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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. The notion that Paul won the nomination despite rarely having double digit support from GOP primary voters is absurd.// end COLBY ++++++++++++++++++ NEVER SAID THAT. SAID HE WON MORE DELEGATES THEN HE WAS GIVEN AT CONVENTION. YOU KNOW I NEVER SAID THAT.ANOTHER COLBY Disingenuous post. WHEN THAT FELLOW STATED Ron Paul Won, ,HE WAS TALKING ABOUT MORALLY. GEE YOU ARE STUPID
  2. Nothing indicating they (SAS al-Qaeda) work together. During WWII the west helped the USSR which does not mean they approved the way Stalin ran the Soviet Union. // END COLBY Get back to us with evidence the US or its allies are directly funding or arming LIFG or other AQ groups. // end COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ past is prologue,dummy. SAS 'Smash' squads on the ground in Libya to mark targets for coalition jets http://www.dailymail...ition-jets.html ================================= http://www.presstv.ir/detail/248134.html DEBKAfile said the British incursion was aimed at securing the start of western intervention in Syria to topple President Bashar Al Assad. Earlier this year, the Israeli website also revealed that British troops and intelligence agents were operating in the Syrian city of Homs, assisting Syria’s armed rebels in their bloody battle against civilians and the Syrian army. Moreover, earlier this month, The Daily Star reported that Britain’s Special Air Service (SAS) and MI6 agents were setting up camps in Syria to assist armed rebels if a civil war would break out in the country. Disingenuous posting is what you are doing ,since this is my forth time I quoted sources that the SAUDI clan are the covert back-channel. Direct ?? Who does direct covert funding ?? GET BACK TO US WHEN YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT TRICK.
  3. CONSIDER THE SOURCE Arutz Sheva (Hebrew: ערוץ שבע‎) (Channel Seven) is an Israeli media network identifying with Religious Zionism. It offers online news in English, Hebrew, French, Spanish and Russian. Arutz Sheva offers free podcasts, live streaming radio, a daily email news update, streaming video and 24 hour updated text news. The Israeli government has never granted it a license to broadcast, prompting[who?] charges of government discrimination against the Religious Zionist public. Arutz Sheva sees itself as "the only independent national radio station in Israel" and a counterbalance to "'negative thinking' and 'post-Zionist' attitudes."[4] Based in Beit El, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, Arutz Sheva is regarded as the voice of the Israeli settlement movement.[5] Departments Israel National NewsIsrael National News is the written news website, directed by Rachel Sylvetsky. Hillel Fendel is the senior news editor and was long responsible for the site's popular daily e-mail. Other news editors include Hana Levi Julian, Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Ernie Singer, Gil Ronen, and others. The site includes news articles, news briefs, videos, op-eds, a Judaism section, an opinion poll, photos of Israel, a book review section, a caricature, and additional sections. +++++++++++++++++++++++ We couldnt get a more RATIONAL PRO ISRAEL SOURCE YOUR POSTING IS THEREFORE DISINGENUOUS.
  4. Get back to us with actual evidence the CIA or some other intel agency controls the music industry and/or put Pussy Riot up to their 'stunt'. // END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Never said CIA controls the music industry. Bill Kelly brought up the Beatles. Said STATE DEPARTMENT gave aide to Pussy Riot. NGOs are working to take over Russia. Have posted about this before on this site. Just like NGOs are working in Venezuela . Chavez increased his country's take of the oil money from below world average (with foreign producers) 10-15 % to 20-25 % (average) ,thus he became EVIL and our NGOs moved on him. WHY DONT YOU READ THE FIRST POST ?? "GET BACK TO US WHEN YOU DO." +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ Russia exasperated with US over missile defense A top Russian defense official today signaled growing frustration with the US, which has refused to provide legal guarantees that a planned missile-defense shield is not directed at Moscow. By Fred Weir, Correspondent / March 22, 2012 Flurry of excitement ends in disappointment Russian experts say the Kremlin has been extremely disappointed by the lack of response to its concerns by the Obama administration. http://www.csmonitor...missile-defense
  5. Ambitions of France: Installation of Military Base in Libya For Recolonization ? September 3, 2012 http://stratrisks.com/geostrat/7913 =================================================================== Source: The Expression (Translated/Edited) See also: Ambitions of France: Algeria In The Eye of The Cyclone (( http://stratrisks.com/geostrat/7917 )) As in Iraq, we are going to divide the country: Useful areas of Libya will be secured but the rest of the country will be delivered to instability. It is spectacular to see how the Western powers want to print a situation of permanent war in Libya. For a year, information from the installation of a military base in the country western North Africa, is broadcast repeatedly and knowingly. And by dint of repeating things, we finally admit as stringent as they are. Because they arrived on NATO tanks, so indebted, the new Libyan leaders were persuaded by the possibility of a military base on their soil without worrying about the reaction of people and immediate neighbors including Algeria with which their countries sharing nearly a thousand kilometers of