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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Rather, shouldn't one discuss claims based on their own merits? ABOVE FROM Matthew Lewis Yes, but Colby has methods to divert threads. Exampled below. see thread http://educationforu...showtopic=19328 ################################################################## At post #13 of this thread Colby interjected Religion into the thread . At post # 24 I go back on topic. Yet Colby cant help divert the thread (see rest of Colby's responses thread) GAAL POST #28 BELOW COLBY LIES Wow a reply in 8 minutes, it seems you have unlimited time and use it to constantly monitor and make posts on this site. You posted the above before 8AM your time shouldn't a good bible thumper like you be at church? // END COLBY POST # 13 COLBY You're the one who injected religion into this (Colby had wrongly accused me of starting on Religion) CASE CLOSED COLBY LIES ======================================================================== Bible thumper is a epithet Colby interjected into the thread. NOW USE YOUR THINKING CAP. HOW DOES COLBY KNOW , "it seems you have unlimited time and use it to constantly monitor and make posts on this site. ", unless Colby himself constantly monitors site. REALLY ODD KNOW ????
  2. WTC 7 FALL 94.8775 % of free fall speed. Common sense says demolition. Controlled Demolition and Freefall WTC7 . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Collapse Rates of the WTC Consistent With Controlled Demolition Posted by AdamT. http://911debunkers....stent-with.html
  3. Your source is misinformed or disingenuous the UK's Health Protection Agency and other doctors concluded he had been poisoned with Po210 and investigations implicated KGB agents he'd met just before falling ill. // END COLBY ---------------------------------------- Thats the British Government ?? Well golly , LONG LIVE THE QUEEN !!! Well I think the Brits did Litvinenko. Lets see , Im talking about demonization. Was there an example of demomization before ??? Ah Yes Qadaffii : kiling of police lady ouside of embassy (no), discotheque bombing West Berlin (no), Lockerbie bombing (no), preinvasion rapes (no). ###### lets go to Colby fantasy world... ROMNEY smart enough not to be blackmailed by CIA (JFK THREAD) ,but demon Putin stupid enough to use a poison that could be traced on the airplane seats of the SO-CALLED assassins back to Moscow. Does Colby use drugs or trance methods to enter the realm of fantasy....people need to know. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DEMON PUTIN THE WEST and Colby PROCLAIMS...I dont support Putin ,I support the truth. The oddball demonization lie of western elites on Putin , wholly swallowed by Colby, proclaims volumes about Colby.
  4. More than a hundred to one that 911 related put options done with foreknowlege. (see post # 9 above) Colby's own source stated," Conclusion We cannot prove that the pre-9/11 put options weren't made with foreknowledge of the attacks." =========================================== Historical Basis for 911 TRUTH in Video http://educationforu...showtopic=19249 ============================================ The Deafness Before the Storm By Kurt Eichenwald http://www.nytimes.c...nings.html?_r=2 ============================================ Two-hour special with Webster Tarpley: "46 Drills of 9/11" http://curezone.com/...m.asp?i=1851904 -------- if you dont want two hours try 59 video minutes below The 46 Drills of 9/11 by Webster Tarpley (article with table list of drills) http://coto2.wordpre...ebster-tarpley/ -------- Video Webster Tarpley on the 46 Drills of 9/11 ############################################## The weight of the evidence proclaims inside job. Case Closed -------------------------------------o-------------------------------------------
  5. Dear Mr. Lewis, Major events are sweeping the world. Bankers/corporations and their allies in the west are grabing more and more power against the common man. Giving the common man poisonous : food, medicine,international relationships, (false) vote counting,(lack) privacy and entertainment while stealing from them their assets. Giving the common man the highest insanity ,war. Mr. Colby takes the establishment position that none of what I just wrote about is true. Democracy and order are on the march via the stabilization of international trade agreements and NATOs military power. Silly Muslims,Christians , Putin,China and conspiracy theorists are holding back this wonderous New World Order. If he isnt a disinformationalist , he is doing the work of one as we exist in a time of world wide fundamental change. Now you can review Mr. Colby's posts. (Here and all around the net,since he was a poster re: 911 on at least 10 other sites.) Ten years ,right to the day after 911, Colby's posts became weaker. Why ? Was there a project to counter major 911 truth and said project was turned down some after a ten year contract period ???? Im only asking the question. THANK YOU Steven Gaal ################################################# Quigley was allowed to see the secret papers of the elites. We now are watching these events to become true. The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20 see http://educationforu...8163&hl=quigley
  6. NGOs dont only work for the CIA Independent' as in the MI6/NATO/Foundation run Syrian Observatory for Human Rights? Or how about Rifaat Assad, Bashar's butcherous uncle, exiled to a 10 million pound Mayfair townhouse in London, and used as a NATO tool based on his lust for a return to power? Rifaat was the commanding general during the 1982 Hama massacre that killed 35 to 40,000, and in 1983 tried to attempt a coup d' etat against Haffaz Assad. A real humanitarian he would make. ---------------- Syrian NGOs Working Directly With British Government http://landdestroyer...ectly-with.html snip It is quite clear that the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" based in London and receiving the entirety of their reports via "phone" & YouTube videos from Syria, is working in coordination with both US-funded NGOs and the British Foreign Minister. Considering that Hague similarly coddled Libyan opposition leaders in London while playing a key role in promoting the NATO attack on Libya and the subsequent installation of a BP oilman as "prime minister," Abdelrahman's consorting signifies a verbatim repeat of the now openly fraudulent and genocidal NATO campaign in Libya. Just as in Libya, where "human rights activists" have now admitted to fabricating the evidence used by the International Criminal Court and the United Nations to rubber stamp Wall Street and London's designs for regime change, likewise the "evidence" from Syria has turned out to be a complete fraud, derived by opposition "witnesses" and compiled by a corporate D.C. think-tank director into a UN "human rights report." The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights serves as the exclusive source of "reports" coming out of Syria despite the fact that it is actually, entirely based in London. While it is verified that the NGOs it works in tandem with are US-funded, the Observatory itself fails to publish where its money comes from or the backgrounds of those that constitute its membership. We then, are expected to simply believe on face value a mysterious organization whose head meets with the British government and their unverified "witness accounts" as evidence to initiate military intervention at the cost of potentially millions of lives. That the corporate-media has utterly failed to hold the Observatory accountable for its lack of transparency and parrots verbatim its absolutely unverified. undocumented reports as if they were factual gives us a new appreciation of the level on which we are being deceived across the Western world by the press. It is already confirmed that NATO-backed Libyan terrorists are on their way to Syria to oversee the "Free Syria Army," led by Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) commander Abdul Belhaj. It should be noted that LIFG is currently listed by the US State Department as a foreign terrorist organization (#26). Shortly thereafter, two bombs detonated in Damascus killing 44 people. France24 reported that the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood's official website claimed responsibility for the bombings, confirming that indeed, the "protests" were armed militants all along. snip ------------------------------------------------------------- It is one giant multi-media psy-op by the empiric US/UK/NATO bankster-banked powers to spin Syria into the next Iraq/Libya type war theatre. Assad is certainly no saint, and runs a fairly repressive regime (although not as repressive as the US's 'good friends' in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc), but what will follow will be so far beyond anything he would have ever produced in Syria in terms of death, destruction, and untold misery as to take your breath away. The last thing Assad would ever want is enflame sectarian violence, as he oversees an incredibly complex, highy fragmented society that is held together with multiple layers of delicate balance. Enough already with these damn wars of Western empire. ============================== http://www.democrati...1002&pid=821112
  7. Len Colby, on 12 September 2012 - 01:11 PM, said: Len Colby, on 11 September 2012 - 05:24 PM, said: Why am I not surprised to see Gaal citing an overtly White Supremacist website? No reply, no surprise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAAL RESPONSE =ABSURD IMPLICATIONS NEED NO RESPONSE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLBYS RESPONSE TO GAAL Care to answer 3 simple questions: 1) Are the site's views on race at all similar to yours? 2) IF not why did you link to it when there were many others with the same info? 3) What would your response have been if I had cited such a source? ########oooo######## Doesn't Colby's Postings remind you of someone in relation to POST #1 of this thread ? It does to me. COLBY'S questionings are absurd harassment by any other name.
