rite of passage,” he said in 2013.
  19. Mon Feb 12, 2007 at 08:22 PM PST Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency Part 2 http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/02/13/301305/-Battling-Wall-Street-The-Kennedy-Presidency-Part-2 Yesterday, Part 1 looked at President Kennedy’s economic policies, and how they were extensions of the New Deal policies of Franklin Roosevelt. Part 1 is here: http://www.dailykos.com/... ############################### ORDER AMAZON for book http://www.amazon.com/Battling-Wall-Street-Kennedy-presidency/dp/1615779604 ============ also at AMAZON by Donald Gibson (has excellent material on the creation Warren Commission , gaal) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1615779639/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687542&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=1615779604&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=06JTMP33ACCS9QDSE5N1 The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up Paperback – November 15, 2014 by Donald Gibson (Author) Over the course of half a century, polls have repeatedly shown that most Americans refuse to accept the official story of the Kennedy Assassination. That story, set forth by the media and by a Presidential Commission dominated by representatives of the most powerful private forces in the nation, was that the President was killed by a lone assassin with radical tendencies and an abnormal mind. It is demonstrated in this book that everything we can know about the cover-up suggests not a government or FBI or Mafia conspiracy, but a treasonous conspiracy executed by a network of wealthy private interests whose goals were at odds with almost everything the energetic 35th president of the United States was doing. That network set up Lee Harvey Oswald as a patsy and went into action promoting the cover story within hours of the assassination. From the afternoon of November 22, 1963, to the release of the so-called Warren Report and beyond, a group of interconnected individuals seized control of the investigation and of the official account. That story is now told here. Contents: Chapter One: The "Warren Report" - An Amalgam of Improbabilities and Impossibilities; Chapter Two: The First 72 Hours; Chapter Three: The Creation of the "Warren Commission"; Chapter Four: The McCloy-Dulles Commission; Chapter Five : The Cover-up Was An Establishment Project; Chapter Six: Long and Kennedy; Chapter Seven: From Huey Long To Clay Shaw; Chapter Eight: Internationalism and the Kennedy Assassination; Chapter Nine: Establishment Radicals and Kennedy: Lamont, Chomsky, and Russell; Chapter Ten: The Information and Disinformation Age; Chapter Eleven: The Beginning; Bibliography
  20. Sun Feb 11, 2007 at 10:21 AM PST Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, Part 1 The economic issues of today -- the growing gap between rich and poor, the runaway growth of CEO pay, the predominance of corporate power -- have their roots in policies going back decades. They are NOT exclusively the relatively recent result of George Bush’s economic and taxation policies. Nor can they be attributed solely to the policies of George Bush and Ronald Reagan combined. In his 1994 book Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, University of Pittsburgh Professor Donald Gibson shows that Kennedy’s progressive economic policies were bitterly opposed by the highest ranks of the American business and banking establishment, and their mouthpieces in the business and financial press. Much of the invective flung at Kennedy 45 years ago sounds eerily similar to what we hear from the conservative noise machine today. As one anti-Kennedy business editor sputtered in 1963, "government must be restricted essentially to national defense, the maintenance of law and order, and the provision of a sound and dependable currency system." (Note regarding copyright: Dr. Gibson has approved the use of these extended excerpts, which obviously go beyond fair use. PLEASE NOTE that I have not asked Professor Gibson if this material could be copied from DailyKos and used elsewhere. I would urge anyone wishing to do so to contact Professor Gibson at the University of Pittsburgh; he is listed in the roster of faculty you can find on the University’s website. I believe Professor Gibson would be delighted to find that there was keen interest in his book.) The excerpts below first describe Kennedy’s policies, then review the business and banking establishments’ furious opposition. This is a lengthy diary; almost the entirety of two chapters follow. If you do not or cannot read this diary at your computer, I suggest you hide the comments, then print the diary. To be safe, print preview first to make sure it will print OK, and that you are not getting comments. Professor Gibson begins by outlining the April 1962 confrontation between President Kennedy and the largest steel companies in the United States, led by U.S. Steel Corp. After weeks of grueling negotiations between the United Steel Workers union on one side, and U.S. Steel and other steel companies on the other, the union had agreed, after personal intervention by the President, to accept no general increase in wages and a 2.5 percent increase in benefits. In return, the companies promised, so it was believed, that they would not raise prices. Kennedy feared that an increase in the price of steel would initiate a series of price hikes cascading through the economy, igniting inflationary pressures that would be difficult, if not impossible, to contain. Kennedy believed that the minor increase in workers benefits could be covered without increasing prices by increasing productivity in the steel industry. On April 10 at 5:45 pm, U.S. Steel chairman Roger Blough made an unexpected visit to the White House and gave Kennedy a terse message that U.S. Steel was announcing a 3.5 percent price increase, effective at midnight. The President was outraged. Within one day Kennedy set in motion a series of actions intended to raise the political and economic costs to U.S. Steel and to those companies that had followed it (including Bethlehem Steel, Republic, Jones & Laughlin, and Youngstown Sheet and Tube) and to deter remaining companies from joining in. Investigations into the issue of collusion and price fixing were begun by the Federal Trade Commission and by Robert Kennedy's Justice Department. The Defense Department was instructed to review quickly its purchasing practices and to let it be known that the government would favor companies that did not join with U.S. Steel. Kennedy also delivered a blistering attack on the steel companies in his news conference on April 11. On April 12, Attorney General Robert Kennedy announced that he had started a grand jury probe into the price-setting actions and that subpoenas were being issued for documents held by U.S. Steel. In his press conference on April 12, President Kennedy pointed to the effect of steel prices on the cost of consumer goods, machinery for businesses and farms, and items purchased for the national defense. He said he found it hard to accept, and the American people would find it hard to accept, "a situation in which a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of private power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility, can show such utter contempt for the interest of 185,000,000 Americans." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: THE NATIONAL PROGRAM Kennedy assumed the presidency of the United States with a program which had as its central purpose the advancement of the productive powers of the nation. This progress was to be achieved through an intense effort to expand and improve both the human and technological capabilities of the country. During the two years and ten months that he held office, Kennedy attempted to use the power of his office and of the federal government to achieve this goal through tax measures, government programs, government spending, and monetary and credit policy. He tried to shape investment processes, educational policy, and scientific and technological developments in order to realize the country's immediate potential and to qualitatively enhance that potential in the future. Few stones were left unturned in this effort. Kennedy's aggressiveness in pursuit of economic progress was consistent with his view of the obligations of and the potential power of a president. In an interview given during the presidential campaign, Kennedy observed:The responsibility of the President, therefore, is especially great. He must serve as a catalyst, an energizer, the defender of the public good and the public interest against all the narrow private interests which operate in our society. Only the President can, do this, and only a President who recognizes the true nature of this hard challenge can fulfill this historic function. SNIP Immediately after his inauguration Kennedy defined his job as one of reversing the recent "downtrend in our economy," and he proposed "to expand the Nation's investment in physical and human resources, and in science and technology." This focus on scientific and technological progress and economic growth was present in the 1960 campaign, and Kennedy's views on this were clearly reflected in the work of his economic advisers during the months leading up to the inauguration. They noted that Kennedy sought the optimum development of natural and human resources and of the productive capacity of the free world. SNIP Kennedy was seeking much more than just a recovery from the recession that existed when he took office. In his 1963 State of the Union Address, after 22 months of recovery from that recession, he emphasized that the country needed a higher rate of growth. In a tax reform proposal also in 1963 he similarly argued that the growth rate was still not high enough and that productive investment, while rising, was still not adequate. Throughout his presidency, Kennedy was committed, in words and action, to higher levels of sustained economic progress. He stated in 1961 his support for "long range planning for national economic growth." (The interest in growth-oriented planning was not new. Shortly after being elected to the Senate in 1953, Kennedy made a series of speeches outlining a regional development and growth program for New England.) Kennedy consistently used his office in an attempt to inject growth-oriented planning into government policy. In the process he tried to change or strengthen the direction of government policies through a multitude of proposals, all of which were part of a coherent strategy to drive the economy forward. Tax Policy SNIP Kennedy's tax reforms were tactical measures, a part of the overall strategy of using