borders. Ads proliferate and collide leaving predict the roar of engines at our southern borders. In its edition yesterday, Brother Arabic Ennahar reported that French experts are currently in Libya and exploring the possibility of creating a French military base in the country. This database is built according to the same source, around Sirte and Lahnout Rass, two regions rich in hydrocarbons. The French delegation arrived on August 27, Libya. In response to this information, a senior official of the Libyan army argued that the French mission was limited to military training and a contribution to improve the situation after the war. Originally it was NATO to who wanted a place in Libya for a portion of its military arsenal. On January 27, the French newspaper Mediapart one line, taking the TV “Russia Al Youm” reported that NATO intends to create this military base in Benghazi or Tripoli. The same source states that this request was made by the Americans. Pentagon military doctrine based on the principle of the long war, does not clutter of detail when it comes to search for oil. A few days after this announcement about NATO, the media reported the installation of an Israeli military base. The information was released by the Libyan official television channel Al Jamahiriya published by the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot. Both media have quoted a confidential document relating signing of an agreement between the National Transitional Council (NTC) and Israel for the installation of a military base in the Jebel Akhdar (Green Mountain), near the Algerian border . As a neighboring country and neighbor, Algeria was the first country to be worried by a possible outcome of these projects military base. As military experts including Swedes, have suggested that the first mission of this foundation is to protect Libya against any foreign aggression. But what is foreign threats Algeria to Libya? In fact, the course of the project is to create a situation of constant tension in the region and maintain a division inside the heart of the Libyan society. First, to regional tensions with neighboring Algeria, it will be fueled by the omnipresent threat border by a Western army. A presence that irritates the highest point in Algeria makes the national sovereignty, an immutable principle. As for the internal division, it will be maintained by creating a rivalry between the pros and cons, the foreign military presence on Libyan soil. For some of the Libyans, the existence of any military base on its territory will be synonymous with weakness and a lack of sovereignty. So, it will lead to the creation of two areas in Libya: on area which will be secured, that where there are fields and oil sites, useful resources. The other region, the rest of the country will be delivered to instability, terrorist attacks, rebel groups and the explosions. The Libya will be the copy of the Iraq. Today, Baghdad awash bombs and explosions while Kirkuk, the oil-rich North, flowers in total security. So goes the world. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gee , IDF along way from the Holy Land. Jebel Akhdar (Green Mountain), near the Algerian border
  6. LEFTY OBAMA ?? Rights Groups Denounce Dropping of CIA Torture Cases Sunday, 02 September 2012 09:52 By Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service | Report http://truth-out.org/news/item/11284-rights-groups-denounce-dropping-of-cia-torture-cases
  7. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/159386 EXPOSED: Egypt & Syria, Kidnappings & Death Free Syrian Army Rebels shown to torture and violently murder its opponents By Adina Emmett First Publish: 8/29/2012, 12:00 AM Shoebat Exposes Syrian Rebel Atrocities Walid ShoebatIt has come to light that the Free Syrian Army rebels are not just the victims of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's regime. They are also perpetrators of violent crimes, torture and murders themselves. Walid Shoebat, a former Islamic terrorist, has made it his mission to expose what is going on in the Arab world by translating articles into English, and to bring photographs as well as videos posted on Youtube and other media sites by Arabs who post in the Arabic language. Most Westerners do not know Arabic and therefore are missing a wealth of information posted on Arabic web sites. Shoebat's son, Theodore Shoebat, has just compiled together a series of videos in a short 13-minute film entitled 'Bloodthirsty Syrian Rebels'. The video shows several scenes of atrocities and crimes against humanity carried out by the Free Syrian Army on other Syrians. Shoebat told Tamar Yonah that some of these clips in the video showing beheadings, executions, and body defilement were taken from the cell phones of the Syrian rebels after their capture by government forces. Often times, the bodies of the victims were tossed into sewers, which Shoebat stated, were filled with excrement. The situation is intolerable for people living in Syria, Egypt, or any other place where the Arab Spring has taken root. Shoebat says that for the average person, they have two choices: "The Party line, or the coffin - or in this case, the Party line or the sewer." With the Obama Administration's more than tacit support of the Syrian Rebels, it is vital that these atrocities of the Free Syrian Army be exposed. Shoebat's film, 'Bloodthirsty Syrian Rebels', is extremely graphic and cannot be shown on most television media outlets. According to Shoebat, after posting it on Youtube, it was subsequently removed. He has since, only been able to host it on his website, but has released the film to Arutz Sheva. WARNING: This video is extremely graphic.
