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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Already discussed to death the FDNY had been predicting the building would collapse for hours, some where along the line news that it was about to collapse was confused to it had collapsed. The notion that the plotters would risk blowing the operation by providing 'scripts' to various TV networks is ludicrous. Read that enough times for you to grok it. // END COLBY ======================================== There are numerous examples of intel. agencies bungling operations // END COLBY (other thread) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SHOULD COLBY GROK HIMSELF ?? NY Times: Government Censors Control Nearly Every Major News Outlet
  2. If you believe in the beneficence of the elites you are delusional and childlike. THEY MEET TO GAIN MORE POWER. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Source: The Economist According to the article : a cosmopolitan elite—international financiers, bureaucrats, charity bosses and thinkers—constantly meet and talk. They flock to elite gatherings such as the World Economic Forum at Davos, the Trilateral Commission and the Boao meeting in China. They form clubs. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What Caroll Quigley predicted all coming true right before your eyes. See link below please see link http://www.activistp...ng-used-to.html .... link will show its all becoming true before your eyes your eyes...... The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18163&hl=quigley +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A new stage in the attacks on the European working class http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19469
  3. Mistreatment of German women POWs SEE SITE INFO BELOW ==================================== My mother, A German POW, held in an open air prison camp for years after the war, if still alive, would have much to dispute with your simple minded assessment of post war prison camps. Many prisoners held in American camps in the USA were, without doubt, considered paradise to those being held in Germany, France, England, or worse, Russian prisons. It wasn't just the Russians who carried on wholsale rape and torture of German Prisoners. It wasn't just the Russians who treated German POW's worse than anything allowed in the Geneva Convention. I supposes a small moldy slice of white bread and a half pat of butter a day for five years, with a cup of occasional potato soup, amounting to less than 1000 calories a day, constitutes fair and humane treatment. I suppose my mother being raped by an American Staff Sargent, resulting in the birth of my brother, contitutes wonderful treatment legitimate, and humane treatment? I suppose Eisenhower ordering food to be destroyed that was meant for the prisoners is ok. I suppose that ordering the records of all prisoners destroyed, was ok? Even holocaust victims can still trace their families to the camps through meticulously kept German records. I suppose Eisenhower refusing admittance of the Swiss Red Cross to the POW camps, was ok? My mother married an American GI after her release, because there was no home for her to return to, since it had been bombed to hell three different times. The German economy was left intentionally in shambles and further destroyed by the Marshall Plan. It wasn't until it appeared that Russia was going to take over Europe with their over 4 million man army, compared to our less than 50,000 men in country, that America began to make serious changes in strategy. Either way, the POW's in country were treated worse than vermin and millions died after the war at the hand of Americans, or by the direct non intervention or direct refusal to allow Germany to rebuild. It was US policy to make the Germans suffer. OK I get it; they caused their own demise. Once a combatant stops being a combatant, they deserve at a minimum, by law, at least half the occupying military ration. That was 2500 calories for an American Soldier. Now, it is considered inhumane treatment to yell at a POW, heaven forbid you make them lay naked on each other or put a pair of underwear on their head. My mother lived outside in an open camp. no latrines, no shelter, no baths, no decent clothing, not even a friggin bed. At least American POWs had barracks to live in. That is not asking for anything, but a simple note to let you know that your short sighted opinion leaves much to be desired. My mother was drafted into the army. there was no choice. They confiscated her new car she had purchased, for the war effort. Who was she to stop the NAZI war machine? Sha had a degree in agriculture, they took her and made her work as a RADAR operator. Oh, I am so sorry Mr. NAZI, I already have a job, please come another time or I'll catch you on the filp side. Have a nice day. Is that what you think the average German had in mind when Herr Gestapo politely knocked on their door? When I visited my grandfather in the early sixties, in Karlsruhe, Germany, he had just gotten running water in his apartment. There was just one common bath for the entire building. In the house I lived in, we had but on pot bellied stove for heat, and an outhouse for our latrine facilities. We used a chamber pot inside. That was in 1962, Mannheim, Germany. That is how far into hell we bombed that country. My family, ( My American Father's side ) has served this country in every War since the late 1800's, with the latest being killed in Afghanistan. I don't know what you friggin agenda is, but no one makes out in war, except maybe you. The only "Jack-ass", is the one who treats the subject with such disdain and contempt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************* ############################################# OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=53295 Board index ‹ Axis History ‹ Holocaust & 20th Century War Crimes Change Treatment of POWs 45th (Thunderbird) Division during the invasion of Sicily viewtopic.php?t=24614 Were atrocities committed by the 45 (US) Division in Sicily? viewtopic.php?t=12781 Forgetting his character in no time viewtopic.php?t=25444 Warcrimes against 17th SS Goetz von Berlichingen viewtopic.php?t=24007 Slaughter of soldiers of the 17.SS-Pz.Gr.Div. "GvB" viewtopic.php?t=47067 GI executions of German POW viewtopic.php?t=8947 American & French (post) war crimes viewtopic.php?t=8288 Alleged massacre of POWs at Chenogne viewtopic.php?t=51147 Alleged massacre of POWs at Webling viewtopic.php?t=51148 US War Crimes and "Foot Soldier" viewtopic.php?t=47310 Alleged orders from Americans not to take POWs for a week viewtopic.php?t=47259 Seidler-De Zayas list of American war crimes viewtopic.php?t=46211 The US 45th Infantry Division at Dachau viewtopic.php?t=1161 Massacre of SS POWs at Dachau viewtopic.php?t=43919 Murder of Dachau guards viewtopic.php?t=8497 Dachau guards viewtopic.php?t=39246 April 30- The Day U.S. Troops Liberated Dachau viewtopic.php?t=48745 American troops 'murdered Japanese PoWs' viewtopic.php?f=6&t=114037 Eisenhower refused the SS surrender in Austria viewtopic.php?t=12733 Eisenhower's guilt? viewtopic.php?t=10112 50,000 Germans died in US captivity in one small area?? viewtopic.php?t=12779 James Bacque's work on the deliberate starvation viewtopic.php?t=49317 USA dismissed Switzerland as protecting power of German POWS viewtopic.php?t=48193 Guess who’s Bacque viewtopic.php?t=43792 One million German POWs killed by US/UK? viewtopic.php?t=27723 Chock Full of Death; German POWs by James Baque viewtopic.php?t=17360 American and Franch (post) war crimes viewtopic.php?t=8288 German POW treatment by Americans viewtopic.php?t=8614 German POWs viewtopic.php?t=141 Mass grave found near PWE 337 of Coltano (Tuscany, Italy) viewtopic.php?t=48329 Newspaper clipping file on postwar POW release controversy, beginning at: viewtopic.php?p=602904#602904 Mal-treatment of German POWs viewtopic.php?t=78538 The US and POW Labor in WWII viewtopic.php?p=359155 Western Allies hostage-takings in West Germany 1945-1947 viewtopic.php?t=45841 Malmedy Massacre Investigation (Baldwin Report) viewtopic.php?t=102513 ================== Miscellaneous allied war crimes: What war crimes did the allies admit to? viewtopic.php?t=25237 Czech government acknowledges unacceptable 1945 events viewtopic.php?t=25225 French & Canadian troops viewtopic.php?t=12250 Rapes committed by Germans, Allies & Russian Bolsheviks viewtopic.php?t=10196 Plunder in postwar Germany viewtopic.php?t=4055 Camp guards killed by inmates viewtopic.php?t=3826 Has an allied war criminal ever been sentenced? viewtopic.php?t=1279 German guard beaten up by inmates viewtopic.php?t=50879 US War Crime? viewtopic.php?t=50878 Allied war crimes against Germany's Axis allies viewtopic.php?t=47396 Allied rapists viewtopic.php?t=30923 Treatment of women who had relations with Germans in Europe viewtopic.php?t=46614 Jewish revenge on SS viewtopic.php?t=46654] Brutalities against noncombantants and Germans viewtopic.php?t=45911
  4. Golly depopulation is a secret progam,we do have hints at which are shown in a number of above posts. Depopulation is the dream of many./ // GAAL Evidence for such is direly lacking.//END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ELITES, GOOD !! GOOD !! ,its SECRET !!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Economist: A Powerful Elite IS Secretly Running Things…but You’re Still Crazy By VC | January 22nd, 2011 A rather strange article recently appeared in the Economist admitting to a global elite deciding issues in secret. The article still calls those questioning those methods “conspiracy theorists” and makes them sound crazy…even though they were right all along. Just to refresh everybody’s memories, here’s the definition of “conspiracy”. “a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act” If we look at the Bilderberg Group, it is definitely made of secret agreements between two or more people. Are the acts discussed unlawful? They are surely undemocratic – little to no elected officials attend to those meetings. In a democracy, elected officials have the mandate to decide public policies. Not CEO’s of corporations. I am only stating the obvious here, but the obvious does not seem obvious anymore. Here’s the article from the Economist (whose editor attends the Bilderberg group “YOU can do nothing against a conspiracy theory,” sighs Etienne Davignon. He sits in a lofty office with a stupendous view over Brussels, puffing his pipe. He is an aristocrat, a former vice-president of the European Commission and a man who has sat on several corporate boards, but that is not why some people consider him too powerful. He presides over the Bilderberg group, an evil conspiracy bent on world domination. At least, that is what numerous websites allege; also that it has ties to al-Qaeda, is hiding the cure for cancer and wishes to merge the United States with Mexico. In reality, Bilderberg is an annual conference for a few dozen of the world’s most influential people. Last year Bill Gates and Larry Summers hobnobbed with the chairman of Deutsche Bank, the boss of Shell, the head of the World Food Programme and the prime minister of Spain. One or two journalists are invited each year, on condition that they abstain from writing about it. (Full disclosure: the editor of The Economist sometimes attends.) Because the meetings are off the record, they are catnip to conspiracy theorists. But the attraction for participants is obvious. They can speak candidly, says Mr Davignon, without worrying how their words might play in tomorrow’s headlines. So they find out what other influential people really think. Big ideas are debated frankly. Mr Davignon credits the meetings for helping to lay the groundwork for creating the euro. He recalls strong disagreement over Iraq: some participants favoured the invasion in 2003, some opposed it and some wanted it done differently. Last year the debate was about Europe’s fiscal problems, and whether the euro would survive. The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around. To