  8. Care to answer 3 simple questions: 1) Are the site's views on race at all similar to yours? NO, BUT COLBY MORON FOR ASKING QUESTION 2) IF not why did you link to it when there were many others with the same info? CONVENIENCE, ANOTHER COLBY MORON QUESTION,FOUND IT FIRST < IF A HOLOCAUST DENIER SAYS THAT THE SUN SETS IN THE WEST<IM NOT GOING TO RETHINK ASTRONOMICAL FACTS. I LOVE THE TRUTH,THE TRUTH THE TRUTH I LOVE. 3) What would your response have been if I had cited such a source? NOTHING. RARELY LOOK ON YOUR SOURCES (EXCEPT NIST<WASHPo<NYT)
  9. How Pussy Riot and Berezovsky Plot Revolutions 13 September 2012 The Pussy Riot news story has come to resemble an information riot. The uproar pits two opposing factions: One side maintains the jail sentence handed down to the three members of the punk rock group is fair. The other views it as evidence of Kremlin suppression of free speech. Neither side seems to have put the whole picture together. The most recent round of sensational stories misquotes my comments about self-exiled tycoon Boris Berezovsky being behind the Pussy Riot incident. Some reports claim I hold absolute proof of that. Those claims are inaccurate. What I have noted, however, are interesting intersections between the Pussy Riot story and false media accounts claiming that Alexander Litvinenko was murdered in London in 2006 by Russian security agencies. The London coroner has never even concluded that Litvinenko was a victim of homicide, and there is no evidence that points definitively to Russia's role in his death. The false media stories may have been orchestrated by Berezovsky as a slap at the Russian state and its leaders. It was therefore startling to see in media reports that people and organizations that played key roles in the fallacious Litvinenko allegations are also connected to Pussy Riot. I first saw news reports that Alexander Goldfarb, who was born in Moscow and emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1975, was supposedly involved in raising funds for Pussy Riot's defense. I recognized his name from the Litvinenko case. Author of the 2007 book "Death of a Dissident: The Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko and the Return of the KGB" and reportedly on Berezovksy's payroll, Goldfarb was a principal spokesperson in spreading the stories of Litvinenko's supposed murder by Russian authorities. Goldfarb told Wired magazine recently that Pussy Riot is an inspiration to him. "The grace and courage and intelligence with which they handled themselves is all amazing, of course," he said. That set off my curiosity. I wondered how many common players are involved in the Pussy Riot and Litvinenko cases. Meanwhile, the London public relations firm Bell Pottinger had reportedly approached a well-known British music agent with the following proposal: If he could convince his pop star clients to make public statements in support of Pussy Riot, they would purportedly receive 100,000 euros ($129,000) in compensation. Notably, Bell Pottinger was instrumental in disseminating Litvinenko stories on behalf of Berezovsky. Is it just a coincidence that the same two players figure in two seemingly disparate cases? Or are the cases both examples of the same phenomenon: an organized plot to discredit the Kremlin? I don't know the answer to those questions, but it seems to me that the public champions of Pussy Riot and the journalists covering the story should earnestly be looking into that. Pussy Riot supporters portray the punk group as legitimate dissidents who stood up for free speech and opposed Putin's oppression. Wesleyan University professor Peter Rutland likened the Pussy Riot group to 19th-century writer Fyodor Dostoevsky on these opinion pages. He said the members represent "a long-standing tradition of dissent by the Russian intelligentsia." The gushing stories of support for Pussy Riot neglect to consider that the right to free speech is not a license to infringe on the legitimate rights of others. The U.S. Embassy in Cairo recently issued a statement regarding a Muslim-related issue: "Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others." Shouldn't that same concept apply to Pussy Riot? But was Pussy Riot's stunt sufficient to warrant a two-year sentence? One analyst told me that Pussy Riot "got two years for interrupting vacuum cleaning at the cathedral." If that's the case, it might have been more productive to sentence them to community service, perhaps vacuuming churches themselves. That would have given them an opportunity to learn some respect for others. Yet there is still one remaining common theme between the Pussy Riot and Litvinenko cases that is troubling. Berezovsky has not hidden his intent to foment a revolution in Russia. I've always suspected that the fabricated Litvinenko story fits into that scheme somehow. At the same time, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who is considered the leader of Pussy Riot, and her husband, Pyotr Verzilov, have also told the media that revolution is their main goal. That takes their seemingly juvenile stunts out of the realm of wanton exhibitionism. If this revolution talk is for real, then both sides have got the Pussy Riot story wrong. The issue is far more serious. Read more: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/how-pussy-riot-and-berezovsky-plot-revolutions/468108.html#ixzz26YGjwD1A The Moscow Times
  10. Insight Into The 9/11 Debate: 'Economists Are Scared' http://www.countercu...chall270412.htm One of those papers came from two professors and a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who studied abnormal trading in the S&P 500 index options prior to the 9/11 attacks. [3] Their study came to the conclusion that there was a high probability of insider trading in S&P 500 index options prior to September 11. What is very interesting about their results is that the underlying reports that were made available to the 9/11 Commission (which we didn't see until later) say that they could not examine the S&P 500 index options because trading in it is too extensive. Now why that becomes interesting is because the 9/11 Commission report had said that they made a wide-ranging study and they found no evidence of any sort of financial irregularities before 9/11, but also said the S&P 500 index options couldn't even be investigated - so the commission is kind of contradicting itself. And more than that, when some did investigate the S&P 500 index options, they find out that in fact it did have abnormal trading before 9/11, with high probability. The other paper, the third one, is from Professor Marc Chesney and two of his colleagues at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. [4] They are engaged in a long-term project which has been ongoing now for about five years, continually improving their work and it's getting larger and larger. What they do is they look at 14 corporations - five airlines, five banks and four other stocks. They also find that there was insider trading prior to 9/11 in a number of stocks, for example in Boeing and Merrill Lynch. We can discuss this further, but the basic message now is that there are three studies showing high probability of insider trading prior to 9/11, while there are no reports out there which are showing the opposite. We only have the 9/11 Commission report saying something different. Also interesting from Chesney's work is this: Michael Ruppert [author of Crossing the Rubicon] made a lot of noise about the enormity of the profits that were made on put options before 9/11 and he also talks about options that were not exercised after 9/11, suggesting that some people were afraid of exercising their options. [5] But if you look carefully at Chesney's paper, the detail in Chesney's paper indicates that every single put option was exercised by the time of its expiration day. So there wasn't anything left over. And in fact I have learned something along the way: If a put option is in the money on the day of the expiration date, it is automatically exercised. It isn't allowed to just expire. The other thing that came from Chesney that I wouldn't know otherwise: he is calculating the actual gains from exercising the put options, and you can add up his numbers, and he comes up to about US$15 million just on the put options that he has looked at. And if you double that in order to kind of add the other put options he didn't examine, it would be $30 million that could have been earned as a result of exercising the put option trades. The point I am making is that, for the put option trades, while important, we are not talking about billions of dollars here. There are other things that happened before and after 9/11 that were worth much more than $30 million. LS: Am I right that the paper about the S&P 500 Index and the study by Professor Chesney are both not challenged either? PZ: That's correct. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I might reply to your rantababble if I could decipher it, if you translate it to comprehensible English I'll consider replying. Post a link to the supposed put option exchange. //end COLBY OF COURSE YOU CANT RECALL IT. A mental block is either a repression of painful thoughts, or an inability to continue a train of thought, like in the case of writer's block. A similar phenomenon occurs when one cannot solve a problem in mathematics which one would normally consider simple. In the case of writer's block, many find it helpful to take a break and revisit their topic. Another tactic that is used when people with mental blocks are learning new information is repetition. Mental blocks can be caused by physical disabilities or simply a lack of focus. Mental blocks are also often used to describe a temporary inability to recall a name or other information.[1] Repression of painful thoughts, CAUSE ALL YOUR 911 work goes down the drain. Really want to find it ?? Cause all you would have to do is search this site for STEVEN GAAL and OPTION. COLBY WONT ACCEPT THIS FOREKNOWLEDGE SCIENTIFIC DATUM. I brought to the attention of Mr. Colby of a new put option analysis of 911 related stocks. The analysis indicated that there was AT LEAST a hundred to one statistical odds that there was foreknowlege in purchasing these 911 related put options. His refutations was very,very weak. The analysis was done by 3 economists. All he had to say was one one the PHd economists didnt have a speciality in put option analysis. YES BUT HE HAD TO HAVE STATISTICS TO GET HIS PHd in economics. BUT MORE IMPORTANT the other two fellows , IT WAS THEIR SPECIALITY !! PUT OPTION ANALYSIS was the specialty of the other two economists. So again and again COLBY (who worships the afore above post mentioned "Gray Lady" aka NYT ) calls for experience and expertise in various issues. WELL HERE HE HAS experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise ....but now he wont accept it........... ####################################### FOREKNOWLEDGE PROVEN, CASE CLOSED
  11. ITS ON THE INTERNET NOW ABOUT SCIENTISTS LYING RIGHT NOW ABOUT GMO FOOD SAFETY. ($$$$$$$$). SCIENTISTS ALSO LIE ABOUT FRACKING RIGHT NOW. BP gave funding to whole colleges/facuties to downplay GULF OIL damage. In the pasts hundreds of Tobacco scientists lied about the effects of tobbaco.....golly Mr. Colby has very intimate knowledge of that. Funding increased for NIST right after 911.(HOWEVER,it was called war on terror increase. WINK WINK.How about false flag payoff ?) Pharmaceutical scientists also have a long history of not stating the truth. JUST INHALE THE TRUTH OF INSIDE JOB. The Destruction of WTC 7 KEVIN RYAN http://11syyskuu.blo...n-of-wtc-7.html In December 2007, it was acknowledged in the advisory committee meeting of the NIST that the fires in WTC 7 were ordinary office fires and burned out in any given location in 20 minutes. In such a short time, the temperature of fire-protected steel members would have maxed out below 200 degrees Celsius (or ~400 degrees Fahrenheit). Such temperatures have no effect on construction steel. Buried in the final report is NIST's acknowledgement of a period of 2.25 seconds of total freefall, covering a distance of approximately 8 stories. The implications of the sudden total lack of structural support provided by 80 support columns over numerous stories are not discussed. Perhaps NIST's report needs to be analyzed in the light of how Dr S. Shyam Sunder, NIST's lead WTC investigator, interviewed in New York Magazine, summed up the state of the investigation back in 2006:
  12. Rate of Building 7's Fall http://911research.w...wtc7/speed.html WTC 7's Facade Plunged at a Nearly Free-Fall Rate difference, feet 0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.65 0.0 0.0 1 0.5 0 0.0 -0.15 0.0 0.0 2 1.0 0.2 6.0 0.35 2.0 -4.0 3 1.5 1.0 12.0 0.85 11.6 -0.4 4 2.0 2.4 28.8 1.35 29.2 -0.4 5 2.5 4.5 54.0 1.85 54.8 +0.8 6 3.0 7.3 87.6 2.35 88.4 +0.8 7 3.5 10.7 128.4 2.85 130.0 +1.6 8 4.0 14.2 170.4 3.35 179.6 +9.2 (ESTIMATES OF FREE FALL VS BUILDING FALL PLUS MINUS SECONDS ARE LAST COLUMN, DONE VIA VIDEO APPROXIMATION. SMALL ERRORS AT TWO POINTS ,BUT IM TAKING THE END POINT DATUM<GAAL) The rightmost column gives the free-fall distances minus the facade displacements. The differences are within the estimated margin of error for the facade displacement measurements for all but the first and final frames. This shows that the facade of WTC 7 accelerated downward at very close to the rate of free-fall in at least its first three seconds of descent, FALL 94.8775 % of free fall speed. Common sense says demolition. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.thenakeds...p?topic=31152.0 Posts: 5 Reply #7 on: 02/12/2010 22:35:13 Quote from: CliffordK on 01/12/2010 08:29:21 Ok... I watched all 3 videos. These three, right? (that's part I) Sorry, my current location isn't cooperating with all the links. Quote As far as I could tell, one big issue was the start and end time in the analysis. David Chandler seemed to only look at the video until the center of the building was obscured, while NIST apparently continued until none of the building was visible. In NIST's report they claimed that the time the building took to fall for the first ~17 stories (the portion you refer to) was 40% longer than it would have taken in freefall, and that is what's being addressed. Please pay closer attention, as that was quite clear in the video (though David refers to it as 18 stories worth). NIST says ~17 floors = 3.9 seconds if they were in freefall but 'their model' showed it took 5.4 seconds. They blatantly avoid any mention of actual analysis and mention this is the result from their model, at first. Quote See discussion around minute 2:22 on second video. A large portion of the building to the right is still clearly visible after David Chandler stopped his measuring. Again, so did NIST, at least in the aspects of the argument in the videos, "till it disappeared from view between the two buildings seen in the video". Then they offer the average speed in rebuttal to an acceleration question, an average speed with an additional 1.5 seconds completely fabricated to match their model's number. Quote There may have been a period near the start of the collapse where the acceleration was high, approaching 1G. However, the rest of the collapse appeared to fall at constant velocity (nearly zero acceleration). Are you just making things up as a rebuttal? Neither NIST nor David made such a claim, why do you? Their data shows acceleration. It's the rate of acceleration that is in question. Quote Sorry, I have no demolition experience. I do find it interesting that the roof comes down nearly evenly, parallel to the ground, except for the center section that comes crashing down first (and may even completely disappear from view). Naturally occurring symmetrical collapse from asymmetrical damage in such a well built building would definitely yield some new theories in engineering and physics. Quote Many of these skyscrapers depend on a central columnar support (perhaps around the so-called penthouse). If that central column buckled, then it might take the rest of the building down pretty much stepwise as apparently happened. And do you realize that a collapse of that portion of the structure would lose significant amounts of kenetic energy in order to move the intact, sturdy portions surrounding it? Quote As far as what happened to the concrete and steel... These are huge, massive buildings. I'm showing: 200,000 tons of steel 425,000 cubic yards of concrete. 12,000 miles of power lines. Anybody volunteer to store that in their backyard? How about a chunk of land designated to holding the evidence one of the greatest crimes this nation has every incurred? Quote At 1¢ to 4¢ per pound, for scrap steel... that is $20 to $80 per ton. That gives somewhere between $4 Million and $16 Million in scrap steel. I suppose just a drop in the bucket when compared to the entire value of the buildings and cleanup, but should the government seize it? Money should not usurp justice, but many would disagree with me here and take your stance that the money matters more. The rest of your post has nothing to do with the topic if we are to remain focused, and that is what I wish. It's mostly fallacy and assumptions that can't be made without actually delving into study on the matter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FALL 94.8775 % of free fall speed. Common sense says demolition.