  8. US-Saudi Sponsored Al Qaeda Killers in Syria http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-saudi-sponsored-al-qaeda-killers-in-syria/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Al Qaeda Blitzkrieg: West's Terror Battalions Eye Russia Next Groundwork for Western support of Al Qaeda terrorists in Russia's Caucasus region. With the US openly supporting, arming , and literally " cheering" for Al Qaeda in Syria, it should be no surprise that their support for Al Qaeda's ... http://www.globalresearch.ca/al-qaeda-blitzkrieg-wests-terror-battalions-eye-russia-next/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ British Government Sends Money to Al Qaeda "Rebels" on the UN-State Department List of Terrorist ... US-UK listed terror organization Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) fighters and commanders are clearly amongst militants underwritten by latest UK funding. In direct violation of both American and British anti-terrorism legislation, particularly provisions regarding providing material support for listed ... http://www.globalresearch.ca/mi6-sas-cia-western-troops-in-syria/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UN Designates "Free Syrian Army" Affiliates as Al Qaeda US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey stand accused of state sponsorship of terrorism. UN failure to enforce its own resolutions will resign their legitimacy, necessitate their expedient removal and replacement with multipolar system. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group ... http://www.globalresearch.ca/un-designates-free-syrian-army-affiliates-as-al-qaeda/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Libyan Terrorists Are Invading Syria US, British, NATO, and GCC are arming and funding the foreign invasion of Syria - Western media providing increasingly tenuous "revolutionary" cover. Reuters today provides us with a spectacularly contradictory headline in their report, " Libyan fighters join Syrian ...
  9. Also AFAIK the missile shield is better positioned to stop missiles from Iran than Russia // end Colby ============== ITS A AFAIK THAT THEY CAN BE USED FOR BOTH The reference to crack troops relates to U.S. Marines recently dispatched to the nation, combat veterans of the Afghan and Iraqi wars, to train Georgian soldiers. The EurasiaNet report also quoted Georgian member of parliament Davit Darchiashvili: “The US decision dovetails with our [security] needs. So long as the radar is stationed in the Caucasus, Georgian security needs would likely be met. “This is the most important thing….t is not of crucial significance as to where and how these defense systems will be deployed.” [9] It also cites Russian military analyst Vladislav Shurygin remarking the self-evident fact that such radar in Georgia would be used against Russia, with him stating “We should not have any illusions about the US plans.” ++++++++++++++++++++ psychedelics in the 1950s - 70s to depoliticize the left political movements and as tests for a spy agents ability under stress are hypercreative,oddball solutions to perceived probllems IS analogous to using an absurd avant-garde PUNK ROCK group to discredit PUTIN regime. A META ARGUMENT TO COMPLEX FOR ESTABLISHMENT CRETINS ,ITS SAD THAT SOME PEOPLE LACK DEPTH. ==
  10. +++++++++++++++++ ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE,LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED ###################### USA RUSSIA IMPERIAL POLICY War On All Fronts Washington's three-front war: Syria, Lebanon, Iran in the Middle East, China in the Far East, Russia in Europe... - by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - 2012-07-18 An over-confident US government is determined to have a three-front war: Syria, Lebanon, and Iran in the Middle East, China in the Far East, and Russia in Europe. The Russian government has finally caught on that its political opposition is being financed by the US taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA/State Department fronts in an attempt to subvert the Russian government and install an American puppet state in the geographically largest country on earth, the one country with a nuclear arsenal sufficient to deter Washington’s aggression. Just as earlier this year Egypt expelled hundreds of people associated with foreign-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) for “instilling dissent and meddling in domestic policies,” the Russian Duma (parliament) has just passed a law that Putin is expected to sign that requires political organizations that receive foreign funding to register as foreign agents. The law is based on the US law requiring the registration of foreign agents. Much of the Russian political opposition consists of foreign-paid agents, and once the law passes leading elements of the Russian political opposition will have to sign in with the Russian Ministry of Justice as foreign agents of Washington. The Itar-Tass News Agency reported on July 3 that there are about 1,000 organizations in Russia that are funded from abroad and engaged in political activity. Try to imagine the outcry if the Russians were funding 1,000 organizations in the US engaged in an effort to turn America into a Russian puppet state. (In the US the Russians would find a lot of competition from Israel.) The Washington-funded Russian political opposition masquerades behind “human rights” and says it works to “open Russia.” What the disloyal and treasonous Washington-funded Russian “political opposition” means by “open Russia” is