run a multinational organisation, it helps if you have a rough idea of what is going on. It also helps to be on first-name terms with other globocrats. So the cosmopolitan elite—international financiers, bureaucrats, charity bosses and thinkers—constantly meet and talk. They flock to elite gatherings such as the World Economic Forum at Davos, the Trilateral Commission and the Boao meeting in China. They form clubs. Ethnic Indian entrepreneurs around the world join TiE (The Indus Enterprise). Movers and shakers in New York and Washington join the Council on Foreign Relations, where they can listen to the president of Turkey one week and the chief executive of Intel the next. The world’s richest man, Carlos Slim, a Mexican telecoms tycoon, hosts an annual gathering of Latin American billionaires who cultivate each other while ostensibly discussing regional poverty. Davos is perhaps the glitziest of these globocratic gatherings. Hundreds of big wheels descend on the Swiss ski resort each year. The lectures are interesting, but the big draw is the chance to talk to other powerful people in the corridors. Such chats sometimes yield results. In 1988 the prime ministers of Turkey and Greece met at Davos and signed a declaration that may have averted a war. In 1994 Shimon Peres, then Israel’s foreign minister, and Yasser Arafat struck a deal over Gaza and Jericho. In 2003 Jack Straw, Britain’s foreign secretary, had an informal meeting in his hotel suite with the president of Iran, a country with which Britain had no diplomatic ties. But Davos is hardly a secretive institution: it is crawling with journalists. The other globocratic shindigs are opening up, too. Even Bilderberg has recently started publishing lists of participants on its website. Some American organisations, such as foreign-policy think-tanks, are also well placed to exert global influence. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, for example, has established itself as one of the most globally trusted talking-shops, with offices in Beijing, Beirut, Brussels and Moscow, as well as Washington—though it has yet to fulfil the vision of its founder, Andrew Carnegie, who wanted it to abolish war. The key to wielding influence, says Jessica Mathews, Carnegie’s president, is “very simple. You hire the best people.” In countries where think-tanks are subservient to the state, such as China and Russia, foreign outfits such as Carnegie enjoy a reputation for independence. If they can back this up with useful knowledge, they can sway policy. For example, Carnegie scholars advised the authors of Russia’s post-Soviet constitution. And when relations between American and Russia grew frosty under President George W. Bush, Carnegie’s Moscow office helped keep a line of communication open between the two governments. Such meetings are “an important part of the story of the superclass”, says Mr Rothkopf, the author of the eponymous book. What they offer is access to “some of the world’s most sequestered and elusive leaders”. As such, they are one of “the informal mechanisms of [global] power”. Some globocrats think the importance of forums like Davos is overstated. Howard Stringer, the boss of Sony, is the kind of person you would expect to relish such gatherings. Welsh by birth, American by citizenship, he took over Japan’s most admired company in 2005, when it was in serious trouble, and turned it around in the face of immense cultural obstacles. He says he has enjoyed trips to Davos in the past but will not attend this year. He can learn more, he says, by listening to his 167,000 employees. On the face of it there seems much to be said for the world’s shakers and movers meeting and talking frequently. Yet for all their tireless information-swapping, globocrats were caught napping by the financial crisis. Their networks of contacts did throw up a few warnings, but not enough to prompt timely action. The limits of jaw-jaw Jim Chanos, a hedge-fund manager who made his first fortune betting that Enron was overvalued, warned the G8 finance ministers in April 2007 that banks and insurance firms were heading for trouble. He made another fortune when bank shares crashed, but is still furious that his warnings were politely ignored. He thinks it an outrage that several senior regulators from that period are still in positions of power. And he accuses some bankers of “a wholesale looting of the system” by paying themselves bonuses based on what they must have known were phantom profits. He thinks they should be prosecuted. Globocrats failed to avert the crisis, but they rallied once it struck. Rich-country governments acted in concert to prop up banks with taxpayers’ money. In America the response was led by a well-connected trio: Hank Paulson, George Bush junior’s treasury secretary and a former boss of Goldman Sachs; Tim Geithner, Barack Obama’s treasury secretary and a former boss of the New York Federal Reserve, as well as a veteran of the IMF, the Council on Foreign Relations and Kissinger Associates; and Ben Bernanke, of Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton and the Bush White House, who is now chairman of the Federal Reserve. The bail-outs were unpopular everywhere, but may have prevented the world’s banking system from imploding. Governments are now trying to craft rules to prevent a recurrence. Lots of people have offered advice. Among the weightier contributions was a report from the Group of Thirty (G30), an informal collection of past and present central-bank governors. The Volcker Report, advocating a central clearing mechanism for derivatives trading and curbs on proprietary trading by banks, helped shape America’s Dodd-Frank financial-reform bill. The G30 is influential because it consists of people with experience of putting policies into practice, says Stuart Mackintosh, its director. So when it makes recommendations, they can be turned into action, he adds.” - Source: The Economist According to the article : a cosmopolitan elite—international financiers, bureaucrats, charity bosses and thinkers—constantly meet and talk. They flock to elite gatherings such as the World Economic Forum at Davos, the Trilateral Commission and the Boao meeting in China. They form clubs. Still, if you question this, you are a tagged as a “conspiracy theorist” and therefore a nut job. To desire open, public debates between democratically elected officials is simply crazy. Either you accept undemocratic proceedings or you’re crazy. Are you crazy? Because if you have any concerns or opinions regarding what is happening, they are surely not rational. They are crazy-conspiracy-theorist-ramblings. That’s the underlying message of the article. I love those kinds of articles. Thank you Bilderberg-owned The Economist.
  5. GOLLY YOUR RIGHT , IM INSANE THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW I'LL SAY REPORTERS WORK WITH INTELL AGENCIES......... Operation Mockingbird By John Simkin http://www.spartacus...mockingbird.htm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NY Times: Government Censors Control Nearly Every Major News Outlet http://blog.alexande...-outlet-151551/ The New York Times article shockingly admits that virtually every major mainstream news organization are required to submit stories to government censors for approval. After reading this article you’ll never trust TV news again. In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories. For example, almost every major news organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to gatekeepers for “quote approval” before they will be published. If the gatekeeper in the Obama campaign does not want a certain quote to get out, the American people will not see it, and the same thing applies to the Romney campaign. The goal is to keep the campaigns as “on message” as possible and to avoid gaffes at all cost. But this kind of thing is not just happening with political campaigns. According to the New York Times, “quote approval” has become “commonplace throughout Washington”. In other words, if you see a quote in the newspaper from someone in the federal government then it is safe to say that a gatekeeper has almost certainly reviewed that quote and has approved it. This is another sign that “the free and independent media” in this country is a joke. What we get from the mainstream media is a very highly filtered form of propaganda, and that is one reason why Americans are turning away from the mainstream media in droves. People want the truth, and more Americans than ever realize that they are not getting it from the mainstream media. The following quote comes from the recent article in the New York Times mentioned above and it is absolutely jaw dropping…. The quotations come back redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative. They are sent by e-mail from the Obama headquarters in Chicago to reporters who have interviewed campaign officials under one major condition: the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name. Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of the president’s top strategists, grudgingly agree. After the interviews, they review their notes, check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest sound bites for review. The verdict from the campaign — an operation that prides itself on staying consistently on script — is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this message. This is an article that everyone needs to read. If you have not read it yet, you can find it right here. What all of this means is that both the Obama campaign and the Romney campaign essentially have “veto power” over any quotes from those campaigns that we see in the newspapers. According to the New York Times, virtually every major news organization has agreed to submit their quotes for “quote approval”…. It was difficult to find a news outlet that had not agreed to quote approval, albeit reluctantly. Organizations like Bloomberg, The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Reuters and The New York Times have all consented to interviews under such terms. This is absolutely disgusting, and it goes against everything that our media is supposed to stand for. The following is what Joseph Farah had to say when he learned about this story…. All I can say about these people I once considered “colleagues” is that I am so ashamed of them. I am mortified. They are humiliating themselves and a vital institution for any free society. It seems the biggest threat to the American tradition of a free and independent press is not government coercion. It’s the willing submission of the press to being handled and managed by government and politicians. Keep in mind that Joseph Farah has been working in the world of journalism for decades. He is deeply saddened to see what is happening to a profession that he deeply loves. But he is not the only one. Just check out what Dan Rather had to say during a speech back in 2009…. “At my age and stage I’ve finally reached the point where I don’t have to kiss up to anybody,” he said. “What a wonderful feeling it is.” Even so, his talk emphasized what he believes is the erosion of quality journalism, because of the corporatization, politicization, and “trivialization” of news. Those three factors, Rather argued, have fueled the “dumbing down and sleezing up of news” and the decline of “great American journalism.” Likening media consolidation to that of the banking industry, Rather claimed that “roughly 80 percent” of the media is controlled by no more than six, and possibly as few as four, corporations. And Dan Rather is right. The control over the media in the United States is more tightly concentrated than ever before. Back in the early 1980s, approximately 50 corporations essentially had nearly total control of the media in the United States. Today, just six monolithic media corporations dominate virtually everything you watch, hear and read. These six gigantic corporations own television networks, publishing houses, movie studios, newspapers, radio stations, music labels and video game companies. Most