government to further economic progress. The specific proposals were never meant to be his final word, but were steps in what he viewed as a continuing process. Tax reform was intended to increase investment in plant and equipment and to stimulate economic growth. This amounted to an aggressive effort to channel the flow of money and credit away from short-term, speculative, and nonproductive investments. Three months after taking office, Kennedy submitted a tax reform program to Congress. Part of this program was the investment tax credit, which would allow companies to deduct from their taxes part of the value of investment in plant and equipment. This tax break would be available only on new plant and equipment which was located in the United States and had an expected life of six years or more. SNIP Even though Kennedy later also sought general tax reductions, most of his tax proposals were like the investment tax credit, that is, they were intended to mold the economy by channeling the decisions of those who controlled money and credit. Part of the tax reform was aimed at foreign investments by large corporations and by private and institutional investors. Many big companies were in the process of increasing their foreign investments, a process which gave birth to new terminology -- the multinational, global, or transnational corporation -- and a host of new conflicts over tax revenues, the U.S. trade position, and job creation and production. Most of this would occur after Kennedy's time. In 1961 Kennedy critically assessed several tax-related aspects of foreign investments. Existing law actually encouraged U.S. companies operating abroad to keep income in those foreign countries in order to avoid paying taxes to the U.S. government. Referring to this as a tax deferral privilege, Kennedy proposed to eliminate this by taxing those foreign profits each year even if they were kept outside the U.S. (Companies would still be allowed credit for taxes paid to foreign governments.) Kennedy proposed, however, that the deferral privilege be continued for investments in developing countries. In other words, investment would to some extent be redirected from Europe and Canada to the United States and to underdeveloped areas. Corporations operating in low-tax countries or in tax havens such as Switzerland would lose those tax advantages. Also, Kennedy pointed out, this would recover the taxes lost to the U.S. in cases where corporations were using accounting and organizational techniques to shift profits artificially to tax havens. Tax deferral privileges were to be eliminated for all profits made from non-productive foreign investments (trading, licensing, insurance, etc.), regardless of location. Kennedy went on to propose the elimination of all tax breaks for companies set up by U.S. interests in the form of foreign investment companies. He also specifically targeted wealthy individuals who were transferring wealth abroad to avoid paying estate taxes; he proposed the elimination of the laws permitting this. In 1962 he restated his support for all of the reforms described above. When Kennedy proposed a general tax cut in 1963, he also focused on "large oil and gas producers" who were manipulating a 1954 law to avoid taxes and gain an advantage over smaller producers. He also proposed changes in foreign tax credits which allowed U.S.-based oil, gas, and mineral companies to avoid paying U.S. taxes. In his tax reform proposals Kennedy was willing to give breaks to businesses if they were making productive investments. He was also willing to withdraw all provisions that discouraged investment in the U.S., gave special privileges to certain companies, or simply allowed big companies to escape tax payment. His tax policy was not anti-business; it was pro-production, equitable, and nationally oriented. Changes were intended to benefit the United States as a whole, as well as small business, underdeveloped countries, and the poor. The special rights and privileges of large corporations, investors, and others were to be curtailed. Kennedy's willingness to infringe on the prerogatives of international investors and multinational corporations carried over to other recommendations involving the wealthy and powerful. Kennedy was convinced that billions of dollars in income from interest and dividends was going unreported and untaxed each year. He proposed to use a withholding tax, as with wages, to secure those tax revenues. He suggested the elimination of a provision which allowed wealthy people to write off up to 100 percent of their charitable contributions while a 20- to 30-percent deduction was normal for the non-wealthy. He wanted a change in taxes on dividends so that those families with income over $180,000 would pay a higher rate, more like those with lower income levels. He proposed changes to prevent "high-bracket taxpayers" from concealing income gained through the use of personal holding companies. Other proposals and recommendations included the following: a modest anti-speculation provision that would require that properties be held for one year rather than the existing six months in order to benefit from capital gains tax rates; elimination of special tax preferences for wealthy individuals transferring properties as gifts; and repeal of the $50 dividend exclusion and the 4 percent dividend credit. Although most of these measures did not survive the compromises made with congressional committees, they provided additional indicators of Kennedy's overall economic and social goals. How much of this would have been passed, given five more years in the White House, is impossible to say. The evaluation of Kennedy's policies should not rest on their success or failure alone. If they are judged to be progressive initiatives, the blame for their failure should be placed on those members of Congress who rejected them and on the business interests that felt threatened by the changes. What they indicate about Kennedy is that he felt wealth should be acquired through productive and generally beneficial investments and that he took a dim view of profits accruing from speculation, purely financial transactions, and inheritance. He never opposed in any general way the right to own property, earn profits, or expand wealth. What he did try to do with everything from global investment patterns to tax breaks for individuals was to reshape laws and policies so that the power of property and the search for profit would not end up destroying rather than creating economic prosperity for the country. In this he was very clear, consistent, and coherent. His ideology was neither that of free enterprise nor of socialism, but one based on the idea that economic and social progress were the goals, and the power and policies of government were important parts of the means to achieve those goals. Technology and Economic Progress Consistent with the emphasis in his tax policies on growth and prosperity, Kennedy repeatedly focused on technological progress and industrial modernization as necessary components in a program of economic progress. In the area of electric power, Kennedy asserted in 1961 that the country needed to triple its power capacity by 1980 and that government policy and the cooperation of private industry would be needed to achieve this goal. He proposed specifically that the Atomic Energy Commission assume an important role in this by achieving the rapid development of nuclear power, in part, through the construction of various types of reactors. SNIP When Kennedy said in 1961 that the country needed an economic growth program that "goes well beyond antirecession measures," he emphasized that his administration was making a new commitment to advances in technology He proposed that price stability should be achieved through technological progress rather than through "a slack economy." This last comment seemed to be a criticism of those who were, in Kennedy's view, inclined to check inflation by severely limiting the growth of the money supply. Specifically, he recommended the maximum development and use of water resources through the expansion of hydroelectric power and through the discovery of economically practical methods of desalinating ocean and brackish waters. He promised a redoubling of efforts to do this, and he promised to share advances in this area with any and every nation in the world. He also proposed a new commitment to the development of fusion energy. SNIP The emphasis Kennedy placed on technological progress, even in the context of a message to Congress concerning "conservation," is completely consistent with his determination to use tax policy to channel money and credit into productive investment. The two concerns converged in his 1963 tax proposal, which suggested that the law be changed to allow businesses to deduct immediately from their taxes any expenditures made for machinery and equipment used in research and development. At the time, tax writeoffs were allowed, but only if spread over the life of the equipment. Although the U.S. economy was clearly the leading economy in the world the early 1960s, Kennedy emphasized the need for modernization, growth, and the acceleration of advances in productivity. If the economy were going to advance and grow in this fashion it would be necessary to upgrade and expand education to provide the technicians, engineers, and scientists who would boil create and operate new and growing systems of production. Logically, Kennedy recommended increased investment in education to match rising private and public investments in physical capital. Education Relating the need for expansion of and improvement in education to the "new age of science and space" and to the goals of technological progress and economic growth, Kennedy observed that "this country reserves its highest honors for only one kind of aristocracy -- that which the Founding Fathers called 'an aristocracy of achievement arising out of a democracy of opportunity.'" In his recommendations for new educational goals and programs Kennedy advocated expanding educational opportunities: The President's Science Advisory Committee has predicted that the dramatically increasing demand for engineers, mathematicians, and physical scientists will require that the output of Ph.D.s in these fields alone be increased two and a half times, to a total of 7,500 annually by 1970, and that the number of masters degrees awarded annually be substantially increased.... It is clearly contrary to the national interests to have the number of graduate students limited by the financial ability of those able and interested in pursuing advanced degrees. Consistent with these concerns, Kennedy recommended raising the number of grants and fellowships awarded