  13. RELATED Foreign NGOs and Malaysia’s Logging Scandal http://www.globalres...ogging-scandal/
  14. The Destruction of WTC 7 http://11syyskuu.blo...n-of-wtc-7.html In December 2007, it was acknowledged in the advisory committee meeting of the NIST that the fires in WTC 7 were ordinary office fires and burned out in any given location in 20 minutes. In such a short time, the temperature of fire-protected steel members would have maxed out below 200 degrees Celsius (or ~400 degrees Fahrenheit). Such temperatures have no effect on construction steel. Buried in the final report is NIST's acknowledgement of a period of 2.25 seconds of total freefall, covering a distance of approximately 8 stories. The implications of the sudden total lack of structural support provided by 80 support columns over numerous stories are not discussed. Perhaps NIST's report needs to be analyzed in the light of how Dr S. Shyam Sunder, NIST's lead WTC investigator, interviewed in New York Magazine, summed up the state of the investigation back in 2006: NIST did have "some preliminary hypotheses" on 7 WTC, Dr. Sunder said. "We are studying the horizontal movement east to west, internal to the structure, on the fifth to seventh floors." Then Dr. Sunder paused. "But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7." ###################################################### Rate of Building 7's Fall WTC 7's Facade Plunged at a Nearly Free-Fall Rate http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/wtc7/speed.html
  15. I might reply to your rantababble if I could decipher it, if you translate it to comprehensible English I'll consider replying. Post a link to the supposed put option exchange. //end COLBY OF COURSE YOU CANT RECALL IT. A mental block is either a repression of painful thoughts, or an inability to continue a train of thought, like in the case of writer's block. A similar phenomenon occurs when one cannot solve a problem in mathematics which one would normally consider simple. In the case of writer's block, many find it helpful to take a break and revisit their topic. Another tactic that is used when people with mental blocks are learning new information is repetition. Mental blocks can be caused by physical disabilities or simply a lack of focus. Mental blocks are also often used to describe a temporary inability to recall a name or other information.[1] Repression of painful thoughts, CAUSE ALL YOUR 911 work goes down the drain. Really want to find it ?? Cause all you would have to do is search this site for STEVEN GAAL and OPTION. ========================================================================== Below plain English and not rantababble as you describe. You cant even read the information !!!!!!!!!!!!! Golly gee ,this is a very good example of mental block. Colby has forgotten how to read. ===================================================================== I brought to the attention of Mr. Colby of a new put option analysis of 911 related stocks. The analysis indicated that there was AT LEAST a hundred to one statistical odds that there was foreknowlege in purchasing these 911 related put options. His refutations was very,very weak. The analysis was done by 3 economists. All he had to say was one one the PHd economists didnt have a speciality in put option analysis. YES BUT HE HAD TO HAVE STATISTICS TO GET HIS PHd in economics. BUT MORE IMPORTANT the other two fellows , IT WAS THEIR SPECIALITY !! PUT OPTION ANALYSIS was the specialty of the other two economists. So again and again COLBY (who worships the afore above post mentioned "Gray Lady" aka NYT ) calls for experience and expertise in various issues. WELL HERE HE HAS experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise ....but now he wont accept it........... ########################################################### FOREKNOWLEDGE PROVEN, CASE CLOSED
  16. WHAT HATH COLBY WRATH ???????? 10 More Orthodox Crosses Chopped Down http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/10-more-orthodox-crosses-chopped-down/467631.html +++++++++++++++++++++ Pussy Riot? More Like Pussy War MOSCOW—Yesterday afternoon, two women—a mother and her 38-year-old daughter—were found stabbed to death in the southeastern city of Kazan. By the time the news reached Moscow this morning, it arrived with a new bit of information: someone had scrawled “Free Pussy Riot” on the hallway wall. In blood. It’s not clear who did this—or, more significantly, why—but two weeks after the three young women of Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in jail for singing a “punk prayer” in the main church of the capital, the story continues to roil Russian society. And “pussy” continues to appear in Russian headlines. On the morning the sentence was to be handed down, members of the topless feminist group FEMEN in Kiev, Ukraine took a chainsaw to a giant wooden cross commemorating the victims of Stalin’s repressions. Soon, copycats were popping up across Russia. The latest cross was felled by Pussy Riots supporters in the subarctic city of Arkhangelsk. This prompted outrage from the Orthodox community, with the Church’s sharp-tongued spokesman Vsevolod Chaplin darkly prophesying that “those who fell crosses today may move on to murder in the future.” Sure enough, four days later, two women turned up dead with “Free Pussy Riot” scrawled on the wall, as Kremlin loyalists trilled their I-told-you-so’s. (“If you still think that breaking the norms of behavior in a church doesn’t change anything, I recommend you read the latest news,” one of them tweeted.) As if this weren’t enough, shortly after the double-murder swamped the headlines, news broke of a man who had been stabbed to death in St. Petersburg. Whoever killed him left a religious icon on his head. All of this has put Team Pussy Riot on the defensive, with the women’s lawyers trying to distance themselves from the violence. They have labeled the blood graffiti “a case for a psychiatrist” and called the Archangelsk cross-fellers “two mentally-retarded youths.” The faithful, however, have felt compelled to respond in kind. Shortly after the Pussy Riot verdict, there were reports of them attacking people wearing “Free Pussy Riot” t-shirts. One young man, a veteran of the second Chechen War and head of the “Holy Rus” organization, announced that he would form bands of Orthodox “volunteers” to patrol Russia for crimes against sacred artifacts and priests. In truth, Pussy Riot only heightened the cultural tensions underlying Russian society. In the last few years, criticism has mounted against an Orthodox Church that is increasingly lavish (the Church’s press service recently admitted to airbrushing a $30,000 Breguet watch of the patriarch’s wrist), increasingly unapologetic (Chaplin called the patriarch’s sumptuous lifestyle his “cross”), increasingly brazen (a woman thought to be Patriarch Kirill’s lover is suing to take over the apartment of a famous cardiologist dying of cancer) and increasingly seen as a Kremlin franchise. This winter, as anti-Kremlin protests broke out in Moscow, the patriarch called on people to go to church instead, and later enthusiastically endorsed Vladimir Putin ahead of the March presidential election. The people who took to the streets demanding fair elections have, with the help of Pussy Riot, come to see the Church as their enemy, too. On the other hand, there’s no doubt that Putin’s popularity depends, in part, on his support for the Church. (Support that’s not just rhetorical: He returned religious art to the Church from state museums and, the day before his most recent inauguration, he inaugurated a chapel that would pray for his health around the clock.) The Church’s militantly anti-Western, anti-liberal rhetoric appeals to Putin’s natural base of support, most of it in smaller, poorer cities. This population, if they’ve heard of Pussy Riot at all, is conservative, religious, and nationalistic, and finds the ideas of the opposition deeply alien. It is also a fairly huge population. Given the increasing economic and political tensions in the country, these two Russias were bound to come to blows. And, as usual, religion has provided an easy, steadily burning fuse.
  17. NIST during a period after they completed most of their WTC research. // END Colby +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yes ,lie first then the CASH. UP UP AND AWAY FOR FUNDING Presidents FY 2013 Budget Request for NIST Targets Advanced ...www.nist.gov › Public and Business Affairs Office › News ReleasesCached Feb 13, 2012 – More than half of the proposed increased funding would be focused on advanced manufacturing research both at NIST laboratories and ... ======== NIST Announces Funding Opportunity to Increase Energy Efficiency inwww.nist.gov › Feb 16, 2012 – NIST's Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the Department of Energy are making available up to $1.3 million for training programs to ... ======== NIST Budget Request Proposes 7.3 Percent Increase in Fundingwww.nist.gov › Public and Business Affairs Office › Feb 16, 2010 – The fiscal year (FY) 2011 budget request for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) submitted to Congress proposes a ... ======== At NIST, 14% Budget Increase Would Measure Up Nicely - Sciencenews.sciencemag.org › News › ScienceInsider › February 2012 Feb 13, 2012 – More than half of the proposed increase would go to programs designed to improve manufacturing technologies, part of the Administration's ... ======== Increased Spending Focus of NSF, NIST Budget Hearing ...science.house.gov › Mar 11, 2011 – Washington D.C. – Today in a hearing to review the fiscal year 2012 (FY12) budget requests at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the ... ======== Senate Committee Passes Funding Increases for NSF, NIST ...www.genomeweb.com › GenomeWeb Daily News Apr 23, 2012 – The funding for NIST would include an increase of $56 million for NIST's laboratories and technical research, as well as $128.5 million for its ... ======== FY2013 Request would Maintain but Delay NSF, DOE Science, and ...www.aip.org/fyi/2012/020.html Feb 14, 2012 – Funding would remain roughly flat for the National Institutes of Health, ... of Standards and Technology (NIST) would increase by 4.4 percent. ======== Obama Increases Budget For NIST's Tech Efforts - Government ...www.informationweek.com/...increases-budget-for-nists.../22921868 Feb 15, 2011 – "It's a historic investment in IT-related technologies," said National Institute of Standards and Technology director Patrick Gallagher. You are a pitiful figure, a victim of your own intellectual limitations and other issues.