Americans are absolutely addicted to information and entertainment, and those six massive corporations supply the vast majority of the information and entertainment that Americans take in. The amount of control that those six corporate giants have is absolutely incredible. For example, the average American watches 153 hours of television a month. If you can beam 153 hours of “programming” into someone’s head each month, that gives you an awesome amount of influence over that person. The six monolithic corporations mentioned above are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. There are some areas of the media that are not completely dominated by those corporations, but even control over those areas is becoming more highly concentrated than ever. For example, Clear Channel now owns over 1000 radio stations across the United States. The power that Clear Channel has over the radio industry in America is absolutely staggering. Even control over the Internet is becoming much more concentrated. Giant corporations such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are increasingly controlling what we see and hear online. But it really is the “big six” that dominate most of what we see, hear and read on a daily basis. In a previous article, I detailed a portion of the vast media holdings of these gigantic corporations…. ————————————————– Today, six colossal media giants tower over all the rest. Much of the information in the chart below comes from mediaowners.com. The chart below reveals only a small fraction of the media outlets that these six behemoths actually own…. Time Warner •Home Box Office (HBO) •Time Inc. •Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. •Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. •CW Network (partial ownership) •TMZ •New Line Cinema •Time Warner Cable •Cinemax •Cartoon Network •TBS •TNT •America Online •MapQuest •Moviefone •Castle Rock •Sports Illustrated •Fortune •Marie Claire •People Magazine Walt Disney •ABC Television Network •Disney Publishing •ESPN Inc. •Disney Channel •SOAPnet •A&E •Lifetime •Buena Vista Home Entertainment •Buena Vista Theatrical Productions •Buena Vista Records •Disney Records •Hollywood Records •Miramax Films •Touchstone Pictures •Walt Disney Pictures •Pixar Animation Studios •Buena Vista Games •Hyperion Books Viacom •Paramount Pictures •Paramount Home Entertainment •Black Entertainment Television (BET) •Comedy Central •Country Music Television (CMT) •Logo •MTV •MTV Canada •MTV2 •Nick Magazine •Nick at Nite •Nick Jr. •Nickelodeon •Noggin •Spike TV •The Movie Channel •TV Land •VH1 News Corporation •Dow Jones & Company, Inc. •Fox Television Stations •The New York Post •Fox Searchlight Pictures •Beliefnet •Fox Business Network •Fox Kids Europe •Fox News Channel •Fox Sports Net •Fox Television Network •FX •My Network TV •MySpace •News Limited News •Phoenix InfoNews Channel •Phoenix Movies Channel •Sky PerfecTV •Speed Channel •STAR TV India •STAR TV Taiwan •STAR World •Times Higher Education Supplement Magazine •Times Literary Supplement Magazine •Times of London •20th Century Fox Home Entertainment •20th Century Fox International •20th Century Fox Studios •20th Century Fox Television •BSkyB •DIRECTV •The Wall Street Journal •Fox Broadcasting Company •Fox Interactive Media •FOXTEL •HarperCollins Publishers •The National Geographic Channel •National Rugby League •News Interactive •News Outdoor •Radio Veronica •ReganBooks •Sky Italia •Sky Radio Denmark •Sky Radio Germany •Sky Radio Netherlands •STAR •Zondervan CBS Corporation •CBS News •CBS Sports •CBS Television Network •CNET •Showtime •TV.com •CBS Radio Inc. (130 stations) •CBS Consumer Products •CBS Outdoor •CW Network (50% ownership) •Infinity Broadcasting •Simon & Schuster (Pocket Books, Scribner) •Westwood One Radio Network NBC Universal •Bravo •CNBC •NBC News •MSNBC •NBC Sports •NBC Television Network •Oxygen •SciFi Magazine •Syfy (Sci Fi Channel) •Telemundo •USA Network •Weather Channel •Focus Features •NBC Universal Television Distribution •NBC Universal Television Studio •Paxson Communications (partial ownership) •Trio •Universal Parks & Resorts •Universal Pictures •Universal Studio Home Video ———————————————————- Please keep in mind that the list above is not exhaustive. It only contains a sampling of the companies that those six corporate giants own. So are you starting to get an idea of how powerful they are? If you ever wondered why the version of “the news” that you get is so similar no matter where you turn, it is because control of the news is concentrated in just a very few hands. So who controls the “big six” media corporations? Would it surprise you to know that the boards of directors of those big media corporations have a tremendous amount of overlap with the boards of directors of large banks, large oil companies and large pharmaceutical companies? The following is from the Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting website…. Media corporations share members of the board of directors with a variety of other large corporations, including banks, investment companies, oil companies, health care and pharmaceutical companies and technology companies. You can find a list that shows how these boards of directors overlap and interlock right here. The giant media corporations are not going to criticize the establishment because they are the establishment. The messages that these media behemoths pound into our heads are going to be the messages that the establishment wants pounded into our heads. Anyone that believes that the mainstream media is “independent” and that it does not have “an agenda” is being delusional. Of course it is also worth mentioning that much of what we get from the mainstream media is also often directly controlled by the federal government. Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein (of Woodward and Bernstein fame) has discovered thathundreds of American journalists have worked directly for the CIA. Not that the federal government and the establishment are opposed to one another. The truth is that they very much work together hand in hand. But sometimes the federal government has slightly different priorities than the corporate establishment does. In any event, the key point to take away from all this is that the news and entertainment that we all enjoy on a daily basis if very highly censored and very highly controlled. It is imperative that we understand that those that own and control the media are trying to shape society in a certain way. They want to impose their values and their vision of the future on all the rest of us. You will notice that none of the major news organizations speak out against the “Big Brother” police state control grid that is going in all around us. Instead, they insist that all of this added “security” will keep us safe even as our liberties and freedoms are being badly eroded. You will notice that none of the major news organizations speak out against the population control agenda of the global elite. Instead, they insist that more “family planning” will help the environment and make the world a more prosperous place for all of us. You will notice that none of the major news organizations speak out against the Federal Reserve and none of them are warning us about the financial collapse that is rapidly approaching. Instead, they tell us to keep having faith in the system and they promise us that everything is going to be okay. Well, you can mindlessly believe the corporate media if you want, but I believe that in this day and age it is absolutely imperative that we all learn to think for ourselves. Don’t be a mindless robot for anyone. Think for yourself and make your own decisions. The truth is out there and you can find it if you are willing to go search for it. Source: The Toronto Post Related Posts Corporate News Reporters Reveal Mainstream News Is Censored, Controlled, And Paid For By The U.S Government Global Market Meltdown Worsens: Corporations And China Join In On Global Bank Run EPIC MEDIA FAIL: CNN Releases A VNR For Vaccines Just In Time For The School Year Caught: Staged CNN Syria Interviews Faked By Activist Danny
  6. IN A IMMATURE MANNER SOME TAKE GOVERNMENT REPORTS AT FACE VALUE FBI to review thousands of old cases for flawed evidence July 12, 2012, NBC News http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/12/12708918-fbi-to-review-thousands-of-old-cases... Or http://tinyurl.com/cjoc7qy The Justice Department is going through thousands of cases from the days before DNA testing to see whether the government exaggerated the significance of the FBI's hair analysis. The review, the largest in U.S. history, will focus on work by FBI Laboratory hair and fiber examiners since at least 1985, the Washington Post reported. A reporter at the Post had been working on a story about Donald Gates, a D.C. man released after DNA evidence proved his innocence, when he learned about Frederic Whitehurst, an FBI lab chemist who blew the whistle on the FBI Laboratory in the mid-1990s. Whitehurst said he watched colleagues contaminate evidence and, in court, overstate the significance of their matches. When Whitehurst, a chemist with a doctoral degree from Duke, arrived at the FBI crime lab in 1986, the first thing he noticed was that the place was, as he called it, a pigsty. The equipment was outdated and there was a film of black soot coating the counters – a dust from the vents that the agents called “black rain.” After the first World Trade Center bombing, Whitehurst testified that supervisors pressured him to concoct misleading scientific reports. When he refused to testify that a urea nitrate bomb had been the source of the explosion, the FBI found another lab technician to testify. He learned that an agent had, for the previous nine years, rewritten his scientific reports to support the prosecution. Note: For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on intelligence agency corruption, click here.
  7. LOL You insisted various times on this thread I was a xxxx (or 'lier') because I said I couldn't find the 100 to 1 stat. in your posts and now you tell us it "came from the KPFA radio program ,no longer archived" // END Colby FOUND IT http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18904&st=0&p=249650&hl=kpfaentry249650 POST # 7 INSIDER TRADING BEFORE 911 (that FOREKNOWLEDGE) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/76605 audio talk ============================= Guns and Butter, for January 4, 2012 - 1:00pm Click to Play: Download this clip (mp3, 10.28 megabytes) Play this clip in your Computer's media player Link: Embed: Guns and Butter "Evidence of Insider Trading Before 9/11" with Paul Zarembka. Informed Trading; Insider Trading; Put Options; The Journal of Business; The 9/11 Commission Report; three scientific studies on insider trading; Professor Potasman Study from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Open Interest; Exercising Put Options; Quintile; Hedging; University of Wisconsin, Madison Study; Chesney Study; Conclusion. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Logically flawed the puts cited in the chart only involved 9 companies were were either aircraft manufacturers (Boeing), airlines (AA, UA, Delta & KLM) or investment banks (Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and J.P. Morgan) it is quite normal for the fortunes of various companies to rise and fall together. // END Colby ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The gains from exercising put options, reported in Table 2 for the 13 identified cases of informed trading before September 11th, do not depend upon the econometric procedure, but rather are factually based, close to the maximum possible. ======================================= News to Colby 9 not equal to 13 Table 2: Evidence of Informed Put-Option Purchases before September 11th AMERICAN 0.98 probablility via calculator ( link provided) 49 to one. +++++++++++++++++++++ Ive tried to inform Colby (pun intended) of the evidence of FOREKNOWLEDGE , but no matter of the truth of it he emotionally cant except it.