through the National Science Foundation from 2,800 in 1963 to 8,700 in 1964. He also sought expanded education and training of technicians and a general increase in funds for student loans, scholarships, financial assistance, and work-study programs. He recommended a more generous program of loans and repayment for those studying to be teachers and suggested new federal insurance for private banks lending money to students for educational purposes. Finally, he recommended new programs of federal assistance to create a national system of public community junior colleges and to aid local schools to build new classrooms, raise teacher salaries in disadvantaged areas, and generate new programs in depressed rural and urban areas. Some of these proposals would be part of the Higher Education Facilities Act that was signed into law December 16, 1963. A number of these recommendations were intended to increase equality in and improve opportunities for education. Many of the others were aimed at educating the scientists, engineers, and technicians who would both expand the productive system and provide the educated labor force that this expansion would demand. The overall thrust of this was consistent with Kennedy's other initiatives to intensify the investment in and development of an increasingly modern technological and industrial system of production. While Kennedy's policy initiatives were concentrated on national economic progress, as with his educational proposals, he was also committed to reducing inequality and assisting those at the bottom. By 1962 he had succeeded in temporarily extending unemployment benefits, increasing the minimum wage, raising social security benefits, providing federal aid for dependent children of the unemployed, and increasing federal aid to depressed areas. He also suggested a review of the existing policy that required that fathers must be absent in order for children to qualify for federal assistance under the Aid to Families With Dependent Children program. These efforts were supplementary to his primary goal of raising income, reducing poverty, and reducing unemployment through generalized economic prosperity and progress. In the pursuit of those core goals he treated government spending and the size and shape of the budget as a means to an end. The Federal Budget, Deficit Spending, and Money Kennedy's view of the budget and deficits was consistent with his overall orientation toward government's role in the economy. Government spending, tax policy, and budgetary policy were evaluated in light of his primary commitment to promoting growth and technological progress. The questions of deficits, borrowing, and debt were important, but secondary. He was clear about this and appears to have been uninterested in any debate about whether or not he was a Keynesian. In a speech at Yale in June of 1962 he stated that debts, public and private, are neither good nor bad, in and of themselves. Borrowing can lead to overextension and collapse, but it can also lead to expansion and strength. There is no single, simple slogan in this field that we can trust. SNIP As we have seen, Kennedy approached the major policy choices with well defined and quite specific aims, that is, increasing investment and raising real income. Both inflation and recession could undermine his central policy goals. He observed in his Economic Report of 1962: SNIP The task of economic stabilization does not end with the achievement of full recovery. There remains the problem of keeping the economy from straying too far above or below the path of steady high employment. One way lies inflation, and the other way lies recession. Flexible and vigilant fiscal and monetary policies will allow us to hold the narrow middle course. Kennedy wanted to expand the capacity of the president to prevent recessions. Early in 1961, he took a number of actions to stimulate recovery. Included were the acceleration of federal purchases and procurement, distribution of highway funds, the return of tax refunds, and payments of veterans' life insurance dividends. Later in 1961 Kennedy accelerated spending for the space program and for national security without asking for any tax increases. In this effort he got the cooperation of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury in expanding the money supply and the supply of credit and in making money available specifically for small business and home mortgages. In 1962 Kennedy made an attempt to formalize presidential powers to prevent economic downturns: To combat future recessions -- to keep them short and shallow if they occur-I urge adoption of a three-part program for sustained prosperity, which will (1) provide stand-by power, subject to congressional veto, for temporary income tax reductions; (2) set up a stand-by program of public capital improvements; and (3) strengthen the unemployment insurance system. These three measures will enable the Government to counter swings in business activity more promptly and more powerfully than ever before. They will give new and concrete meaning to the declaration of policy made in the Employment Act. They will constitute the greatest step forward in public policy for economic stability since the Act itself. (Kennedy was referring to a 1946 act, discussed briefly at the end of this chapter.) The tax reduction authority Kennedy wanted would have allowed the president to initiate up to a five percent cut in income taxes unless it was rejected by a joint resolution of Congress within 30 days of its proposal. It would then remain in effect for six months subject to modification or renewal by either the president or a joint resolution of Congress. The second part of that program dealing with capital improvements was described as follows:Stand-by capital improvements authority. Second, I recommend that the Congress provide stand-by authority to the President to accelerate and initiate up to $2 billion of appropriately timed capital improvements when unemployment is rising, as follows: The third part of his program included a series of recommendations to increase and liberalize unemployment benefits. (1) The President would be authorized to initiate the program within two months after the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate (a) had risen in at least three out of four months (or in four out of six months) and ( had risen to a level at least one percentage point higher than its level four months (or six months) earlier. (2) Before invoking this authority, the President must make a finding that current and prospective economic developments require such action to achieve the objectives of the Employment Act. (3) Upon such finding, the President would be authorized to commit (a) up to $750 million in the acceleration of direct Federal expenditures previously authorized by the Congress, ( up to $750 million for grants-in-aid to State and local governments, © up to $250 million in loans to States and localities which would otherwise be unable to meet their share of project costs, and (d) up to $250 million additional to be distributed among the above three categories as he might deem appropriate. (4) The authority to initiate new projects under the capital improvements program would terminate automatically within 12 months unless extended by the Congress -- but the program could be terminated at any time by the President. These proposals are of interest on several counts. Kennedy was trying to augment the presidential powers that he had already assessed prior to election as sufficient. He clearly had decided that more power was necessary. The attempt here was to shift some decision-making power away from the marketplace and, perhaps, from the Federal Reserve, to the president. He obviously felt that cyclical downturns, or recessions, were not acceptable, and he thought the economy could be made to expand continuously, or with only very minor interruptions. These optimistic views and the accompanying actions are entirely consistent with his other initiatives discussed in this chapter. A continuous expansion of the economy, and most certainly an expansion based on real growth in production, would require an adequate growth in the money supply and a growing availability of credit at low interest rates. Kennedy observed in 1961 that ways must be found and can be found to increase the flow of credit, at declining rates of interest, for long-term loans for productive investment. (Kennedy was concerned with an emerging problem of increasing deficits for the U.S. in international transactions and with a resulting loss of gold reserves. In light of this, Kennedy reached an agreement with Federal Reserve Chairman William McC. Martin to attempt to keep long-term rates low to encourage investment while short-term rates would be high enough to keep money in the U.S.) In that context he referred, without explanation, to measures already being taken in 1961 to achieve this. This may have been a reference to the accelerated expenditures and increased funds for small businesses and mortgages which were discussed earlier. While Kennedy actively solicited, and perhaps temporarily gained, the cooperation of the Federal Reserve Board, he was alert to any chance of increasing his own influence over the money supply and interest rates. (In 1963 Kennedy seems to have made an effort to increase the money and credit supply by injecting money into the economy through the Treasury in a way that bypassed the Federal Reserve.) The Commission on Money and Credit, sponsored by the private Committee for Economic Development, made a multitude of recommendations in its 1961 report entitled Money and Credit. While Kennedy was not very receptive to this study, he did quickly accept one of its recommendations, which would allow the incoming president to designate a chairman who served the same four years as the president. The existing policy, then and now, is that the chairman is picked by the president from the Board members, but the timing of the selection is not coordinated with the presidential term of office. Kennedy's concerns with growth and investment shaped his policies in the areas of spending, deficits, and money. He was committed in principle to economic progress, not to either balanced budgets or deficits. He enthusiastically embraced deficits, however, in order to prevent an interruption of the increasing rates of investment and growth. He sought to increase the capacity of the president to take action to counter economic downturns. He wanted the Federal Reserve's cooperation in making sure there was enough low-interest credit available and he looked for other means to achieve this. The Program as a Whole What has been reviewed here are the many pieces of an overall