  18. YOU ARE NOW PROVEN OF LOW IMAGINATION ( GAAL) when you didn't have a good reply here changed the subject, you have spread discussion of Syria over several threads and of Pussy Riot over two. // END COLBY YOU ARE NOW PROVEN OF LOW IMAGINATION ( GAAL) Wired: Natural Gas Fracking Industry Paying Off Scientists http://educationforu...showtopic=19353 NIST = Payed Off Scientists when you didn't have a good reply here changed the subject, you have spread discussion of Syria over several threads and of Pussy Riot over two. // END COLBY (edit emphasis Gaal) YOU ARE NOW PROVEN OF LOW IMAGINATION ( GAAL) NIST – The new GSA travel controversy? http://blogs.ajc.com...el-controversy/ ################################################ Lies about the WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories KEVIN RYAN March 28, 2006 Turn on C-Span, or "Meet The Press," or any other media program presenting federal officials. Whatever the issue, it always comes back to the same thing. Our government really has nothing else to offer us but protection from another 9/11. It uses this painful story to cut public services, eliminate our basic rights, and plunder the national coffers. But for many of us, it is not entirely clear from whom we most need protection.1 As our debt explodes and our freedoms diminish, it would be wise to maintain focus on the origins of our War on Terror. No matter where this war leads us, we will need to keep the beginning in mind if we ever hope to see an end. The Point of Origin: The Collapse of the WTC Many have found that the 9/11 Commission not only failed to help us understand what happened; it also omitted or distorted most of the facts.2 But if we really want to zero in on the exact turning point around which we plunged into chaos, we need to focus in particular on the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings. This is where our hearts were wrenched and our minds were made ready for never-ending war, torture, and apparently the end of everything that was American. If we are ever to emerge from this insanity, we need to know how three tall buildings collapsed due to fire, all on the same day, when no such thing has ever happened before. The Twin Towers and Why They Fell It would help to begin with an accurate description of the WTC towers in terms of quality of design and construction. In July of 1971, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presented a national award judging the buildings to be "the engineering project that demonstrates the greatest engineering skills and represents the greatest contribution to engineering progress and mankind."3 Others noted that "the World Trade Center towers would have an inherent capacity to resist unforeseen calamities." This capacity stemmed from the use of special high-strength steels. In particular, the perimeter columns were designed with tremendous reserve strength whereby "live loads on these columns can be increased more than 2,000% before failure occurs."4 One would expect that any explanation for the destruction of such buildings would need to be very solid as well. Four years after 9/11, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) finally did give us their version of "why and how" two of the buildings collapsed, but its explanation may be even less effective than the 9/11 Commission report.5 Now that the official story has been given, however, we can see just how weak and ill-defined our basis for this War on Terror has been all along. Additionally, we can track the evolution of official comments about collapse and see who was involved. Selling the Official Story: Some Key Players Shankar Nair, whose statement quoted above is quite telling, was one of those "experts" on whom the government depended to support what turned out to be an ever-changing, but always flimsy, story. Many of the scientists involved in the investigation were asked to examine ancillary issues, like escape routes and other emergency response factors. But those few who attempted to explain what really needed explaining, the unique events of fire-induced collapse, appear to have engaged in what can only be called anti-science. That is, they started with their conclusions and worked backward to some "leading hypotheses." Not surprisingly, many of the contractors who contributed to the NIST investigation, like the company for which Nair works, just happen to depend on good relationships with the government in order to earn their living. What may be a surprise is just how lucrative these relationships can be. For example, Nair's company, Teng & Associates, boasts of Indefinite Quantity Contracts, long-term relationships with federal government agencies, and federal projects worth in excess of $40 million.6 Others who worked so hard to maintain the official story included Gene Corley, a concrete construction expert listed by the National Directory of Expert Witnesses as a source for litigation testimony.7 Corley was more than just a witness, however. He had led the Oklahoma City bombing investigation and then was asked to lead the initial ASCE investigation into the WTC disaster. Perhaps someone else, with less experience in bombings and more experience in fires, would have been a better choice. But without authority to save samples or even obtain blueprints, the ASCE investigation was ineffective anyway. Corley himself ended up being a very versatile resource, however, providing testimony supporting the pre-determined conclusions many times, and even posing as a reporter during an NIST media session.8 There was really no need for phony media coverage. As with The 9/11 Commission Report and the lead-up to the Iraq War, the major media simply parroted any explanations, or non-explanations, given in support of the official story. One example is from a television program called "The Anatomy of September 11th," which aired on the History Channel. Corley took the lead on this one as well, but James Glanz, a New York Times reporter, was also interviewed and helped to spread what is probably the worst excuse for collapse given. He told us that the fires heated the steel columns so much (the video suggested 2500 F) that they were turned into "licorice." Other self-proclaimed experts have been heard promoting similar theories.9 They will probably come to regret it. This is because the results of physical tests performed by NIST's own Frank Gayle proved this theory to be a ridiculous exaggeration, as some people already knew. The temperatures seen by the few steel samples saved, only about 500 F, were far too low to soften, let alone melt, even un-fireproofed steel. Of course that result could have been calculated, knowing that 4,000 gallons of jet fuel10 ---not 24,000 gallons or 10,000 gallons, as some reports have claimed---were sprayed into an open-air environment over several floors, each comprised of more than 1,000 metric tons of concrete and steel. Another expert who served on NIST's advisory committee was Charles Thornton, of the engineering firm Thornton and Tomasetti. Thornton's partner, Richard Tomasetti, was reported to be behind the unprecedented and widely criticized decision to destroy most of the steel evidence.11 Early on Thornton said: "Karl, we all know what caused the collapse." He was talking to Karl Koch, whose company erected the WTC steel. Koch attempted to clarify as follows. "I could see it in my mind's eye: The fire burned until the steel was weakened and the floors above collapsed, starting a chain reaction of gravity, floor falling upon floor upon floor, clunk – clunk – clunk, the load gaining weight and momentum by the nanosecond, unstoppable. Once enough floors collapsed, the exterior walls and the core columns were no longer laterally supported and folded in."12 This is a description of what was called the Pancake Theory, the most widely accepted version of what happened. The Pancake Theory was promoted by an influential 2002 NOVA video called "Why the Towers Fell," in which Corley (yet again) and Thornton were the primary commentators. Both of them talked about the floors collapsing, and Thornton described how the perimeter columns buckled outward, not inward as Koch had described. The video made a number of false claims, including exaggeration of the temperatures (2000 F), remarks about melting steel, and the incredible statement that two-thirds of the columns in WTC1 (the North Tower) were completely severed. NIST's report now indicates that only about 14% of the columns in WTC1 were severed, and in some photos we can count most of these for ourselves.13 NIST and Underwriters Laboratories In August 2004, Underwriters Laboratories evaluated the Pancake Theory by testing models of the floor assemblies used in the WTC buildings. Despite all the previous expert testimony, the floor models did not collapse. NIST reported this in its October 2004 update, in a table of results that clearly showed that the floors did not fail and that, therefore, pancaking was not possible.14 NIST more succinctly stated this again in its June 2005 draft report, saying: "The results established that this type of assembly was capable of sustaining a large gravity load, without collapsing, for a substantial period of time relative to the duration of the fires in any given location on September 11th."15 At the time of the floor tests, I worked for Underwriters Laboratories (UL). I was very interested in the progress of these tests, having already asked some sensitive questions. My interest began when UL's CEO, Loring Knoblauch, a very experienced executive with a law degree from Harvard, surprised us at the company's South Bend location, just a few weeks after 9/11, by saying that