  8. Plans To Depopulate The Earth 80% For Future Man's Survival. ========== Uploaded by Zoink888 on Jan 27, 2012 "If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" -Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh World population is, by all intents and purposes, completely out of control. Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion. There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finally, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale. Other methods used include; the build-up and use of nuclear, chemical and biological agents, weapons and warfare, the poisoning and contamination of the planet's food and water supplies, the introduction and use of deadly pharmaceutical drugs in society, weather modification and the triggering of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis through electromagnetic psychotropic weapons both on Earth and in space, the promotion of homosexuality to limit population growth and spread the deadly AIDS virus, forced sterilization in countries such as China, forced vaccinations, abortion, euthanasia etc... Death, and the management of who lives and who dies, has become the central organizing principle of the 21st century. The previous century has been, by far, the bloodiest in human history. Hunger, famine and disease took billions of innocent lives. World Wars 1 and 2, along with the despotic regimes of Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, Reagan, Bush and others, took hundreds of millions. The 21st century is shaping up to accelerate this dismal trend where hunger, famine and disease are reaping record levels of death (the equivalent of 7 Jewish holocaust annually). Contemporary wars continue to rage on and proliferate. In the nation of Iraq, the killing fields have taken the lives of more than 2 million men, women and children (mostly children) this past decade from foreign and economic intervention. Vastly unreported is the genocide occurring in the Congo, where more than 4 million people have been slaughtered, mutilated and massacred recently with only scant world attention given. Add to this the unrestrained and very profitable build-up of weapons of mass destruction- nuclear, chemical and biological- in the world, particularly in the volatile Middle East region, with the expressed desire and willingness to actually use them, and you have an Apocalypse of World War 3 becoming a virtual inevitability. The death toll of THIS war is sure to surpass all previous in scale and in magnitude, as has been planned. The international campaign to eliminate the "useless eaters" (according to the Club of Rome) on behalf of the planet's privileged ruling elite, is surely to take a more voracious toll as global population levels continue to rise. To implement their "final solution" to depopulate 4-5 billion people from the Earth, the world's elite will undoubtedly harness the newly emerging biotech and nanotechnology industries to create a super 'bio-weapon' virus creating a global 'kill-off' pandemic through which only they will have the cure.
  9. HATE to play Possum with little Colby,but Animal; testing done first before human use. Golly depopulation is a secret progam,we do have hints at which are shown in a number of above posts. Depopulation is the dream of many. ######################################### A plant-derived edible vaccine against hepatitis B virus J Kapusta, A Modelska, M Figlerowicz, T Pniewski… - The FASEB journal, 1999 - FASEB Abstract The infectious hepatitis B virus represents 42 nm spherical double-shelled particles. However, analysis of blood from hepatitis B virus carriers revealed the presence of smaller 22 nm particles consisting of a viral envelope surface protein. These particles are highly ... Cited by 337 Related articles BL Direct All 6 versions ==================== Edible vaccines expressed in soybeans KJ Piller, KL Bost - US Patent 7,723,570, 2010 - Google Patents ... CLL Response and Increased Viral Bur- den in Substance P Receptor-Deficient Mice ... Bovine Zona pellucida Glycoproteins ZPA and ZPB and Analysis for Sperm-Binding Com ... Mason et al., "Edible plant vaccines: applications for prophylactic and therapeutic molecular medicine ... Related articles All 4 versions ======================= Production of Vaccines and Therapeutics in Plants for Oral Delivery LM Welter - ACS Symposium Series, 2002 - ACS Publications ... the recognition of degraded foreign antigen in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II molecules by T-cell receptors (TCRs) (3 ... Edible vaccines are extremely attractive for their ease of administration, storage, safety, and economical production. ... Related articles BL Direct =============================== Yes I read Porcine. Expression of a Cholera Toxin B Subunit-Neutralizing Epitope of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Fusion Gene in Transgenic Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Nguyen-Xuan Huy, Moon-Sik Yang and Tae-Geum Kim Molecular Biotechnology, 2011, Volume 48, Number 3, Pages 201-209 Expression of a Cholera Toxin B Subunit-Neutralizing Epitope of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Fusion Gene in Transgenic Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)Nguyen-Xuan Huy Scroll upScroll downReferences (56)Cited By (8)Export CitationAboutAbstract The synthetic cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) gene, modified according to the optimized codon usage of plant genes, was introduced into a plant expression vector and expressed under the control of the Bx17 HMW (high molecular weight) wheat endosperm-specific promoter containing an intron of the rice act1. The recombinant vector was transformed into rice plants using a biolistic-mediated transformation method. Stable integration of the synthetic CTB gene into the chromosomal DNA was confirmed by PCR amplification analysis. A high level of CTB (2.1% of total soluble protein) was expressed in the endosperm tissue of the transgenic rice plants. The synthetic CTB produced only in the rice endosperm demonstrated strong affinity for GM1-ganglioside, thereby suggesting that the CTB subunits formed an active pentamer. The successful expression of CTB genes in transgenic plants makes it a powerful tool for the development of a plant-derived edible vaccine. ============================= Contraceptive methods and compositions related to proteasomal interference P Sutovsky, BN Day, TC Mccauley… - EP Patent …, 2010 - freepatentsonline.com ... or wherein the antigenic peptide is comprised in a vaccine. 12. ... The ability of the mammalian spermatozoa to bind to and pass through the zona pellucida ("zona" or ZP) has been ascribed to a set of sperm surface receptors and proteolytic trypsin-like enzymes (reviewed ... Related articles Cached ================================= Indian J Med Microbiol. 2007 Apr;25(2):93-102. Edible vaccines: current status and future. Lal P, Ramachandran VG, Goyal R, Sharma R. SourceDepartment of Microbiology, University College of Medical Sciences, Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, New Delhi - 110 095, India. Abstract Edible vaccines hold great promise as a cost-effective, easy-to-administer, easy-to-store, fail-safe and socioculturally readily acceptable vaccine delivery system, especially for the poor developing countries. It involves introduction of selected desired genes into plants and then inducing these altered plants to manufacture the encoded proteins. Introduced as a concept about a decade ago, it has become a reality today. A variety of delivery systems have been developed. Initially thought to be useful only for preventing infectious diseases, it has also found application in prevention of autoimmune diseases, birth control, cancer therapy, etc. Edible vaccines are currently being developed for a number of human and animal diseases. There is growing acceptance of transgenic crops in both industrial and developing countries. Resistance to genetically modified foods may affect the future of edible vaccines. They have passed the major hurdles in the path of an emerging vaccine technology. Various technical obstacles, regulatory and non-scientific challenges, though all seem surmountable, need to be overcome. This review attempts to discuss the current status and future of this new preventive modality. PMID: 17582177 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free full text
  10. The Hundred to one came from the KPFA radio program ,no longer archived. The Article post # 17 give the figure 0.984 probability informed trade (per calculator conversion probabilty to odds ,link given) this is 49 to one odds. HOWEVER there are simultaneously contiguous 12 other stocks (911 related stocks with put options) with these odds. In probabilty analysis simultaneous contiguous events are multiplied. THUS its 49 to one 13 times ,this odds are equal to 9.387 times 10 to the 21st power to one , an astronomical number. CASE CLOSED 49 to one ODDS per ONE STOCK AMR When you calculate the 13 related stocks (13 of which were related to September 11th.,above quote) (49 x 49 (13 times) ect) answer = foreknowledge (9.387480337647754e+21 =astronomical number) foreknowledge foreknowledge foreknowledge foreknowledge foreknowledge
  11. Growth of the gene-based pharmaceutical market, assessed at US$2.2 billion in 1999, for treatment of diseases not possible in the past, is now projected at $8.2 billion in 2004. Edible vaccines administered through GM-foods, and possibly in the future through breakfast cereals, will conserve more human resources at a fraction of current costs. Simply eating a banana or a potato chip with tomato paste could result in a patient receiving a hepatitis B needle-free vaccine for two cents instead of the usual US$15 for an injectable dose. In fact, GMO technology has spurred economic progress in the technically-advance societies. http://bagmo.wordpress.com/2012/09/14/biotechnology-issues-for-developing-countries/ A plant-derived edible vaccine against hepatitis B virus J Kapusta, A Modelska, M Figlerowicz, T Pniewski… - The FASEB journal, 1999 - FASEB Abstract The infectious hepatitis B virus represents 42 nm spherical double-shelled particles. However, analysis of blood from hepatitis B virus carriers revealed the presence of smaller 22 nm particles consisting of a viral envelope surface protein. These particles are highly ... Cited by 337 Related articles BL Direct All 6 versions [html] Evaluating zona pellucida antigens and delivery systems for possum fertility control in New Zealand: progress and future directions[/sup][/size][/b][/color][size=6][sup]J Duckworth, K Mate, S Scobie, D Jones… - … of Possums. National …, 2001 - maxa.maf.govt.nz ... Assessment of daily urine samples for cell changes and presence of sperm (Duckworth et al. ... and the Marsupial CRC are collaborating with the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, USA, to develop effective and cost-efficient edible plant vaccines to deliver fertility ... Cited by 6 Related articles Cached[/sup][/size] [size=6][sup][b][color=#ff0000]Current advances in antifertility vaccines for fertility control and noncontraceptive applications VA Ferro - Expert review of vaccines, 2002 - expert-reviews.com[/color][/b] ... 69]. This has led to creative solutions, including oral delivery using [color=#ff0000][b]edible plants[/b][/color] containing genes encoding immunogens [70]. ... acceptability Box 5. Considerations for designing human noncontraceptive therapeutic vaccines. • Economic ... Cited by 25 Related articles All 4 versions[/sup][/size]