strategy to drive the U.S. economy forward. The whole would be greater than the sum of the parts, as each specific policy would reinforce and intensify the other initiatives. The tax credit for investment and the numerous changes designed to shift capital from non-productive to productive investments would contribute to and be reinforced by the programs to develop and expand various forms of energy production. The educational policy would generate the creators and operators of a growing and more productive economy. Taking tax privileges away from the very wealthy and from large oil and mineral companies would not only express the democratic intentions of the administration, but would also make productive investment in the nation more likely. Deficits were not sought so that Kennedy could claim to be a Keynesian, but rather as a way to facilitate and intensify the effects of his other policies and to prevent recession from wiping out the gains made during recovery. Maintaining an adequate growth in money and credit and keeping interest rates down would allow for improvements in and expansion of the productive base of the economy. Budget and monetary policy would enhance the effects of the tax policy and other initiatives. In short, the combined effects of all these initiatives would be synergistic, having a greater impact than would be expected based on an evaluation of each part simply added together. As noted in the Introduction, Kennedy has been described as cautious, hesitant, and fiscally conservative. It has been said that the essence of his philosophy was the "free-market economy" and that he was uninterested in and had no plans or goals for the nation. As this chapter should suggest, these remarks are nowhere near the truth. SNIP Certainly, Kennedy's economic strategy could be compared to Roosevelt's Economic Bill of Rights, but Kennedy's program went beyond Roosevelt's statement of goals to an actual program to achieve those goals. Roosevelt's Bill of Rights read as follows:The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;The right of every family to a decent home;The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment;The right to a good education. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These rights were meant as goals and were apparently Roosevelt's statement in 1944 of more general ideas discussed within his administration as early as 1941. Much of Kennedy's program was aimed at achieving these goals, but his program was focused to a much greater degree on generating the economic progress that would be necessary, and it included an aggressive set of policies to produce that progress. The Democratic platform in 1960 did more than just hone Roosevelt's ideas although it did not give full expression to what would be Kennedy's policies. What role Kennedy played in shaping that platform is difficult to determine. Two points are fairly clear. Much of Kennedy's policy was included (or the platform became his policy), and he went beyond this ambitious statement of policy. In the process of elaborating on and adding to Roosevelt's Economic Bill of Rights, the 1960 party platform included many of the initiatives later taken by Kennedy. There was a strong general commitment to economic growth, greater productivity, and full employment. There were recommendations to expand loans to small businesses, to provide loans in depressed areas, and to make efforts to keep interest rates down and expand credit. Proposals were made for energy development, resource development, and an effort to achieve desalinization of ocean water. There was also a general policy of closing tax loopholes that favored privileged groups. Roosevelt's ideas apparently inspired this platform, which went beyond those basic statements. Perhaps this platform inspired Kennedy's program for economic progress. A great deal of it was there in specific or general terms, but Kennedy went beyond the platform. There was one obvious difference. The platform strongly emphasized the necessity of balanced budgets with surpluses in good times offsetting deficits during recession. Kennedy would wind up proposing deficits in the midst of recovery. There were also other ways in which Kennedy would move beyond the platform while being faithful to its spirit. On a general level, Kennedy's speeches and messages to Congress contained an even stronger focus on scientific, technological, and industrial progress than was present in the platform. His educational policy had a greater emphasis on natural sciences and technical areas than did the platform. Specifically, he went beyond the platform in the following: tax proposals to redirect the foreign investments of U.S. companies; distinctions in tax reform between productive and non-productive investment; eliminating tax privileges of U.S.-based global investment companies; cracking down on foreign tax havens and other proposals to eliminate tax privileges enjoyed by the wealthy; his tax proposals concerning large oil and mineral companies; his version of the investment tax credit; and expanding the powers of the president to deal with recession. In these areas, Kennedy took what was already an active and growth-oriented party position and extended and deepened it. He treated the platform proposals in the same way he treated his proposals to Congress and his actions as president, as part of an ongoing, open-ended process of change to achieve economic and social progress. This orientation was also reflected in Kennedy's references to the Employment Act of 1946. In a 1962 message to Congress he said that his proposal to expand presidential powers to reverse recessions would give "new and concrete meaning" to that act. Even before taking office he expressed his intention to "return to the spirit as well as the letter of the Employment Act of 1946." By emphasizing the spirit of that act rather than the letter, Kennedy may have been referring to the fact that while the act suggested goals of full employment and expanding national wealth (the "spirit"), the language of the act was weak and perhaps contradictory (the "letter"). By "spirit" he may also have had in mind the stronger and more ambitious wording of earlier versions of the act. One draft version, December 18, 1944, had stated that every American has a "right to useful and remunerative" work, that the government has a "responsibility" to "guarantee that right," and that the government shall undertake programs "to contribute to the national wealth." In office, Kennedy moved beyond the specific proposals of the Democratic platform, which already provided dynamic and growth-oriented prescriptions for the next Democratic president. His proposals would be consistent with the goals of Roosevelt's Economic Bill of Rights and the spirit of the Employment Act of 1946. His separate policies formed a coherent whole that included aspects of Keynesian economic theory but also provided much greater focus on expanding and improving the productive base of the economy and included many specific actions not derived from Keynes. This is clearly true if Keynesian policy is defined as an attempt to increase employment and prevent or end economic downturns through deficit spending by government. The Keynesian goal of maintaining adequate demand in the economy is very general and nonspecific in terms of substantive economic goals. Kennedy's proposals were focused on scientific and technological progress, increased productivity, and expanding production. The program as a whole and in its specifics was both different from and more than standard Keynesian policies. Kennedy was intensely committed to the national interests of the United States. His policies were intended to preserve and enhance the economic position of the U.S. in the world economy. He did not, however, view the progress of the United States as in any way at odds with the progress of other nations, nor did he seek such progress for the purpose of world domination. His goals for other nations and other peoples were completely consistent with his goals for the United States, even if his capacity to affect global trends was more limited. In the next chapter we see that Kennedy's foreign policy was an extension of his domestic policy, even though the ambiguities of particular situations rendered clear and consistent action difficult. THE ENTIRETY OF CHAPTER 3, "The International Policy" has been SNIPPED Chapter Four: KENNEDY'S OPPONENTS President Kennedy was well aware of the significant opposition to his policies. This was reflected in public comments and in remarks in private conversations. This chapter examines Kennedy's own, generally accurate, identification of those opponents, in banking and big business, and in the media organizations aligned with those interests. SNIP After an appearance before the Business Council, made up of leaders of top banks and corporations, Kennedy later privately observed that this was the only audience that did not "rise to its feet upon the entrance of the President of the United States." This organization, known as the Business Advisory Council until 1962, was created in 1933 and had a semi-official relationship with the government until a dispute arose with the Kennedy administration over this special relationship. Kennedy felt that it was improper for this elite group to have special access to government officials and information that other businesses and the public did not have. Meetings between government officials and Council representatives continued after this disagreement, but on a less formal and less frequent basis. Whether Kennedy disliked bankers in general, as suggested by Irving Bernstein, he was concerned about their attitudes toward him and their ability to affect his policies. Kennedy indicated to Sorensen, apparently in 1962, that he had reason to think that in 1960 American bankers had triggered a run on gold that was timed to undermine him politically, by suggesting a possible panic upon his election. He was determined not to be vulnerable to such tactics in 1964. It interested President Kennedy that there was hostility toward him even though the economy as a whole and most businesses did extremely well during his presidency. (Paper (pp. 151, 153) says that the evidence shows that most businessmen did not view the administration as antibusiness, but there was considerable hostility among business leaders "on Wall Street and elsewhere." This is generally accurate, but vague.) In one of his last speeches, delivered to the Florida Chamber of Commerce on November 18, 1963, Kennedy discussed the fact that "many" businessmen believed that his administration was anti-business. In part, he said the following: The hard facts contradict these beliefs. This administration