to open Russia for brainwashing by Western propaganda, to open Russia to economic plunder by the West, and to open Russia to having its domestic and foreign policies determined by Washington. “Non-governmental organizations” are very governmental. They have played pivotal roles in both financing and running the various “color revolutions” that have established American puppet states in former constituent parts of the Soviet Empire. NGOs have been called “coup d’etat machines,” and they have served Washington well in this role. They are currently working in Venezuela against Chavez. Of course, Washington is infuriated that its plans for achieving hegemony over a country too dangerous to attack militarily have been derailed by Russia’s awakening, after two decades, to the threat of being politically subverted by Washington-financed NGOs. Washington requires foreign-funded organizations to register as foreign agents (unless they are Israeli funded). However, this fact doesn’t stop Washington from denouncing the new Russian law as “anti-democratic,” “police state,” blah-blah. Caught with its hand in subversion, Washington calls Putin names. The pity is that most of the brainwashed West will fall for Washington’s lies, and we will hear more about “gangster state Russia.” China is also in Washington’s crosshairs. China’s rapid rise as an economic power is perceived in Washington as a dire threat. China must be contained. Obama’s US Trade Representative has been secretly negotiating for the last 2 or 3 years a Trans Pacific Partnership, whose purpose is to derail China’s natural economic leadership in its own sphere of influence and replace it with Washington’s leadership. Washington is also pushing to form new military alliances in Asia and to establish new military bases in the Philippines, S. Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere. Washington quickly inserted itself into disputes between China and Vietnam and China and the Philippines. Washington aligned with its former Vietnamese enemy in Vietnam’s dispute with China over the resource rich Paracel and Spratly islands and with the Philippines in its dispute with China over the resource rich Scarborough Shoal. Thus, like England’s interference in the dispute between Poland and National Socialist Germany over the return to Germany of German territories that were given to Poland as World War I booty, Washington sets the stage for war. China has been cooperative with Washington, because the offshoring of the US economy to China was an important component in China’s unprecedented high rate of economic development. American capitalists got their short-run profits, and China got the capital and technology to build an economy that in another 2 or 3 years will have surpassed the sinking US economy. Jobs offshoring, mistaken for free trade by free market economists, has built China and destroyed America. Washington’s growing interference in Chinese affairs has convinced China’s government that military countermeasures are required to neutralize Washington’s announced intentions to build its military presence in China’s sphere of influence. Washington’s view is that only Washington, no one else, has a sphere of influence, and Washington’s sphere of influence is the entire world. On July 14 China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said that Washington was interfering in Chinese affairs and making China’s disputes with Vietnam and the Philippines impossible to resolve. It looks as if an over-confident US government is determined to have a three-front war: Syria, Lebanon, and Iran in the Middle East, China in the Far East, and Russia in Europe. This would appear to be an ambitious agenda for a government whose military was unable to occupy Iraq after nine years or to defeat the lightly-armed Taliban after eleven years, and whose economy and those of its NATO puppets are in trouble and decline with corresponding rising internal unrest and loss of confidence in political leadership. http://www.spiegel.d...m-a-844127.html ++++++++++++++++++ US-NATO Sea-based Missile System Threatens Russia A sophisticated multilayered missile defense architecture is being created in the immediate vicinity of Russia... - by Vladimir Kozin - 2012-03-31 A sophisticated multilayered and multi-echelon missile defense architecture is being created in the immediate vicinity of Russia, encompassing Europe and Asia. It’s major specific feature is that in any emergency on the international scene, the architecture is going to interact most closely with US and NATO tactical and strategic nuclear potentials. NEW COLD WAR? Russia "Concerned" Over Washington's Plans To Ship Arms To Georgia - 2012-03-28 "Trusted Messengers" and "Humanitarian Groups" Target Russia and China, Endorse the US-NATO Mandate - by Richard Nogueira - 2012-03-15 The Anglo-US Drive into Eurasia and the Demonization of Russia Reframing the History of World War II - by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - 2009-10-02 U.S. Redeploys Missile Shield: The Geopolitical Encirclment of Russia - by Rick Rozoff - 2009-09 ############################# YUP CIA HAD AN INFLUNCE IN MUSIC INDUSTRY ???? ...YUP. http://educationforu...showtopic=19119 and http://en.wikipedia....sychedelic_rock
  11. News/ Honey Boo Boo Beats Republican National Convention Coverage in Ratings MAYBE Honey Boo Boo would have done better than Clint............. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/honey-boo-boo-ratings-top-rnc-paul-ryan-veep-speech-article-1.1148815