  12. Stephen Ambrose, at the time director of the Eisenhower center at the University of Orleans, also organized a conference of eight British, American, and German historians. Oh,Oh.......Ambrose is going to call his workplace a place honoring a war criminal.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YhF99OANik&feature=player_embedded FOREKNOWLEDGE (for those with a short attenton span)
  14. Here's the money quote Steven Gaal, on 21 September 2012 - 05:43 PM, said: Were they random, the American purchases had only a 1% probability of occurrence; the United Airlines put-option purchasing was less improbable, but on September 6 had only a 4% probability of occurrence (both measures obtained by comparisons of the airline values reported on p. 1720, Table 4, to the benchmark values reported on p. 1713, Table 1). If you had simply posted that instead of resorting to your typical infantile behaviour we could have moved this along several posts ago. Please show where Posterman, rather than Zarembeka reached this conclusion. The key part of the later's claim above was "were they random" they weren't see the previously cited 9/11 Myths link. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Poteshman. You don't know how to spell xxxx but wanna be a smart ass because I misspelled an unusual surname?! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did you fail 1st grade? lier    [lahy-er] noun a person or thing that lies, as in wait or in ambush. xxxx    [lahy-er] noun a person who tells lies. lyre    [lahyuhr] noun a musical instrument of ancient Greece consisting of a soundbox made typically from a turtle shell MR COLBY AKA MR DOUBLE STANDARD ========================================== Poteshman.didnt have all the data. THE OTHERS DID. Limited SEC Investigative Evidence Made Public On January 14, 2009, two post-September 11th SEC investigating memos were finally made publicly available. 1` The simpler one, prepared on May 11, 2004 for the 9/11 Commission, stated that the volume of put-option trades for United on September 6, 2001 (for a $30 strike price with expiration on October 20, 2001) had been erroneously reported in the SEC data: the correct value should have been 1500 – i.e., for 150,000 shares – not 2000. The memo explained that the SEC had missed the actual cancellation of an intended 500 put sale (included, but not a purchase). The Option Clearing House (OCC) had the correct number (http://media.nara.go...11MFR-00138.pdf 2 Still, judging by the reported change the next day in open interest (open interest is the amount of the put contract remaining unexercised), a 500 purchase did indeed occur on September 7. In other words, a volume of 2000 occurred over two days, not one day (1500, then 500). This would not seem to affect Poteshman’s work since he used the change in open interest for his measure rather than volume data, but it does raise a general concern about the SEC data. A volume level of 2000 for the first day does appear both in Zarembka (p. 66) and in Chesney, et al. (2010, p. 35, Table 2) and is implicitly retained in the Commission’s own report despite that 2004 memo it had received (Zarembka, p. 68). Much more important, another memo was simultaneously released that had been prepared back on September 17-18, 2003 and had named the Options Hotline newsletterand its editor Steve Sarnoff as responsible for faxing on September 9, 2001 some 2000 subscribers the recommendation to buy put options on American Airlines (http://media.nara.go...11MFR-00139.pdf, p. 14). The memo further stated that the SEC interviewed 28 people who purchased these options and 26 had said that they had done so because of the newsletter. This memo reported 27 additional subscribers, not interviewed, as additional purchasers of that put option. The same memo went on to report that an unnamed large institutional investor in hedge funds had undertaken the 2000 United put-option purchases – i.e., for 200,000 shares – but was explained away by the fact that the same investor had also purchased 115,000 shares of American stock on September 10. This information does appear in the Commission’s report, p. 499, fn. 130. A third memo for the 9/11 Commission, this one dated April 24, 2004, reported an interview with Ken Breen, Deputy Chief, Business and Securities Fraud Section, Department of Justice. It is also important. It reports that Breen “was not sure about potential trading in index futures (because the volume is so great that analysis proved impossible)” (http://media.nara.go...11MFR-00074.pdf). In other words, the exhaustive governmental investigation was not so exhaustive after all, by its own admission.
  15. Crisis: From Government Employee in Portugal to Cleaner in Switzerland As protests spread in southern Europe – especially in Greece, Spain and Portugal – against austerity measures, more and more people hit by the crisis are moving to northern countries in search of decent jobs. Public sector workers are not an exception. By ILO*, Geneva – We meet Ana B. – a 50-year-old Portuguese woman – at a café in a Swiss city. Ana has been living in Switzerland for about six months. She moved here to work as a cleaner and caretaker. But Ana is no ordinary cleaner. . She is a secretary at a government agency in the Portuguese city of Porto who took a one- year career break to come to Switzerland for a job that would allow her to pay her bills back home. . “I am a single mother and my 20 year-old son is still at university. I am also still paying for the flat I bought in the outskirts of Porto a few years ago. My salary as a public sector worker in Portugal was only 700 euros a month. But with the economic crisis and the austerity measures that followed, salaries have been frozen…,” she said. . When a Portuguese friend told her about a cleaning job in Switzerland and how much it paid, she quickly realized that she would more than double her salary by accepting the offer. . Migrating Even Only for a Year . “Since the possibility of taking a career break is one of the ‘benefits’ the government agency I work for has not as yet cut, I decided to move – even if it’s only for a year,” she explained. . It was not an easy choice. She misses her country and regrets not being able to see her son. “Thanks to the internet, we still keep in touch almost every night,” she added. To save the extra money she makes, Ana decided to live in a hostel mostly occupied by younger people: “At the age of 50, I would certainly rather stay at home. But I want my son to be able to graduate from university… Even if it means losing part of my social status,” she said. . Public Sector Workers Hit by Austerity Ana’s story is certainly not unique. And she is probably much better off than those who have become economic migrants because they have no job at all. What her decision to leave Portugal shows, however, is that even public sector workers – and the middle class in general – are being hit by the crisis. Portugal is one of the most affected countries by austerity measures,” D. Vaughan -Whitehead, ILO economist “Many of them – especially in southern and Eastern Europe – have to deal with frozen wages, benefit cuts and the lack of promotion opportunities. Portugal is one of the most affected countries by austerity measures,” said Vaughan-Whitehead. “Ana’s story partly illustrates the increasing difficulties that public sectors workers face since the beginning of the crisis,” said ILO senior economist Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, who is currently working on a book about how the crisis affected public sector workers. Working Poor in Public Sector, New Phenomenon in Europe “Working poor in the public sector is a new phenomenon in Europe,” he added. Vaughan-Whitehead explained how deteriorating working conditions (such as higher intensity at work, more overtime but less pay) are also leading to a dramatic decrease in the quality of public services. He attributed this trend to staff shortages caused by the lack of new recruitment – while the demand for services has increased. “This also contributes to people turning to alternative solutions, which are hard to find because the private sector is no longer recruiting as it used. Women are particularly affected.” In about six months, Ana is supposed leave Switzerland to go back to her old job in Portugal. But she is already looking into whether or not her career break could be extended for another year. “If having enough money to live means working as a cleaner here instead of as a secretary in a comfortable office back home, I am ready to do that for an extra year,” she said. Low paid public sector workers in Europe Portugal The number of low paid workers in the public sector increased due to wage cuts but also because the minimum wage is lower than in the private sector. Greece Impoverishment of public sector employees (fall in wages by 15-20 per cent in 2011 and new cuts by an additional -15 per cent in 2012) due to the abolition of 13th and 14th month salaries, and a cut in the minimum wage. Hungary In 2010, 55 per cent of public sector employees with less than secondary education were below the poverty threshold compared to 33 per cent in 2008. Romania Low paid workers increased in the public sector due to a wage cut of 25 per cent in 2011. Lithuania Increase in low paid employees in the public sector due to 15 per cent cut in 2009- 2010. Germany Increase of low paid workers in the public sector both at national and municipal levels because of more fixed- term and part-time contracts. United Kingdom Increase in –low paid workers in the public sector due to a shift of many public sector employees from full-time to involuntary part-time. Source: Public Sector Shock, by D. Vaughan-Whitehead, Edward Elgar-ILO, forthcoming 2013. *Source: International Labour Organization, ILO News.