is interested in the healthy expansion of our economy. We are interested in the steady progress of our society, and it is in this kind of program, in my opinion, that American business has the largest stake. Why is it that profits are at an all-time high in the nation today? It is because the nation as a whole is prospering. It is because our Gross National Product is rising from $500 billion to $600 billion, a record rise of $100 billion in three years -- thirty-six months. It is because industrial production in the last three years has increased 22 percent and personal income 15 percent. It is because, as the Wall Street Journal pointed out last week, the United States now leads most of Western Europe in the rate of business expansion. For the first time in many years, in the last eighteen months our growth rate exceeds that of France and Germany. It is because, as Fortune magazine recently pointed out, corporate profits in America are now rising much faster than corporate profits overseas. It is because these profits have not been eaten up by an inflationary spiral. And finally, it is because we have reversed the dismal trend toward ever more frequent recessions, which are the greatest enemy of profits. By next April, with the indispensable help of the pending tax cut bill, the United States will be sailing with the winds of the longest and strongest peacetime economic expansion in our nation's entire history. I do not say that all this is due to the administration alone, but neither is it all accidental. The fiscal and monetary policies which we have followed are the key factors in whether the economy moves toward a path of expansion or restriction. In the last three years, American business and industry have directly benefited from a host of our legislative and administrative actions, which increased corporate flow, increased markets at home and abroad, increased consumer purchasing power and increased plant modernization and productivity. And still other steps have been taken to curb the wage-price spiral. In the first six months of 1963 there was less time lost in strikes than in any other period since the Second World War. I do not say that these actions were taken for the benefit of business alone. They were taken to benefit the country. Some of them were labeled pro-business, some of them labeled anti-business, depending upon the viewpoint of the opposing groups. But that kind of label is meaningless. This Administration is "pro" the public interest. Nor do I say that all of these policies could please all American businessmen all of the time. So long as the interests and views of businessmen frequently clash with each other, no president could possibly please them all. Most businessmen, though perhaps not most business spokesmen, are associated with small business. They ask the government for assistance to protect them against monopoly, to assure them of reasonable credit, to enable them to participate in defense contracts. And both large and small business work with the various arms of the administration every day on trade, transportation, procurement, balance of payments, and international business affairs. They do not show the hostility, which is so often described, or find that our policies and personnel are so incompatible with their own(Many of us have probably been made cynical about the use of this sort of rhetoric and about political leaders' claims that the country is doing well. But as the evidence shows, Kennedy's claim that the country was enjoying an unusually high level of economic progress was accuratThe hostility came, in the president's view, not from the majority of businessmen, but from certain segments of big business and from "business spokesmen." Whether he was referring to organizations such as the Business Council or to the media, or to both, is not clear. As for the media, there is some irony in his use of Fortune magazine and the Wall Street Journal in his own defense. Not only had Kennedy reportedly expressed displeasure and anger with both of these publications, but they were, in fact, two of the most hostile critics of Kennedy and his economic policies. Both spoke for leading financial and business interests. Both were related in numerous ways to the two most influential financial groups in the United States -- Morgan and Rockefeller. Those connections will be discussed after we examine the assault on Kennedy that appeared in Time-Life-Fortune and the Wall Street Journal. Tomorrow: The Opposition to Kennedy, continued: David Rockefeller, the Morgan banking interests, Henry Luce's media empire, and The Wall Street Journal POSTSCRIPT: Since I am a book dealer, soon after I began reading Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency (ISBN 1-879823-10-1), I wondered if the publisher has other similarly interesting titles. However, I was unable to find any internet presence for the publisher. When I asked Dr. Gibson if he had copies available, he told me that the publisher had been forced out of business by the staggering costs of defending itself against a libel suit brought by an arms dealer who is a friend of George W. Bush. I don’t think that the legal battle with an arms dealing friend of the Shrub has anything to do with this particular book; it is just a very interesting fact I deem worthy of passing along. There is a link for the libel suit here: Mohammed Radi Abdullah V. Sheridan Square Press, Inc., http://www.uniset.ca/... Dr. Gibson noted that there is one distributor who has a few hundred copies of his book, which may be purchased through Amazon.com. (Note regarding copyright: Dr. Gibson has approved the use of these extended excerpts, which obviously go beyond fair use. PLEASE NOTE that I have not asked Professor Gibson if this material could be copied from DailyKos and used elsewhere. I would urge anyone wishing to do so to contact Professor Gibson at the University of Pittsburgh; he is listed in the roster of faculty you can find on the University’s website.) Originally posted to NBBooks on Sun Feb 11, 2007 at 10:21 AM PST.
  21. http://www.911hardfacts.com/report_20.htm ================================== Too Grand a Conspiracy? I. Introduction: II. Natural Skepticism III. Reframing the Story IV. Background and Motive V. Historical Precedent VI. Government Complicity and Intelligence Breakdowns VII. WTC Building 7 VIII. The Twin Towers IX. Marvin Bush and the Planting of Explosives X. Underground Explosions XI. Evidence Destroyed XII. Military Response XIII. AA Flight 77 XIV. Hani Hanjour and Flight 77's Unexplained Expert Maneuvers XV. Video Evidence at the Pentagon XVI. The Pentagon XVII. Flight Manifests and Passenger Lists XVIII. Flight 93 XIX. Bin Laden 'Confession' Tapes XX. Too Grand a Conspiracy? XXI. The Media, Official Investigations, Debunkers, and other Misinformation XXII. Conclusion XXIII. Links XXIV. Charlatans and Scoundrels XXV. What can be done? XXVI. Note about the Author Was the involvement of just too many people required to pull off the so-called 'conspiracy theory' posited by the 9/11 Truth momvement? Defenders of the 'official story' say yes. They claim the theory is too far-fetched because it is a plan that would have had to involve far too many people, far too many 'conspirators' to so smoothly have been pulled off. The idea being that at some point one of the 'conspirators' would have talked and/or come forward and/or refused to participate, etc. Some debunking websites and papers even claim the conspiracy would have needed the involvement of hundreds of people all coordinated not only operationally, but in their deviousness as well. And at first glance, this seems a reasonable point to make. But there are ultimately two main problems with the argument. Firstly, it does not in any way answer any of the hard, relevant evidence relating to the case and narrative of 9/11 covered in this paper that does point to some kind of conspiracy. Instead, it is simply a stated notion of disbelief. And secondly, there did not, in actual fact, need to be that many people involved with the overall vision, of every detail and every implication of the plan. There only needed to be a select few people at the top of the chain of command who knew exactly what was being carried out, where and how to create confusion, and why. The military and intelligence community is made up of people accustomed to following orders, without question. And many researchers who have spent time in the CIA and military intelligence have stepped forward into the 9/11 truth movement to explain the notion of 'compartmentalization'. A phenomenon and strategy that explains why not very many people need be in on the overall plan and execution of a covert operation for it to be successful. "Compartmentalization is an organizational strategy analogous to the old parable of the blind men and an elephant -- each of the men is asked to describe what the elephant is, and all accurately describe their perception (trunk, tusk, legs, ears, tail, body), but none of them understand what the entire elephant is. Covert operations succeed by keeping most of the participants focused on their particular task, unaware of the full situation. Compartmentalization means that only key people in key places need to know what their role in a covert operation is -- others nearby might not be aware of those ensuring the success of the operation. This practice refutes the claim that too many people would have had to know about 9/11 for a conspiracy to allow it to have been possible." So, in other words, one person turns a particular screw here, another punches up a computer war game over there, someone else is told to 'mock-up' a phantom airplane to challenge controllers involved in the war game over there, another is told to leak a piece of information next door, another is told to delete some damaging information to protect their department downstairs, a commander from a squadron is told by his superiors that communication has been lost with the Pentagon and to 'wait' for further orders, tapes and testimony from principals involved are either 'lost', 'classified', or outright destroyed, and a few at the top who do know exactly what is happening just go on stirring the pot of chaos and confusion, pumping out subsequent PR material through their public network of channels to rewrite the story into everyone's consciousness before anyone has recovered sufficiently from the 'shock and awe' to start connecting the disparate dots. For the particularly heavy and devious work - like the planting of explosives in the Towers, the aeronautical maneuvers and modifications, etc. - is it such a stretch to think that foreign mercenaries, with no emotional investment whatsoever in the well-being of potential victims, and