UL had certified the steel used in the WTC buildings. Knoblauch told us that we should all be proud that the buildings had stood for so long under such intense conditions. In retrospect it is clear that all of us, including Knoblauch, were ignorant of many important facts surrounding 9/11 and did not, therefore, see his statements as particularly important. Over the next two years, however, I learned more about the issues, like the unprecedented destruction of the steel evidence and the fact that no tall steel-frame buildings have ever collapsed due to fire. And I saw video of the owner of the buildings, stating publicly that he and the fire department made the decision to "pull"---that is, to demolish---WTC7 that day,16 even though demolition requires many weeks of planning and preparation. Perhaps most compelling for me were the words of a genuine expert on the WTC. This was John Skilling, the structural engineer responsible for designing the towers.17 (The NOVA video, incidentally, gave this credit to Leslie Robertson. But Robertson, who never claimed to have originated the design, was only a junior member of the firm [Worthington, Skilling, Helle and Jackson], and Skilling was known at the time to be the engineer in charge.) In 1993, five years before his death, Skilling said that he had performed an analysis on jet plane crashes and the ensuing fires and that "the building structure would still be there."18 By 2003, all of this information was available to anyone who cared. The details were, without a doubt, difficult to reconcile with testimony from officials, reporters, and scientists who were supporting the official story. But in November of that year, I felt that answers from UL were needed. If, as our CEO had suggested, our company had tested samples of steel components and listed the results in the UL Fire Resistance Directory almost forty years ago, Mr. Skilling would have depended on these results to ensure that the buildings were sufficiently fire resistant. So I sent a formal written message to our chief executive, outlining my thoughts and asking what he was doing to protect our reputation. Knoblauch's written response contained several points. He wrote: "We test to the code requirements, and the steel clearly met those requirements and exceeded them." He pointed to the NYC code used at the time of the WTC construction, which required fire resistance times of 3 hours for building columns, and 2 hours for floors. From the start, his answers were not helping to explain fire-induced collapse in 56 minutes (the time it took WTC2, the South Tower, to come down). But he did give a better explanation of UL's involvement in testing the WTC steel, even talking about the quality of the sample and how well it did. "We tested the steel with all the required fireproofing on," he wrote, "and it did beautifully."19 This response was copied to several UL executives, including Tom Chapin, the manager of UL's Fire Protection division. Chapin reminded me that UL was the "leader in fire research testing," but he clearly did not want to make any commitments on the issue. He talked about the floor assemblies, how these had not been UL tested, and he made the misleading claim that UL does not certify structural steel. But even an introductory textbook lists UL as one of the few important organizations supporting codes and specifications because they "produce a Fire Resistance Index with hourly ratings for beams, columns, floors, roofs, walls and partitions tested in accordance with ASTM Standard E119."20 He went on to clarify that UL tests assemblies of which steel is a component. This is a bit like saying "we don't crash test the car door, we crash test the whole car." In any case, Chapin suggested that we be patient and wait for the report from NIST, because the investigation into the "collapse of WTC buildings 1, 2, and 7" was an ongoing process and that "UL is right in the middle of these activities."21 For the most part, I did wait, although I shared my concerns with Chapin again at UL's Leadership Summit in January 2004. I encouraged him to ask for a company news release on our position, but this did not happen and I never heard from him again. By the time UL tested the floor assembly models in August of that year, I had been promoted to the top management job in my division, Environmental Health Laboratories, overseeing all company functions. Two months later, NIST released an official update that included the floor test results, as well as Frank Gayle's results, in which steel temperatures were predicted. These results clearly invalidated the major theories of collapse, because pancaking could not occur without floor collapse and steel does not turn to licorice at the temperatures discussed. After reviewing this update, I sent a letter directly to Dr. Gayle at NIST. In this letter, I referred to my experiences at UL and asked for more information on the WTC investigation and NIST's soon-to-be-published conclusions. NIST had planned at the time to release its final report in December, with time allowed for public comment. After I allowed my letter to become public,22 this date was moved to January 2005, and then nothing was heard from NIST for several months. Other than UL's involvement in testing the steel components, the facts I stated had all been reported publicly, but when I put them together plainly, they were considered outrageous. Five days after I sent my letter, I was fired by UL for doing so. The company made a few brief statements in an attempt to discredit me, then quickly began to make it clear that its relationship with the government, perhaps due to its tax-exempt status, was more important than its commitment to public safety. For example, in spite of Tom Chapin's previous statements, UL suggested that it had played only a "limited" role in the investigation. Despite what our CEO, Loring Knoblauch, had written and copied to several executives, UL said there was "no evidence" that any firm had tested the steel used in the WTC buildings.23 In doing so, UL implied that its CEO not only had fabricated this story about testing the WTC steel but had also spoken and written about it for several years without anyone in the company correcting him. As I see it, the only other option was that the company claiming to be our "Public Safety Guardian" was lying to us about the most important safety issue of our lives. My experiences give a taste for the delicate nature of our critical turning point. But to keep our focus, we should examine what NIST did with the results of its physical tests, which had failed to support its conclusions. Did NIST perform more tests, at least to prove its key argument that much of the fireproofing on the steel in the Twin Towers popped off due to the impact of the airliners? No, it did not. Instead, NIST put together a black box computer model that would spit out the right answers. This black box model was driven by initial parameters that could be tweaked. When the parameters that had initially been considered "realistic" did not generate results that "compared to observed events," NIST scientists performed their final analysis using another set of parameters they called "more severe."24 When they were finished, their model produced video graphics that would enable anyone to see the buildings collapse without having to follow a train of logic to get there. Tom Chapin of UL was one of those doomed to make public comments in support of NIST's final report. His comments were innocuous enough but he did hint at something of value. "The effect of scale of test assemblies...," Chapin said, "requires more investigation."25 This may be the closest thing to a straightforward statement that we will ever see from UL on the matter. But it seems clear enough that results showing zero floor collapse, when scaled-up from the floor panels to a few floors, would still result in zero floor collapse. Perhaps a more direct version of Chapin's comment might be that test results negating predetermined conclusions should not be used to prove them. Other than the video, NIST left us with only some vague statements about a few sagging floors suddenly destroying two hundred super-strong perimeter columns and forty core columns. But since sagging floors do not weigh more than non-sagging floors, it is difficult to see how this might occur, especially so uniformly. NIST claimed the perimeter columns saw increased loads of between 0 and 25% due to the damage, but it never reconciled this with the original claim that these columns could resist 2000% increases in live load. And the outward-buckling theory, suggested by Thornton, was changed again to inward buckling---apparently the forces involved were never well defined. Additionally, NIST suggested that the documents that would support testing of the steel components, along with documents containing Skilling's jet-fuel-fire analysis, could not be found.26 Ultimately, NIST failed to give any explanation for the dynamics of the towers as they fell, about how and why they dropped like rocks in free-fall. For both buildings, NIST simply stated that "once the upper building section began to move downwards . . ., global collapse ensued," as if just saying so was enough.27 As for WTC7, NIST as of yet has not elaborated on its "working collapse hypothesis," which was vaguely presented in June 2004.28 The bottom line is that, after more than four years, it is still impossible for the government even to begin to explain the primary events that drive this War on Terrorism. So much has been sacrificed, and so much has been invested in this story, that we all have a need for supportive answers. But when