  16. Monday, September 24, 2012 Homeland Security is Working for Monsanto http://www.activistpost.com/2012/09/homeland-security-is-working-for.html William Kincaid Activist Post When we see photographs of rats grossly deformed by massive tumors after eating genetically engineered corn laced with Roundup, it's not good news for Monsanto. People understand instantly in looking at those pathetic rats that organic food is not a niche market or a expensive luxury, but a life or death issue, because the rats were fed corn that is part of the American diet. All the studies that were required but bypassed before GMOs were unleashed into the food chain seem compressed into this one devastating study by CRIIGEN. The Monsanto lies are exposed. People must avoid GMOs at all costs and eat organic food if they are to survive. But Monsanto has been assiduously preparing for this day of public realization, corrupting the FDA (Monsanto VP Michael Taylor is charge of "food safety" and ensuring it through armed raids against organic farmers, organic coops, and mothers' organic buying clubs!), the USDA (which has funded development of a corn to sterilize humans), the EPA (which is going after hay on an inland ranch as a pollutant under the Clean Water Act, while ignoring serious oil spills into major rivers), and any other agencies standing in the way of getting its death-causing products released as quickly as possible into the environment One can see their not very subtle desperation to shut down all questions about their GMOs in the bill proposed in India, that would set up a biotech regulatory authority and laws to imprison anyone who even dared to bring up the issue of the safety of GMOs (including in vaccines, which now contain GMOs with news equally dire). The Indian bill has been called "unconstitutional, unethical, unscientific," which is practically a nickname for Monsanto at this point. But however outrageous the efforts to force GMOs onto India, they are small potatoes compared to what Monsanto and the biotech industry have done behind the scenes in the US where they have arranged for Homeland Security to define organic food - the only safe food - as a bio-security threat. They are clearly not happy about the unpatented, free for the taking, biodiversity people are working to save - open pollinated seeds and crops, as well as heritage animals raised on small farms. As is Monsanto's modus operandi, reality has been turned on its head, such that GMO seeds and only crops raised on giant mono-culture GMO farms and sprayed with deadly pesticides, and only animals trapped in animal prisons (CAFOs - controlled animal feeding operations) where they are fed on GMOs with pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones, have now been defined as "normal" and what actually is normal (and safe) has been defined as a threat. Stanford has HUGE stakes in bioterrorism preparedness that includes homeland security funding, as well as having a seat on the National Institutes of Health's Office of Biotechnology Activities. Stanford also has an entire department that concentrates on agricultural biosecurity. An important goal of the network – which is funded by the Homeland Security Act – is to coordinate diagnostic and scientific expertise in agricultural production and security in regard to agricultural pests and pathogens that could be used in bio-terrorism. To that end, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has taken the position that organic farming, such as free-ranging chickens and cows and non-GM seeds that you can't 'control' are potential biosecurity threats. USDA has even begun putting, in writing, directives on how they want organic farming "contained" – which resembles turning organic farms into nothing more than factory farms.17 (Source) Basically, what is owned by the biotech/industrial food system and killing people is "good" and what is from nature, healing, and free to humanity, has been redefined as a biologic threat, and potentially as bioterrorism. This should come as no surprise, really, given the takeover of the US government by Monsanto and the parallel redefinition of patriotic Americans as terrorists, too. The more positive something is, the more Orwellian its redefinition as dangerous. An identical thing has occurred with vaccines in which those asking for vaccine safety are treated by corporate media and the government as threats to the health of the country, at just the same time that studies and government documents are showing without a doubt that the vaccines are causing diseases. Thus we have a huge government and corporate push for flu vaccines, while it is confirmed that the flu vaccine increases the risk of serious pandemic flu illness. And that leaves off that the the H1N1 is inside the flu vaccine, and kills fetuses. Medicine, not just food, is an organic issue as well. Vaccines are filled now with GMOs, and also contain heavy metals, viruses, other toxins. We look at the poor tumor-swollen rats being held aloft and see in an instant that GMOs and poisons are deadly, and that organic food is the only way to go. And we are now starting to understand that vaccines come from those same GMO and pesticide companies, contain GMOs and toxins, and are also killing people. The vaccine experiment parallels the GMO experiment - it's massive, involuntary, and damaging children. And there, too, there is an effort to ban natural supplements as dangerous, and Homeland Security is set to force vaccines on the country if a "pandemic emergency" is declared (not proven). This vaccine attack on normal human DNA parallels the potential DHS bioterrorism attack on organic food. In both cases, Homeland Security would be acting for Monsanto and the pharmaceutical industry, force-contaminating crops and animals and getting rid of those with normal DNA, and force-contaminating people with GMO-vaccines, destroying normal DNA and threatening everyone's lives. In both cases, any bio-threat can be manufactured and then military and DHS can roll out to give Monsanto and the pharmaceutical industry absolute power over seeds, crops, animals, and human bodies. This biotech military take over would leave us with deadly non-food and at the mercy of any vaccine they come up with, but would be publicized as saving the country from bioterrorism and disease. Monsanto needs military power to carry on with GMOs because its lies are being countered almost instantly now. Three photos of sick, deformed rats tell the truth. And while DHS and military may have been woven into a biotech plan to spray organic crops with Agent Orange and mass destroy organic animals as they are already doing in Michigan, or to force toxic GMO-vaccines onto the country, organic has won the truth when it comes to food, and the evidence for organic approach to health - not taking vaccines is a health move similar to not using pesticides) - is in as well. In the UK, Freedom of Information Act has revealed that the government has known for 30 years that the vaccines don't work and cause diseases and has done all they can to hide that fact from the public. In the US, the government has been illegally withholding FOIA documents on vaccines for over 7 years. And now the Obama administration, the same one seeking permanent detention of Americans and that has refused act against those officials committing acts of torture, is seeking to change FOIA to create a new category beyond declaring documents secret but would allow it to declare some FOIA documents "non-existent." The FOIA documents the CDC is withholding, and Obama is warping reality to keep hidden, are sought by a doctor with an autistic child. The documents concern what the CDC has known about the true impact of mercury in vaccines. That is about autism. Can we hold up three photos of broken children so people recognize the danger of GMOs in vaccines, too? Or should we hold up the dead bodies of infants killed by the DPT vaccine schedule (at two, four and six months) which is tightly correlated with SIDS' deaths? Even in the 1970s, the DPT vaccine, which was said by the scientist regulating it to be"the dirtiest substance ever put in the human body." [start at 2:40 seconds into the video.) The "miracle of vaccines" is that their lethality has been hidden for so long. Thanks to the CRIIGEN study, it's patently obvious now that GMOs and Roundup threaten human life. Full stop. Yet Homeland Security, acting on behalf of Monsanto, has bioterrorism laws in place to rub out organic food and animals as a biosecurity threat. Thanks to FOIAs in the UK, we know without question that the UK and US government have known for 30 years that vaccines don't work, and are a biologic threat to children's lives. Full stop. Yet DHS and military ready to force unknown and untested vaccines on the entire country that could potentially be lethal. In a way, one might even feel badly for the biotech/pharmaceutical industry because defining organic food and farm animals as bio-threats is insane, and their last ditch effort to win control over everything. They lied about the 1918 "flu" to hide how many they killed with aspirin, and Monsanto was involved there as well. They lied about WMDs to get oil. They lied about fluoride being safe. They lied about bailouts. They have concocted massive scare stories of to hide the truth - they themselves are terrorists and bio-terrorists seeking control of all living organisms. It's just all too crazy to be sustained. Most Americans now see 9/11 as an inside job, with its terror used to put in place totalitarian laws. The scapegoat, Muslims, didn't do it. Vaccines don't work, are causing diseases, destroying children's minds, and paralyzing and even killing them. Scapegoated parents, aware enough not to vaccinate their own children, didn't do it. The world now sees GMOs as a biologic threat to existence. The new (laughable) scapegoat, organic, didn't do it. When Homeland Security is working for Monsanto, with elaborate plans to "subdue" organic food and animals, the whole terrorism/bioterrorism apparatus is out on the table as a scam.
  17. Odd none of them seem to said anything about this. // END Colby YES PRISONER TOPIC VERBOTEN. SOMETIMES (SOMETIMES) the lack of evidence is evidence. To talk about German prisoners post war would be considered pro NAZI,thus illegal. Denazification (German: Entnazifizierung) was an Allied initiative to rid German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics of any remnants of the National Socialist ideology. It was carried out specifically by removing those involved from positions of influence and by disbanding or rendering impotent the organizations associated with it. The program of denazification was launched after the end of the Second World War and was solidified by the Potsdam Agreement. Is World War II Still ‘the Good War’? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/29/books/review/adam-kirsch-on-new-books-about-world-war-ii.html?pagewanted=all
  18. So they supposedly closed some websites. what does that prove or even hint at? // END Colby FOREKNOWLEDGE Please show where Posterman, rather than // END COLBY I asked you for some specific info in my previous post, see if you can provide it. //end COLBY ====================== POSTERMAN ???????????