with ample experience in all sorts of covert intelligence and military operations could be brought in to carry out the dirty work? Conservative and Nationalist elements within Israel benefited as much from 9/11 as did our own Neo-Con faction. Surely the Mossad has amply trained operatives with enough experience in counter-intelligence, weaponry, and explosives to have pulled off the rigging of the Towers and other sensitive aspects of the mission. Especially if they were being aided and abetted by folks with high-level security clearance in our own government. And indeed, there are well-documented stories of multiple Israeli links to 9/11, including a group of Israeli nationals arrested for some very bizarre behavior on the morning of 9/11. "(Counterpunch) has put together a phenomenal synthesis of the highly suspicious Israeli intelligence activities in the U.S. on and before 9/11. An enormous network of 'art students', many of whom were located just blocks from the (alleged) 9/11 hijackers; and a small group of five or six Israeli intelligence operatives who were witnessed by many celebrating on a rooftop, with surveillance equipment, very soon after the first plane hit the Trade Center." Fear and intimidation are effective silencing tools that keep important stories like this out of the mainstream press. (See the Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame story as an exposed example of how this intimidation works.) And surely this story of Israel's connection to 9/11 is worth pursuing. But there are certain stories that the elite decision makers of this country will simply not allow to be printed in the major U.S. newspapers. The control of the flow of information, whether overt or subversive, is an age-old art. Again, think of the lead-up to the Iraq War and all the important information and analysis that wasn't printed. Is it really such a stretch to think that certain rogue elements within our own government are here again engaged in similar campaigns of cover-up and misinformation, fully confident the corporate media will not investigate, nor hold them accountable? Has not this control and spin of information been manipulated by governments for centuries? Are we 'Americans' really so different than the rest of humankind and human history? Has not the Bush/Cheney Administration gotten virtually every point on their policy wish list checked off as a result of 9/11? Do not the people who benefited most from 9/11 hold positions of immense power up and down the ranks of public and private decision-making organizations throughout the world? Is not the story of 19 bearded Arab men under the direction of a man in a cave in Afghanistan thwarting a multi-trillion dollar defense industry armed only with box-cutters the absurd conspiracy theory in need of our skepticism and derision? David Ray Griffin, one of the leading scholars in the 9/11 truth movement, in response to this same notion that the theory put forth by the 9/11 truthers is just too grand a conspiracy to pull off, wrote this: "Another popular argument is that in any 'vast conspiracy…there's the likelihood that someone along the chain would squeal.' Even this administration - (defenders of the official story argue) - 'could never have acquiesced in so much human slaughter and kept it a secret. Especially when so many people would have to have been involved.' Although this argument may seem strong at first glance, it becomes less impressive under examination. "This argument is, for one thing, based partly on the belief that it is impossible for big government operations to be kept secret very long. However, the Manhattan Project to create an atomic bomb, which involved some 100,000 people, was kept secret for several years. Also, the United States provoked and participated in a civil war in Indonesia in 1957 that resulted in some 40,000 deaths, but this illegal war was kept secret from the American people until a book about it appeared in 1995. It also must be remembered that if the government has kept several other big operations hidden, we by definition do not know about them. We cannot claim to know, in any case, that the government could not keep a big and ugly operation secret for a long time. "A second reason to question this a priori objection is that the details of the 9/11 operation would have been known by only a few individuals in key planning positions. Also, they would have been people with a proven ability to keep their mouths shut. Everyone directly complicit in the operation, moreover, would be highly motivated to avoid public disgrace and the death penalty. The claim that one of these people would have come forward by now is irrational. "When people suggest that whistleblowers would have come forward, of course, they usually have in mind people who, without being complicit in the operation, came to know about it afterward, perhaps realizing that some order they had carried out played a part in the overall operation. Many such people could be kept silent merely by the order to do so, along with the knowledge that if they disobeyed the order, they would be sent to prison or at least lose their jobs. (see Kevin Ryan as an example of this) For people for whom that would be insufficient intimidation, there can be threats to their families. How many people who have expressed certainty about whistleblowers would, if they or their families or their jobs would be endangered by coming forward with inside information, do so? "In any case, the assumption that 'someone would have talked,' being simply an assumption, cannot provide a rational basis for refusing to look directly at the evidence." (From, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, by David Ray Griffin, pg.s 20 - 21, Olive Branch Press, 2007.) back to topcontinue reading » Copyright © 2015 9/11 Hard Facts.
  22. PART 1 U.S. Officials Gave Eerily Prophetic Warnings of an Attack in the Days Before 9/11 Submitted by Shoestring 911blogger A number of senior officials in the United States government and military gave warnings in the week before September 11, 2001, or early on the morning of September 11, that seem to have predicted the 9/11 attacks with chilling accuracy. These men--as is described below--voiced concerns that Osama bin Laden would carry out an attack in the U.S. in the near future; warned that an al-Qaeda attack that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Americans could happen "at any time"; expressed concern that terrorists would attack the World Trade Center; warned about a "seminal event" occurring in the U.S. in which "hundreds, if not thousands" of Americans would be killed; said that "someone [is] going to attack us in a fashion we did not anticipate"; warned that "something big" was about to happen; and suggested the possibility of an attack taking place that would be equivalent to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, in which over 2,400 Americans died. The six officials who issued these warnings were Charles Nemfakos, deputy under secretary of the Navy; Tommy Franks, head of the U.S. Central Command; John O'Neill, head of security at the World Trade Center who had previously been a senior FBI agent; Richard Clarke, the White House counterterrorism chief; Kirk Lippold, commander of the USS Cole when it was attacked by terrorists in October 2000; and Donald Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense. The accuracy of these men's warnings and the fact that the warnings were given so soon before 9/11 certainly appears suspicious. We need to consider, therefore, if the content and timing of the warnings, in relation to the 9/11 attacks, was just a coincidence or the result of something more sinister. Were the men who gave the warnings perhaps just very perceptive? Or did at least some of them know that a major attack was about to take place? If any of these officials knew in advance that a terrorist attack was going to take place in the U.S. on September 11, the imminent catastrophe would surely have been on their minds in the days leading up to it. They may therefore have been inclined to--perhaps inadvertently--make indirect references to what they knew was about to happen and this could be why they gave warnings that appear to have been prescient of the 9/11 attacks. NAVY OFFICIAL TALKED ABOUT THE NEED FOR 'AN EVENT EQUIVALENT TO PEARL HARBOR' The day before 9/11, Charles Nemfakos, deputy under secretary of the Navy, said that before it addressed the weaknesses in its defense policy, the United States would need to suffer an attack equivalent to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941 that led America to enter World War II. On September 10, 2001, Nemfakos--the "number three official in the Navy," according to Defense Week magazine--gave a briefing to a group of civilian employees of the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Crane, Indiana. The NSWC employees had come to Washington, DC, to interact with some of the Navy's top officials and complete a program for a certificate in public management. During the briefing, one of the NSWC employees has recalled, someone asked Nemfakos "what it would take for America's defense policy to be clear and concise in the 21st century." In response, Nemfakos said that "he felt an event equivalent to Pearl Harbor, either terrorist or military, would be the only event that would awaken the United States from the complacency and security they have had since the end of the Vietnam [War] era." [1] The fact that Nemfakos made this comment on September 10 is quite chilling, since the attack on the U.S. the following day was immediately likened to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were, for example, described as "another Pearl Harbor," "the second Pearl Harbor," "the Pearl Harbor of American terrorism," and an event that "rivals if not exceeds the attack on Pearl Harbor." [2] An Internet search by the San Francisco Chronicle two days after 9/11 found "747 stories in newspapers and other publications mentioning both the World Trade Center and Pearl Harbor." [3] Among the similarities between the two events, the death tolls were relatively close. In the attack on Pearl Harbor, 2,403 Americans and 64 Japanese died. [4] In the 9/11 attacks, 2,996 people died. [5] NAVY OFFICIAL ATTENDED WAR GAMES AT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER Nemfakos was a powerful man. He "exerted more day-to-day influence than anyone else in the Navy during the latter half of the 1990s," Defense Week reported. Betty Welch, then-deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for civilian personnel and equal employment opportunity, said in 2000, "It's Charlie Nemfakos who controls the Navy probably more than anybody else." [6] Interestingly, in