  12. Lets say you were a CCCP Intel CE (or CI) officer. It would be really good if you could get info of a persons work history from the SS Administration to check on a possible recruit.These altered records were done to trick some low level USA CCCP asset in place at SS. Greg… how many “sorry those records were taken by the FBI and disappeared” or “no, the records are mistaken” do you need before the light goes off that maybe something fishy is going on? // end JOSEPHS. When you have evidence of Oswald seen at two places ,you could say that this was faulty memory and/or manipulated testimony. BUT when you have continual anomalous records it would be a better assumption of TWO Oswalds. Comrade commissar, Im a import/export expert..so if you want to get someone into imperialist dog USA...Im your man ...(see below) ################################# Louis Marzialle-store manager at Dolly Shoe, where LHO (Harvey) worked full time in the spring of 1955 (while Lee Oswald attended Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans without missing a single day of school). Louis remembered clearly the day he fired Oswald. It was the day that his first son was born. ================================================================ November 10, 1955: LHO starts work as a messenger boy at Gerald F. Tujague Inc. (W. Tracy Parnell timeline) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 9 - Oswald Takes Center Stage As An Intelligence Asset) Bill Simpich is a civil rights attorney and an antiwar activist in the San Francisco Bay Area. Gerard Tujague was the treasurer of the FDC. [28] Oswald had worked for Tujague's import-export business in 1956, told his mother he was going to return to work at Tujague's right before he defected in 1959, and listed himself as a shipping export agent on his passport in 1959. Oswald named Tujague as a reference and used his proper address when he looked for work in 1963. [29] ======= [27] During that month, Banister incorporated his front organization - the "Friends of Democratic Cuba" (FDC): DDP Richard Bissell to FBI liaison Sam Papich, 3/30/61, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 14 / NARA Record Number: 1993.07.14.15:41:50:460270. Also see redacted version (easier to read): FBI 62-109060 JFK HQ File, Additional Releases, Part 1 of 3, p. 301. [28] Gerard Tujague was the treasurer of the FDC: Id., at p. 2; also see Lee Harvey Oswald Chronology, created by "LMK" of FBI, p. 2; [29] Oswald had worked for Tujague's import-export business in 1956; told his mother he was going to return to work at Tujague's right before he defected in 1959; listed himself as a shipping export agent on his passport in 1959; and named Tujague as a reference with the proper address when he looked for work in 1963: See CIA document, "Chronology of Oswald in the USSR", Oswald 201 File, Vol 38B/ NARA Record Number: 1993.06.10.15:01:04:030000. Also see copy of 1959 passport, HSCA volume 4, p. 282. Also see Tujague's FBI interview, 11/25/63, CD 75, p. 4. Also see Report of SA William Newbrough that provides Tujague's proper address, 11/29/63, Oswald 201 File, Vol 3, CD75, Part 1. https://www.maryferr...bsPageId=994064 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jerry D. Rose was THE expert on LHO documentation. On pg 31 you can find in refs one through six for a deeper look at LHO records AKA FORGERIES ================================= http://www.maryferre...bsPageId=520478 == http://www.maryferre...12&relPageId=28 == http://www.maryferre...12&relPageId=29 == http://www.maryferre...12&relPageId=30 == http://www.maryferre...12&relPageId=31
  13. http://www.google.co...Q9QEwBg&dur=172 SEE CLICKING ON RIGHT MAKES 3X larger
  14. TO QUOTE Dr. Jerry Rose =====> EVERY document of LHO has problems. http://www.maryferre...bsPageId=520355 http://www.maryferre...bsPageId=520356 ===================== Do you realize that you are doing the same thing in reverse… H&L is simply not a possibility so nothing done will EVER lead you to that as a possibility. In reverse… you can accept the ongoing and systematic mistakes of everyone who ever came into contact with HARVEY who was no longer the same as the LEE they knew. Again Greg… how many “sorry those records were taken by the FBI and disappeared” or “no, the records are mistaken” do you need before the light goes off that maybe something fishy is going on? // end JOSEPHS --------------------------------------- yes to illustrate Myra DaRouse Larue-Oswald's (Harvey) 8th grade home room teacher (and girls physical education teacher). When Oswald arrived in Myra's homeroom at Beauregard Jr. High in NO, during "basketball season," he told her that he wanted to be called "Harvey." Myra described Harvey as short, slight, and without an "ounce of fight" in him. Myra recalled the day when a piano fell onto Harvey. She took him to the Monte Lepre Clinic, on Canal Street, and then to his home on Exchange Alley. At this time, according to WC documents and WC testimony of Myrtle and Julian Evans (close friends of MO), LHO and his tall, nice-looking mother were living in one of their apartments on St. Marys Street = equals= I saw a demon ,per PARKER I have no scanner could someone scanup (not on internet) BACK COVER of the magazine THE FOURTH DECADE Volume 6,Number 1 It shows the anomaly of the LHO Social Security Number. THANKS SGaal ################### You see all SS# 433-54-XXXX were issued in 1954 except that LHO's SS# was issued in 1955 ??? GEE MUST BE DEMONS !! Maybe Mr. Parker should seance the late DR. Rose ???