  19. When / If Syria falls and Russia takes in Christian refugees you may have an answer. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vladimir Putin, Friend of Christians? http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/vladimir-putin-friend-of-christians/
  20. The Summer of Muslim Discontent: It’s Not “The Amateur Film” Stupid! James Petras The so-called “Arab Spring:” is a distant and bitter memory to those who fought and struggled for a better world, not to speak of the thousands who lost, life and limb. In its place, throughout the Muslim world, a new wave of reactionaries, corrupt and servile politicians have taken the reins of power buttressed by the same military, secret police and judicial power who sustained the previous rulers.[2] * * * Introduction Death and destruction is rampant, poverty and misery has multiplied, law and order has broken down, retrograde thugs have seized political power, where previously they were a marginal force. Living standards have plunged, cities are devastated and commerce is paralyzed. And presiding over this “Arab Winter” are the Western powers, the US and EU, – with the aid of the despotic Gulf absolutist monarchies, their Turkish ally and a motley army of mercenary Islamic terrorists and their would-be exile spokespeople. The legacy of imperial intervention in the Muslim world during the first decade of the 21st century, in terms of lives lost, in people displaced, in economies destroyed, in perpetual warfare, exceeds any previous decade, including 19th and 20th century colonial conquests. Much of the latest Western mayhem and violence has been compressed in the period dubbed the “Arab Spring” between 2011 – 2012. Moreover, the worst is to come. The Western overseers have gained strategic positions of power in some countries( Egypt ), are engaged in prolonged ruinous wars in others ( Syria ) and are preparing for even bigger and more destructive military intervention in still others ( Iran ). The “Winter of Muslim Discontent” covers an entire arc from Pakistan , Afghanistan in South Asia, through the Gulf region and the Middle East to North Africa . In the throes of the worst economic crises to hit the West since the 1930’s, the Western imperialist regimes have squeezed their people, mobilized personnel, arms and money to engage in simultaneous wars in five regions and two continents – in pursuit of overthrowing political adversaries and installing clients, even if it results in the destruction of the economy and uprooting of millions. Let us begin with Egypt , where the Arab Spring has become a case study in the making of the New Imperial Order in the Muslim world. To attribute the mass violent rebellions across two continents and two dozen Muslim countries to a US made film which desecrates the Prophet Mohammed is the height of superficiality. At most the film was the trigger that set off deeply rooted hostilities resulting from two decades of US led ravaging and destruction of the Muslim world and more particularly, rage flows from Washington ’s crude intervention against the promise of the Arab Spring. Egypt: The Making of a Client State From day one, in February 2011, Washington sought in every way to prop up the Mubarak dictatorship as thousands of protestors fighting for freedom were killed, wounded or jailed in the major plazas and streets of Egypt . When Mubarak was forced out of power, Washington sought to retain its influence by turning to his Generals, and backed the military junta which seized power. As the military dictatorship became the target of huge pro-democracy demonstrations, Washington backed a political power sharing agreement between the dominant pro-Western neo-liberal sector of the Muslim Brotherhood and the military, excluding any but the most superficial democratic and socio-economic reforms demanded by the poor and the working and middle classes. With the election of President Mohamed Morsi, Washington secured the most fervent advocate of savage “free market” capitalism and the second best (after Mubarak) advocate of retaining Egypt’s status as a US client state in the Middle East. Morsi, following in the footsteps of Mubarak and in accordance with the Washington and Tel Aviv, closed the trade routes between Gaza and Sinai, traveled to the Non-Aligned Movement in Teheran to deliver the Saudi-Gulf message calling for support of the Western backed armed mercenaries ravaging Syria . Later he announced plans to privatize publicly-owned enterprises, reduce the deficit via elimination of basic subsidies to the poor, de-regulate the economy to increase the flow of foreign capital and end labor strikes[3]. As a reward for his servility and to ease the process of remaking Egypt as a pliable Western client state, Washington, Saudi Arabia, the IMF, Qatar and the EU have offered Morsi over $20 billion in loans, debt relief and grants[4]. Morsi’s rule depends on playing the ‘spiritual card’ to retain the support of the impoverished Muslim masses, while pursuing a staunch neo-liberal economic strategy and neo-colonial foreign policy. Given the recent revolutionary pro-democracy and nationalist fervor, Morsi looks for ways to deflect rising socio-economic discontent with his neo-liberal economic policies by adopting an apparently pious Muslim posture – condemning “the film” ridiculing the Prophet and tolerating assaults on the US Embassy in Cairo … which angered Clinton and Obama, who expect total subservience, especially toward the symbols and substance of everything US[5]. From Morsi’s perspective, a one day blow-off of steam aimed at the US Embassy, was the price for his larger agenda of putting an end to the revolutionary democratic and nationalist aspirations of the masses who overthrew Mubarak, especially when Morsi has every intention of “continuing his (Mubarek’s) economic agenda with a stated policy to battle corruption”[6]. Egyptian Muslim and secular populace are profoundly disenchanted with the Brotherhoods betrayal of their promises of welfare, jobs, prosperity and nationalist foreign policy .The “film” served as a “legitimate pretext” to unify their forces: the protest against “the film” was in reality about the larger socio-economic and political cleavages emerging and the tremendous boost in US influence in Morsi’s Egypt . Libya The Obama regime led the aerial and maritime war that devastated Libya ’s economy, destroyed its national integrity and allowed a plethora of foreign and domestic terrorist fundamentalist groups to seize control over vast regions of the country[7]. Washington and the UE parachuted a motley group of client ex-pats into government – without any supporting state institutions. The Islamic fundamentalists, the clans, the gangs, the tribalists, monarchists and dozens of other local warlords who the EU and Washington funded, armed and imported to overthrow Gadhafi did much more – they destroyed the entire fabric of organized civil society, the state and public authority. In the face of a Hobbesian chaotic world of warring fiefdoms, many people turned to their primary groups – family, clan, religious authorities, which could offer some minimum protection in the home, street and workplace. The assault on the US consulate was only one of thousands of violent assaults against property and national, regional and local authorities[8]. The very police, military and ministries are infiltrated by competing armed religious and secular factions seeking to secure scarce oil revenues for their particular group. The Consulate protest and the assassination of the US Ambassador and Special Forces was merely the most publicized act of murderous violence spawned by the US and EU military intervention. They thought, either out of total ignorance, arrogance or naiveté that they could arm the fundamentalists to do the dirty work of killing off Gadhafi and once their “mission was completed”, they could be discarded like a used condom (or shipped off to Syria as shock troops) and could be replaced by neo-liberal technocrats who would run the country as a Western client state: turning the oil fields to EU and US oil companies. Instead Washington and the EU have alienated all sections of Libya society: the millions of beneficiaries of stable secure, secular and prosperous Gadhafi ruled Libya ; the mass of armed Muslim fanatics who demand a fundamentalist state and feel their sacrifices have been pushed aside; the warlords and contrabandists of arms, who demand respect for their territorial acquisitions[9]. And above all the vast majority of all Libyans who have been impoverished by the war and who looked on with indifference or satisfaction as the armed gangs bombed the US Consulate. The violent protest over the amateur film denigrating the Prophet was clearly the pretext for a vast accumulation of popular and elite grievances which resulted from armed Western intervention. Yemen The seizure of the US Embassy in Yemen follows 33 years of US arming and financial backing of the brutal Ali Abdullah Saleh dictatorship, months of drone warfare and the repression of mass peaceful protests. The on-going pro-democracy movement in Yemen , which attained massive proportions, has been blocked by US-Saudi intervention and has left in its wake thousands of dead, wounded and jailed Yemenese citizens. The seizure of the US Embassy, ostensibly over “the film”, had far deeper and more comprehensive causes: popular discontent with the decades-long US-Yemen alliance and a phony US-promoted “democratic transition”. As in Egypt , Tunisia , as well as in Yemen – personnel changes are designed to sacrifice the incumbent dictator in order to save the client state apparatus (police, military, judiciary) which is the mainstay of US and Saudi power in the Gulf region. In all the “transitions” the US and EU rely on pliable and servile Muslim politicians to harness religious beliefs to their neo-liberal and pro-imperial policies. Tunisia In the case of Tunisia , the Washington-EU leveraged the Islamic Ennahda party in power in order to abort the pro-democracy transformation. They subsequently heavily subsidized the “free-market” Moncef Marzouki regime which has totally ignored the basic demands which led to the uprising: mass unemployment, the concentration of wealth and subservience to EU-US foreign policy especially with regard to Palestine , Libya and Syria . The Islamic regime and party played the usual double game of condemning “the film” and smashing the protest, knowing full well that the street protest could ignite a much more significant demonstration against the regime’s total neglect of the original democratic socio-economic agenda. Somalia and Sudan Massive violent protests and attacks against the US embassy have taken place in Somalia and the Sudan . Washington has been deeply and directly militarily involved in Somalia for over two decades, shifting from a failed marine occupation to financing African military surrogates, including Ethiopia , Kenya and Uganda . They also engage in drone aerial assaults. As a result of US military intervention, Somalia is a divided, destroyed and destitute country, where piracy flourishes and three quarters of its people are refugees. The “film protests” are merely the tip of an ongoing national liberation war pitting radical Islamists against Western backed surrogates and the “moderate” Muslim puppet Sharif Sheik Ahmed regime. Sudan is the site of a massive protest and violent attack on the US and European embassies. The ruling elite in the Sudan, subject to US and UE sanctions and a Washington-Tel Aviv-UE funded and armed separatist movement in the oil rich southern Sudan, signed off on an accord which reduced its oil revenues by eighty percent. As a result of Sudan ’s appeasement of the Western separatist surrogate, living standards in Khartoum have plunged, inflation is rife, unemployment is increasing and the regime has turned its guns from the separatists to its own people. The attacks on the US Embassy have more to do with the division and impoverishment of the country than with “the film”. At most the latter served as a ‘trigger’ to ignite the profound frustration against a regime which once upheld the national integrity of the country and of late sacrificed its natural wealth to gain favor with Washington . Pakistan Pakistan was the site of mass popular protests in its urban centers as well as in the northeastern periphery. The embassy attacks and flag burning reflect an ongoing and deepening resentment against more than a decade of US ground and aerial intrusions, violating Pakistanian sovereignty. The drone bombing of dozens of ‘tribal villages’ has aroused the rage of millions. The US war waged against Islamic strongholds, its armed intrusion to capture bin Laden and its billion-dollar funding