the 12 months before September 11, Nemfakos attended some "high-powered war games" that took place at the World Trade Center and seem to have helped prepare the American financial and national security communities for the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The war games were part of an initiative called the "New Rule Sets Project." The New Rule Sets Project was a research partnership between Wall Street bond firm Cantor Fitzgerald and the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. [7] It brought together "divergent groups of experts" in order to "assess global issues that will affect U.S. national security in coming decades," Defense News reported. [8] Thomas Barnett, the project's director, said it "explored the future of globalization and what could threaten globalization, and what would be new definitions of international instability and crisis." The project involved the running of a number of sophisticated war game workshops. Three of these were held at Windows on the World, the restaurant on the 107th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. [9] Each workshop was attended by about 30 participants, including "Wall Street CEOs, subject matter experts from academia and think tanks, and national security heavyweights from the White House and from the Pentagon," according to Barnett. Nemfakos was listed as a participant at the second and third of the workshops at Windows on the World, held in October 2000 and June 2001 respectively. [10] The New Rule Sets Project apparently served as good preparation for the challenges of the post-9/11 world. Barnett has commented that the shock of the 9/11 attacks effectively told the U.S. political system and national security community, "Hey, here's a new way of thinking about crisis and instability and threats in the world, and we have got to have new rules for dealing with this." [11] He said that after 9/11, his research with the New Rule Sets Project "immediately shifted from grand theory to grand strategy." [12] ARMY GENERAL TALKED ABOUT HIS FEAR OF TERRORISTS ATTACKING THE WORLD TRADE CENTER Three days before Charles Nemfakos talked about the need for "an event equivalent to Pearl Harbor," Army General Tommy Franks, commander in chief of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), made equally prophetic remarks. Specifically, he said his biggest fear was that there would be a terrorist attack against the World Trade Center. On September 7, 2001, Franks talked to his intelligence staff at CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa, Florida, about what he considered to be the major threats facing America throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. After he finished his presentation, a young sergeant asked him, "General, what keeps you up at night?" Franks replied, "The thought of one tower of the World Trade Center collapsing into the other tower, killing thousands of people," according to Computerworld magazine. In his memoir, Franks described giving a slightly different answer. He wrote that he replied, "A terrorist attack against the World Trade Center in New York." [13] As Canada's Globe and Mail noted, "Four days later, that's exactly what happened." [14] What is more, Franks had made other remarks that were apparently prescient of 9/11 a few months earlier. In a speech to the Operations Security Professionals Society in late June 2001, he warned, "The asymmetric threat is serious, and deserves our focused thought and preparation." ("Asymmetric warfare threats," according to the Washington Times, "include efforts by weaker powers to defeat stronger ones using attacks that can include weapons of mass destruction, the use of computer-based information warfare, and terrorism.") Franks continued, "The point is to avoid another Pearl Harbor-like event by recognizing the threat and preparing to meet this growing challenge." [15] Less than three months after Franks made these comments, the U.S. suffered an attack that, according to the official account, was an example of "asymmetric warfare" and was immediately compared to the attack on Pearl Harbor. On the evening of September 11, according to his own recollections, Franks actually thought to himself, "Today is like Pearl Harbor." [16] After 9/11, Franks became "one of three men running the Bush administration's military campaign against Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda organization," ABC News reported. [17] He led the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 and the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. [18] FORMER SENIOR FBI AGENT WARNED THAT BIN LADEN WOULD ATTACK THE WORLD TRADE CENTER One man, John O'Neill, gave two separate warnings on the day before 9/11 that were chillingly prophetic of what happened on September 11. O'Neill had, since August 23, 2001, been director of security at the World Trade Center. Prior to that, he spent 25 years as an FBI agent and, from January 1997, had been special agent in charge of the national security division of the FBI's New York office. While at the FBI, according to the New Yorker, he "became the bureau's most committed tracker of Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda network of terrorists." He was at the World Trade Center on September 11 and, unfortunately, was killed when the Twin Towers collapsed. [19] On the morning of September 10, 2001, O'Neill met Raymond Powers, the director of security at the Rockefeller Center, to discuss various security issues. The two men's conversation eventually turned to the subject of Osama bin Laden. According to journalist and author Murray Weiss, O'Neill told Powers that "he was sure bin Laden would attack on American soil and expected him to target the Twin Towers again." "It's going to happen," he said. "And it looks like something big is brewing." [20] O'Neill again expressed his fear of an imminent al-Qaeda attack that evening, when he went out with a couple of his friends: Robert Tucker, a security company executive, and Jerome Hauer, the former director of New York's Office of Emergency Management. At one point in the evening, the three men talked about bin Laden. According to Hauer, O'Neill said: "We're due. And we're due for something big." He added: "Some things have happened in Afghanistan. I don't like the way things are lining up in Afghanistan." He then said, "I sense a shift and I think things are going to happen." Asked when they would happen, he replied, "I don't know, but soon." [21] O'Neill had made similar predictions on earlier occasions. In October 2000, for example, while he was in Yemen, he talked several times with FBI agent Pat Patterson about what bin Laden's next target might be. He said he believed the World Trade Center--which was bombed by terrorists in 1993--would be attacked again. "John was convinced of it," Patterson has recalled. He'd said, "They definitely want to bring that building down." [22] O'Neill voiced his concerns again around August 2001, when he talked with his friend Chris Isham. When O'Neill said he had just got the job as head of security at the World Trade Center, Isham joked: "That will be an easy job. They're not going to bomb that place again." But O'Neill retorted: "Actually, they've always wanted to finish that job. I think they're going to try again." [23] FBI AGENT DISMISSED CONCERNS ABOUT THREATS TO AVIATION Strangely, despite his apparent concern about al-Qaeda carrying out an attack in the United States, O'Neill told Congressional staffers there was no threat to aviation. Cathal Flynn recalled that at some unstated time between 1993 and 2000, when he was head of security for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Senate Intelligence Committee asked the FAA, the FBI, and the director of central intelligence about threats to civil aviation. O'Neill went to the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, to respond on behalf of the FBI. But when Senate Intelligence Committee staffers asked, "What are the threats to aviation?" according to Flynn, "John O'Neill said there are none." Flynn was surprised at O'Neill's answer, because there had been a "few indications the FBI had received," such as information about a suspicious individual who had tried to get "a job with airport access" at Los Angeles International Airport. Flynn wrote O'Neill a note asking about this incident. But, Flynn recalled, O'Neill "looked at the note" and "still didn't say anything, didn't change what he had said." As the two men left the meeting, Flynn again asked O'Neill about the incident and O'Neill told him there was "nothing to it." [24] Bruce Butterworth, the FAA's director of civil aviation security operations from 1995 to 2000, has described the same event. He said he remembered O'Neill's "testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee wherein he was unwilling to corroborate FAA claims about credible threats to civil aviation." [25] COUNTERTERRORISM CHIEF WARNED OF AN AL-QAEDA ATTACK THAT WOULD CAUSE THE DEATHS OF 'HUNDREDS OF AMERICANS' Richard Clarke, the White House counterterrorism chief, warned that a major terrorist attack could take place in the United States in a memo he sent to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice a week before 9/11. On September 4, 2001, the National Security Council's principals committee--a group of senior officials who advise the president on issues of national security policy--met to discuss al-Qaeda. That day, before the meeting took place, Clarke sent Rice a memo in which he expressed his frustrations with U.S. counterterrorism efforts. The "real question" the principals committee needed to address, Clarke wrote in the memo, was, "[A]re we serious about dealing with the al-Qaeda threat?" He suggested, "Decision makers should imagine themselves on a future day when the [White House Counterterrorism Security Group] has not succeeded in stopping al-Qaeda attacks and hundreds of Americans lay dead in several countries, including the U.S." "That future day could happen at any time," he added. Clarke warned that without more funding for dealing with al-Qaeda, "You are left waiting for the big attack, with lots of casualties, after which some major U.S. retaliation will be in order." [26] A week after Clarke's memo was sent, a "big attack, with lots of casualties," did indeed occur and this was followed by "major U.S. retaliation," in the form of the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. Clarke had issued warnings on previous occasions, which, like the warning he gave in his memo to Rice on September 4, seem to have been prescient of the 9/11 attacks. He gave one such warning on July 5, 2001, during a meeting at the White House. At the meeting, which was attended by officials from a dozen government agencies, including the FAA, the FBI, and the Secret Service, a senior CIA counterterrorism expert said the CIA believed that al-Qaeda was planning "something spectacular," which would probably take place in Israel or Saudi Arabia. Clarke, according to his own recollections, then told the meeting's participants he agreed that al-Qaeda was planning a major attack. But, he said: "Maybe [the attack] will be here [in the U.S.]