  15. PUSSY RIOT STORY IN PICTURES http://www.tomatobubble.com/pussyriot.html
  16. UPDATE Published on Aug 30, 2012 by RussiaToday I saw rebels beheading men for religion' - Syrian cleric
  17. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HA HA HA HA HA OH YEAH BIG JOKE....to be fair. FAIR ???????????? FAIR ??????????? SON OF A BEECH !!!!!!!!!! "Reagan Was the Butcher of My People:" Fr. Miguel D’Escoto Speaks From Nicaragua http://www.democracynow.org/2004/6/8/reagan_was_the_butcher_of_my We go to Managua, Nicaragua to speak with Fr. Miguel D’Escoto, a Catholic priest who was Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister under the Sandinista government in the 1980s. [includes transcript] The 8 years Reagan was in office represented one of the most bloody eras in the history of the Western hemisphere, as Washington funneled money, weapons and other supplies to right wing death squads. And the death toll was staggering–more than 70,000 political killings in El Salvador, more than 100,000 in Guatemala, 30,000 killed in the contra war in Nicaragua. In Washington, the forces carrying out the violence were called "freedom fighters." This is how Ronald Reagan described the Contras in Nicaragua: "They are our brothers, these freedom fighters and we owe them our help. They are the moral equal of our founding fathers." •Fr. Miguel D’Escoto, a Catholic priest based in Managua, Nicaragua. He was Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister under the Sandinista government in the 1980s. ################# ################# ################# When what is called the Hollywood movie system ended,the TV was becoming bigger. Old movies to TV was going to be big money with residuals,BUT NO !! As president of Screen Actors guild ,he sold out his own fellow actors getting near zero for RESIDUALS. BUT HE GOT TV DEAL via MOB with GE. +++++++++ SEE AT 4:50 Reagan has a history to forget under oath .....gee remind u of IRAN CONTRA ?? Moldea on MCA, the Mafia and the corruption of Ronald Reagan HOW ABOUT CONTRA COCAINE DESTROYING WHOLE URBAN AREAS ???? HA HA HA !!! THE DEAD CRY OUT FROM THE GROUND..............................
  18. DO YOU FEEL THE AWE !!!!!!!!!!!! You might not have known it, but were all human beings down here on Earth. (no really !) UFO - Ronald Reagan's Speech about Alien Invasion.avi #################### Ronald Reagan tells three-legged chicken joke
  19. Predicted to occur before false flag event Syrian Rebels Claim to Take Over Chemical Weapons A statement published by the Syrian rebels says that they have taken over a military base and found missiles with non-conventional warheads. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/159391#.UD1VDaBUGuI
  20. Cheat primaries/Cheat convention you are Cheat ............ see link http://www.dailypaul.com/ #################################### Ron Paul Won Submitted by Robin Koerner on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 09:12 Robin Koerner is the original "Blue Republican", a term he coined in this article. He also runs WatchingAmerica.com. He is a British permanent resident of the United States. in In all fields of human endeavor, winning by cheating is losing. In a competition, when someone cheats, he gets disqualified. The disqualification does not make the runner-up the winner. Rather, it reveals that the man who appeared to be the runner-up had in fact been the winner all along. In the race for the GOP nomination for President, therefore, Ron Paul won. As the New York Times wrote yesterday, Delegates from Nevada tried to nominate Mr. Paul from the floor, submitting petitions from their own state as well as Minnesota, Maine, Iowa, Oregon, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. That should have done the trick: Rules require signatures from just five states. But the party changed the rules on the spot. Henceforth, delegates must gather petitions from eight states. When Mr. Romney and the RNC cheat so blatantly, they make the game no longer about politics: they make themselves ineligible for the vote of anyone who cares about his own morality, his own honesty or his own integrity – regardless of his politics. And from a purely practical standpoint, they invite