of massive Pakistan military sweeps has led to thousands of deaths and millions of refugees. Pakistan is a country seething with anger and deep hostility to anything associated with the USA . The film merely fed into the cauldron of growing militant, religious and nationalist discontent. This convicted felon, the pro-US President Zarda and his gestures of protest over the film have no credibility: He is marking time before he is ousted. Lesser protests of “the film” took place in Malaysia , Indonesia , Nigeria and elsewhere where the US has been less ubiquitous in interfering in the military and political order. The size, scope and violence of the protests against “the film” are highly correlated with the depth, destruction and destitution directly linked to US military and political intervention. Conclusion Faced with a sharp and militant backlash to its on-going counter-revolutionary offensive in the Muslim world, Washington is demanding that its ‘new’ Muslim clients increase “security” – strengthen the police state and crack down on mass protest movements[10]. Washington is once again on the defensive. The shifting relations of power, between popular movements and the US-EU, have once again become more acute. In the first phase, Washington and its EU allies were caught by surprise and severely challenged by the mass pro-democracy movements which overthrew or threatened their client rulers in Tunisia, Egypt, Somalia, Yemen, Bahrain and elsewhere – what was dubbed the “Arab Spring”. The second phase was the Western reaction to countermand, to halt and reverse the popular pro-democracy movement, via alliances with malleable Islamic leaders ( Egypt , Tunisia and Yemen ) and by launching and escalating armed struggles via Islamic extremists in Libya and Syria . They also buttressed the despotic royal regimes in the Gulf. Barely a few months later the neo-colonial clients, imposed by the US and EU, revealed its fragile foundations: The fraudulent “transitions” produced servile, rulers incapable and unwilling to address the socio-economic demands of the pro-democracy movements. The third phase of the struggle now pits a more complex scenario than the earlier “binary conflict” of dictatorship versus democracy. Today we witness conflicts between neo-liberal Islamists in power against secular and Muslim trade unionists and the poor fundamentalist Muslims fighting for the US (Syria) and against the US (Libya) while secular (Syria) and Islamist (Iran) regimes joining forces facing Western-backed Islamist mercenaries and nuclear-armed Jewish threats. Whether it is Pakistan , Somalia or the Sudan – wherever the US has gained client states it has imposed war policies that impoverish the masses. The Islamic terrain of struggles for both the imperial powers and the popular masses reflects the discrediting and decimation of secular rulers and popular civil society organizations. The religious institutions have become the refuge, the cloak and the war cry of the dispossessed and the property classes. A careful study of the two decades of US and EU wars in the Muslim world, finds little evidence of “corporate” oil influence in the conduct of imperial wars. Instead they are essentially imperial military wars. What we see everywhere is the large scale destruction of the means of production; the massive dis-accumulation of capital; the massive displacement of millions of productive workers, scientists and engineers who produce wealth. What investors are going to make large scale, long term investments in Afghanistan , Yemen , Somalia , Syria and Libya when their property and lives are in danger from bands of warring ethno-religious warlords armed and trained by US Special Forces? Big investors do not confide in the stability of corrupt, servile, unpopular client regimes buttressed by the US and EU. Investors count ten lost years in Iraq at a cost of billions in oil profits. The US was not at war for oil as some benighted leftist pundits claim. Military imperialism has led to ruin and rule followed by ruin and run. The only, and obvious beneficiary of the Western wars on the Muslim countries, is the Jewish state of Israel , whose billionaire political influentials and political acolytes in the Pentagon, Treasury, National Security Council, Congress and the US mass media designed and promoted these disastrous wars against the Muslim world. Most recently they have promoted the US counter-attack, turning the ‘Arab Spring’ into a ‘Muslim Summer of Discontent’. There is and there will be no closure on the wars as long as Israel claims supremacy in the Arab world. The US , is and will be, in permanent war with the Muslim world as long as its foreign policy and political structures are influenced by the Israeli-Zionist power configuration. No empire prior to the US has sustained such huge financial losses and gained so little in economic rewards. No previous empire has destroyed so many countries without establishing a single viable productive colonial or neo-colonial regime .Yet to read and hear from our most prominent journalists that the massive, widespread and violent Muslim protests against the symbols and substance of US imperial power are about an “amateur film defaming the prophet” boggles the mind. The pundits ignore the fact that mass unrest and anti-imperial assaults preceded and will follow the ‘film’ incident. A decade of savaging a dozen countries and dislocating tens of millions from Libya to Pakistan , passing through Somalia , Syria , Iraq , Pakistan and Yemen has left an indelible mark on the consciousness of those who suffered and those who struggle and especially among the new generation of pro-democracy fighters who will not accept the roll back of their Arab Spring. The world-wide protest is not merely opposed to “the film” and the mediocre anti-Muslim reactionaries who produced it, but of the entire political and cultural Islamophobic ambience in the US which nurtures this kind of film. Beginning with the massive round-up of thousands of innocent Muslims by uber-Zionist Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, continuing with the FBI surveillance and infiltration of hundreds of mosques and following the Zionist sponsored rabble rousing campaign in New York City against a cultural center and the purge of a highly respected Arab-American educator; and the rabid weekly anti-Moslem Christian-Zionist rants to 40 million US followers; and the AIPAC-promoted US Treasury appointments, and subsequent sanctions against independent Muslim countries, Muslims have a solid bases for believing that Islamophobia is embedded in US culture. No thoughtful Muslim in the world believes the film was an aberration since Hollywood ’s pro-Israel film and TV moguls have always demonized and grotesquely caricatured Muslims, portraying them as blood-thirsty villains, ignorant barbarians and worthless playboy sheiks. Obama’s sending of the Marines and warships to defend the missions merely reinforces the image and reality that the US presence in the Muslim world is based on force and arms. There are no critical reflections in US political circles on the larger cultural and political issues involved at home and abroad which arouse the passion and rage now spreading to 20 Muslim nations and beyond. Islamophobia is not simply an attitude of a minority of marginal extremists, it is part and parcel of policies engaging in large scale on-going wars against a dozen Muslim nations, in policing millions of US Muslims and in arming a Jewish state engaged in uprooting Palestinians and threatening to bomb 75 million Iranian Muslims. ***** Notes [1] FT Reporters, “Rage at Amateur Film Spreads”, Financial Times, 9/14/12, p. 2. [2]James Petras, The Arab Revolt and the Imperialist Counterattack, ( Atlanta : Clarity Press 2012) 2md Edition [3] Borgou Daragahi, “Investment Drive Aims to Boost US Influence in Morsi’s Egypt ” FT 9/10/12, p. 4. [4]ibid [5]FT 9/13/12, p. 10. [6]FT 9/10/12, p. 10 [7]FT 9/13/12, p. 11 [8]FT 9/13/12, p. 4 [9] Mel Frykberg, “Consulate Attack was just the Latest in Rising Violence in Libya ” McClatchy Washington Bureau, 9/12/12. [10] FT 9/14/12, p. 2. Roula “Fool ya” Khalef a reliable mouthpiece of the US echoes Clinton ’s commands in her diatribe “Islamist Leaders (sic) have power and Responsibility to Defuse Tensions” ******* About the Author James Petras is a Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York. He is the author of 64 books published in 29 languages, and over 560 articles in professional journals, including the American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, Social Research, Journal of Contemporary Asia, and Journal of Peasant Studies. He has published over 2000 articles.
  21. Giuliani Told Towers Would Collapse, Alex Jones 9 11 Silverstein WTC 7 Clip Foreknowledge of Building 7's Collapse Dr. Graeme MacQueen Even though World Trade Center Building 7 is said to have been the first steel-framed building in history to undergo total collapse due to fire, there were many people who knew the building was going to collapse long before it did. In this presentation, the evidence for this peculiar foreknowledge will be summarized and its significance discussed. The argument will be made that it is impossible to explain this foreknowledge on the basis of the collapse hypothesis offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The only hypothesis that explains this foreknowledge is the controlled demolition hypothesis. (Full Version: HD) (more to come in coming days) ##############################
  22. < IF A HOLOCAUST DENIER SAYS THAT THE SUN SETS IN THE WEST<IM NOT GOING TO RETHINK ASTRONOMICAL FACTS. Yes that was the author's opinion for which he provided no evidence. Odd that if it truely were a war crime no one tried bringing charges against Ike, Truman or the others involved. // END Colby ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ODD ?? ODD ?? Winners write history.
  23. QUOTE THIS QUOTE THAT..........CONTROLLED DEMOLITION BTW THE SEQUENTIALLY PERVASIVE BOOM BOOM did a very good (but not perfect) job, a very small footprint. PhD Physicist Grabbe: Peer-reviewed paper in Journal of Engineering Mechanics 911 Blog My tenacious colleague Dr. Grabbe has succeeded in getting a paper successfully through peer-review with editors of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. His paper confronts Bazant who previously published a paper supportive of the "official 9/11 narrative" in the same journal. Sincere congratulations to Crockett for another significant peer-reviewed paper; it was accepted for publication in October 2012 in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. ++++++++++++ WHO LET THE CASE CLOSED WHO WHO WHO !!! WHO LET THE CASE CLOSED WHO WHO WHO !!!!
  24. 911 Peer-reviewed paper in Journal of Engineering Mechanics ProfJones 09/21/2012 911 blogger site PhD Physicist Grabbe: Peer-reviewed paper in Journal of Engineering Mechanics My tenacious colleague Dr. Grabbe has succeeded in getting a paper successfully through peer-review with editors of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. His paper confronts Bazant who previously published a paper supportive of the "official 9/11 narrative" in the same journal. Sincere congratulations to Crockett for another significant peer-reviewed paper; it was accepted for publication in October 2012 in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Dr. Crockett Grabbe is a physicist who received his PhD from CalTech in 1978. He received a Bachelors of Science with Highest Honors from the University of Texas in 1972. Dr. Grabbe has also published a notable book providing his scientific analyses of the destruction of the WTC Towers and WTC7. Loaded with photographs, this is his fourth book written for the general public. "National Swindle on the World Trade Center" challenges the official story of 9/11 with scientific data and analysis. Initial pages are available free here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0098JOSJS#reader_B0098JOSJS I see that the book is free in Kindle form for Amazon Prime members, a generous offer IMO: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0098JOSJS
  25. Wrong on science = Colby Genocidal Cereal Killer Released http://www.exohuman....iller-released/ “If the men eat the epicyte gene they produce antibodies to their own sperm, rendering them irreversibly sterile.” ####################### It was also curious because hCG was a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated formation of antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion. Similar reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua.9 ----------- Golly no response from Colby on this = the COLBY DODGE
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