we look for those answers, all our "mind's eye" can see is this smoky black box, where scientific results are reversed to support politically correct, pre-determined conclusions. That critical point of divergence, where our lives were turned upside down and all logic followed, has always been too painful to imagine. But now, without expert accounts of pancaking floors and licorice steel, it cannot be imagined at all. Some of us remain hopeful that we can still achieve a critical mass awareness of the need for truth, and in doing so pull the support out from under what John McMurtry calls "the 9/11 Wars."29 But if we cannot, even as the hopes for peace fade and the number of 9/11 families continues to grow, we should remember how we got this story and how it was propped up despite all the evidence against it. Because whatever happens next, after the smoke clears, our children may have a need to know. NOTES [1] Richard Heinberg, "Götterdämmerung," Museletter, No.144, March 2004 (http://www.museletter.com/archive/144.html). [2] David Ray Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (Northampton: Interlink Books, 2005). Griffin summarizes the omissions and distortions in "The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie," 911 Visibility Project, May 22, 2005 (http://www.septembereleventh.org/new...2-571pglie.php). [3] Angus K. Gillespie, Twin Towers: The Life of New York City's World Trade Center (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press 1999), 117. [4] "How Columns Will Be Designed for 110-Story Buildings," Engineering News-Record, April 2, 1964: 48-49. [5] Jim Hoffman, "Building a Better Mirage: NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century," 911Research.wtc7.net, December 8, 2005 (http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/nist/index.html). [6] Website for Teng & Associates (http://www.teng.com/teng2k3/mainframe.asp). [7] Website for National Directory of Expert Witnesses (http://national-experts.com/members2...07572&d_lnum=2). [8] Archived webcast video of NIST press briefing, NIST News Release website, June 23, 2005 (http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/r...g_june2305.htm), 01:15:10. [9] Sheila Barter, "How the World Trade Center Fell," BBC News, September 13, 2001 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1540044.stm). [10] Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), "World Trade Center Building Performance Study," May 2005, Chapter 2. [11] James Glanz and Eric Lipton, City in the Sky: The Rise and Fall of the World Trade Center (New York: Times Books, 2003), 330. [12] Karl Koch III with Richard Firstman, Men of Steel: The Story of the Family that Built the World Trade Center (New York: Crown Publishers, 2002), 365. [13] Eric Hufschmid, Painful Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th Attack (Goleta, Calif.: Endpoint Software, 2002), 27. [14] Table of results from Underwriters Laboratories August 2004 floor model tests, as presented by NIST in October 2004 (http://wtc.nist.gov/media/P6StandardFireTestsforWeb.pdf), 25. [15] NIST, Final Report of the National Construction Safety Team on the Collapses of the World Trade Center Towers(Draft) (http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/NISTNCSTAR1draft.pdf), 195. [16] Silverstein's statement is contained in "America Rebuilds," PBS documentary, 2002 (www.pbs.org/americarebuilds). It can be viewed (www.infowars.com/Video/911/wtc7_pbs.WMV) or heard on audio file (http://VestigialConscience.com/PullIt.mp3). [17] "Structures Can Be Beautiful, World's Tallest Buildings Pose Esthetic and Structural Challenge to John Skilling," Engineering News-Record, April 2, 1964: 124. [18] Glanz and Lipton, City in the Sky, 138. [19] Underwriters Laboratories email correspondence, December 1, 2003. [20] Samuel H. Marcus, Basics of Structural Steel (Reston, Va.: Reston Publishing 1977), 20. [21] Underwriters Laboratories email correspondence, December 1, 2003. [22] Kevin Ryan, "The Collapse of the WTC," 911 Visibility Project, November 11, 2004 (http://www.septembereleventh.org/new...11-11-ryan.php). [23] John Dobberstein, "Area Man Stirs Debate on WTC Collapse," South Bend Tribune, November 22, 2004 (http://www.911truth.org/article.php?...41124095100856). [24] NIST, Final Report, 196. [25] Comments from Underwriters Laboratories on NIST WTC report, NIST website (http://wtc.nist.gov/comments/ULI_Ganesh_Rao_8-5-05.pdf). [26] Archived webcast video of NIST press briefing, NIST News Release website, June 23, 2005 (http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/r...g_june2305.htm), 01:18:50. [27] NIST, Final Report, 197. [28] NIST presentation on WTC7 collapse investigation, NIST website (http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/June2004WTC...lysisPrint.pdf). [29] John McMurtry, "9/11 and the 9/11 Wars: Understanding the Supreme Crimes." In David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott, eds., 9/11 and the American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (Northampton: Interlink Books, 2006). My present essay will also appear in this volume. __________________ You can read my recent articles here: http://www.activistpost.com/2012/04/...e-writing.html http://wideshut.co.uk/australian-gre...al-governance/ http://wideshut.co.uk/most-britons-g...istence-level/
  19. 911 Saga: WTC7 Computer Models Used As Smoke Curtains for Truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCgCWqiViYQ ============================================ My Response to Chris Mohr This is a response to Chris Mohr's rebuttal to Richard Gage on Building 7's collapse: http://youtu.be/PkbDyAJuirg Note his comments at about 2:22 and 7:27 (of his video, not mine). I could critique practically everything he says in his video, but here I am focusing on only his bizarre interpretation of the NIST velocity vs time graph which NIST added into their final report in November 2008 to cover over their previous, blatantly false denial of freefall. For more on that, see my three part series starting with http://youtu.be/eDvNS9iMjzA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FOLLOW THE MONEY $$$$$ . SOME ARE PAIDED TO POST ,SOME ARE PAID TO LIE IN SO-CALLED SCIENTIFIC PAPERS ======================================================= NIST – The new GSA travel controversy? http://blogs.ajc.com...el-controversy/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CALL/FAX !!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it is clear that the action of seeking release of the NIST computer simulation for the fall of WTC7 can have worthwhile impact. Hopefully the computer simulation will actually be released in computer-ready form so that we can flex it and see what it tells us about 9/11! The two best approaches to reach this goal seem to be: 1. Writing Senator Mike Lee; this can be done by writing, faxing or phoning: 316 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5444 Fax: 202-228-1168 2. Enlisting the cooperation of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth in the pursuit of this goal. To this end, I have emailed a request to my friend Richard Gage. Sincere best wishes, Steve
  20. For Europe, Pussy Riot more important than CIA secret prisons 11.09.2012 What worries the members of the European Parliament besides the crisis in the eurozone? Correct: it is the Pussy Riot controversy and, albeit to a lesser extent, the civil war in Syria. European politicians do not attach much importance to other hot topics. Who cares about secret CIA prisons in the EU, the execution of dozens of miners in Africa or religious and ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, in which tens of thousands of people were killed? A new session of the European Parliament opened on September 10 in Strasbourg. The agenda included the following: a regular report from European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso about the state of the European Union, the measures to save the euro and the ambitious EU budget. In addition, the MPs also discussed the situation in Russia and Syria. The debate about the foreign policy of the EU towards Moscow and Damascus with Catherine Ashton at the head is scheduled for September 11. Given that Russia and Syria were selected as the main foreign policy subjects, one may conclude that European deputies consider the civil war in Syria, with thousands of dead and wounded people equivalent to the Pussy Riot case. One may even think that it is a subject of paramount importance for European deputies. In light of the scandalous case, the European Parliament will pass a special resolution condemning Russia on September 13. Print version Font Size Send to friend According to sources, in connection with the Pussy Riot verdict, the European parliamentarians intend to express their concerns about the situation with the rule of law, human rights and continuing intimidation, harassment and arrests of opposition in Russia." This subject, as it turns out, pushed such an important subject as secret CIA prisons in the EU into the background. Representatives of Lithuania, Poland and Romania, where the CIA was keeping and possibly torturing prisoners, can be relieved. This subject will receive just a little attention, just like other hot topics, such as the massacre of 34 miners in South Africa and the persecution of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. Thus, the new session of the European Parliament was held under the sign "Pussy." In addition, human rights activists are going to hold a massive rally in support of the street punk band in front of the Russian Mission to the EU. "We demand their immediate and unconditional