Americans to ask if they want to live in a nation governed with the same contempt for those who don’t toe the party line as has been displayed both in Tampa and throughout the primary process. But as a Ron Paul supporter, I can’t remember feeling so invigorated and empowered in my cause. Reality Check: Ben Fact Checks His Interview With Romney - Pants On Fire! Submitted by WildSatchmo on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 07:55 in Videos ######################## CNN's Wolf Blitzer Interviews Rand: "Republican Officials Clearly Snubbed Ron Paul." Submitted by telepathic on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 06:00 in Ron Paul 2012 Florida It seems that CNN's Wolf Blitzer is more annoyed about RNC's behavior toward Ron Paul than Rand Paul. http://youtu.be/H6vj-JtHrZo ###################################### Confirm: Ron Paul Got SIX State Petitions for Nomination Submitted by Kathleen Gee on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 00:59 in Ron Paul 2012 Nevada We managed, in spite of a corrupt media, corrupt national GOP, corrupt state GOP organizations, voter ignorance, voter apathy, a massive disinfo campaign, an ongoing psy-ops campaign, and physical violence, to get Ron Paul the GOP nomination, based on the rules of four days ago. The GOP and Democrat-controlled media had to lie, cheat, steal, and break bones to stop us. Las Vegas Sun: Paul supporters, lead by Nevada delegate Wayne Terhune, succeeded in putting together petitions from six states to put Paul’s name up for nomination. But earlier this week, the Romney campaign won a critical rules change requiring eight states to put a candidate up for nomination. At the last moment, Paul supporters handed the petitions to the convention secretary. Then, the convention voted to adopt the eight-state rule, crushing the Paul effort. Delegates from Nevada tried to nominate Mr. Paul from the floor, submitting petitions from their own state as well as Minnesota, Maine, Iowa, Oregon, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. That should have done the trick: Rules require signatures from just five states. But the party changed the rules on the spot. Henceforth, delegates must gather petitions from eight states. ################################## Anger At Convention Over GOP Corruption Submitted by Houckie377 on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 22:03 in Ron Paul 2012 Boehner's contentious vote in context, as well as the whole convention thus far: http://www.youtube.com/wa... ____ ############################################## Maine Delegate Exposes RNC Corruption Submitted by kevink on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 21:40 in Ron Paul 2012
  21. RELATED It Is Not Just Your Imagination – American Families ARE Getting Poorer August 28, 2012 http://www.blacklistednews.com/It_Is_Not_Just_Your_Imagination_%E2%80%93_American_Families_ARE_Getting_Poorer_/21240/0/38/38/Y/M.html
  22. UPDATE = MORE PROBLEMS FOR REALITY OF PLASMA DEVICE http://pesn.com/2012/08/24/9602167_Noble_Gas_Plasma_or_Aluminum_Ring_Electromagnet/
  23. LETS ALL GIVE THANKS THAT BRITISH SAS and al-Qaeda can work together.(see above post) Senior CFR official: Free Syrian Army needs al-Qaeda support August 28, 2012 http://www.blacklist.../38/38/Y/M.html ============================ “The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without al-Qaeda in their ranks,” writes Ed Husain, a Senior Fellow of Middle East Studies with the CFR, which is considered in political circles to be America’s most influential foreign-policy think tank. According to Husain, the participation of the group blamed for the 9/11 attacks has made a significant difference in the military effectiveness of the rebellion. He went on to write: By and large, Free Syrian Army (FSA) battalions are tired, divided, chaotic, and ineffective. Feeling abandoned by the West, rebel forces are increasingly demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime’s superior weaponry and professional army. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve morale. The influx of jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and most importantly, deadly results. In short, the FSA needs al-Qaeda now.”