. Just because there is no evidence that says that it will be here, does not mean it will be overseas." He added that al-Qaeda "may try to hit us at home. You have to assume that is what they are going to try to do." He said, "Something really spectacular is going to happen here and it's going to happen soon," according to two officials who attended the meeting. [27] A number of steps that agencies should take to address the threat posed by al-Qaeda were agreed upon at the meeting. An e-mail Clarke sent to Rice the day after the meeting stated that several agencies, including the FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Defense, had been directed to develop "detailed response plans in the event of three to five simultaneous attacks." [28] This was presumably quite fortuitous, since, just over two months later--on September 11--these agencies had to respond to four near-simultaneous attacks. NAVY COMMANDER TALKED ABOUT A POSSIBLE 'SEMINAL EVENT' CAUSED BY BIN LADEN Navy Commander Kirk Lippold voiced his concerns about a major terrorist attack taking place in the United States just minutes before the first hijacked plane crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11. Lippold was the commanding officer of the USS Cole when, in October 2000, suicide bombers attacked the ship while it was refueling at a port in Yemen, killing 17 members of the crew. Investigators attributed the attack to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. [29] On the morning of September 11, Lippold went to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, to meet Charles Allen, the CIA's assistant director for collection; John Russack, Allen's deputy; and Donald Kerr, the CIA's deputy director for science and technology. During the meeting, Allen briefed Lippold on what the CIA knew about bin Laden and al-Qaeda. As the meeting was coming to an end, at around 8:30 a.m., Lippold said to Allen: "It means an awful lot for me to understand what our country is doing to try to catch [bin Laden]. But I don't think America understands." According to his own recollections, Lippold then said, "I believe it is going to take a seminal event, probably in this country, where hundreds, if not thousands, are going to have to die, before Americans realize that we're at war with this guy." Lippold and Russack left Allen's office and went to talk to some of Russack's colleagues. The two men noticed the coverage of the first crash at the World Trade Center--which happened at 8:46 a.m.--on a television at CIA headquarters and, at 9:03 a.m., saw the second hijacked plane crashing into the World Trade Center as it happened. Allen then called them back to his office. When they arrived there, according to Lippold, he said, "Kirk, I can't believe you said what you did this morning." George Tenet, then-director of the CIA, has written that Allen told Lippold, "The seminal event just happened." [30] SECRETARY OF DEFENSE SAID THE U.S. WAS GOING TO BE ATTACKED 'IN A FASHION WE DID NOT ANTICIPATE' Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, like Lippold, warned about the possibility of a catastrophic event taking place minutes before the first hijacked plane crashed into the World Trade Center. He said a surprise event--such as a terrorist attack--would occur in the near future. On the morning of September 11, Rumsfeld hosted a breakfast meeting in his private dining room at the Pentagon that was attended by 11 members of Congress and a number of key Department of Defense officials. [31] The meeting was intended to discuss the Quadrennial Defense Review. [32] Representative Christopher Cox recalled that Rumsfeld said at the meeting that the United States needed to "focus on the real threat facing us in the 21st century: terrorism, and the unexpected." He said Congress had to give the president "the tools he needs to move forward with a defense of America against ballistic missiles--the ultimate terrorist weapons." But he cautioned, "If we remain vulnerable to missile attack, a terrorist group or rogue state that demonstrates the capacity to strike the U.S. or its allies from long range could have the power to hold our entire country hostage to nuclear or other blackmail.'' He then warned: "Let me tell you, I've been around the block a few times. There will be another event." For emphasis, he repeated, "There will be another event." [33] David Chu, under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, described Rumsfeld giving this warning. In response to a question from one of the members of Congress at the meeting, Chu recalled, Rumsfeld "said something to the effect that someone was going to attack us in a fashion we did not anticipate and we would wish we had done something about it." He "leaned across the table and lectured [the member of Congress] in his most decisive manner that we would in some future date look back and weep that we hadn't taken action." [34] According to Representative John Mica, Rumsfeld "was interested in ... what we were going to do about a situation if we had another--the word used was 'incident.'" He "was trying to make certain that we were prepared for something that we might not expect." [35] Rumsfeld has recalled saying at the meeting that "sometime in the next two, four, six, eight, 10, 12 months there would be an event that would occur in the world that would be sufficiently shocking that it would remind people again how important it is to have a strong, healthy Defense Department that ... underpins peace and stability in our world." [36] Cox has noted that "within minutes" of Rumsfeld giving his warning, the secretary of defense's words "proved tragically prophetic." [37] As the meeting was coming to an end, someone handed Rumsfeld a note, informing him that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. [38] "Little did we know that within a few minutes of the end of our conversation ... our world would change and that incident that we talked about would be happening," Mica has commented. [39] DID U.S. OFFICIALS HAVE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF 9/11? The evidence above, while suspicious, does not in itself prove that any of the men who gave these remarkably accurate warnings in the week before 9/11 had foreknowledge of the impending terrorist attacks. The possibility that some or all of them did indeed know in advance about the attacks should, however, be investigated. If any of these men knew beforehand what was going to happen on September 11, we need to discover how they came across this information. Furthermore, if any of them had foreknowledge of 9/11, we need to find out why the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon weren't prevented. Could these powerful officials have used their influence to stop the attacks? If they could have but didn't, why was this? It is possible that other officials, besides the six mentioned in this article, gave warnings that were apparently prescient of the 9/11 attacks shortly before September 11, but their comments have not yet been reported, or have not been widely reported and so are little known. This possibility is something that could be looked into as well. The fact that 14 years after the event, key questions--such as those regarding the possibility of senior U.S. officials having foreknowledge of the attacks--remain unaddressed, shows why it is so important that we have a new investigation of 9/11. =========================== PART 2 Rumsfeld talked about Pearl Harbor in the months before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld appears to have been thinking about the same things as Paul Wolfowitz in the months before 9/11. According to journalist Bob Woodward, in the eight months before 9/11, "Rumsfeld's second theme was surprise" and he "routinely handed out or recommended a book called Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision by Roberta Wohlstetter." (Bob Woodward, Bush at War, p. 22.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also these two entries from the Complete 9/11 Timeline: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a011101rumsfeldconfirmation&scale=0 January 11, 2001: Rumsfeld Warns of Surprise Attack Like Pearl Harbor At his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Secretary of Defense-designate Donald Rumsfeld warns of the danger of a surprise attack like Pearl Harbor happening again. ... http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a052301rumsfeldwarns&scale=0 May 23-24, 2001: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Warns of Inevitability of Strategic Surprise; Refers to Pearl Harbor During a meeting with the House Armed Services Committee, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld says that the inevitability of surprise is a guiding principle of the Bush administration’s national security strategy. To emphasize his point about the need to prepare for the unexpected, he gives panel members copies of the foreword to Roberta Wohlstetter's 1962 book, Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision. ...
  23. Yes, he could have. But the point I am making is Armstrong did not say this-he just ignored it. And my early work was from 1998-2003 so he was aware of the problem. And if he comes out now and says Harvey had the operation it will not look good so he continues to ignore it. Everybody once in a while ignores something.... So no answer to the fact that there are discrepancies in the Marine Military record indicating the existence of two Oswalds ?? ,gaal
  24. David Josephs wrote, The man in the grave was the man who Ruby killed... so what? The man in the grave is supposed to be "Harvey" but "Lee" had a mastoid operation as did the man in the grave. // Parnell ================= Gee Harvey could have had Mastoid operation.....,gaal
  25. 3) Once again your post is irrelevant. Still waiting for examples of potential conspirators and/or truthers who've died mysteriously. All the examples I've seen so far were obscure nobodies, didN'T die suspiciously and/or were NOT challenging the accepted narrative of 9/11. ++++++++++++++++++ Mr. Colby I never said people were killed I said >> confess 911 be killed. MR Colby is Straw MAN your middle name. ?? Where are KSM's children ?? gaal
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