release. The international support comes from many known and unknown people who live in different parts of the world," the head of the Russian branch of Amnesty International told Interfax. Indeed, actions in support of Pussy Riot take place in many European cities, including the Catholic Vilnius and Warsaw. These are the capitals of the countries that are very interested in pushing the story of secret CIA prisons into the background as far as possible. They need to divert people's attention to something else. What can be better than the subject of the "suppressed freedom of expression" in Russia? Maybe this is the reason why activists of informal movements are free to rally in Vilnius and Warsaw not only in front of the Russian embassy, ​​but near the walls of Orthodox monasteries. The local authorities do not interfere in this at all. For the European Parliament, it is another anti-Russian show that is important. The fate of the convicted punk girls does not bother them much. Arranging this show, they deliberately distract EU citizens from their own sins and problems. And there are a lot of them. Moreover, they do it in spite of the fact that similar actions are punishable in such conservative countries as Italy and Spain. Last week, the Pussy Riot subject received a great deal of attention at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The PACE demanded the immediate release of the girls. PACE rapporteurs prepared reports that said that "the judicial system in Russia is subject to political pressure and influence from the executive branch." The head of American diplomacy added more fuel to the fire of the Pussy Riot case prior to the new session of the European Parliament. The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton openly condemned the verdict that was too strict in her opinion. You can see colorful Balaclavas everywhere you look. As they say, if stars appear, then somebody needs them. Maxim Bogatykh Pravda.Ru ++++++++++++++ QUACK QUACK
  21. I brought to the attention of Mr. Colby of a new put option analysis of 911 related stocks. The analysis indicated that there was AT LEAST a hundred to one statistical odds that there was foreknowlege in purchasing these 911 related put options. His refutations was very,very weak. The analysis was done by 3 economists. All he had to say was one one the PHd economists didnt have a speciality in put option analysis. YES BUT HE HAD TO HAVE STATISTICS TO GET HIS PHd in economics. BUT MORE IMPORTANT the other two fellows ,IT WAS THEIR SPECIALITY !! PUT OPTION ANALYSIS. So again and again COLBY (who worships the afore above post mentioned "Gray Lady" aka NYT ) calls for experience and expertise in various issues. WELL HERE HE HAS experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise experience and expertise ....but now he wont accept it........... ########################################################### FOREKNOWLEDGE PROVEN, CASE CLOSED
  22. NO RESPONSE TO POST #9 ,NO SUPRISE. ======================================= Len Colby, on 11 September 2012 - 05:24 PM, said: Why am I not surprised to see Gaal citing an overtly White Supremacist website? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ABSURD IMPLICATIONS NEED NO RESPONSE. Gee COLBY SEEMS TO SUPPORT PUSSY RIOT. THE REAL CROSS ABUSERS Pussy Riot uproar continues: FEMEN offers bounty for desecrating crosses http://rt.com/politi...ting-money-952/ The case has split the Russian society. Pussy Riot supporters claim the case was politically motivated, and that the punishment was far too severe. The court verdict was followed by a series of protests and acts of vandalism against religious sites across the country. Sporadic acts of desecration are continuing across Russia. This week, three residents of the central Russian city of Tver burned a wooden Orthodox cross that they had erected near a local chapel. Police apprehended the trio and are currently deciding whether they should be prosecuted, ITAR-TASS reported. ================================================================= Pussy Riot solidarity: Topless Ukrainian activist chainsaws crucifix (PHOTOS, VIDEO) http://rt.com/news/f...pussy-riot-930/ BURN CROSSES BURN SOME SAY ........ (COLBY)
  23. All questions answered ?? Why are they hiding things ?? Requesting release of the NIST computer model for WTC7 Submitted by ProfJones on Fri, 07/20/2012 - 9:15am WTC7 NIST Yesterday, I went to a town hall meeting with an aid to US Senator Mike Lee (UT) and expressed my concerns regarding NIST's report on WTC 7. The Senator's aid was open minded and well aware that some felt strongly that events of 9/11 were allowed by the US government or even “orchestrated” (his term). It seems to me that a new investigation by Congress would be most unlikely at this stage. Instead, I requested that NIST's computer model for the WTC7 failure and fall be released to us so that independent testing can proceed (my letter below). The aid to Senator Lee assured me that he would pass this request along to the Senator and include my concerns in his report to Senator Lee. Do you think this approach has merit? Could we successfully apply pressure to NIST to release their WTC 7 computer model, via Senators, Congresspersons, polls, etc? Is this a worthwhile goal for the 9/11 Truth Community? Could AE911Truth engineers run the model if it were released? To: Senator Mike Lee (Utah) From: Dr. Steven E. Jones Professor of Physics, Ret. [address given] 1. The key to good science is independent verification. 2. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was charged by Congress to explain the complete collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11/2001 (the 47-story building that was not hit by a plane). 3. NIST developed a computer model with adjustable parameters to explain the WTC 7 collapse. 4. I request that this WTC7-fall computer model be released immediately in a computer-ready form so that independent testing/verification can proceed. This model was developed using taxpayer funds. 5. In particular, NIST states in their 2008 report, “The steel was assumed in the FDS model to be thermally-thin, thus, no thermal conductivity was used.” I challenge that assumption, and wish to insert into the computer model the known physical value for thermal conductivity, to see how this changes things. 6. There are now over 1,700 engineers and architects in the AE911Truth.org society, and I am confident that our combined expertise will permit us to perform the independent verification of the NIST WTC7 computer model, once that computer simulation is released in full to us, in computer-ready form. 7. Contact information for NIST: NIST WTC Investigation Team 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8610 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8610 Phone: (301) 975-6051 Email: wtc@nist.gov Sincerely, Dr. Steven E. Jones ####################################### Thank you for the comments and encouragement! I think it is clear that the action of seeking release of the NIST computer simulation for the fall of WTC7 can have worthwhile impact. Hopefully the computer simulation will actually be released in computer-ready form so that we can flex it and see what it tells us about 9/11! The two best approaches to reach this goal seem to be: 1. Writing Senator Mike Lee; this can be done by writing, faxing or phoning: 316 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5444 Fax: 202-228-1168 2. Enlisting the cooperation of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth in the pursuit of this goal. To this end, I have emailed a request to my friend Richard Gage. Sincere best wishes, Steve
  24. YOU ARE NOW PROVEN OF LOW IMAGINATION .......I HAVE FILES AND FILES ON 911 structral engineers are NOT truthers is your implication. Golly go back to link in POST #3 you commented on. http://www.globalres...hit-by-a-plane/ and GO TO THIS SITE http://www2.ae911tru...ignpetition.php YOU KNOW THE TRUTH....bored in Brazil ???......to lie is a silly pastime.
  25. never given the slightest indication they believe the attacks were "an inside job" or "allowed to happen" etc. // END COLBY THE COLBY SACRED NYT HAS SPOKEN ...... INSIDE JOB ???? The Deafness Before the Storm By Kurt Eichenwald Published: September 10, 2012 IT was perhaps the most famous presidential briefing in history. On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified review of the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda. That morning’s “presidential daily brief” — the top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies — featured the now-infamous heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A few weeks later, on 9/11, Al Qaeda accomplished that goal. On April 10, 2004, the Bush White House declassified that daily brief — and only that daily brief — in response to pressure from the 9/11 Commission, which was investigating the events leading to the attack. Administration officials dismissed the document’s significance, saying that, despite the jaw-dropping headline, it was only an assessment of Al Qaeda’s history, not a warning of the impending attack. While some critics considered that claim absurd, a close reading of the brief showed that the argument had some validity. That is, unless it was read in conjunction with the daily briefs preceding Aug. 6, the ones the Bush administration would not release. While those documents are still not public, I have read excerpts from many of them, along with other recently declassified records, and come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it. http://www.nytimes.c...nings.html?_r=2
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