  24. Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948: ++++++++++++++ THEN HE CHANGED +++++++++++++++++++ Reagan on Union-Management Relations in 1958 - Part 1 In 1958, Ronald Reagan had a radio interview covering various topics, including union-management relations. This clip includes the introduction to the program and then the excerpt on labor relations. Reagan had been president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and was still an officer of the union. He had also become a spokesperson for General Electric and the host of the General Electric Theater on TV. Much of his commentary deals with GE's labor relations policy of that era. He also talks about labor relations in Hollywood and the U.S. as a whole. Historians view Reagan's stint with GE as the period in which he moved to conservative politics. In the interview, he presents a relatively sanguine portrait of GE's labor relations policy. The picture at GE was more complicated, however. In the 1930s, GE was headed by Gerald Swope, a New Deal sympathizer. As a result, GE recognized the United Electrical Workers (UE) at a time when many other major firms were strongly resisting unionization. At the end of World War II, however, a major strike occurred at GE (and many other big firms). In response, management brought in marketing executive Lemuel Ricketts Boulware to sell GE to its workers as well as its customers and the general public. The hiring of Reagan and the GE Theater was part of that effort. Boulware's policy - which included tough bargaining - became known as Boulwarism. Aspects were found to be unfair labor practices in the late 1960s. According to Time magazine, Boulware was semi-replaced as head of labor relations in 1957, although his policies continued and he remained with the firm for several more years. GE's bargaining position starting in the late 1940s was aided by a union split. The CIO expelled the UE as communist-dominated and created a rival IUE. The contest between these two unions weakened the labor side of the bargaining table. GE let Reagan go in the early 1960s after he became more political. One element appeared to be negative comments he made about the government-run TVA, a significant customer of GE's generating equipment. This is Part 1 of the radio interview. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Corporate Citizenship..........( Obligation to fellow citizens pure BS !!!!!!!! ) Reagan on Union-Management Relations in 1958 - Part 2
  25. John Armstrong - Francetta Schubert Interview John Armstrong - Francetta Schubert Interview (Tape deals with Lee Harvey Owsald) [1950's] Francetta Schubert-Fran was a student at Stripling Jr. High in Ft. Worth, TX in the 1954-55 school year. In the fall of 1954 she and her friends watched (Harvey) Oswald walk across the street to his home at 2220 Thomas Place every day for lunch (student Doug Gann remembered Oswald playing basketball on the schoolground). Fran remembered that Oswald was a year ahead of her and did not attend a full semester. While Harvey Oswald was attending Stripling, the tall, husky Lee Oswald was attending Beauregard Jr. High in New Orleans with a near-perfect attendance record. Ed Voebel took the infamous "classroom" photo of Lee Oswald in October, 1954 that appeared in Life Magazine in which he appears to have a missing front tooth. Voebel told the WC that he thought that Oswald lost a tooth in a fight with Johnny Neumeyer ############################################### John Armstrong - Myra DaRouse Larue Interview Part 1 (call me Harvey) Myra DaRouse Larue-Oswald's (Harvey) 8th grade home room teacher (and girls physical education teacher). When Oswald arrived in Myra's homeroom at Beauregard Jr. High in NO, during "basketball season," he told her that he wanted to be called "Harvey." Myra described Harvey as short, slight, and without an "ounce of fight" in him. Myra recalled the day when a piano fell onto Harvey. She took him to the Monte Lepre Clinic, on Canal Street, and then to his home on Exchange Alley. At this time, according to WC documents and WC testimony of Myrtle and Julian Evans (close friends of MO), LHO and his tall, nice-looking mother were living in one of their apartments on St. Marys Street. After the end of the 8th grade Myra never again saw Harvey. When I showed Myra a photograph of Oswald (Lee) in Life Magazine (9th grade-taken in October, 1954), she looked at the photo a long time and then said, "That's not Harvey. That's not the boy I knew from my homeroom. I don't know who this boy is." ================================================ John Armstrong - Myra DaRouse Larue Interview Part 2 (no part time job) ================================================= John Armstrong - Myra DaRouse Larue Interview Part 4 ================================================= John Armstrong - Myra DaRouse Larue Interview Part 5 ################################################## But speaking of unrefuted... that would be 7 pages worth of posts here by me. Why do you think your fellow cultists are staying away in droves, Steve? They have abandoned you because they realize the L & H fantasy is over. // end Parker == Golly I found your song. Legend In His own Mind (JANA HELLER - LYRICS ) He’s got looks like an angel And that’s a good start Everything’s in place Except he’s got no heart He’s got eyes for the mirror Or they’re over your head When you’re walking beside him You feel like you’re dead He’s a legend in his own mind He’s perfectly in tune He’s perfectly in time He’s a legend in his own mind He’s a legend in his own mind He’s read all the right books Seen all the right bands He’s got the answers written down In the palm of his hand He has the right hair colour Dressed oh so smart Everything’s in place Except he’s got no heart He’s a legend in his own mind He’s perfectly in tune He’s perfectly in time He’s a legend in his own mind He’s a legend in his own mind He’s so perfect He’s so perfect His girlfriend’s very skinny His friends have lots of coke He knows when to be sensitive And when to tell a joke He knows that he’s residing In everybody’s dreams He’s quite sure that he’s made it And what the hell that means He’s a legend in his own mind He’s perfectly in tune He’s perfectly in time He’s a legend in his own mind He’s a legend in his own mind He’s so perfect (He thinks) He’s so perfect He has a brand new band And they sound like xxxx But they wear the right clothes So they’ll get a smash hit He thinks Americans are vulgar Africans are quaint He knows besides Mother Theresa He’s the only living saint He’s a legend in his own mind He’s perfectly in tune He’s perfectly in time He’s a legend in his own mind He’s a legend in his own mind He’s a legend in his own mind
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